Time Nick Message 00:19 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 00:19 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 00:19 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.18.x_D7 build #38: FIXED in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.18.x_D7/38/ 00:19 jenkins_koha Mark Tompsett: Bug 12868: Wrong variable used for borrower number 00:20 eythian [off] what is it about overly entitled people today? 00:20 rangi [off] yeah that email does not make me want to answer 00:20 rangi [off] work for me for free, i wouldnt, but you should 00:23 eythian [off] yeah. well, I included a link to the paid support page, maybe that'll provide a hint 00:32 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 00:32 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 00:32 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.18.x_U14 build #34: FIXED in 45 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.18.x_U14/34/ 00:32 jenkins_koha Mark Tompsett: Bug 12868: Wrong variable used for borrower number 00:32 rangi yep thas a good reply 00:34 * DoctorWho waves 00:50 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 00:50 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 00:50 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.18.x_U12 build #18: FIXED in 58 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.18.x_U12/18/ 00:50 jenkins_koha Mark Tompsett: Bug 12868: Wrong variable used for borrower number 00:51 wizzyrea things that annoy me 00:51 wizzyrea serial-issues 00:51 wizzyrea serials-search 00:51 wizzyrea it's a... consistency, people! 00:52 eythian http://i.imgur.com/PtxvQzz.jpg 00:53 wizzyrea I couldn't make it to the end of the comic I had an alert from twitter. 00:53 wizzyrea j/k :) 00:54 wizzyrea ooh, a pony! 00:55 eythian wahanui: pony is <reply>http://www.brainfuel.tv/wp-content/uploads/2006/03/nopony.jpg 00:55 wahanui ...but pony is <reply>http://uber.geek.nz/pony.jpg... 00:55 eythian oh 00:55 eythian that'll work too 01:02 eythian @wunder nzwn 01:02 eythian ... 01:02 eythian :< 01:15 dcook :O 01:37 eythian hmm, unless I'm misreading this code, if you try do delete a staff account, you also need the staff access permission. Otherwise you need the borrower modification permission. 01:37 eythian However, you always need the staff access permission to log into the interface anyway 01:37 eythian that's weird 02:08 wizzyrea define staff account? 02:09 wizzyrea do you mean a user with the "staff" borrower category? 02:09 * DoctorWho waves at #koha 02:09 wizzyrea or a borrower simply with permissions to log in 02:09 wizzyrea hi DoctorWho :) 02:09 DoctorWho hello! 02:10 eythian wizzyrea: an account that is of the 'staff' category type. 02:10 eythian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk_vV-JRZ6E <-- wizzyrea 02:11 wizzyrea hehe 02:11 DoctorWho is there anything I can help with? 02:11 wizzyrea I've always thought it was weird that having the "staff" borrower category didn't confer rights to log in. 02:11 wizzyrea ever since my first koha installation of koha 2.6 or whatever it was. 02:12 eythian yeah 02:12 wizzyrea fixing that would probably be a step towards permission profiles. 02:12 wizzyrea which would be a nice thing. 02:12 eythian it would 02:19 wizzyrea they are adorable. 02:22 wizzyrea also, it will be unsurprising that it makes me feel old. 02:23 wizzyrea I like the "the iPad costs $700!" 02:23 wizzyrea kid. 03:15 AmitG hi all 03:15 AmitG rangi around?? 03:17 eythian unlikely, beer o'clock has just begun 03:21 AmitG heya Robin 03:21 dcook Mmm beer 04:58 dcook @wunder syd 04:58 dcook Ah righ 04:58 dcook t 04:58 dcook 27 degrees... feels warmer 05:27 * DoctorWho waves at koha 05:27 DoctorWho wellington people, nice to see some of you today :) 06:26 dcook hey cait :) 06:27 cait hi dcook :) 06:27 cait working late on friday? 