Time Nick Message 23:42 TGoat thanks wizzyrea :D 23:42 wizzyrea TGoat: talk to druthb about that 23:41 TGoat Koha can you help? - Question from a curious Pakistani Koha user. I know Koha has supported right-to-left languages for a while, but I'm wondering what experience the community has with programming anything for these languages. We sometimes encounter a problem with Farsi titles not displaying correctly or something like that. Has the community had experiences with making fixes with R-L languages? 23:23 dcook Nope, no solution. Still not working.. 23:22 dcook Yay Java... 23:22 dcook Ahhh, I think I just discovered my indexing problem 23:20 dcook Student booze was great 23:20 dcook hehe 23:20 eythian so is the drunk you get when you hand in your thesis. 23:17 dcook Mind you, the relief high you get when the term is over is also pretty awesome 23:16 dcook Actually, as much as I occasionally miss the flexibility of student life, the lack of student stress is pretty awesome 23:16 dcook Nah, that can't be it 23:16 wizzyrea i heard pianohacker was having a pretty stressful few weeks, don't know why exactly but maybe has to do with the end of school 23:12 dcook pianohacker: are you still around? 23:12 dcook Oh, that reminds me.. 23:12 dcook hehe 23:12 eythian I don't actually know what that is 23:12 eythian I assume 23:12 eythian It beats bardcoding. 23:12 dcook Oh the joys of barcoding 22:53 wizzyrea what's not working about it? 22:50 oa10712 Ok, thanks. I'l try messing around with a test system and see if I can get it to work 22:49 cait select max(barcode) from items or so 22:49 cait oa10712: it normally looks at the highest existing barcode 22:48 oa10712 I don't have any copies in the system yet, so it still seems a bit odd. 22:48 rangi it gets messed up if you have barcodes that contain things other than just digits 22:47 wizzyrea it looks at the highest barcode and adds one 22:46 oa10712 Does anyone know where the information is stored for auto-incrementation of barcodes? I turned the feature on, but the numbering started at 85391773728. I want to reset the count, but am unable to locate it in the SQL database. 22:12 wizzyrea that's fine, I have a jacket ^.^ 22:10 eythian wizzyrea: expect it to change later today, I think 22:10 eythian hi 21:20 wizzyrea hm, to me it seems warm but humid and it's raining. The wind's out of the north, which is an improvement on yesterday imo. 20:53 Dyrcona Still yesterday here... 20:48 huginn` Dyrcona: The current temperature in WB1CHU, Lawrence, Massachusetts is 2.8°C (4:47 PM EDT on April 09, 2015). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 100%. Dew Point: 3.0°C. Windchill: 1.0°C. Pressure: 30.39 in 1029 hPa (Steady). 20:48 Dyrcona @wunder 01845 20:46 cdickinson sure doesn't feel 17°C on Cuba Street 20:45 rangi its not that pleasant here today either 20:45 huginn` rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 17.0°C (8:30 AM NZST on April 10, 2015). Conditions: Light Rain Showers. Humidity: 88%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 29.71 in 1006 hPa (Steady). 20:45 rangi @wunder nzwn 20:45 rangi heh 20:45 carmen in the cold cold state of NJ , USA bleh lol 20:44 carmen Why hello rangi :) 20:44 rangi where in the world is carmen today? 20:18 rangi heh 20:16 pianohacker will have a driver's license before you know it 20:16 pianohacker rangi: oh yeah, getting on in years 20:16 rangi happy birthday pianohacker, what are you like 16 now? :) 20:14 cait morning 20:13 magnuse evening 20:13 rangi morning 20:02 pianohacker thanks andreashm :) 20:02 andreashm happy b-day pianohacker 20:02 * andreashm is slow at reading tonight, apparently 20:01 andreashm and others 20:00 andreashm hi magnuse 19:54 mtompset What no embarrassing topic change telling us that it is pianohacker's birthday?! :P 19:53 magnuse ah hang in there then :-) 19:52 pianohacker magnuse: so close... about a month 19:51 magnuse pianohacker: getting very close to the end of school now too? 19:51 magnuse hiya andreashm 19:50 pianohacker thank you ladies and gents :) 19:50 bag knuckles magnuse 19:50 * magnuse knuckles bag 19:50 magnuse happy birthday pianohacker! 