Time Nick Message 21:37 huginn` eythian: The current temperature in Amsterdam, Netherlands is 7.0°C (10:25 PM CET on March 17, 2017). Conditions: Rain. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 6.0°C. Windchill: 2.0°C. Pressure: 29.74 in 1007 hPa (Falling). 21:37 eythian @wunder ams 21:19 huginn` blou: The current temperature in Milton Park, Montréal, Quebec is -2.0°C (5:13 PM EDT on March 17, 2017). Conditions: . Humidity: 100%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Falling). 21:19 blou @weather h2c2r2 21:18 huginn` blou: (weather <US zip code | US/Canada city, state | Foreign city, country>) -- Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city. 21:18 blou @weather 21:18 blou weather 21:18 blou waehter 20:00 huginn` eythian: The operation succeeded. 20:00 eythian @later tell drojf https://owncloud.kallisti.net.nz/s/oga521eUGBHjQKX https://owncloud.kallisti.net.nz/s/2IuCDefvmsz79JP you should see if you can find and drink this because it's really good 18:30 wahanui hey, kellym-lunch 18:30 kellym-lunch hi 18:29 tcohen hi kelly 18:18 kelly hi jzairo 18:17 jzairo HI Kelly and Adam from ARG! 18:17 kelly hello ! Training Adam with ARG 17:31 Joubu [off]I think [too much] beer is the factor for such a situation 17:28 * tcohen had too much beer on his system for such a delicate operation 17:28 cait yep 17:27 Joubu If "it" happens again, please film ;) 17:25 * tcohen barely remembers LibraryClaire joined him 17:24 wahanui interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad 17:24 cait interesting 17:24 tcohen he sings Britney Spears... 17:24 tcohen oh yeah 17:23 cait he knows about the good thing sin life 17:23 tcohen :( 17:23 gaetan_B see you next week in Marseille ! 17:20 tcohen cait: thank kidclamp :-D 17:20 cait oh nice! 17:20 wahanui rumour has it the like is hard to say, could adapt to yes, but doesn't feel intuitive 17:20 tcohen or the like 17:20 tcohen sudo service memcached restart; sudo koha-plack —restart kohadev ; sudo service apache2 restart 17:19 tcohen for 17:19 tcohen it is an alias 17:19 CrispyBran will do 17:19 cait oh what' sthat? 17:19 tcohen CrispyBran: on your notes, write that you need to run 'restart_all' just in case 17:19 cait probably would be a good habit to check for a database update (run the installer) every time you do a git pull 17:19 cait unti it kicks in later on 17:19 CrispyBran Adding it to my kohadevbox notes. 17:18 cait with plack when you do a git pull it doens't notice that there is a database update 17:18 CrispyBran ah 17:18 CrispyBran Yes, that did the trick. Not sure why it got bunged up in the first place. 17:18 cait so that's what someone told me i think when i ran into it 17:18 cait plack and kohadev always gave me trouble with that 17:18 CrispyBran cait ^ 17:18 tcohen running updatedatabase.pl manually, inside koha-shell kohadev 17:16 CrispyBran ?? 17:16 cait hm what? 17:12 CrispyBran cait: that seems to have fixed it. How did you do that? ;) 17:08 tcohen which is an alias 17:08 tcohen or restart_all 17:03 Joubu then restart memcached + plack (in this order) 17:03 Joubu exit # to be logged in as vagrant 17:02 Joubu perl installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl 17:02 Joubu sudo koha-shell kohadev 17:02 Joubu yes the reverse, execute the updatedb script manually then restart memcached + plack 17:02 CrispyBran oleonard: using koha-shell? Not familiar with this. Sorry. Still learning. 