06:27 AmitG heya cait 06:27 dcook I think that's every Friday :p 06:27 dcook I think I work late every day actually 06:29 cait hi AmitG 06:45 dcook happy friday all 07:46 reiveune hello 07:49 * magnuse waves 08:00 alex_a bonjour 08:33 gaetan_B hello 08:33 wahanui bonjour, gaetan_B 08:41 ashimema morning #koha 08:52 Joubu Good morning ashimema, #koha 08:54 ashimema just reading last nights mailing list.. why oh why do people think we should do everything for everyone for free.. 08:55 ashimema eythian's responses were at least apt 08:55 Joubu [subliminal message] bug 13021 is signed off, when QAed, SQLHelper could be removed :) 09:01 ashimema I need to read that code better.. but on first look at the patches it looks like we're using datatables there in a really back to front way 09:01 ashimema that is a first look though 09:18 cait good morning #koha 09:59 nlegrand Hey #koha! 10:01 magnuse hiya nlegrand 10:02 nlegrand I'm wondering what's the 'stack' field in items table is used for? 10:02 nlegrand hey magnuse o/ 10:03 cait not only you... :) 10:03 cait iam not sure 10:03 cait but seem to remember it's numeric? 10:03 nlegrand it's a bit 10:03 magnuse " The stack number of the item, inventory code." http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Holdings_data_fields_%289xx%29 10:04 cait hmnot sure if that is all to it 10:04 magnuse that does not make me much wiser... 10:04 cait although i could really use a second callnumber field rightnwo for a library with stacks :( 10:05 nlegrand magnuse: ho I didn't know this page, thanks 10:05 magnuse it's quite useful :-) 10:05 cait hm tinyin 10:05 cait t 10:05 cait more a flag than a number maybe? 10:07 cait TINYINT is 1-byte number. 10:07 cait hm git grep stack shows some inersting remains 10:08 cait http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=blob;f=C4/Items.pm;hb=124549b8abad24c5c506ab5962a75782067b2c9a#l1356 10:09 cait s you can link an auth-value to it i guess? 10:09 cait but codes hsould be numeric then 10:09 cait and it seems searchable 10:09 magnuse the duplicate check that is done when you save a record - is it possible to turn it on or off or change/influence it in any way? 10:09 nlegrand cait: http://catalogue.bulac.fr/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=79258 we mapped 995$k to callnumber, 995$K is the original cote, the book would have kept if he had stayed in stacks 10:10 nlegrand (sorry if my english grammar is awkward ^^) 10:10 cait yeah something like this - reading room and originsal stack callnumber 10:11 cait is your stack callnumber visible in the display (customizations?) or is it just a more_subfields_xml field? 10:13 cait the frmeworks link it to an auth value STACK - never seen that 10:13 nlegrand It's not visible in the display, but it's searchable (http://catalogue.bulac.fr/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=BIULO+GEN.III.68332&advsearch=0) 10:13 cait did you make it searchable? 10:13 nlegrand cait: our koha is so weird, I have a lot of headache :) 10:14 cait :) 10:14 cait i understand 10:14 cait didn't you plan on updating? 10:15 nlegrand cait: I'm working on it, we have a test 3.18 working right now, but I have to port our customisations, and it's... tricky. 10:15 nlegrand I'm writting an RFC right now I would have liked to post two weeks ago :) 10:15 nlegrand I'll try to publish a first draft today ^^ 10:16 nlegrand what is this STACK auth value you're seeing? We don't have such thing. 10:17 nlegrand We have a custom istate field in items table to track the state of an item being asked from stack. 10:18 cait nlegrand: it's referenced in some of the default frameworks 10:18 cait but i don't think it's there by default 10:19 nlegrand ho for the stack field? 10:19 cait yeeah 10:19 cait i recently cleaned up some weird things in the default frameorks - but there is more to find apparently :) 10:20 cait but it makes sense - to use it with an auth-value 10:20 cait would explain why it's a tinyint maybe 10:21 cait nlegrand: any idea for the coded location identifier? 