Time Nick Message 23:39 eythian well, it wouldn't backwards because I read the first one in the weekend. It'd be sort outside in. 23:34 wizzyrea you don't like reading your trilogies backwards? 23:29 eythian Part 3 better no arrive first, or there'll be trouble. 23:29 eythian Oh goody. I ordered parts 2 and 3 of a trilogy from book depository. Now I got an email saying that part 3 has shipped, but not part 2 yet. 22:57 cait also i would find other things easily to give you karma for 22:57 cait i disagree :) 22:56 wizzyrea i'm undeserving of karma for filing a bug, but thank you. 22:56 cait wizzyrea++ 22:55 pianohacker oldies season 22:55 pianohacker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL_-1d9OSdk 22:40 wizzyrea seems so yeah. 22:39 cait bug report? :) 22:39 wizzyrea yea 22:36 cait wizzyrea: when you mark the second expected arrived - the one that i snot the latest, is still another generated? 22:33 wahanui bonjour, eythian 22:33 eythian hi 22:29 wizzyrea anyway. 22:23 wizzyrea end up with 2 issues with the status “Expectedâ€. 22:23 wizzyrea When on the “Serial collection information†page for a serial (e.g. /cgi-bin/koha/serials/serials-collection.pl?subscriptionid=24 ) and click on “Generate next†the issue that previously had a status of “Expected†changes to “Late†and a new issue is generated with a status of “Expectedâ€. When select the serial with the status of “Late†and click on “Edit serials†and change its status to “Expected†then 22:14 cait hm no and i don#t want to ? 22:14 jcamins Yes. 22:14 wizzyrea Hrm, has anyone had the situation where receiving or editing serials gets you two expected issues, and you can never get back to only having one expected issue? 21:41 huginn 04Bug 12285: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pasi.kallinen, Failed QA , Allow easy printing of patron's fines 21:41 wizzyrea JasonBurds: maybe this patch would point you in the right direction for development of your requested feature: http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12285 (it's a slip for fines/fees) 21:30 wizzyrea hm. 21:25 JasonBurds I told them to use greenshot to take a snapshot of the screen and print it until I can figure it out 21:24 wizzyrea stink. I was thinking of a better print css for the holds display in the OPAC. 21:23 JasonBurds The 3 people that have asked I would say no. 21:23 wizzyrea JasonBurds: are these the sort of borrowers who would log into the OPAC? 21:17 bag hmmm... I'll have to remember a bag of peanut butter cups 21:17 cait bag: it's cood I see you soon, i have to bring you something else :) 21:16 cait ! 21:16 kathryn1 gosh, long time since easter 21:16 bag finished my bunny today - yummy 21:16 kathryn1 hello cait and bag 21:16 bag cait++ 21:16 bag good morning kathryn1 21:16 cait hi kathryn :) 21:15 kathryn1 morning :) 21:01 JasonBurds Thanks :) 20:59 cait you could do a report - probably easier to print and limit to the importnat htings 20:59 rangi yeah 20:59 cait hm i think they do print if you print the summary - but then lots of otherthings on the print out as well 20:58 rangi you could file an enhancement request at bugs.koha-community.org and find someone to work on implementing a print holds feature on the moremember.pl page too if you wanted 20:57 rangi dont think you can without doing a report or something, they could print the page in the public interface i guess too 20:54 JasonBurds we are getting requests from patrons to print off their hold list 20:54 JasonBurds sorry certain patrons hold list 20:53 rangi what does certain hold mean? 20:53 JasonBurds does anyone have a quick way of printing off a certain hold list for a patron? 20:49 cait :) 20:46 huginn bag: The operation succeeded. 20:46 bag @later tell magnuse - happy birthday and HI! 20:34 cait dbs: i saw it too today - very cool :) 20:24 rangi dbs: ohh i see you are presenting at SWIB 20:23 rangi Dyrcona++ 20:22 rangi its like dropbox, but without needing dropbox :) 20:22 rangi http://git-annex.branchable.com/assistant/ 20:22 oleonard No I don't know about that rangi 20:22 rangi oleonard: have you tried out git annex assistant? 