Time  Nick        Message
03:24 amitgupta   hi all
06:44 * magnuse   waves
06:45 magnuse     pianohacker is back?!?
06:50 alex_a      bonjour
07:29 amitgupta   hi alex_a
07:30 alex_a      hello amitgupta
10:04 * cait      waves
10:06 * magnuse   waves
10:26 cait        :)
11:41 * cait      waves at Joubu
11:41 Joubu       hi cait, #koha
11:51 marcelr     hi #koha
11:51 Joubu       Hi marcelr
11:51 marcelr     o/
11:51 * cait      waves
12:13 magnuse     tcohen++ for looking after kohadevbox
12:28 oleonard    Hi all
12:32 cait        hi oleonard :)
12:39 magnuse     hiya oleonard
12:42 oleonard    [off] bestbookbuddies digging themselves deeper into that hole...
12:44 cait        [off] emailing again?
12:45 magnuse     [off] not on the list?
12:46 Joubu       any ideas how I could communicate the list of support companies I am going to remove from the website?
12:46 oleonard    [off] Oh I guess not. A reply to my message on the list but directly to me and Joubu
12:49 cait        Joubu: hm
12:49 cait        I'd email them directly, maybe with wizzyrea cc as maintainer of the list?
12:49 huginn      New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 19003: Add a TestBuilder default for borrowers.login_attempts <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=5bb56bf336187cde38e1a3b89c792ee6dc231acf> / Bug 17699: Reset time simulation <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0853c4e2b4366a235077a24a873fc81a754afecb> / Bug 17699: Add test descriptions <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=ec9b691de934
12:51 Joubu       cait: I'd like to remove them because they never answered and they do not have a "valid" website
12:53 cait        yeah, I'd email them they are being removed becasue ...
12:53 cait        so they have been informed
12:54 cait        ah, you mean the list to the list
12:54 cait        not sure about that
12:58 tcohen      hi
13:01 magnuse     hiya tcohen
13:01 tcohen      has anyone tried the remote debugger? :-D
13:02 magnuse     tcohen: nope, not sure how that works...
13:03 tcohen      basically you have an editor/IDE capable of remote debugging, and then launch plack with the new alias I added to kohadevbox, and it starts a debugging session on your IDE/Editor
13:03 tcohen      you should first set breakpoints and things like that
13:04 tcohen      then launch koha_debug_plack
13:04 tcohen      sorry, the alias is
13:04 tcohen      plack_debug_start
13:07 magnuse     ah, my IDE of choice is gedit... ;-)
13:07 tcohen      https://github.com/addiks/gedit-dbgp-plugin
13:12 magnuse     heh, thanks!
13:12 tcohen      the great thing is that you can spot execution, inspect variables and even evaluate expressions
13:13 tcohen      but people still prefer Dumper I think :-D
13:13 magnuse     good ol' Dumper :-)
13:14 magnuse     in other news i'm slowly getting my head around Ansible
13:14 magnuse     and I'm wondering if we should make a Koha role
13:15 tcohen      magnuse: koha-common role, and koha-instance?
13:16 magnuse     yes please :-)
13:16 magnuse     and kohadevbox could add stuff on top of that, i guess
13:17 tcohen      magnuse: yes, kohadevbox could be refactored
13:17 magnuse     i'm looking to manage both the koha apache config and koha-conf.xml with Ansible, to make it feasible to keep up with changes to those
13:18 magnuse     but that might be out of scope for a role
13:18 magnuse     bug 12584
13:18 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12584 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , koha-conf.xml for package installations get out of sync
13:18 tcohen      hm
13:19 magnuse     i see ansible managing koha-conf.xml as a way around that
13:19 tcohen      kohadevbox uses a template
13:19 tcohen      which needs to be kept in sync
13:19 magnuse     yup
13:26 cait        bbiab
13:36 pastebot    "oleonard" at pasted "koha-plack-err is flooded with this message" (2 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/576
13:36 oleonard    ^^ Is this a problem?
13:47 Joubu       oleonard: looks like yes, how did you get that?
