Time Nick Message 23:37 jenkins_koha Starting build #526 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 23:31 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 3050: (follow-up) update DBIC schema classes 23:31 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 3050: DBRev 23:31 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3050 new feature, P2, ---, abl, Pushed to Master , Add an option to upload scanned invoices. 23:31 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 3050: QA follow-up 23:31 jenkins_koha * Jacek Ablewicz: Bug 3050 - Add an option to upload scanned invoices #3/3 23:31 jenkins_koha * Jacek Ablewicz: Bug 3050 - Add an option to upload scanned invoices #2/3 23:31 jenkins_koha * Jacek Ablewicz: Bug 3050 - Add an option to upload scanned invoices #1/3 23:31 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #525: SUCCESS in 53 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/525/ 22:38 jenkins_koha Starting build #525 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 22:35 cait bye eythian :) 22:34 eythian bye cait 22:34 eythian hi cait 22:34 cait good night :) 22:31 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #524: SUCCESS in 53 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/524/ 22:15 huginn eythian: The operation succeeded. 22:15 eythian @later tell pianohacker sure, but Saturdays probably aren't the best day to do it :) I haven't noticed anything like you describe. 22:13 wahanui bidet, eythian 22:13 eythian hi 22:10 wizzyrea (that conveniently came out 5 days ago.) 22:10 wizzyrea (because akismet had an update) 22:08 wizzyrea oh I see why. 22:08 wizzyrea hm actually surprised akismet didn't catch those 21:50 rangi got rid of some of them 21:48 rangi yeah its pretty special 21:48 ibeardslee rangi: 'love' how the spam collects quickly in release notices posts 21:48 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 3050: (follow-up) update DBIC schema classes <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=695c7f7bef59040ed236bc9f25056b4924fb6528> / Bug 3050: DBRev <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=b1b01467221925905ccc3dd20fcc336a6c03e266> / Bug 3050: QA follow-up <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=059107ca75d31de2f67e0424287ecc7bd8fab631> / 21:44 jenkins_koha Starting build #1795 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 21:41 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1794: SUCCESS in 2 hr 5 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1794/ 21:37 jenkins_koha Starting build #524 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 21:33 cait hi wizzyrea 21:31 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #523: SUCCESS in 53 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/523/ 21:16 wizzyrea bit late, but WOO 3.16! :) 21:16 rangi hi wizzyrea 21:13 wizzyrea *wave* 21:09 huginn rangi: The operation succeeded. 21:09 rangi @later tell tcohen any recommendations for a hotel near the conference? 21:02 huginn gmcharlt: Quote #116: "slef: It's probably some corrupt mix of double-encoding or ISO-8859-1 mislabelled as MARC-8 and the problem is rather similar to trying to reconstruct a pig from sausages, sorry." (added by wizzyrea at 05:10 PM, January 21, 2011) 21:02 gmcharlt @quote random 20:38 jenkins_koha Starting build #523 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 20:32 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #522: SUCCESS in 53 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/522/ 19:38 jenkins_koha Starting build #522 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 19:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #1794 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 19:34 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12110 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mathsabypro, Pushed to Master , Display the order vendor note in basket and basketgroup CSV and PDF 19:34 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9088 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , neworderempty should preselect the only active fund for new orders 19:34 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 12110: (follow-up) improve whitespace 19:34 jenkins_koha * Mathieu Saby: Bug 12110: (follow-up) add French and German translation 19:34 jenkins_koha * Mathieu Saby: Bug 12110: Display the order vendor note in basket and basketgroup CSV and PDF 19:34 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 9088: if there is only one active order, pre-select it when creating new orderings 19:34 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1793: SUCCESS in 2 hr 6 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1793/ 19:32 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #521: SUCCESS in 53 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/521/ 18:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #521 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 18:33 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #520: SUCCESS in 54 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/520/ 17:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #520 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 17:34 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #519: SUCCESS in 54 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/519/ 17:27 jenkins_koha Starting build #1793 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 17:24 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1792: SUCCESS in 2 hr 24 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1792/ 16:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #519 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 16:32 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12110 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mathsabypro, Pushed to Master , Display the order vendor note in basket and basketgroup CSV and PDF 16:32 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9088 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , neworderempty should preselect the only active fund for new orders 16:32 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 12110: (follow-up) improve whitespace 16:32 jenkins_koha * Mathieu Saby: Bug 12110: (follow-up) add French and German translation 16:32 jenkins_koha * Mathieu Saby: Bug 12110: Display the order vendor note in basket and basketgroup CSV and PDF 16:32 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 9088: if there is only one active order, pre-select