Time Nick Message 23:39 talljoy nevermind, read the code. these suckers are gone gone 23:37 talljoy deleted_borrowers, i mean. 23:37 talljoy got a question about about the batch patron deletion/anonymization tool. when a patron is 'permanently deleted' is it still stored in deleted patrons? 23:37 pianohacker pfft 23:37 wahanui i think talljoy is one of the few women that can see eye to eye with druthb. Almost all the others need to stand on a box. 23:37 pianohacker hey talljoy 23:36 talljoy hey #koha 23:28 pianohacker nice username 23:27 * cait-m__ waves 23:09 * pianohacker waves wizzyrea 23:00 * wizzyrea waves 22:02 pablito :-D 22:02 pablito today is the feast of Santa Claus so ho ho ho 22:02 jcamins You too. 22:02 pablito have a great weekend jcamins! 22:01 pablito hehe 22:01 jcamins And- it's the weekend! Woohoo! 22:01 jcamins Often I just turn off the cron job when doing imports that big, and reindex when they're done. 22:01 jcamins Yup, that'll do it. 22:01 pablito 36,400 records 22:00 pablito ah, that's probably why 21:59 jcamins If you did a really huge import, though, the cron job can get stuffed up because multiple jobs are trying to run at once. 21:58 jcamins Yeah, that looks good. 21:57 pablito */15 * * * * root koha-foreach --enabled --email /usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl 21:57 pablito */5 * * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/koha-rebuild-zebra && koha-rebuild-zebra -q $(koha-list --enabled) 21:56 pablito but can you check my crontab job to see if it's correct? Because a few days ago I had to do a manual zebra rebuild to be able to search for records 21:55 pablito anyway, I will follow up with this issue later 21:54 pablito out of 36,000 records, maybe only 2 or 3 have no call number 21:53 pablito 99% of the records have call number 21:52 jcamins Is the call number missing on all records, or just some? 21:51 pablito appreciate your help 21:51 pablito ok, thanks 21:49 jcamins I'm not sure what it is, so I'd suggest checking the channel later, or next week, since it's 4:50 on a Friday here, and already the weekend in Europe and Oceania. 21:48 pablito it doesn't even show up in the Admin side either 21:48 jcamins Wow, that's really confusing. 21:47 pablito but under Marc view tab, the call number is listed under "Full Call Number" column 21:45 jcamins Hm. 21:45 pablito no, it's just Roman Numerals and numbers 21:45 jcamins Do you have non-Latin characters in the 952$o? 21:45 pablito and holding location 21:45 jcamins I see. 21:45 pablito like the barcode 21:45 jcamins Oh, okay. 21:45 pablito i know it does because the other subfields of 952 show up fine 21:44 * jcamins isn't sure what's going on. 21:44 jcamins Odd. 21:44 pablito on import, it said everything is processed 21:44 jcamins Okay. I think the 952 isn't getting handled at all. Does the import report having processed items? 21:43 pablito well, for the majority of my records, I have it in both 852 and 952 21:42 jcamins pablito: is it possible that you actually have it in *8*52? 21:41 pablito however, it DOES show up when I click on the MARC tab under "Full Call Number" 21:41 jcamins Does the item show up at all? 21:41 pablito it would NOT show up in the holding tab of OPAC nor in parentheses of the results 21:41 pablito it wouldn't 21:40 pablito sorry 21:40 pablito well, it would show up in the holding tab of OPAC nor in parentheses of the results 21:40 jcamins pablito: so the bib shows up without a call number? 21:40 jcamins drojf: sorry, Lovetime. 21:39 jcamins I think. 21:39 jcamins drojf: I thought you would want to know that this book was published by a German named Hearttime. 21:39 pablito but it would not show up in my OPAC search result 21:38 pablito I imported my MARC data with the 952$o tagging the call number 21:38 jcamins There will be a bit of a delay, though, after you add new records, since the cron job only runs every n minutes (where n = a number I don't remember). 21:38 pablito now, I have one more annoying problem with the call number 21:37 pablito great! 21:37 pablito :-) 21:37 pablito you are right 21:36 jcamins (if you're not using packages, you need to set everything up in your user's crontab, manually) 21:35 jcamins (when you're using packages) 21:35 jcamins The documentation is a little bit confusing on this point, and suggests that you should have a cron job in your user's crontab, but that's not the case. 21:34 jcamins :) 21:34 jcamins It was. Look at /etc/cron.d/koha-common 21:34 pablito hmm, I've installed koha via apt-get, but I don't believe a cron job was setup for my system 21:32 jcamins No, you just need to be running the cron job. If you used packages, that will be set up. 21:32 pablito now, if I add 60 more books, do I need to do a full zebra reindexing with the -f switch? 21:31 pablito my library has over 36000 books 21:31 pablito I have a quick question about reindexing zebra 21:30 pablito good evening everyone 20:59 drojf (i was trying to add items to biblios i had already imported) 20:58 drojf is there something magical about matching rules that i am missing? i tried one for Control-number (which is actually in the manual and on the list in several versions), but it is just not working. 