Time  Nick          Message
23:59 cait1         thx :)
23:56 kidclamp_away have a good night
23:56 kidclamp_away :-D
23:56 kidclamp_away go to bed cait!
23:55 cait1         probably tomorrow, time to sleep
23:55 kidclamp_away lemme know when you are done and I will fix those
23:54 cait1         i think we fixed it and it was merged back in
23:54 cait1         but that's all from code review, so still pretty good :)
23:54 kidclamp_away that's one of my words I always mess up
23:54 cait1         recieved in a comment
23:54 cait1         and you reintroduced a typo ;)
23:53 kidclamp_away hah
23:42 mtompset      cait1: I believe you are correct.
23:36 cait1         should t/db_dependent/Koha/Acquisition/Basket.pm not be Basket.t?
23:36 cait1         kidclamp_away: maybe you will wan tto take that karma back - I am taking another look at bug 15685
23:07 cait1         huh?
23:07 kidclamp_away :-)
23:06 kidclamp_away cait++
23:06 kidclamp_away cait++
23:06 kidclamp_away cait++
22:11 Joubu         bye #koha!
22:08 mtompset      Ah, okay. Because my fall-back for blame is caching. It's all caching's fault. :)
22:05 Joubu         There is a env var SLOW_SERVER (set on jenkins) that can be checked, to skip these kind of tests. But it's sad
22:04 Joubu         slowly
22:04 Joubu         tests have been executed too slow, it compares now with now - 1s => They differ, the test fails
22:02 mtompset      Joubu: Then what is "not ok 5 - borrowers.updated_on should have been set to now on creating" for t_db_dependent_Patrons_t.borrowers.updated_on should have been set to now on creating (184)?
21:52 wizzyrea      hehe
21:52 Joubu         just too slow...
21:52 jenkins       Joubu you may not issue bot commands in this chat!
21:52 Joubu         jenkins: you are stable, stop lying
21:42 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19027 - Circulation rules: Better wording for standard rules for all
21:42 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18985 - SQL reports 'Last edit' and 'Last run' columns sort
21:42 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18941 - C4::Budgets GetBudgetByCode should return active budgets
21:42 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18941 - Unit tests
21:42 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13012: Add more tests
21:42 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13012 - suggestion.suggesteddate should be set to NOW if not defined
21:42 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19071: Fix Members/IssueSlip.t
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19071: Fix Circulation/issue.t
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19070: Fix Circulation/Branch.t
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19073: (bug 15758 follow-up) Dereference correct value from
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19074: Do not crash if cardnumber does not exist
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19074: Fix category display in Batch patron modification.
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18555: (QA-Followup) Remove duplicate code
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18555: Create patron list from patron import
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19047: Fix AddBiblio call in ShelfBrowser.t
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19047: Fix AddBiblio call in Reserves.t
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19042: Add mock IndependentBranches=0 for the other test
21:41 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19042: Silence warnings t/db_dependent/Letters.t
21:41 jenkins       Project Koha_Master_D8 build #239: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 58 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/239/
21:15 cait          wasn't mozart austrian?
21:14 eythian       @later tell cait those crazy Germans https://youtu.be/3In4aG2Lq6E
20:26 rangi         vendor_list--
20:26 rangi         and now im done
20:22 fjcosta       i,d better read OPAC rules, thanks for the clue
20:18 pianohacker   fjcosta: if the materials are checked out in some way, you can use the circulation rules to limit, say, type I patrons to 0 total checkouts for type II and III material.
20:16 fjcosta       thanks for replying
20:16 fjcosta       that my doubt
20:16 fjcosta       no material inside the library yet
20:15 fjcosta       actually i've just installed koha and create a library, the admin and the 3 types of patrons
20:04 pianohacker   fjcosta: are these materials checked out before being accessed, or available from the OPAC?
20:00 fjcosta       Would someone kindly help me. What is the easiest way establishing 3 different types of patrons (readers): I, II e III, each with different permissions to acces/read material, defined as to type of material (books, pdf, audio, ...): patron type I can access only type I material; patron type II can access  type I and II material, and patron type III can access type I, II, and III materials. Thank you very much
19:07 MichaelKuhn   Thank you very much! It's not that important, I'll try it here again at another time
19:06 pianohacker   MichaelKuhn: tcohen isn't here at the moment, unfortunately; it might be best to file an issue on kohadevbox or ask on the mailing list
19:03 MichaelKuhn   (sorry for my writing mistakes, ups)
19:03 fjcosta       would anyone  Would someone kindly help me. What is the easiest way establishing 3 different types of patrons (readers): I, II e III, each with different permissions to acces/read material, defined as to type of material (books, pdf, audio, ...): patron type I can access only type I material; patron type II can access  type I and II material, and patron type III can access type I, II, and III materials. Thank you very much
19:02 MichaelKuhn   cait already told me about https://github.com/digibib/kohadevbox/issues/213 but Installaing 0.67 doesn't help a thing...
