Time  Nick         Message
00:00 mtj          so, i guess the patch could be rewritten to force perl-module selection, rather than ignore it
00:00 eythian      no, it should ignore it
00:01 eythian      >  Other packages should not depend on `perl-modules' directly, they
00:01 eythian      should use `perl' (which depends on `perl-modules') instead.
00:02 eythian      Also, perl-modules has a bunch of "conflicts" and "replaces" which I'm a little afraid will make things quite complex
00:02 eythian      however I'll ask the debian perl people, see what they say
00:02 mtj          hmm, i mean ignore the alternate 'newer' package, and use the older module in perl-module
00:03 mtj          … as the alternate 'newer' package may not get security updates
00:03 jcamins      lol
00:03 jcamins      This is awesome.
00:04 jcamins      "And today, April 1, 2013 my library switches to creating only new RDA records. Hooray!!!"
00:04 rangi        id just stick with perl-modules, it gets much more eyes on it
00:04 rangi        so safer
00:04 jcamins      I'm not sure if that's intended to be an April Fool's joke or not, but it's hysterically funny either way.
00:04 mtj          rangi, yeah, i think i agree now too
00:05 mtj          jcamins, its a good one  :p ^^
00:05 rangi        :)
00:07 mtj          i'll rewrite the patch so it selects the perl-module version, rather than the alternative version
00:07 eythian      no don't
00:07 eythian      if it's in perl-modules it should ignore it
00:08 eythian      see the comment on apt-cache show perl-modules
00:08 eythian      (I'm not sure if we're doing that now, but we probably should be)
00:08 jcamins      I don't think we are.
00:08 mtj          eythian, what comment where?
00:08 jcamins      We have libcgi-perl | perl-modules in the control file
00:09 jcamins      I think.
00:09 eythian      mtj: the comment that says you shouldn't depend on it
00:10 eythian      jcamins: hmm. That's probably not the most best thing to do
00:10 mtj          ah, click
00:12 jcamins      Wow, you know what I have decided I don't like?
00:12 eythian      spaghetti?
00:12 eythian      why don't you like spaghetti, jcamins?
00:12 jcamins      No, I was thinking the fact that HTML5 is not a subset of XML.
00:12 eythian      what did it do to you?
00:12 eythian      oh, yeah. that's by design I think
00:12 jcamins      Yes, because w3c hates me.
00:13 eythian      It's probably personal.
00:13 jcamins      Oh, I know it's personal.
00:13 mtj          eythian, i think i understand what you are suggesting
00:14 mtj          there's no need to explicitly list the perl-modules package, because its a dep of the perl package
00:14 eythian      mtj: I'll talk to the debian perl folks, see what they recommend.
00:14 eythian      yeah
00:15 mtj          cool
00:16 eythian      jcamins: I have issues with XML being used for HTML. On one hand, it's good and precise. On the other, it's really easy to mess up and cause the whole document to not render.
00:16 jcamins      If HTML5 isn't really XML-compatible, it seems kind of silly to use XML as the basic storage format.
00:16 jcamins      Better to use JSON natively.
00:17 mtj          everyone agrees that removing the current 'either|or' lines from the control file is a good thing?
00:17 jcamins      Except, oh, wait, there's no agreed-upon way to serialize an HTML5 DOM tree to JSON?
00:17 jcamins      Nnnnnngggggg.
00:17 eythian      mtj: I'm not sure
00:17 mtj          ok ok
00:18 jcamins      eythian: in principle I get it. In practice, it feels like they pulled the carpet out from under us without bothering to check if there was a floor underneath the carpet.
00:18 eythian      mtj: keep in mind we have to support a few different distros, so we can't always expect that everything is the same in perl-modules
00:18 eythian      on the other hand, we sorta do expect that and it seems to work.
00:20 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1132: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 10 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1132/
00:20 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9443 [Revised] Use DataTables on MARC frameworks administration
00:20 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 8943 - Add table sorting to labels
00:20 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 8943 - Add table sorting to labels - Followup - Sort pulldowns in batch export.
00:20 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9917 - Routing list tab on patron account should depend on syspref/permission
00:20 jcamins      Do I look like someone who wants to write a DOM de-/serializer?
00:20 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9954 - CVS profile encoding not selected in edition
00:20 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: But 9791: Remove single pixel on datatable tables
00:20 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9443 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Use DataTables on MARC frameworks administration page
00:20 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9946 - opac-topissues with no time limit
00:20 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 6554 - make Koha internally utf-8 clean
00:20 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8943 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Add table sorting to labels
00:20 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 6554 QA Followup
00:20 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 6554: Followup for serial search
00:20 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 6554: Followup for acquisitions
00:20 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 6554: Followup for preferences.pl
00:20 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9917 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , Routing list tab on patron account should depend on syspref/permission
00:20 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 6554 Followup for circulation patron search
00:20 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9954 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , CSV profile encoding not selected on editing
00:20 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9946 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , opac-topissues with no time limit
00:20 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6554 critical, P3, ---, dpavlin, Pushed to Master , Resolve encoding problems with corrected UTF8 handling in templates
00:20 jcamins      Too close to midnight.
00:20 eythian      jcamins: I'm sure that it's already been done
00:21 jcamins      eythian: me too. I'm searching for an implementation as we speak.
00:21 dcook        allo #koha
00:21 eythian      jquery might have one
00:23 jcamins      That'd be useful.
00:23 mtj          jcamins, eythian : thanks for the packaging advice, too
00:23 jcamins      Unfortunately it seems not to.
00:23 * jcamins    grumbles.
00:28 jcamins      Here I found something... and I don't like it.
00:29 jcamins      Everyone seems to have conveniently ignored the fact that HTML5 != XHTML
00:30 jcamins      "Just treat it like XML" is a great way to end up with a non-round-trip-able object.
00:32 eythian      ah, joy
01:52 jcamins      In what world is the Document Object Model anything other than profoundly stupid?
01:53 jcamins      I hadn't appreciated quite how... astonishing... the stupidity of that model is.
01:54 dcook        O_o
01:55 eythian      it is really quite something special
01:59 eythian      in what context have I seen strings like "u-nz---" before?
02:01 jcamins      eythian: 043
02:03 eythian      jcamins: thanks, I was thinking perhaps I was misassociating it with punycode or similar
02:19 eythian      > Private OPAC requires authentification before accessing the OPAC.
02:19 eythian      That's not a word!
02:19 mib_xble6z   jcamins, are u there?
02:20 dcook        hehe
02:20 mib_xble6z   i'm installing ilbot on ubuntu server
02:20 mib_xble6z   hello
02:20 wahanui      privet, mib_xble6z
02:20 mib_xble6z   and when i go to http://irc.dreamlib.vn i got this error
02:20 cjh          authentification sounds secure.
02:20 mib_xble6z   Can't locate IrcLog.pm in @INC (@INC contains: lib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /var/www/dreamlib/irc/index.pl line 8. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/www/dreamlib/irc/index.pl line 8.
02:21 mib_xble6z   privet
02:21 mib_xble6z   kak ti?
02:21 mib_xble6z   wahanui
02:21 wahanui      yes, mib_xble6z?
02:21 mib_xble6z   wait me join again
02:22 quocuy       hello
02:22 quocuy       can you check my website at http://irc.dreamlib.vn ?
02:23 eythian      you probably need to find whatever provides IrcLog.pm and install it
02:23 quocuy       got error with IrcLog.pm
02:23 quocuy       yes, i used apt-file search IrcLog.pm
02:23 quocuy       but can't find it
02:25 cjh          IrcLog.pm is provided in ilbot/lib, so you prob need to set PERL5LIB path to include wherever ilbot/lib is installed
02:25 quocuy       ah, understand, and how can i do that?
02:26 quocuy       copy irclog.pm to these folder, which was shown?
02:26 eythian      No.
02:26 eythian      you need to set up your perl path to find your log bot.
02:27 cjh          quocuy: you probably want your apache config to have a line like SetEnv PERL5LIB "/path/to/illib/lib"
02:27 quocuy       ok, i'll try it now.
02:27 eythian      it's possibly set up in .htaccess
02:29 quocuy       .htaccess in folder cgi?
02:29 eythian      the one that the instructions refer to
02:30 quocuy       yes
02:33 quocuy       i add that line into /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, and reload, but nothing happens
02:35 cjh          quocuy: you need to restart apache after making changes to apache config
02:35 cjh          quocuy: on debian systems: sudo service apache2 restart
02:37 eythian      if you put it there, what did you do with the .htaccess?