19:49 cait Happy birthday pianohacker! 19:49 bag happy birthday pianohacker 19:48 * cait waves 19:48 pianohacker yo 19:46 andreashm evening 19:41 bag right it was added - 19:39 mtompset Ah. 19:35 cait nozebradb table 19:34 mtompset obsolete? What's obsolete? :) 19:30 cait hm don't have it n my newer database 19:29 cait bag: it's obsolete 19:29 cait wnickc: correct 19:24 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 19:23 wnickc stores index info if not using zebra? http://librarypolice.com/wiki.koha.org/zebranozebra.html 19:20 bag anybody have an idea of what the nozebra table does? 19:13 bag hi cait 19:02 cait hi #koha 18:22 tcohen bye #koha 18:17 misilot Does anyone use the oclc connexion gateway tool with their ILS on an internal ip? The reason I ask, is I am wondering if OCLC is trying to talk to Koha directly, or if it's going through the Connexion Client. Trying to determine if it's the firewall blocking access or something else. 17:56 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8796 - patron cards not starting on designated card <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=4f60138080cba847a53b7373c0c98ec42766b8df> / Bug 13349 [QA Followup] <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0ab2ebfc59d2a0e2f9515156951251f7d738a5eb> / Bug 13349 - Allow library code to display against users pending changes -update screen <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p= 17:54 tcohen *it fixes it 17:54 tcohen *critical* 17:54 tcohen the latter breaks checkin 17:53 * magnuse is curious 17:52 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13934 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Check in fails on master "Can't bless non-reference at .../ItemType.pm Line 64" 17:52 magnuse bug 13934 17:52 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13611 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, olli-antti.kivilahti, Passed QA , Serial enumeration not visible in the opac-user.pl when browsing own holds. 17:52 magnuse bug 13611 17:48 tcohen any QA member: 13934 17:46 tcohen kivilahtio: is there always an enumchron on serials? otherwise you might be introducing a warning on 13611 17:45 tcohen hi kivilahtio 17:40 wnickc heh 17:39 magnuse bless you 17:38 tcohen Joubu: then http://snag.gy/tnCNc.jpg 17:38 tcohen Joubu: http://snag.gy/XiNXX.jpg 16:09 Joubu tcohen: what is the broken checkin? 15:15 fridolin see u 15:11 tcohen #koha: what was the bug # for the broken checkin ? 15:09 barton Hey, I just had a brainstorm (tempest in a teacup) ... how 'bout we set up a very low-friction testing environment specifically for signoff of trivial bugs? Set up a secondary dashboard that only shows tickets that need sign off and have severity of 'Trivial' ... this would be a good entry point for people who might not otherwise do signoffs. 15:03 talljoy good morning #koha 13:48 druthb \o/ 13:38 magnuse \o/ 13:37 tcohen hi cait 13:36 cait morning tcohen :) 13:33 khall mornin tcohen! 13:32 tcohen morning khall 13:32 khall mornin all! 13:05 tcohen hi frido 13:05 fridolin good morning tcohen 12:55 tcohen morning 11:41 magnuse the pref? 11:41 magnuse pref? 11:41 wahanui magnuse: I forgot pref 11:41 magnuse wahanui: forget the pref 10:45 wahanui well, the pref is "dateformat" and it's under I18n/L10N preferences 10:45 Joubu cait: the pref 10:39 cait where do you look, in borrowers? or the pref? 10:39 cait hm thought it was 10:26 Joubu Shouldn't OpacPrivacy be set by default?? 10:19 cait wow, 1155$ now :) 10:18 Joubu ooops 10:18 Joubu ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs 10:18 Joubu oli: yes there is a pref to set the IP addresses to authorise 10:08 oli Getting data from Azure so I'll have to setup a proxy to keep things secure 10:06 cait ah, good to know 10:06 oli It seems to be returning data even when I don't have a session 10:05 cait hm not entirely sure tho 10:04 cait that and sending the login for theuser i think 10:03 oli Regarding authentication for ILS-DI; is that simply based on the requesters IP address? 