10:21 cait coded_location_qualifier 10:21 cait varchar 10 10:22 cait but docs say: Three-character code that identifies the specific issues of the item that are located apart from the main holdings of the same item. 10:23 cait @marc 952$f 10:23 cait @marc 852$f 10:23 cait @marc 852f 10:23 cait @marc 852 f 10:23 cait @marc 852 10:23 cait hm ok, bot is not here? 10:23 cait yeah no huginn 10:24 cait http://www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/hd852.html 10:25 cait interesting read 10:38 cait nlegrand: crossing fingers for you :) 10:39 cait nlegrand: will you be in marseille htis year? 10:39 * nlegrand weeping blood tears 10:39 cait oh 10:40 nlegrand cait: unfortunaly no, we had a son in august, and I'm not sure we're yet able to organise with one of us missing for some days :) 10:40 cait oh, understandable 10:40 cait but we will still miss you 10:40 nlegrand but I'll be on IRC anyway :) 10:42 nlegrand that's nice ^^, I'm a bit sad, cause I really enjoyed it and the koha community is extremely nice 10:43 nlegrand I guess next year will be less exhausting :) 10:44 cait not sue :) 10:44 cait but I don't have kids, magnuse might know 10:45 cait another trick is bringing your family to marseille 10:45 magnuse yeah, bring the family! 10:46 nlegrand We talked about doing something like this :). Next time I'll bring my clarinet too ^^. 10:46 magnuse my son was 9 or 10 months the first time he went to marseille 10:47 magnuse ooh clarinet! 10:47 nlegrand magnuse: we have one or two health issues that make traveling a bit hard yet :) 10:47 magnuse ouch, i see 10:48 magnuse we do understand if you have to stay at home ;-) 10:49 magnuse hm, i upgraded my test server to 3.18.2 yesterday, and now e.g. search gives me "Open of share file /tmp/sharefile-koha-koha failed: Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/Cache/FastMmap.pm line 640." 10:49 magnuse anyone else seen that? 10:49 nlegrand magnuse: I train in my library closed stacks ^^. Just under the easter europe acquisition office. I try to play Klezmer or Russian music to please them :). 10:49 magnuse awesome! 10:49 wahanui That'll be $1 for the awesome jar, magnuse 10:50 cait nlegrand: def bring your clarinet next time! 10:50 cait magnuse: look in bugzilla, there is work on it 10:50 nlegrand \o/ 10:50 cait magnuse: it will halp to put a env variable somewhere, but i haven't investigated 10:50 cait shoudl have instructions on the bug 10:51 magnuse bug Bug 13431 10:51 magnuse http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13431 10:52 magnuse google found it, not when i searched bz... 11:00 magnuse but first, lunch 11:18 aleino Hello! Is server es.koha-community.org down? http://es.koha-community.org/manual/master/en/manual.pdf does not open. 11:19 ashimema http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ 11:19 ashimema http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://es.koha-community.org/ 11:20 ashimema looks like it's down for everyone 11:20 * cait agrees 11:20 aleino Thanks! "It's not just you! http://es.koha-community.org looks down from here." 11:22 ashimema the next question would be.. whose in charge of that server and how do we kick them to get it back up 11:22 ashimema which i'm afraid I don't know the answer to 11:22 aleino Maybe someone here... 11:25 Joubu ashimema: Maybe UNC? 11:33 cait time for lunch here 11:33 cait bbl 12:44 Joubu the dashboard has exploded... 12:44 Joubu actually it's the DB 12:50 magnuse oops 12:54 cait hm is bugzila ok? 12:54 cait maybe someone hammering the server again? 13:03 oleonard Hi #koha 13:34 magnuse hiya oleonard and druthb 13:35 druthb magnuse! 13:35 wahanui i think magnuse is afraid that we added another 10000 bugs while he was eating pizza. 13:36 * oleonard loves the oldies 13:37 cait :) 13:38 magnuse are you calling me old?!? ;-) 13:38 oleonard Eh? Speak up youngster! 13:39 * magnuse will start making pizza in ~51 minutes 13:39 druthb wahanui: druthb? 13:39 wahanui rumour has it druthb is more trouble than she's worth 13:39 * druthb nods 13:41 oleonard druthb: If you're going to be deserving of that you're going to have to start causing a LOT more trouble 13:42 oleonard druthb: The least you could do is propose that we rewrite Koha in another language once in a while 13:42 druthb oooh. Let's rewrite Koha in Scala! 13:42 druthb wahanui: forget druthb 13:42 wahanui druthb: I forgot druthb 13:42 druthb wahanui: druthb is <reply> Let's rewrite Koha in Scala! 13:42 wahanui OK, druthb. 13:42 magnuse nah, let's do it in javascript 13:42 druthb druthb? 13:42 wahanui Let's rewrite Koha in Scala! 13:43 cait heh 13:43 druthb better, oleonard? 