20:56 druthb hi, bag! 20:55 bag heya druthb 20:53 huginn drojf: The operation succeeded. 20:53 drojf @later tell cait also, is there a reason not to squash the three patches? 20:46 drojf [off] no, a german library and a german service. but yours sounds way more fun :D 20:45 huginn drojf: The operation succeeded. 20:45 drojf @later tell cait cait! sorry, no playtime at the moment. :( 20:45 jcamins [off] Maybe it's the same person. 20:45 jcamins [off] I keep on getting e-mail from someone who wants me to call him on his cell phone in India, even though he doesn't speak English, so I can do development work for him for free. 20:45 rambutan OverDrive, I presume? 20:44 drojf [off] "we are very interested in koha. also, could you make it work with that horrible DRMed service we use?" :/ 20:42 druthb :) 20:41 drojf druthb! 20:41 druthb drojf! 20:29 jcamins Wait... how is software patents being struck down a "worst case" scenario? 20:28 rambutan apologies for slightly off topic post, but potentially important 20:27 rambutan http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/12/06/court-case-could-mean-death-of-software-patents/3894877/ 19:58 drojf hi #koha 19:30 tcohen bye #koha 19:30 tcohen see u guys 19:30 tcohen ok, that's it for now 19:25 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10970 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Pushed to Master , Update MARC21 frameworks to Update Nr. 17 - DB update 19:25 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10970: DBRev 19:25 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10970: (follow-up) update framework only for MARC21 installations 19:25 jenkins_koha * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 10970 - Update MARC21 frameworks to Update Nr. 17 - DB update 19:25 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1542: SUCCESS in 2 hr 3 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1542/ 19:23 gmcharlt as it is, we're now facing the prospect of figuring out when to consider upgrading to Bootstrap 3.0.x 19:22 gmcharlt and if one is going to those lengths -- one may as well just take control of it directly and not mess around with YASPs 19:21 jcamins Yeah, everything would have to be recompiled to change that. 19:21 ebegin jcamins, oh, I overlook the fact that the 12 columns was part of bootstrap's CSS 19:18 jcamins (or needing to give Apache write access to the filesystem, which is even worse) 19:17 jcamins And the benefit of not needing to recompile the CSS every request is pretty big. 19:17 jcamins It's easy enough to subdivide if you really need smaller columns. 19:17 ebegin jcamins, that would be the default value 19:16 jcamins People are used to that. 19:16 jcamins ebegin: I think maintaining the Bootstrap 12-column layout is a good idea. 19:15 mtompset Yes. It would still be integer, but you can accomplish 3% or so adjustment by just changing width and ratios. :) 19:15 gmcharlt tcohen: yes 19:14 ebegin mtompset, i though using integer. For your 9/32, you'll have to set the OpacGridWidth to 32 and your OpacGridLeftColumnWidth to 9 19:07 tcohen gmcharlt: did u get the email? 19:04 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.12.x build #142: SUCCESS in 26 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.12.x/142/ 19:02 mtompset Plus, then you can generate finer granularity (3/12 = .25, but what about 9/32?) 19:01 mtompset Exactly. 19:01 ebegin mtompset++ that could be usefull instead of being stuck with 12 columns 19:00 mtompset ebegin: Why not a OpacColumnWidth number too? 18:55 ebegin Another way would be to have 2 syspref : OpacNavLeftColumns and OpacNavRightColumns and give the OpacMainUserBlock the remaining 18:53 ebegin Any thoughs ? 18:53 ebegin and using those number in the template instead of hardcoding them. 18:53 ebegin I don't want to change this everytime. So I though that we could have a syspref specifying the column models , for exemple 2,7,3 (the default one) or 3,6,3 (the one I need) 18:51 ebegin I would like to get a 3-6-3 template... 18:51 ebegin I just ran in a bootstrap limitation. Since it's a grid based framework, the grid is currently divided as a 2-7-3, eg 2 cols for OpacNav, 7 for OpacMainUserBloc and 3 for the OpacNavRight 18:50 tcohen i forgot to cc you in an email to rangi, i've just fw it 18:47 tcohen notably t/db_dependent/Search.t 18:47 wahanui which ones are those? 18:47 gmcharlt tcohen: which ones? 18:47 huginn rambutan: The current temperature in Wyatt Park, St Joseph, Missouri is -9.2°C (12:47 PM CST on December 06, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 50%. Dew Point: -18.0°C. Windchill: -9.0°C. Pressure: 30.59 in 1036 hPa (Steady). 18:47 rambutan @wunder 64507 18:38 jenkins_koha Starting build #142 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 18:20 tcohen and they run smoothly without it 18:20 tcohen I don't understand why some tests fail with PERL5OPT=-MDevel::Cover 18:19 tcohen hmm 17:53 jcamins And after a token three seconds of horror about the fact that it had been picked up, it settled down happily. 