Time Nick Message 09:48 simon_ i am new to koha and perl. just browsing through the code i wondered if anyone could point me towards some introductory information about the general project structure, paradigms or frameworks used? 10:26 drojf ping 11:55 magnuse ah, just 3.5 hours before my next plane leaves 16:54 barton no criticals from craban. 19:12 rangi thanks gmcharlt 21:55 archer121 hi, can I deny OPAC login if the IP address is not starting with "192.168."? 21:56 rangi you want them to be able to see the opac, but not login? 22:03 archer121 yes 22:04 rangi you can't currently, that would need development work 22:04 rangi you can block them from seeing it all together, but if they have a username and password that are valid, there is no code to block by IP at that point 22:05 rangi i am sure it is a feature that others would like also, if you wanted to work on it, or pay someone too that would be excellent 22:05 archer121 you mean jquery? 22:05 rangi naw 22:05 rangi jquery would be totally insecure 22:05 archer121 yeah 22:05 rangi has to be done serverside 22:05 rangi you'd have to modify C4::Auth 22:05 rangi and add checks in there 22:06 archer121 I am a student, so I can work on it but won't be able to pay anyone. 22:06 rangi working on it is just as good :) 22:07 rangi you should file a bug at bugs.koha-community.org and say you plan to work on it (also maybe someone already is too) 22:07 archer121 Can I possibly implement what I want by configuring apache? 22:08 rangi not easily 22:08 rangi you could certainly restrict ips from seeing certain pages on the opac, or all of it 22:09 rangi however you could restrict all pages where a login might be needed 22:10 rangi to a certain ip range 22:10 rangi eg opac-reserve.pl opac-user.pl and a bunch more 22:10 wizzyrea might be easier to explicitly allow only say, the home page. 22:10 wizzyrea and restrict everything else. 22:10 rangi and the search 22:10 wahanui somebody said the search was for the patrons not the librarians 22:11 rangi and detail, and cart ... i think there might actually be about the same ;) 22:11 rangi but either or 22:11 archer121 ok, now that I've found you, let me ask you something else. Our koha server stops working every sunday due to logrotate failing to start back zebra and plack. I see that many others are also having the same issue. I don't see it fixed even in 3.22.11. Why? 22:12 rangi because no one has fixed it 22:12 archer121 But it is a very critical bug right? 22:13 rangi its reasonably critical, but incredibly inconsistent 22:14 archer121 consistent here though. 22:14 rangi it doesnt happen on the 30 odd sites I look after, reliably happens on others 22:14 rangi hard to fix if you cant recreate 22:15 archer121 i'll be happy to help. But I don't know perl, and I have been doing this only for a few months. 22:15 rangi you could try tweaking /etc/logrotate.d/koha-common 22:15 rangi its nothing to do with perl 22:15 rangi or koha even 22:15 rangi its the logrotate job is trying to restart a daemon, that hasnt finished stopping 22:16 rangi so knowing about logrotate and how to configure it, is much more important than knowing perl 22:16 archer121 in my opinion the problem is that koha-stop-zebra is exiting without making sure that zebra is fully stopped. 22:18 rangi no perl in there either ;) thats shell script 22:20 rangi which uses start-stop-daemon 22:20 rangi http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/start-stop-daemon.8.html 22:21 archer121 apparently this has already been done and should have been fixed from 3.22.10 22:21 archer121 https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16885 22:21 huginn 04Bug 16885: normal, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Stable , koha-stop-zebra should be more sure of stopping zebrasrv 22:22 rangi and yet, it still happens on yours 22:23 archer121 yes, which requires some investigation 22:23 rangi you could add some more echos in 22:25 rangi or try running the start-stop-daemon command by hand etc 22:30 archer121 I tried a `logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/koha-common` but this did not affect koha. 23:03 irma good morning jamesb 23:32 irma jamesb call my mobile anytime to clarify/add your thoughts .... (I think we both never get to use our full monthly call quota) 23:33 irma good morning #koha