13:43 oleonard Yes 13:44 druthb very good. Carry on. 13:44 oleonard Next you'll have to train wahanui to randomly insert a different language every time 13:44 druthb LOLCode… :) 13:44 cait maybe we coudl do every module in another language 13:44 cait ? 13:44 druthb We could get jcamins to rewrite C4::Search in LOLCode! 13:45 oleonard He's probably not even busy. 13:47 magnuse yeah, divide koha into components, each written in a different language, that talks to the other components via rest interfaces 13:49 druthb Scala is actually a pretty kick-ass language, for a lot of webby things. 13:51 cait magnuse: it will make it so easy for new devs - they can just pick their fav language :P 13:51 ashimema Lets rewrite koha in python 13:51 cait no serious suggestions please 13:51 ashimema ;) 13:51 ashimema lol.. 13:51 druthb ashimema++ 13:52 ashimema I actually had that conversation with Joubu yesterday.. I'd love to re-write some components in perl but using Mojo as a base framework 13:52 * druthb would choose Dancer2. 13:52 ashimema but that's if some library gave me a million to do it ;) 13:53 ashimema Dancer2.. I played with it a bit, but was worried that they never officially released it.. the Dancer site sitll documents everything for Dancer 1.. unless that's changed recently. 13:53 ashimema Mojolicious is really nice to work with 13:56 druthb Our internal dev department is using Dancer2 for some things around here, and they're lovin it 13:57 Joubu ashimema: naive question: Why Mojolicious is better than Dancer? 14:03 magnuse cait: very good point 14:04 * magnuse would love to redo the opac in dancer2 14:06 magnuse oh should we have one of those "this site uses cookies" thingies? 14:07 magnuse cait: is that a required thing in germany= 14:07 magnuse s/=/?/ 14:08 cait i haven't looked into it yet 14:08 cait but i guess it would be better. 14:13 oleonard So the other day I was talking to someone I went to high school with whom I hadn't seen in a long time, and told her I worked on Koha. She said Oh yes, remember X who we went to school with? He also works on Koha. 14:14 oleonard And of course I'm thinking, I think I pretty much know everyone who works on Koha... 14:14 oleonard So I do some Googling, and it turns out he works on not-Koha :( 14:15 oleonard It was almost an awesome coincidence. Instead I feel I need to stage an intervention. 15:15 Joubu Does someone manage to fetch the catalyst koha repo? 15:15 Joubu error: Unable to find 1f96fbb8f91b6b1801b35820fece7eec09e74b77 under http://git.catalyst.net.nz/koha.git 15:22 Joubu it works well with git:// 15:26 cait oleonard: oi 15:59 Shane-S Need help...I messed something up. I made a new item type a while back called "Electronic Device". Today I added a Chromebook with that template, then proceeded to add a couple with their S/N as the barcode. 16:00 Shane-S All was well until I went to checkout one...then it says item now for loan. When I go to the item edit dropdown #7 Not for Loan is empty 16:00 fridolin bye 16:00 reiveune bye 16:01 Shane-S I am not sure how to get that populated so I can checkout the devices 16:03 Shane-S Think I found it under item type 16:05 Shane-S Okay solved that...new issue we have a rule for books...Too many checked out. 2 checked out, only 2 are allowed. Can I make it so my "Laptops" item type ignores that rule by default? 16:06 cait hm no 16:06 cait oh 16:06 Shane-S I don't want to make the Librarians crazy with that warning every time a student checks out books 16:06 cait maybe 16:06 cait there is normally a rlue on each itemtype - category combination that is for that combination only 16:06 cait and a total for the patron account 16:06 cait you would have to make your specific rules tight and can then increase the total 16:07 Shane-S ah okay, I think I did it for patron only...let me check my Kindles 16:07 Shane-S this is all new for me...was using spreadsheets, but Koha tracks much more and a barcode scanner makes things way faster 16:09 cait hopefully it does :) 16:09 Shane-S ah okay I put a Kindle rule above the "All Items" rule saying 1 for Kindles 2 for All Items, since I have no rule set, it uses the All Items 16:09 cait there is also a total in a table below the big table 16:09 cait on the same page 16:10 cait take a look ther too maybe 16:10 cait all items is the rule it will fall back to if no other rule applies 16:10 cait so it's now 1 kindle and up to 2 items of another itemtype there is no specific rule for 16:12 Shane-S yeah, questions about the hard due date, is that for like a closing, so if we end on 6/30/2015 even if I put 180 in the loan period, 6/30 should be the due date overall right? 