02:40 quocuy       Can't locate IrcLog.pm in @INC (@INC contains: lib /home/koha/Dropbox/ilbot-master/lib
02:40 quocuy       .htaccess i didn't do so much, make a password and username for spam.pl
02:41 cjh          does the user it is running as have permissions to acess home/koha/Dropbox/ilbot-master/lib ?
02:42 eythian      it's probably running from a different directory
02:42 eythian      we can't tell from that error
02:43 quocuy       aha, let me change that directory
02:49 quocuy       You were right, i copied folder to another location, it pass that error, and now, another :(
02:52 jcamins      Javascript arrays/objects are another weird thing.
02:53 quocuy       it looks lbad, right? I have no idea. I follow his guide till now.
02:54 eythian      jcamins: they are pretty odd things
02:54 eythian      like a lot of javascript
02:54 eythian      quocuy: there are two errors there, fix the actual one first.
02:55 quocuy       you can check here https://github.com/moritz/ilbot/ , there are lot of things, but this guide need to use only 2 folder, cgi and lib
02:55 jcamins      If I have an object like this: { 'thing': { 'children': [ ... ] } there doesn't be any way to get 'thing'
02:55 quocuy       why another one stay there?
02:56 jcamins      *doesn't seem to be
02:56 quocuy       where can i get started to fix these error?
02:57 wizzyrea     jcamins isn't it impossibly late for you
02:57 cjh          jcamins: do you mean the value of thing, or the key 'thing' ?
02:57 jcamins      wizzyrea: it's not even 11.
02:57 jcamins      cjh: the key 'thing'
02:57 wizzyrea     oh. ok.
02:57 cjh          jcamins: assuming this is js, you can iterate over every key in an object
02:58 jcamins      cjh: that's what I thought.
02:58 cjh          for( var key in obj ) /* where obj is the obj in question */
02:58 cjh          jcamins: does this not work?
02:59 jcamins      cjh: okay...
02:59 jcamins      that's weird.
02:59 cjh          you may also want to test obj.hasOwnProperty(key) to make sure it isnt inherited
02:59 cjh          jcamins: now that you are talking about it, it suddently works?
02:59 jcamins      cjh: no.
02:59 jcamins      It's now in an infinite loop.
03:00 eythian      quocuy: the error says your missing a file, you're probably missing a file.
03:01 eythian      quocuy: also note that this isn't an ilbot help channel, so we're probably not able to be very helpful. We can only tell you things that are obvious anyway.
03:01 jcamins      There we go.
03:01 jcamins      It's out of the loop.
03:01 eythian      jcamins: welcome to javascript
03:01 cjh          heh
03:01 quocuy       yes
03:02 jcamins      ... and the properties do not match the object I'm looking at.
03:02 jcamins      Grr.
03:02 quocuy       ok, i really appriciate
03:03 quocuy       maybe need more time to google. That man, he wrote a short guide, not clear as koha-guide :)
03:04 quocuy       it's hard for someone not professional like me to do exctly
03:04 jcamins      It lists 0, length, prevObject, and context
03:04 eythian      jcamins: if it's a browser DOM object, it may be full of all manner of crazy
03:04 jcamins      eythian: it's not. I created it.
03:04 eythian      ah
03:05 eythian      perhaps they came from the prototype
03:05 cjh          jcamins: when you said 'the properties do not match the object I'm looking at', what did you mean?
03:06 pastebot     Someone at pasted "el = [Object article: Array[0]" (6 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/451
03:06 jcamins      cjh: ^^
03:07 jcamins      Ah-ha.
03:07 jcamins      el[0] is the object that I was expecting.
03:08 jcamins      Ummm...
03:08 jcamins      why?
03:08 jcamins      Ah-ha.
03:08 jcamins      I see.
03:08 jcamins      Talk about weird.
03:08 jcamins      *Everything* is in an extra array.
03:09 eythian      <eythian> jcamins: welcome to javascript
03:09 jcamins      lol
03:09 jcamins      Thanks.
03:10 eythian      you're not somehow creating an extra array?
03:10 eythian      I don't see how, but...
03:11 jcamins      I must be.
03:11 jcamins      But I don't really care, just so long as it is consistent, which it seems to be.
03:12 eythian      I've always done it by going var foo = new Array(); and then putting things in
03:12 eythian      or new Array(a,b,c)
03:12 eythian      although I suppose you want a hash, not an array really
03:12 eythian      hey
03:12 eythian      shouldn't it then be el={a:'a', b:'b'};
03:12 eythian      ?
03:13 eythian      rather than [ ... ]
03:13 cjh          if it is an array of 3 parts, it should have commas. I am not quite sure what that syntax is.
03:13 jcamins      eythian: yes, but I created it using curly braces.
03:13 jcamins      That was what Chrome displayed.
03:13 eythian      jcamins: your pastebin suggests otherwise.
03:13 eythian      hmm
03:14 jcamins      You're right.
03:14 jcamins      el[0] is displayed by Chrome with curly braces.
03:14 jcamins      Oh well.
03:17 jcamins      I hate Javascript.
03:17 cjh          heh
03:17 jcamins      Actually, I hate all web programming.
03:17 jcamins      It actually makes win32 look pleasant.
03:18 mtj          no HEREDOC in javascript, is my latest peeve :/
03:19 jcamins      Mine is "recursing over any sort of tree structure in order to create an object is basically pointless because Javascript will add DOM properties to a string."
03:19 jcamins      It's a string.
03:19 jcamins      It says "G.C."
03:20 quocuy       sorry all, i found these chat on google
03:20 quocuy       21:53 Alex-SF      i get an error page 21:53 Alex-SF      "This page contains the following errors: 21:53 Alex-SF      error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document 21:53 Alex-SF      Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error." 21:53 mlei         ah, yeah, index isn't updated yet 21:53 mlei         i'm not sure how often m
03:20 jcamins      So why does it have five million properties?
03:21 quocuy       "i'm not sure how often mysql updates the index"
03:21 eythian      jcamins: it's a string object, don't forget
03:22 eythian      objects are supposed to have a bunch of fields
03:22 eythian      "supposed"
03:22 quocuy       i created ilbot.mysql, but maybe i need import the ilbot.mysql, which i downloaded?
03:22 jcamins      quocuy: MySQL doesn't update indexes. MySQL is just a database.
03:23 jcamins      eythian: right... I return to my original thesis.
03:23 jcamins      Javascript sucks.
03:26 * MrAgent075 is thinking about Responsive Design on Koha.
03:26 jcamins      MrAgent075: avoid Javascript. It is the devil.
03:26 wizzyrea     oh boy.
03:27 cjh          heh
03:27 MrAgent075   jcamins: Totally Agree on That. The Language is just too damn confusing to work with. [commences High-5]
03:28 eythian      I actually don't mind it too much outside a browser. But it's by no means a favourite.
03:28 jcamins      eythian: outside a browser I don't use Javascript. :P
03:29 cjh          fwiw: I think it is theoretically a nice language, I just hate how it is used :)
03:29 eythian      I once built a system that embedded an API accessed through Rhino for end users to include javascript snippets.
03:29 jcamins      cjh: theoretically, it's fine, but theory doesn't involve me using it.
03:30 jcamins      All I want to do is iterate through a DOM tree and create a Javascript tree structure.
03:30 eythian      also so we could do rapid modification without a code/compile/deploy phase.
03:30 eythian      YOU ASK TOO MUCH!
03:30 jcamins      That does not require that I copy EVERY SINGLE PROPERTY IN THE DOM.
03:30 jcamins      Yeah, I know.
03:30 wizzyrea     did you see the thing
03:30 eythian      jcamins: wait, is this actually a DOM tree?
03:30 wizzyrea     where they did fabric physics with javascript?
03:31 eythian      wizzyrea: I build a video markup system in javascript+xml too :)
03:31 jcamins      eythian: I'm starting over again, so, yeah, I'm back to a DOM tree.
03:31 eythian      ah right, I was going to say then you should use the DOM methods
03:31 eythian      which suck, but should work
03:31 jcamins      Yeah, I did.
03:31 wizzyrea     http://codepen.io/stuffit/pen/KrAwx
03:31 jcamins      And it seemed to work.
03:31 jcamins      But going the other way isn't working, so I'm just starting over.
03:32 * jcamins    tears the fabric to bits.
03:32 jcamins      Am I missing something obvious?
03:33 jcamins      I feel like lots of people should have written snippets to traverse the DOM.
03:33 eythian      http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5714268/how-to-iterate-through-a-dom-tree <-- like that?
03:34 * jcamins    looks.
03:35 jcamins      Well, good news.
03:35 wahanui      rumour has it good news is it looks like it's running properly
03:35 jcamins      That looks almost exactly like the code I just deleted in a fit of pique.
