Time Nick Message 21:36 kuiperrrr hello room 16:40 bag hi amitgupta 16:39 AmitGupta @seen bag 16:18 bag no bot 16:18 bag @seen mtompset 11:15 tcohen @wunder cordoba, argentina 11:15 tcohen morning 09:48 cait no holidays here, but some vacation days 09:48 cait oh nice, enjoy! 09:23 indradg same here too.... a 4 day long extended holiday 09:18 cait have guests for the longer weekend, so won't be around much 09:17 indradg ok 09:17 indradg i was just checking the rt 09:17 cait bbiab 09:16 cait https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Text-PDF 09:16 cait hm doesn't look like it was reported already 09:15 cait is the library still maintained? 09:15 indradg I tried my hand at some nasty hacks... didn't get the desired results 09:14 indradg yeah :( 09:14 cait but that means we probably can't fix in Koha? 09:14 cait oh! 09:13 indradg chars one by one... causing the issue 09:13 indradg cait: I dug deeper into bug 19084 looks to me that the root of the rendering problem starts from the unpacku method in Text::PDF::Utils, which pushes the unicode chars into an array. The Indic scripts are rendered using grapheme clusters (a utf-8 latin based example would be an accented e where the 'e' and the accent are two separate codepoints under Unicode), if I'm not mistaken the unpacku method is breaking up the grapheme cluster and handling the 09:08 cait hi indradg :) 08:42 indradg hi cait 07:50 indradg @seen cait 02:47 mtompset Have a great day / weekend, #koha.