19:02 MichaelKuhn   This is followed by "PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* jessie                     : ok=30   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1     Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be visible above. Please fix these errors and try again."
19:02 MichaelKuhn   Hi Tomas, wehen trying to install the buld the kohadebox, the process ends with "TASK [kohadevbox : Install Koha | Install older JSON::Validator (jessie)] ****** fatal: [jessie]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Unable to install package: E:Could not open file http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/libj/libjson-validator-perl/libjson-validator-perl_0.67+dfsg-1~koha1_all.deb - open (2: No such file or directory), E:Unable
19:01 Joubu         stupid jenkins
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18900: wrong number format in receiving order
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18900: (QA followup) Make tests conditional to locale existence
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18900: add UT to Number/Price.t
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 5471: Use uri_escape_utf8 to handle utf8 chars correctly
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 5471 - Quotes in tags fail
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18980: Show distinction between shared and private lists in staff
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18980: Remove js function Check from opac-shelves
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18980: Add js to dynamically show/hide the Anyone remark
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18980: Add remark next to "Anyone seeing this list" permission
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18857 - Add buttons to left hand side of circ rules table
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19067: Test Makefile.PL mapping
19:01 jenkins       * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19067: Map clubs/ into INTRANET_CGI_DIR in Makefile.PL
19:01 jenkins       Project Koha_Master_D8 build #238: FIXED in 2 hr 3 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/238/
19:01 wahanui       o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
19:01 jenkins       Yippee, build fixed!
19:00 wahanui       For now...
19:00 Joubu         fjcosta: it works!
18:56 fjcosta       test
18:52 LeeJ          take care #koha
18:52 LeeJ          bug submitted! Now back to working on the project. Will be on tomorrow afternoon
18:51 LeeJ          alrighty
18:44 LeeJ          Joubu: will do..thank you very much as always!
18:38 Joubu         bug*
18:38 Joubu         LeeJ: just describe the bugs and assign it to me
18:37 LeeJ          Joubu: okay..what would be a concise description of the problem? Not sure how it should be phrased
18:36 Joubu         Koha/Plugins.pm
18:35 LeeJ          Joubu: which file is that in?
18:34 pianohacker   excellent!
18:34 pianohacker   sweet
18:34 Joubu         no more (known) cache-related bugs :)
18:34 Joubu         pianohacker: pretty good :)
18:34 * LeeJ        waves to cait
18:33 pianohacker   oh, come to think of it, how has the Plack caching stuff we spent so much work on been behaving?
18:33 Joubu         s/At run time, //
18:33 Joubu         we should check the existence of the directory as well
18:33 Joubu         I guess. At run time, they are loaded once, then stay loaded
18:32 Joubu         77         if ( can_load( modules => { $plugin_class => undef } ) ) {
18:32 Joubu         it's caused by:
18:32 * cait        waves!
18:32 Joubu         heh yes, you can open a bug report
18:31 LeeJ          thank you Joubu..it makes me want to pull my hair out because I'm on a deadline and it's causing more headaches :(
18:30 pianohacker   hi Joubu!
18:30 Joubu         hi pianohacker !
18:30 Joubu         lemme check
18:30 pianohacker   hi LeeJ :)
18:29 * LeeJ        waves to pianohacker
18:29 pianohacker   helloooooooo
18:28 LeeJ          I don't understand how in the world that's causing a problem
18:24 LeeJ          because just running sudo koha-plack --restart kohadev then checking the list cleared it away
18:23 LeeJ          however, now it appears it's actually plack causing a problem
18:23 LeeJ          so my first thought was cache related
18:23 LeeJ          I'm working on a custom plugin for work and when I try to uninstall a plugin on master it remains on the plugins list until I run restart_all
18:22 Joubu         why do you want to disable memcached? :)
18:15 LeeJ          Joubu: is that documented on the wiki? couldn't find it during a search
18:15 LeeJ          Joubu: thank you as always
18:12 Joubu         then restart plack
18:12 Joubu         sudo service memcached stop
18:11 LeeJ          how would one go about disabling memcached? having trouble with a plugin I wrote not disappearing from the list when I click uninstall (unless I run restart_all) and it doesn't appear my inserted tables get dropped either
18:08 LeeJ          hi #koha
17:08 oleonard      Always interesting to get a Google result from the #koha log when trying to solve problems
17:02 oleonard      I guess that implies that there is some sort of connection
17:02 oleonard      Is the fact that the error I'm getting is "Proxy Error" a clue?
