Time Nick Message 23:51 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 13407: Bumping required version of PDF::Reuse <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=4958a8a0f67d04c41eb300d9247c915f2346acf0> / Bug 13407: Removing depricated code included in PDF::Reuse <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7379f6ee72cb2d22be624c72271ecbb0f3a80d05> / Bug 11872 - Lost overdue items should not generate fines <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=ko 23:32 M_Sic Yep; will do 23:30 rangi you should only use that to run the installer/upgrader and then to set up a real user in koha, and then dont use it again (koha will warn you about this) 23:29 M_Sic Just wanted to say thanks! I was using a different user from the xml file; thought the one I'm supposed to use was just for the db. 23:27 dcook mmm lunch 23:21 * tcohen updates PDF::Reuse on his box 23:21 * eythian has to go track down lunch 23:20 eythian are you sure you're using the right un/password from the koha-conf.xml file? There are a few in there. You want the ones inside the 'config' section, towards the bottom. 23:20 M_Sic Correct - regardless of whether I use the correct username/password or nothing 23:19 eythian so, it just asks for your password again? 23:19 eythian hrm 23:16 M_Sic haha, okay; thanks. I'm at the web installer but when putting in the username/password from the koha-conf.xml file the page just refreshes. No errors listed in the koha-error log and apache log has a few lines similar to : install.pl: Use of uninitialized value in split at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Languages.pm line 580. 23:14 wahanui Don't ask to ask, just ask. 23:14 eythian wahanui: ask 23:13 M_Sic Hi all - I'm new to Koha and am running into an issue that google-fu doesn't seem to be able to solve. Can I ask a simple question here or should I shoot for the mailing lists? Mahalo! 22:09 p_willie That helps, thanks! 22:08 eythian you'll have plenty of room to move in there. 22:08 eythian yeah 22:08 eythian for a small library, I'd go ~20GB 22:08 p_willie Cheapest plan is 24 GB, is that enough? 22:08 p_willie Looking at Linode plans - what is the minimum SSD storage I should get for running Koha? 22:04 p_willie Thanks for your input, guys and gals! 22:02 p_willie http://esilibrary.com/what-we-do/koha-on-demand/#sthash.bGMSKv7s.dpbs 22:01 eythian gmcharlt: y'about? 22:01 p_willie Equinox Software lists "Koha on Demand" instance hosting for small libraries, but I haven't received a quote from them yet. 22:00 eythian wizzyrea: the Libéo entry on the support list should probably be checked, it's 404ing 21:59 p_willie Yes. Have tried the list. That's where I got one $1800/yr quote. Awaiting another. Other North American hosts listed go to expired domains - or one completely in French. 21:58 eythian there :) 21:58 wahanui http://koha-community.org/support/paid-support/country/ 21:58 eythian wahanui: support companies 21:58 wahanui OK, eythian. 21:58 eythian wahanui: support companies is <reply>http://koha-community.org/support/paid-support/country/ 21:58 p_willie Understood. 21:58 rangi (or very little anyway unless the size is HUGE) 21:57 rangi unfortunatelythe size of the library has no bearing on how much it costs to maintain 21:57 p_willie Yes. 21:57 eythian hmm 21:57 wahanui eythian: sorry... 21:57 eythian wahanui: support companies 21:57 eythian there are plenty of support companies out there, have you had a look on the list on the Koha website? 21:56 p_willie Right. Was just hoping for an entrepreneurial sort who might offer "instance hosting" for a small library of < 2000 titles - at an affordable rate. 21:54 rangi yep thats what you are paying for when you pay for someone to host/maintain a koha instance for your, their knowledge about koha, and linux and to do security updates etc, hence when its more than just the cost of a box you maintain 21:52 p_willie Hm. Might be worth playing on, but I'm worried it's out of my depth. 21:52 rangi and koha doesnt use php, so you probably dont want that running/installed 21:51 rangi its your linux server 21:51 rangi you have to do that 21:51 p_willie Do they do any Apache/PHP/MySQL updates - or do you have to do that? 21:49 eythian p_willie: it's a plain old Linux server that you can do whatever you like with. It does require having someone know how to maintain Linux though. 