Time Nick Message 00:13 eythian http://imgur.com/7jYPKJ2 <-- teehee 00:21 dcook eythian: hehe 00:32 bag I just download that app a few days ago eythian - it’s pretty darn funnt 00:32 bag funny 00:33 eythian it does look pretty good 00:34 eythian it'd be better if it was able to replace the weather display on my watch, "Partly cloudy/wind" is a bit boring. 00:37 eythian curiously, it didn't ask what units I wanted, it just assumed I wanted the normal ones. 00:39 eythian hi cait 00:40 bag @wunder 93111 00:40 huginn bag: The current temperature in Eastern Goleta Valley, Santa Barbara, California is 26.2°C (4:36 PM PST on February 12, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 8%. Dew Point: -11.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady). 00:40 bag I’m outside now - too hot inside 00:42 eythian @wunder nzwn 00:42 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 23.0°C (1:30 PM NZDT on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 47%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 30.12 in 1020 hPa (Steady). 00:42 eythian you're not doing winter right, bag 00:42 bag I know!!! 00:43 bag I shall winter in Vancouver canada to make up for this difficult winter 00:44 eythian sounds like it'll average out 00:47 dcook Wow.. 00:47 dcook @wunder syd 00:47 huginn dcook: The current temperature in Sydney, New South Wales is 25.0°C (11:30 AM AEDT on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 30.24 in 1024 hPa (Steady). 00:47 dcook It's warmer in California in winter... than Sydney in the summer? 00:47 dcook Mind you, I suppose it's still morning.. 00:47 * dcook looks out the winter. Could get hot out. 00:47 eythian you have a winter there? 00:47 eythian a whole one? 00:48 dcook Oh, I guess my pronunciation is making its way into my typing 00:48 bag we hardly get below 5 here in the winter (even on the coldest nights in the winter) 00:48 dcook Winda 00:48 dcook Window? 00:48 wahanui1 Window is to have it running in production by end of August to replace Follet Circ/Cat 00:48 dcook bag: I don't have enough data to compare here 00:48 dcook It feels really cold in the winter... 00:49 dcook But Aussies don't know how to build buildings 00:49 dcook Well, build them well... 00:50 eythian wahanui1: what happened to you, someone has painted your face funny 00:50 wahanui1 no idea, eythian 00:50 eythian wahanui1: go away and fix it 00:50 wahanui1 eythian: huh? 00:50 eythian wahanui: better 00:50 wahanui better is "take cover." :) 01:29 eythian http://40.media.tumblr.com/a149bac5b7ef0c57d675f7e573868b01/tumblr_nfesxvg2Sk1qlo56to7_1280.png 01:32 wizzyrea can I just say one thing about feminist hacker barbie 01:32 wizzyrea why, exactly, does she have to be a jerk? 01:33 wizzyrea (I agree though, that it's funny :P) 01:33 jenkins_koha Starting build #51 for job Koha_3.18.x_U14 (previous build: STILL FAILING -- last SUCCESS #48 3 hr 45 min ago) 01:34 * wizzyrea concludes her rant of the week 01:37 eythian that was a pretty poor rant, wizzyrea. 01:37 eythian try harder next time. 01:37 eythian this is your only warning. 01:37 wizzyrea teehee 01:38 wizzyrea I try not to be *too* controversial in #koha ;) 01:41 dcook eythian: These are the instructions you usually advocate, yeah? http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian 01:42 eythian dcook: generally, yeah. Though my improved ones are still in beta: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Talk:Koha_on_Debian 01:43 dcook Ohh, I'll take a gander there too 01:43 dcook thx 01:43 dcook Building two Debian boxes :) 01:44 eythian ah cool, then use the 'Talk' version and fix up anything that's weird :) 01:44 dcook Sounds good 01:52 wizzyrea eythian++ verily, those are fine instructions. 01:53 dcook Mhm :) 01:53 dcook Err verily 01:53 * dcook missed what we were doing until it was too late :( 01:55 dcook I'm actually writing an Ansible playbook to take care of the process for Debian Wheezy 01:55 dcook Not that it's that hard to do manually... 