Time Nick Message 21:38 mtj wizzyrea, gmcharlt, rangi about? 17:18 xkravec great 17:17 wnickc quick way to get testing with no setup 17:17 wahanui sandboxes are http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes 17:17 wnickc sandboxes? 17:17 wnickc sanboxes? 17:17 wnickc also sandboxes 17:17 xkravec ok, thank you very much wnickc 17:16 wnickc come back on a weekday and you'll find more (and smarter) people here, but best to try somethings out and have specific questions about where you are stuck 17:15 wnickc you could try this too:https://github.com/digibib/kohadevbox 17:15 wnickc installing and gitifying is probably the easiest way to get started: https://github.com/mkfifo/koha-gitify 17:14 wnickc get to know system and community a bit before sumitting patches 17:14 wnickc sign offs are a good place to start 17:14 wnickc and then submit patches to bugzilla using git 17:14 wnickc You will need to set up a development space with a git-clone of Koha 17:14 wnickc http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/ 17:14 wnickc You can find bugs here: 17:07 xkravec step by step introduction. I am really interested in KOHA, I can programm in perl and I am also librarian, but I need some quick introduction.. 17:06 xkravec some tutorial would help me 17:06 xkravec Beacouse there is many wiki pages about that, but they are very general 17:05 xkravec and so on 17:05 xkravec then you can submit patch here 17:05 xkravec then open this file and do some stuff 17:05 xkravec Go to this page and pick bug 17:05 xkravec well I would like to see some introduction like: 16:36 wnickc xkravec: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Developer_handbook 16:34 wnickc do you mean, where do you find bugs? or how do you start submitting patches? or how do you set up a development environment? 15:59 xkravec some* 15:59 xkravec I am new to KOHA. Where should I start when I want to repair come bug? 15:58 wahanui niihau, xkravec 15:58 xkravec Hello 12:03 cait hi ashimema :) 10:45 ashimema :) 08:12 cait hi mtj :) 08:11 cait hi #koha 08:03 mtj ping rangi, about? 06:25 mtompset Have a great weekend, #koha. 00:15 jenkins_koha Starting build #13 for job Koha_3.18.x_U14 (previous build: SUCCESS)