it when creating new orderings 16:32 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #518: SUCCESS in 57 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/518/ 15:34 jenkins_koha Starting build #518 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 15:31 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 12110: (follow-up) improve whitespace <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7533b1c0a8369e072673f2c8102319fc9511149d> / Bug 12110: (follow-up) add French and German translation <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=b2499288cdff37bf80dd9976ae141c8f07446236> / Bug 12110: Display the order vendor note in basket and basketgroup CSV and PDF <http://git.koha-community.org/ 15:28 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #517: SUCCESS in 56 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/517/ 15:21 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 9088: if there is only one active order, pre-select it when creating new orderings <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=27f1df06700d19d006218812c168fc9079e3706d> 15:01 jenkins_koha Starting build #1792 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 14:58 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1791: SUCCESS in 2 hr 5 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1791/ 14:32 jenkins_koha Starting build #517 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 14:26 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #516: SUCCESS in 57 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/516/ 13:28 jenkins_koha Starting build #516 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 13:24 pablito I wonder is it possible to import the names of authors from biblio into authorities? 13:22 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #515: SUCCESS in 57 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/515/ 13:22 pablito hi all 12:53 jenkins_koha Starting build #1791 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 12:50 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1790: SUCCESS in 2 hr 22 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1790/ 12:25 jenkins_koha Starting build #515 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 12:19 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #514: SUCCESS in 56 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/514/ 11:23 jenkins_koha Starting build #514 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 11:17 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #513: SUCCESS in 55 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/513/ 10:28 jenkins_koha Starting build #1790 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 10:25 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1789: SUCCESS in 2 hr 4 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1789/ 10:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #513 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 10:15 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #512: SUCCESS in 55 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/512/ 09:20 jenkins_koha Starting build #512 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 09:14 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #511: SUCCESS in 57 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/511/ 08:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #1789 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 08:18 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1788: SUCCESS in 2 hr 8 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1788/ 08:17 jenkins_koha Starting build #511 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 08:10 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #510: SUCCESS in 57 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/510/ 07:13 jenkins_koha Starting build #510 for job master_maria (previous build: FIXED) 07:07 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #509: FIXED in 56 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/509/ 07:07 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 07:07 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 06:11 cait hm 06:11 jenkins_koha Starting build #509 for job master_maria (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #507 2 hr 5 min ago) 06:10 jenkins_koha Starting build #1788 for job Koha_master (previous build: FIXED) 06:08 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1787: FIXED in 2 hr 25 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1787/ 06:08 wahanui o/ '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` 06:08 jenkins_koha Yippee, build fixed! 06:05 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #508: UNSTABLE in 57 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/508/ 05:07 jenkins_koha Starting build #508 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 05:01 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #507: SUCCESS in 56 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/507/ 04:05 jenkins_koha Starting build #507 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 03:59 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #506: SUCCESS in 54 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/506/ 03:42 jenkins_koha Starting build #1787 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1785 4 hr 17 min ago) 03:40 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1786: UNSTABLE in 2 hr 5 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1786/ 03:04 jenkins_koha Starting build #506 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 02:59 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #505: SUCCESS in 55 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/505/ 02:03 jenkins_koha Starting build #505 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 01:57 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #504: SUCCESS in 55 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/504/ 01:34 jenkins_koha Starting build #1786 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 01:31 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1785: SUCCESS in 2 hr 6 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1785/ 01:02 jenkins_koha Starting build #504 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 00:56 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #503: SUCCESS in 54 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/503/ 00:02 jenkins_koha Starting build #503 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS)