Time  Nick            Message
22:21 huginn          barton: The operation succeeded.
22:21 barton          @later tell oleonard I just put notes in bug 12420 -- syndetics is testing for ISBN when displaying images in opac-results.tt, but they show results for DVDs which use UPC instead. Should this be a separate bug report?
22:19 huginn          barton: oleonard was last seen in #koha 10 hours, 40 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: <oleonard> Sometimes you have to hold cheese day in your heart jcamins
22:19 barton          @seen oleonard
21:32 ccordova        if I have superuser permissions db and  koha  superlibrarian
21:26 wizzyrea        are you logged in as the db super user or as a regular superlibrarian user or some other kind of user?
21:25 ccordova        http://paste.koha-community.org/134
21:25 ccordova        I have a problem with my pb 3.22.11 to return a 500 error items throws me this shows in the log
21:22 ccordova        hi,
20:45 wahanui         hello, wizzyrea
20:45 wizzyrea        hi
19:31 rangi           morning
16:33 rsantellan      Those anybody knows how to search items by biblio number? I added a new item search field to the field 999#c but it searchs with a like not an equals
16:17 rsantellan      thanks for the help!
16:15 rsantellan      cait: I just added the 999 to the marc structure to all the frameworks and save the biblio with ModBiblioMarc and worked like a charm!! Now is indexing!
15:03 atheia          That bar is called Fietje it seems?
15:02 LibraryClaire   thanks :D
15:02 gaetan_B        LibraryClaire: ^^
15:02 gaetan_B        tonight's bar could be : https://goo.gl/maps/hJ2vNtv7Equ
14:57 kidclamp        thanks drojf
13:50 bag             tcohen: please don’t forgot to ask for a volunteer for taking notes
13:42 rsantellan      for each biblioitemnumber I will have to create a new 999 right?
13:41 cait            but i am not sure how to achieve that
13:41 cait            with the biblioitemnumber and biblionumber
13:41 cait            what you will want is have your 999 filled in correctly
13:41 rsantellan      and the upgradeitems I also ran it
13:41 cait            i am sorry, i am not sure i can help there
13:41 rsantellan      yes
13:41 cait            so this is an upgrade problem :(
13:41 rsantellan      perl $KOHA_PATH/misc/migration_tools/22_to_30/missing090field.pl
13:41 cait            ah
13:40 rsantellan      perl $KOHA_PATH/misc/migration_tools/22_to_30/move_marc_to_authheader.pl
13:40 rsantellan      perl $KOHA_PATH/misc/migration_tools/22_to_30/move_marc_to_biblioitems.pl
13:40 rsantellan      to migrate I did: perl $KOHA_PATH/installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl
13:40 cait            did you change the koha-to-marc-mappings?
13:40 cait            because those fields should be filled on import
13:39 cait            how did you import them into Koha?
13:37 huginn          04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17427 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Replace CGI::Session with Data::Session
13:37 Joubu           bensinober: bug 17427
13:37 rsantellan      do I need to create them?
13:37 rsantellan      but I don't have them on my biblos...
13:36 rsantellan      Zebra configuration information says BIBLIONUMBER in : 999$c and BIBLIOITEMNUMBER in : 999$d
13:35 rsantellan      it was an old record from 2.3. I created the leader with the migration scripts, the 001, 003, 005 and 008
13:35 drojf           kidclamp: http://www.jorol.de/2016-Koha-Catmandu/slides/#1
13:34 cait            how did the record get into Koha?
13:34 cait            ignored just means not visible in the editor in this case, which is fine
13:34 rsantellan      Record didn't contain match fields in (bib1,Local-number)
13:34 cait            what's the error you see?
13:34 cait            ignored is ok
13:34 rsantellan      no, I didn't change anything
13:34 rsantellan      marc21
13:34 cait            did you change the mappings?
13:34 rsantellan      I go to see the marc of the default framework and it says that is ignored the 999#c and 999#d
13:34 cait            which marc flavour are you using?