03:35 * MrAgent075 is questioning tearing fabric to bits, unless they will serve a greater purpose in later future.
03:35 eythian      heh
03:36 jcamins      The bad news, of course, is that this probably won't help in this case.
03:36 * jcamins    uses it again anyway.
03:37 jcamins      Any idea what the _SU3 means?
03:38 eythian      I have no idea, might just be where the code was pasted from
03:38 eythian      http://www.quepublishing.com/articles/article.aspx?p=20991&seqNum=6 <-- you could try this jcamins :D
03:40 jcamins      I hated VBScript too.
03:42 mtj          jcamins, fwiw, i think i started using jquery for DOM stuff
03:42 jcamins      mtj: yeah, my version was jQuery based but did the same thing.
03:42 jcamins      I couldn't care less whether it uses DOM directly or uses jQuery.
03:42 mtj          http://api.jquery.com/category/traversing/
03:42 mtj          theres a bunch of DOM stuff there… ^^
03:43 jcamins      Yeah, but the problem is not really the traversing.
03:43 jcamins      It's doing something with the traversed elements.
03:44 mtj          aah, ok
03:44 jcamins      Ooh, I finally came up with the right keywords.
03:44 jcamins      http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8109823/javascript-create-object-from-dom
03:45 jcamins      "javascript dom walkable object"
03:45 jcamins      No, please don't ask me how I came up with that.
03:46 eythian      How did you...oh
03:46 jcamins      lol
03:56 jcamins      Right...
03:56 jcamins      This time it created an object without any extraneous properties.
03:56 jcamins      That is good.
03:56 jcamins      Unfortunately, now I can't seem to get any actual data out of it.
03:58 jcamins      At least that was easy to solve.
03:58 jcamins      I think.
03:59 eythian      wahanui: javascript
03:59 wahanui      javascript is required for interactions with clicks
03:59 eythian      wahanui: javascript is also an implementation of INTERCAL on Interstates
03:59 wahanui      okay, eythian.
04:01 jcamins      Well, hallelujah! It seems to be giving me basically the data structure I expected.
04:02 jcamins      And it turns out the problem is that I wasn't setting object = {} at the beginning of the block every time.
04:02 jcamins      I was tricked into thinking I didn't need to since when I failed to do that it still worked.
04:03 cjh          INTERCAL's come from is genius.
04:04 eythian      ah, so you were working with an undefined rather than an empty object
04:06 jcamins      Right.
04:06 jcamins      I would've thought there would have been an error.
04:06 jcamins      But apparently not.
04:06 eythian      I think undefined is just another object
04:07 eythian      with some special properties, but not many
04:07 jcamins      ^^ there you have it.
04:07 jcamins      javascript--
04:07 jcamins      And now I just need to deserialize my JSON as HTML
04:07 jcamins      And then I'm going to bed because it is late.
04:08 eythian      you'll dream of javascript
04:08 jcamins      Only nightmares.
04:10 * dcook      is curious as to which programming languages jcamins actually likes
04:10 eythian      PHP I'm sure
04:11 dcook        :p
04:11 dcook        likes = doesn't hate
04:11 dcook        I've had a friend recently say that she despises web programming as well. Given the current state of the world, I often wonder what this means...
04:11 dcook        Well, in her case, she tends to just program enough to make her machines work, but in terms of on going development...
04:12 jcamins      dcook: I liked working with C, to be honest.
04:12 jcamins      And a limited subset of C++ was okay.
04:12 jcamins      Hmm.
04:13 jcamins      Very limited.
04:13 quocuy       sorry, just wanna say, i found it. The IrcLog.pm use mysql.conf file, but it was wrong, so i added my database into this file, and it works
04:13 eythian      quocuy: cool
04:13 mtompset     Greetings, Manny, you made it. :)
04:13 tamayaom     wow
04:13 quocuy       thanks
04:14 mtompset     Greetings, jcamins.
04:14 * jcamins    curses.
04:14 jcamins      I HATE JAVASCRIPT!
04:14 quocuy       :)
04:15 jcamins      An array and a hash are exactly the same thing as far as the language is concerned, except they have to be treated differently?
04:15 mtompset     first question?
04:15 wahanui      "What are you trying to do?" or "What is the goal?"
04:15 mtompset     second question?
04:15 wahanui      i heard second question was "What is the exact error message?"
04:15 mtompset     third questions?
04:15 mtompset     third question?
04:15 wahanui      third question is "What version of Koha are you using?" http://koha-community.org/faq/find-version-koha-running/
04:15 mtompset     fourth question?
04:15 wahanui      hmmm... fourth question is "Are we there yet?"
04:15 * mtompset   laughs, "I like that fourth question."
04:16 eythian      jcamins: well, an Array is a special object
04:16 eythian      every object is a hash
04:26 quocuy       sorry, after install ilbot, what is next? what should i do with this widget "<iframe width="550" height="350" scrolling="no" src="http://widget.mibbit.com/?settings=b502800a5fc7d36e6b211feb13f9e95e&server=irc.oftc.net&channel=%23Koha%20for%20Vietnamese"></iframe>"
04:29 eythian      you will have to work out how to point it at your channel.
04:30 quocuy       my server is irc.dreamlib.vn, you can check it, but when i use it, it could not connect
04:32 eythian      You're going to have to configure it to do what you want
04:32 eythian      e.g. listen in your IRC channel
04:33 quocuy       https://widgetmanager.mibbit.com/index.php
04:34 eythian      OK, you'll have to do some reading on how IRC and OFTC work, as mibbit is hiding stuff from you that will probably be confusing.
04:35 quocuy       yes, exacty. OK, i'll take a look now
04:36 eythian      In particlar you'll have to give the ilbot your server name (irc.oftc.net) and your channel name (not sure what that is)
04:37 * mtompset   waves bye, "Have a good day (24 hour period)!"
04:38 dcook        Got to love when national companies have Java errors printing all over their web pages...
04:38 dcook        Fills me with confidence in their online services...
04:38 jcamins      Remember, quocuy, we're Koha developers not IRC bot developers. I, for example, have never even considered trying to run an IRC bot.
04:40 quocuy       Ok, i just trying to use it to run a koha-background in vietnamese
04:41 * jcamins    supports that, but can't help with administering it. I simply do without logging on other IRC channels.
04:43 quocuy       yes. Thanks for your helping! It's time to go to university now, 8'40AM. See U all again!
04:44 quocuy       BB
05:31 cait         hi #koha
05:35 dcook        hey cait :)
05:35 cait         hi dcook :)
05:37 dcook        Good day so far? ;)
05:39 cait         hm slept through 2 alarm clocks... but apart from that :)
05:44 alohabot     Hi mib_subqcn, Welcome to #koha. Feel free to use the '/nick yourname' command to choose a different name. alohabot, wahanui, and huginn are bots. If you need any help, just ask - there's usually someone around to help :)
06:01 cait         dcook: how are you?
06:03 dcook        cait: Alas, busy as always. Wishing I had more time to work on Koha, but have other projects on the go.
06:03 cait         ah
06:03 cait         hope they go well :)
06:03 dcook        On the plus side, I borrowed a PC box, so I'm hoping to install Koha via Debian packages later this week at home ^_^
06:03 dcook        Thanks, cait :)
06:06 dcook        How about you? How was Marseille?
06:06 dcook        Looks like lots got done on the bug front!
06:07 cait         yep quite a busy week
06:07 cait         and some more since we are back
06:07 cait         the lists look a bit less duanting right now
06:09 dcook        Agreed. I like how the dashboard also shows the number of bugs and sorts by bug status
06:09 dcook        While there are still quite a few needing sign off, there are only 29 bugs...and quite a few of those look pretty straightforward
06:18 cait         yeah :) it's getting better
06:18 cait         sorry, getting ready for work
06:19 dcook        No worries. I'm just about to head to the park to read my book
06:20 rangi        evening
06:21 cait         nice
06:21 cait         too cold here for that
06:21 cait         evening rangi
06:21 dcook        China Miéville's 'The City & The City'. Generic crime fiction with a splash of sci fi
06:21 dcook        It's autumn here though, so it'll be too cold soon enough. Jealous of your looming spring ;)
06:21 dcook        night rangi and cait
06:21 dcook        hi Oak :)
06:22 cait         looming spring...
06:22 cait         @wunder Konstanz
06:22 huginn       cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 1.0°C (8:00 AM CEST on April 02, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 70%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Pressure: 29.69 in 1005 hPa (Rising).
06:22 rangi        @wunder nzwn
06:22 huginn       rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 18.0°C (7:00 PM NZDT on April 02, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 12.0°C. Pressure: 29.89 in 1012 hPa (Steady).