20:21 rangi morning 20:08 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 20:08 cait @later tell tcohen - took your advice, replanning :) 19:58 * oleonard is trying to be too clever syncing config files through Dropbox 19:57 cait but you figured it out :) 19:56 oleonard Must have missed a step 19:56 oleonard Okay, the problem was that "default-tracker = bugs.koha-community.org" was not in kohaclone/.git/config 19:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9013 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Cart in staff interface displays location pulled from Description (OPAC) 19:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12693 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , colspan calculation done by members/statistics.pl should be moved to template 19:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7944 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , attribute error could be clearer 19:51 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9013 - Cart in staff interface displays location pulled from Description (OPAC) 19:51 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 12693 - colspan calculation done by members/statistics.pl should be moved to template 19:51 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 7944 - attribute error could be clearer 19:51 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Master_D7 build #93: FIXED in 48 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D7/93/ 19:51 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 19:51 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 19:44 pianohacker yup, that's the one tricky bit. You need configuration entries in your global ~/.gitconfig and your kohaclone/.git/config 19:42 jcamins oleonard: and just to confirm, you have the appropriate entries in kohaclone/.git/config? 19:42 pianohacker oleonard: looks like that's a genuine bug, triggered by it not being able to find your username/password 19:41 pianohacker wtf 19:40 oleonard Yup 19:40 pianohacker oleonard: final sanity check, is the most recent commit in your git-bz checkout 650fce32ac875737acbd3ce07b2aa06b2769e53f ? 19:37 cait :( 19:37 oleonard Yeah I can't see any significant difference from tcohen's example 19:37 cait oleonard: did you check your git config? 19:36 cait heh 19:34 pianohacker tomas needs a better password 19:28 tcohen leaving now, bye 19:26 tcohen what about yours? 19:25 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "oleonard: this is what I have in ~/.gitconfig" (14 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/155 19:14 oleonard as per http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Git_bz_configuration 19:14 oleonard git://git.koha-community.org/git-bz.git 19:12 tcohen last time that happened to me it wsa related to git-bz version not matching our bugzilla version, because I had the wrong one 19:12 tcohen oleonard: where did u get the git-bz repo from? 19:09 cait hm i have one and it seemed to work normally with git bz 19:09 oleonard Could this be a problem with using a gitified package install? 19:07 cait you need to set them from kohaclone, not from the git-bz - i think i got that wrong one time 19:07 cait git config bz.default-tracker bugs.koha-community.org 19:07 cait you know, those here: 19:06 cait maybe you did it in the wrong repository? 19:06 cait hm it complains about host 19:06 cait did you set the git-bz git variables? 19:06 oleonard Yes 19:06 cait did you check out the fishsoup branch? 19:04 oleonard Yes 19:04 tcohen oleonard: have you configured it? 19:03 oleonard Does anyone know where I'm going wrong? 19:03 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "Error when trying to "git-bz apply" for the first time in a new VM" (14 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/154 18:59 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 9013 - Cart in staff interface displays location pulled from Description (OPAC) <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=9561bab783b83e317b2eb0a646e87ee6ca535ed1> / Bug 12693 - colspan calculation done by members/statistics.pl should be moved to... <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0e7bcede8c38509f32f16b78eef509e54bb3548f> / Bug 7944 - attribute error could be clear 17:37 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: update firefox offline with tip about download bar 17:37 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #545: SUCCESS in 3 min 1 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs/545/ 17:37 jenkins_koha Starting build #545 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: FIXED) 17:23 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: update firefox offline with tip about download bar 17:23 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.14.x build #77: SUCCESS in 1 min 5 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs_3.14.x/77/ 17:23 jenkins_koha Starting build #77 for job Koha_Docs_3.14.