17:00 * tcohen      thinks
17:00 tcohen        1.9.7 is the latest
16:59 tcohen        oleonard: try upgrading vagrant
16:59 oleonard      Vagrant said 5.0.10 was a known compatible version
16:59 oleonard      I installed that version because vagrant was not recognizing my installed virtualbox and was trying to install one itself.
16:58 tcohen        maybe it had the same bug
16:58 oleonard      ?
16:58 tcohen        maybe 5.0.10 matches the Vbox generation?
16:57 tcohen        Vbox 5.1.22 had internal networking issues
16:57 oleonard      Vbox 5.0.10, Vagrant 1.8.4.
16:56 tcohen        oleonard: Vbox 5.1.22?
16:52 oleonard      Anyone have any suggestions for diagnosing connection problems with kohadevbox? tcohen?
16:48 KotH          is there a reason, why the label creator does not support code128 in the drop down box? (the underlying code would support it)
16:34 Joubu         with adblock enabled, the #share_list element is hidden
16:34 Joubu         something very weird: /cgi-bin/koha/opac-shareshelf.pl?op=invite&shelfnumber=16
16:32 mtompset      proxy error? That is a strange thing to get.
16:05 oleonard      Anyone know why I might get "proxy error" when trying to access a newly-upped devbox?
15:58 oleonard      bot down!
15:58 mtompset      Have we lost a bot?
15:57 mtompset      @seen aleisha
15:37 mtompset      Hello.
15:36 wahanui       it has been said that mtompset is back to working on Koha stuff for a bit.
15:36 Guest1969     heya mtompset
15:36 mtompset      Joubu: People run the craziest things.
15:15 Joubu         v3.0.6, really?
15:03 cait          josef_moravec++ :)
14:55 mtompset      Greetings, josef_moravec
14:54 josef_moravec hi mtompset
14:54 mtompset      Greetings, #koha.
14:44 * cait        sends a big hammer
14:42 oleonard      ...and then of course this "install" process never completes.
14:39 * cait        sends cookies
14:39 oleonard      That's a rhetorical question because I'm on Windows and must suffer alone.
14:38 oleonard      Why is 'vagrant up' trying to install Virtualbox when it's already installed?
14:05 * oleonard    grumble grumble vagrant grumble
14:05 Joubu         cait: by you? :)
14:01 cait          Joubu: 18331 signed off!
13:53 * tcohen      neither
13:52 cait          and we could download it... so not sure that's it
13:52 cait          he said the same error
13:51 cait          i did
13:51 cait          wonder what it could be
13:51 tcohen        please tell michael to reprovision, maybe it was a temporary networking issue
13:51 tcohen        cait: it doesn't fail for me (JSON::Validator)
13:15 * cait        waves
13:12 marcelr       hi Joubu
13:10 Joubu         Hi #koha
13:01 magnuse       khall++
12:59 cait          :)
12:59 marcelr       thx khall_dnd++
12:59 khall_dnd     marcelr: looks good! pqa!
12:45 cait          maybe it's time for late lunch
12:45 cait          trying to test bug 18331 but losing focus
12:25 * cait        sends mate
12:25 cait          tcohen: and good morning :)
12:23 tcohen        ok
12:22 cait          was here earlier, might reach out to you
12:22 tcohen        I haven't reached the office to try myself
12:22 cait          tcohen: MichaelKuhn ran into the problem with the json library too, we couldn't fix it together
12:18 marcelr       wait for my latest patches
12:18 marcelr       not yet at least
12:18 marcelr       no biblio records tcohen
12:18 * tcohen      was worried of data
12:17 marcelr       too much in SO
12:17 tcohen        marcelr: records broken?
12:17 magnuse       kia ora tcohen
12:14 marcelr       koha records are broken
12:13 marcelr       146 in SO
12:12 marcelr       hola tcohen
12:11 tcohen        morning
12:08 magnuse       20000 before you know it, cait
11:58 cait          it seems like 19000 was just a few days ago... already 1907x now, we go up fast
11:58 cait          but it works :)
11:58 cait          atheia: i think you could probably have used t TT plugin too
11:56 atheia        wheee :-)
11:56 cait          :)
11:55 cait          atheia: 17073 done
11:55 marcelr       you could always come back, cait
11:55 cait          wonder when that will go away
11:55 * cait        still has the urge to set pqa instead of signed off...
11:55 marcelr       would be great
11:55 cait          khall_dnd: it sould apply to your interests :)
11:55 khall_dnd     sure!
