Time Nick Message 23:36 Francesca ^those are my cats 23:36 Francesca http://imgur.com/a/pcrFr 23:36 Francesca http://imgur.com/a/LdMxf - thats pianohackers cat 23:35 Francesca there are cats here 23:23 talljoy indradg posted on FB there were cats here.... 23:23 talljoy oh no... 23:22 wahanui The only good cat is a stir-fried cat. 23:22 talljoy cats? 22:45 pianohacker ttfn all 22:45 pianohacker aww :) fluffbuckets 22:39 Francesca see ya 22:35 cait bye all 22:32 cait very cute too :) 22:29 Francesca those are my two 22:21 Francesca http://imgur.com/a/pcrFr 22:19 Francesca lemme find a sutiable pic 22:18 cait cute :) 22:17 pianohacker yup :) 22:17 Francesca that your cat piano hacker? 22:16 pianohacker http://imgur.com/a/LdMxf 22:16 cait hi Francesca :) 22:16 Francesca hi cait 22:16 Francesca cat photos :) 22:16 cait cat photos? 22:15 pianohacker prob easiest :) 22:13 Francesca imgur maybe 22:13 Francesca I should figure out how to send photos in here 22:12 pianohacker aww :) 22:12 Francesca we fostered them, their litter and their mother just before my 18th and kept two 22:12 Francesca mine are around 2 and a half ish 22:11 pianohacker how old are yours? Ms. Daisy is about 7 22:11 pianohacker she might just have realllllly needed brushing, but she's shed like half a cat's worth of hair :) 22:10 Francesca but they don't shed heaps 22:10 Francesca (medium haired when we meant to get short haired) 22:09 Francesca I have two somewhat fluffy cats 22:09 Francesca yikes 22:08 pianohacker Francesca: extraordinarily fluffy. She's shedding like crazy 22:07 Francesca is it a fluffy cat? 22:06 Francesca I have two 22:06 Francesca yay cats! 22:04 pianohacker good! Just got a cat 22:04 Francesca how are you? 22:04 pianohacker yup :) 22:03 Francesca long time no speak 22:03 Francesca morning pianohacker 22:02 pianohacker hi, Francesca 20:42 huginn pianohacker: The operation succeeded. 20:42 pianohacker @later tell JoeAppleby try changing your sources.list entry (or koha.list, wherever you have it) from "deb ..." to "deb [ arch=amd64 ] ..." 20:36 pianohacker dammit. 20:36 pianohacker JoeAppleby: one sec 20:36 JoeAppleby thanks fpr the help! 20:30 JoeAppleby hm 20:30 pianohacker ah, okay. Well, best of luck then :) 20:30 pianohacker The actual packages are marked as "all", so if you download the .deb files and install them manually they'd work fine 20:29 JoeAppleby it's not worth it for the project tbh 20:29 pianohacker JoeAppleby: you _can_ work around this, though it's not the easiest option 20:29 JoeAppleby thanks for the clarification 20:29 JoeAppleby and kills the project 20:29 JoeAppleby well that explains a lot 20:28 pianohacker yeah, the packages aren't published for your Pi's processor architecture (though I don't think many of them contain actual binaries) 20:28 JoeAppleby that says "can't be found" in German 20:27 pastebot "JoeAppleby" at pasted "can't find the package with apt-get" (1 line) at http://paste.koha-community.org/575 20:27 pianohacker oh, never mind. JoeAppleby: I'd post to the mailing list, the packages are only published for amd64 and i386 and I'm not really sure why. 20:25 pianohacker JoeAppleby: what does apt-cache policy koha-common show? (please use paste.koha-community.org to send the output) 20:22 JoeAppleby I'm rather new to Linux so I am not quite ready (if you will) to make my own install from the source 20:21 JoeAppleby both for stable and oldstable 20:21 JoeAppleby well I am trying to install Koha on my Rspberry 2 (virgin Debian install, new for this project) and it says it can't find the packet 20:15 pianohacker JoeAppleby: always a good first place; if nobody here can help you, the general mailing list is a good next step. What's up? 20:14 JoeAppleby hey, is this the right place to ask a question? 19:53 kidclamp bye all 19:48 pianohacker do we have any minutes from the last dev meeting or a time/date for the next one? 19:32 tcohen_DND :-D 19:31 pianohacker hasta luego 19:31 pianohacker hi tcohen_DND :) 19:31 tcohen_DND hi pianohacker!! 19:31 tcohen_DND oh 19:31 tcohen_DND later #koha 19:22 pianohacker hiiiiii 19:21 * cait waves 19:18 pianohacker hi kidclamp :) 19:14 * kidclamp waves wildly 19:11 pianohacker /shalom 17:16 kidclamp thanks mtompset 17:16 mtompset Have a great day, #koha lari oleonard talljoy kidclamp 17:14 mtompset Congratulations on taking third position, oleonard. 