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 17:14 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12653 normal, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Needs Signoff , PROG/CCSR deprecation: Correct hard-coded opac-tmpl/prog path in tests 17:14 bgkriegel oleonard: put a note on Bug 12653, how to fail all tests 17:13 bgkriegel Mmmm 17:12 tcohen bgkriegel: have you spotted the problem with translatable-templates.t ? 16:55 ckindley I'll keep digging! 16:55 ckindley The present errors, after clicking Next and receiving no result, are at http://bpaste.net/show/594789/ 16:52 * ckindley looks for indicative error messages. 16:52 ckindley So that permissions change got me to the installer, hooray. I can login as the koha mysql user, but clicking 'Next' produces no results. This is identical behavior to my testing on another Gentoo system. 16:51 sophie_m ok 16:51 * ckindley will proceed with 3.16 16:51 ckindley sophie_m: For testing purposes, because it happens to be the version included in a gentoo portage overlay. 16:50 sophie_m ckindley: why do you choose koha 3.8 ? It's already old 16:49 ckindley Cheers, sophie_m. For some reason I thought I fixed those, but had not added X permissions for that folder! 16:49 ckindley Whoops. 16:49 * ckindley noticed that as well, but 16:48 ckindley Hmm, it also seems that I have not fulfilled all the perl module deps. Maybe I breezed past Makefile.PL too quickly. 16:47 sophie_m [Mon Aug 11 11:29:17 2014] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: exec of '/usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/install.pl' failed 16:47 sophie_m ckindley: it seems that permissions are not totally fixed : 16:45 ckindley So I was on to the web installer, which after fixing permissions, just sends me into a redirect loop. 16:44 ckindley Of course. I'm installing Koha-3.08.05 from tarball on a Gentoo system. Make seems to go okay, make test spits out some errors which I wonder about but kinda look spurious. 16:43 oleonard ckindley: Since people here may not be familiar with what you've talked about before, you should at least mention the platform, version, and method of install 16:38 * ckindley really, _really_ wants to give my school a library system! :( 16:37 ckindley A few more log lines at http://bpaste.net/show/594708/ 16:36 ckindley Hi folks. Following the Perl disaster I created last time, I tried getting Koha going on a separate box entirely. Interestingly, compilation seemed to do better, but the web installer sends me into a redirect loop. Logs state: "500.pl: Install required, redirecting to Installer at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Auth.pm line 572." 16:26 bgkriegel it just execute tmpl_process3 with normal arguments 16:21 oleonard So what does translatable-templates.t test? 16:19 oleonard Ah right xt/tt_valid.t tests for that. 16:17 bgkriegel oleonard: but that is captured by other test, I remember that I tried simething like that 16:16 oleonard bgkriegel++ 16:16 oleonard Okay, thanks bgkriegel 16:16 bgkriegel oleonard: if could left a note, I can try to rethink it... later (I have a big cold, need a bed) 16:15 oleonard bgkriegel: Similarly, I expected translatable-templates.t to complain if I embedded an [% IF %] inside an HTML tag but it doesn't (with or without your patch) 16:14 druthb Hi, bag. 16:14 bgkriegel oleonard: good question! That test... I think I don't really understand what/how is testing, so perhaps is wrong now 16:13 bag heya druthb 16:10 cait time to go home here - bbl 16:09 cait morning :) 16:08 bag good morning 16:04 mveron :-) 16:03 oleonard mveron++ 16:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12746 trivial, P5 - low, ---, veron, Needs Signoff , Remove empty onclick attribute from memberentrygen.tt 16:03 mveron oleonard: Bug 12746 :-) 16:02 oleonard Shouldn't it complain if I remove one or more images from opac-tmpl/bootstrap/itemtypeimg? 