Time Nick Message 02:51 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 02:51 mtompset Can I get a sign off for bug 16920? :) 02:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16920 major, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Needs Signoff , sysprefs.sql - missing comma for MaxOpenSuggestions 02:56 rangi yep 02:56 rangi 2 secs 03:01 dcook wth... RHEL doesn't have "corelist"? 03:02 kidclamp mtompset++ 03:02 kidclamp rangi++ 03:02 kidclamp boneheadmistakes-- 03:02 mtompset Thanks, kidclamp. :) 03:03 kidclamp have a good night! 03:05 mtompset What do you mean by "corelist" dcook? 03:07 dcook The utility 03:07 dcook It's part of Module::CoreList 03:08 dcook Looks like Red Hat packages it separately so it's still installable 03:08 dcook But... it's a core module 03:08 dcook I suppose Red Hat meddles with Perl more than one would think.. 03:41 mtompset Ah. 03:41 mtompset dcook: Could I get you to run 3 things? 03:41 mtompset t/db_dependent/Circulation.t 03:41 mtompset t/db_dependent/DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t 03:41 mtompset t/db_dependent/Reserves.t 03:41 mtompset prove those. 03:45 dcook Alas, super busy over here. Sorry :/ 04:26 sjamso hello 04:26 wahanui niihau, sjamso 04:26 sjamso hi 04:27 sjamso Can anyone help me with the email notification in koha 3.20? 04:28 sjamso I want my koha to send overdue email notification. 04:28 mtompset Maybe https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Commands_provided_by_the_Debian_packages#koha-email-enable 04:29 mtompset I'm off. Sorry. 04:29 mtompset Have a good day (24 hour period), #koha. 04:30 sjamso I have checked the link but didn't help me. 04:31 sjamso I can send email by running the script ./overdue_notices.pl but I don't want that. I want koha to do it automatically with cron jobs. Please help me out 04:39 wizzyrea have you run sudo koha-email-enable <instancename> 04:39 wizzyrea ? 04:40 wizzyrea because if you installed with the packages, that's really all you should need to do 04:41 sjamso koha-email-enable <instancename> does not work with me because I didn't install with the packages 04:42 sjamso Is there any other alternative to enable the email 04:44 dcook sjamso: If you didn't install with packages, you have to set up your own cronjobs 04:45 rangi theres a misc/cronjobs/crontab.example that you can use as an example of how to 04:45 sjamso thank you @dcook. Yes I tried with the cronjobs also. But it did't work for me. May be I am doing wrong somewhere 04:46 sjamso thank you @rangi... I will check 04:49 dcook sjamso: If it's due to errors, your root user should probably be getting emails saying what the errors are 04:49 dcook I'm guessing you're probably not exporting your PERL5LIB env variable 04:50 dcook KOHACONF as well probably 04:52 sjamso @dcook. I don't get any error message. I am able to send the mail by running the ./overdue_notices.pl but cannot send it with help of cronjobs 04:52 huginn sjamso: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 04:53 sjamso can you please elaborate on the cronjobs and exporting of PERL5LIB and KOHACONF.... please 04:54 dcook sjamso: If you look at misc/cronjobs/crontab.example, you'll see how to do it 04:55 dcook Ex: http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=blob;f=misc/cronjobs/crontab.example;h=cef4740ef4ecd492d3d70e8f339791aa9210fa33;hb=HEAD 04:55 sjamso thanks @dcook... I am checking the link and the misc/cronjobs/crontab.example file too 04:58 sjamso Where shall I put the crontab.example file after editing and renaming it? Please I need help because I am new to koha 05:00 dcook It sounds like you're new to Linux as well ;) 05:00 sjamso yes. Please need your help 05:01 dcook You could rename it to something like "koha" and put it in /etc/cron.d 05:01 dcook eg /etc/cron.d/koha 05:02 sjamso okii..thank you 05:03 sjamso Can I append it with the existing cronjob file which I already have for reindexing the zebra 05:04 dcook Well, you'll see in the example that it includes Zebra indexing 05:04 dcook So I'd probably review that existing cronjob you have 05:05 sjamso ok. Thank you @dcook 05:06 sjamso I will try as you have suggested. 