13:48 oleonard    I don't know :|
13:48 Joubu       :)
13:49 tcohen      oleonard: is that a stretch box?
13:49 oleonard    No, Jessie
13:50 tcohen      I saw that when there was a Mojolicious version missmatch
13:52 oleonard    Oh okay that's probably because of some patch testing I did yesterday.
13:52 lari        oleonard: it happens when you test Bug 18137 and install its dependencies, and then revert back to master but still have the newer version of Mojolicious
13:53 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18137 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lari.taskula, Passed QA , REST API: Migrate from Mojolicious::Plugin::Swagger2 to Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI
14:05 caboose     hi..if I wanted to modify what gets displayed in the search results RSS field, what file(s) should I look at?
14:10 tcohen      caboose: opac-opensearch.tt
14:10 caboose     thank you1
14:11 caboose     you are the best tcohen
14:29 * cait      waves
14:29 cait        @later tell LeeJ ping
14:29 huginn      cait: The operation succeeded.
14:36 cait        ok, what are you all thinking... needs sign-off down to 100 by the end of the week? :)
14:37 lari        is there any reason issuingrules.branchcode, -.categorycode and -.itemtype default value is "" and not "*" ? or what does it mean when one of those is "" ?
14:37 cait        hm has no meaning that i know of
14:37 cait        as any is using *
14:52 Joubu       lari: yes, must be '*'
14:57 cait        maybe the reason as so often is 'historical'
14:58 lari        ok, thanks :)
15:01 jenkins     Yippee, build fixed!
15:01 wahanui     o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
15:01 jenkins     Project Koha_Master_D8 build #236: FIXED in 2 hr 2 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/236/
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19041: (bug 17855 follow-up) Fix regression on bug 16058
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19048: (bug 17829 follow-up) Fix regression in self checkout
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18851: Database handler must not be created at runtime
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18851: Test::DBIx::Class is not needed in 00-load.t
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18851: Tests must be skipped in cardnumber.t if Test::DBIx::Class is
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18851: Make OverDrive.T pass if dbms is not running
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18851: Fix few other tests
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18851: (QA followup) Test doesn't need sessions on DB
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19013: Fix borrowers.guarantorid in sammple_patrons.sql
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19013: (QA followup) Set guarantorid to NULL patron sample data
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19041 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , footerjs = 1 removed by bug 17855
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17855 new feature, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, RESOLVED FIXED, New onboarding tool feature to guide users through setting up Koha, and minor web installer UI improvements
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 18802: Fix Circulation.t if finesMode ne 'production'
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19009: Fix random failures from Circulation.t
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 17699: Add more tests to highlight the problem
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 17699: Use limit as end_of_month
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16058 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, RESOLVED FIXED, Add a button to delete an individual news item
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19048 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Self checkout: Internal server error in sco-main.pl
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 17699: Add test descriptions
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 17699: Reset time simulation
15:01 jenkins     * Jonathan Druart: Bug 19003: Add a TestBuilder default for borrowers.login_attempts
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17829 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, RESOLVED FIXED, Move GetMember to Koha::Patron
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18851 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , use Test::DBIx::Class in tests breaks packaging
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19013 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , sample_data.sql inserts patrons with guarantorid that do not exist
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18802 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Circulation.t fails if finesMode != "Do not calculate"
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19009 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Circulation.t is still failing randomly
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17699 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , DateTime durations are not correctly subtracted
15:01 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19003 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , Add a TestBuilder default for borrowers.login_attempts
15:18 Joubu       @later tell wizzyrea could you add a "2017" entries on http://meetings.koha-community.org ?
15:18 huginn      Joubu: The operation succeeded.
15:19 Joubu       @later tell wizzyrea could you add 2014-2017 entries on http://meetings.koha-community.org/2017?
15:19 huginn      Joubu: The operation succeeded.
17:01 khall       @later tell tcohen can you add 15707 / 16735 to your qa todo list?
17:01 huginn      khall: The operation succeeded.
