Time Nick Message 15:55 cait1 @later tell tcohen could you take a look at failing tests on 16.11.x with me when you are around? 15:55 huginn` cait1: The operation succeeded. 17:54 * magnuse tries 16.11.06 on the test server 18:00 * magnuse proceeds with the prod server 18:03 * cait1 crosses fingers 18:27 * magnuse proceeds with killing off his flu 20:49 wizzyrea I'm not sure there is anything we can do really for bug 17717 20:49 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17717 critical, P4, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , process_message_queue.pl: Can't locate Authen/CAS/Client/Response/Failure.pm 21:45 wizzyrea oh nopetopus all over that "email lookup in the opac" thing from the list. 21:45 wizzyrea omg. no no no. 23:25 jcamins wizzyrea++ # nopetopus