13:32 rsantellan      now is failing really bad because I believe the default configuration of getting the biblio number is on 999$c
13:31 rsantellan      I have a little question about zebra indexing and marc
13:31 rsantellan      good morning #koha
13:20 eythian         http://classicprogrammerpaintings.com/post/148027314949/we-rolled-our-own-crypto-pieter-bruegel-the
13:20 magnuse         bag: HIGH
13:02 bag             still feeling the cheese high
11:51 huginn          eythian: The current temperature in Schiphol, Badhoevedorp, Netherlands is 12.4°C (1:38 PM CEST on October 11, 2016). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Steady).
11:51 eythian         @wunder ams
11:42 jcamins         oleonard: I prefer cheese day in my tummy.
11:38 oleonard        Sometimes you have to hold cheese day in your heart jcamins
11:36 jcamins         Aww, man... there's no cheese day here! :'(
11:30 eythian         lots of smelly dutch cheese
11:30 eythian         it was cheese day here today, too
11:28 bag             cheese day is awesome
10:04 drojf           oleonard: ah ok
10:03 oleonard        drojf: No one has presented with slides yet
09:53 drojf           do we gather slides for presentations somewhere?
09:49 drojf           skipping that one, already got it at kohacon
09:49 drojf           thanks oleonard
09:48 oleonard        Presentation on FOLIO starting momentarily
09:46 bag             :P
09:46 drojf           bag: i know why i am in the other room :P
09:44 bag             drojf: cheese soon :D
09:40 drojf           thanks!
09:35 cait            we will try!
09:31 drojf           could somebody please announce the start of presentations here? i will miss everything otherwise
09:20 magnuse         bag: HI
09:07 bag             magnuse: HI
09:05 huginn          New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 16769: [QA Follow-up] Remove unsupported deepcopy parameter <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=118bff64be868df02b3a2363b3ad72cfcca0d8a6> / Bug 16769: [QA Follow-up] Still found an occurrence <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=75a217e672647dd26c14540a7ed0ee1df35532e8> / Bug 16769: Uniformise calls to Koha::Cache->set_in_cache <http://git.koha-community.org/gitwe
08:12 drojf           i'm in the small room in case somebody misses me ;)
08:12 drojf           gave up on resting, made it to the hackfest
08:12 * drojf         waves
07:50 magnuse         bag: HI
07:50 pastebot        "tcohen" at pasted "#!/usr/bin/env perl # This fil" (152 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/133
07:50 wahanui         what's up, bag
07:50 bag             magnuse: HI
07:48 nlegrand        Hey #koha!
07:36 fridolin        hie ther
07:25 * drojf         waves
07:25 * LibraryClaire waves
07:24 * magnuse       waves
07:18 LibraryClaire   thanks oleopard :D
07:17 oleonard        LibraryClaire: This is the HTML validation addon I use in Firefox: http://users.skynet.be/mgueury/mozilla/
07:14 wahanui         niihau, drojf
07:14 drojf           bonjour
07:13 matts           hello !
07:13 oleonard        Hello all
07:13 huginn          Joubu: The operation succeeded.
07:13 Joubu           @later tell aleisha about 14367 you should take a look at bug 17196
07:13 Joubu           aleisha_ : still around?
07:10 LibraryClaire   hi gaetan!
07:09 gaetan_B1       hello
05:17 huginn          dcook: The operation succeeded.
05:17 dcook           @later tell rangi I can see why you said to restart memcached. Trying to put it under load and had some explosive errors... appears to be related to memcached in some way.
05:06 dcook           I hope not at 6pm..
05:06 dcook           rangi: Still around?
02:29 dcook           aleisha++
02:29 dcook           :D
02:29 aleisha_        i am reviving it
02:28 dcook           np I totally forgot I'd even commented on that one
02:28 aleisha_        thanks :)
02:28 aleisha_        oh never mind they have written the tests i missed that
02:28 dcook           Yeah
02:28 dcook           Oh I see nvm
02:28 dcook           I suppose it would need new tests in either case?
02:27 aleisha_        which means also new tests?
02:27 dcook           aleisha_: Yeah
02:26 huginn          04Bug 14367: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, xarragon, Failed QA , History for MARC records. Roll back changes on a timeline or per field.