16:14 cait it's for cases like when you want back all the book sat the end of the school year 16:14 cait or the library closes for a longer time and you need to get thing sback.. or want people to keep things longer 16:14 Shane-S okay awesome, that works perfect. 16:15 Shane-S I need them all checked back in by that date, but don't want a overdue notice until a hard date 16:15 cait the settings allow 'exactly that date' or guaranteed before or after a date (also using the loan period) 16:16 cait the hard due date influences how the due date gets calculated 16:16 cait from the due date you have different options for the overdues 16:16 cait grace period and charging interval... and also the overdue/notice triggers in tools for the notifications 16:17 Shane-S do I need to enter a loan period if I used the hard date? 16:19 Shane-S apparently I do or I need to set it somewhere, it used my default 7 days 16:34 cait Shane-S: if you use an exact date maybe not 16:34 cait if you use before/after yes 16:35 tcohen hi cait 16:35 cait hi tcohen :) 16:49 gaetan_B bye 17:08 shantanoo hi, i am trying to modify the barcode format. 17:10 shantanoo modifying C4::Barcodes::annual module 17:13 shantanoo instead of 'yyyy-xxxx' format want '_branch_name_-xxxx' format 17:13 shantanoo let me share the modified file 17:18 shantanoo Here is the diff http://pastebin.com/xmK7aEBQ 17:19 shantanoo i still get 'yyyy-' format 17:20 shantanoo from where should i start debugging? 17:26 * cait waves 17:26 shantanoo hi cait 17:26 shantanoo you came at right time ... :) 17:29 shantanoo cait, am trying to have custom barcode format 17:30 shantanoo cait, you around? 17:30 oleonard shantanoo: I think you should define for us what your goal is 17:31 shantanoo oleonard, i want to use '_branch_name_-_counter_' format for barcode. 17:31 oleonard for what barcode? where? 17:31 shantanoo oleonard, for the items 17:34 oleonard shantanoo: Are you talking about the autoBarcode system preference? 17:34 shantanoo i have a book '_server_:8081/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?q=1' 17:34 shantanoo oleonard, yes. thats the only barcode in koha. right? 17:48 cait sorry, trying to make dinner, not really here 17:50 shantanoo oleonard, this is the screenshot http://imgur.com/BMH1p0C . Want to change '2015-0001' to '_branch_-0001' 17:50 mtj shantanoo: no, there a 5? barcode formats 17:51 shantanoo mtj, yes. thats right. 17:51 mtj shantanoo, if i were you.. i would add a new barcode type 17:51 mtj dont change an existing barcode type 17:51 shantanoo mtj, am planning to do that once i get the modifications working as per my expectation 17:51 shantanoo ok 17:51 shantanoo let me do that 17:52 mtj its much easily when you upgrade, if you do it like that :) 17:53 shantanoo mtj, let me copy the file and modify Barcodes.pm 17:53 shantanoo have been lazy to modify the Barcodes.pm file 17:53 mtj ..the add your new patch to bugzilla, and it will be in the next version of koha :) 17:54 mtj then 17:55 mtj good news for you... its not too tricky to add a new barcode type 17:59 shantanoo mtj, have added new module. C4::Barcodes::custom 18:00 shantanoo modified Barcodes.pm 18:00 shantanoo i don't see the new module in preferences 18:01 shantanoo any specific step required for enabling it new module? 18:02 cait shantanoo: haven't checked, but maybe look at barcode.pl 18:02 cait the plugin 18:02 wahanui well, the plugin is written by JavaScript or perl? 18:11 * shantanoo finding it bit difficult to add new module 18:12 shantanoo have modified barcode.pl and C4::Barcodes::ValueBuilder 18:13 shantanoo i suppose i need to modify intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/value_builder/unimarc_field_110.tt also 18:19 * shantanoo reverting back the changes 18:19 shantanoo will try modifying the annual.pm file 18:44 oleonard mtj still around? 