Time Nick Message 22:48 jenkins_koha Chris Cormack: Tidying up updatedatabase.pl 22:48 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #294: SUCCESS in 37 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/294/ 22:10 jenkins_koha Starting build #294 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 20:14 bgkriegel yeah 20:13 mtompset No, but it looks potentially promising. 20:13 bgkriegel you tried that? 20:12 mtompset And of course wondering to myself, "Is http://git.biblibre.com/?p=koha;a=commit;h=b5257f7235a7cbad396d1a4036101ba6a0903ecb ever going to hit Koha?" 20:11 mtompset I just got back from taking my wife to a college introductory tour day. 20:11 mtompset Hope that is something you enjoy. 20:10 bgkriegel working on manual translation 20:10 bgkriegel fine, it's a sunny day 20:09 mtompset How's the weekend progressing for you, bgkriegel? 20:07 mtompset Greetings, bgkriegel. :) 20:07 bgkriegel hi mtompset 20:07 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 12:22 * jcamins waves from Atlanta. 06:12 rangi hmm 00:04 jcamins I can't sign in as jcamins: 00:04 jcamins Hm. 00:04 jcamin Getting a misdirected message. Ignore me.