Time Nick Message 23:54 dcook In this case, I just need HEAD, so that's great 23:54 dcook rangi: That's awesome. I'll give that a whirl next time 23:53 rangi i dont think we have a keyword nope 23:52 rangi would be pretty good, the last 1000 commits 23:52 rangi --depth 1000 23:52 dcook rangi: Yes, that would be awesome 23:51 * dcook doesn't even want to try to think of that in subversion 23:51 huginn 04Bug 17421: minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Missing dependency on CGI::Emulate::PSGI 23:51 dcook (https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17421) 23:51 dcook rangi: Do we have a Bugzilla keyword or anything for Plack? 23:50 rangi we should document those more 23:49 rangi or git clone --branch master --single-branh .. if you dont want all the old branches too etc 23:49 rangi with --depth 23:48 rangi ie, if you dont need the full history, just grab the last year or so 23:48 rangi i think we should tell people tho, that they can clone less 23:45 rangi imagine that in subversion :) 23:45 rangi if you ask me, for 17 years of history, thats remarkably small :) 23:34 dcook Ah 2.22GB 23:34 dcook Over 2.2GB and still downloading.. 23:34 dcook The Koha git is sure big.. 23:25 * dcook waves 20:52 CrispyBran This is fun. 20:08 wahanui hola, wizzyrea 20:08 wizzyrea hi 19:27 rangi morning 18:56 eythian http://perlweekly.com/archive/272.html <-- someone about this seems familiar... 17:44 nengard i'm always here, just been working hard at the new job :) 17:44 CrispyBran Nice to see you nengard. You've been quiet. 17:43 nengard hehe 17:43 nengard ? 17:43 wahanui well, CrispyBran is a mess 17:43 nengard who is CrispyBran 17:43 wahanui hi, nengard 17:43 nengard Hello 17:42 wahanui nengard is the queen of documentation. 17:42 CrispyBran nengard! 17:42 CrispyBran It is quiet and lonely in here today. 15:42 gaetan_B bye, see you at the pub 15:31 bag I think it’s beer o’clock eythian 15:01 eythian I think france has fallen off the internet 14:40 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16694 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Needs Signoff , Limit SIP2 auth by patron attribute 14:40 magnuse looking at bug 16694 now 14:38 reiveune bye 14:32 dani thanks for the help 14:32 huginn dani: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready 14:32 dani @cait++ 14:14 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17386: Simplify code <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=649956b216aa21fee70a75d2f9f9f0ac213415d0> / Bug 17386: Add opac notes for patron to self checkout screen <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=d63f02a8c46439d76507bb1b07c40e6a86f4130a> 14:14 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13029 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, chris, Signed Off , Allow to pass additional parameters to SMS::Send drivers 14:14 magnuse there, bug 13029 finally signed off 13:54 pastebot "magnuse" at pasted "...and now i just get this!" (31 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/132 13:46 eythian that's an awkward turn of phrase 13:45 magnuse consent</b>. 13:45 magnuse by making you click on a URL which redirected you here <b>without your 13:45 magnuse token, which may indicate that someone tried to abuse you, for instance 13:45 magnuse You submitted changes to process_bug.cgi with an invalid 13:45 magnuse <!--reason=invalid_token--> 13:45 magnuse i'm getting this: 13:44 magnuse anything i need to update to make git bz attach work again? 13:39 eythian surely that should be --style tiger 13:39 huginn eythian: Quote #186: "trea: git-fu --tiger style /whooosh" (added by wizzyrea at 04:29 PM, February 02, 2012) 13:39 eythian @quote random 13:38 bag oleonard: ok well maybe not 7 minutes and 31 seconds - but I will start a stopwatch now 13:34 huginn gmcharlt: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready 13:34 gmcharlt @quote ad... nah ;) 13:34 oleonard I feel like oleonard probably talks too much 13:34 eythian I feel like oleonard seeded the RNG 13:33 huginn eythian: Quote #140: "<oleonard> That's why I'm the only one with a flying car. I just didn't figure anyone else would be interested." (added by gmcharlt at 12:39 PM, June 03, 2011) 13:33 eythian @quote random 13:33 huginn gmcharlt: Quote #179: "oleonard: Linux people are the ones who spend the longest pulling on the door that says push ;) "But pushing is /better/!"" (added by wizzyrea at 09:03 PM, January 10, 2012) 13:33 gmcharlt @quote random 13:11 eythian ah, that's alright then :) 13:11 marcelr no i flew 4 hours further :) 13:10 eythian (because if around nl, you perhaps left it a bit too late :) 13:09 eythian around nl, or further afield? 13:08 marcelr yeah late one 13:07 eythian ah right, you've been on holiday? 13:07 * oleonard is hackfesting too this year! Yay! 13:07 marcelr eythian: no just got back here 13:07 nengard :) 13:07 oleonard Hi nengard 13:06 eythian marcelr: did you go to Marseille? 13:06 nengard morning hackfesters :) 12:58 marcelr :) 12:58 bag marcelr: yes 12:52 rsantellan good morning #koha 12:49 marcelr can i pass you a few numbers more ? 