16:01 oleonard bgkriegel: So far so good. But how do I deliberately trigger an error from xt/author/icondirectories.t? 15:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12727 critical, P3, ---, abl, Pushed to Master , Patron category filter in batch patron deletion tool is broken 15:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12623 normal, P5 - low, ---, yohann.dufour, Pushed to Master , SQLHelper replacement - Koha::Borrower::Modifications 15:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12700 trivial, P5 - low, ---, veron, Pushed to Master , Capitalization: "Close Help Window" in context help 15:51 jenkins_koha * Jacek Ablewicz: Bug 12727 - Patron category filter in batch patron deletion tool is broken 15:51 jenkins_koha * Yohann Dufour: Bug 12623: SQLHelper replacement - Borrower::Modifications 15:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10542 critical, P1 - high, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to Master , QueryParser + OpacSuppression doesn't allow search in 'all libraries' 15:51 jenkins_koha * Marc Veron: Bug 12700 - Capitalization: "Close Help Window" in context help 15:51 jenkins_koha * David Cook: Bug 10542: QueryParser + OpacSuppression doesn't allow search in 'all libraries' 15:51 jenkins_koha * Martin Renvoize: Bug 10542: Fix QueryParser with OpacSupression 15:51 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Master_D7 build #92: UNSTABLE in 48 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D7/92/ 15:38 oleonard Sure 15:38 bgkriegel oleonard: just uploaded a new patch for 12653, test now pass (for me) for perl 5.14 and 5.18, could you test it? 15:08 cait nice: http://librarytechnology.org/ltg-displaytext.pl?RC=19616 NIWA + Koha + EDS 14:53 huginn tcohen: The current temperature in Bo Alto de San Martin, Cordoba City, Argentina is 20.0°C (11:50 AM ART on August 11, 2014). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 26%. Dew Point: -0.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady). 14:53 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 12727 - Patron category filter in batch patron deletion tool is broken <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=54e7212edd3018772c0d09261613fbb9bfb184d1> / Bug 12623: SQLHelper replacement - Borrower::Modifications <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=efee30f394bd89632e262d6605d4623a8ee2d9f9> / Bug 12700 - Capitalization: "Close Help Window" in context help <http://git 14:53 tcohen @wunder cordoba, argentina 14:51 tcohen heh, lag 14:50 tcohen this is awesome 14:36 cait hi kivilahtio 14:36 * cait wonder if the jenkins status will now turn green again on the dashboard :) 14:32 cait pizzaaaa 14:31 ashimema haha.. that'd be awesome! 14:29 oleonard Do we get a pizza party when the awesome jar is full? 14:27 wahanui That'll be $1 for the awesome jar, ashimema 14:27 ashimema awesome! 14:27 wahanui That'll be $1 for the awesome jar, ashimema 14:27 ashimema awesome! 14:27 wahanui That'll be $1 for the awesome jar, ashimema 14:27 ashimema awesome! 14:27 wahanui That'll be $1 for the awesome jar, ashimema 14:27 ashimema awesome! 14:05 tcohen :-D 14:04 cait yay! 14:02 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12647 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to Master , QueryParser fails tests 14:02 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12738 major, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to Master , Search behaviour inconsistent with QueryParser on Perl 5.18 14:02 jenkins_koha * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 12647: PQF QueryParser driver and unit tests fixes 14:02 jenkins_koha * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 12738: C4::Context should set 'keyword' as the default search class 14:02 jenkins_koha * Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 12738: (regression tests) C4::Context should set keyword search as default for QueryParser 14:02 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Master_U14 build #96: FIXED in 46 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U14/96/ 14:02 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 14:02 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 13:59 huginn JesseM: The operation succeeded. 