01:57 dcook Would post it to Github, but probably won't maintain it and don't want people to do bad things with it.. 01:59 eythian but what happens if someone wants to start with it and improve on it? 02:00 wizzyrea ^^ 02:00 eythian essentially, what I'm saying is that you're having a weird idea that doesn't make sense :) 02:01 dcook Cool :) 02:02 dcook Well, in that case, maybe I'll add it :) 02:02 dcook Ansible is pretty rad 02:02 dcook I'm using it at home now for all my configuration management 02:02 dcook And I've been using it increasingly here 02:02 dcook Still using Chef for AWS, but thinking of moving to Ansible for that too... 02:02 eythian cool. I should learn it one day 02:03 dcook :) 02:03 dcook It certainly has its pluses and minuses compared with the others 02:04 dcook It's simple in its execution 02:04 dcook That is, I have two boxes with near fresh Debian installs 02:04 dcook Now all I need is to put a SSH server on each, run the playbook, and it's done 02:06 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 02:06 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 02:06 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.18.x_D7 build #57: FIXED in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.18.x_D7/57/ 02:06 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Revert "Bug 13352: On editing, prices should not be formatted" 02:06 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Revert "Bug 13352: QA Follow-up: Remove Price filter from "Warning at (%)"" 02:06 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 13298 - Holds ratios report ignores ordered items 02:06 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13352 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Editing amount in Acquisitions budget causes error due to formatting 02:06 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13298 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , Holds ratios report ignores ordered items 02:17 dcook I wish I'd timed that... 02:18 dcook Before koha-common: 47 /lib.*perl/ packages 02:19 dcook After koha-common: 310 /lib.*perl/ packages 02:19 dcook Just a few Perl dependencies, eh? 02:19 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 02:19 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 02:19 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.18.x_U14 build #51: FIXED in 45 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.18.x_U14/51/ 02:19 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Revert "Bug 13352: On editing, prices should not be formatted" 02:19 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Revert "Bug 13352: QA Follow-up: Remove Price filter from "Warning at (%)"" 02:19 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 13298 - Holds ratios report ignores ordered items 02:19 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13352 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Editing amount in Acquisitions budget causes error due to formatting 02:19 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13298 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , Holds ratios report ignores ordered items 02:23 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 02:23 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 02:23 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.18.x_U12 build #33: FIXED in 59 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.18.x_U12/33/ 02:23 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Revert "Bug 13352: On editing, prices should not be formatted" 02:23 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Revert "Bug 13352: QA Follow-up: Remove Price filter from "Warning at (%)"" 02:23 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 13298 - Holds ratios report ignores ordered items 03:24 dcook Actually, quick question about packages, eythian 03:24 dcook It's still necessary to setup a fair number of cronjobs, yeah? 03:24 eythian dcook: do you know what time it is? 03:24 eythian no 03:24 dcook Almost beer o'clock? 03:24 dcook It looks like the only cronjobs are for indexing and process_queue.pl 03:24 eythian _after_ beer o'clock has begun 03:24 dcook :o 03:24 eythian no, it sets them all up 03:24 dcook Then why are you here? 03:25 eythian LDAP :( 03:25 dcook Hmm, just somewhere else other than /etc/cron.d/koha-common? 03:25 eythian /etc/cron.d 03:25 dcook Boo LDAP 03:25 eythian and cron.daily 03:25 dcook Ah, right. Beauty. 03:25 eythian LDAP beats SAML. 03:25 eythian that's all I've been doing the past few days. 03:25 eythian SAML sucks. 03:25 dcook Yeah, I saw a comment about SAML 03:25 eythian it's hard. 03:26 dcook Can't say I've ever looked at either 03:26 dcook I just know that some governments use SAML 03:26 eythian yeah, it's pretty common 05:01 dcook Don't suppose you're still here, eythian? 