12:49 marcelr bag: no problem at all :) 12:43 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17310: Broken URLs in 'Item renewed' / 'Cannot renew' messages <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=884e28fab5e4db86dd9f50f2908519a0cd6650d5> 12:34 fridolin actually sign off does not work 12:34 fridolin Joubu: thanls , i did not knew this one 12:33 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17396: Remove unnecessary t/DataTables/Members.t is unnecessary tests <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=613b2126f042311805d1ef7eb822231c8f0a4dee> / Bug 17088: Add tests to cover the changes <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=bc1e23e1f11e146e282d0e2efa7fd77e2c26d631> / Bug 17088: [Follow-up] Use Logger for failed exports <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p 12:30 atheia :-D 12:30 atheia fridolin++ 12:30 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6473 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, wizzyrea, NEW , Test bug for Git-bz 12:30 Joubu fridolin: you should test your sandboxes on bug 6473 ;) 12:27 atheia ashimema, yup yup, ptfs-e boxes are up and running. 12:24 magnuse bag: HI 12:24 bag magnuse: knuckles 12:23 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17035 - Koha allows system-wide 'read' access to all Koha zebra databases, by... <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=f2196a2e4f21a9a294c970a1ad067f5c3d1cb4eb> 12:23 magnuse bonjour tcohen 12:19 tcohen bonjour 12:13 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 7143: Release team for 16.11 <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=421bc4523f150d02e7b1c9ded3ca619bef135d92> 12:09 * ashimema_ thinks whilst he's going down this route, he'll try running koha using a perlbrew of latest perl :S 12:09 marcelr great 12:08 magnuse marcelr: added it to my todo list 12:07 * magnuse should get some normarc sandboxes up and running when he can find the time 12:06 * ashimema_ hoopes the ptfs-e one's are too atheia 12:06 fridolin see wiki for more info 12:06 ashimema_ woop, woop 12:06 fridolin at laaaaaaaaaaaast, our sandboxes are up 12:05 ashimema_ hehe, i'm good with floors ;) 12:04 oleonard You'll have to sit on the floor ashimema_ 12:04 fridolin https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes#BibLibre 12:04 ashimema_ busy office full ? 12:04 ashimema_ hows it all going out there? 12:03 ashimema_ i'm sure i could fix it.. but not on the train ;) 12:03 ashimema_ i didn't try again 12:03 eythian doh 12:03 ashimema_ with bad internet it took an hour to download with apt.. then promptly exploded 12:02 eythian just ... apt-get install virtualbox-ose, surely 12:02 ashimema_ perhaps a gitify is the way to go.. save me a bit of work 12:01 ashimema_ couldn't even get virtualbox to install 12:01 ashimema_ i failed at the fist hurdle with kohadevbox 12:00 eythian it hasn't changed much that I know of 12:00 ashimema_ but perhaps things have improved? 12:00 ashimema_ i never really liked it. found it really got in the way when qaing certain types of patches 12:00 eythian ashimema_: remember koha-gitify 11:59 * ashimema_ installing from a git clone and setting everything up from there 11:59 * ashimema_ is doing it the old fashioned way.. 11:47 AndrewIsh atheia: hurray! i've given up here 11:46 marcelr still applies 11:46 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13438 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Convert normarc framework plugins to new style (see also 10480) 11:46 marcelr magnuse: any chance to signoff on bug 13438 this week ? 11:45 LibraryClaire I'm in! :D 11:42 atheia Will definitely be able to help you when you get here. 11:42 atheia Running into a number of issues ourselves, but slowly but steadily massaging our way through them. 11:42 LibraryClaire i was having issues getting kohadevbox to install properly, but i think partly due to internet speed 11:42 atheia AndrewIsh, we've got a little devbox installfest going here atm. 11:01 AndrewIsh failing during provisioning 11:01 AndrewIsh "[WARNING]: Could not create retry file 'site.retry'. [Errno 2] No suchfile or directory: '' 11:01 AndrewIsh is anyone experienced with the kohadevbox install? i'm getting an odd error and can't tell if it's down to the (exceedingly) dodgy internet or something else 11:00 * ashimema_ has reverted to installing a dev instance himself.. all these dependancies for dev box just aren't viable on a 3G flaky connection 10:37 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17292: Follow up - tweak to make it pass cleaner <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=6ff836ab3154a886e0aeedb1152f6caf2e546444> / Bug 17292 - Use of DBIx in updatedatabase.pl broke upgrade <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=f11f07a703eca7da2d32c105f8c9f4f46f940b6f> 10:22 cait 17396 pqa - someone around to take a look at 17403 for memaybe? 