17:01 oleonard CrispyBran: using koha-shell 17:01 Joubu well done RM & RMaints ;) 16:59 cait typing from memory :) 16:59 cait CrispyBran: ./installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl or very similar 16:50 CrispyBran cait: how do I run the webinstaller from cammand line? 16:46 CrispyBran I have not run the webinstaller from command line before 16:46 cait CrispyBran: try restarting plack and run the webinstaller from command line 16:45 huginn` 04Bug 18297: critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Clicking on Stage MARC records for import launches koha installer 16:45 CrispyBran https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=18297 16:41 CrispyBran I'll check and report it. 16:41 oleonard Not known to me 16:40 wahanui known bug is, like, better than an unknown bug 16:40 CrispyBran known bug? 16:40 oleonard Yes 16:40 CrispyBran oleonard: in kohadevbox when I go to "Stage MARC records for import", Koha throws me into the koha installer. Are you seeing this on your end? 16:31 oleonard destroying and starting over worked Joubu 16:16 Joubu oleonard: you added the entry then restart memcached + plack and you still get the error? 16:02 reiveune bye 15:59 oleonard No luck :( 15:48 Joubu in the config part 15:47 Joubu yep 15:47 oleonard I should have <dev_install>1</dev_install> Joubu? 15:42 Joubu oleonard: check your dev_install entry in your koha-conf file, if you do not have it, add it and set it to 1 15:41 Joubu which was? Upgrade all the customers? 15:41 * tcohen goes back to his previous task 15:40 Joubu tcohen: he said he restarted everything :) 15:40 Joubu Ha, I guess it comes from the dev_install flag 15:40 tcohen oleonard, try restart_all 15:39 Joubu otherwise make sure the correct schema files are in used 15:39 Joubu so restart plack should work 15:39 Joubu I think this error is when the field is not known by dbic 15:38 Joubu oleonard: do you see the fields in the borrowers and deletedborrowers tables? 15:31 oleonard I've tried running updatedatabase manually and restarting all the relevant services 15:31 oleonard I'm getting an error in my kohadevbox installation: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): Unknown column 'me.overdrive_auth_token' in 'field list' at /home/vagrant/kohaclone/Koha/Objects.pm line 83 15:03 cait mtj++ 14:05 mtj ~/releases 14:05 khall1 can you tell me what dir you put it in? 14:05 mtj yep 14:05 khall1 mtj: do you have the tarball for 16.05 uploaded yet? 14:02 cait gmcharlt++ 13:59 khall1 ah, so 16.05 is ready? 13:59 cait khall1: ping 13:54 cait ping gmcharlt 13:51 mtj hiya, yeah.. all good :) 13:50 cait it's awfully late for you! 13:50 cait yay! 13:50 cait hey 13:50 mtj pushing 13:50 mtj ping galen, jajm, cait - i might have some perm error with pishing to the kc.org git repo 12:55 blou Seems they use marcedit a lot, which could be the cause of the problem if they played even once with 999$c or $d 12:54 blou record number. Sorry, didn't translate that part 12:54 blou I think 12:54 blou sn:123456 12:54 blou no issue reported with just searching with names (otherwise, I'm sure I would have had to fix it AND create a wiki :) ) 12:54 kivilahtio what is a notice number? 12:53 blou when searching by notice number. It returns both (the matching biblio and the matching biblioitem) 12:53 kivilahtio snap 12:53 kivilahtio blou: maybe we don't have to fear then :) 12:53 blou searches, on the other hand, gives an error 12:52 kivilahtio thanks 12:52 blou kivilahtio: Already got an answer: They use Serials and Acqui, a lot, and never reported an issue. 12:52 blou :) 12:51 Joubu blou: if you do it, write a wiki page ;) 12:49 kivilahtio blou: I did it but cant remember how anymore. I am pretty sure it was all one single SQL transaction 12:48 kivilahtio blou: do not fall into despair 12:48 kivilahtio blou: there arent that many 12:48 huginn` eythian: The current temperature in Amsterdam, Netherlands is 9.0°C (1:25 PM CET on March 17, 2017). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 62%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Steady). 12:48 eythian @wunder ams 12:45 blou Also: couldn't find an easy to fix that. Allllllllll the tables that would need to be validated and resynched simultaneously... argh. 12:45 blou I haven't explored since they reported no other problem than marcedit. 