Time Nick Message 05:26 kmkale Good morning #koha 07:50 rangi heya drojf 07:50 rangi just the man i wanted to talk to 07:50 rangi any recomendations on a privacy respecting vps provider in germany? 07:55 drojf sorry batter empty, cable broken. bbl 07:55 drojf [off] rangi have a look at https://www.hetzner.de/en/ 07:56 rangi thanks, good luck with battery 08:14 drojf that's better 08:15 drojf rangi: what's with the massive interest in german vps provides lately? :) 08:15 drojf you're all expanding? 08:21 rangi nsa/gcsb 08:21 rangi you guys actually dont force me to hand over my keys 08:22 rangi so if im gonna run an encrypted mail server, may as well use a german company, under german law 08:22 drojf i see :) but what german peop 08:22 drojf oops 08:22 drojf what german people and companies do is not really known so far 08:23 drojf i wonder if data retention applies to companies like hetzner 08:23 rangi yep, but we are about to pass a law, making nz companies have to build in interception, and xkeyscore has been used in nz 08:23 rangi so i know the US and NZ arent good places to do it 08:23 rangi and the german govt at least tries to stand up to the US 08:23 drojf yes i read about that :( 08:24 drojf i don't believe in the upstanding part. i think they knew and they cooperated. and they lie 08:24 rangi coould be 08:24 rangi but i do think they didnt know how much the US was spying on them 08:24 rangi so are a bit angry now 08:25 rangi also, here i have to hand over my private keys 08:25 drojf but a good point. i'll try to find out how things are at hetzner and other providers related to this. at least we don't have laws that forbid you to talk about things, as far as i know 08:26 rangi *nod* 08:26 rangi thanks 08:26 rangi also hetzner is good value money wise :) 08:26 drojf of course we have german vorauseilende gehorsam 08:26 drojf they have good reputation too 08:28 drojf [off] they got hacked in june or something. they fixed it, informed everyone immediately, passwords were hashed and salted. very different to other providers here. they just don't tell so it's not bad publicity 08:28 rangi [off] ohh thats good to know 08:30 drojf [off] people were rather happy about the way they handled it, even folk from Chaos Computer Club approved ;) 08:33 drojf @wunder berlin, germany 08:33 huginn` drojf: The current temperature in Alter Schlachthof, Berlin, Germany is 19.9°C (10:30 AM CEST on August 25, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 56%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 29.98 in 1015 hPa (Steady). 08:47 * cait waves 09:01 drojf wow, the weather is fantastic. boo for having to go to the office :/ 09:01 drojf hi cait 09:01 cait rain? 09:01 wahanui rain is, like, following me 09:01 cait hi drojf 09:01 cait office? 09:01 drojf sunshine, wind. around 20° but much warmer in the sun. perfect balcony weather 09:02 cait ah 09:02 cait so why not stay on the balcony and write? 09:02 cait or.. hey! you could sign off on something :) 09:03 drojf because i have to read. and before that i have to scan. and that happens in the office, under the roof, in 35+° 09:03 cait eek 09:03 drojf yup 09:03 drojf but… there are still ~10 beer in the fridge there ;) 09:03 cait hehe 09:03 cait that souns like a song 09:03 cait 10 beer in the frigde 09:03 cait ... 9 beer in the fridge... 8... 09:04 drojf yeah i'm not going to sing all that today :D 09:04 drojf [off] you feel plenty drinking one in the heat there ;) 09:05 cait heh 13:33 jcamins windows-- # three restarts in 24 hours to apply updates? Every other system A) allows for hotfixes and B) doesn't update three times in one day. 13:35 cait good day jcamins 13:37 * jcamins grumbles about Windows. 13:37 jcamins I can't get it to shut down. 13:38 jcamins I'm reminded of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvXZVJXIyqM 13:39 jcamins Except that it's Windows that I'm using. 14:24 cait hm 14:26 cait hm I am trying to determine if GetBooksellerWithOrders is used 16:45 cait @later tell oleonard - could you take another look at 9603? i don't want to add your sign-off to the patch without your permission. 