11:54 cait          having them in before 15th would be ideal
11:54 marcelr       hey khall_dnd could you qa bug 19049 (to_marc plugins)
11:54 cait          marcelr: yep, hoping the same
11:54 khall_dnd     what's up?
11:54 marcelr       khall_dnd around?
11:53 marcelr       hope we can backport them soon
11:53 cait          thx for fixing the regression - marcelr++
11:50 cait          like a charm
11:50 marcelr       so the test worked now?
11:50 marcelr       cait++
11:50 wahanui       signing off is probably a great idea! or at http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sign_off_on_patches
11:50 cait          marcelr: signing off
11:48 cait          real mountain or just the ILL tests?
11:47 atheia        cait would love to, but should probably stop procrastinating and do climb this mountain right here…
11:47 cait          ;)
11:45 cait          atheia: i got some more bugs filed...
11:43 endmar        fine
11:40 ashimema      atheia++
11:40 cait          i have on idea about your prolbem
11:40 cait          endmar: maybe best to try th emailing list
11:40 cait          hi rsantellan
11:40 cait          atheia: you are on a roll today :)
11:39 atheia        cait — cosmetics (19074): have pushed a patch there too.
11:38 rsantellan    good morning #koha
11:28 endmar        relayhost = smtp.gmail.com::587 smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/cacert.pem smtp_use_tls = yes myorigin = /etc/mailname mydestination = mailbox_size_limit = 0 recipient_delimiter = + inet_interfaces = all inet_protocols = ipv4 default_transport = smtp relay_transport = smtp mynetworks =
11:28 endmar        Hi All, Here is the settings on the mail.cf
11:11 marcelr       we need it for qa too
11:11 cait          marcelr: no worries, wouldn't have stopped me :)
11:10 marcelr       cait: the pod coverage warning is false; will add a note about that one
11:10 cait          thx!
11:10 atheia        OK 19073 is now ready for sign off.
11:08 cait          74 is just cosmetics
11:08 cait          yes, 19073 is the important one
11:07 atheia        hah, OK will fix :-)
11:07 cait          let me check
11:07 cait          i filed 2 bugs
11:07 cait          bug 19073
11:07 cait          will finish with the one i am working on and then go back there
11:06 atheia        Argh… I misunderstood! You hadn't filed 19074 for the branchcode issue?
11:06 cait          thx
11:06 marcelr       cait: the follow-up should handle the unit test
10:58 cait          scary
10:58 cait          wow
10:58 atheia        Yeah looks like a Feb 2016 refactor introduced the bug… so it's been there for a year and a half… not bad :-)
10:55 cait          parameters not passed on
10:54 cait          i wondered if it was something like that
10:54 atheia        Problem was that branchcode values in the select weren't set.
10:54 cait          thx atheia
10:54 cait          cool!
10:54 atheia        cait: got a fix for 19074.  Will upload a patch to the bug
10:51 marcelr       working on it now
10:51 cait          almost ready to sign off
10:51 cait          marcelr: let me know when the patch is up
10:50 endmar        Okay
10:50 cait          endmar: that was for me
10:49 endmar        How can I do that?
10:49 marcelr       the bug in the test is a relative path problem
10:49 marcelr       you could write one for excel and another for ...
10:49 marcelr       you can have miltiple to_marc and you have to choose
10:48 endmar        is coming through my gmail account
10:48 cait          i think a side effect of this is tht you could have mulitple plugins installed?
10:48 endmar        Cron <swebshet@swebshet> my_library_koha/usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl
10:47 marcelr       luckily
10:47 cait          but htat's out of scope :)
10:47 cait          it handles unmapped columns a bit oddly
10:47 cait          yep it does
10:47 marcelr       haha
10:46 wahanui       However, now everything else is broken.
10:46 marcelr       it works
10:46 cait          keep fingers crossed
10:46 marcelr       yeah
10:46 cait          anyway, will try to load m file now
10:46 cait          checking the name of the plugin? seems a bit overcomplicated for cosmetics
10:46 marcelr       i could remove it conditionally?
10:45 cait          maybe just scratch plugin
10:45 cait          plugin is part of the name
10:45 cait          ah i see
10:45 cait          hm sec
10:44 wahanui       well, any suggestion is great
10:44 marcelr       any suggestion?
10:44 cait          plugin is a bit doubled up :)
10:44 cait          Other formats, handled by plugin CSV2MARC plugin
10:44 marcelr       you mean?
10:44 cait          can you change the pull down?
10:44 marcelr       yes it is only the unit test
10:44 cait          while you are on it
10:44 cait          does it make sense to continue testing?
