Time Nick Message 14:30 * magnuse waves 09:21 pablito is that the cause? 09:21 pablito I get an error message "No ACQ framework, using default. You should create a framework with code ACQ, the items framework would be used" 09:19 pablito any idea why I can't change the 0? 09:18 pablito I mean, I am adding a book to a basket 09:17 pablito I am adding a basket but the quantity box is stuck at 0...I can't change it to any other number 09:17 pablito I have a question about Acquisition 09:16 pablito hi wahanui! :-) 09:16 wahanui what's up, pablito 09:16 pablito hi 06:12 jenkins_koha Starting build #93 for job Koha_3.18.x_U14 (previous build: SUCCESS) 05:37 jenkins_koha Starting build #92 for job Koha_3.18.x_U14 (previous build: SUCCESS)