09:59 oli Awesome - thanks for the info Joubu and magnuse. That's really helpful, I was totally lost before! 09:57 hasenbear cait: sorry, was called away. thanks, will check with the admin again to see if changes have been made and report back with detailed config if need be. cheers! 09:57 Joubu oli: this page is the plan for the new version. The "background" section describes the existing solutions 09:54 oli Is that what's currently implemented or the plan for the new version? 09:54 Joubu The most complete is koha-restful, but ils-di could be enough 09:52 Joubu oli: you should have a look at http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/New_REST_API_RFC#Background 09:51 oli Is there anywhere I can get a listing of the methods available in the REST API? 09:49 magnuse there is also a rest api: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_/svc/_HTTP_API this is in the process of being replaced with a more consistent api 09:49 magnuse it can also be used to build opac substitutes 09:48 oli Ahh, awesome - thanks. I had a look at their site but thought it was for sharing information between libraries 09:48 magnuse you probably have to enable it 09:47 magnuse it is self-documented at <opac>/cgi-bin/koha/ilsdi.pl 09:46 magnuse have you looked at the ils-di api? 09:46 oli I can't find documentation anywhere 09:45 oli I'm quite new to Koha so I my not be using the correct terminology - but I need to get a list of current loans, holds, and fines for a given user 09:45 oli Fair point! I'm trying to find a list of endpoints or some more concrete documentation about what is available around getting loans for a specific user 09:44 magnuse oli: chances are noone will say yes until they know a bit more :-) 09:42 oli Hey - I was wondering if someone could help me with some Koha API stuff? 09:33 magnuse :-) 09:30 Joubu magnuse: it was a joke, I don't have a fb account :) 09:30 magnuse i'm skipping linkedin, though 09:30 magnuse Joubu: fb is done now, please share :-) 09:29 drojf that must have been the most quiet day in koha history http://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2015-04-04 09:29 fridolin a programmer needs a laptop 09:28 magnuse Joubu: oh noes! 09:28 fridolin what the ... 09:26 Joubu magnuse: you forgot fb and linkedin! 09:22 drojf magnuse++ 09:20 magnuse wiki, mailing lists, twitter - done 09:13 magnuse oh and https://www.gofundme.com/TomasNeedsALaptop 09:13 drojf hei magnuse 09:12 magnuse http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/2015-04-13_Global_bug_squashing_day 09:12 magnuse moin drojf 09:05 drojf hi #koha 09:01 cait but the gibberish is weird - would be intersting to see how you configured it 09:01 cait connection failed sometiems can happen because of changes in the firewall - as the ports are often different 09:00 cait i just tested - it works ok forme 09:00 hasenbear all the otehr servers except that one are coming back aas "connection failed" 08:59 cait which connection data did you configure? 08:59 cait that#s ours 08:59 wahanui i guess interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad 08:59 cait hmmm interesting 08:58 hasenbear started on tuesday this week. example: BIBLIOTHEKZENTRALE BW 20081013d2008 |||y0gerb0103 ba 0-521-61291-8 | 0-521-84843-1 | 978-0-521-61291-3 | 978-0-521-84843-5 MARC Karte Import 08:57 cait hm and make sure the system preferences z3950NormalizeAuthor is set to 'kopiere keine' 08:56 cait when did it start? can you give an example for a connection you use? 08:55 hasenbear not that i am aware of. 08:54 cait did you update koha? or change something else? 08:54 hasenbear connections have been working up till now (used sporatically) and there have been no known changes to the access info. help? 08:53 hasenbear hello. am in germany. suddenly having trouble gaining accesss through z39.50 to all datenbanks previously used. data sets are coming back either empty, full of gibberish, or we get the error that connection has failed. 