Time  Nick          Message
22:52 cait          to the agenda
22:52 cait          adding the wording
22:52 cait          hm but no vote... let's fix that next time
22:51 pianohacker   cait: http://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2016-02-02#i_1783947
22:51 cait          i will finish reworking... then maybe have a look?
22:51 pianohacker   cait: it looks like we got some amount of consensus on that wording
22:51 pianohacker   cait: yeah, been thinking about the latter
22:50 cait          I also got: pianohacker to suggest a possible guideline for handling disagreements :)
22:50 cait          looks like we didn't vote on it
22:49 cait          http://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2016-02-02 ?
22:49 cait          i can't find your draft in the logs
22:49 cait          i got: pianohacker will draw up a draft of a coding guideline regarding global  variables in modules/CGI scripts, see  https://perl.apache.org/docs/general/perl_reference/perl_reference.html#my____Scoped_Variable_in_Nested_Subroutines  for context
22:48 cait          hm
22:48 pianohacker   cait: I think there's a link with reasoning in the minutes
22:48 pianohacker   cait: "Forbid use of globals containing state in Perl modules and CGI scripts, and discourage their use elsewhere."
22:47 pianohacker   give it a sec
22:47 * pianohacker presses rewind on mental VCR
22:47 pianohacker   uh.
22:47 cait          working the changes into the coding guidelines rightnow
22:46 cait          pianohacker: can you remind me if we already agreed on a wording for hte 'code plack friendly' rule?
22:40 aleisha       thanks pianohacker :)
22:40 pianohacker   aleisha: good job and good luck :)
22:40 pianohacker   that's really really cool
22:38 aleisha       thank you!
22:38 cait          aleisha++ congrats!
22:33 wizzyrea      also yay for scholarships :)
22:33 wizzyrea      I did!
22:29 cait          catalyst_it++ https://www.catalyst.net.nz/news/catalyst-announces-first-open-source-scholarship-recipients
22:29 cait          missed the coworkers? :)
22:26 wizzyrea      that was a trial.
22:25 cait          yay :)
22:25 wizzyrea      yes finally :)
22:25 cait          hey wizzyrea - back at work?
22:07 wizzyrea      hello!
21:02 cait          hi eythian
20:58 eythian       Hi kathryn, cait, etc
20:31 kathryn       hello cait :)
20:18 * cait        waves kathryn
19:15 * cait        waves
18:33 gaetan_B      bye
18:06 wahanui       hmmm... magnuse is a Norwegian giant.
18:06 bag           heya magnuse
18:06 wahanui       hello, magnuse
18:06 magnuse       bag: HI
18:01 Joubu         bye #koha
17:57 huginn        Joubu: The operation succeeded.
17:57 Joubu         @later tell lds "have a look at the jenkins server please, it says          Please wait while Jenkins is restarting."
17:57 Joubu         erk!
17:57 huginn        Joubu: Error: No closing quotation
17:57 Joubu         @later tell lds "
17:57 Joubu         hum, Jenkins does not feel healthy
17:34 drojf         hi eythian and bag
17:33 eythian       evening
17:14 bag           hi cait
17:14 cait          morning bag
17:11 bag           morning
16:38 kivilahtio    jajm: plenty, but not for Perl I guess
16:38 kivilahtio    jajm: I guess I need to take a look how Koha deals with LESS first
16:38 jajm          is there existing tools to merge all the json files ?
16:38 jajm          it could be a solution
16:36 kivilahtio    jajm: yes
16:36 jajm          like we do with the LESS files ?
16:32 kivilahtio    jajm: Imagine this schema being grown to 50+ files. Then it is 50+ GET requests from a schema-consumer
16:29 kivilahtio    jajm: some suggest "minifying" the schema files to one single file which is exposed to the public
16:29 kivilahtio    one issue is, not all tools can put the schema back together from multiple files
16:28 kivilahtio    jajm: there is one problem regarding splitting a JSON-schema to multiple files
16:26 jajm          cool :)
16:24 kivilahtio    looks good. We might have to sign it off :)
16:24 kivilahtio    jajm: just asking while reading through your code
16:24 jajm          kivilahtio, you could, i don't know which solution is better
16:23 kivilahtio    jajm: tho using this index it is easier to have an overview of what definitions have been defined
16:22 kivilahtio    jajm: you could directly reference the definitions without using an index?
16:22 kivilahtio    jajm: definitions/index.json
16:22 kivilahtio    jajm: why do you have a index.json to serve as a gateway for definitions?
16:22 kivilahtio    jajm: why do you have a index.json to server as a gateway for definitions?
16:19 jajm          yw ;)
16:19 kivilahtio    jajm: thanks :)
16:18 huginn        04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15126 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Needs Signoff , REST API: Use newer version of Swagger2
16:18 jajm          kivilahtio, are you aware of bug 15126 ?
16:18 kivilahtio    jajm: just asking are you cooking up anything like that?
16:18 kivilahtio    because the current system is killing me.
16:17 kivilahtio    separate files for definitions/parameters/etc
16:17 kivilahtio    jajm: I am looking into how to split the swagger.json into smaller files
16:17 kivilahtio    jajm: we are having issues with our swagger.json becoming too large, and now one of our partners is complaining they cannot deploy the swagger.json
16:16 kivilahtio    jajm: are you around?
16:07 cait          drojf: ping
14:38 vera_         ok
14:38 oleonard      vera_: You need to paste the link here
14:38 vera_         oleonard: i have attached image to imgur.com
14:31 cait          magnuse: when I am using the oai-pmh in extended mode... can i add an additional stylesheet to apply with xsl_file: ?