17:16 pianohacker @later tell magnuse hi :)
17:16 huginn      pianohacker: The operation succeeded.
17:21 pianohacker bam
17:24 cait        hey pianohacker
17:24 wahanui     regexes are AWESOME
17:27 cait        that email on the list has probably the longest english sentence i have seen so far:)
17:28 pianohacker my own about a subset of the staff? Damn straight I can wield a semicolon
17:29 cait        second sentence in the other about marc frameworks
17:29 cait        but i am sure you can :)
17:29 pianohacker oh my god
17:29 pianohacker yeah, you're right :)
17:55 tcohen      back
17:57 cait        hi tcohen
18:12 oleonard    Hi pianohacker
18:13 pianohacker hi, oleonard :)
18:18 talljoy     seriously cait
18:18 cait        huh?
18:18 talljoy     long sentence
18:18 cait        yep
18:19 talljoy     i missed the cat conversation the other day pianohacker
18:19 talljoy     and i am quite upset.
18:19 cait        :(
18:19 pianohacker talljoy: :) just picked her up a couple days ago; have a couple pics on facebook
18:20 talljoy     shes very cute.
18:20 pianohacker she's adorable as all get out, though 7 years with a neurotic dog kind of rubbed off on her
18:21 talljoy     oh wow.
18:22 pianohacker yeah, either she's habitually spooked or my apartment is FULL of ghosts
18:23 magnuse     kia ora pianohacker!
18:23 magnuse     welcome back! :-)
18:23 pianohacker hi magnuse :)
18:24 magnuse     :-)
18:32 cait        [off] mailing list :(
18:36 tcohen      [off] don't feel bad for that, things like that happen
18:49 oleonard    [off] This guy is certainly not setting out to make any friends
18:50 oleonard    [off] Not exactly good advertising for himself
18:51 cait        [off] i think the only thing they are achieving right now is making themselves look worse
19:08 indradg     cait, oleonard : [off] he is "legend" when it comes to indulging in this sort of behaviour. I've known him personally since 2003 onwards.
19:09 cait        [off] wonder if this is a cultural thing... I should not have to tell him how to properly do advertising
19:09 eythian     [off] which list, sounds like interesting reading
19:09 cait        [off] koha main
19:09 eythian     Ta
19:10 cait        [off] just noticed... last email was sent to me directly
19:12 Joubu       [off] The library hereby permits the BBB, irrevocably, to enable BBB to place advertisements on its pages, so the BBB can recover its investment and maintenance
19:12 Joubu       [off] costs
19:12 Joubu       between "quotes" :)
19:17 Joubu       [off] http://iari.bestbookbuddies.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=119886&query_desc=kw%2Cwrdl%3A%20d
19:17 Joubu       [off] "It looks like you're using an ad blocker. That's okay. Who doesn't?"
19:17 cait        [off] ugh
19:19 Joubu       [off] Koha 3.1211000
19:19 cait        [off] updates for ever?
19:20 cait        [off] going back to testing...
19:20 eythian     [off] "Best Viewed in 1024 x 768 pixel resolution." well that takes me back 10-15 years
19:22 indradg     [off] he is monetizing the user's metadata as infowords and posing that it is free. This sort of behaviour in EU might attract a steep fine, but in India we do not have a real data privacy law in place.
19:23 eythian     Ick
19:23 indradg     [off] also once you host the BBB platform apparently (as explained by Sudhir himself in a flamefest) you can't roll back your data from his platform
19:23 indradg     [off] and he is doing all this using the name of Koha
19:24 cait        [off] :(
19:24 eythian     [off] reminds me of a certain other company that rhymes with PTFS (US)
19:24 oleonard    [off] As I understand it the message violates US law by not including an unsubscribe link. FWIW.
19:24 indradg     cait: [off] no its not a cultural thing, UCE (aka spam) is a criminal offence in India
19:26 cait        [off] I don't even have words...
