Time Nick Message 14:53 pma i thought before i start i will upgrade and then work 14:51 pma so i need to do webinstall and then run upgrade 14:51 pma i just installed and immediately without running any webinstall trying to run upgrade 14:50 pma oh thats true 14:48 jcamins Based on that error message, it sounds like you never set up Koha. 14:48 pma what would be the way to upgrade koha 14:48 pma but can u guess what could be going wron 14:47 jcamins pma: I don't use livecds/dvds for this sort of reason. I don't know of anyone who spends time on #koha who does use the livecd/dvd, but if there is anyone, you'll probably have better luck finding them during the week. 14:39 pma upgrade throws an error error subprocess returned an error (1) 14:38 * Oak waves 14:37 pma i am trying to upgrade koha from livecd installation but when i run apt-get dist-upgrade it throws an error as Upgrading database schema for library DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: Table 'koha_library.systempreferences' doesn't exist at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 561. 10:53 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -0.8°C (11:50 AM CET on February 01, 2014). Conditions: Fog. Humidity: 97%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005 hPa (Steady). 10:53 cait @wunder Konstanz 09:38 cait good morning #koha 02:46 rangi looks like its back 01:34 * mtompset waves bye to rangi and gmcharlt. 01:34 mtompset Have a great day, #koha. 01:13 mtompset Why not bywaterites? 01:12 mtompset how did -ians get chosen as an ending? 01:10 rangi thanks 01:09 gmcharlt rangi: I've paged larryb 01:07 rangi any bywaterians around?