02:26 aleisha_        question: does the comment about adding new functions to C4::Biblio in https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=14367#c3 imply that a new file called Koha::Metadata::History should be created with those functions in it?
02:26 dcook           tfw you've already fixed it in master but you hadn't fixed it locally >_<
02:21 dcook           Hmm I wonder if that's broken upstream as well...
02:20 dcook           Only a little over half an hour on that one..
01:59 * dcook         shrugs
01:59 dcook           But it couldn't have been a year ago..
01:57 dcook           Ever have that feeling that something was working a few days ago, but it seems like it might've broken a year ago?
01:57 * dcook         scratches head
01:45 dcook           Oh fun... Javascript problems O)O
01:08 dcook           :)
01:08 jcamins         Oh, I know. I just thought I'd share a historical note.
01:08 dcook           But perl upgradedatabase.pl
01:08 wahanui         wizzyrea: I forgot koha-upgrade-schema
01:08 wizzyrea        forget koha-upgrade-schema
01:08 dcook           Well, except I dont' have koha-upgrade-schema of course with a non-Debian git install
01:07 dcook           Makes sense to me
01:07 jcamins         Yes.
01:07 wahanui         koha-upgrade-schema is, like, done now. I can login to the admin but in the opac site I'm getting unavailable error. should I change any setting after upgrade
01:07 jcamins         koha-upgrade-schema
01:07 dcook           instead of the web installer you mean?
01:07 dcook           Hmm?
01:07 jcamins         dcook: that's why updates are handled by a script.
01:06 dcook           Restarting Plack gets around it... but huh..
01:05 dcook           As the database says it's been updated
01:05 dcook           Indeed caching
01:05 dcook           Yees
01:05 dcook           Perhaps caching?
01:04 dcook           updatedatabase.pl applied its updates though
01:03 dcook           I thought I'd fixed the issue but I guess not
01:02 wahanui         it has been said that interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad
01:02 dcook           Interesting...
00:53 dcook           Spoiled by using Catalyst with Plack out of the box
00:53 dcook           Although obviously haven't tested it thoroughly
00:53 dcook           Plack on Git was pretty easy in the end..
00:52 dcook           To do a sign off :)
00:52 wizzyrea        plack on git
00:51 dcook           Now what on Earth was I doing in the first place..
00:50 dcook           Misconfiguration of course
00:50 wizzyrea        \o/
00:50 dcook           Carry on :p
00:48 dcook           Mucho foolishness I think
00:48 dcook           Yeees
00:48 dcook           Ahh... I think I understand
00:47 dcook           Leap frogging over Step 2..
00:46 dcook           Step 1 should be checking the modules... and that should be fine..
00:45 dcook           Lesse...
00:45 dcook           But the version gets updated in "finish"
00:45 dcook           It has a link to "finished"
00:45 dcook           On Step 3...
00:45 dcook           Hmm
00:43 dcook           lol
00:43 wizzyrea        pass ^.^
00:42 dcook           Also seeing a lot of these: "Could not restore 'STDIN': Invalid argument at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.20.1/Archive/Extract.pm line 146."
00:41 wizzyrea        \o/
00:41 dcook           I think we're all on the same page
00:41 wizzyrea        lol :)
00:41 dcook           I don't think I should've said anything to start with :p
00:41 rangi           cos those are the only places that change the version number
00:41 wizzyrea        you should start there :P
00:40 dcook           rangi: That's what I'm doing next
00:40 dcook           Clicking "Next" takes me to: "cgi-bin/koha/installer/install.pl?step=3&op=updatestructure&checkmodule=1"
00:40 rangi           have you checked updatedabase.pl and/or the atomic update to see if it sets it
00:40 wizzyrea        so sort out why it's not updating, and it will work again. :)
00:40 dcook           Or trying to say
00:40 dcook           That's what I'm saying :p
00:40 dcook           As it hasn't been updated to the "code version" in Koha.pm
00:40 wizzyrea        it hasn't, that's why you have a loop
00:40 dcook           So I'm still at the original position have having a lower value in the DB
00:40 wizzyrea        (as I understand it)
00:39 dcook           To me, it seems that the update hasn't gone through
00:39 wizzyrea        it is not how it is in your situation.