19:26 indradg     [off] also by dangling the carrot of "free" hosting forever, he is also effective killing off an possibility for Indian devs or a *real* koha eco-system to come up
19:26 magnuse     [off] indradg: i think you need to put [off] at the beginning of the line for it to work
19:26 Joubu       [off] indradg from the terms and conditions: "BBB will provide a graphical menu/button for the
19:26 Joubu       library­administrator to download the data of his/her
19:27 Joubu       [off] library at any time.
19:27 Joubu       erk
19:27 indradg     [off] Joubu yes, copy aye! deletion from BBB servers nope
19:28 Joubu       [off] they said "not be sold/shared with any third party"
19:28 Joubu       anyway, let's back to work right? :)
19:29 indradg     [off] Joubu yeah right! and Bill Gates is my granddad
19:29 Joubu       you should stop working then ;)
19:29 indradg     [off] they are loading each institution's data onto their internal z39.50 so it is already shared with 3rd parties
19:29 indradg     lol
19:30 oleonard    Bye all
19:44 Joubu       tcohen: around?
19:44 tcohen      around
19:45 Joubu       tcohen: when 18137 will be pushed, the restart of plack will fail, because of the missing deps. Should I add a new "updatedb entry" or we assume that master is for devs only and they know what they are doing?
19:45 Joubu       i.e. they will know what to do
19:45 Joubu       I cannot remember if we already had that case (I guess yes)
19:46 cait        hm i think we had other cases where a dependency was added and som epage exploded without it
19:46 tcohen      I think you need to make sure Mirko has added the new versions
19:46 tcohen      to the repo
19:46 tcohen      I can temporarily fix it in kohadevbox and we can tell people to re-provision
19:46 tcohen      (if the packages are available)
19:47 tcohen      but as soon as master is updated,, the koha-common package and deps are updated too
19:47 tcohen      should be straightforward
19:47 Joubu       t/db_dependent/api/v1/swagger/definitions.t .. Can't locate object method "cache_dir" via package "Swagger2::SchemaValidator" at /usr/share/perl5/Swagger2.pm line 41.
19:47 Joubu       `perl koha_perl_deps.pl -m` does not report something related to mojo
19:48 cait        hm btw
19:48 cait        the plack error logs are not looking good
19:48 cait        i left them open and there is...lots
19:49 Joubu       cait: what errors?
19:49 wahanui     errors are in the Koha log file, on the server
19:49 cait        Mojo::Util::slurp is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojo::File::slurp at /usr/share/perl5/Swagger2.pm line 38.
19:49 tcohen      Joubu: are you on the right versions?
19:49 cait        CGI::param called in list context from package CGI::Compile::ROOT::home_vagrant_kohaclone_cataloguing_automatic_linker_2epl line 65, this can lead to vulnerabilities. See the warning in "Fetching the value or values of a single named parameter" at /usr/share/perl5/CGI.pm line 436.
19:50 cait        stuff like this
19:50 cait        i will keep an eye on it
19:50 Joubu       Mojolicious                                   7.21              7.21                    Yes
19:50 Joubu       Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI                  1.15              1.15                    Yes
19:55 tcohen      let me check it myself
20:09 Joubu       cait: could you comment bug 17277 please?
20:09 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17277 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Passed QA , Current Location column in Holdings table showing empty under OPAC
20:24 cait        hm sorry, I think i am missing something
20:24 cait        in kohadevbox, where do i find the koha-conf.xml?
20:27 tcohen      cait: /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/koha-conf.xml
20:28 cait        thx!
20:28 cait        trying to test bug 11317
20:28 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11317 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, philippe.blouin, Needs Signoff , Add a way to access files from the intranet
20:36 rangi       hello
20:40 Joubu       cait: locate is your friend!
20:40 cait        i should learn how to use linux someday :)
20:40 rangi       stop influencing!
20:40 rangi       ;-)
20:40 cait        heh
20:45 jfowler     Hey guys. Totally new to Koha. I got the stable set up and running using the latest stable Ubuntu packages and it was working fine until today. Now the search function isn't working. It's throwing the following ---> oAuth error: Connect failed (10000)
20:46 rangi       what page do you get that on?