12:45 blou Like I said: we have no idea how it happened. Since it's only with recent items, I suspect some cataloguing or import that failed in the middle. 12:43 kivilahtio blou: ok. thanks 12:43 blou kivilahtio: email sent, I should have a response within an hour (search, acqui, serials). 12:40 blou kivilahtio: I'll ask. Serials.: I'm pretty sure. Acqui, I don't know 12:39 kivilahtio blou: do they use serials-module, or acquisitions? 12:39 kivilahtio they are rather apparent 12:39 blou I'll send an email right now 12:39 kivilahtio blou: I would imagine they have identified issues if there ar any 12:39 blou I could ask them to test today 12:39 kivilahtio blou: nice 12:38 blou They are in 3.22 12:38 blou (And they sure are the type to find such bad search result) 12:38 kivilahtio blou: but that is very old Koha already 12:38 kivilahtio blou: we have this in 3.16 12:38 blou they havent reported that issue 12:37 kivilahtio blou: but this behaviour was with 3.16 12:37 wahanui interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad 12:37 blou Interesting. 12:37 kivilahtio you click a search result titled "Jane Doe" and get a detail view of "John Deer" 12:37 blou But other than that, all normal usages are fine 12:37 blou kivilahtio: I . don't. Know. But a "customer" asked us, because it caused problem when exporting to modify with MarcEdit. 12:37 kivilahtio blou: the problem is that the results are not correct 12:37 Joubu maybe it works I do not know, but reading the code, it should not 12:36 Joubu blou: black magic? Hope you have an exorcist 12:36 kivilahtio blou: maybe somebody fixed something :) 12:36 kivilahtio blou: I don't know how it works for you 12:36 kivilahtio :) 12:35 kivilahtio but it has been 17 years Koha has been in existence 12:35 Joubu and people working on this project for years agree with that 12:35 kivilahtio Joubu: yes. Decision history looking forward 20 years too much :) 12:35 Joubu and should be removed 12:35 Joubu I think biblio and biblioitems tables are a decision history 12:35 blou Jumping in, completely out of the loop, but : We got production instances where biblionnumber and biblioitemnumber are out of sync. We don't know how it happened, but they work fine 12:35 kivilahtio but maintain the distinctions of different type of metadata about a bibliographic record 12:34 Joubu sorry, too early. I need tea, then I need to write patches 12:34 kivilahtio I dont know why you have to move biblioitemnumber and biblionumber together every place, where it doesnät have any purpose 12:34 kivilahtio instead of dropping biblioitems, switch all bibilinumber and biblioitemnumber refrence sto point into that 12:33 kivilahtio one way or the other, it is a big change 12:33 kivilahtio if you make changes to the way metadata is expressed in the DB you should go forward 12:32 kivilahtio what I am concerned is that you maneuver to an awkward position using small steps. 12:32 kivilahtio Joubu: it depends. Like I said earlier, you only need the biblio-column in cataloguing. Otherwise all fines, holds, acquisitions, subscriptions etc target the manifestation of work, the biblioitem 12:31 Joubu you will need to make Koha works with the 2 fields out of sync 12:30 kivilahtio You will need to anyway deal with a bibliographic record which comprises of multiple tables 12:30 kivilahtio fix some DB columns 12:30 kivilahtio this way you have a foothold to extend to Bibframe 12:29 kivilahtio which is pretty much switching to use biblioitemnumber instead of biblionumber 12:28 tcohen he 12:28 kivilahtio it is a massive change, effort is better spent making a working distinction between work and manifestation 12:28 tcohen good morning Joubu! 