06:22 cait         you win :)
06:23 * Oak        waves
06:24 cait         heya Oak :)
06:40 jenkins_koha Starting build #91 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
06:42 reiveune     hello
06:48 alex_a       bonjour
06:50 cait         bbl :)
06:57 rangi        ni reiveune , Oak and alex_a
06:58 alex_a       hello rangi
06:58 reiveune     hi rangi
07:08 gaetan_B     hello
07:08 Dalian1      Hi, I want to know if Koha offers this feature that allows library staff when they scan the ISBN barcode it will retrieve for them some bibliographic informations about the book. This option seems very appreciated by library users with other ILS.
07:09 Dalian1      Hello ! what do you think ?
07:12 rangi        yes it does
07:12 rangi        and it has for years ;)
07:13 francharb    good morning
07:13 rangi        hi francharb
07:13 francharb    0/ rangi
07:16 christophe_c hello #koha
07:21 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #91: SUCCESS in 41 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.10.x/91/
07:21 jenkins_koha Kyle M Hall: Bug 9928 - no way to see all purchase suggestions at all [3.10.x]
07:21 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9928 blocker, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , no way to see all purchase suggestions at all
07:23 Oak          hello rangi :)
07:23 Oak          Bonjour kf, alex_a
07:23 Oak          Bonjour reiveune and all
07:23 alex_a       salut Oak
07:23 reiveune     salut Oak
07:24 Oak          :)
07:24 Dalian1      So just to make sure about this feature, with Koha it is possible to scan the ISBN barcode and then it will create right away a bibliographic notice for the book. Do you know from where this bibliographic information comes from ?
07:26 rangi        where you set it up to come from
07:27 kf           hi all
07:27 rangi        http://manual.koha-community.org/3.10/en/additionaladmin.html#z3950admin
07:46 rangi        i wonder if someone could look at bug 6506
07:46 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6506 critical, P5 - low, ---, peterAtKohaBugzilla, Needs Signoff , deleting patron history missing errors
07:47 rangi        i can't sign off on it
07:47 rangi        or bug 4862
07:47 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=4862 minor, P5 - low, ---, liz, Needs Signoff , "Browse by subject" is misnamed
07:55 jenkins_koha Starting build #92 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
08:01 rewangbhutan hi
08:01 wahanui      hello, rewangbhutan
08:01 rewangbhutan how r u
08:03 rewangbhutan hi u there
08:31 mtj          rangi, i'll give 6506 a whirl
08:35 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #92: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.10.x/92/
08:35 jenkins_koha Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9954 - CVS profile encoding not selected in edition
08:35 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9954 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , CSV profile encoding not selected on editing
08:35 jenkins_koha Starting build #293 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
08:37 rangi        thanks mtj
08:53 mtj          np, signed off ^^
08:54 rangi        hi Viktor
08:55 Viktor       hi rangi
09:00 mtj          rangi, 4862 signed-off too...
09:01 mtj          heya Viktor  :)
09:01 Viktor       Hi mtj!
09:02 rangi        yay!
09:05 Dalian1      Thank you for your help. Cheers ! ; )
09:15 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #293: SUCCESS in 39 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/293/
09:15 jenkins_koha Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9954 - CVS profile encoding not selected in edition
09:15 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9954 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , CSV profile encoding not selected on editing
10:53 drojf        good day #koha
11:10 kf           hi drojf :)
12:23 oleonard     Hi #koha
12:27 oleonard     Joubu: I know you did a lot of work on getting the uk_date sort working on many pages, but I think the sort on title attribute is probably the method we should use
12:27 oleonard     Especially if we're doing more date-formatting in the template now with a plugin.
12:27 jcamins      oleonard: do you have a list somewhere of all the jQuery/jQueryUI widgets that we use on the OPAC, and where to find an example?
12:28 oleonard     There is a list on the wiki, although it may need to be updated.
12:28 oleonard     coding guidelines?
12:28 wahanui      coding guidelines are http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines
12:29 oleonard     http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines#Using_jQueryUI_widgets
12:29 oleonard     I haven't revisited that page in a while
12:30 jcamins      That's for the intranet, isn't it?
12:30 oleonard     Yes, it was written from that point of view.
12:31 jcamins      Okay... I don't know how to run the SIP unit tests.
12:31 oleonard     jcamins: What would you like to see?
12:31 jcamins      Do I care?
12:32 jcamins      oleonard: I need to look at bug 9572, and I want to make sure I don't miss any widgets we use on some obscure page.
12:32 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9572 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Passed QA , Opac info tooltip from branches is not well positioned
12:32 oleonard     Ah.
12:32 jcamins      I know we use tab widgets on the detail pages, and datepickers on the member entry page, but I don't know if there are other things.
12:32 oleonard     I don't think there's anything else. I'll double-check.
12:33 Joubu        oleonard: yes, no problem. It was in order to understand what you really want to do.
12:33 Joubu        I think it is a little bit odd to have a span containg data for sorting. But it doesn't really bother me.
12:37 alohabot     Hi mib_nqsyrg, Welcome to #koha. Feel free to use the '/nick yourname' command to choose a different name. alohabot, wahanui, and huginn are bots. If you need any help, just ask - there's usually someone around to help :)
12:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #315 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
12:39 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #315: SUCCESS in 21 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs/315/
12:39 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: add plugin permissions
12:40 oleonard     jcamins: I don't see any other jQueryUI use in the OPAC besides tabs and datepickers
12:42 jcamins      Well, good. That's nice and easy.
12:47 jcamins      oleonard: didn't we have a little calendar icon to indicate a datepicker in the OPAC previously?
12:47 oleonard     Yes, do you not see it?
12:47 * oleonard   checks
12:47 jcamins      I do not.
12:47 jcamins      It's not on master, either.
12:48 kf           hm it's in ccsr
12:48 kf           i tested it because it was broken there
12:48 jcamins      It is in CCSR.
12:48 kf           do you allow hold dates in future?
12:49 jcamins      Both before and after 9572.
12:49 kf           it's on the hold page
12:49 jcamins      I'm looking at the date of birth datepicker.
12:49 kf           oh, i did check it on the holds page
12:49 kf           maybe we forgot to implement it there?
12:50 oleonard     Yeah I don't see it there either. But I don't know that I ever saw it there before.
12:50 jcamins      We remembered on CCSR.
12:50 jcamins      But as long as I'm not going crazy, I don't mind.
12:50 jcamins      Hm.
12:50 jcamins      The jQueryUI upgrade breaks the ratings under CCSR.
12:51 jcamins      Oh, wait...
12:51 jcamins      I see.
12:52 jcamins      I think the jQuery tooltip thing needs to be added.
12:52 oleonard     The OPAC patron update page doesn't include calendar.inc where some datepicker defaults are set (like the icon image)
12:52 jcamins      Actually, I think it just needs to be put somewhere else.
12:52 jcamins      Wait, no, it's in lib.
12:53 jcamins      I was looking at the wrong path.
12:53 jcamins      Or...
12:53 jcamins      hm.
12:54 jcamins      Ah.
12:54 jcamins      ... no.
12:55 oleonard     The patron entry form in the OPAC discriminates against people who are over 120 years old.
12:56 jcamins      We should move jQueryUI out of the theme directory.
12:58 oleonard     I'm still waiting on Bug 9172 :P
12:58 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9172 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Signed Off , Move TinyMCE library outside of language-specific directory
12:58 jcamins      Ah.
12:58 * kf         takes the liberty to mark it as a bug
12:58 oleonard     (not that they conflict)
12:58 kf           there is a comment from mason about deleting one line
13:03 jcamins      git++
13:03 jcamins      git show --color=auto --word-diff
13:04 kf           git++
13:07 jcamins      Okay, time to head into the city.
13:07 jcamins      Bye.
13:07 kf           bye jcamins
13:07 oleonard     I see the lines which mason talks about, but I also see similar instances elsewhere in Koha
13:08 nengard      anyone want some easy sign offs / QA - the help files are done and 1/2 signed off
13:08 nengard      bug 9850
13:08 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9850 normal, P5 - low, ---, nengard, Needs Signoff , Koha 3.12 Help Files Update
13:08 oleonard     #========================= at line 537 of authorities.pl
13:08 oleonard     Doesn't that line cause the same problem?
13:08 kf           oleonard: I woudl guess so
13:08 kf           the qa script only looks at the files the patch touches
13:09 oleonard     I don't really want to change those lines in tiny_mce_gzip.pl because that's part of the TinyMCE package
13:09 jenkins_koha Starting build #1133 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1131 2 days 7 hr ago)
13:09 kf           oleonard: makes sense to me - not it on the bug
13:10 kf           oleonard: is it the qa script that fails or the normal test suite?