08:41 * magnuse waves back 08:39 * cait waves 08:35 magnuse :-) 08:35 rangi magnuse++ 08:35 rangi oh 08:33 magnuse community++ 08:24 ashimema rangi++ 08:24 ashimema it's nice to have such a warm community 08:23 ashimema :) 08:23 rangi there i think thats everyone i recognise and know nicks for :) 08:23 rangi mtj++ 08:23 rangi eythian++ 08:22 rangi andreashm++ 08:22 rangi ashimema++ 08:22 rangi fredericd++ 08:22 rangi Joubu++ 08:22 nlegrand Bonjour #koha 08:22 rangi mveron++ 07:13 cait hm i understand 07:13 fridolin it creates a big query and creates a MARC::Record just to get 1 data 07:12 fridolin the thing is that in some places, the code gets marcxml only to get this subtitle 07:12 cait i'd just be careful before throwing it out 07:11 cait otherwise that wouldn't dispaly in some places as $a only has the title of the work and is always the same 07:11 cait that's the volume title 07:11 fridolin cait: thanks a lot 07:11 cait we use it for 245$n 07:11 cait i meant other fields than the subtitle field to the SUBTITLE keyword 07:09 dcook We used to use that for customized templates though.. 07:09 dcook cait: I think you can add other things than subtitle, but I don't know if they're picked up anywhere 07:09 dcook salut fridolin 07:08 cait fridolin: i haven't had time to research more yet - but i think the subtitle is used more widely in the non xslt views - and also not only for subtitle, you can put other fields in there too - hope i get to answer the ml mail, but in case i won't :) 07:08 fridolin bonjour tout le modne 07:07 marcelr dcook++ 07:07 dcook marcelr: Ah, right. I think I found your solution, so hopefully it works :) 07:07 cait davidnind++ 07:05 marcelr dcook: I left Text::Bidi for later 07:01 andreashm morning 06:47 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12068 normal, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Pushed to Master , label-create-pdf.pl Add support for RTL languages 06:47 dcook bug 12068 it seems 06:47 dcook I can't remember what bug that was now... but I was curious 06:47 dcook oh hey, did you have any more luck with Text::Bidi? 06:46 marcelr :) 06:46 dcook hey marcelr 06:45 marcelr hi #koha 06:35 ashimema I'm really tempted to write a Mojo plugin for it.. based loosly around the Swagger one. 06:35 ashimema just not quiet as much as Swagger 06:34 ashimema there's still a huge amount of support though ;) 06:34 dcook That makes a difference :/ 06:34 dcook At a glance, I prefer it 06:34 ashimema but there's a tad less support for it out there so far. 06:34 ashimema feels nicer somehow.. 06:34 dcook Looks sweet :) 06:34 ashimema I sorta prefer it to Swagger 06:33 ashimema That's the one dcook.. 06:33 ashimema wow.. http://www.gofundme.com/TomasNeedsALaptop.. almost half way there already 06:33 dcook http://raml.org/ ? 06:32 ashimema there's not a perl module for RAML yet 06:21 dcook It seems like there's a Perl module for everything 06:21 dcook "use version;" ftw 05:36 dcook Hmm, just remembered DSpace's indexing scripts changed between versions.. that makes things tougher for me.. 05:35 dcook Yeah, it was just too fast :p 05:35 magnuse yeah. sneaky 05:34 eythian monday off remember 05:33 dcook It can't be Thursday already.. 05:28 * dcook thought that sounded familiar 05:26 eythian it might just be enough to remove those links 05:26 * eythian will not enjoy fixing this 05:26 eythian so we swap out the koha-contained library for a system one. 05:25 eythian $(TMP)/usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/lib/yui 05:25 eythian ln -s /usr/share/javascript/yui \ 05:25 eythian $(TMP)/usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/lib/yui 05:25 eythian rm -r \ 05:24 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13759 major, P3, ---, mirko, Pushed to Master , git-build-snapshot misses YUI and dies of sorrow during build 05:24 magnuse bug 13759 05:24 eythian I can't remember if they still do 05:24 eythian they did 05:24 dcook ?