18:45 mtj hey oleonard, whats up? 18:46 oleonard I wanted to put in a plug for Bug 13469 if you're looking at stuff for 3.16.x 18:46 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13469 minor, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Stable , Unapi path to XSLTs is wrong in OPAC 18:50 mtj cool, thanks Owen :) 18:51 oleonard We use unapi as a lightweight way to grab biblio data from the catalog when creating content in our CMS, so I'm annoyed that it's broken at the moment 19:00 oleonard mtj++ 19:08 oleonard mtj: Our production system has had a lot of patches applied "early," so it doesn't affect us in the same way, but I think looking carefully at all the bugs linked to Bug 11703 would be a good idea 19:08 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11703 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , Convert checkouts table to ajax datatable 19:50 mtj ah yes, i'll do that oleonard 19:55 jenkins_koha Starting build #41 for job Koha_3.16.x_U14 (previous build: STILL FAILING) 20:11 Shane-S Is there a way to import items into a record? It has add multiples but it wants to calculate the barcode, I am trying to use the serial numbers, so thought a CSV might work better 20:15 wnickc Shane-S: You can use Marcedit to create the items and then import them using the Stage MARC records for import tool 20:16 wnickc If you aren't talking about a lot of items you can just do 'Add & duplicate' 20:17 Shane-S I need to add 100 chromebooks...and when I do Add& Duplicate it didn't like that I made the barcode the serial, I guess I could just let it calculate it and go change it, but that is the same as scanning each barcode 20:19 wnickc Yeah, at 100 it might be worth putting them together in Marcedit 20:21 wnickc I actually often use the add multiple, then wait for reindexing, pull the records to Marcedit using the integration and edit them in Marcedit and push them back to Koha 20:21 wnickc That way I don't have to open each one for editing individually 20:24 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.16.x_U14 build #41: NOW UNSTABLE in 28 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.16.x_U14/41/ 20:24 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 12428 [3.16.x] "OPAC info" is not displayed in the OPAC 20:24 jenkins_koha * David Cook: Bug 13469 - Unapi path to XSLTs is wrong in OPAC 20:24 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 13017 - Login page image replacement technique fails when browser width exceeds 2000 pixels 20:24 jenkins_koha * Mark Tompsett: Bug 13453: Koha.t daily quote tests assume sample data 20:24 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13360: C4::Ris assumes that hash keys are ordered - KW 20:24 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 13124 - Record titles with parentheses causing label weirdness 20:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12428 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Passed QA , "OPAC info" is not displayed in the OPAC 20:24 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 13458: Display the correct patron categories 20:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13469 minor, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Stable , Unapi path to XSLTs is wrong in OPAC 20:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13017 trivial, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , Login page image replacement technique fails when browser width exceeds 2000 pixels 20:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13453 minor, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Stable , Koha.t daily quote tests assume sample data 20:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13360 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , C4::Ris considers that hashes are ordered 20:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13124 major, P1 - high, ---, cnighswonger, Pushed to Stable , Record titles with parentheses causing label weirdness 20:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13458 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Add new patron shows default / hardcoded patron categories after search 20:28 mtj any BZ admins about #koha? 20:28 mtj i think i need to add a 'rel_3_16_7_candidate' keyword to BZ for tagging stuff? 