Time Nick Message 22:13 cbrannon Anyone in the room? 22:12 cbrannon Hello fellow Kohanauts. 11:09 cait not really here 10:28 drojf hi cait 10:28 drojf Oak: did you fix it? 09:14 Oak okay. 09:13 drojf i think i removed the instance and created a new one. not sure, was a while ago 09:11 Oak drojf, you installed what again that cleared this issue? 09:11 Oak FF's cache should be clean because it's first time I opened in it. 09:10 Oak Firebug's console raises no issues. 09:09 drojf i could not find any hint when it happened to me and gave up after a while 09:09 drojf and clear cache/force reload 09:09 Oak okay sure. 09:08 drojf you could check with firebug if some file is missing? 09:08 Oak ooooh. a bug! 09:08 drojf could not reproduce it 09:08 Oak Hmm. 09:08 drojf Oak: i had that once. no idea why, it was gone after i installed again 09:04 Oak a question: I'm running Koha from git (vagrant, kohaclone); and after loggin in using the database user, I created a new 'Staff' user. Now, from within the database user, I go to set the permissions for the new 'Staff' user, but that page looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/MOTepd2.png 09:01 cait Oak 09:01 Oak magnuse 09:01 Oak cait 09:01 * Oak waves 08:26 DooRooK I verified the path of the Javascript and all, but I don't know how to run test in order to see execution error or stuff like that 08:25 DooRooK drojf: Oh, my bad, the problem is that nothing is displaying on the opac except the "Loading..." coming from the HTML codeference in the opacmainuser block 07:57 drojf but i just woke up, maybe i missed that part 07:57 drojf you do not say what the problem is i think 07:56 DooRooK i can't stay connected for now, but if by chance someone have any clues, i'll be sure to come back and check the log. 07:55 DooRooK Ok, ty for the answer though 07:55 drojf DooRooK: you will have a better chance to ask on the mailing list. there are not many people around here on weekends 07:44 DooRooK and the webserver is configured with the Alias linked to coverflow.pl and plugin directory as it is said in the installation tutorial 07:42 DooRooK I have set the directory for the plugin in 777 so that there is no permission problem. The plugin is installed and configured with the id of the report i've created which contain ISBN, biblio number and title. I can see that the Jquery is correct in "opacuserjs" system preference and I've linked the whole thing to a div with the right ID within my Opac 07:40 DooRooK Hey again, i'm still having troubles installing CoverFlow plugin, is anyone able to give me some advices or clues ? 07:34 drojf morning