* 05:24 dcook I think the packages do some magic to use the system ones instead though/ 05:24 dcook I think we do carry our own copy, which is why I was always surprised that the system libraries got used.. 05:23 eythian checking that out now. 05:23 eythian my other thought is that we might not actually use yui system libraries, and just carry our own copy 05:23 dcook Well, in 3.14.5... 05:23 dcook Yeah, I'm seeing it at least show up in ids and classes... 05:23 cdickinson alright, I'll be back in a bit 05:23 eythian magnuse: hmm 05:23 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13612 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Remove old YUI javacript libraries from opac-tmpl 05:23 wahanui bug was last seen on #koha 3 years, 222 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes and 58 seconds ago, saying: seneca: rangi is a man :P [Wed Aug 31 03:01:06 2011] 05:23 magnuse eythian: seen bug 13612? i think yui might still be used in the staff interface 05:22 cdickinson I'd like to stick around for the conversation, though... I really will set up an IRC bouncer this weekend 05:21 Francesca not all bad then 05:21 cdickinson but he's all goods, he's in there for his last two rounds of chemo and then he's a free man 05:21 Francesca poor guy 05:21 Francesca oh no 05:20 cdickinson Cancer, lost his leg 05:20 cdickinson Yes and no 05:20 dcook In the staff client, I think? 05:20 Francesca is your friend ok? 05:20 dcook Hmm, I think I've seen it in use in 3.14.5? 05:20 Francesca oh dear 05:20 cdickinson going to see my friend in hospital 05:20 eythian for the best, but I don't know if we still need it or use it. 05:20 cdickinson Just about to log off, actually 05:20 dcook Francesca: excellent :) 05:20 * dcook has wondered about those libjs dependencies 05:20 eythian it looks like debian has removed that. 05:19 * magnuse waves 05:19 eythian koha-common : Depends: libjs-yui but it is not installable 05:19 dcook Ahh 05:19 dcook That doesn't sound good, eythian 05:19 eythian has yui gone completely, anyone know? 05:19 dcook O_O 05:19 eythian hmm, koha not installable on debian jessie 05:19 Francesca how goes it? 05:19 Francesca yo 05:19 dcook yo Francesca 05:18 cdickinson Hiya Francesca 05:18 * Francesca waves 05:16 dcook Ah, after a bit of reading, I see what you mean, eythian 05:14 cdickinson might be looking into using Heat to help us with the automatic instance deployment stuff, which is similar to AWS CloudFormation.. so hopefully most of what I'm doing here transfers over 05:13 eythian dcook: our infrastructure is openstack, which looks a lot like AWS. 05:12 cdickinson going to be a busy boy writing up articles on the Koha Wiki 05:12 dcook Cool :) 05:12 cdickinson yeah, that's the plan AFAIK 05:12 cdickinson ah, cool 05:11 dcook We mostly host all of our Koha instances in house. I've been doing some work to replicate to AWS, but only for disaster recovery at the moment... 05:11 dcook Is this getting published anywhere? ;) 05:10 cdickinson dcook: I think so too haha 05:10 dcook yo magnuse 05:09 dcook cdickinson: That sounds great :) 05:04 cdickinson the key things we want are that OpenStack can automatically scale up and down the amount of compute power as needed, and do this automatically and quickly so new users can be deployed easily, and existing users won't notice any difference in quality of service 05:01 cdickinson the details of how this will work are being ironed out as we speak ;) 05:00 cdickinson But we will be using OpenStack to provide "Koha as a Service", if you get what I mean 05:00 cdickinson The plan is kinda vague so far, it's just how these things start off 04:59 cdickinson Yeah, even just idling here overnight I can see there's a healthy mix of real work getting done and silly banter going around :P 04:59 dcook What sort of plans do you have so far? 04:58 dcook Awesome. It's a pretty great group! 04:56 cdickinson things are only just getting started, but I'm looking forward to working with everyone here, really excited about this project 04:54 cdickinson I'm an engineering student, and I'm going to be working on getting Koha ready for the cloud as part of my honours project 04:53 cdickinson Yeah, I'm with Catalyst 04:51 dcook That strangely reminds me... what brings you to Koha, cdickinson? I heard you're over at Catalyst? 