17:13 huginn talljoy: The operation succeeded. 17:13 talljoy @later tell cait sorry i missed you. had something urgent come right after you pinged me 17:03 oleonard Got it, thanks 17:01 lari branchcode, itemtype, categorycode, barcode, itemnumber, borrowernumber, cardnumber 17:00 lari i was lazy :) 17:00 lari oleonard: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=65523 ctrl+f parameters": 16:59 oleonard What do you mean by "the path's Swagger spec?" 16:59 oleonard as defined in the path's Swagger spec" 16:59 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19037 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lari.taskula, Needs Signoff , Circulation and fine rules test tool 16:59 oleonard Hi lari, I was looking at Bug 19037. The test plan says to test the API "with different parameters 16:51 lari oleonard: you were asking me 16:29 huginn oleonard: larryb was last seen in #koha 1 year, 24 weeks, 4 days, 21 hours, 15 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <larryb> thanks 16:29 oleonard @seen larryb 16:25 huginn NateC: The operation succeeded. 16:25 NateC @later tell larryb we need to go over that security sheet today 16:12 amitgupta cait around 15:57 LeeJ well I'm heading out for now..take care all! 15:43 amitgupta hi all 15:37 cait because rsantellan and i were discussing the different item mappings 15:37 cait just wondering if you have experience in migrating from koha 2 15:33 wahanui cait is the best friend you could ever have. 15:33 talljoy cait? 15:32 rsantellan thanks for all the help! 15:32 rsantellan I'll try to do a remapping and try again 15:31 cait http://manual.koha-community.org/16.11/en/catguides.html#itemcatguide 15:30 cait it's what koha installs with, but i think the manual has a table 15:29 rsantellan is any documentation on the wiki about default mappings? 15:29 rsantellan perhaps what I can is based on a clean koha install try to map all the fields and move them around... 15:28 cait talljoy: around maybe? 15:28 cait maybe someone else who has done a koha 2 migration before can help you more 15:27 cait at least with indexing 15:27 cait but I know that changing th emappings like this is very likely to cause you problems 15:27 cait i am not sure how best to resolve this 15:26 rsantellan migrating the data with all the upgrade scripts 15:26 cait if you export the marc and items, I'd change it before reimporting 15:26 cait because i woudl try to make the data fit the current mappings 15:26 cait ? 15:26 cait are you migrating the data or trying to update the database<ß 15:26 rsantellan I have does marc21 mappings on the old and trying to adjust them to the new one 15:24 rsantellan I have 84533 biblios with 111748 items from a koha 2 installation that I'm migrating to koha 16.11 15:24 cait so you will break search and possibly more if you reconfigure those 15:23 cait because the zebra indexes are set on the default mappings 15:23 cait I would never recommend changeing the mappings 15:23 cait 2 would be classification source, which is used to generate the sortable form of the callnumber in cn_sort 15:22 cait hm restricted in my installation is mapped to 5 - why did you change the mappings? 15:21 cait it's liked to the RESTRICTED authorised value, is that set up with the values in your data? 15:21 rsantellan yes, is 0 or 1 15:21 cait is your data numerical? 15:20 cait restricted is a numerical value 15:20 cait hm or let me check 15:20 cait field 15:19 cait hm $2 is usually another itme 15:18 rsantellan for example I have the 952^2 mapped to item.restricted and on the db of an item I have it the value in NULL. That means that the migration process was incorrect? How could I rebuild all items? 