12:28 tcohen create a biblioitems view for retro-compatibility! 12:28 Joubu yes please 12:28 tcohen get rid of biblioitems! 12:28 Joubu DB structure is wrong 12:27 Joubu kivilahtio: so why should complicate my life? 12:27 kivilahtio Joubu: the point is preserving good DB structure 12:27 tcohen morning 12:27 kivilahtio Joubu: Koha has never worked with biblioitemnumber and biblionumber out of sync 12:26 oleonard Hi #koha 12:20 Joubu I will be really surprise if Koha works correctly with biblioitemnumber and biblionumber not in sync 12:20 francharb o/ #koha 12:19 Joubu in mind* 12:19 Joubu kivilahtio: biblio and biblioitems must be merged together anyway (even if you have things like representation of work, frbr, etc.) 12:18 Joubu kivilahtio: thanks for commenting 12:17 Joubu hi #koha 12:11 drojf hi #koha 11:53 rsantellan good morning #koha 11:21 ashimema In short.. we were allowing some references to leak 11:20 ashimema Whilst I was working on implementing it into 3 apps here I found some bugs and irregularities with the subroutine signature which we both decided should be fixed before continuing. 11:19 ashimema Lee is aiming to work on it during the perl QA hackathon in Lyon 11:19 ashimema the ::OAuth2::Server lib i'm relying on is undergoing a fairly big change right at he minute too.. so I called off work until that's complete 11:18 ashimema I have.. but I got bunged on another project for a week so i'm behind.. as usual :( 10:49 kivilahtio ashimema: have you been working on the OAuth2 stuff? 10:41 * magnuse is looking forward to next year 10:40 cait but LibraryClaire will be there 10:40 cait thx gaetan_B - will miss you all too 10:40 magnuse awww... 10:39 gaetan_B cait: i just saw you're not comoing to the hackfest! what a strange hackfest will it be without you and magnuse! 10:02 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 5.0°C (10:50 AM CET on March 17, 2017). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 70%. Dew Point: 0.0°C. Windchill: 2.0°C. Pressure: 28.71 in 972 hPa (Steady). 10:02 magnuse @wunder enbo 09:41 wahanui LibraryClaire is the monster under my bed 09:41 LibraryClaire me? 09:40 wahanui ouch! 09:40 * LibraryClaire pokes wahanui 08:18 gaetan_B hello 08:12 wahanui thanks LibraryClaire :) 08:12 LibraryClaire wahanui: botsnack ice cream 08:12 * LibraryClaire hugs wahanui 08:00 wahanui eythian: excuse me? 08:00 eythian wahanui: your back, it has a spider on it 07:59 wahanui eythian: excuse me? 07:59 eythian wahanui: you're back! 07:59 wahanui privet, eythian 07:59 eythian wahanui: hello 07:47 matts hi ! 07:47 fridolin hie tehre 07:41 reiveune hello 07:09 LibraryClaire morning #koha 07:05 alex_a bonjour 06:56 * magnuse waves 06:01 kivilahtio is prove t/db_dependent/Koha ever ran on the community Jenkins? 04:46 kivilahtio now you bring us down even deeper 04:45 kivilahtio biblio is a abstract form of metadata out of metadata 04:45 kivilahtio biblioitemnumber points to the real manifestation of work which has items and acquisitions and subscriptions etc 04:45 kivilahtio biblionumber should be only relevant in cataloguing and search context 04:45 kivilahtio Joubu: I told you do as you please. I strongly disagree about removing biblioitems-linkage. 03:35 mtj thanks again for your help :0) 03:34 mtj cya wiz, have a good one 03:32 wizzyrea oh I forgot some macrons. curses. 03:31 wizzyrea anyway, ka kite ano, nga hoa! 03:31 jcamins Hehe. 03:31 wizzyrea hehe it was bombay, not super amazing gin but not terrible. Slightly better than that made in a bathtub. 03:31 mtj jcamins: agree btw ^ :) 03:30 mtj np, ill try a proper 'vagrant destroy ; vagrant up' later wizzyrea 03:29 jcamins ^^ obviously the important question 03:29 jcamins wizzyrea: what kind of gin? 03:27 wizzyrea sorry mtj, the neuron that the solution for that lives on, I think I killed it with gin earlier this week. :( 03:25 mtj yes, plack is confirmed disabled 03:24 * wizzyrea has to go soon 03:24 wizzyrea ps ax | grep starman has no output? 