20:46 eythian     rangi: hello.
20:46 rangi       and are you using oAuth ?
20:46 rangi       eythian: heya :) how's things ?
20:46 jfowler     I'm not getting it on a page. I getting it in the log files for the OPAC. On the page, I just get 0 results
20:47 rangi       ahh
20:47 rangi       i suspect zebra isnt running
20:47 rangi       can you do a sudo /etc/init.d/koha-common restart
20:47 rangi       and see if that fixes it
20:47 eythian     rangi: good! I spent the past 5 days camping at SHA2017
20:48 eythian     https://goo.gl/photos/yECApEi99foDH98q7 <-- SHA photos
20:48 rangi       eythian: oooh cool!
20:48 rangi       eythian: what a neat idea
20:48 eythian     Got back today. Tomorrow yapc starts in Amsterdam. At 9am :/
20:48 jfowler     Wow. Thanks! That did it!
20:48 eythian     It was great fun
20:49 rangi       jfowler: i think it was logrotate + anacron causing the problem
20:49 eythian     Went to some talks, but mostly hung out with interesting people
20:49 jfowler     Gotcha. I really appreciate your help.
20:49 rangi       jfowler: monit is a good tool to keep an eye on things and start them again
20:50 jfowler     What is monitoring?
20:50 wahanui     monitoring is probably on the roadmap :)
20:50 rangi       monit
20:50 jfowler     monit?
20:50 wahanui     monit is probably a good tool to keep an eye on things and start them again
20:50 rangi       2 secs
20:50 rangi       https://packages.debian.org/jessie/admin/monit
20:50 rangi       if you sudo apt-get install monit
20:50 jfowler     Ahh. Gotcha. Thanks. You've been a huge help.
20:50 jfowler     Bye.
20:52 pastebot    "rangi" at pasted "monit zebra config" (6 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/578
20:52 rangi       eythian: hanging with people is always the best bit
20:52 eythian     Definitely
20:54 eythian     Reminded me that I really need to convert my NZ amateur radio license to an NL one, we had a repeater on a crane right beside where I was sleeping.
20:54 rangi       ohh cool
20:55 eythian     Unfortunately, I couldn't legally use it.
20:56 eythian     Also have a new project involving developing a carrier independent version of LoRa.
20:56 eythian     hi magnuse
20:56 wahanui     kamelåså
20:56 eythian     magnuse: someone said kamelåså to me yesterday.
20:56 magnuse     kia ora eythian
20:56 magnuse     they did?
20:56 eythian     Not kidding
20:57 eythian     They were Danish
20:57 magnuse     i thought that was just a nowegian thing!
20:57 magnuse     oh, they were?
20:57 eythian     Yeah.
20:58 eythian     In the Scandinavian village, beside the naked Finns
20:58 eythian     So many naked Finns
20:58 magnuse     lulz?
20:58 eythian     (they brought a sauna)
20:58 magnuse     ah
20:58 cait        of course
20:58 magnuse     scandinavian village?
20:59 eythian     I was at https://sha2017.org/
20:59 indradg     @wunder kolkata
20:59 huginn      indradg: Error: No such location could be found.
21:01 rangi       wunder is down at the mo
21:02 indradg     rangi: i see
21:02 magnuse     eythian: cool
21:02 eythian     https://sha2017.org/
21:03 eythian     Err
21:03 eythian     https://goo.gl/photos/yECApEi99foDH98q7 magnuse, photos m
21:03 eythian     None of the sauna though. Alas.
21:04 magnuse     i'll survive
21:04 magnuse     ;-)
21:04 * magnuse   needs his beautysleep, though
21:04 magnuse     have fun, #koha
21:05 rangi       cya magnuse
21:07 eythian     Later
21:36 Joubu       bye #koha
22:05 barton      hats off to Marco Moreno -- nice bit of detective work on Bug 17717.
22:05 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17717 critical, P4, ---, chris, REOPENED , process_message_queue.pl: Can't locate Authen/CAS/Client/Response/Failure.pm