15:15 cait i fyou leave the mapping empty in the marc frameworks, it should go into more_subfields_xml automatically 15:15 cait yes 15:15 rsantellan okay, what if I have more data on the 952 that is not mapped to koha? where it should be, on more_subfields_xml? 15:14 cait sorry, not sure i can explain that well 15:13 cait and the 952 will be removed from the marcxml and should not be visible there 15:13 cait but on import, the items table should be filled with the inofrmation 15:12 cait when you import items, you can import in 952 in the marc record 15:12 rsantellan where should it be all that data? 15:12 rsantellan the migrations scripts put everything there.... :( 15:12 cait but only the biblio level, not the item level 15:12 cait yes 15:12 cait it's only in items and for indexing added to the records exported to zebra 15:11 rsantellan I have all the record of the biblio there 15:11 cait a long time ago we stopped storing item information in marcxmk 15:11 cait the marcxml should not even have a 952 15:11 cait that won't work 15:11 rsantellan the information is on biblioitems.marcxml there is all the xml with the data I want 15:10 cait the items table kinda is 'the source of thruth' - all your information should be there in order to display in the edit item form 15:10 cait sorry, i am trying to understand 15:09 cait where is it? 15:09 cait so the information you are missing is NOT in the items table 15:09 cait especially not the itemnumber one 15:09 cait you should not change that mapping 15:08 rsantellan for example the 952^u that I have mapped to the itemnumber in the koha to marc configuration 15:07 rsantellan only is empty the fields that are not in the items table 15:06 rsantellan sorry, is not all empty 15:06 cait and there is inofrmation in the items table? 15:06 rsantellan yes 15:06 cait sothe edit item form is empty? 15:06 rsantellan all of the 952 field happend the same 15:05 rsantellan is a migrated biblio from an old koha install 15:04 cait hm do you have another example? 15:04 cait source of classification? 15:03 rsantellan for example the subfield 952^2 I have with visibility: opac, intranet and editor. and is a no show 15:02 cait you have to look at the subfield config 15:02 rsantellan where in the flow should retrieve all data from the xml in biblioitems.marcxml ? I'm using koha 16.11 15:02 cait thesubfields? 15:00 rsantellan the field is marked in editor 14:58 cait go marc bibliographic frameworks > 952 and make sure 'editor' is checked for visilibity 14:58 rsantellan I will recheck 14:58 cait so did you check the marc frameworks? 14:58 rsantellan I have plack disabled 14:58 cait sometimes restarting plack also helps, depenidng on if you are using it and the version possibly 14:57 rsantellan so far what I understand is that the GetMarcItem retrieves from GetItem the data from the items table, and after that parse the xml of the field 14:57 cait rsantellan: did you check your marc frameworks and the visibility settings there? 14:57 oleonard lari around? 14:55 rsantellan Hi doesn't anybody knows the full flow of retrieving the item data on the edit screen? I have the problems that the additem.pl doesn't show the item data on the form. I have the data on the db but is never goes to the view 14:36 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 14:22 rsantellan good morning #koha 14:18 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=14435 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, RESOLVED FIXED, Recover feature to store and access results of a report 14:18 LeeJ Can someone explain the status of Bug 14435 ? I'm writing a "what's new" email for our library staff where I list impactful changes between 3.22 and 16.11..is this worth mentioning? It reads as if it's still "broken" 13:54 LeeJ [off] Joubu: will do that in the next few minutes...Friday was chaotic. *FINALLY* got some signatures on contracts I've been waiting on for two years so I had to prioritize them getting processed 13:51 Joubu if you have tested everything and it worked for you, it is good to add your signed-off-by lines 13:51 LeeJ oleonard: thanks for the clarification..I don't understand projects that do that either 13:51 LeeJ Joubu: also..you had mentioned last week you would be looking at it again yourself so I was waiting to see if you had any commentary before I moved forward regardless 13:50 oleonard Lee: Some projects have developers add their signoff to every patch. I'm not sure what the advantage is. 13:50 oleonard LeeJ: You can add your signoff if you want. It doesn't "count" as a signoff to move it into the QA queue. 13:49 LeeJ Joubu: I thought I had read it was frowned upon to sign off on patches you submit? 