13:10 huginn       New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_2835' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=f3d5bd5aa6cd6dc65fc840c2cbeeb0916f151661> / Bug 2835 - Inconsistent use of colon at the end of sentences <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=1b3b942409fc87c828491275e7e866eb02d4671a> / Merge branch 'bug_9947' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=d
13:11 oleonard     I think it's the qa script kf
13:11 kf           oleonard: that's good, so jenkins won't complain
13:22 * oleonard   is happy everyone got their way on Bug 9571
13:22 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9571 minor, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Master , Fix width for textareas in Edit Item screen
13:26 David        Hello .. I am receiving emails from the koha listserv .. but when I send I never get my message and do not get replies... but I do see other people's messages.. can someone help?  Email is david.w.hartman@disney.com .. and sending to : Koha@lists.katipo.co.nz
13:26 kf           hi David
13:26 kf           have you checked you are properly subscribed to the list?
13:26 David        Hi
13:26 wahanui      privet, David
13:26 kf           I think htat you don't get your own emails is a configuration thing
13:27 David        How do I check that?
13:27 David        I receive the other emails'
13:27 kf           try to log in here: http://lists.katipo.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/koha
13:27 David        privet wahanui .. are you in Russia?
13:28 oleonard     wahanui is a bot
13:28 kf           David: wahanui is our friendly bot - he helps us remember things and greets
13:28 kf           mailing lists?
13:28 wahanui      mailing lists are at http://koha-community.org/support/koha-mailing-lists/
13:28 kf           see :)
13:30 David        Ok, I just started over and requested a new username and password.   Thanks all!
13:31 kf           hope it helps
14:14 chris_n      kf: patch for bug 9535 awaits sign-off
14:14 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9535 major, P5 - low, ---, cnighswonger, Needs Signoff , Patron card creator "Remove duplicates" function doesn't work
14:18 jenkins_koha Yippie, build fixed!
14:18 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1133: FIXED in 1 hr 8 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1133/
14:18 jenkins_koha * Adrien Saurat: Bug 9952: translation of the "tab 0" in MARC detail
14:18 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9571 [Alternate] Fix width for textareas in Edit Item screen
14:18 jenkins_koha * David Cook: Bug 9571 - Fix width for textareas in Edit Item screen
14:18 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9952 trivial, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , MARC tab: tab 0 is not translated correctly
14:18 jenkins_koha * Adrien Saurat: Bug 9838: fix on 04patron_status.t
14:18 jenkins_koha * Marcel de Rooy: Bug 9609: Rebuilding zebra reports double number of exported records.
14:18 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9572 - Opac info tooltip from branches is not well positioned
14:18 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9572 follow-up: duplicate jQueryUI upgrade in CCSR
14:18 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9947 - Creating item for received serial prefills enumchron subfield
14:18 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 2835 - Inconsistent use of colon at the end of sentences
14:18 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9571 minor, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Master , Fix width for textareas in Edit Item screen
14:18 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9838 trivial, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , SIP tests : fix in 04patron_status.t
14:18 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9609 trivial, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , Rebuild zebra reports double numbers for exported records with -z option
14:18 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9572 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Opac info tooltip from branches is not well positioned
14:18 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9947 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Creating item for received serial prefills enumchron subfield
14:18 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2835 trivial, P3, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Inconsistent use of colon at the end of sentences
14:18 drojf        if i made a patch for master to add or change zebra indexes (grs1), what would be the correct way to do the same for DOM? recreate biblio-koha-indexdefs.xml from the changed record.abs file and then recreate biblio-zebra-indexdefs.xsl from that and file a patch with the new versions of these files?
14:19 kf           chris_n++ :)
14:19 kf           drojf: nope, don't do that
14:19 kf           jcamins: ping?
14:19 kf           drojf: as I understood, the scripts are for record.abs to indexdefs thing were only thought to be used for migration of the indexes
14:20 kf           not for later use
14:20 kf           i think probaly only the second step? jared would know or gmcharlt
14:20 drojf        isn't that kind of what i am trying to do? migrate a newer version
14:21 kf           I think I meant introducing the new dom indexing
14:21 kf           I think we have fixed some things in the xml file since
14:21 drojf        oh if that is the case i shouldn't be doing it that way, that is true
14:22 * oleonard   will test 9535 so that kf might qa it
14:22 drojf        i could add it manually of course, but the file said it was generated so i thought adding things manually seems wrong
14:23 drojf        only the xsl says it is generated, the other only has comments about lines in record.abs
14:29 drojf        i think you are right kf, making changes manually and then running xsltproc koha-indexdefs-to-zebra.xsl for the second part is what seems to be the correct way
14:33 gmcharlt     right, for producing biblio-zebra-indexdefs.xsl
14:33 gmcharlt     there would be a case to be made, actually for not keeping biblio-zebra-indexdefs.xsl in the repository, and just generating it when needed during installs
14:34 * jcamins    would support that case.
14:34 drojf        makes sense
14:38 jcamins      So, anything interesting happen while I was on the subway?
14:40 oleonard     We fixed all the bugs.
14:41 nengard      I need git help again ... shocker
14:41 nengard      I need to get manual3.10.x back to match what's in git
14:41 nengard      Auto-merging en/manual.xml
14:41 nengard      CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in en/manual.xml
14:41 nengard      Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
14:42 nengard      I don't care about the conflicts - I don't want those changes
14:42 jcamins      Excellent.
14:42 jcamins      nengard: git reset --hard origin/3.10.x
14:42 jcamins      Or whatever your remote or branch is called.
14:43 nengard      geeze - I need to write that one down :)
14:43 nengard      thanks
14:43 jcamins      And note that if you do that the changes will not be recoverable.
14:44 nengard      don't care :)
14:44 nengard      don't want them
14:44 nengard      they're all wrong
14:44 nengard      :)
14:44 jcamins      Okay.
14:44 jcamins      Just thought I should caution you about that.
14:45 jcamins      Because that command is way more destructive than the usual reset.
14:49 * chris_n    wonders what brand of bug spray oleonard is using today
14:50 jcamins      chris_n: do you happen to remember what the symptoms of bug 5366 were?
14:50 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5366 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Needs Signoff , Koha does not work right with MariaDB
14:51 chris_n      jcamins: I was attempting to recall the particulars, but cannot
14:51 chris_n      mariadb syntax enforcement is more strict
14:51 chris_n      iirc
14:51 jcamins      Yeah, I'm just surprised I haven't noticed those problems.
14:52 chris_n      I think there is a patch or two floating around
14:52 jcamins      Yeah, they're on that bug.
14:52 jcamins      :)
14:52 chris_n      actually they may have been committed
14:52 jcamins      I don't think so.
14:52 * chris_n    is really out of touch, sorry
14:52 jcamins      I think I tried applying them and they still applied.
14:52 chris_n      I don't have mariadb on a dev machine atm or I would retest
14:53 chris_n      but if it works for you, maybe it was something data-wise for me
14:53 jcamins      Well, I couldn't say for sure that it works for me.
14:53 jcamins      I'm using Plack so half the time things don't work anyway.
14:54 jenkins_koha Starting build #316 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
14:54 chris_n      I seem to recall that inserts were not working as expected causing koha to either throw errors or fail silently...
14:54 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #316: SUCCESS in 20 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs/316/
14:54 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update info on upgarding a child patron
14:54 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update patron images
14:54 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update more patron module images
14:54 chris_n      and that's not a lot of help
14:55 jcamins      Well, either I'll try and figure out what was going on, or we'll wait until someone else encounters the same problem.
14:55 jcamins      Probably the latter.
14:55 jcamins      Or, I suppose, we could simply test the patches for regressions and push them.
14:55 jcamins      Maybe that's the way to go.
14:56 jcamins      Oh, wait.
14:57 jcamins      It's import.
14:57 chris_n      look back at my patches does not invoke any revelatory memories
14:57 jcamins      Maybe that's related to...
14:57 jcamins      @query plack
14:57 chris_n      except that not null fields should probably have defaults assigned
14:57 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7172 major, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, NEW , Omnibus for Plack variable scoping problems
14:57 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8866 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Plack - remove unneeded dbh->disconnects OMNIBUS
14:57 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8908 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Starman/Plack hangs when faced with zombie Zebra
14:57 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8970 critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , MARC import gives error under Starman/Plack
14:57 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9048 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Quote editor does not work under Plack
14:57 jcamins      Bug 8970.