05:32 dcook I firgured it out :) 05:32 dcook figured* 05:42 bst i needed help on using publisher field with authority 05:42 bst an i also want to add address of publisher 05:42 bst and get authority records for publisher 05:43 bst can someone help me how to set this 06:50 bst how to add publisher authority in koha 07:13 Guest5223 can some one help hw to add publisher authrity 07:14 Guest5223 when i clciked on authority publisher 07:14 Guest5223 in 260 tag 07:19 * magnus_zzz waves 07:56 reiveune hello 07:57 magnuse bonjour reiveune 07:58 reiveune salut magnuse 08:06 magnuse hiya cait and alex_a 08:07 alex_a hello magnuse 08:23 eythian @later tell dcook good email! 08:23 huginn eythian: The operation succeeded. 08:26 Joubu hello #koha 08:26 mofad why it happen when I enter command sudo a2ensite library it appear error: site library does not exist 08:29 Joubu mofad: /etc/apache2/sites-available/library.conf does not exist 08:40 mofad i dont have DNSname 08:41 mofad how to configure /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf 08:42 mofad is it use name based or ip based? 08:49 Joubu @later tell bag bug 12802 rebased :) 08:49 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 08:49 cait Joubu: i think i found a translation problem with the item search 08:49 cait bug 13700 08:49 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13700 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Translated item search not working 08:49 cait something in the translation script messes with the quotes is my guess 08:56 cait hm and also happening for es-ES 09:09 cait bug 12802 09:09 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12802 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Sent notices using several email addresses 11:06 cait hi #koha 11:48 tcohen morning! 11:59 tcohen khall++ 12:00 Joubu yep, khall++ :) 12:05 Joubu What is the difference between "freight", "shipping" and "shipment cost"? 12:05 Joubu Which one should we use in Koha? 12:08 Joubu Any native English speakers around? cc ashimema_, khall? 12:27 cait Joubu: i thik there was a bug about that once hm 12:27 tcohen morning cait Joubu khall 12:28 khall mornin! 12:28 cait Joubu: bug 10705 12:28 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10705 trivial, P5 - low, ---, ketan, RESOLVED FIXED, Shipment cost should be 'shipping' 12:28 cait and morning all 12:29 Joubu my translator tell me that "shipping" means "charge for transportation" 12:29 Joubu so "shipping cost" does not look good 12:30 Joubu if "charge" is already included into "shipping" 12:30 tcohen Guest5120: ? 12:30 Joubu tcohen: seems to be jcamins 12:30 tcohen morning Guest5120 12:31 cait Joubu: hm we need to find a native speaker 12:31 cait khall: ? :) 12:31 jcamins Yeah, that's me. 12:31 Joubu lunch time for me 12:31 cait or jcamins :) 12:32 jcamins Joubu: you are correct, that "shipping cost" is probably redundant. 12:32 jcamins "Freight" is a rather strange word to use when talking about books. 12:39 cait jcamins++ 12:40 jcamins "Freight" sounds European. 12:45 cait jajm_++ .) 13:00 Joubu BACK 13:00 Joubu oops, sorry caps lock 13:01 Joubu jcamins: ok thanks 13:02 Joubu jcamins: so, it should be shipping (which is the cost), and I could add a field shipping_tax_rate (will be the tax rate of the shipping), does it make sense? 13:12 jcamins Joubu: yes. 13:12 tcohen Joubu: have you contacted ribasushi? 13:13 tcohen oh, are you around ribasushi? 13:13 oleonard dcook++ # FTE rant 13:13 Joubu tcohen: nope 13:13 Joubu jcamins: shipment_cost and shipment_tax_rate don't make more sense? 13:14 jcamins Joubu: no, it does make sense. 13:14 Joubu no it does? :) sorry, didn't get it 13:15 jcamins Joubu: your idea sounds good. :) 13:15 Joubu ok, let's go for shipment_cost and shipment_tax_rate then! thanks jcamins 13:18 jcamins Sorry, "shipping" and "shipping_tax_rate" are better. 13:18 jcamins Sorry, I'm trying to respond while getting ready to leave, and misread. 13:19 Joubu jcamins: I was confused! :) Ok thanks! 13:35 magnuse druthb! 13:35 wahanui Let's rewrite Koha in Scala! 13:35 magnuse ooh La Scala 13:38 tcohen hey, that's not a bad idea 13:38 druthb magnuse! 13:38 wahanui well, magnuse is afraid that we added another 10000 bugs while he was eating pizza. 13:40 magnuse pizza? T minus 50 13:42 liw chocolate pizza? 