Time Nick Message 22:14 Francesca hi/bye cait 22:14 cait morning Francesca , good night #koha ! 22:03 Francesca morning 21:22 * cait waves 20:29 reiveune bye 17:51 drojf evening 15:34 drojf hi #koha 14:32 vfernandes solved... :) one line in ccl.properties 14:27 wahanui rumour has it anyone is free to organize one at any time :-) 14:27 vfernandes anyone? 14:22 vfernandes how to change it to holdingbranch? 14:21 vfernandes by default the search index branch is for item homebranch 14:21 vfernandes hi #koha 11:58 vfernandes the next project should be Koha manual translation 11:58 vfernandes http://translate.koha-community.org/pt/ -> koha 16.05 is now fully translated to portuguese 11:58 vfernandes how to add a 16.05 manual project to Koha translate? 11:57 vfernandes hi #koha 09:29 * atheia waves 08:54 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:54 Joubu @later tell rangi sorry for the new PR, but I missed one occurrence of D7 in the first one :-/ 08:46 LibraryClaire hi atheia :) 08:38 atheia As always, wahanui, spot on. 08:38 wahanui the only good morning is a dead one 08:38 atheia Good morning 08:23 LibraryClaire hi eythian 08:21 eythian hi 08:01 LibraryClaire morning #koha 07:33 marcelr eythian: lol programmerpaintings 07:32 marcelr hi #koha 07:15 akawa Is this the right way (at 16.05) to import data/authorities and link them? (https://lists.katipo.co.nz/public/koha/2015-January/041843.html) 06:53 alex_a bonjour 06:52 huginn Francesca: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 13.0°C (6:30 PM NZST on July 04, 2016). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 82%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Steady). 06:52 Francesca @wunder wlg 06:51 wahanui hey, Francesca 06:51 Francesca hi 06:47 akawa hey! 06:45 reiveune hello 06:27 fridolin hie 01:55 huginn wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. 01:55 wizzyrea @later tell eythian http://www.degeneratestate.org/posts/2016/Apr/20/heavy-metal-and-natural-language-processing-part-1/