17:53 jcamins The cat just showed up. 17:53 jcamins Heh. 17:52 peggy at least your lap can be warm... 17:47 jcamins Of course... I hunted down a towel so that the cat could sit on my lap without covering me with hair or scratching me with his/her dagger-like claws, and now the cat is gone. 17:42 peggy Thanks jcamins. 17:40 jcamins peggy: if you want a list of all the changes that have been made to a file, not just the latest, you can use `git log file/name` 17:39 peggy The first is perfect. Thanks 17:38 bag you could also use git-blame - in your git server - that will show you who committed the lines you are interested in 17:37 bag maybe something in there? 17:37 bag peggy: http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=tree 17:36 peggy is it possible to look at the modification history of a particular file? 17:24 jenkins_koha Starting build #1542 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 17:21 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11225 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , \n in translation strings should be removed 17:21 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11333 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , use jQuery validator plugin for CSV profile forms 17:21 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 11225: remove \n from some strings to be translated 17:21 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 11333: use jQuery validator plugin for CSV profiles forms 17:21 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1541: SUCCESS in 2 hr 0 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1541/ 17:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10970 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Pushed to Master , Update MARC21 frameworks to Update Nr. 17 - DB update 17:00 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10970: DBRev 17:00 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10970: (follow-up) update framework only for MARC21 installations 17:00 jenkins_koha * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 10970 - Update MARC21 frameworks to Update Nr. 17 - DB update 17:00 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #257: SUCCESS in 50 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/257/ 16:36 reiveune bye 16:21 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update staffClientBaseURL 16:21 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update opacbaseurl 16:21 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.10.x build #71: SUCCESS in 23 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs_3.10.x/71/ 16:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #71 for job Koha_Docs_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 16:21 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update staffClientBaseURL 16:21 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update opacbaseurl 16:21 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #406: SUCCESS in 21 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs/406/ 16:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #406 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS) 16:19 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update staffClientBaseURL 16:19 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update opacbaseurl 16:19 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.12.x build #32: SUCCESS in 20 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs_3.12.x/32/ 16:19 jenkins_koha Starting build #32 for job Koha_Docs_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 16:10 jenkins_koha Starting build #257 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 16:09 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11225 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , \n in translation strings should be removed 16:09 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11333 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , use jQuery validator plugin for CSV profile forms 16:09 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 11225: remove \n from some strings to be translated 16:09 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 11333: use jQuery validator plugin for CSV profiles forms 16:09 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #256: SUCCESS in 50 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/256/ 15:56 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10970: DBRev <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=142acaf8df1bce808487051d2bf404fedb7c6caa> / Bug 10970: (follow-up) update framework only for MARC21 installations <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=6203bbaa55acb2cae3af230a3bf616ae25b88e21> / Bug 10970 - Update MARC21 frameworks to Update Nr. 17 - DB update <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koh 15:37 barton nengard: best kind :-) 15:36 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: update popularity 15:36 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #405: SUCCESS in 21 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs/405/ 15:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #405 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS) 15:34 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: update popularity 15:34 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.12.x build #31: SUCCESS in 18 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs_3.12.x/31/ 15:34 jenkins_koha Starting build #31 for job Koha_Docs_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 15:24 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 11225: remove \n from some strings to be translated <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=860b99594f8a11d9a9f9d2d7c9a77e4ac477ac7b> 15:24 cait the only thing working is irc 15:24 cait this internet connection is so super slow... 15:23 jenkins_koha Starting build #1541 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 15:22 nengard naughty barton 15:19 cait :) 15:19 jenkins_koha Starting build #256 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 15:19 barton fun to spoof. 15:18 barton hi cait... playing tricks with cow-orkers at bywater. "craban" is our snmp monitor -- sends IRC messages about disk space warnings and such. 15:16 cait hi cranban/barton 15:16 * cait is on a train... again :) 15:14 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 11333: use jQuery validator plugin for CSV profiles forms <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=31a3fe1537de393cad1e215bb43f6f1e659c6f72> 15:09 Joubu :) 15:09 francharb ;) 15:09 francharb have a pint for me 15:09 francharb thanks Joubu 15:09 francharb ok 15:09 francharb ahhhhhhhhhhh 15:07 * francharb waves cait 15:07 francharb Joubu++ 15:07 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11263 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , New 'locale' setting in subscriptions is not user friendly 15:07 Joubu francharb: see bug 11263 and linked reports 15:07 francharb ok Joubu ! thank you! I'm going to ckeck this in bugzilla 15:07 cait Joubu: can't help - internet connection too bad for searching bugzilla :( 15:06 * cait waves 15:06 Joubu bugs 15:06 wahanui reports is, like, http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library 15:06 francharb reports? 15:06 Joubu I am searching for 15:05 Joubu francharb: there are some reports for these value 15:04 francharb ? 15:04 francharb or maybe somebody else around here$ 15:04 francharb ;) 15:04 francharb Joubu, c'est le temps de t'exercer en anglais 15:04 francharb maybe Joubu knows it as well? 15:03 francharb do you know what is it for? 15:03 francharb when you add a new subscription, there is an option "locale" after the numbering patterns dropdowm menu 15:01 francharb in subscription-add.pl 15:01 francharb ;) 15:01 francharb salut jajm! quick question in franglais 14:53 cait hm not so far no 14:52 tcohen has anyone had out-of-memory situations in production related to RSS? 14:39 nengard :) 14:38 peggy Much better. I figured it was something simple. Thanks! 14:37 wahanui it has been said that AllowOnShelfHolds is off 14:37 nengard AllowOnShelfHolds 14:37 nengard make sure it's set to allow 14:37 nengard try checked the on shelf holds preference 14:35 peggy When I look at the items, there are two items available. 14:35 peggy I have a (hopefully simple) hold question. I'm in a sandbox (i.e. brand new installation). I now have an All-All-All circ rule. But if I try to put a hold on an item it says "Cannot place hold - No copies are available to be placed on hold" 13:53 huginn tcohen: The current temperature in Cordoba, Argentina is 22.0°C (10:00 AM ART on December 06, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 53%. Dew Point: 12.0°C. Pressure: 29.98 in 1015 hPa (Steady). 13:53 tcohen @wunder cordoba, argentina 13:53 tcohen #wunder cordoba, argentina 13:31 ebegin As strange as it can sounds, the weather feels warm today 13:30 huginn ebegin: The current temperature in Montreal, Quebec is 2.0°C (8:00 AM EST on December 06, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 0.0°C. Windchill: -4.0°C. Pressure: 30.00 in 1016 hPa (Rising). 13:30 ebegin @wunder montreal canada 13:30 ebegin good morning Koha ! 13:28 huginn jcamins: The operation succeeded. 13:28 jcamins @later tell dcook Nice! 13:25 tcohen magnuse: could you verify my followup for 11167 is ok? 13:11 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 13:11 tcohen @later tell rangi thanks for the advise, i noticed and am currently about to push them 13:03 francharb morning #koha 12:58 khall np! 12:58 khall mornin tcohen! 12:57 tcohen thanks for taking the time to test 12:57 tcohen hi khall 12:57 huginn khall: The operation succeeded. 12:57 khall @later tell cait I passed qa on bug 11262, but I think it still wouldn't hurt to have a set of german eyes take a look at it ; ) 12:39 tcohen florencio agrees 12:38 wahanui morning is a state of cat 12:38 tcohen morning! 11:43 huginn magnuse: The operation succeeded. 11:43 magnuse @later tell rangi: any plans for a statistical rundown of 3.14? 