13:43 tcohen they have that in brazil! 13:44 liw and in NZ 13:45 tcohen =D 13:48 tcohen ribasushi: should a DBIx::Class project use DBIx::Connector? 14:00 magnuse not in norway! 14:01 magnuse (chocolate pizza, that is) 14:01 druthb it's not hard to make, magnuse. You could solve that problem. 14:01 magnuse um, not sure it needs solving. or that it is a problem ;-) 14:02 druthb hm…you may be right. Norwegians are one of the happiest people on Earth, and don't have chocolate pizza. Could there be a connection? 14:02 liw it's all those fjords 14:03 druthb well, pretty scenery in the fjords would make me happier, too. All I get to see is tens of thousands of cars. 14:03 liw also, a millennium of primal scream therapy may have had an impact as well 14:04 druthb Houston traffic can be…breathtaking. There are more people who live in Houston and its' surrounding burbs, than live in all of NZ. 14:04 oleonard druthb works for the NZ tourism board as you can see 14:06 druthb When I was in college speech class, we had to give a "sales speech." One of my classmates gave all the reasons why you should *not* vacation in Kansas. I could make a similar case for Houston, I think. 14:06 druthb (…and I *like* Houston, mind you.) 14:07 druthb @wunder Lawrence, KS 14:07 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Channel 6 Downtown, Lawrence, Kansas is -4.7°C (8:06 AM CST on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: -10.0°C. Windchill: -5.0°C. Pressure: 30.27 in 1025 hPa (Steady). 14:07 druthb @wunder Houston, TX 14:07 huginn druthb: The current temperature in SE-Svc-Cntr, Houston, Texas is 8.5°C (8:07 AM CST on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 75%. Dew Point: 4.0°C. Windchill: 8.0°C. Pressure: 30.37 in 1028 hPa (Rising). 14:07 liw @wunder Helsinki 14:07 huginn liw: The current temperature in Helsinki, Finland is 2.0°C (3:50 PM EET on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Light Rain Showers. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 0.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Falling). 14:07 druthb Right there is why. I'm wearing a t-shirt. 14:07 druthb @wunder bodo 14:07 * liw enjoys the heat wave 14:07 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is -3.0°C (2:50 PM CET on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: -6.0°C. Windchill: -9.0°C. Pressure: 29.86 in 1011 hPa (Steady). 14:08 druthb @wunder mcmurdo 14:08 huginn druthb: The current temperature in McMurdo, Antarctica is -7.0°C (1:00 AM NZDT on February 14, 2015). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 20%. Dew Point: -20.0°C. Pressure: 28.95 in 980 hPa (Falling). 14:08 liw McMurdo, now there's a place I'd like to move to :) 14:08 druthb not me! 14:08 druthb @wunder cozumel 14:08 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Cozumel, Mexico is 21.0°C (8:45 AM EST on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Rising). 14:08 druthb Now we're talking. 14:09 liw too hot 14:09 druthb nope nope nope. 14:09 oleonard @wunder 45701 14:09 huginn oleonard: The current temperature in APRSWXNET Athens OH US, Athens, Ohio is -15.6°C (8:27 AM EST on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 90%. Dew Point: -17.0°C. Windchill: -16.0°C. Pressure: 30.39 in 1029 hPa (Steady). 14:10 druthb yes, it is colder in Athens, than it is in Antarctica. Aren't you glad you live there, oleonard? 14:10 oleonard Yeah, wtf 14:10 wahanui hmmm... Yeah, is a train feasible? 14:10 oleonard A train out of here wahanui? 14:10 liw to be fair, McMurdo is having summer 14:12 druthb We're heading for a high of 19C today, sunny. Cold front should hit on Monday—high of 18, low of 8, and staying cold all day Tuesday. But back to 16 on Wednesday. :) 14:12 druthb Expecting a high of 25 tomorrow. Enjoy your snowstorms up north, eh? 14:19 cait @wunder Konstanz 14:19 huginn cait: The current temperature in Bodensee Konstanz City, Konstanz, Germany is 0.1°C (3:19 PM CET on February 13, 2015). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 84%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: 0.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady). 14:20 cait not too bad today 14:23 * oleonard hopes he gets to visit cait in Konstanz some day 14:23 cait that would be nice :) 14:23 cait but make sure you come during spring/summer/autom... 