Time Nick Message 22:18 wizzycray hi cait1 22:18 wizzycray hi irma 22:15 * cait1 waves at irma 22:12 irma good morning #koha 19:48 jcamins magnuse: in that case, nothing sinister. 19:42 eythian Better. 19:09 magnuse 19:07 liw 18:48 eythian I said silent! 18:47 magnuse jcamins: i can think of worse things... 18:17 eythian magnuse: as your lawyer I advise you to remain silent 17:29 jcamins How sinister do you consider double chocolate cookies and hot chocolate? 17:29 jcamins Depends. 17:29 jcamins Hehe. 17:29 * magnuse hopes "cocoa powder" is not code for something altogether more sinister... 17:28 magnuse god on you! :-) 17:28 jcamins magnuse: thanks. It was a bit touch-and-go for a while, but with the 5# bag and the six 8oz cartons I should be good for a while. 17:26 * magnuse congratulates jcamins on the cocoa powder