Time Nick Message 23:10 irma *eythian 23:10 irma thanks eytian ;-) 23:09 * Francesca waves 23:09 * eythian wants to encourage irma to post more secrets, but must go to bed instead 23:08 irma Q&A 23:08 irma To start of with can you please copy from sheet two the q7a into the correct row in sheet one? CSOWW 23:06 irma I am opening our shared Gdocs 23:06 irma hi james s 22:41 BobB hi rangi :) 22:41 BobB kathryn pls buzz me when you are free 22:40 kathryn hi bobb I'm on the phone :) 22:39 rangi kathryn: BobB wants you :) 22:38 BobB i guess i could phone her :) 22:38 wizzyrea she's not in this channel atm, but she could be 22:38 BobB hi wizzyrea, do you know if Kathryn Tyree is about? 22:00 wizzyrea "no no, it's Koha" <furious typing> "try it now" 22:00 wizzyrea hrmph 22:00 rangi now bibliotheca will lie 22:00 rangi altho, not for much longer 21:59 rangi and then 3m lie 21:59 rangi yeah 21:52 wizzyrea and they have to call 3M to remind them 21:48 cait1 brb 21:47 wizzyrea what sucks though, is that most libraries don't know/remember how to update the configs to look at a test server 21:46 cait1 love the idea 21:46 wizzyrea yeah tat'd be neat 21:45 rangi then libraries could even test actual machines against it 21:45 rangi yep 21:45 cait1 for configuration - so sandbox with configured sip 21:44 cait1 hm but also need to be able to accesst he installation then 21:44 rangi but for SIP 21:44 rangi like the sandboxes 21:44 rangi that people can telnet against to test 21:44 rangi cait1: what we need is a SIP server running 21:43 rangi thats doing the right thing 21:43 rangi should be ok 21:43 rangi } 21:43 rangi $datedue = dt_from_string($datedue); 21:43 rangi if ($datedue && ref $datedue ne 'DateTime') { 21:42 cait1 the bugs and patches 21:42 cait1 we really need more sip testers/devs... those are really always getting stuck 21:42 rangi that'd mean it'd be broken for the REST API etc too 21:42 cait1 heh 21:41 rangi it shouldnt half arse it 21:41 rangi then AddIssue is the problem 21:41 rangi if its that 21:41 cait1 onloan is type date in the database 21:41 rangi id expect it not to issue it then 21:41 cait1 if it was a datetime mysql might just refuse to save it 21:41 rangi could be 21:40 rangi yeah, SIP and circulation.pl both use AddIssue 21:40 cait1 maybe it's passing a wrong parameter? as overridden_duedate? 21:40 cait1 but i still have to make time and re-learn how to do that 21:39 rangi its using the exact same code 21:39 rangi my $issue = AddIssue( $borrower, $barcode, $overridden_duedate, 0 ); 21:39 cait1 best would be to just check something out with sip 21:39 rangi people change that stuff all the time, id check its not using the marcrecord 21:38 cait1 yeah i do :) 21:38 rangi thats what you think :) 21:38 cait1 it pulls directly from the database 21:38 cait1 this is detail view 21:38 cait1 not sure 21:38 wizzyrea ^ that was my first thought 21:38 cait1 I can't confirm the problemright now, maybe a first thing to test 21:37 rangi you could also get this with indexing problems 21:37 rangi that would definitely be new, if it wasnt 21:37 cait1 agreed... but it might not be the case. it's weird 21:36 rangi an checkout in sip, should be using the exact same code as a checkout in the gui 21:36 rangi but they should both be using the same code 21:35 cait1 like inserting a datetime into items when it only wants a date 21:35 wizzyrea you used to see that kind of thing in relation to reserves sometimes 21:35 cait1 wonder if it has to do with the date handling patches 21:35 rangi it'll be something more complex than just because of SIP 21:35 wizzyrea hm we have a 3.20 library using sip 21:34 wizzyrea I know it used to work 21:34 cait1 wonde when we broke that 21:34 rangi yep 21:34 rangi thats how it looks 21:34 cait1 ah, and set onloan in items to null? 21:34 rangi without updating the items table 21:34 rangi add a row to issues 21:34 cait1 checked out you mean? 21:34 rangi you can simulate it 21:34 cait1 hm? 21:34 rangi i just checked 21:34 rangi it is 21:34 cait1 hopefully 21:34 rangi just not a horrible one 21:34 cait1 will also show wrongin the result lists etc. 21:34 rangi yep 21:34 rangi which is what koha actually cares about 21:34 cait1 but it's still a bug then 21:33 cait1 yeah 21:33 rangi both have a row in issues 21:33 rangi its just not updated the items 21:33 cait1 the first one is checked out with sip, the second with gui 21:33 wizzyrea yeah it definitely looks checked out 21:33 rangi ie, it is actually checked out 21:33 cait1 hm not sure 21:33 rangi looks like a display issue 21:33 cait1 the screenshot is ineresting, i have no idea how this can happen 21:32 wizzyrea hm yes that is concerning 21:32 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15305 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , KOHA SIP2 checkout doesn't update of the item holding status 21:32 cait1 hm bug 15305 worries me 21:30 * cait1 waves at BobB 21:20 wizzyrea \o/ gmcharlt++ 21:07 cait1 gmcharlt++ 21:07 gmcharlt OK, the APT repo and new packages have been updated to use the previous signing key 20:26 wizzyrea ^.^ 20:25 eythian Heh 20:24 wizzyrea ok A person 20:23 cait1 well.. not quite :) 20:23 * cait1 resists to ask who else wizzyrea knows at booking.com 20:20 wizzyrea nah, I like them they remind me of people I like 20:20 eythian That's what the unsub link is for :-) 20:16 wizzyrea >.