10:28 magnuse Oak! 10:25 Oak Ahoy #koha 10:25 Oak magnuse 10:25 Oak cait 09:11 cait hi magnuse 09:08 * magnuse waves to cait 09:01 Lan Hi im back 08:19 * cait waves 07:53 wahanui privet, alex_a 07:53 alex_a bonjour 07:43 wahanui que tal, reiveune 07:43 reiveune hello 07:40 magnuse kia ora JDatTeTakere 07:31 * magnuse waves 06:51 Jurgens I'm looking to mark a list of books (I've got a list of barcodes) for deletion at our next stock take. I normally just check the items in and then make a date last seen report to identify any missing items, however what I want to know is if there is a way to flag up a batch of barcodes so that it lets me know this item is meant to be deleted during check in? 06:48 Jurgens Hi. 06:38 dcook Night #koha 06:30 dcook Have a good drive! 06:30 dcook Ouch 06:30 ashimema enjoy your evening mate.. 06:30 ashimema I better go start driving, got a meeting a few hours away this morning. 06:30 dcook It's beer o'clock 06:30 dcook Now I'm looking at Digital Ocean vs Linode, because...well...I don't know why 06:30 ashimema Well, 06:23 dcook I certainly never leave early :p 06:22 ashimema haha.. if your like me you nearly always leave work late. 06:21 dcook 5:21pm here. I should probably leave work. 06:21 dcook Ouch. I was wondering what the time might be like there... 06:11 ashimema How's you? 06:11 ashimema not bad, not bad.. not enjoying eing up at 6am though. 06:11 ashimema hi dcook.. 06:08 dcook How's it going? 06:08 dcook hey ashimema 06:01 mtompset Have a great day (24 hour period), #koha. I suppose weekend for some folks. :) 05:37 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11232 new feature, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Retrieve facets from Zebra 05:37 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10891 enhancement, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Make facets customisable 05:37 mtompset I look forward to code someone may write for bug 10891 and bug 11232. 05:35 mtompset I feel the same kind of elusiveness as I watch facets get added into the OPAC search results. 05:34 mtompset dcook: Thanks for your thoughts. I wasn't even thinking of the templating issues, but rather "and what if someone changes the template to include another field that should be hidden?" the end goal is never reached for certain with features being added, tweaked, etc. 04:24 * dcook might have thought about this a little bit in the past ;) 04:24 dcook Otherwise, imagine trying to control the visibility of fields in the normal view for both the regular templates and the XSLTs 04:24 dcook But that's about it 04:24 dcook Personally, I think the wording for the visibility should be revised so that it says explicitly that the framework hidden value refers to MARCdetail and not normal view 04:23 dcook I've asked the same question before, and the answer is typically no 04:16 mtompset If a marc tag/subtag is marked as not visible in OPAC (recall those ugly hidden=numbers?), it hides nicely in MARCdetail, but detail may display. For example, try hiding 100$a (giving a intentionally visible scenario). Is this something we should care about? 04:08 dcook night joel 04:07 joels68 Good night people. 04:05 * dcook isn't sure why he waited so long for lunch.. 04:05 dcook As is food. 04:05 dcook My conclusion is that travel is nice :) 04:04 Lan But beaches is nice. 04:04 Lan Tropical rainforest climate for whole life is boring 04:03 jcamins I'm not a huge fan of beaches. 04:03 jcamins Meh. 04:02 dcook Beaches can be pretty nice 04:01 joels68 sand is overrated too. 04:01 joels68 Been to vegas desert several times. 04:00 joels68 Reno is desert, mostly. 04:00 joels68 I was supposed to visit a friend in silicon valley after Kohacon but he bailed at the last minute. 03:59 dcook Hmm, maybe for Christmas.. 03:59 * dcook needs to go to the outback sometime 03:59 dcook I suppose I haven't seen a desert... 03:59 dcook I think lava is one of the few things I haven't seen 03:59 * dcook thinks joels68 should take a trip to Santa Barbara 03:59 dcook O_O 03:58 joels68 I've seen plenty of snow, no ocean. 03:58 jcamins JFK 03:58 jcamins We took off from EWR or JFK (can't remember) at 9:30pm. 03:58 dcook I suppose if he was in a center section of the plane.. 03:57 dcook Was he blindfolded on the plane? 03:57 jcamins He was from Fargo, North Dakota. 03:57 jcamins No. 03:57 dcook Were they Moroccan? 03:57 dcook o_O 03:57 dcook But.. 03:57 dcook O_o 03:57 jcamins I was in Morocco with someone who had never seen the ocean. 03:57 dcook More fun to visit than to deal with ;) 03:56 * dcook wasn't so fussed 03:56 dcook It was only the second time she'd ever seen it in her life 03:56 dcook My Australian wife was rather thrilled to see snow when we were visiting Vancouver 03:55 Lan Nope if you cannot see them on your country 03:55 joels68 totally overrated. 03:54 jcamins Snow is overrated. 03:54 Lan play with snow 03:54 Lan Someday I will go to snow country 03:52 huginn dcook: The current temperature in Magadan, Russia is -9.0°C (3:30 PM MAGT on December 06, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: -18.0°C. Windchill: -15.0°C. Pressure: 29.53 in 1000 hPa (Steady). 