14:23 cait autumn even 14:26 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 14:26 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 14:26 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Master_U14 build #300: FIXED in 50 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U14/300/ 14:36 magnuse pizzatime! 14:40 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 14:40 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 14:40 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Master_U12_MariaDB build #235: FIXED in 1 hr 4 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U12_MariaDB/235/ 14:50 tcohen yay 15:28 ashimema anyone here using koha with slip printing and till drawers? 15:29 ashimema I have two thing I'd love to work out.. printing slips/reciepts without raising a print dialogue (i.e. direct to printer printing).. and RAW print messages so I can add an escapte sequence to open the till drawer.. 15:29 ashimema wonered if anyone here was doing that? 15:29 ashimema and how if so 15:39 bag ashimema: “printing slips/reciepts without raising a print dialogue†can’t you turn that off in the browser? 15:39 bag @Joubu 15:39 huginn bag: I've exhausted my database of quotes 15:39 bag whoops 15:39 bag Joubu++ 15:39 bag thanks I will test rebased bug today :) 15:42 ashimema not in any recent browser I've found 15:43 ashimema chrome disabled 'kiosk mode with direct printing' a few versions back :( 15:44 ashimema Plus, I kinda need the raw printing, so I can send the till opening sequence too.. 15:44 jcamins ashimema: you could implement something like CUPS from scratch. 15:45 ashimema lol.. lovely idea jcamins ;) 15:45 ashimema I'm currently looking at jzebra.. 15:45 ashimema seems to be a java applet you install clientside and then use javascript to interact with it.. 15:46 ashimema but it relies on netscape api, which is seems is begin deprecated for security reasons by most browsers. 15:47 jcamins ashimema: ooh, here's another good option! 15:47 jcamins Use an accoustic coupler! 15:47 jcamins *Then* implement something like CUPS over it. 15:47 ashimema lol 15:48 jcamins That way the till doesn't have to be hooked up to the terminal, it just has to be *near* the till. 15:48 jcamins And you get major geek cred! 15:51 ashimema lol 15:51 ashimema full of good ideas today 15:52 jcamins ashimema: want more? 15:52 * jcamins will try to come up with a better one. 16:03 reiveune bye 16:03 ashimema hehe 16:32 cait ashimema: mveron had something for direct printing with a firefox plugin 16:33 tcohen we use that too, JSPrintSetup 16:33 cait http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Configure_Automatic_Receipt_Printing 16:33 khall cait: Joubu: http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11625#c28 16:33 huginn 04Bug 11625: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, In Discussion , Default to logged in library for circ rules and notices & slips 16:34 cait http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Setting_up_slip_printer_to_print_silently 16:34 cait another thing i have heard of is sending emails to a printer 16:34 cait buti am not sure how well tht would work with a slip printer if at all? 16:48 khall cait: Joubu: I simply cannot recreate your failed unit tests using a fresh database with sample data for bug 12803. Would it be possible for me to get a copy of your test databases? 16:48 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12803 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Failed QA , Add ability to skip closed libraries when generating the holds queue 16:49 khall tcohen: could you give bug 12803 a try? 16:52 cait not sure i still have it - but i can ty to test again 16:52 cait but not before end of next eek probably 16:52 cait super busy atm 17:18 rsz hi, I am adding books via <lib>-intra login, but the same is not searchable on <lib>-opac login! any suggestions where to start looking... 17:22 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 13603 - autoBarcode setting hbyymmincr not taking month into account when looking... <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=b280b4890c813b5535b6e98b27c390d9af10551a> / Bug 13417: DBRev <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=59cfca3464f195918baf5fd0c88e1bc442911fca> / Bug 13417: Remove warnings <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h 17:33 * rsz discovers Zebra indexing and is thrilled to see the books added earlier! :-) 17:38 cait rsz: :) 17:43 rsz my next problem: I can search records(biblios?), but can not hold/issue them... koha says No available items.. but the items tab of the same biblio says 1 item! 17:44 tcohen rsz: have you set circulation rules? 