Time Nick Message 05:50 indradg @karma 05:50 huginn indradg: Highest karma: "cait" (229), "Joubu" (186), and "tcohen" (179). Lowest karma: "ie" (-22), "MARC" (-15), and "-" (-13). You (indradg) are ranked 35 out of 417. 09:12 hkh I need some help. fines are not charged and I found a hint to run fines.pl in cron. However I fail to run fines.pl. Which environement is required to do so? 09:15 hkh and this is what I tried: 09:15 hkh hhl@koha-VM-AO:~$ cd /usr/share/koha/lib 09:15 hkh hhl@koha-VM-AO:/usr/share/koha/lib$ sudo /usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/fines.pl 09:15 hkh unable to locate Koha configuration file koha-conf.xml at C4/Context.pm line 373 09:15 hkh ... 09:21 pastebot "hkh" at pasted "failed attempt to run fines.pl" (4 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/123 10:42 hkh I need some help. fines are not charged and I found a hint to run fines.pl in cron. However I fail to run fines.pl. Which environement is required to do so? 10:42 hkh And this is what I tried: http://paste.koha-community.org/123