10:44 cait          ok
10:43 marcelr       ah cait: i can reproduce, fix coming
10:42 marcelr       t::lib::Mocks::mock_config( 'pluginsdir', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..' );
10:41 marcelr       it is looking in the t subdir
10:41 marcelr       yeah but for the test that does not matter
10:41 cait          is my plugin directory
10:40 cait          <pluginsdir>/var/lib/koha/kohadev/plugins</pluginsdir>
10:40 marcelr       i saw some of these things before with devbox
10:40 cait          I will continue testing, just installed Kyle's csv to marc plugin
10:40 marcelr       it is not found, but is it looking in the right dir ?
10:40 cait          it's hard to tell for me
10:39 marcelr       where it should find a module for a plugin
10:39 kidclamp      hi cait
10:39 marcelr       no the test adds a dir to pluginsdir
10:39 cait          hm no plugins installed by default?
10:39 marcelr       you do not find the plugin
10:39 cait          marcelr: dunno
10:38 marcelr       cait: 19049 might be a dev setup issue ?
10:38 cait          bug numbers are never going down that way...
10:38 cait          atheia: the second test led me to filing bug 19074
10:37 cait          hi kidclamp!
10:37 cait          both seem to work ok
10:37 cait          that's what i see too, tested also with patron category and opac onte
10:37 cait          yep
10:34 atheia        It seems to just be ignored…
10:33 atheia        I just did a test for batch patron modification: changing first name & clearing city worked, but changing library did not.
10:33 cait          i have a tendency to run into odd bugs testing something entirely else
10:33 wahanui       interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad
10:33 atheia        cait: interesting
09:59 cait          bug 19073
09:55 cait          it doesn't do it
09:55 cait          I am trying to test a single branch library bug and wanted to shift them all to one brnach
09:55 cait          is batch patron modidfication broken for someone else?
09:54 wahanui       somebody said question was "What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?"
09:54 cait          hm ok question
09:47 * cait        should be cleaning the apartment .. but it's too grey
09:46 cait          thx LibraryClaire :)
09:44 LibraryClaire https://giphy.com/gifs/family-guy-fox-family-guy-foxtv-l0HlPwMAzh13pcZ20
09:43 cait          i miss that
09:43 cait          @wunder Konstanz
09:36 magnuse       kumquat it is
09:22 magnuse       +1
09:22 cait          +1
09:19 ashimema      lol
09:18 liw           0 and 1 are such boring, mundane, bourgeois numbers to start counting from. I suggest a range of 12765...kumquat
09:17 magnuse       the gui seems to make 1 the lowest number, but i see plenty of zeros in production dbs
09:15 magnuse       reserves.priority - should it be counting from 0 or 1?
09:02 john          let me check...i will join u after some time...
09:02 cait          so by adding this, you tell it to compare to the date part only
09:02 john          ok..
09:02 cait          issue_date is not actually a date, it's a timestamp witht he hours too
09:02 john          ahaaa!!
09:02 cait          just adding the date (   ... )
09:01 cait          makes it work for me
09:01 cait          ... WHERE  date(c.issuedate)  BETWEEN ..
09:01 john          no..i
09:01 cait          john: did it work?
09:01 cait          you too
09:01 john          ok..guyzz...see u after some time....
09:01 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Thanks! And have a good day!
09:00 cait          so in the afternoon changes are getting better
09:00 cait          he is in Argentina
08:59 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Yes, I want to figure it out, otherweise it's just a waste of time... Do you know if I'll meet Tomas here some time?
08:59 cait          try to change c.issuedate to  date(c.issuedate)
08:59 Guest1943     heya cait
08:59 wahanui       after is what PBP reccomends
08:59 cait          after where
08:59 cait          in the last line
08:57 * ashimema    is in a call now.. if cait's not spotted the issue by the time I come back I'll take a quick look too
08:57 cait          It would be good to figure this out so we can fix either the repo or the kohadevbox
08:57 pastebot      "john" at pasted "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(c.issuedate" (13 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/580
08:56 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Thanks anyway! In fact I'm stuck at the exact same point as some months ago when I gave up... This time I will try a little harder.