14:57 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8970 critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , MARC import gives error under Starman/Plack
14:58 chris_n      wow... a zombie zebra
14:59 chris_n      live ones are bad enough
15:00 chris_n      jcamins: it seems the patches are pretty benign; there is some debug foo which should probably be removed from them
15:00 chris_n      otherwise they should not introduce any regressions
15:02 jcamins      Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
15:14 oleonard     nengard: There are a few lines in your patch for circ help files which change "library" to "branch." Was that intentional?
15:14 nengard      i copied from the manual
15:14 nengard      so it must be like that in the manual
15:14 nengard      and someone updated the help for 3.10 but not the manual :)
15:14 nengard      I can submit a follow up
15:15 nengard      after i update the manual
15:15 oleonard     Okay
15:19 clkirby      I'm new to Koha. I saw there was an RFC for "Batch Modification Biblio Record Level". Has this been developed?
15:20 jcamins      I believe it failed QA, and will be reconsidered for Koha 3.14.
15:20 jcamins      However, there is some code, so the prognosis is not bad. :)
15:22 oleonard     Bug 5725
15:22 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5725 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, julian.maurice, Failed QA , Batch modifications for Biblios
15:23 jcamins      I think there is another related bug.
15:23 jcamins      @query modification
15:23 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1088 enhancement, P2, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , expand independant branches functionallity
15:23 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=737 enhancement, P2, ---, magnus, NEW , Map of library in search system
15:23 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6532 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , way to move items in batches
15:23 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6546 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Batch modification tool should accept a biblionumber
15:23 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6668 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Marc batch edit will freeze after deselecting all items and saving,
15:23 oleonard     Bug 8015?
15:23 jcamins      @query marc modification
15:23 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8015 enhancement, P4, ---, kyle.m.hall, ASSIGNED , Add MARC Modifications Templates
15:24 jcamins      Yes.
15:24 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6668 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Marc batch edit will freeze after deselecting all items and saving,
15:24 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8015 enhancement, P4, ---, kyle.m.hall, ASSIGNED , Add MARC Modifications Templates
15:24 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2774 normal, P3, ---, gmcharlt, Needs Signoff , Path to theme is hard-coded in many places
15:24 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8304 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, matthias.meusburger, Signed Off , composed authorities Rameau management
15:24 huginn       jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7167 new feature, P1 - high, ---, jonathan.druart, Passed QA , updatedatabase improvements
15:24 oleonard     Yes, 5725 is marked as depending on 8015
15:25 jcamins      Oh, I thought they were opposing implementations. Huh.
15:25 oleonard     I think they might be actually
15:25 kf           bye all
15:26 oleonard     Is there an acceptable way of making a tiny correction to a patch as I sign off on it? Literally a one character text change.
15:27 reiveune     bye
15:30 drojf        oleonard: i think i have mentioned correcting a typo in a signoff message and gotten away with it
15:30 chris_n      oleonard: I have just noted the changes in the commit message as well
15:30 oleonard     Do you squash your commit, or what?
15:30 jcamins      Yeah, that is fine.
15:30 chris_n      squash
15:32 jcamins      Just amend the commit.
15:34 jcamins      Or squash.
15:34 jcamins      As you prefer.
15:34 jcamins      Or squash.
15:34 jcamins      Bah.
15:35 jcamins      Key lag.
15:35 oleonard     I don't think I understand what you mean by 'just amend the commit' jcamins
15:36 jcamins      If you make the changes, add the changed files using git add, if you use `git commit --amend` your changes will get added to the patch.
15:36 jcamins      So you don't need to do a squash step.
15:36 oleonard     Ah, the git add step is the one I wasn't thinking of
15:37 * oleonard   is too used to git commit -a
15:43 jcamins      I never use git commit -a.
15:43 jcamins      git add -u sometimes, but never commit -a.
15:44 drojf        what is wrong with commit -a?
15:45 jcamins      It will automatically delete files that I have removed from my working tree.
15:46 drojf        oh!
15:47 jcamins      Which, granted, is easy enough to fix with a simple reset, but I often delete PO files and regenerate them.
15:49 jcamins      Robert Louis Stevenson wore the kind of tie that has two square ends and tied it so that the front-most end was shorter and a little to the left of the other.
15:49 * jcamins    knows everyone was curious.
15:54 drojf        jcamins: you had a tie club meeting? :)
15:54 jcamins      drojf: no, but a portrait of him was the frontispiece of a book I just cataloged.
15:56 drojf        slightly less fascinating now :P
15:56 jcamins      I bet there _is_ a tie meet-up in New York.
16:00 drojf        at a bar called "the tiebreaker" :D
16:01 jcamins      Heh.
16:03 rambutan     http://tinyurl.com/d64ksfy      #h-online discussion of MySql et al
16:38 * drojf      goes home
16:40 rambutan     Experiences of Migrating to Open Source Integrated Library Systems  de Vandana Singh
16:40 rambutan     http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/ital/article/view/2268
16:41 rambutan     current issue of ITAL
16:43 jcamins      Did they at least get the link to Koha right?
16:45 oleonard     There don't appear to be any links at all
16:45 jcamins      Well, at least they didn't get it wrong.
16:47 rambutan     No, I had to google all the links
16:48 jcamins      [off] Of course, I can't help but feel that the author may have missed the point of citations if there is no link to Koha or Evergreen.
16:48 rambutan     concur
16:50 oleonard     [off] Maybe it's like Wikipedia only citing secondary sources...
16:51 jcamins      [off] Yes! That's what original research is all about!! Wait...
16:51 * jcamins    goes to eat some lunch.
17:19 rambutan     Galen Charlton is chair, LITA - Open Source Systems Interest Group? I don't recall that info crossing my desk.
17:20 jcamins      rambutan: that's what it said in the movers and shakers article.
17:20 rambutan     And I missed the poll. http://connect.ala.org/node/78698   ex post facto I vote for OpenSuse
17:21 rambutan     I'm gonna have to start watching that LITA group better.
17:21 * jcamins    gets a sense that no one actually cares about free *nix OSes.
17:21 gmcharlt     rambutan++
17:22 rambutan     I usually go to the LITA conferences.
17:22 * cait       waves
17:24 rambutan     gmcharlt: are you going to the LITA conference in June?
17:25 rambutan     hi cait
17:27 gmcharlt     rambutan: yes, I'll be going to ALA Annual this year
17:27 jcamins      cait: "Folge"?
17:28 rambutan     I think I'll go see if mommy and daddy have any money to send me.
17:28 jcamins      "series"
17:28 jcamins      LEO worked.
17:29 cait         jcamins: now I feel replaced by a cheap online dictionary
17:29 jcamins      Hehe.
17:29 jcamins      I will make you feel better:
17:29 jcamins      What is capitalized in "Die Briefe an Gräfin Sizzo
17:29 jcamins      "?
17:30 cait         looks correct
17:30 jcamins      \o/
17:30 cait         the letters to countess(?) Sizzo
17:30 jcamins      Ah. Gräfin = female Graf?
17:30 cait         and now I feel like you don#t really need me :)
17:30 cait         yep
17:31 jcamins      Nifty! I learned a new German word!
17:31 cait         and such an.. useful one
17:37 khall        RFC: we have a library that would like to be able to type due dates in for circulation purposes, rather than being forced to use the calendar. I know this would open up the possibility for bad due dates to be entered. However, if it was a system preference that was off by default, would a patch to add this be allowed?
17:37 * khall      looks at cait
17:37 cait         why me? :)
17:37 jcamins      I would have no objection, for 3.14.
17:37 cait         I think you were able to do that and (bywater) killed it :)
17:38 cait         because someone typed wrong due dates
17:38 khall        cause your a tough customer ; )
17:38 cait         khall: look for a bug report from melia
17:38 jcamins      Yeah, I seem to recall Melia reporting that as a bug.
17:38 jcamins      I had always thought it a feature.
17:38 khall        Yeah, I don't think it's a great idea, but if they are willing to take the risk while fully understanding the risk...
17:38 cait         me too
17:38 melia        and now that we've made it so that they can't type wrong due dates, someone is complaining that they liked typing it in better than using the calendar. sigh.
17:39 cait         melia:  not your fault - libaries 123...
17:39 cait         :)
17:39 cait         khall: didn't wnat to blame you - just saying I woudl like a pref for that
17:39 khall        cait, definitely a pref. I wouldn't have it any other way!
17:40 jcamins      cait: "Gesichte von Friedrich von Schiller" or "Gedichte von Friedrich von Schiller"?
17:40 jcamins      I think the first makes sense.
17:40 melia        maybe sys pref with a note that you must type in a 4 digit year? or is it possible to only allow them to type in a 4 digit year?