17:44 kivilahtio rsz: sounds like that 17:44 wahanui i think sounds like that is a bit above magnuse's level of incompetence 17:44 kivilahtio wow 17:44 kivilahtio wahanui: bad boy! 17:44 wahanui kivilahtio: what? 17:45 kivilahtio rsz: have you read the koha manuals implementation checklist? 17:45 rsz I have set the library, set 2 new patrons, set some rules on them.. 17:45 kivilahtio rsz: To save yourself from 1000 tons of frustration. Read the Implementation checklist first and make changes based on that 17:45 rsz ok.. :-) 17:46 kivilahtio rsz: I didn't and man was I frustrated 17:46 kivilahtio rsz: and don't hurry. Take your time to read and understand 17:46 rsz this is what I should start at? http://manual.koha-community.org/3.6/en/implementation.html 17:46 kivilahtio rsz: There is also a good but outdated book about Koha. 17:47 rsz ok.. I like *book* :-) 17:47 kivilahtio yes, but use the v 3.16 17:47 kivilahtio http://manual.koha-community.org/3.16/en/implementation.html 17:47 kivilahtio or v1.18 17:47 rsz thanks a lot for showing the right path! :-) 17:48 kivilahtio no problem 17:48 kivilahtio have a great weekend! 17:48 kivilahtio I am happy to show the right path, if I donät have to show all the steps :) 17:54 rsz agree kivilahtio! :-) thanks again! 18:08 bag http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11625 (looking for more librarians to commend on this in discussion bug) 18:08 huginn 04Bug 11625: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, In Discussion , Default to logged in library for circ rules and notices & slips 19:39 drojf are there now bugs 'reserved' for the hackfest? if yes, how do i know which ones? 19:40 bag what do you mean ‘reserved’ ? 19:40 bag like don’t touch them until then? I would say no - touch and work on anything you want to 19:43 drojf ok. i think somebody wanted to make a list with things that would be good for people to learn how to sign off, or something. not sure 20:08 beto hello everyone 20:09 beto i need help 20:09 beto anyone? 20:09 wahanui Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? 20:09 beto hello 20:09 cait just ask :) 20:09 beto ok 20:10 beto I installed koha since june 20:10 beto everything went great 20:11 beto but i have this problem 20:11 beto i have almost 10000 regs 20:12 beto my asistent added 10 new books 20:12 beto but since then every new adquisition generates problems 20:13 beto i cant find them on OPAC 20:13 beto not for title, number, author 20:13 beto nothing 20:14 beto i cant add new books 20:14 beto they have the same problem 20:14 beto pls help me 20:14 beto what can i do? 20:19 beto anyone? 20:19 wahanui Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? 20:19 beto anyone? 20:19 wahanui Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? 20:21 beto hello? 20:22 wnickc beto: is it that you can't add the books, or just can't search for them? 20:22 wnickc do they check in using barcode? 20:22 beto i can add them 20:22 beto they dont show on opac 20:22 wnickc but they check in? 20:22 beto yes 20:23 wnickc and all your old books are searchable? 20:23 JesseM your fast indexer may not be running 20:23 beto they only way they show up is when i make a loan 20:24 beto i can find them using barcode 20:24 beto but they dont show on my opac 20:25 JesseM does anything show on the opac? 20:25 beto my old book are searcheable 20:25 beto yes... my old books 20:26 JesseM how often does your system reindex? 20:26 beto i dont know 20:26 beto how can i do it? 20:26 beto or where can i check it? 20:26 wnickc how did you install koha? 20:27 beto live dvd 20:27 beto how can i check my fast indexer? 