13:59 JesseM @later tell Magnuse Happy Birthday Day!!! 13:37 cait i think you could add titles without items... maybe something in the changes to show callnumbers etc? 13:37 cait oleonard: that doesn't sound good 13:34 oleonard Looks like you can add a title which has no items to the OPAC's Cart but the Cart won't show it. 13:28 ashimema thoguh I'm not exactly sure what I should be looking for ;) 13:27 ashimema seems stuck to me tcohen. 13:25 tcohen it used to scroll as new tests were ran, but now it needs to be reloaded for it to show new tests run 13:24 tcohen http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U14/96/console 13:24 tcohen can anyone test if the jenkins' console output isn't scrolling? 13:20 ashimema so I know exactly where your coming from. 13:20 ashimema as QA I'm starting to push back a bit more on bugs that just add to the technical debt without a good reason. 13:19 tcohen this will get fixed rigt now 13:19 tcohen another bug, and enhancement bug 13:19 tcohen exactly 13:19 ashimema but tha'ts a big amount of work :( 13:19 ashimema it would be better in C4::Search (or even better in a branch new Koha::*).. 13:18 tcohen ? 13:17 ashimema oh god.. I agree.. but! 13:17 tcohen but it is not the scope of the bug itself 13:17 tcohen ashimema: i think we should move that into C4::Search and have it properly tested 13:16 nengard :) hehe 13:15 ashimema great to see my stats logs fo the sandboxes filling up. 13:15 ashimema sounds like it was allot of fun nengard 13:15 ashimema oh good. 13:14 ashimema but feel free to push back 'if there is a better way' 13:14 nengard ashimema I was on an airplane but I didn't see any complaints on twitter or in my email :) so I think it all went well 13:14 ashimema tchoen.. cait and I are supper hapy the opacsupression + qp has got this far.. 13:14 ashimema hope the sandboxes helped nengard. 13:09 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 12647: PQF QueryParser driver and unit tests fixes <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=27eccf412217c18f282ae9e97e94885209a9ba69> / Bug 12738: C4::Context should set 'keyword' as the default search class <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=80a1225bb732fb957af483cfa64face8631165bf> / Bug 12738: (regression tests) C4::Context should set keyword search as default for 13:06 nengard but it was awesome getting to see people and show them how to participate in the community 13:06 nengard I think next year will be better now that we have a plan 13:06 nengard it was good 13:05 oleonard Hi nengard, how was the Koha NA conference? I'm sorry I couldn't be there. 13:02 oleonard bgkriegel: I've tested with 5.18.2 and 5.14.2, although in two different VMs with different setups. The failures with v5.18.2 might be because I used a gitified package install for all I know. 13:01 nengard morning all 13:00 bgkriegel which perl? 13:00 bgkriegel ouch! 12:59 oleonard Since the tests fail for me every time I can't properly test changes to them. 12:59 oleonard I've been trying to get those tests to run properly for two weeks now and have never succeeded. 12:59 oleonard bgkriegel: Thanks for working on that. 12:57 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12653 normal, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Needs Signoff , PROG/CCSR deprecation: Correct hard-coded opac-tmpl/prog path in tests 12:57 bgkriegel oleonard: can you take a look at Bug 12653? I'm not very confident of my unit test skills 12:51 tcohen :) 12:51 bgkriegel another tcohen :) 12:51 tcohen_ ok 12:51 tcohen hey tcohen_, log out 12:50 tcohen hi bgkriegel 12:50 bgkriegel hi #koha 12:49 tcohen how does this read? "The following configuration file was used without success: " 12:42 * tcohen guesses you both are expecting opacsuppression+queryparser get fixed asap 12:42 tcohen hi ashimema cait 12:38 cait morning tcohen :) 12:36 huginn Dyrcona: The operation succeeded. 12:36 Dyrcona @later tell rangi http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/NCIPServer.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/dyrcona/better_abstraction is where the abstraction changes for NCIPServer are going. It is not really usable, yet, but I've been testing the bits I've done as I go along. 12:36 ashimema good morning tcohen 12:35 tcohen thanks jcamins 12:35 wahanui morning is probably a state of cat 12:35 tcohen morning! 12:27 oleonard Bugzilla was busy this weekend 12:20 cait good morning oleonard 12:19 oleonard Hi #koha 12:05 cait right, and nz is many hours away 12:05 ashimema yeah.. they're both rather busy though it seems at the moment ;) 12:01 cait ashimema: rangi is always good for such things, or mayb gmcharlt 12:00 ashimema need a git ninja ;) 12:00 ashimema me too 11:59 cait but not sure how 11:59 cait i am quite sure git can... because git can almost everything 11:59 cait hm 11:58 ashimema can you see my conundrum now. 11:15 ashimema I'm wanting to list just those commits that are actualy unique (rather than just having a unique commithash) in any one branch so i can bring the branches back in line. 11:15 ashimema every branch has multiple merges of the master branch.. mignlged in with random cherry picks from the master branch and other local commits.. 11:14 ashimema instead of being sensible and have a main master branch and rebaseing the individual branches as required.. 11:14 cait that itself doens't soudn that bad yet 11:14 ashimema well.. I've inherited a real mess of a repo.. it has 36 branches. 11:12 wahanui it has been said that the question is "What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?" 11:12 cait what's the question? 11:12 cait ashimema: not a pro, but maybe we can figure it out :) 10:59 ashimema any git pros out there..? 10:56 ashimema wall monitor? 10:25 mtj eythian: im very impressed with your wall monitor :) 09:17 * mveron likes rain for reading days... 09:16 cait you'd be happy with the type we got here right now then 09:16 ashimema I like proper rain.. but can't stand silly drizzle stuff 09:15 cait mveron: i really like rain, so i get blamed for the bad weather around here .) 09:14 * mveron likes sunny weather. We had not to much of it this summer. Ther was no perfect summer week... 09:14 mveron cait: It was raining, now it is wet and cluded. good day to be in office :-) 09:13 ashimema it's finally sunny here.. was wet all weekend. 09:11 cait mveron: raining where you are too? 09:11 ashimema :) 09:04 mveron ashiema: Welcome :-) 09:04 ashimema mveron++ Thanks for signoff :) 08:37 mveron hi cait :-) 08:37 cait hi mveron :) 08:37 huginn mveron: The current temperature in Wetter Allschwil, Allschwil, Switzerland is 17.2°C (10:36 AM CEST on August 11, 2014). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 99%. Dew Point: 17.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Steady). 08:37 mveron @wunder Allschwil 08:36 mveron Good worldtime #koha 08:08 cait mveron++ :) 07:08 cait :) 07:07 ashimema that's better... i'm me again 07:05 cait hi marcelr :) 07:05 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11663 trivial, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Stable , Bootstap theme opac holding tab improperly displayed when opacbookbag syspref is disabled 07:05 cait bug 11663 07:05 marcelr hi cait 07:05 cait good morning #koha 07:04 ashimema_ it's quiet in here this morning 07:04 ashimema_ good day marcelr 07:03 marcelr hi ashimema_ 06:59 ashimema_ Good morning #koha 06:41 marcelr hi dcook 06:41 dcook yo marcelr 06:41 marcelr hi #koha 06:33 huginn dcook: The operation succeeded. 06:33 dcook @later tell cait it was Bug 11663 06:32 dcook Hmm, git blame time. No idea when that code change happened... 06:31 dcook Aha 06:21 cait i shoudl head out too.... looks like another rain shower soon 06:20 cait yep 06:20 eythian I should probably head off soon 06:20 eythian It's not going to be nice out there 06:20 eythian -o 06:20 eythian along with 110kph windo 06:20 eythian There's 15mm forcast between 8 and 10 tonight 06:19 cait wet summer 06:19 cait lots of rain last night again 06:19 huginn cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 18.0°C (8:00 AM CEST on August 11, 2014). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 82%. Dew Point: 16.0°C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Rising). 06:19 cait @wunder Konstanz 06:16 eythian we also need to have huginn do the wind to get a real sense for the weather 06:16 eythian light rain my butt 06:16 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 13.0°C (6:00 PM NZST on August 11, 2014). Conditions: Light Rain Showers. Humidity: 82%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005 hPa (Steady). 