16:45 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded. 17:20 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10766: unbreak reservoir search when UseQueryParser is OFF <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=4309e5e6b4682b95db4ca26f7a49f96c2f6c2875> 17:23 cait gmcharlt++ 17:27 jenkins_koha Starting build #65 for job master_maria (previous build: SUCCESS) 17:31 jenkins_koha Starting build #1387 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 18:05 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #65: SUCCESS in 38 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/master_maria/65/ 18:05 jenkins_koha Galen Charlton: Bug 10766: unbreak reservoir search when UseQueryParser is OFF 18:05 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10766 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Cataloging reservoir search broken if UseQueryParser is off 18:47 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1387: SUCCESS in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1387/ 18:47 jenkins_koha Galen Charlton: Bug 10766: unbreak reservoir search when UseQueryParser is OFF 18:47 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10766 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Cataloging reservoir search broken if UseQueryParser is off 20:44 kathryn Hello #koha :) 20:48 cait hi kathryn :) 20:49 kathryn hello cait :) 20:54 cait jcamins: around? 20:55 jcamins Ehhh... 20:55 jcamins kinda sorta maybe. 20:55 * jcamins is making bacon. 20:55 jcamins And then cornbread. 20:56 jcamins And tortilla chips. 20:56 jcamins To go with the guacamole. 20:56 jcamins Which I will also need to make. 20:56 cait mmmmh 20:56 cait was just hoping you can help me out with something 20:56 cait i wam testing 10645 20:56 cait but when i do man koha-create the change does not show up 20:56 cait did i miss something? 20:58 * cait nudges jcamins 20:58 jcamins Bug 10645 20:58 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10645 trivial, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Missing zebra languages in koha-create manpage 20:58 jcamins You built new packages? 21:00 jcamins There's a way to test without doing that, but I don't know it. 21:03 cait ah ok 21:03 cait i will ask for a test plan then 21:03 cait and no 21:03 cait i didn't build new packages :) 21:04 jcamins It's really easy to test, but I can never remember how, so I just build packages. 21:04 jcamins Generally I combine a whole bunch of package-related patches into one test set. 21:13 cait jcamins: thx :) - the food sounds yummy 21:14 cait tcohen++ 21:21 wizzyrea what is the actual status of bug 9611? it's set on assigned but looks like it possibly needs signoff? 21:21 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9611 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, srdjan, ASSIGNED , Changing the password hashing algorithm from MD5 to more secure Bcrypt 21:21 wizzyrea or... 21:21 wizzyrea guess that's a question for papa 21:23 cait wizzyrea: hm there was a comment from galen i think - probably needs some more work? 21:24 wizzyrea there's a new patch, which is why I'm confused 21:24 cait ok, I don't know then 22:07 * jcamins adds "making cornbread to die for" to his list of "skills he didn't know he had." 22:07 wizzyrea :) 22:07 jcamins Adding the green pepper was a *great* idea. 22:07 jcamins So was the bacon. 22:07 cait i thought you didn't like bacon? 22:08 jcamins No, bacon is the only pork product I like. 22:08 jcamins You're thinking of ham. 22:08 cait ohok 22:08 jcamins :) 22:08 jcamins Which, you are right, I loathe. 22:09 cait i will have to correct that in my files then :) 23:19 cait @wunder konstanz 23:19 cait @wunder Konstanz 23:19 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 14.0°C (1:00 AM CEST on August 26, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 29.91 in 1013 hPa (Falling). 23:42 wizzyrea @wunder nzwn 23:42 huginn` wizzyrea: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 15.0°C (11:00 AM NZST on August 26, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.71 in 1006 hPa (Steady). 23:42 wizzyrea gah it's so lovely out there. 23:42 * wizzyrea wants to go sit by some water and do not a lot. 23:43 dcook eythian can't get all the holidays?