17:40 cait         Geschichte or Gedichte
17:40 cait         the story of or the lyrics from
17:40 melia        (the probably before was that they typed just 2 digits for the year and got a due date in 1913 instead of 2013)
17:40 jcamins      Ah, probably gedichte then.
17:40 jcamins      Thanks.
17:43 cait         jcamins: could also be gesichter.... faces...
17:43 cait         :P
17:43 jcamins      lol
17:43 jcamins      I think it's probably Gedichte.
17:43 cait         but I guess you are probably right about the lyrics
17:43 cait         :)
17:46 cait         melia: should be possible to check that with javascript - but has to take into account different date formats
17:49 melia        yep that sounds good, cait
17:52 * druthb     chucks some Rice-a-Roni at melia.
17:52 melia        lol Rice-a-Roni
17:53 * druthb     thinks melia is a better San Francisco Treat than Rice-a-Roni.
17:53 melia        haha thanks druthb :)
18:11 oleonard     Oh Liblime Academic Koha is up to 5.4! That version numbering shows real restraint.
18:11 jcamins      melia: are there any plans to release the RDA stylesheets that ByWater is using?
18:12 melia        jcamins: you might ask nengard or bag or edveal about that when they're around, but none of them are here right now. I don't know much about RDA myself, sorry.
18:13 jcamins      Personally, I don't see the need for a custom stylesheet.
18:13 jcamins      RDA isn't actually useful to real users.
18:13 jcamins      I'm just surprised to see ByWater advertising one.
18:13 * druthb     loses the betting pool.  She'd bet that someone would have pointed that out before now.
18:14 jcamins      druthb: I pointed that out years ago.
18:14 jcamins      Then I ignored it.
18:14 oleonard     rangi says it every chance he gets :)
18:14 jcamins      And now I'm going back to ignoring RDA.
18:14 druthb       'bout as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
18:14 jcamins      lol
18:15 jcamins      Do you have an endless supply of those "as useful as" analogies?
18:15 druthb       not endless.  But large.
18:15 druthb       Some suitable for mixed company, some not.
18:17 rambutan     druthb: <submarine joke> <-- funny
18:17 jcamins      Hehe. .Dinner party disasters. That sounds like a fun book.
18:18 cait         or the poor horror :)
18:18 druthb       thanks, rambutan.  :)
18:22 gmcharlt     thinking of doing a koha-community.org blog post similar to what I'm proposing to do for Evergreen: http://paste.lisp.org/display/136457#1
18:22 gmcharlt     I'd appreciate thoughts on the idea and the wording
18:22 * jcamins    is all for it, and suggests changing the wording to mention Koha instaed of Evergreen.
18:23 gmcharlt     jcamins: well, yeah :)
18:23 oleonard     jcamins: :P
18:25 druthb       @quote random
18:25 huginn       druthb: Quote #144: "library_systems_guy: (xslt) looks like html and lisp had an ugly baby." (added by wizzyrea at 08:48 PM, June 30, 2011)
18:34 cait         gmcharlt: i like the idea
18:34 cait         :)
18:35 rangi        Hmm wasn't Jeff asking about all the koha API last week?
18:36 jcamins      Yup.
18:36 jcamins      He's doing a presentation on library APIs and potential avenues for inter-ILS cooperation.
18:37 jcamins      I think.
18:37 rangi        There's your list there gmcharlt :)
18:37 rangi        I'm pretty sure he got them all
18:37 jcamins      I thought the goal was to find *users* of those APIs.
18:38 gmcharlt     jcamins: indeed, it is
18:38 gmcharlt     and I have been talking with jeff as well
18:38 rangi        Well having a list of them all is a good start, it looks like there are a few more than in the evergreen list
18:40 rangi        I like the idea
18:44 rangi        My stop bbiab
18:49 rangi        @wunder nzwn
18:49 huginn       rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 19.0°C (7:00 AM NZDT on April 03, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 78%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 29.80 in 1009 hPa (Steady).
18:49 rangi        Gah
18:50 rangi        It really needs to rain for about 3 days solid
18:50 jcamins      Still hasn't rained?
18:51 rangi        Not enough to be useful
18:52 cait         mostly cloudy... maybe there is hope?
18:59 oleonard     Joining on biblio.biblionumber = items.itemnumber turns out to not be so useful.
19:00 cait         heh
19:00 cait         long day?
19:00 cait         it was here
19:00 * cait       is going to retest 7518
19:00 cait         bug 7518
19:00 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7518 normal, P3, ---, fridolyn.somers, Signed Off , searches with quotation marks don't work
19:04 rangi        back
19:05 cait         bah, my zebrea is annoying
19:05 cait         not searching
19:05 rangi        oleonard: did you see i think i fixed that 8278 one?
19:05 oleonard     Oh yeah, I did. Looks like it was something dumb which I should have caught :(
19:05 jcamins      Look on the good side... if you don't use Plack, a Zebra problem will probably not cause the server to go bananas.
19:06 * cait       reindexes
19:10 cait         morning kathryn
19:10 kathryn      morning cait and all :)
19:10 kathryn      greetings of the appropriate hour...
19:11 cait         ugh
19:11 cait         21:07:10-02/04 zebraidx(9363) [warn] isamb: Inconsistent register (2)
19:11 cait         zebraidx: isamb.c:1102: insert_leaf: Assertion `*lookahead_mode' failed.
19:11 cait         ??
19:12 jcamins      I've seen that when ICU is configured wrong.
19:12 jcamins      My usual solution is to just rerun the installer.
19:12 cait         jcamins: I just did rerun the installer
19:12 jcamins      Ouch.
19:12 cait         to activate icu
19:12 jcamins      And you used -r?
19:12 cait         nope, but I am doing it with -r now
19:12 cait         thx :)
19:13 jcamins      Ah.
19:13 cait         hope it helps, waiting
19:13 jcamins      15 hours to the meeting.
19:13 druthb       ooooh…middle-of-the-wee-hours, for us, then
19:13 cait         oh
19:13 cait         voting meeting
19:13 cait         15...
19:13 jcamins      By the way, I'm number 6!
19:13 cait         ah, lunch time
19:14 jcamins      If I refuse to give over the master branch for another week or two, I could be number five! :)
19:14 jcamins      I don't think I'll do that, though.
19:14 oleonard     gmcharlt++ # for the reminder
19:15 * gmcharlt   stocks up on coffee
19:16 cait         jcamins: thought you already have it a bit longer?
19:16 jcamins      cait: I have it until I pass it off to gmcharlt.
19:16 cait         good news, reindex finished without werid messages this time :)
19:17 cait         ok, bad news, my search still does not owrk :(
19:17 jcamins      :(
19:17 cait         ideas welcome
19:18 cait         can't do qa when zebra is sick
19:18 rambutan     5:00 am
19:18 jcamins      What changed?
19:19 cait         i reran the makefile process switching to icu
19:19 cait         but I don't know if it worked earlier today
19:19 jcamins      Well, when did it last work?
19:19 cait         hm
19:19 cait         yesterday
19:19 wahanui      yesterday is all wizzyrea's troubles seemed so far away
19:19 cait         lol
19:20 jcamins      And you restarted Zebra, right?
19:20 cait         yep
19:20 cait         but doing it again to make sure
19:20 cait         no change
19:21 cait         how annoying
19:22 rangi        hm 11pm tonight
19:22 cait         oh interesting
19:22 wahanui      interesting is, like, sometimes good and sometimes bad
19:23 * druthb     pokes wahanui
19:23 cait         search is broken without queryparser
19:23 cait         yep
19:23 cait         totally broken without query parser
19:23 cait         does that make any sense?
19:24 jcamins      No.
19:25 jcamins      And it worked with QP disabled for me yesterday.
19:25 jcamins      So if something new broke it, it's something I *just* pushed.
19:25 jcamins      Which should make it easy to revert.
19:26 cait         maybe it's the combinaton of search prefs I have
19:26 jcamins      Such as auto-truncate with ICU?
19:26 cait         exactly
19:26 jcamins      Yeah, search works for me both with and without QP.
19:27 jcamins      Tsk tsk.
19:27 jcamins      :P
19:27 cait         wow
19:27 cait         can I file that as bug?
19:27 cait         automatic truncating works
19:27 cait         not automatically truncating = search dies
19:29 jcamins      Yes, that sounds like a bug.
19:29 oleonard     But I fixed all the bugs this morning!
19:30 jcamins      It's supposed to be broken in the other direction.
19:32 cait         jcamins: i amnot ure which I prefer
19:32 cait         bug 9976
19:32 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9976 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , QueryAutoTruncate can break search when ICU is activated
19:33 cait         but: the automatic truncation works.
19:33 cait         the left truncation that is.