06:16 eythian @wunder nzwn 06:16 eythian or a lot of rain 06:16 eythian I think it just started hailing outside 06:15 eythian that could work 06:15 cait ok :) what about a colorful sign on top and a catchy name? :) 06:14 cait aah 06:14 eythian cait: you can't really put a scale next to is as the scale changes, it's based on the past 7 days worth of traffic. 06:13 cait it's most likely missing a string that is wrapped in a cart if 06:13 cait but i know there have been 1 or 2 bugs even 06:13 cait :( 06:13 cait that's good, because i didn't find it so far 06:13 cait :) 06:12 dcook Nah, that's all right. I can hopefully find it. I won't take up your time :) 06:11 cait would maybe look good if you got a scale next to it 06:10 cait eythian: looks good 06:06 cait do you want me to find the bug? 06:06 cait sorry, i was getting rady for owrk 05:57 dcook Or where to look to see... 05:57 dcook Hmm, cait. Looks like you're right. It was fixed in master. I think I know how... 05:57 dcook Hooks are rather handy... 05:57 dcook hehe 05:55 eythian (after 5:30pm is a quiet time, whoda thunk it?) 05:54 eythian (that is, I got hold of a sticky hook so I could attach it to the wall.) 05:53 eythian http://imgur.com/h9EALwU <-- my koha servers traffic monitor near-realtime display is now in production. 05:51 eythian hi cait 05:42 dcook Hmm, still don't see anything 05:39 * dcook tries again 05:39 dcook I think my bugzilla fu isn't as strong as yours ;) 05:37 cait maybe check bugzilla 05:37 cait we fixed some of those tho 05:37 cait hm 05:22 dcook Looks like it prevents use of the of "Log in to your account" modal 05:21 dcook I noticed it before, but I thought it more a warning than an error 05:21 dcook "Uncaught ReferenceError: MSG_IN_YOUR_CART is not defined" 05:20 dcook Looks like it might still be a problem in master though 05:20 dcook 3.14.5 05:20 wahanui i guess which version is recommended? 05:20 cait which version? 05:20 cait dcook: there were bugs about that i think 05:20 cait mornig dcook and #koha 05:16 * dcook shall have his answer soon enough 05:15 dcook Does anyone else get Javascript errors if they turn off the Cart? 05:15 dcook hey cait 05:02 dcook hehe 05:02 eythian it's missing the up-to-76km/h wind we're having right now. 05:01 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 13.0°C (4:30 PM NZST on August 11, 2014). Conditions: Light Rain Showers. Humidity: 88%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005 hPa (Falling). 05:01 eythian @wunder nzwn 04:59 * dcook keeps looking for a new home 04:58 * rangi heads for home 04:57 * dcook forgot about that until now... 04:57 dcook I also had to ring them because they didn't auto-rebook me 04:57 dcook The funny thing is that I had almost gone to bed. 04:57 dcook I think it was a text or an email... 04:57 rangi helpful of them 04:57 dcook Seeing as the flight was supposed to leave in the morning the next day...yeah... 04:57 rangi nice 04:56 dcook My flights to Kohacon13 got changed the night before I left... 04:56 dcook rangi: At least they told you about the flights 01:34 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 13.0°C (1:00 PM NZST on August 11, 2014). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 82%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Falling). 01:34 eythian @wunder nzwn 01:21 rangi ahh its a nice change, transit in santiago on the way back is 40 mins shorter now 01:18 rangi heh 01:18 rangi actually their website is pretty nice 01:17 eythian http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/08/new-jellyfish-discovered-giant-venomous-species-found-off-australia <-- probably because of this 01:17 rangi true :) 01:17 eythian at least they told you 01:16 rangi those dastardly australians 01:16 rangi hmm qantas have changed my flights 00:04 dcook Sounds good. Thanks! 00:04 bgkriegel will try again, in any case I will comment on the bug. 00:02 dcook bgkriegel: Hey :). Thanks! I'm surprised you had no luck :/. 00:01 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12325 normal, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Needs Signoff , Marc and Card view in Z39.50 Results doesn't work properly in IE 8 00:01 bgkriegel dcook: hi :) Tested Bug 12325, but with no luck, will try again tomorrow (on my Monday). Used XP and IE 8.0something