14:08 nengard       :)
14:06 magnuse       kia ora nengard
14:05 drojf         hi nengard
14:03 nengard       morning
13:56 vera_         thanks oleonard
13:55 oleonard      http://imgur.com/
13:53 vera_         kindly remind me of the site for sharing images
13:53 vera_         sorry i got disconnected
13:53 drojf         anyone else registered for kohacon yet? should i have received an email or something?
13:51 drojf         vera: who did the installation?
13:49 vera          ok! i will try imgur.com now
13:49 vera          the pages that the librarians use
13:48 oleonard      vera you could post a screenshot to a public image-sharing site like imgur.com, but if it just says "error 500" it won't help us much.
13:48 vera          yes
13:48 vera          i would love to send a screen shot
13:47 cait          the pages, that the librarians use
13:47 cait          ok, so it's not the opac portal, it's the staff interface
13:47 vera          is there a way i can send screen shot to this chat group?
13:46 vera          searching the database does not give any error
13:46 vera          it is a problem with actions like report, cataloguing using Z39.50, etc
13:45 cait          is it currently broken for you? or is there a problem with a specific action?
13:44 cait          you initially said that you had problems with error 500 in your OPAC
13:43 vera          cait: i dont understand what you meant please
13:42 cait          vera: always broken in theopac too? or only sometimes?
13:41 drojf         i doubt it's possible to say anything without looking at the server configuration. maybe somebody else has a better idea
13:40 vera          always
13:40 drojf         sometimes? or always?
13:39 vera          oleonard: when i try to generate statistics for example from the back end, i get that error 500
13:39 magnuse       works for me too
13:38 cait          vera: hm it appears to work normally for me - i can search and view the opac start page and the record detail pages
13:38 vera          bcos sometimes when you refresh a particular action i will now get a result
13:38 cait          where do you get the 500, when searching?
13:37 cait          hm opac opens normally, that's a good sign
13:37 oleonard      vera I can search the catalog without errors
13:37 vera          poor network
13:37 vera          initially we though it was network
13:37 drojf         but then you don't know anything about how it was installed and have no way of accessing the server?
13:37 vera          that error message have been from the beginning
13:36 vera          the person that installed it does not seem to know what the problem is
13:36 vera          library.unijos.edu.ng
13:36 vera          my OPAC is publicly accessible
13:35 oleonard      vera I think you will need to contact the people who installed it for you.
13:35 cait          vera: is your opac publicly accessible?
13:35 vera          i just manage it through the admin interface
13:35 oleonard      By someone else?
13:34 vera          it was installed somewhere in the cloud
13:34 oleonard      Have you looked at the error logs?
13:34 vera          yes
13:33 oleonard      vera is this a Koha installation which you manage?
13:32 drojf         i don't think it is possible to answer that question
13:29 vera          why do i keep on getting error 500 on my OPAC portal for any action i want to carry out?
13:27 vera          wht do i keep on getting error 500 on my OPAC portal for any action i want to carry out?
12:53 magnuse       hi oleonard
12:49 oleonard      Hi #koha
10:25 cait          alos maybe some intro for the hackfest would be cool
10:25 drojf         20 days left
10:25 cait          I was hoping you'd say that - we'd be very interested to learn more
10:25 * paul_p      has not submitted any talk yet. will do asap !
10:25 cait          :)
10:24 paul_p        mmm... that's a good idea.
10:19 cait          was wondering... any chance for a coral + koha presentation at kohacon?
10:19 cait          hello paul_p :)
10:17 paul_p        cait yes. Hello cait
10:17 cait          paul_p: around?
09:07 wahanui       Using deft allegory, the authors have provided an insightful and intuitive explanation of one of Unix's most venerable networking utilities. http://www.amazon.com/Story-about-Reading-Railroad-Books/dp/0448421658
09:07 cait          or ping?
09:07 cait          pong
09:06 drojf         pong
09:06 drojf         hi cait
08:50 cait          drojf: ping :)
08:45 cait          drojf: around?
08:36 cait          hi marcelr )
08:35 marcelr       hi cait
08:32 cait          morning #koha
08:27 gaetan_B      hello
08:25 drojf         weird
08:25 drojf         it is again. ;) we had some light, for a short while
08:22 Francesca     sad that its still dark at 8.50 am though
08:22 Francesca     its only just got dark here
08:21 drojf         it does not say that it is almost dark outside :(
08:21 huginn        drojf: The current temperature in Berlin Tegel, Germany is 7.0°C (8:50 AM CET on February 08, 2016). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 66%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Windchill: 3.0°C. Pressure: 29.47 in 998 hPa (Steady).
08:21 drojf         @wunder berlin, germany
08:13 * Francesca   is holidaying in nelson
08:12 huginn        Francesca: The current temperature in Richmond Avenue Extn, Nelson, New Zealand is 20.4°C (9:09 PM NZDT on February 08, 2016). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 29.89 in 1012 hPa (Falling).
08:12 Francesca     @wunder nelson, new zealand
08:11 huginn        magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 4.0°C (8:50 AM CET on February 08, 2016). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 28.65 in 970 hPa (Steady).
08:11 magnuse       @wunder boo
08:00 drojf         morning #koha
07:56 alex_a        salut marcelr
07:55 marcelr       bonjour alex_a
07:54 alex_a        bonjour
07:45 marcelr       hi #koha
07:42 reiveune      hello
07:18 * magnuse     waves
02:03 huginn        jcamins: The operation succeeded.
02:03 jcamins       @later tell oleonard Didn't you already adopt LESS?