> 20:16 * wizzyrea keeps getting emails from booking.com 20:15 wizzyrea but yeah, it shouldn't be listed as upcoming 20:14 wizzyrea liw: I usually update the website for kohacon once I have the new information from the current hosts. 20:14 eythian g'day 20:14 eythian it surely is 20:14 wizzyrea also hi 20:14 wizzyrea Thhat is impressively expensive 20:14 cait1 t 20:08 eythian I'm thinking I'll suck that cost up for 6 months while I get my bearings and find a cheaper place and get together the furnishings for it. 20:08 eythian I wasn't quite prepared for how terrible though 20:08 eythian prices are known to be extremely terrible here. 20:06 eythian gmcharlt: heh 20:06 gmcharlt eythian: I didn't think what I'm about to say would be possible... but it is: move to Seattle! It'll be cheaper! 20:06 kathryn knew you'd beat me to that :) 20:05 kathryn ww hi eythian :) 20:05 eythian also, hi 20:05 eythian kathryn: w/w 20:05 eythian the cheapest I've seen is only €100 less 20:05 kathryn rangi: do you get the cloud update emails from Bruno? 20:05 rangi eythian: yikes! 20:04 gmcharlt rangi++ 20:04 gmcharlt er, who is this rang fellow? 20:04 gmcharlt rang++ 20:04 eythian http://www.pararius.com/apartment-for-rent/amsterdam/PR0001263009/frederik-hendrikstraat <-- on a scale of 1 to expensive, places here are ridiculous 20:01 eythian cool 20:01 rangi feb 2013 20:01 rangi got it 20:01 eythian the passphrase for it is in the usual place for such things 20:01 eythian by ages I mean probably around the time the key was created 20:01 rangi *nod* 20:01 eythian I emailed it ages back, so you should be able to dig through your email. 20:00 rangi hmm if i can find it 19:59 eythian rangi should be able to send you one. Foolishly I didn't keep a copy. 19:59 gmcharlt eythian: not yet; I've made inquiries to get a copy 19:59 eythian gmcharlt: did you get a copy of the original signing key? A number of people have it and can send it to you. It'd mean that other people wouldn't need to do anything to keep updates going. 19:57 gmcharlt cait: sure! 19:56 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8352 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Add automatic printing of 'hold to pull' notices 19:56 cait gmcharlt: could you maybe take a look at bug 8352 sometime? i adds 3 new dependencies and is in the qa queue currently 19:54 cait I have to go back to work tomorrow - that's bad enough :) 19:53 cait could you all stop the horror stories please? 19:53 cait ... i just today have switched to a new router and have to send in the old one 19:53 eythian vodafone would do that sort of thing too, I'm sure (except I think no one buys their own cable modem in NZ) 19:52 eythian heh 19:52 gmcharlt ... the one we had purchased for her two years previously ... and those, not actually the property of the cable company 19:52 gmcharlt got informed we had to return her modem 19:52 gmcharlt my mother-in-law moved out of her house, and we closed her cable internet service for her 19:51 eythian they were apparently waiting on a technician to come to pick up my equipment, despite a) not organising one, and b) me having already returned my equipment myself. 19:51 eythian cait: my NZ ISP failed to close my account 19:51 rangi greater than 80% 19:51 cait ? 19:51 eythian what are the odds I get an overdue notice in the next few days? 19:50 eythian so, I got "don't pay the bill, and we'll send you a new one in a week with your credit." 19:48 cait hi rangi :) 19:47 rangi hi cait 19:47 * cait waves 19:47 rangi liw: excellent :) 19:46 eythian I'm hoping to make it too. I have a friend to visit who lives there 19:46 liw rangi, if kohacon16 is in greece, about that time, then I should try my best to go there, at least for a visit to see old friends; I don't mind giving a talk on backups, either 19:46 eythian probably a good idea :) 19:46 eythian ah 19:45 liw spending this month in Torrevieja, Spain 19:45 eythian where are you? 19:44 liw eythian, you northern person you (I'm south of you now) 19:44 drojf and hello everyone 19:44 eythian also, hi liw 19:44 drojf i sent an email to greece about it, no reply yet 19:44 rangi wizzyrea: ^^ 19:44 rangi ahh true, thanks 19:44 liw https://koha-community.org/kohacon/ should possibly be updated, it lists kohacon15 as upcoming 19:44 eythian yeah, neither 19:43 rangi eythian: ahh that sadly does not suprise me 19:43 rangi not sure exact dates but may/june 19:43 liw rangi, when is kohacon16? 19:43 eythian I think they failed to close my account when I told them 19:43 liw rangi, I could do a talked where I just read out loud a list of things in which your data might get lost 19:42 rangi hiya liw :) been writing your "backups, you should do them" talk for kohacon16 in greece? 19:42 rangi ahh good old vodafone 19:41 eythian mostly yeah 19:41 liw rangi, eythian, good morning and good night 19:41 * eythian is on hold to vodafone nz... 19:41 rangi got rid of the cold eythian ? 19:41 wahanui hey, eythian 19:41 eythian hi 19:40 rangi morning 16:48 drojf hi eythian 16:48 eythian Hi drojf 15:56 drojf hi cait1 15:36 drojf hi #koha 14:33 eythian no wait 14:33 wahanui http://33.media.tumblr.com/b3425d8454fa56c1d559458d655170ed/tumblr_nbrpcsI8m21sc9rdlo1_r2_400.gif 14:33 eythian go back to bed 14:33 eythian hi cait 11:01 cait hi #koha :)