20:28 beto another example 20:28 wahanui hmmm... another example is inventory book we have to keep for each item which is again a number, 20:28 beto i have a book... everything is good 20:29 beto so i bought another one 20:29 beto the same book 20:29 beto y add it with another number or barcode 20:29 beto i add it with another number or barcode 20:30 beto and OPAC only shows me 1 result of that book 20:31 beto if a open that book... it shows me both of them 20:32 wnickc you can try the package commands to rebuild zebra and see if your new books show up 20:32 JesseM beto check out the manual make sure your cronjobs are set up right http://manual.koha-community.org/3.16/en/cronjobsch.html#cronjobs 20:33 JesseM commands for package install http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Commands_provided_by_the_Debian_packages 20:34 oleonard package commands work with a Live DVD installation? 20:34 JesseM I am not sure oleonard 20:34 oleonard I don't think so 20:35 wnickc the kohageek one seems to suggest it does, though... 20:36 beto ok 20:36 beto let me check 20:36 beto im going to try 20:38 wnickc Always worth noting the warning for live Cd/DVD: Live CDs and DVDs should not be used to run a library. These are not officially supported by Koha, and any difficulties should be taken up with the creator of them. 20:45 beto i dont know what command to use to rebuild zebra 20:45 beto sudo ./zebra-rebuild.sh 20:47 jcamins beto: that's why you shouldn't use LiveDVDs. 20:48 cait beto: the main problem is that we don't know how this was set up 20:48 beto so... what should i be using? 20:48 cait it's really hard to help people using live dvds 20:48 cait debian packages is a good way 20:48 cait debian packages? 20:48 wahanui somebody said debian packages was a good way 20:48 cait hm packages? 20:48 wahanui somebody said packages was at http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Debian 20:52 beto guys im so sad 20:52 beto i dont understand a lot of things 20:53 beto i dont know what to do 20:53 cait if you know where you downloaded the dvd 20:53 beto and this is a big project 20:53 cait maybe you could contact the person there 20:55 beto http://www.vimalkumar.info/drupal/?q=koha-live-dvd 20:59 wnickc beto: the readme file there has directions for rebuilding zebra: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kohalivedvd/files/?source=navbar 21:00 cait wnickc: now you beat me to it:) 21:00 cait was just looking at it 21:00 cait beto: check the readme.doc 21:04 beto ok 21:05 beto im trying 21:08 beto now theres no results 21:08 beto on my opac 21:09 cait hwich one did you do of the 2 options? 21:10 cait run the second and add a -v to the command 21:13 wnickc talljoy:I owe you a sample file, is there anything special for formatting? 21:14 * talljoy considers her options. 21:14 talljoy tell me what the sample file is for? 21:14 talljoy is this Nick from Vokal? 21:14 wnickc :) 21:14 wnickc indeed 21:14 talljoy you send me a request written on a 100 dollar bill. 21:14 talljoy ;-) 21:15 talljoy srsly. you're talking about the file for merging bibs? 21:15 wnickc yes 21:16 wnickc assuming csv, and first column for record to keep, second for record to merge 21:16 talljoy okay, let me pull up that project and see what the details are for the incoming file. 21:16 talljoy i think you're right on with the format. 21:16 talljoy but let me double check that. 21:16 wnickc you can email me too if easier, just saw you here and pounced 21:16 beto guys theres no results 21:16 beto on opac 21:17 talljoy sure thing wnickc i'll check with melissa and have her pass along that info to you! 21:17 beto all records deleted or what? im goign to die 21:17 talljoy HA 21:18 drojf beto: it may still be indexing 21:18 drojf did you get any output? 21:18 drojf in the terminal i mean 21:21 wnickc thanks talljoy 21:22 talljoy np wnickc 21:25 cait beto - your data is ok - the indexing won't change or delete ti 21:25 cait just makes it searchable 21:28 beto i get this output 21:30 beto zebra idx (13320) [warn] Couldn't open collection.abs [no such file or directory] 21:31 beto how can i recover my records 21:32 beto and make them searcheable 21:32 beto again 21:32 oleonard beto you must keep in mind that none of us here use Live DVDs, so we aren't familiar with troubleshooting Live DVD installations 21:32 beto yes... i know 21:32 beto but maybe works the same 21:33 drojf beto: what command did you use? 21:33 beto Rebuilding Zebra Index Go to Home folder (/home/koha). Find zebra-rebuild.sh file. Right click and Open the file. Select Run in Terminal. Enter the system password “koha123†when it ask. 21:36 drojf beto: can you open a terminal? 