21:49 rangi but there are hundreds of other companies that will rent you a linux box with root access 21:49 p_willie eythian - is that a Koha host - or an Apache host that you are managing the software on? 21:49 rangi if you are wanting a linux box you have full control over 21:48 rangi https://www.linode.com/ 21:48 rangi have a look at linode 21:48 eythian ah yeah, that's quite likely 21:48 rangi not just a barebones server so you could install it yourself 21:48 rangi that 1800 a year im assuming was for a koha install and maintenance etc 21:47 eythian that kinda ballpark 21:47 eythian I have one in the US that costs me...US$10/mo or something like that. 21:47 p_willie You're telling me. 21:47 rangi Liblime dont do koha 21:47 p_willie Have not asked LibLime yet. 21:47 eythian that's a bit much 21:47 eythian er 21:46 p_willie Yes. One quoted me a minimum of $1800/year. Waiting to hear from another. 21:45 eythian there will probably be some providers in whatever country you're in. 21:45 eythian p_willie: most VPS providers give you root access 21:38 p_willie That's helpful. Thanks, wnickc! 21:37 wnickc some googling suggest it was possible on dreamhost at some point in history: http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Koha 21:37 wnickc p_willie: I would try posting this to the Koha list, would be useful to see responses and post them on the wiki somewhere imho 21:36 p_willie Good point. Thanks. Will do some more digging. 21:35 cait you can certainly rent a server - but I am not the right person for details there :) 21:33 p_willie Needn't be HostGator necessarily - just wonder if there are any hosts that would offer root access. Does anyone know? Is anyone here already doing it - or are you running your own server? 21:32 cait i am not sure what hostGator provides 21:31 cait p_willie: you will need a server with full root access so you can install things 21:31 p_willie Do these host services allow command line access for installing Koha? 21:30 p_willie Would prefer not to run my own server, but wonder if Koha can be installed on a subscription Apache host like HostGator or Chase. 21:25 p_willie Looking into Koha for a small church library. 20:21 * magnuse waves then promptly disappears for another 12 hours or so 20:14 cait hi tcohen 20:14 tcohen hi cait 20:11 * cait waves 18:02 liw kivilahtio, hyvää yötä 18:01 kivilahtio I love you wahanui 18:01 wahanui I watch you sleep. 18:01 kivilahtio good night 17:58 gaetan_B bye 17:48 cait bye all 17:48 cait time to go before i find more ;) 17:38 cait more fun stuff 17:38 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13535 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Table alert is missing FK and not deleted with the patron 17:38 cait bug 13535 17:30 cait but not sure if we'd also need to adjust the code 17:30 cait or should 17:30 cait i think stet to null would work there 17:30 slef cait: deleting staff should transfer their tags and any similar things? 17:30 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13534 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Deleting staff member who moderated a tag removes tags imcompletely 17:29 cait bug 13534 17:29 slef cait: good spot :-( 17:22 cait gone from display too 17:22 cait it remains in tags_all - but is no longer visible in the tags list 17:21 cait hm more fun... i tested it 17:20 cait happy new year bag 17:19 bag happy new year 17:19 bag hi there cait 17:17 cait it just doesn't seem to make sense... 17:17 cait sophie_m: thx 17:16 sophie_m cait : i think you're right 17:11 cait nooone? 17:09 cait before i embarass myself with a bug report? :) 17:09 cait can someone tell me if i read that wrong? 17:02 cait http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=blob;f=installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql;hb=b4e843615a76d3a9a8516f82a2ebad96aa9c4d1a#l2268 17:02 * cait turns the database upside down these days 17:01 cait does that mean... when we delete the staff user who approved the tags - we delete the tags? 17:01 cait 2278 REFERENCES `borrowers` (`borrowernumber`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE 17:01 cait CONSTRAINT `tags_approval_borrowers_fk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`approved_by`) 17:01 cait tags_approval says: 17:01 cait hm ok 16:59 cait i got called away - but see you figured it out - yay :) 16:57 slef I'll mop up the rest tomorrow 16:57 tcohen she works 36 hours a day, that's unfair 16:56 slef cool I can do multiples 16:56 huginn slef: Karma for "cait" has been increased 185 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 185. 