Time Nick Message 19:15 jenkins_koha Starting build #19 for job Koha_3.18.x_U14 (previous build: SUCCESS) 14:13 tcohen hi 05:13 mtj ta, works now :) 04:44 rangi try now 04:44 rangi different key 03:46 mtj i have pushed tags OK before, so not sure why i cant now 03:45 mtj thats the error ^ 03:45 pastebot "mtj" at pasted "'git push kc1 v3.16.06' error" (15 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/327 02:44 mtj ..also, merry holidays to all :0) 02:43 mtj i might need your help to fix that error 02:43 mtj i bumped into a little problem pushing up the v3.16.0.6 tag, to git.kc.org 02:42 mtj hey rangi, about?