20:29 mtj ..or i could also use the tagging feature too? 20:29 mtj (would be good to be consistent tho) 20:32 mtj hmm, i might just us the tagging feature, for now... 20:36 cait mtj: tagging will only bevisible to you 20:36 cait if that's ok, the tags will work 20:36 cait but you won't see what others might tag for you 20:37 mtj ah ok, i didnt know tags were private 20:39 mtj perhaps there is an RMAINT priv, that needs to be added to my bz user to create keywords... 20:47 mtj its no biggie for me, i can sort it later :0) 20:48 jenkins_koha Starting build #13 for job Koha_Docs_3.16.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 20:48 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.16.x build #13: SUCCESS in 14 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs_3.16.x/13/ 20:48 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: remove AutomaticItemReturn note from transport cost matrix 20:55 jenkins_koha Starting build #605 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS) 20:55 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #605: SUCCESS in 2 min 33 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs/605/ 20:55 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: remove AutomaticItemReturn note from transport cost matrix 21:00 cait mtj around still? 21:00 cait confused by bug 13502 - looks like the change 1861 it dependson is not in 3.16? 21:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13502 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , A bug was introduced by 1861 - meaning borrowers sometimes cant be added 21:10 jenkins_koha Starting build #42 for job Koha_3.16.x_U14 (previous build: STILL FAILING) 21:37 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.16.x_U14 build #42: NOW UNSTABLE in 27 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.16.x_U14/42/ 21:37 jenkins_koha * Martin Renvoize: BUG 13447: Fixed HTML Email Reports 21:37 jenkins_koha * Lyon3 Team: Bug 12895 repair dropbox mode 21:37 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 13341 - Hard-coded "Preview" text in OPAC openlibrary.js 21:37 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 13502: Code introcduced in 1861 wrongly assumes a null userid is unique 21:37 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 12823: Add some hints for Host and Database 21:37 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 12823: Alert about defining the SRU search field mappings 21:37 jenkins_koha * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 13167: (QA followup) regression tests 21:37 jenkins_koha * Frédéric Demians: Bug 13167 Stage MARC for Import hangs for biblio containing invalid ISBN-13 21:37 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13447 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , runreport.pl html email fails 21:37 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12895 major, P1 - high, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , Dropbox mode doesn't work correctly 21:38 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13341 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , Hard-coded "Preview" text in OPAC openlibrary.js 21:38 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13502 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , A bug was introduced by 1861 - meaning borrowers sometimes cant be added 21:38 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12823 minor, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Stable , Add some hints for Host, Database and SRU search fields mappings 21:38 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13167 minor, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Stable , Stage MARC for Import hangs for biblio containing valid 979* ISBN-13 22:13 M_xicoPue hola 22:13 M_xicoPue algún hispano 22:13 M_xicoPue hi!! 22:14 M_xicoPue hola 22:14 wahanui hey, M_xicoPue 22:14 M_xicoPue wahanui 22:14 wahanui M_xicoPue? 22:14 M_xicoPue buenas tardes! 22:14 M_xicoPue Disculpa, podrás ayudarme con algún manual 22:15 M_xicoPue para exportar Koha a otro server 22:16 M_xicoPue ¿?¿?¿? 22:17 M_xicoPue hola 23:55 jenkins_koha Starting build #43 for job Koha_3.16.x_U14 (previous build: STILL FAILING)