16:56 slef @karma cait 16:56 slef jcamins++ cait++ tcohen++ 16:56 huginn slef: Karma for "cait" has been increased 184 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 184. 16:56 slef @karma cait 16:56 slef Thanks jcamins cait tcohen 16:56 slef Now it's near 5pm I think I'll email the librarian and go work on the bicycle some more. 16:55 slef yay, we have search results again 16:52 jcamins tcohen: since always in DOM, and since almost always in GRS-1. 16:52 tcohen maybe a grs-1 setup of yours had its own definition 16:52 tcohen slef: in DOM, 999$c has been hardcoded for a while, and used as record id for indexing 16:48 wahanui jcamins: that doesn't look right 16:48 jcamins And change your records to use 999$c. 16:48 slef and I wonder why this suddenly broke with 3.18 when it worked until now. I guess I should check what the previous version was, but once their catalogue is back on. 16:48 jcamins That would be my recommendation. 16:46 slef hmmm so what's the best route out? Update the frameworks and mappings to match the zebra configuration from the new version? 16:44 jcamins And the weird Zebra configurations predate the packages by a sizable margin. 16:43 jcamins No, that was never automated. 16:37 slef jcamins: shouldn't upgrading the package have done this? 16:37 jcamins 999$c, biblioitemnumber is 999$d. I think. 16:36 slef jcamins: do you know where it is now? 16:36 jcamins You'll need to change all the Zebra configuration and the frameworks. 16:36 slef why do we have two tabs with rather similar names anyway? ;) 16:36 slef nothing else 16:36 slef because it was the first login I had 16:36 slef there's a warning that I'm using the administrative superuser 16:36 jcamins (for MARC21) 16:35 jcamins slef: biblionumber hasn't been in 090$c since 2008. 16:35 slef oh and the system information tab 16:35 slef things show in the server information tab but nothing particularly unusual-looking there 16:34 slef where is biblionumber these days? I can move it in system administration can't I? 16:33 cait maybe in real old versions 16:33 cait and no, 090$c isn ot standard i am afrid 16:32 cait the system information tab 16:28 slef cait: hrm, a few ambers and two non-bold red which I think won't be relevant (Test::DBIx::Class and HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench) 16:25 slef cait: biblionumber is in 090$c by default on marc21 I think. I've updated koha-conf.xml 16:22 cait is there something showing on the about page / system information tab? 16:22 reiveune bye 16:22 cait did you update the koha-conf.xml? 16:22 cait so the biblionumber is stored in 090 instead of 999? 16:20 slef I've got the notorious "Record didn't contain match fields in (bib1,Local-number)" on one server after an upgrade and the usual tricks (merging in changes to the configuration) doesn't seem to have worked. 090$c in exported_records looks OK to me. Any tips on curing this or am I doomed to dump and rebuild? :( 16:18 slef Happy new year to you. Mine isn't being so happy today :/ 16:17 cait hi slef - happy new year :) 16:15 slef hi 16:12 cait seeems to be related to refunds for lost items 15:59 cait hm no docs in kohastructure.sql 15:57 cait talking about the table 15:57 cait hm question.... is accountoffsets used? 15:57 ashimema marcelr++ 15:57 ashimema oooh. awesome.. Joubu++ 15:47 cait some point i guess... 15:47 cait right now the queue is in 'ok' shape - so it's easier, will get harder again at some point ok 15:46 cait trying to pick the oldest at least :) 15:46 cait probably using a combination of both will be good 15:43 marcelr even most probably :) 15:43 marcelr probably true 15:43 Joubu but more complete :) 15:43 marcelr depends on what is added after it reached SO 15:42 marcelr that is helpful but may be incomplete too 15:42 Joubu so the 10 oldest are the 10 oldest with the signed off unchanged status 15:41 Joubu cait, marcelr: on the dashboard, the "10 oldest" are based on the status, not the last change 15:39 marcelr so very hard to do 15:38 marcelr and even then we should exclude rebase only stuff 15:37 marcelr last changed works often but sometimes you know that there are older ones; a better way would need peeking in to the bugzilla db 15:37 cait I have beenwondering if there is a better way 15:36 cait marcelr: just a quick question - how do you determine which is the oldest bug? last changed or soemthing more specific? 14:55 marcelr hi tcohen 14:55 cait marcelr++ 14:52 tcohen hi oleonard cait 14:52 cait hi tcohen 14:52 oleonard Hi tcohen 14:35 tcohen morning 13:28 marcelr hi cait 13:28 marcelr and others take even more time :) 13:28 * cait waves 13:27 marcelr some things take some time ;) 13:27 Joubu marcelr: thanks to you, I am waiting this behavior for 3 years now :) (RIP 7167) 13:24 marcelr Joubu++ 13:23 marcelr thx Joubu #13068 13:20 * oleonard never considers bug-wrangling to be spam 13:19 cait hope i didn't just spam everyone's inboxes 13:19 cait oleonard++ too :) 13:03 cait Joubu: around? 12:47 marcelr hi #koha 12:45 oleonard cait++ # for bug-wrangling 12:41 kivilahtio jcamins: In Finland we swim in salted liquorice, so bad that it will melt mountains! 12:29 jcamins Granted, it was only two bites. 12:29 jcamins I even finished the piece I tried! 12:28 jcamins It wasn't *quite* that bad. 12:28 jcamins No. 12:28 jcamins lol 12:20 kivilahtio jcamins: congratulations! Did you throw up? 12:20 kivilahtio jcamins: salted licorice :) 12:17 * jcamins is not one of the people who loves it. :) 12:16 jcamins kivilahtio: what Joubu said. Also, I tried salted licorice on Monday. 11:25 kivilahtio Thanks a lot! 11:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12603 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, yohann.dufour, Passed QA , TestBuilder - Module to simplify the writing of tests 11:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10337 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, In Discussion , UT: The unit tests cannot be launched by everyone 11:24 Joubu kivilahtio: have a look at bug 10337 and bug 12603 11:22 kivilahtio I would like to work on this interesting challenge, but unfortunately we are just adding our first big library group to our Koha installation and that might be quite time-consuming :) 11:21 kivilahtio Joubu: cait: jcamins: rambutan: wahanui: Do you remember anyone having this discussion? 11:19 kivilahtio if we had all the borrowers with all various states under one "library". It would be much easier to make more exhaustive unit tests 11:18 kivilahtio and the separate "mock" objects for various features are all scattered around in their respective test scripts 11:17 kivilahtio we can test for checkout or checkin for a normal case sure, but going through all the different permutations is really painfull. 11:17 kivilahtio and taking into account all the myriad cases, like handling a checkout using a SIP server for a borrower with and undefinite debarrment 11:17 kivilahtio The problem with testing all these modules, is creating varied testing data 11:16 kivilahtio Has there been any discussion about a centralized unit testing mock object library? 10:53 cait splitter++ Joubu++ - used it yesterday to find another bug that touched the same file 09:24 cait sorry, bit slow this morning 09:24 cait hi akafred 09:04 ashimema hi cait 08:59 cait hi #koha 08:59 cait hi #kha 08:30 ashimema_ morning fridolin 08:30 ashimema_ Morning gaetan_B 08:30 ashimema_ ooh.. she's actually completely logged off.. silly me. 08:30 gaetan_B hello 08:29 ashimema_ cait you back yet? 08:24 fridolin hie 08:16 BOOM_IT_ hi 08:15 ashimema_ What's up Boom_IT 08:15 ashimema_ been trying to find relatively straightforward looking bugs for you whilst doing a bit of a bugzilla audit the past few days. Hpe i've not misjudged too many ;) 08:14 ashimema_ Hope i've not gone over the top with the academy keywords rangi.. 08:11 Boom_IT need assistant 08:10 Boom_IT hi 07:54 cait morning brb 07:49 ashimema_ is it just me or have google snuck in https support for their covers service of late? 07:45 reiveune hello 07:12 _ashimema Too early or too late for people this fine morning.. This very quiet 07:05 _ashimema That's better 07:05 mrenvoize Wow, I've not signed in as this used for a while... Biggin just have me a 34 week old message 07:04 mrenvoize Morning koha 06:45 * cait waves 06:24 mtompset eythian. :) 06:24 mtompset Have a great day, #koha dcook. :) 06:24 * mtompset waves good day. 06:19 dcook rangi: are you still around? 05:37 dcook Huh... never noticed C4::Context::boolean_preference before... 04:21 dcook I guess that's the whole "primary email" thing slowly coming about.. 04:20 dcook Even if you use emailpro instead 04:20 dcook Interesting... in 3.14.5, the self-registration makes you have email as a mandatory field 03:58 dcook Have you tried that? 03:52 aline ok 03:52 dcook Then it doesn't matter :) 03:52 aline nothing 03:52 aline no 03:52 dcook Do you have anything in the current instance? 03:51 aline do I start by removing the actual instance or should I create the next one and then remove the previous one? 03:50 aline ok 03:49 eythian probably yes 03:49 aline ok 03:48 aline oui? 03:48 dcook and koha-remove to drop the instance with the incorrect password... 03:48 dcook Now that I think about it... the easiest thing to do would probably be to use koha-create to make a new instance... 03:40 aline I think i'm gonna give up for today 03:39 dcook and use the debian-sys-maint sneakily 03:39 dcook I'm thinking maybe peak in /etc/mysql/koha-common.cnf 03:39 rangi ahh 03:38 dcook And aline doesn't know the MySQL root password 03:38 aline yes I did a mistake. 03:38 dcook ^ 03:36 rangi you should not use it to access koha once you have done that 03:36 rangi and then never change it again, because it is only used long enough for you to set up koha, and make a real user in koha 03:36 eythian you need to change one of them to match the other 03:36 aline yes I understand 03:36 aline with the one used to access the database 03:36 dcook ^ 03:35 eythian you have to have the mysql password and the password in koha-conf.xml be the same thing. 03:35 aline but as eythian said,this password doesn't work anymore 03:35 aline so I have change the password for the accomodation of the enduser here in the koha-conf.xml file of my koha instance 03:34 aline ok 03:33 aline ach 03:33 dcook wahanui is just a bot ;) 03:33 wahanui aline: sorry... 03:33 aline wahanui: I don't follow 03:33 dcook Sorry, I shouldn't have confused the conversation :) 03:32 aline sorrym so dcook it seems you have a solution 03:32 aline I'm actually lost into the conversation 03:31 wahanui aline: According to Microsoft, it's by design 03:31 aline excuse me dcook 03:31 aline yes 03:31 dcook done :) 03:31 dcook SET PASSWORD FOR 'kohauser'@'%' = PASSWORD('cleartext password'); 03:31 dcook SET PASSWORD FOR 'kohauser'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('cleartext password'); 03:30 wahanui nothing is, like, a requirement, we have guidelines though 03:30 dcook aline: nothing? 03:30 aline I understood you answered to dcook 03:30 dcook Localhost and '%' I think... 03:30 dcook I don't know what host(s) the packages use when creating a user 03:30 aline nothing 03:30 dcook Then... "select Host,User from mysql.user where User = 'kohauser'" 03:29 dcook Yeah, I'd log in to MySQL as root 03:29 dcook hate when that happens 03:29 eythian because the password is wrong 03:29 dcook Ahh 03:29 eythian dcook: he's change the password in koha-conf from the one that the packages generated, and now it can't talk to the database. 03:28 dcook aline, what are you trying to do? 03:27 aline but may be, at this point 03:27 eythian You're best to look that up, it's not something I do often at all. 03:27 dcook O_o 03:27 aline oh 03:27 eythian though, it can be tricky, and I'm never sure that I get it right 03:27 aline how 03:27 aline oh yeah? 03:27 eythian you can tell mysql to change the password 03:26 aline ok 03:26 eythian I don't know where mysql stores it 03:26 eythian yeah 03:25 aline is it in mysql? 03:25 aline where is the file conf for the database 03:25 aline wel 03:25 aline I knew I shoudn't do it 03:24 aline crap 03:24 eythian So when you change it, it's no longer going to work for the database. 03:24 eythian so, that password is there because it needs to be the same as the password to access the database. 03:23 aline but when I tried to log in with those it doesn't work 03:23 eythian oh 03:22 aline I've changed the âssword for the user in the file koha-conf.xml /etc/koha/sites/dira2 03:21 aline it doesn't 03:07 aline it may work. 03:06 aline It may works 03:06 aline I'm trying with the two commands again 03:06 eythian in what way doesn't it work? 03:05 aline eythian: it doesn't work 02:57 dcook In 3.18 it seems 02:57 dcook Found Owen's bugs where he removes them :) 02:57 eythian I think so, yeah 02:55 dcook Ah CCSR I think 02:55 dcook Hmmm... anyone remember what "OpacMainUserBlockMobile" was for? 02:51 eythian just change the password in koha-conf.xml so it matches 02:50 aline because it says : Software error: Access denied for user 'koha_dira2'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 785. For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([no address given]), giving this error message and the time and date of the error. 02:50 aline roh misere de misere I shouldn't have change the pasword 02:47 aline thx 02:41 eythian or use the commands there. 02:41 eythian http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Talk:Koha_on_Debian#Access_the_web_interface 02:40 aline ah 02:40 eythian you want to look in /etc/koha/sites/whateveritis/koha-conf.xml 02:40 aline and 02:40 aline to be precise 02:40 aline koha-conf-site. xml 02:39 aline I'm in the ckoha conf xml file 02:36 eythian there you go :) 02:35 aline yeah! ''welcome to the koha web installer'' 02:35 eythian it's probably a good idea 02:35 eythian I don't know, I usually manually configure mysql. 02:33 aline Do I have to follow the instructions from there : http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_ubuntu_-_packages#Ubuntu_MySQL_Security_Tweak 02:32 eythian it's probable you need to add 'Listen 8080' to /etc/apache2/ports.conf and restart apache. 02:31 eythian 02:31 aline how ? 02:31 eythian can you access the staff client? 02:31 aline ? 02:31 aline where are the instruction to set up the staff client 02:30 aline i m looking for the documentations 02:27 aline ok 02:26 eythian yeah, you need to go to the staff client and set it up 02:26 aline it 02:25 aline apparently it works but ti is offline 02:20 eythian most likely 02:20 eythian sudo a2dissite 000-default 02:19 eythian disable your default site 02:19 aline yes ad it links to apache 02:18 eythian assuming you're doing it on a local computer 02:18 eythian yes 02:17 aline is the ip adress 02:16 aline no 02:15 eythian see what happens. 02:15 eythian then you should be able to access it via IP address 02:15 wahanui the web interface is working right this moment? 02:15 aline the web interface 02:14 aline If I want access to the opac 02:14 aline well, so next step 02:12 aline isnt'it 02:12 eythian that looks good 02:11 pastebot "aline" at pasted "apres la creation dira2 response" (6 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/352 02:05 eythian yeah 02:05 aline should I create one? 02:05 aline in var/log 02:05 aline no koha directory 02:04 aline you're right 02:04 aline good question. 02:04 aline ahaha 02:04 aline the directory dira into /var/log/koha 02:03 eythian hmm. maybe /var/log/koha doesn't exist. That would explain it, but I don't know why it wouldn't exist. 02:03 aline not into 02:03 aline ah it says that it is impossible to create the directory into /var1log/koha/dira : no such file or folder 02:02 eythian what does that translate to? 02:01 pastebot "aline" at pasted "apache 2 restart apparently ok" (3 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/351 02:01 pastebot "aline" at pasted "apache 2 restart apparently ok" (4 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/350 02:01 eythian same error? 02:01 aline well 02:01 aline weel doesn't work either 02:00 eythian someone's changed that on the page and the quotes are showing up when they shouldn't be 01:59 eythian oh 01:59 eythian no 01:59 aline do i have to put dira between quotemarks? 01:58 aline it failed to do it :) 01:58 aline anyways 01:58 eythian apparently nothing sensible, anyway... 01:57 eythian I don't even know what it does if you don't put anything there. 01:57 aline I got confused with marks sometimes in the different codes 01:57 aline ah i thought it was a comment 01:56 eythian sudo koha-create --create-db dira 01:56 eythian oh 01:56 aline sudo koha-create ''dira'' 01:56 aline as a response to the command line 01:56 eythian and are there any other messages? 01:55 eythian at what point is it saying that? 01:55 aline same answer 01:55 aline doesn't work with a shorter name 01:54 eythian we really really need to put length checks in for that 01:54 aline ok 01:53 eythian I don't know if that's what is causing that though 01:53 eythian though, your instance name is too long also 01:53 eythian that is an unexpected error 01:52 aline failed to load external entity "/etc/koha/sites/bibliothequedira/koha-conf.xml" 01:52 aline ooooh :( 01:51 aline yes! :) 01:51 eythian You can probably just create an instance now 01:50 aline or could I go for creating a koha instance? 01:50 aline have to go 01:50 aline do I have go over the past instructions again? 01:49 aline for my mistake 01:49 aline yes sorry 01:49 eythian yeah, that looks promising 01:49 eythian ah 01:49 pastebot "aline" at pasted "apache 2 restart apparently ok" (4 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/349 01:48 eythian it'll be logging the error in the error log file, I would expect. 01:48 eythian I wouldn't expect that to make any difference. 01:48 eythian if it's saying fail, it's probably not OK. 01:48 aline I ve put sudo su before and executed the command service apache2 restart again 01:46 pastebot "aline" at pasted "apache 2 restart apparently ok" (2 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/348 01:43 pastebot "aline" at pasted "lines from terminal" (2 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/347 01:43 eythian that looks like part of a log file 01:43 eythian <aline> [Mon Jan 05 21:59:52.837053 2015] [mpm_event:notice] ... 01:42 aline I pasted what appear in the terminal 01:42 eythian above 01:42 eythian but you pasted part of it just aboce 01:41 aline the other log file is empty 01:41 aline the other file is empty 01:39 eythian that's just access logs, you're looking for someting that says why apache isn't restarting. 01:38 pastebot "aline" at pasted "logs apache" (4 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/346 01:36 aline ok 01:36 eythian use paste.koha-community.org for pasting things, IRC isn't good for long messages. 01:36 aline service apache2 restarts 01:36 eythian There was ten minutes between startup and shutdown there, that indicates that it worked fine, unless you're missing some log messages. 01:36 aline the one explains 01:35 eythian what command are you using to restart it? 01:35 eythian wait 01:35 eythian There might be other logs around there that contain something useful. 01:34 aline [Mon Jan 05 21:59:52.837053 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 24917:tid 3074280064] AH00489: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations [Mon Jan 05 21:59:52.837177 2015] [core:notice] [pid 24917:tid 3074280064] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Mon Jan 05 22:09:56.121046 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 24917:tid 3074280064] AH00491: caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Tue Jan 06 18:32:04.296640 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 01:31 aline ok 01:29 eythian hmm OK, then have a look in the log files, there should be a clue in there. 01:28 aline sudo apt-get install -f Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait Construction de l'arbre des dépendances Lecture des informations d'état... Fait 0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour. 01:28 aline no error messages 01:27 aline ok 01:26 eythian do that now, see if it helps 01:26 aline should I? 01:26 aline no not yet 01:25 eythian also, did you do the 'apt-get install -f' bit? 01:25 aline is it the response I shoud receive? 01:25 eythian have a look in the error logs in /var/log/apache2 01:24 aline dira@dira-desktop ~ $ sudo a2dismod mpm_event Module mpm_event already disabled 01:24 aline dira@dira-desktop ~ $ service apache2 restart * Restarting web server apache2 [fail] 01:24 aline no 01:23 eythian no error messages? 01:23 aline fail 01:23 eythian what does it say? 01:22 aline don't know why 01:22 aline ok but apach2 fails to restart 01:22 eythian you also don't need koha-deps, but it won't cause you any problems. 