03:52 dcook @wunder Magadan, russia 03:51 huginn brendan_: The current temperature in Repp and Pool St, North Pole, Alaska is -10.8°C (6:44 PM AKST on December 05, 2013). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: -14.0°C. Windchill: -11.0°C. Pressure: 30.46 in 1031 hPa (Falling). Freezing Rain Advisory in effect from 3 am Friday to 3 am akst Saturday... 03:51 brendan_ @wunder north pole, ak 03:47 dcook -42 with the windchill. Dang. Really cold for this time of year. 03:47 joels68 Yep, that's cold. 03:47 dcook hehe 03:47 huginn dcook: The current temperature in Sydney, New South Wales is 20.0°C (2:30 PM EST on December 06, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 37%. Dew Point: 5.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Steady). 03:47 dcook @wunder sydney, australia 03:47 dcook Home sweet home ;) 03:47 huginn dcook: The current temperature in Regina, Saskatchewan is -29.0°C (9:00 PM CST on December 05, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: -32.0°C. Windchill: -42.0°C. Pressure: 30.54 in 1034 hPa (Rising). 03:47 dcook @wunder yqr 03:46 huginn dcook: Error: No such location could be found. 03:46 dcook @wunder regina, saskatchewan 03:45 brendan_ nice I forgot I was installing something last night and my terminal stayed open until tonight - so I can pick up right where I was 03:44 joels68 ;-) 03:43 * joels68 has considered lighting house on fire to keep warm 03:43 brendan_ that's gilling weather there 03:43 huginn brendan_: The current temperature in Long Island City, Queens, New York is 12.4°C (10:40 PM EST on December 05, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: 12.0°C. Pressure: 29.99 in 1016 hPa (Rising). 03:43 brendan_ @wunder astoria ny 03:43 joels68 Low tonite -11 F. 03:42 brendan_ I'd freeze solid 03:42 joels68 Try that on for size. 03:42 brendan_ minus 19 !!!!! 03:42 huginn joels68: The current temperature in Worthington, Minnesota is -19.0°C (9:35 PM CST on December 05, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 66%. Dew Point: -24.0°C. Windchill: -29.0°C. Pressure: 30.30 in 1026 hPa. Wind Chill Advisory in effect until 9 am CST Saturday... 03:42 joels68 @wunder 56187 03:42 brendan_ nope pretty cold 03:42 huginn brendan_: The current temperature in Westside, Santa Barbara, California is 5.2°C (7:41 PM PST on December 05, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: -5.0°C. Windchill: 5.0°C. Pressure: 30.04 in 1017 hPa (Rising). Frost advisory in effect from midnight tonight to 9 am PST Friday... 03:42 brendan_ @wunder 93102 03:42 joels68 Grillin' weather there isn't it? 03:41 brendan_ thinking maybe a quick salad and some kale chips 03:41 brendan_ I've got some good kale and some spinach 03:41 brendan_ what to make? 03:41 brendan_ alright I need some dinner 03:41 joels68 lot of hype over not that great of a show 03:39 * jcamins was disappointed too. 03:39 dcook ginny: the destroyer 03:39 jcamins joels68: yes, thank you. 03:39 joels68 jcamins: whatched day of the doctor yet? 03:38 jcamins joels68: that's for sure. 03:38 brendan_ heh 03:37 brendan_ but hey bag++ (great name) 03:37 brendan_ I just haven't recreated it on my laptop yet 03:37 brendan_ actually ginny was helping me type some emails last night and she managed to delete my bip connection from my laptop :) 03:36 brendan_ I'm both tonight :) 03:36 joels68 brendan and not bag? 03:36 dcook true true 03:34 joels68 There certainly is no shortage of people who don't know what they're doing that others rely on for accurate info. 03:34 brendan_ :) 03:32 mtj [off] … and a nice example of why people are still so pissed at ptfs/liblime 03:31 mtj its truly tragic 03:27 jcamins This is my pet peeve about the whole thing. Librarians should not be entirely unaware that there is an open source version. 03:27 Lan that when they will realize they have made mistake 03:27 Lan Well for "koha wiki" thou community version come #1 03:26 jcamins Lan: sure, but your IT guy isn't expected to teach people how to do research, is he? 03:25 Lan Even my IT guys do the mistake 03:24 Lan #2 with "community" word make they think it was a community support forum. 03:22 joels68 Bye cait 03:22 joels68 koha-community.org is #2 result of google koha search 03:22 cait1 bye all 03:22 cait1 ok, time to sleep 03:21 cait1 there is enough information on the web that should make you suspicious 03:20 cait1 Lan: there is nothing we can change about that 03:20 jcamins [off] That's how I know that she's really a producer and not a librarian. 03:19 jcamins [off] cait1: as a librarian, clearly she knew that the only authoritative source was the first hit on Google. 03:19 Lan New people always think koha.org = main website. koha-community is maybe their community forum. 03:19 joels68 Apparently the person researching Koha somehow missed the community version. 03:19 cait1 especially librarians should know how to do proper reasearch 03:19 cait1 only looking at the first result doesn't make it any better 03:19 jcamins Yeah. :( 03:18 Lan they came first on google search 03:18 joels68 Bad research. Liblime Koha. 03:17 jcamins Now, Koha might not be SIF-compliant, but that comparison was between two closed source products. 