08:56 cait          it's easier to see the problem
08:56 cait          it's still cut off abit, if you go an dpaste the whole thing to http://paste.koha-community.org
08:54 john          then i give start date and end date same day(today)
08:54 john          WHERE c.issuedate  BETWEEN <<Between Date (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>  ORDER BY c.issuedate DESC
08:53 john          this is the code i have use- SELECT DATE_FORMAT(c.issuedate, "%d %b %Y %h:%i %p") AS Issue_Date, DATE_FORMAT(c.date_due, "%d %b %Y") AS Due_Date,  i.barcode AS Barcode, b.title AS Title, b.author AS Author,  p.cardnumber AS Card_No, p.firstname AS First_Name,  p.surname AS Last_Name  FROM issues c  LEFT JOIN items i ON (c.itemnumber=i.itemnumber)  LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (c.borrowernumber=p.borrowernumber)  LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumbe
08:53 cait          MichaelKuhn: sorry, i am out of  my league here, maybe tcohen will be able to help you a little later
08:51 KotH          own*
08:51 KotH          wizzyrea: oh.. and koha doesn't require its on VM like all that modern python/ruby/node.js crap out there
08:50 KotH          wizzyrea: getting my label printer working was the most time i've spend with koha since i first installed it
08:49 MichaelKuhn   @cait: After the update it was libjson-validator-perl 0.97, so I had again to install 0.67, but the error is STILL the same.
08:49 KotH          wizzyrea: it's more just following the instructions. i run half a dozen webservices of different kind for myself. koha is one of the most complex pieces of software that i use. yet it just works and doesn't require more than maybe 2h per year in maintenance. stuff like gitlab cost me 2-3h per month
08:49 ashimema      what she said
08:48 ashimema      :)
08:48 cait          can you use paste.koha-community.org to share please?
08:48 ashimema      can you use the paste above to paste the whole sql in john.. the last bit of it got missed ;)
08:48 cait          hm it's cut off at the end
08:48 john          ok
08:48 cait          hm let my try that for a second
08:46 john          but i have checked out 5 books today
08:46 cait          MichaelKuhn: it' sreally odd about the error, i had thorught it would have gone away now, it worked for me
08:46 john          ya
08:46 wahanui       no result is shown
08:46 john          but no result
08:45 john          i need how much of books check out today....i used these sql codes (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(c.issuedate, "%d %b %Y %h:%i %p") AS Issue_Date, DATE_FORMAT(c.date_due, "%d %b %Y") AS Due_Date,  i.barcode AS Barcode, b.title AS Title, b.author AS Author,  p.cardnumber AS Card_No, p.firstname AS First_Name,  p.surname AS Last_Name  FROM issues c  LEFT JOIN items i ON (c.itemnumber=i.itemnumber)  LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (c.borrowernumber=p.borrowernumber)  LEFT JOIN bi
08:45 cait          hm
08:45 MichaelKuhn   @john: Yes, the package was to solve my problem with the kohadevbox
08:44 ashimema      what report are you running john
08:44 john          ohhh..!!!
08:43 ashimema      I think the package was for MichaelKuhn not your john
08:43 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Still the same error. But when calling "vagrant up --provision" ist says there is a new newer version of the box 'debian/jessie64', so I'm now just running "vagrant box update".
08:43 john          @cait i  installed pakege u have given..and checked with today report..but shows empty again..!!
08:41 john          ya
08:40 cait          i was hoping the bot had saved the link
08:40 cait          https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Circulation
08:40 john          yes cait
08:40 cait          hm sec
08:40 cait          koha reports?
08:40 john          i mean link
08:40 john          please give me the koha report referance page
08:39 cait          looking here, the older one was at the bottom http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/libj/libjson-validator-perl/
08:38 MichaelKuhn   @cait: You're probably right. I could have noted that also!
08:38 cait          it might be not so clever to recognize that as a newer version
08:38 cait          and we had 0.97 earlier
08:38 cait          could you try to install againw ith that other link? it seems it asks for 0.67
08:38 MichaelKuhn   PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* jessie                     : ok=30   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1     Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
08:38 MichaelKuhn   TASK [kohadevbox : Install Koha | Install older JSON::Validator (jessie)] ****** fatal: [jessie]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Unable to install package: E:Could not open file http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/libj/libjson-validator-perl/libjson-validator-perl_0.67+dfsg-1~koha1_all.deb - open (2: No such file or directory), E:Unable to determine file size for fd -1 - fstat (9: Bad file descriptor), E:Read error -
08:38 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Instead of "vagrant provison" (as Tomas wrote) I now wrote "vagrant up --provision" (as you wrote) - same error again...:
08:36 cait          it might be that we got the wrong one
08:36 cait          http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/libj/libjson-validator-perl/libjson-validator-perl_0.67+dfsg-1~koha1_all.deb
08:36 cait          i tihnk it might be my fault, I just noticed there is a package for another version there too
08:36 cait          hm can you share it again?
08:36 MichaelKuhn   @cait: No... :-( it shows exactly the same error again...
08:34 ashimema      cait++
08:34 ashimema      :)
08:34 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Thank you very much! According to Tomas I now just executed "vagrant provision" and the process is running again now.