13:48 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18331 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , CSV exports need to be fixed once and for all 13:48 Joubu LeeJ: Hi! Why did not you signoff on bug 18331? 13:42 LeeJ morning #koha 13:28 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19041 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , footerjs = 1 removed by bug 17855 13:28 oleonard Joubu++ # Thanks for catching and fixing Bug 19041 12:52 tcohen hola #koha 12:44 Joubu Hi guys, 19033, 19034, 19035 are security bugs, waiting for SO 12:42 marcelr hi Joubu 12:40 Joubu hi #koha 10:13 * mveron has to go... 09:49 cait off to find late breakfast, bbiab 09:49 cait thx :) 09:49 mveron cait: fingers crossed... 09:49 cait hope it survives restarting etc 09:48 marcelr great, cait 09:48 cait i got a devbox 09:48 cait ok, new virtualbox, new vagrant... and a gazillion things i tried and something of it fixed it 09:48 marcelr ok 09:48 mveron marcelr: It happens with the very first call (simply try to start SCO), that's why I consider it as critical. 09:47 marcelr i would say it is not critical since you must pass an invalid cardnumber 09:46 marcelr the find method is oftern not tested and should be tested more 09:45 marcelr looks like an obvious bug, mveron 09:43 cait was hoping to do some testing today 09:43 mveron :-( 09:43 cait been trying to get it to work again all morning, running out of ideas 09:43 cait having fights with kohadevbox :( no koha for me right now 09:42 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19048 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Self checkout: Internal server error in sco-main.pl 09:42 mveron Can anybody confirm Bug 19048? 09:42 cait hi mveron 09:42 mveron Hi cait :-) 09:42 mveron Hi ex-parrot :-) 09:41 ex-parrot hello mveron :) 09:40 mveron Hi again #koha 09:05 ex-parrot hey rangi :) 09:04 deb I wanted to know about the infrastructure and cost needed for koha implimentation 09:02 wahanui bonjour, deb 09:02 deb hi 07:09 cait $bbCait-12 07:04 cait /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion: xmalloc: .././copy_cmd.c:365: cannot allocate 32 bytes (835584 bytes allocated) 07:04 cait Stderr from the command: 07:04 cait has someone seen this before? 07:04 cait still having trouble resetting my kohadevbox 07:01 wahanui Using deft allegory, the authors have provided an insightful and intuitive explanation of one of Unix's most venerable networking utilities. http://www.amazon.com/Story-about-Reading-Railroad-Books/dp/0448421658 07:01 cait tcohen: ping? 06:53 BobB and no support concerns? 06:53 indradg BobB: yes, using it still 06:53 indradg hi cait 06:53 BobB hi cait :) 06:52 BobB It seems to have a very small developer community - 1 or 2 guys 06:52 * cait waves 06:52 BobB do you still use mibew? 06:52 BobB indradg you wrote a blog post on 'librarian chat' a while back, using mibew 06:46 alex_a bonjour 06:45 * magnuse waves 06:31 marcelr hi #koha 06:23 indradg hi BobB 06:15 BobB hi indradg 06:00 dpk1 Goodnight (or Good morning) wherever you are… 06:00 dpk1 Thanks again #koha. 05:54 dpk1 Thanks for the confirmation of my suspicion. 05:54 dpk1 Just did that via '/etc/init.d/koha-common restart' and that seems to have fixed it. I am guessing that was skipped when the update errored. 05:44 mtj Oops. Plack 05:44 mtj Dpk1. Did you try restarting placket and memcached? 05:39 dpk1 Has anyone seen this issue before? 05:27 dpk1 By the way, I was updated from 16.11.08. 05:25 dpk1 During the upgrade, the database update failed becauase mysql was not ready yet, but I manually ran updatedatabase.pl and it seemed to have finished successfullly. Is there perhaps some other updates steps that have been skipped? 05:23 dpk1 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/mainpage.pl line 31. 05:23 dpk1 Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/mainpage.pl line 31. 05:23 dpk1 Could not compile /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/mainpage.pl: Attempt to reload Koha/Patron/Discharge.pm aborted. 05:23 dpk1 hi all. I just ran an update (debian package upgrade) from 16.x to 17.05.02 and my admin site has broken with a the following error in plack-error.log: