Time Nick Message 00:09 rangi mtj: melrose 00:15 mtj hey rangi, dcook :0) 00:16 rangi heya mtj 00:16 mtj friday stupid question... does anyone know why koha-zebra-stop only works on enabled instances? 00:17 rangi cos zebra wont be running on disabled instances? 00:18 eythian in an ideal world, it won't be. 00:19 eythian disabling an instance should call koha-stop-zebra 00:19 mtj zebra does indeed run for disabled kohas 00:19 eythian and it isn't launched on boot 00:19 eythian (and koha-start-zebra won't work on disabled instances.) 00:19 eythian mtj: it shouldn't 00:20 eythian if it gets into a state where it can, it's probably a bug. That said, koha-stop-zebra should check for that to make it easy to get out of an inconsistent state. 00:22 mtj hmm, for me ... something starts zebras for all kohas, regardless of whether they are enabled, or otherwise 00:23 mtj ill check that... 00:24 eythian mtj: with packages? 00:24 mtj yep 00:24 eythian koha-start-zebra tests for enabled status 00:24 * eythian -> lunch 00:25 mtj yeah, i see that... 00:25 mtj koha-start-zebra $(koha-list --enabled) 00:25 mtj well, thats good to know 00:26 mtj ..i'm fxd if i know what happening on my box then ?! 00:28 mtj aaah, click 00:28 mtj its koha-create 00:29 mtj which makes a koha, starts its zebra... and leaves it disabled 00:31 mtj heh, actually thats not true ^^ 00:32 mtj calyx is running a modded version of koha-create... that disables the koha without stopping zebra 00:33 mtj got there in the end :) 00:36 mtj the actual problem i was having was koha-remove failing, coz zebra was still running 00:37 mtj there is a line in koha-remove to stop zebra... but that was failing too (as the koha was disabled) 00:39 mtj i was trying to work out which of those 2 scripts to fix, ...turns out the bug was in koha-create 00:45 dcook Glad you got it sorted, mtj :) 01:12 dcook It's funny...I just wrote a service for doing checkins and checkouts. Didn't realize that bug 11703 would do that too :p 01:12 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11703 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Convert checkouts table to ajax datatable 01:38 dcook What do folks use for buying books online? 01:38 * dcook says as a librarian/library software developer who avoids his local library 01:39 * dcook seems to recall eythian using Tor 01:39 dcook Or maybe it's Pan Macmillan... 01:39 eythian dcook: ebooks or physical books? 01:40 dcook Mmm, physical books 01:40 eythian Book Depository, generally 01:40 dcook I don't tend to read ebooks, although maybe I'll start when I get that tablet 01:40 dcook Interesting 01:40 wahanui i guess Interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad 01:40 dcook I just got a book from there. 01:40 eythian tablets are good for ebooks 01:40 dcook Free shipping and cheaper than list price... 01:40 dcook eythian: I hope so :) 01:40 eythian The shipping takes just long enough that by the time it arrives, I've forgotten I ordered it. 01:40 eythian So it's like a magical present. 01:40 dcook My Galaxy S3 is bigger than my LG Optimus One was, but still too small for quality reading 01:41 dcook hehe 01:41 dcook I love when that happens! 01:41 * dcook thinks about when these were ordered 01:41 dcook Week and a half ago 01:41 dcook 5 were ordered but only one has been packed and shipped so far though, I think 01:42 * dcook sometimes fantasizes about having a "Like" button on Bugzilla comments 01:44 * tcohen thinks dcook should be happy with his S3, his Nexus 5 is rebooting several times per hour 01:45 dcook Oh, as a phone, I love my S3 01:45 dcook That sucks about your Nexus 5 :( 01:45 dcook I was fortunate to get the latest gen S3 as well so it can use 4G as well despite being an older model 01:46 * tcohen has to send it to Spain to ask Google for replacement :-/ 01:46 dcook :( 01:47 dcook How long have you had it, tcohen? 01:47 tcohen a lot 01:47 tcohen about 3 month 01:47 tcohen :-) 01:49 dcook Ah, not too long then! 01:49 dcook I suppose I've had mine about...6 months now 01:50 rangi actually no 01:50 rangi that list does not take the pressure off 01:50 dcook ? 01:50 rangi now i just have to correct misunderstandings from that as well as the FUD from proprietary vendors 01:50 rangi </rant about email on the mailing list> 01:53 rangi [off] also if you think ptfs and libllime belong in the same list as catalyst, equinox and bywater then you definitely should not be writing any stuff about koha or evergreen 01:54 * tcohen feels is missing a part of the list conversation 01:55 tcohen [off] ah, just received it 02:06 tcohen bye rangi 02:11 dcook [off] totes 02:15 eythian https://kristopolous.github.io/BOOTSTRA.386/ <-- oh wow, we need to plug this into a Koha for people migrating from old terminal systems. 02:15 rangi :) 02:15 dcook eythian: That is awesome 02:28 * dcook wonders if items.reserves is even used anymore... 02:29 rangi it was just a counter iirc 02:29 dcook Yeah, I think so 02:29 rangi not sure it is anymore 02:29 dcook I'm not sure either 02:29 dcook I'm thinking not 02:30 dcook I think issues and renewals are though 03:25 rangi http://demo.mykoha.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?idx=&q=bear&branch_group_limit= 03:40 dcook rangi: Yes? 03:41 rangi just checking people can see it 03:41 dcook Mostly 03:41 dcook "Place hold" is hard to see 03:41 dcook Especially when it's white on white (despite the shadow) 03:42 dcook Otherwise winning :) 03:42 rangi hm i think there is an image missing there 03:42 dcook Ah, could be 03:43 * dcook changes the search to "beer" 03:43 dcook "7. Write your way to a higher GPA : how to dramatically boost your GPA simply by sharpening your writing skills" 03:43 dcook I like your demo :) 03:43 * dcook always found beer + writing = A+ 03:44 dcook Well...A/A+ 04:55 dcook yo cait 04:55 dcook Quiet today 04:57 * cait waves 07:08 reiveune hello 07:25 cait good friday morning #koha :) 07:30 dcook evening, cait :) 07:30 * dcook wishes that issues_stats.pl worked better... 07:30 sophie_m hello #koha 07:32 cait evening dcook, morning sophie_m 07:33 dcook Everyone have a good friday/weekend! 07:33 * dcook scampers off 07:34 gaetan_B hello 07:34 cait hi gaetan_B :) 12:13 tcohen morning! 12:13 wahanui it has been said that morning is a state of the cait 13:05 tcohen #koha : what would be the expected behaviour (on the _UI) if a biblio that is on the basket is deleted from the DB? 13:05 cait i think what shoudl happen is that it still displays 13:05 cait pulling the data from deleted* 13:06 cait but I think it's not the case currently, mathieu was working on things in this area 13:06 tcohen oh, i found the bug and noticed no one was working on it 13:06 tcohen bug 3873 13:06 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3873 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, NEW , Gracefully handle errors when item in staff client cart has been deleted 13:06 cait aaah 13:06 cait you mean cart 13:06 cait i as thinking acq :) 13:06 cait hm it's a low bug number 13:06 * tcohen is lost in translation 13:07 cait i thougth owen or marcel maybe had looked into that 13:07 tcohen reported 2010, last comment 2013 13:08 cait bug 1889 13:08 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1889 normal, P3, ---, gmcharlt, VERIFIED REMIND, Virtual shelves leave blank field in staff intranet when BIB is deleted 13:08 cait bug 7252 13:08 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7252 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Lists inaccessible when one or more MARC records listed have been deleted 13:09 cait bug 7258 13:09 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7258 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Cannot delete a title from a list if the bibliographic record has been deleted 13:09 tcohen we don't seem to have a method for accessing deleted_biblio 13:10 tcohen deletedbiblio 13:10 cait bug 8638 13:10 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8638 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mathsabypro, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Display title of deleted biblios in cancelled orders 13:10 cait all the same somehow 13:10 cait well the same basic question 13:11 tcohen i think DBIx should do it better than this http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=28514 13:11 tcohen ok, time to learn DBIx :-D 13:11 cait hehe 13:11 cait yep! 13:12 cait so then you can teach me in argentina :) 13:12 tcohen khall_away will 13:12 cait oh is he coming? 13:12 tcohen (hopefully) 13:13 * tcohen just expressed his wish 13:13 cait :) 13:15 tcohen OMFG 13:15 cait tcohen: hm i think for the cart - maybe the record should get deleted 13:15 cait for the one in opac 13:15 tcohen i was thinking on the staff side 13:16 cait the entry in the cart i mean 13:16 cait ah 13:16 cait yeah i think more information there might be better 13:16 tcohen and i've noticed that a major rewrite is needed for your intended behaviour :-/ 13:16 cait but probably harder, because you will still want to be able to remove it from the list etc. 13:16 cait i was afraid of that 13:16 tcohen C4::Biblio doesn't have a good API 13:17 tcohen and there isn't C4::OldBiblio 13:17 tcohen can table names be passed variable names in DBIx? 13:18 tcohen like in 13:18 tcohen $schema->resultset( $correct_biblio_table )->find( $biblionumber ); 13:32 cait tcohen: C4/Maintenance.pm - that was once used to back records from deleted to life... :) 13:32 cait but i think way before 3.2 13:33 tcohen heh 13:34 cait @wunder Konstanz 13:34 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 24.6°C (3:30 PM CEST on July 04, 2014). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 66%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Steady). 13:41 bgkriegel @wunder cordoba, argentina 13:41 huginn bgkriegel: The current temperature in Cordoba, Argentina is 10.0°C (10:00 AM ART on July 04, 2014). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Rising). 13:43 cait we should have a thunderstorm soon... hopefully 13:43 cait it feels very damp right now 13:46 bgkriegel we will have rains... on September 13:47 cait hm and october? 13:47 bgkriegel may be :) 13:53 cait bgkriegel: there is a pool i want to use! but i guess the chances are not so good 13:53 paul_p cait = just in case => http://fr.slideshare.net/abesweb/jabes14-uwe-rischprojetcib 13:54 cait paul_p: i have seen that one in german i think 13:54 paul_p cait probably ;-) (this one is in english, despite the fr at the beginning of the url) 13:56 paul_p "nice" to see that kuali is cited, but not Koha. OTOH, no-one is using Kuali yet, while Koha is widely used... 13:56 paul_p (sarcastic "nice") 13:57 cait difficult topic I think 13:57 bgkriegel cait: what pool? 13:57 cait i think my accomodation has one 14:01 tcohen hi paul_p! 14:01 paul_p hello tcohen 14:01 cait paul_p: ready for the soccer game? :) 14:01 paul_p tcohen what about a final France <> Argentina ? 14:01 paul_p cait not yet but soon. 14:01 tcohen i hope not :-P 14:02 cait paul_p: iwhat about germany <> argentina? 14:02 paul_p tcohen why ? you think Argentina will loose before the final ? 14:02 paul_p cait mmm... no, not a good idea. 14:02 paul_p cait I prefer mine :D :D 14:02 cait we will see... :) 14:02 tcohen you have a strong team, I prefer Brazil 14:02 cait to be honest, i mostly look forward to the bbq tonight 14:03 cait and then the game will be a nice addition :) 14:05 jcamins What's the culture like? 14:06 jcamins Sorry, wrong window. 14:06 jcamins @wunder 11375 14:06 huginn jcamins: The current temperature in South Richmond Hill, South Richmond Hill, New York is 23.4°C (10:06 AM EDT on July 04, 2014). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 21.0°C. Pressure: 29.96 in 1014 hPa (Falling). Flash Flood Watch in effect until noon EDT today... 14:06 jcamins Pfeh. Flash floods. 14:08 gaetan_B bug 11030 should be pretty easy to qa for someone having a lazy friday ;) 14:08 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11030 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mathsabypro, Signed Off , Add 359, 947 and 969 fields in french unimarc_complete framework 14:08 cait gaetan_B: what is a lazy friday? 14:09 gaetan_B i meant a friday were you don't feel like working too much :p 14:09 cait i know the queue is getting a bit long right now, but hard to find time 14:30 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "Learning DBIx: how does this look?" (12 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/78 14:32 tcohen anyone? 14:32 wahanui anyone is free to organize one at any time :-) 14:36 bgkriegel tcohen: looks clean. What's the result, a hashref? 14:37 tcohen a result object 14:37 tcohen i'm having trouble to reach CPAN 14:37 tcohen (to read the docs) 14:39 bgkriegel Mmmm, 503 Service Unavailable! 14:40 gaetan_B bye! 14:40 bgkriegel and ... 504 Gateway Time-out 14:41 tcohen yeap 14:44 bgkriegel http://www.dbix-class.org/documentation.html 14:45 tcohen thanks bgkriegel 14:45 bgkriegel :) 14:49 tcohen YAY: DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator 14:50 tcohen now i understood what khall_away said yesterday! 14:53 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "bgkriegel: this returns a hashref" (12 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/79 14:54 reiveune bye 15:01 cait tcohen: think a lot of people are already gone for today 15:03 tcohen good point 15:05 jcamins I think a lot of people were never here for today. 15:07 bgkriegel hehe 15:08 cait i think a holiday in US 15:08 cait oh 15:08 jcamins Yep. 15:48 tcohen @later tell gmcharlt is it possible to have the relations between Deletedbiblio and Deletedbiblioitems in Koha::Schema ? 15:48 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 17:57 bgkriegel "Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win." G. Lineker 18:11 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Revert "Bug 8567: Set output directory for fines.pl in cron config created by the... <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=16250f76d2bbdbee0cb8d6115a80c182e84e94e4> 19:57 ivan_ Hello. I am on Ubuntu 14.04 and after a large import search is not finding any of my imported records. Zebra is running and I have run koha-rebuild-zebra without error. 19:58 ivan_ I am not sure how to tell if the the rebuild even worked. I have my rebuild command output if someone cares.