19:33 cait         Gesch finds geschichte without any problems
19:35 * cait       wonders why oleonard is not a bug wrangler
19:35 cait         because he IS one
19:35 oleonard     I'll be a bug wrangler whether everyone wants me to be or not ;)
19:36 cait         magnus is the only one so far
19:36 cait         trying to recruit some more :)
19:36 gmcharlt     ninjas!
19:36 gmcharlt     what we need are more bug ninjas!
19:36 jcamins      I encouraged someone to run for bug wrangler.
19:36 cait         heh
19:38 oleonard     jcamins: Did Myshkin say he was more of a birder?
19:38 cait         bird wrangler?
19:38 jcamins      oleonard: yeah.
19:38 jcamins      He's downright fierce when birds get close to the window.
19:39 rangi        oleonard: RDA sux! (just reading back, didnt want to dissapoint you)
19:40 cait         I still can't reproduce bug 7518
19:40 huginn       04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7518 normal, P3, ---, fridolyn.somers, Signed Off , searches with quotation marks don't work
19:40 jcamins      Oh, right.
19:40 jcamins      That's because you're using ICU.
19:40 jcamins      I just realized.
19:41 cait         I was told I had to use icu to reproduce
19:41 cait         i couldn't reproduce it with grs
19:41 * cait       is confused now
19:41 * druthb     blames talljoy
19:41 talljoy      lol
19:41 talljoy      :-P
19:42 jcamins      Hm.
19:42 jcamins      I thought I fixed the problem with ICU.
19:43 cait         jcamins: which of the many problems?
19:43 jcamins      The quotation mark problem.
19:44 jcamins      I thought this was a patch for the "single double quotation mark in the middle of a CCL query when ICU is disabled results in breakage and misery" problem.
19:44 jcamins      Ignore me, because apparently it isn't.
19:48 cait         a single quotation mark?
19:48 * cait       tries that
19:49 jcamins      No, a single double quotation mark.
19:49 cait         yep, still looks fixed
19:49 jcamins      Well, good.
19:49 cait         gesch "drucktechnik
19:49 cait         works
19:49 jcamins      Ask Fridolyn to reconfirm the problem on master?
19:52 * cait       is mean and fails it for not being able to reproduce
19:52 cait         did exactly that
19:53 * druthb     ignores cait thinking she's being mean.
20:15 oleonard     Bye #koha
20:15 wizzyrea     byee!
21:28 mtj          hey wizzyrea, you about?
21:31 eythian      mtj: she's not
21:31 mtj          heres a random idea...
21:31 eythian      mtj, jcamins: re the packaging changes:
21:31 mtj          what do people think about swapping out C4/Installer/PerlDependencies.pm with a nice human readable .yaml file
21:32 eythian      <dam> eythian: bad (unnecessary), if the version in perl-modules is enough
21:32 eythian      <Dom> dam: eythian: and will be a noop if they are unversioned (since the Provides will satisfy the dep) and catch http://lintian.debian.org/tags/versioned-dependency-satisfied-by-perl.html if versioned
21:32 mtj          oooh, good info
21:32 eythian      so we should only do it if we need a newer version than that in perl-modules.
21:33 eythian      and if that happens, we need to make some changes anyway because the concept of that isn't supported.
21:34 mtj          right
21:35 mtj          twas good to get a definative answer on that one
21:53 mtj          eythian, i'll change the packaging patch to do that then ^^
21:54 eythian      to do versioning?
21:55 eythian      I wouldn't unless it was necessary, in which case I'd do it case-by-case. I'm not sure I trust Koha's dep versions as real minimums. You'll also have to check every one to make sure it matches up with the debian version (it should, but may not)
22:16 mtj          no no… to explicitly ignore alternative perl packages, and always use perl-module instead
22:16 mtj          eythian ^^
22:17 eythian      Ah right.
22:17 eythian      Well, if perl-modules is an option, then it should just ignore that dependency as we know it'll be there anyway
22:17 mtj          yep
22:17 mtj          thats what a really meant
22:18 mtj          s/a/i
22:19 jcamins      mtj: I think changing the format for dependencies is an excellent idea.
22:20 mtj          cool, me too...
22:20 jcamins      Ideally there should be some way to specify rpm and apt packages, for those dependencies which cannot be derived from the file name.
22:21 eythian      we can always derive them from the filename for apt. Not sure about rpm.
22:22 jcamins      eythian: there were a few packages you had special cased.
22:22 jcamins      Did we manage to fix that?
22:22 eythian      yeah, that was because I hadn't set the k-c repo to work with apt-file
22:22 eythian      it's fixed now
22:22 jcamins      Oh.
22:23 jcamins      Excellent!
22:36 jcamins      dcook: BTW, I pushed both your original patch and oleonard's counter-patch. Could you please just take a quick look and confirm it looks good to you?
22:37 dcook        jcamins: sure
22:38 jcamins      Thanks. It looked good to me in FF and Chrome on a Mac, but I know that Owen's counter-patch didn't look quite right to you.
22:42 dcook        I appreciate you taking the time to ask :)
22:43 dcook        Yeah, I thought the counter-patch was a bit off in FF and Chrome, so I preferred the CSS.
22:43 dcook        This looks good though.
22:44 bag          hey afternoon all
22:44 bag          late start for me today
22:45 dcook        hey bag
22:45 bag          hey there dcook
22:46 dcook        Have a good Easter?
22:46 bag          oh 3am meeting time for me….  don't think I will make it :(
22:46 bag          yes Easter was nice - we had some lamb..  how about yours?
22:47 jcamins      bag: good, I was planning on volunteering you for all the unpleasant tasks. :P
22:47 jcamins      gmcharlt too.
22:47 jcamins      And melia.
22:47 bag          sweet :)  bring it on
22:47 melia        heh
22:47 bag          I'll split them up with melia and gmcharlt
22:47 dcook        It was pretty good. We had a spicy vegan nut loaf and roast veggies. And beer...a bottomless cooler of beer.
22:48 bag          HA nice
22:48 bag          just a little white wine here
22:48 jcamins      I keep on forgetting that it was Easter on Sunday.
22:49 bag          yeah we celebrate the meal and nothing more than that really.  more excuses to cook a fancy sunday dinner
22:50 dcook        Same here, although now that I think about it...we had the Easter meal on Friday or Saturday (as folks had to work later in the weekend).
22:51 dcook        Sunday...I think that was spent bushwalking. Lots of wraps and chocolate. Finally tried out tempeh with some spices. Quite the fan now.
22:51 dcook        Hmm 9pm meeting time. That's almost doable, except I have plans tonight. Foiled!
22:51 * jcamins    adds dcook to the list of people he will volunteer for unpleasant tasks.
22:51 dcook        hehe
22:52 * eythian    plans to try to make it, what with all the delegation going on...
22:52 dcook        I wonder if I can use mibbit from my phone...
22:53 dcook        Might be bad form socially
22:53 eythian      dcook: just install an IRC client on your phone.
22:54 * jcamins    waits impatiently for the pierogis to heat up.
22:54 dcook        eythian: Any that you would recommend?
22:54 dcook        O_O
22:54 * dcook      is infinitely jealous of jcamins at this moment
22:54 eythian      dcook: I use AndChat.
22:54 eythian      it works well
22:54 dcook        Australia is pretty great in a lot of ways, but they are woefully deficient in the pierogi department...
22:55 dcook        Sweet. I'll try it out, eythian :)
22:56 dcook        I have a rather ancient smartphone, but finally upgraded to Gingerbread last night, so that seems to have improved things
22:57 jcamins      dcook: they're really easy to make.
22:58 jcamins      I mean, it took a while, unsurprisingly, since I made about 100.
22:58 jcamins      But it wasn't difficult.
22:58 dcook        Are they good?
22:58 dcook        I've had many a subpar pierogi, so I'm a bit...jaded
22:59 dcook        Mind you, no one can make them as well as my Ukrainian grandmother, so maybe I'm just spoiled
22:59 dcook        She might be magic
23:00 dcook        Not that I doubt your cooking abilities, jcamins :p
23:01 jcamins      Very good.
23:01 jcamins      I've had better, but that's the fault of what I put in them.
23:01 jcamins      Which was "oh, whatever I have on hand."
23:01 * jcamins    goes to eat them!
23:03 dcook        Bon appétit!
23:04 dcook        Is this a recipe or jcamins' brain dish?
23:14 jcamins      jcamins' brain.
23:15 jcamins      Well, I might have used a recipe for the dough.
23:16 jcamins      Yeah, I think I did, actually.
23:16 jcamins      I followed the recipe in my Afghan cookbook.
23:17 dcook        Delicious?
23:20 jcamins      Yes.