01:21 aline thank you 01:21 aline I deleted it ok 01:20 aline oooh 01:19 eythian the koha package shouldn't even be in the repository 01:18 eythian just koha-common 01:18 eythian also, you shouldn't install the koha package 01:18 eythian http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Talk:Koha_on_Debian#Aside:_a_common_problem_on_Ubuntu_happens_here 01:18 aline do I have to do that first? 01:17 eythian I'll find the link 01:17 aline ok 01:17 eythian that's a known bug, easy to fix 01:17 aline why ? 01:17 aline Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution : libapache2-mpm-itk apache2-mpm-itk koha-common koha koha-deps 01:17 aline I had problem messages when I have just installed mysql-server 01:14 aline intraport 8080 01:13 aline I ve modified koha conf, just changed one of the ports by 8080 01:11 aline ok 01:08 eythian you may also have to do some extra configuration to apache to make it work, but it won't be too complicated. 01:08 aline thank you. I'm going to modify and add the information into the conf file. it can be seemed trivial but... 01:07 aline ok 01:05 eythian yes 01:05 aline ? 01:05 aline and follow these instructions : http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_ubuntu_-_packages#Appendix_A:_Named-based_vs._IP-based_installations 01:05 aline so I ignore all the lines about DNS 01:04 aline ok 01:03 eythian Koha has two interfaces: OPAC and staff client. Both of these are websites running from the same computer. If you don't have DNS, then usually you run the OPAC from port 80 and the staff client from port 8080 so that you can still access them by IP address. 01:02 aline I'm sorry I don't understand 01:00 eythian yes, that's fine. They both run from the same server. 00:59 aline actually we just have one computer. 00:58 eythian to access the OPAC and the staff client 00:57 aline ? 00:57 aline when you say them to what exactly do you refer (I'm not sure) 00:55 eythian if you set them up to just work on different ports, then you can just use the IP to access them directly. 00:55 aline ok 00:55 eythian I probably wouldn't do that. 00:54 eythian that way you can access them without needing DNS set up. 00:54 aline can I configure with localhost 127 0 0 1 as domain name? 00:54 eythian well, it's common to put the OPAC on port 80, and the staff client on port 8080, for example. 00:53 aline I don't if we are going to have a web opac right know because we are kind of poor 00:53 aline what each? 00:52 aline that is to say.... 00:52 eythian in that case, you probably want them each on a different port. 00:51 aline so I have ton configure the conf file to address locally the instance of our not web opac but local opac 00:51 eythian ah OK 00:50 aline using apache but locally 00:50 aline so, we decide to have first a local instance 00:50 aline that can be always connected 00:50 aline but we don't have our own domain name right know and don't have a server 00:49 aline I follow the step 3.0 : http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_ubuntu_-_packages#Pre-Web_Install_Setup 00:48 eythian yep. So what are you trying to do? 00:47 aline i don't if i use the right terminology 00:46 aline i ve installed koha from debian packages 00:44 eythian aline: how are you installing koha? 00:44 aline I don't know i f have to replace the apache conf file 00:42 aline 00:42 aline anyone? well, i wonder if it's a mistake if I put in the conf file the local ip address 00:41 aline someone can help? 00:40 aline I use linux mint 00:39 aline I have a question about how install a local instance of koha 00:22 cait good night #koha 00:22 cait happy new year 00:21 aline and happy new year 00:21 aline Hi 00:11 cait the bugs are down by 17 from last march... and the total up by a bit over 100... so more enhancements less bugs? :) 00:10 cait we still got 2159 open bugs... and enhancements in bugzilla 00:05 * cait stops now 00:03 cait never mind, i just added a note 00:01 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6760 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, priyanka.nk, ASSIGNED , Generate new card number on renewals and duplicate card issuance 00:01 cait bug 6760 00:01 cait hm also 6760 00:01 dcook eythian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp0vr1n25u4