21:36 drojf or is a terminal open right now? 21:42 beto is open 21:43 drojf ok. first of all, please type 21:43 drojf sudo koha-list 21:43 drojf what does that give you? 21:45 beto2 hello im beto 21:45 drojf hello beto2 21:45 beto2 writting on terminal 21:45 beto2 let me see 21:46 beto2 sudo koha-list 21:46 beto2 shows library 21:46 drojf ok. that is your instance name. next type 21:46 drojf sudo koha-restart-zebra library 21:46 drojf (to restart the index server. that is the thing that makes your records show in opac) 21:47 beto2 Restarting Zebra server for library 21:47 drojf ok good. now do a full reindex. type 21:47 drojf sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -f -v library 21:47 drojf this can take a while. see if you get any errors 21:48 beto2 ok 21:48 beto2 im scared 21:48 drojf when it finishes, tell us what the output is 21:48 beto2 ok 21:50 beto2 zebraidx(18163) [warn] Couldn't open collection.abs [No such file or directory] 21:51 beto2 thats is the output 21:51 beto2 drojf 21:53 drojf beto2: please do 21:53 drojf sudo apt-cache policy koha-common 21:54 drojf and is the line about collection.abs the only output? there is nothing more? 22:00 beto2 koha-common: Instalados: 3.18.03 Candidato: 3.18.03 Tabla de versión: *** 3.18.03 0 500 http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/ squeeze/main i386 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 22:01 beto2 thats what it shows 22:02 beto no more outputs drojf 22:04 beto nothing more 22:04 beto nothing else 22:05 drojf beto2: http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13396#c3 you have to edit a system file 22:06 huginn 04Bug 13396: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, koha-rebuild-zebra: Couldn't open collection.abs error after 3.18 package update 22:09 beto Adding these lines to koha-conf.xml solved the problem: 22:09 beto <zebra_bib_index_mode>grs1</zebra_bib_index_mode> <zebra_auth_index_mode>grs1</zebra_auth_index_mode> 22:09 beto but how? 22:13 wnickc beto: koha was trying to index your system using the default mode (DOM) but your system is configured for GRS1, you just told koha to use GRS1 22:13 wnickc now your system understands your data 22:13 wnickc but ultimately you are going to have to migrate to DOM as GRS1 is being obsoloeted 22:14 beto ok 22:14 beto and how i do taht? 22:14 beto and how i do that? 22:14 wnickc make a backup, then try : http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Switching_to_dom_indexing 22:17 wnickc I would say ultimately though you might want to consider a support company as #koha is very helpful, but not always available and it is good to have someone who understands the ins and outs of your system maintaining it 22:20 beto2 yes... but sometimes you dont have someone to do that 22:20 beto2 so you have to learn 22:21 tcohen hi 22:21 wahanui salut, tcohen 22:21 beto2 how do i find koha-config.xml? 22:22 drojf beto2: /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml 22:25 drojf i'm out, have a nice weekend #koha 22:25 wnickc drojf++ 22:27 beto2 wnick 22:27 wnickc yes? 22:34 wnickc does anyone know why all the email and digest boxes would be disabled on an instance? 22:34 wnickc playing with kohadevbox 22:35 beto how do i edit koha-config? 22:36 beto2 im back 22:36 beto2 how do i edit koha-config? 22:37 wnickc sudo nano /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml 22:38 wnickc or vim instead of nano 22:38 wnickc if you have a GUI you can use gedit too 22:38 wnickc but make backups, you can muck things up when editing 22:42 beto2 ok 22:47 beto2 wnick im suppose to add <xi:include href="/etc/koha/zebradb/retrieval-info-bib-dom.xml" xmlns:xi="[http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude]"> <xi:fallback> <retrievalinfo> 22:48 beto2 After the line <!-- <maximumrecordsize>2000000</maximumrecordsize> --> 22:48 beto2 but i cant find thath line 22:53 beto2 wnick? 22:54 wnickc I can tell you where those lines are in my koha-conf, and I would guess that is where they belong in yours, but I would just be guessing 22:55 wnickc right after <cql2rpn>/etc/koha/zebradb/pqf.properties</cql2rpn> but I am no expert on zebra and setup 22:56 wnickc so take it with a shaker of salt or come back when there are more/more knowledgeable people here 22:56 wnickc if everything is working you don't have to switch to dom today 22:56 wnickc it is just something you will havce to tackle ~soon~ 22:57 wnickc and my work day is endingm but good luck