00:39 wizzyrea        ^ is how it *should* be
00:39 dcook           "you only have a version lower in the DB before you've gone through the update"
00:39 rangi           no
00:39 dcook           Which is what you just said
00:39 rangi           13:36 < dcook> Yep
00:39 rangi           13:36 <@wizzyrea> so it is lower?
00:39 rangi           no you said it was lower in the db
00:39 dcook           I'll look at memcached
00:38 dcook           That's what I was saying :p
00:38 rangi           to make sure you dont have an old one cached
00:38 rangi           and restart memcached
00:38 rangi           restart plack
00:38 wizzyrea        sends*
00:38 wizzyrea        send*
00:38 rangi           or it will prompt for an upgrade
00:38 wizzyrea        so it send you back to the beginning
00:38 rangi           needs to be the same as in  Koha.pm
00:38 wizzyrea        the updater hasn't updated the syspref.
00:38 wizzyrea        if you have gone through an update and it's still lower
00:38 wizzyrea        you only have a version lower in the DB before you've gone through the update
00:38 dcook           Ah wait... maybe I misundersttood you
00:38 rangi           the version in the systempreference
00:38 dcook           You've got me confused
00:37 rangi           srsly
00:37 dcook           What?
00:37 rangi           is precisely related only to the db version
00:37 rangi           the version Koha.pm
00:37 rangi           it is totally abnormal
00:37 dcook           O_o
00:37 wizzyrea        it is if you've gone through the updater
00:37 dcook           It shouldn't be abnormal to have a db version lower than the code version
00:37 wizzyrea        yep I've seen this.
00:36 dcook           Why's that?
00:36 dcook           I click "Next"
00:36 dcook           I'm at "/cgi-bin/koha/installer/install.pl?step=1&op=updatestructure"
00:36 wizzyrea        that's why you have an infinite loop :)
00:36 dcook           Yep
00:36 wizzyrea        so it is lower?
00:36 dcook           But it doesn't seem to update it
00:36 dcook           Yep
00:36 wizzyrea        i mean, is the version reported by the database different/lower than the version reported by Koha.pm?
00:35 dcook           How do you mean?
00:35 wizzyrea        db version gone wrong?
00:25 dcook           Web installer > Step 1 to Step 3 and back over and over..
00:25 dcook           And I appear to be stuck in an infinite loop
00:25 dcook           Oh my...
00:24 dcook           Although damned dev atomic updates just nuked some tables... sigh
00:24 dcook           wizzyrea: Seems to be working :)
00:19 dcook           Ah... HTTP::Server::PSGI doesn't seem to handle the redirect for some reason..
00:17 dcook           Interestingly, Starman will return the page while HTTP::Server::PSGI will just show Plack::Middleware::Lint errors...
00:17 dcook           Getting better..
00:15 dcook           Might help if I actually configure it correctly
00:14 dcook           Ah, I think I see...
00:12 dcook           Lesse...
00:12 dcook           Fewer errors with Starman but still doesn't work
00:10 dcook           I'm thinking perhaps the issue is the koha.psgi..
00:09 dcook           "Response needs to be 3 element array, or 2 element in streaming at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.20.1/Plack/Middleware/Lint.pm line 112"
00:07 wahanui         missing is usualy library only, an item that's not out
00:07 dcook           At a glance koha.psgi looks all right, so not sure what I'm missing
00:06 wizzyrea        hm yeah there would be quite a few ins and outs to fiddle with I think
00:05 dcook           Not having too much luck
00:05 * dcook         is trying to get Plack to work on a git install
00:05 dcook           lol
00:05 wizzyrea        well I think I'm funny.
00:04 wizzyrea        git nope 3 resets to 3 commits back
00:04 wizzyrea        idk the context of "keyword nope" but I really think that should be a git code review command
00:00 rangi           yeah git gets better all the time