Time  Nick      Message
09:19 cait      joel++
07:45 * magnuse found http://www.craigpotton.co.nz/store/ghosts-of-gondwana interesting re the natural history of nz
05:20 * Oak     waves
02:41 mtompset  Have a great day, #koha.
02:33 wahanui   well, interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad
02:33 mtompset  Interesting.
02:33 mtompset  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2476457/Star-Wars-baddie-Jabba-Hutt-librarian-runs-class-Wales.html
00:53 rambutan  still retain a lot of Linnaeus' bionomial nomenclature for botany
00:51 rambutan  I actually started out life studing wildlife management and biology in college
00:51 jcamins   It's when multiple species split off from a single progenitor.
00:50 jcamins   Yes.
00:50 rambutan  is speciated a word?
00:50 rambutan  specific examples of speciated wildlife endemic to their respective areas
00:49 rambutan  yep. I find it fascinating, however, that although NZ and AU are so closely geolocated, they have very
00:44 rangi     if you go deep enough, everything is part of the same landmass
00:41 rambutan  but can't come up with the links now
00:41 rambutan  I recall looking up this before, it's quite an interesting subject actually. I previously found some good onlline data
00:40 rambutan  ? si?
00:39 rambutan  http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/interactive/10592/split-from-gondwana
00:39 rambutan  all part of the same landmass, just a low area is covered with water
00:30 jcamins   Heh.
00:29 rangi     i think only one person asked about kangaroos, so it was an improvement :)
00:25 rangi     :)
00:22 jcamins   I mean, really, they're just different land masses. What's the big difference?
00:20 jcamins   rangi: eh, whatever.
00:19 rangi     seems everyone thinks new zealand is australia, i got it at least 10 times during the conference, and im quoted as being from australia in these notes
00:19 rangi     http://chinooklibrarynetwork.wikispaces.com/Koha+Conferences
00:19 rangi     lol