Time Nick Message 12:13 * cait waves 13:01 cait khall++ :) 14:05 tcohen h 14:05 tcohen i 19:30 cait @wunder Konstanz 19:30 huginn cait: The current temperature in Bodensee Konstanz City, Konstanz, Germany is 11.5°C (9:30 PM CEST on October 11, 2015). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 7.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Rising). 20:10 Francesca hello 20:13 rangi hey Francesca 20:13 wahanui a defender of bots rights till the end of time 20:14 Francesca hey rangi you're back! 20:14 cait welcome back :) 20:14 * rangi is back in wellington, for the next 4 days anyway 20:15 Francesca so you leave on friday then? 20:15 rangi yup 20:15 rangi working my way through eleventy billion emails 20:15 Francesca fun 20:15 rangi before the next meeting 20:15 Francesca not so fun 20:37 rangi @later tell magnuse I have, but 3.22 is close, I think it can wait until then 20:37 huginn rangi: The operation succeeded. 21:40 eythian @later tell ashimema it's cetainly an option. It's only a few hours away. 21:40 huginn eythian: The operation succeeded. 21:40 eythian also, hi 21:44 Francesca hi eythian 23:04 tcohen hi 23:05 eythian hi 23:07 tcohen hi eythian 23:16 wizzyrea hi 23:16 wahanui que tal, wizzyrea 23:16 wizzyrea hm that seems vaguely better 23:50 wizzyrea O.o