03:17 joels68 cait1: :) 03:16 cait1 *meow* 03:16 cait1 people doing bad research :( 03:16 Lan same 03:15 jcamins Lan: that's not about Koha. 03:15 * jcamins hates reading things like that. 03:15 jcamins Yikes. 03:14 Lan that what the proposal said 03:14 Lan While Koha is a more cost effective option, it is a very basic library management system. Children from pre -K to grade 12 use our libraries . It is important for young children with ?emerging literacy abili ties? to have iconic displays in their OPACs (Kaplan & Riedling, 179). The OPAC options with Alexandria are more appropriate for young children. The Koha system is also not SIF -compliant, which makes importing patron data a time consuming task f 03:13 Lan lbs850fecteau.wikispaces.com/file/view/MPattersonOPACproposal.pdf? 03:09 Lan Nobody have dog on keypoard? 03:08 joels68 I have one coming up in the new year. 03:08 joels68 Anyone have any opinins on Alexandria K-12 migrations to Koha? 03:06 cait1 smart and sleepy cat 03:02 cait1 very smart cat. 03:01 joels68 A very smart cat too. 03:00 wizzyrea cait1: you were up super late, and now you're up again?! that or you have an extremely dexterous cat 02:58 joels68 cait: it is pretty late for you though ;-) 02:58 wizzyrea hehe 02:58 cait1 d 02:57 cait1 just the cat on the keyboar 02:57 * cait1 is not really here either 02:57 joels68 Or you hope he goes to bed early 02:57 wizzyrea some people go to bed early! 02:57 jcamins *57 02:56 jcamins wizzyrea: at 9:47? 02:56 trea i doubt he's actaully here 02:56 trea yea probably so 02:56 wizzyrea that sometimes happens when computers wake up in the night, i.e. the cat jumped on the keyboard. 02:51 joels68 I didn't know gold key star trek comics from the 70s were available on overdrive. Wild. 02:49 joels68 Does he have a bot log on periodically? 02:47 * wizzyrea hopes natec is in bed. 02:45 joels68 NateC in the house? 02:43 joels68 Hey bag, how's it going in sunny CA? 02:42 Lan THis library is using isis since 1995 02:42 Lan yeah they stop 02:41 jcamins Actually, I had thought that they stopped updating it. 02:41 jcamins I haven't used isis in years. 02:41 Lan migration is a nightmare 02:41 Lan winsis 02:41 Lan And we still using WINOPAC 02:40 jcamins Yikes, that's a wide page. 02:40 wizzyrea yea that bit depends on your theme. 02:40 Lan and not responsive 02:40 wizzyrea heh, that's wordpress. 02:39 Lan outsource 02:39 Lan it was oursources 02:39 Lan and I dont have any access to update them 02:39 Lan We onle be give that for website 02:38 wizzyrea but I feel ya that it might be hard to get your IT guy to go for wordpress 02:38 Lan http://www.pmc.edu.my/facilities/pmc-library/ 02:38 wizzyrea (and that is wordpress) 02:38 wizzyrea have you seen the koha-community website? it's responsive. 02:37 Lan Almost all our medical student use mobile 02:37 Lan Becauase our main website not 02:36 Lan Responsive is one of the reason I want use koha as CMS 02:35 jcamins Though I suspect their front page might not be. 02:35 joels68 It was created using Artisteer. Anyone tried this software? 02:35 jcamins Lan: CCSR is responsive. 02:35 Lan That website not responsive theme 02:34 Lan THanks to him koha is now responsive 02:34 joels68 Have any of you seen this site? It's frickin' beautiful. http://www.cclibraries.com/ 02:34 wahanui oleonard is probably still here, if you just wish hard enough. or Koha's master UI designer 02:34 jcamins oleonard. 02:34 Lan Who create koha bootstrap theme? 02:31 Lan Plan to have something worth as memories during my time working as librarian 02:31 joels68 Howdy sailors. 02:31 wizzyrea "the mighty librarian" I think you mean. 02:30 wizzyrea ;) 02:30 wizzyrea "just a librarian" 02:30 Lan Since I just a librarian 02:30 Lan Well it will be grow up when I have time update them 02:29 jcamins Lan: how much content are you looking at having? 02:27 Lan It would be nice to have only opacmainuserblock reload 02:27 wizzyrea it does heaps of stuff. 02:27 wizzyrea bootstrap might have a thing like that. 02:26 Lan http://demos.2lessons.info/facebook_vmenu/facebook_vertical_menu.php#wall.htm 02:26 Lan Thinking hard how to make jwuery pull like facebook 02:24 jcamins That'd be a good idea, probably. 02:24 * wizzyrea thinks to file a bug for that. 02:24 wizzyrea oo should we get rid of that when we lose the prog theme? 02:23 jcamins (tmpl is automatically translated to tt at the moment, but that will change eventually) 02:19 jcamins It's legacy code. You should use tt going forward. 02:19 Lan not opac-main.tt 02:19 Lan why my main.pl said opac-main.tmpl 02:15 jcamins In that case, using Koha as a CMS may be your best bet. Just so long as you're aware that it might be hard to get support on problems you run into with that feature. 02:15 wizzyrea well you are welcome to update the wiki with whatever new info you have 02:14 jcamins Ah. 02:14 jcamins You have to create a new file. 02:14 Lan asking my it department to upload those 2 files was already pain. I don't think he will agree on wordpress 02:14 jcamins Lan: how will you use Koha as a CMS, then? 02:13 Lan For me who dont have direct access to our college server it would be pain 02:13 dcook You just need to weigh the pros and cons 02:13 dcook Lan: There are certainly options. Some of our Koha libraries use it as a CMS and it works all right. 