06:42 eythian dcook: excellent :) 06:48 dcook eythian: :D 06:48 marcelr hi #koha 07:42 drojf morning #koha 07:46 sjamso @dcook, the cronjob does not seem to execute the file in /etc/cron.d/koha but it executes the cronjobs in crontab -e. Why?.. Please help 07:46 huginn sjamso: I've exhausted my database of quotes 07:56 drojf catmandu++ 10:05 eythian yay, plans to drive a boat around the canals for a couple of hours with some friends again this evening. It's great fun. 11:00 drojf i could use a boat 11:48 oleonard Hi #koha 11:49 drojf hi oleonard 12:16 LibraryClaire hi #koha 12:36 tcohen morning 12:36 tcohen hi Joubu 12:46 eythian http://www.damtotdamfietsclassic.nl/files/2012/02/routekaart_2015.png <-- liw, when you organise an Obnam conference, you should have it in Obdam (near the top of that map.) 12:47 liw oh no, not an obnam conference 12:49 eythian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obdam <-- liw, well apparently it no longer exists anyway. But that's no excuse. 12:49 * oleonard rewrites Koha to use issues.datedue instead of issues.date_due so that he won't keep getting them mixed up 12:52 marcelr Obdam no longer exists? 12:52 eythian marcelr: looks like it got removed 12:53 marcelr only on wikipedia hopefully :) 12:54 eythian "The municipality ceased to exist on 1 January 2007" 12:55 liw eythian, if someone else arranges an obnam conference, I will probably show up, but I don't have the energy to even think about arranging one :) 12:59 eythian marcelr: well, seems to be the difference between the gemeente and the plaats itself, the english wikipedia doesn't really make much of a distinction. The gemeente is what went away/merged. 12:59 marcelr they're always merging 13:01 eythian yeah, I got quite confused when searching for places to live around here. Different people calling it westerpark, west, oude west, etc. Turns out they all merged some years back into "west" 13:55 * LibraryClaire pokes wahanui 13:55 wahanui ouch! 15:29 test123 Do anyone know how an IR thermometer work? 15:31 oleonard Not exactly a Koha question test123 :) 15:33 oleonard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared_thermometer 15:33 test123 Never mind then, someone yesterday said something about it. 15:33 oleonard Yes, we circulate them as part of our library collection: https://search.myacpl.org/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=388857 16:39 oleonard So in order for hold suspension by date to work, you have to run a cron job which unsuspends holds which are past the suspension end date? 16:39 oleonard You have to run misc/cronjobs/holds/auto_unsuspend_holds.pl to unsuspend the holds? 16:44 cait i think so 23:27 cait hmmm 23:27 cait the split button on catalouging page doesn't seem to work for me - I pick a freameowrk to create a new record for and nothing happens 23:28 cait aah 23:28 cait forget that 23:28 wahanui cait: I forgot that 23:28 cait thx wahanui 23:28 wahanui yw 23:31 talljoy anyone still here? 23:31 talljoy cait you here? 23:31 cait yep 23:31 cait sleepy but here 23:31 talljoy quick then 23:31 talljoy are you aware of a bug with opachiddenitems not working? 23:31 talljoy i set it but it doesn't hide my items 23:31 talljoy just tested on master as well 23:32 cait ohoh 23:32 cait aah 23:32 cait try adding ablank line 23:32 cait at the end 23:32 talljoy let me try that 23:32 cait and which code are you using? 23:33 talljoy this is master 23:33 talljoy itype 23:33 talljoy code 23:33 talljoy sorry 23:33 cait ah i meant in the pref 23:33 cait :) 23:33 talljoy itype: [AUDCD] 23:33 talljoy still there. 23:33 cait hmm 23:33 talljoy ikr 23:33 talljoy weird. 23:33 cait and you added an additional line break... 23:33 talljoy yup 23:33 cait let me tryon my installation 23:36 cait *sighs* 23:36 cait yeah 23:36 cait it does appeartobebroken :( 23:36 talljoy okay, i got it to work 23:37 talljoy so i had itype:[AUDCD] 23:37 talljoy and it needs to be itype: [AUDCD] 23:37 talljoy and the empty line had to have a space in it 23:37 talljoy not just a carriage return. 23:37 cait oh 23:37 talljoy that is some finicky syntax. 23:37 talljoy wowser 23:38 cait glad you managed :) 23:38 cait I had a typo in my itemtypecode 23:38 talljoy well thanks for the tip on the blank line 23:38 talljoy cait++ 23:38 cait np 23:38 talljoy me and The Koha are not getting along today 23:39 talljoy time to throw in the towel. 23:39 rangi yaml sux 23:39 talljoy HA 23:39 rangi the end 23:44 wizzyrea #truthbomb 23:47 cait hm bug 9701 seemsto behave nicely 23:47 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9701 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, joachim.ganseman, Signed Off , Configure default indicator 23:47 cait just needs a tiny unit test 23:57 cait1 night all 23:57 wahanui goodnight cait1. You'll be back.