08:32 cait          iam not sure if you shoudl do a vagrant halt to shut it down first before you up it again, but it will probably tell you
08:32 cait          and then vagrant up --provision - if you have used SYNC_REPO or something before add that too of course
08:31 cait          exit
08:31 cait          now you exit
08:31 cait          good
08:31 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Yes, exactly: "sudo dpkg -i libjson-validator-perl_0.97-1~kohadev1_all.deb" - I did that and it worked. It doesn't ask for a password.
08:29 ashimema      :)
08:29 cait          someone might correct me if i am wrong :)
08:29 cait          and then i think it's.... sudo dpkg -i file ?
08:27 cait          use the wget to get the package
08:27 cait          now you are inside the devbox
08:27 cait          yep
08:27 MichaelKuhn   @cait: "vagrant ssh" brings me to the prompt saying "vagrant@kohadevbox:~$ "
08:27 cait          and install that
08:27 cait          then you can wget http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/libj/libjson-validator-perl/libjson-validator-perl_0.97-1~kohadev1_all.deb
08:26 john          @cait i took report for today but it shows empty
08:26 cait          what happens when you do vagrant ssh?
08:25 MichaelKuhn   @cait: Tomas wrote: "Browse the repo and look for the .deb files you need, install them manually" - what repo does he mean and how to install the deb files manually inside the unfinished kohadvebox?
08:23 cait          john: i suggest finding a report first that works for you on the sql reports page and then take a look at scheduling it as cron with runreport.pl, that will email you every day
08:22 ashimema      but we use runreport.pl with cron cait ;)
08:22 MichaelKuhn   I may be wrong of course (I never really used it myself)
08:22 cait          but i think some deemed it unsafe on server side
08:22 ashimema      hehe
08:22 cait          you coudl make it work
08:22 ashimema      mmm.. the menu always has.. but the feature was broken for a very long time last I looked
08:21 cait          i think most are using runreport.pl
08:21 MichaelKuhn   @ashimema: Yes, the menu looks as if it is able to do that
08:21 cait          hm not to my knowledge
08:21 ashimema      does the task scheduler work these days for recurring tasks then?
08:21 MichaelKuhn   I had the same problem some months ago, but noone could help, so I gave up at this moment
08:21 cait          https://github.com/digibib/kohadevbox/issues/213
08:20 cait          what you can do - do vagrant ssh, download the package, install it, and then provision, worked for me
08:19 cait          i thought it had been fixed, guess it's back
08:19 cait          hi MichaelKuhn - there is an issue for that on the kohadevbox tracker, one sec
08:18 MichaelKuhn   You could go to Koha menu "Reports" and create such a report, then go to Koha menu "Tools > Task scheduler" - there you have the possibility to run a report at a given time (though I have never used that myself)
08:18 magnuse       john: have you looked at https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Circulation
08:17 john          how much books issued and returned
08:16 john          i need daily issue and return report
08:15 MichaelKuhn   Hi John, what daily report you want to take exactly?
08:15 MichaelKuhn   How can I fix this error?
08:15 MichaelKuhn   The process stopped with this message: "PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* jessie                     : ok=30   changed=18   unreachable=0    failed=1     Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be visible above. Please fix these errors and try again."
08:14 MichaelKuhn   Hi - I want to install a kohadevbox to possibly be able to make signoffs in the future. Howerv, after waiting for about two hours, the following message appeared: "TASK [kohadevbox : Install Koha | Install older JSON::Validator (jessie)] ****** fatal: [jessie]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Unable to install package: E:Could not open file http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/libj/libjson-validator-perl/libjson-valida
08:14 john          pls
08:14 john          can anybody help me--how to take daily report from koha
08:13 john          am back
08:13 john          hiiii
07:52 ashimema      hehe
07:51 * magnuse     scrambles
07:50 cait          btw still waiting for manual submissions from all of you! ;)
07:50 * magnuse     would totally vote for cait as rm
07:50 marcelr       cait for RM !
07:49 cait          nah
07:49 magnuse       one day...
07:49 cait          release maintainer
07:49 cait          arg
07:49 magnuse       cait++
07:49 cait          I think I find enough to do with documentation team and release manager, thx :)
07:49 magnuse       except i don't think she would do that as long as she is rmaint, reduce the number of eyeballs...
07:48 ashimema      think she's deserves an honorary place on the qa team forever ;)
07:48 ashimema      lol.. I'm sure no-one would bat an eye lid at cait doing a qa ;)
07:48 cait          not just refusing
07:47 cait          no longer on the QA team
07:47 atheia        ah, well fair play — I'll need to badger others…
07:47 cait          can't do that :)
07:47 magnuse       woohoo! :-)
07:47 atheia        Well, now we need QA :-D
07:46 cait          atheia: I saw you marked stock rotation signed off, so don't need me :)
07:46 cait          good we get to keep you at least :)
07:46 atheia        So I should be relatively unaffected by this change :-)
07:45 atheia        I am still scheduled to continue work as normal — I am by and large marginal to the enormous work that Andrew and Martin have put in for Rebus List
07:44 magnuse       please let atheia write those tests before he too becomes unavailable for 6 months? :-)
07:44 magnuse       yeah, i saw that and was afraid it would have that effect...
07:43 ashimema      we should really put on that page what continents are forbidden from bidding
07:42 ashimema      https://twitter.com/Kortext1/status/895241370008526848 means I'm tied up for the next 6 months on non-koha stuff unfortunately
07:42 magnuse       only one proposal on https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon18_Proposals
07:41 magnuse       marseille is probably not until next year?
07:40 * ashimema    thinks it's unlikely he'll be making hackfest this year
07:40 magnuse       rumour says there will be a hackfest in sweden this fall...
07:40 magnuse       hiya ashimema
07:40 magnuse       too long...
07:40 magnuse       hm, how far are we from the next hackfest in marseille?
07:40 ashimema      mornin' #koha
07:40 cait          :)
07:40 * cait        waves
07:40 wahanui       kamelåså
07:40 LibraryClaire hi magnuse
07:39 magnuse       and hiya BüchereiKlara
07:39 magnuse       kia ora cait!
07:39 john          ok
07:37 magnuse       i didn't do much :-)
07:37 LibraryClaire john you can use the batch item modification tool to edit multiple items at once
07:37 john          thank u magnuse for your great support...!!!
07:36 john          but the problem is..i need to change the location for every item...!!
07:35 john          work fine
07:35 john          i changed the location (main library to my organization library)
07:35 marcelr       o/
07:34 magnuse       hiya marcelr
07:34 magnuse       john: how?
07:34 marcelr       hi #koha
07:34 john          magnuse...bug fixed
07:33 magnuse       john: which version are you using?
07:31 magnuse       https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16824
07:31 magnuse       this is bug 16824, but it does not have any more info, i'm afraid
07:30 john          ok magnuse thank u so muuch..!!
07:30 magnuse       hm, then i'm out of ideas i'm afraid
07:29 magnuse       there should be dropdown menus for both fields
07:29 john          yes it is set us main library..
07:29 magnuse       is permanent location and current location set to valid libraries?
07:28 magnuse       ah, sorry i mean the same thing
07:26 john          no homebranch
07:26 john          @magnuse> on edit item screen there is (permanent location and current location)
07:21 john          ok just a sec i will check
07:21 john          @magnuse there should be, on the edit item screen
07:20 magnuse       there should be, on the edit item screen
07:19 john          @magnuse> there is no field like home branch and holding branch
07:10 magnuse       john: does the item have a value in the fields for homebranch and holdingbranch, and does that value correspond to libraries you have defined in koha?
07:10 john          when i am trying to check out it shows  "No branchcode argument passed to Koha::Calendar->new at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Circulation.pm line 3425."
07:09 * magnuse     waves
07:03 wahanui       help is at http://koha-community.org/support/ if no-one here can help.
07:03 john          help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07:03 john          when i am trying to check out it shows  "No branchcode argument passed to Koha::Calendar->new at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Circulation.pm line 3425."
07:00 john          please help me....!!!
06:59 john          when i am trying to check out it shows  "No branchcode argument passed to Koha::Calendar->new at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Circulation.pm line 3425."
06:59 john          i have a small error on chckout
06:58 john          am new to koha
06:58 john          hii all
06:55 alex_a        bonjour
03:53 Ami           hi  all
03:40 Guest1940     hi dcook
03:31 dcook         rangi: np :)
03:21 Amit          hi Gm all
03:18 rangi         dcook: ill take a look thanks for heads up
03:08 huginn        dcook: The operation succeeded.
03:08 dcook         @later tell eythian I'm late collecting my messages but thanks for the birthday wishes. I recall it being a nice time ^_^
03:08 huginn        dcook: The operation succeeded.
03:08 dcook         @later tell wizzyrea Just get your message from 3 months ago. Thanks! It did work out!
03:07 dcook         Rather http://git.koha-community.org/stats/koha-master/activity.html
03:07 dcook         Hey rangi, it looks like koha-stats is having some issues. Looks like it's running but that it hasn't picked up anything since June: http://git.koha-community.org/stats/koha-master/index.html