02:13 wizzyrea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brpub0hTbjs 02:12 * dcook suddenly gets outkast on the brain 02:12 wizzyrea how's the little person? 02:12 wizzyrea hi bag 02:12 dcook hey ya bag 02:12 bag heya wizzyrea and dcook 02:12 wizzyrea easy, with appropriate styling. probably easier with a bootstrap theme, since the divs are portably named. 02:11 * dcook wonders how easy it would be to replicate the Koha "look and feel" 02:11 jcamins Then the Wordpress site becomes their "website." 02:11 wizzyrea yea, I'm just saying "perhaps they don't have a website" 02:11 jcamins I recommended using a system that is better-supported for that use case, like Wordpress. 02:11 jcamins wizzyrea: right, but we just said "don't do that." 02:10 wizzyrea I think is why they want to use koha as a cms 02:10 wizzyrea that may *be* their website. 02:09 cait hi bag 02:09 bag heya jcamins cait and rangi 02:08 bag agreed that does look nice 02:08 jcamins You just make them links to your website. 02:08 jcamins Wow, looks nice! 02:07 Lan dont know to put what 02:07 Lan so my left menu will rendered useless 02:07 Lan http://library.pmc.edu.my/ 02:06 rangi http://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-1529/Phpbb.html 02:05 cait cms 02:05 cait not a sms 02:05 cait also phpbb is a forum i think? 02:05 Lan Yeah it was long time ago 02:05 rangi it sure used to be full of holes 02:05 jcamins I"m not sure. I don't know anything about it, the name just rang a bell that said "really dramatic vulnerabilities." 02:04 Lan huh? I tot was secure 02:03 jcamins Isn't phpbb the software that is most likely to be compromised? 02:03 Lan should I use phpbb istead? xD 02:03 jcamins (personally, I use jekyll) 02:03 jcamins (some folks swear by Drupal) 02:02 jcamins (or whatever) 02:02 jcamins Not really... just log in to your Wordpress site. 02:02 jcamins Or spend the resources to build a basic CMS into Koha. 02:02 Lan well for library it means your cms page would be a pain to be update 02:01 jcamins Yes, in my opinion. 02:01 Lan Would it be better to use seperate cms page rather than integrate into koha? 01:59 jcamins No, tt is correct. 01:59 Lan template_name => "opac-main.tt",? now is pages.tmpl 01:57 Lan yah now bootstrap I already realize that 01:57 rangi for one prog/en/modules/opac-main.tt is going away in a future release 01:56 Lan thats sound bad... 01:55 cait it might be things change in a way that will also requre changes to this code 01:55 Lan Well for update I just need to use latest file and reimplement this right? 01:54 cait because it's not really a supported feature 01:54 cait and it's very likely to break on updates 01:54 cait it requires you to change files 01:52 Lan Why it is bad idea? 01:52 wizzyrea the cms guide needs to be updated with a really big heading that says "this is a bad idea, don't do it, but if you must here's how" 01:49 Lan big? 01:47 jcamins Reeeeeeaaaallllyyyyy big. 01:46 wizzyrea lol. 01:45 rangi with a big heading, this is a bad idea, dont do it, but if you must here's how 01:45 Lan http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_as_a_CMS 01:44 Lan Hmm.. I think CMS guide need to be updated again 01:43 Lan My IT department block everyport except 80 and 443 01:43 dcook hey Lan 01:42 cait hi Lan 01:40 Lan It was such a pain to connect irc under blocked firewall T_T 01:40 wahanui okay, wizzyrea. 01:40 wizzyrea ncip is also <reply> http://kohadevreactions.tumblr.com/post/68930308689/working-on-ncip-kohails 01:39 Lan Hello everyone 01:39 wahanui well, ncip is NISO, SIP is 3M 01:39 wizzyrea ncip? 01:39 wahanui the great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from! 01:39 wizzyrea standards? 01:39 dcook Damn 01:39 dcook your standard? 01:39 dcook your standards? 01:38 dcook rangi: hehe 01:38 wahanui wahanui's bugs are bad, and you should feel bad 01:38 wizzyrea bad bugs? 01:36 rangi your bugs are bad, and you should feel bad 01:36 wizzyrea bothersome, irritating bugs that cause people problems. 01:35 dcook Bad bugs? 01:25 cait btw... i am sure some bad bugs are waitin gfor sign offs :P 01:25 cait i think probably more are resolved... but require some tme consuming tests tomake sure 01:24 dcook cait++ 01:24 wizzyrea cait++ for bug pruning 01:07 cait i think i have to give up for tonight :) 01:07 cait hehe 01:07 * dcook also has faith in cait 01:02 * dcook has faith in cat 00:53 cait 910... i doubt i can find 10 more bugs toclose 00:23 cait 912 bugs. gr. 00:22 rambutan I have a sudden desire for ramyon. 00:21 rambutan http://arbys.com/our-menu/snack-n-save/jamocha-shake 00:14 wizzyrea (or mcdonalds. or arbys. ) 00:14 wizzyrea you get milkshakes from wendy's 00:12 dcook (and increasingly hungry) 00:12 * dcook is still so confused 00:12 wizzyrea :P 00:12 wizzyrea well not where I'm from so much. 00:12 mtj wiz, i way always intrigued that one got milkshakes from a 'drug store', in the states 00:09 trea ^^