Time Nick Message 19:06 DT13 Hi, Guys is there anyone here willing to help me with converting excel library to marc and then importing to KOHA please? 18:31 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11205 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , The datatables filters don't work when several tables exist 18:31 jenkins_koha Jonathan Druart: Bug 11205: fix DataTables filter issue when more than one table is on a page 18:31 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1501: SUCCESS in 1 hr 54 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1501/ 18:29 gmcharlt Bloop. 18:24 mtompset Blip. 17:23 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11205 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , The datatables filters don't work when several tables exist 17:23 jenkins_koha Jonathan Druart: Bug 11205: fix DataTables filter issue when more than one table is on a page 17:23 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #215: SUCCESS in 50 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/215/ 17:14 DT13 Hi, Guys is there anyone willing to help me with converting excel library to marc and then importing to KOHA please? Im not really sure how should the excel file look like 16:37 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'new/bug11205' <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0d5f73d9b093c76982c629562d17b9328844c103> / Bug 11205: fix DataTables filter issue when more than one table is on a page <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=6e7d8ece1fd8ee476cc9c83092cd770b0897bb58> 16:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #1501 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 16:32 jenkins_koha Starting build #215 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 14:28 mtompset Greetings, #koha 13:36 sandeepbhavsar Namskar 11:13 * cait waves again 07:52 * cait waves 01:01 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.12.x build #112: SUCCESS in 39 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.12.x/112/ 00:40 tcohen hey, I won $3.5 on the slots thanks to you 00:40 talljoy i'm off til tomorrow. later #koha 00:39 talljoy i have conveniently blocked out the vomit, diapers and crying. they were perfect angels in my memories. lol 00:39 talljoy tcohen don't take too many notes from me. my "babies" are 12 and 14. I have only retained the pleasant memories from their 'baby-hood'. :-) 00:37 tcohen (home NAS filesystem problem made it dissapear) 00:36 * tcohen misses 'Common people' from Pulp 00:34 * tcohen is taking notes 00:32 talljoy at 9 months they sit and are interested in their surroundings but they can't crawl yet. :-D 00:31 talljoy almost my favorite age. i prefer 9 month olds 00:31 talljoy he is 6 months old? that's a good age. 00:29 bag :) 00:29 bag hopefully Asher just wants to watch whay Ginny does 00:29 bag well ginny will be in a different room when he sleeps :) 00:29 bag heh 00:29 talljoy and wake them up when they are sleeping. lol 00:29 talljoy bag she will probably poke him. little kids always poke babies 00:21 tcohen heh 00:21 jenkins_koha Starting build #112 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: FIXED) 00:21 bag Ginny will probably be very interested in little asher this time… last time he was too small and she was just learning to crawl 00:20 bag hopefully he enjoys me and Sonja… and Ginny 00:20 tcohen enjoy your nephew 00:19 tcohen :-D thanks bag 00:19 bag well anyways freaking awesome tcohen - great news :) espeically when a friday afternoon smile is needed :) 00:16 tcohen heh 00:16 bag ha that's true 00:16 talljoy congrats tcohen! 00:15 tcohen this biologist i'm getting married with is more familiar with R than Perl 00:15 bag teach your partner first :) then koha dev'ing will be easy for the family :) 00:14 bag best of thoughts your way :) 00:14 bag good luck with that too :) 00:14 tcohen I hope to have my own little Koha dev in not so much time 00:14 bag oh wow congrats to you!!!! 00:13 tcohen i'm getting married in a couple of weeks 00:13 bag :) 00:12 tcohen congrats bag 00:12 bag yes he like his cousin (my daughter) are both future koha devs :) 00:12 tcohen heh 00:12 bag named Asher 00:12 tcohen does he hack Perl yet? 00:12 bag so I'm excited to spend sometime with him… he's 6 months old 00:11 tcohen its friday, we're all gooooood 00:11 bag it's about weekend time and we are all going to baby sit my nephew tomorrow :) 00:11 bag doing well :) 00:11 tcohen hey bag, how r u doin? 00:11 bag heya talljoy and tcohen 00:10 talljoy hiya! 00:10 tcohen hi talljoy