04:46 cdickinson but I'm talking about my secondary school... even though that was small too, but it was a blessing because I won't have to post on Reddit about any disasters there :> 04:46 cdickinson my primary school only just had a library 04:45 cdickinson yeah, that's fair enough 04:45 dcook Well, we had a "resource room", but it was almost always locked 04:45 dcook Ah, this was uni. My grade schools were too remote to really have a library. 04:44 cdickinson boys* 04:44 cdickinson boy's only school, so nope 04:44 dcook Also once swapped a pen for a kitkat. Mmm chocolate. 04:44 dcook I actually met a lot of girls when working the desk... 04:44 cdickinson we used* 04:44 cdickinson apart from when whatever library software we didn't use that wasn't Koha crashed 04:43 cdickinson I never had any drama manning the desk issuing and returning books 04:43 dcook Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess 04:43 dcook Now I sit at a desk and never move. Oh wait... 04:43 * dcook was elated to graduate from circ staff/shelver to librarian 04:42 dcook I found it mostly just painful on my knees 04:42 cdickinson stock take was worse though 04:42 cdickinson our library at my school was small and it annoyed me haha 04:42 dcook Only ever did inventories in small college or government libraries though.. 04:41 dcook It made library life so much easier 04:41 dcook Orange shelves or special carts/tables 04:41 dcook That's why my uni libraries had places designated where you put books 04:41 dcook hehe 04:41 cdickinson people never put ANYTHING in the right place, EVER 04:41 dcook That it does 04:41 cdickinson shelf checking sucks 04:40 dcook I figure inventory would be fairly useful 04:40 cdickinson well, I was a library monitor for my school 04:40 dcook :p 04:40 wizzyrea I didn't know where that thought was going, sorry I couldn't just let it hang there. 04:40 wizzyrea ...what it's like to be a librarian? 04:34 dcook One of these days, I'll learn how to use the inventory tool and really remember... 04:34 cdickinson but then again, everything there isn't USUALLY on special at a 1-day site... 04:34 cdickinson usually use PriceSpy to get me the best prices for that 04:33 cdickinson yeah, the computer stuff is what I'm most interested in 04:29 mtj ta eythian 04:29 mtj computer stuff too -> http://www.1-day.co.nz/onsale/personal0904/p/ 04:27 cdickinson good, competition 04:25 eythian we have piles of them 04:24 cdickinson normally don't really buy stuff online unless I have to, but just never really knew NZ had sites like that 04:23 cdickinson ahh 04:22 wizzyrea also "one day deal" kind of sites 04:22 wizzyrea cdickinson: I suppose you know of grabone and treatme? 04:22 dcook Story* 04:22 dcook "Sstory Continues Box Set" hehe 04:14 eythian yeah, they have a lot of junk and the occasional actually useful thing. 04:11 cdickinson not be able to today, but that site will now live in my bookmarks forever 04:10 cdickinson o.o? 04:09 wizzyrea lol. 04:09 eythian 'course, I'm not getting the GoT set until he gaddamn finishes them 04:08 wizzyrea oooo 04:08 eythian http://www.1-day.co.nz/onsale/books0804/p/?amp;utm_medium=Email <-- wizzyrea, mtj, cdickinson, rangi, any other NZers I'm forgetting that are in here. 03:51 wizzyrea you can answer if you want. 03:51 wizzyrea that's mostly rhetorical. 03:51 wizzyrea ohhhh what are we gonna do about/with/for bibframe in Koha 03:44 * wizzyrea takes a note 03:42 eythian > If you write interfaces with more than 4 or 5 function arguments, it's possible that you and I cannot be friends. 03:00 mtj ahh, thanks for the reminder 03:00 rangi yep, has the patch for 3.16 been released yet? if not we shouldnt discuss it in the logged channel until it has 02:58 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12954 is not accessible. 02:58 mtj bug 12954 02:58 mtj hey rangi, got a tic re: 12954? 01:20 dcook hehe 01:19 wizzyrea also, not qualified to even make a funny guess. :P 01:18 * wizzyrea is not sure where en-NZ fits in that. 01:18 wizzyrea hehehehe 01:18 eythian http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-02/27/8/enhanced/webdr01/enhanced-buzz-757-1425045191-13.jpg <-- heh 01:16 wizzyrea rangi++ for remembering all of the features and general awesomeness. 01:13 jcamins Actually, I should've been able to figure out it was ten years ago... I was in college when I found out that feature existed. 01:12 jcamins Yeah. 01:11 eythian that was a little while ago 01:11 jcamins Oh, it was 5.0.7. 01:11 eythian yeah, it's a good thing to have 01:09 jcamins I was thrilled when they added that, though. 01:09 jcamins Yeah, that might've come out a couple years ago. I can't remember. 01:04 eythian that was the 5.5 manual I quoted there 01:03 jcamins Well... a couple years. 01:03 jcamins That's a recent feature. 01:03 eythian oh, you can't with stored procedures, but we don't use them 01:02 eythian this might be a recent change though, I see some things on the internet saying that you couldn't do that 01:01 eythian > Within prepared statements, LIMIT parameters can be specified using ? placeholder markers. 01:01 eythian oh, no, I'm still right: 01:01 eythian hmm, actually 01:00 eythian (disclaimer: I don't know how they work really, just that if they are causing LIMIT <<something>> to be an error, then it's probably bad. 01:00 eythian yeah, if they're making queries like blah='$var1', then they're totally dodgy 00:59 dcook yeah 00:59 wizzyrea good thing, because it seems dangerous (i.e. easy to screw up) 00:59 dcook In that case, sounds like the run-time parameters might be a bit dodgey? 00:59 dcook Makes sense 00:59 eythian it's not possible, too 00:59 wizzyrea supplying a column name seems vaguely dangerous 00:58 eythian basically you have to thing of the parameterised query as an input to the optimiser, and so everything needed to work out how to solve it must be in place. 00:58 dcook Hmm, maybe that's what I was thinking of 00:58 eythian so, you can't supply a column name for example 00:58 eythian you can't put them on the left hand side 00:58 dcook There's some place I wanted to put them but couldn't... 00:58 dcook What am I thinking of then? 00:58 wahanui no it's not. 00:58 dcook Hmm, that's right 00:57 eythian most places where a value is going 00:57 eythian LIMIT, SET, etc. 00:57 eythian sure you can 00:57 dcook As in, you can't add ? parameters to other places than the WHERE clause from what I've seen 00:57 dcook Interesting. I suppose I meant more that's how it seems like they behave. 00:56 eythian they behave like that's happened, but they don't actually quote because that'd be silly 00:56 dcook lol 00:56 eythian dcook: no, parameterised queries don't wrap quotes 00:55 wizzyrea I'm afraid I might end up a bit like this http://i.imgur.com/QMFZ8Zq.gif 00:55 * dcook hasn't looked at the reports in a while 00:55 wizzyrea tbh I'm afraid to look. 00:55 dcook Well, the parameterized queries would wrap quotes around it. Hopefully that's how it's being done 00:53 eythian like, extra dumb 00:53 eythian well, it'd be dumb to do so, anyway 00:53 eythian dcook: if it's wrapping quotes around things, then we can't be 00:53 dcook eythian: surely we must? 00:52 dcook I feel you on the << Limit >> thing though 00:52 eythian it concerns me that we don't build parametric queries like is the law. 00:52 dcook I'm not sure what we're booing, but I want to get behind it :p 00:51 dcook O_o 00:51 wizzyrea the above which happened to be the cause of it. 00:51 wizzyrea well at that exact moment I was lamenting about the stupid error I was getting because it didn't make much sense. 00:50 wizzyrea and limits don't work with quotes around them, sql syntax-wise 00:50 wizzyrea actually, I was lamenting that you can't put a limit << Limit >> sql parameter in the saved reports, because the code adds quotes around all parameters. 00:49 wizzyrea stupid windows.