10:17 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17324: Deal with branchcode NULL issue <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0599ab00768e7d2ee487c6d02a0230d4a2a96d9e> 10:15 * oleonard recommends the taxi 10:14 AndrewIsh mmmm, we have heavy bags too... 10:14 * AndrewIsh waves at atheia 10:14 atheia The walk to the hotel is lovely — but does take about 30 min. 10:13 * atheia waves to AndrewIsh 10:12 nlegrand Hey! 10:09 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17403 critical, P1 - high, ---, veron, Signed Off , Internal Server Error while deleting patron 10:09 cait hm, problems testing bug 17403 - problem doesn't occur for me 10:07 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17345: Fix typo in sysprefs.sql <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=130534c4241397992521d6da49ebdc761203b3e3> 10:05 LibraryClaire atheia walked to the hotel yesterday 10:05 cait hm, can't add new cards to the trello board? :( 09:59 ashimema_ i seem to remember walking it last time I was in at hackfest 09:57 * fridolin setting up our sandboxes 09:55 magnuse ashimema_ or a taxi - mine was 9 EUR from the railway station to the hotel last night 09:54 eythian hi fridolin 09:54 * fridolin at marseille now 09:54 * LibraryClaire waves 09:54 fridolin hie alllllll 09:47 cait blue one, to estrangin prefecture or similar - it's written on the spreadsheet 09:47 cait ashimema: maybe better take the metro 09:47 * cait waves at AndrewIsh 09:46 AndrewIsh Hellooo! 09:46 * ashimema_ is bringing AndrewIsh to 09:46 ashimema_ but.. we're already running about half an hour late :( 09:45 ashimema_ then a wonder across town 09:45 ashimema_ in theory 2.45 09:44 cait ashimema when do you arrive? 09:44 cait ohoh 09:40 * LibraryClaire waits for cloning koha repository... 09:39 ashimema_ hmm, installing virtualbox via 3g on a train.. bad plan 09:16 huginn 04Bug 16591: is not accessible. 09:16 drojf magnuse: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16591#c7 maybe something like that 09:16 LibraryClaire ashimema! o/ 09:16 magnuse drojf: which dependency would that be? 09:15 magnuse just trying to edit the enhanced messaging settings 09:15 wahanui rumour has it missing dependency is packaged now, so its just dealing with the upgrade from 3.2 and items data moving to go 09:15 drojf magnuse: missing dependency? 09:15 magnuse i did not do anything special! 09:15 magnuse huh "Wrong CSRF token at /home/vagrant/kohaclone/members/memberentry.pl line 287." 09:14 atheia ashimema_, running through a kohadevbox install w LibraryClaire at the moment — we can compare notes when you're here in the interest of updating the wiki pages! 09:06 cait ashimema yes and yes 09:03 * ashimema_ adds a 'update and clarify the wiki pages for getting a dev env setup' to the weeks todo list.. they're a mix of good, bad and ugly.. some outdated, some jsut crpytic 09:02 ashimema_ do people tend to run under plack for development these days? 09:02 ashimema_ are we all fans of kohadevbox now? 09:01 ashimema_ whats the current recommended dev setup anyone? 08:58 magnuse ashimema++ 08:56 * ashimema_ gets hacking on getting a local dev environment up and running again.. it's been too long since my last proper koha hacking 08:55 ashimema_ bye bye lyon.. speeding through the french countryside :) 08:46 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Schiphol, Badhoevedorp, Netherlands is 9.2°C (10:35 AM CEST on October 10, 2016). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Windchill: 9.0°C. Pressure: 30.24 in 1024 hPa (Steady). 08:46 eythian @wunder ams 08:46 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 12.0°C (9:30 PM NZDT on October 10, 2016). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Steady). 08:46 eythian ug 08:46 eythian @wunder nzwn 08:38 wahanui somebody said marseille was a very contrasted city, some parts are gorgeous, other parts are... well... not so 08:38 marcelr oh marseille 08:38 * cait sends marcelr some sweets from Marseille 08:38 marcelr hi cait 08:38 cait morning marcelr! 08:37 marcelr hi #koha 08:20 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13029 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, chris, Needs Signoff , Allow to pass additional parameters to SMS::Send drivers 08:20 * magnuse has a go at bug 13029 08:11 matts :) 08:09 LibraryClaire hi matts o/ 08:08 magnuse who can give access to https://trello.com/b/mMM8OV7N/koha-hackfest-2016-hfk16 ? 08:06 matts hello #koha :) 08:02 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 17384 - Categories do not display in patron editing form if they have only one... <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=6f4f32f4bc1f2176c60fe34cf37b3822f08481aa> 08:02 magnuse LibraryClaire: https://github.com/digibib/kohadevbox 07:36 * atheia waves 07:35 oleonard Hi #koha 07:33 * magnuse waves 07:32 * LibraryClaire waves 07:32 drojf bonjour 07:32 LibraryClaire o/ gaetan_B 07:30 gaetan_B hello 07:01 reiveune hello 05:28 wahanui bidet, drojf 05:28 drojf bonjour 04:49 ola Hello! We have upgraded to 16.05.04 from 3.22.03 this Friday and now get reports that renewals does not work. Koha says the item/s have been renewed but the due date is in most cases set to current date. Any ideas to what is happening or what to do/look for are greatly appreciated.