03:23 wizzyrea it's not running at all 03:23 wizzyrea are you absolutely sure your plack is disabled? 03:23 mtj hmm, still the same :( 03:22 pastebot "mtj" at pasted "kohadevbox error" (13 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/343 03:18 mtj me just rebooted vm 03:18 wizzyrea yeah it's dying at the same spot 03:18 mtj ooh, very close tho... line 101 03:16 wizzyrea but it's not quite the same 03:16 wizzyrea this was on the list earlier 03:16 wizzyrea http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/file/n5925182/Software_Error.jpg 03:16 wizzyrea mysql version? maybe jessie just got 5.7? 03:15 wizzyrea has to be your environment then, though someone just posted about that -ish error on the list 03:14 mtj master, 16.11, and 16.5 03:13 wizzyrea or just master? 03:13 wizzyrea are you at a specific commit? 03:13 mtj yeah... done all at jazz twice 03:12 wizzyrea like plack was running or memcached needed to be restarted after a pull 03:12 mtj ah yeah, .. jessie 03:12 wizzyrea it was something dumb 03:12 wizzyrea i mean maybe I have but if I have 03:12 wizzyrea no, I'm sorry I have'nt seen that one 03:12 wizzyrea naw I meant the virtualmachine 03:12 mtj oh.. osx 03:11 mtj debian stable (of course) 03:11 wizzyrea what is the base os of this particular devbox? 03:10 mtj ive disabled plack already 03:10 mtj it bombs on 'step 3' of the install 03:10 wizzyrea where you need to disable plack to go through the web installer 03:10 wizzyrea mtj do you have a similar problem to dilan? 03:10 mtj ..on an empty db 03:09 mtj DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): Table 'koha_kohadev.search_field' doesn't exist at /home/vagrant/kohaclone/Koha/Objects.pm line 101 03:09 mtj speaking of kohadevbox.. has anyone seen this error during the web install..? 02:39 dilan thanks so much for that 02:38 dilan worked like a charm :) 02:31 wizzyrea and stuff. 02:31 wizzyrea so you can see your changes. 02:30 wizzyrea koha-plack --restart kohadev && sudo service memcached restart 02:30 wizzyrea yeah, you're gonna want to get familiar with 02:30 wizzyrea :) 02:30 wizzyrea the web installer isn't fantastically plack compatible 02:30 dilan that would explain a lot haha 02:30 wizzyrea yes, they are 02:30 wizzyrea again after you enable plack 02:29 wizzyrea and sudo service apache2ctl restart 02:29 dilan okay ill give it a go 02:29 dilan the devboxes are plackified upon spin up? 02:29 wizzyrea and sudo service memcached restart 02:29 wizzyrea then sudo koha-plack --enable kohadev 02:29 wizzyrea go through the web installer again 02:29 wizzyrea sudo apache2ctl restart 02:29 wizzyrea do sudo koha-plack --disable kohadev 02:28 wizzyrea is in your devbox 02:28 wizzyrea probably what you need to do 02:28 wizzyrea or something like 02:28 wizzyrea or update your master branch 02:27 wizzyrea maybe did you pull a new version recently? 02:27 dilan yes 02:27 wizzyrea ok, have you gone through the web installer? 02:27 dilan nope 02:27 dilan 1 sec let me try 02:27 wizzyrea ? 02:27 wizzyrea without being redirected to the web installers 02:26 wizzyrea can you do other stuff? 02:26 dilan *anyone else 02:26 dilan has anyone seen else had this happen to them? 02:26 dilan no matter how many times it completes successfully it never brings me to the actual screen 02:25 dilan hey guys i keep getting redirected to the web installer every time i try to stage a marc record for import in my devbox 01:54 kathryn that's is my feel-good Friday moment :D 01:53 kathryn hi I wanted to pass along a great quote from a new Koha library I visited today: "we deleted half of our user documentation, because Koha is so intuitive" Thanks for that, everyone!