Time Nick Message 01:38 dcook Allo #koha 01:39 rangi hey dcook 01:41 dcook hey rangi 01:41 dcook Finally decided to actually download a client rather than use mibbit 01:41 dcook Not sure I like it :p 01:42 rangi what client are you using? 01:42 dcook I probably haven't used mirc in 10 years 01:42 dcook mIRC 01:42 rangi ahh yeah that is pretty foul 01:42 rangi you could try xchat 01:42 dcook That's not freeware though, right? 01:42 rangi no, its free software 01:43 rangi http://xchat.org/ 01:43 cjh under linux its open source, under windows its iffy. 01:44 dcook Hmm, I'll have to take a quick look 01:44 rangi or chatzilla 01:50 dcook Hmm. Not bad. I think mibbit is still nicer, but it's nice not to rely on a browser 01:50 dcook Thanks for the info, rangi and cjh 01:50 wizzyrea you can also use pidgin, or thunderbird has a built in chat client 01:51 wizzyrea neither of those are the kind of thing that rangi or eythian would use, but you might find it more ergonomic than mIRC 01:53 dcook mIRC is rather brutal, but xchat isn't too bad 01:54 dcook Mibbit gives better information about idling/activity and possibly alerting 01:55 wizzyrea all of them are pretty highly configurable in that regard. 01:55 dcook Oh? 01:57 cjh xchat and pidgin are both quite nice to use. 01:58 * wizzyrea liked pidgin for a long time 01:58 wizzyrea makes IRC look a lot like normal IM 01:58 cjh dcook: you should be able to dig through xchat's settings for that 01:58 mtj dcook, i recommend quassel 01:59 mtj and, … hi all :) 01:59 cjh hey mtj :) 01:59 wizzyrea hi mtj :) 01:59 dcook hey mtj 01:59 mtj quassel even has an optional irc-proxy/irc-bouncer thing, too 02:00 dcook Thanks for the recommendation. I think I might stick with xchat at this point though. We've started to bond :p 02:00 mtj .. and runs on linux/win32/osx 02:00 cjh dcook: under settings->preferences there is an 'alerts' tab, you could play around in there to see if it could behave how you like. 02:01 dcook Good call, cjh. I was just starting to look at that :) 02:01 cjh the official xchat binary for windows isn't open source, its a try for 30 days thing. 02:01 dcook That's what I was thinking... 02:01 dcook :/ 02:02 rangi yeah but the source is, its lgpl, so there are plenty of builds of it 02:02 mtj next... 02:02 cjh its apparently to help cover the cost of porting to windows, and there are plenty of unofficial binaries for it. 02:02 rangi yep 02:02 cjh so the only parts you cant see are any windows-specific black magic. 02:03 mtj ive recently seen a bunch of FOSS binaries, as payware - seems to be a trend 02:04 dcook I've wondered for a while about FOSS being re-distributed as payware 02:04 mtj … but you usually have the option to compile successfully yourself 02:04 cjh sometimes for windows its common to have to pay for teh binary, but the source is free. as compiling can be seen as tedious. 02:04 rangi there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you get the source code 02:04 cjh the gpl is perfectly fine with paying for open source :) 02:04 dcook True 02:04 dcook I suppose in a way many of us do it as well. Just more indirectly through hosting 02:05 dcook Well, not indirectly, but seemingly indirectly 02:05 cjh yeah, same idea :) 02:06 dcook Ultimately, yet another reason to move away from Windows, eh? 02:07 dcook I recently saw...openSuse using KDE and it looked pretty slick 02:07 dcook I suppose marketing is a key factor though. After all, look at all the people buying Apple 03:01 cjh marketing and being (or seeming) popular. 03:50 mtj how do people feel about having empty customized blocks in Koha, eg: the 'OpacMainUserBlock' block on the OPAC 03:52 mtj curently, if the 'OpacMainUserBlock' syspref value is empty, the 'opacmainuserblock' <div> does not exist on page 03:53 mtj …which is a pain in some situations, like when using jquery to insert content into that div… that doesnt exist 03:54 wizzyrea can't you easily fix it by putting something, even if invisible, in there? 03:54 mtj so, the workaround is to add 'xxxx' to the 'OpacMainUserBlock syspref 03:54 cjh if you added a single space in there, wouldnt that solve it? 03:55 mtj yep, thats the current workaround im using 03:56 mtj would people accept a patch to fix that, etc.. ? 03:56 mtj … or have i bumped into a deliberate 'feature' here? 03:57 wizzyrea oleonard is the one to ask about that I think 03:57 wizzyrea I don't see why it would be a problem 03:57 wizzyrea but... 03:57 cjh its ugly' having an empty block, but it shouldnt actually cause an issue. and if it's useful then I see no reason not to :) 03:58 cjh ugly was meant to be in quotes >.> 03:59 mtj cjh, its much uglier having to maintain/debug 'foofoo' values in many sysprefs, for many clients 03:59 cjh yeah, and asking a client to leave the invisible whitespace in there is uglier. 04:01 cjh mtj: fwiw: i'd sign off on it :) 04:02 mtj … or just paste a big <hidden>DO NOT REMOVE TEH LINE!!!</hidden> for each custom syspref :/ 04:03 cjh I think having the block always be in there is the tidiest solution (assuming it doesnt cause some issue, but I doubt this) 04:03 mtj thanx cjh, i'll run the idea past Owen 1st 04:51 mtj fyi: the solution i'm using to 'activate' those blank custom opac blocks, is to paste this into the syspref... 04:51 mtj <div style="display: none;">DONT DELETE ME!!</div> 04:52 mtj … that makes the div block appear on the page, and my jquery can then do whatever it wants with it 05:21 Oak kia ora #koh 05:21 Oak a 05:25 cait hi Oak :) 05:25 Oak hello cait :) how are you? 05:26 cait tired :) 05:26 cait just got up 05:26 cait how are you? 05:29 Oak when did you went to sleep last night? 05:29 Oak i'm okay. 05:29 Oak 4am? 05:29 cait here? no :) 05:29 cait 6:27am 05:30 cait early :) 05:30 Oak yup :) 05:30 cait brb 05:40 * dcook waves to cait 05:46 * cait waves back 05:46 dcook Long time no chat! Thanks again for that email you sent a while ago about ICU indexing 05:49 cait oh no problem 05:51 dcook How's the study/work coming along? 05:58 WaylonR hiya all. whats the best way to set the necessary sessionid cookie, then do a redirect (302 or something) so as to set a new subdomain/virtualhost? 06:03 WaylonR my $cookie = $cgi->cookie(-name => 'test', -value => '1'); 06:03 WaylonR print $cgi->redirect(-uri => 'http://www.perlmonks.org/', -cookie => $ 06:03 WaylonR +cookie); will do? 06:04 cait no idea 06:04 cait sorry :) 06:42 mtj WaylonR, that looks like it should work... 06:55 cait it's snowing 06:55 cait @wunder Konstanz 06:55 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -0.1°C (7:50 AM CET on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Snow. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.04 in 1017 hPa (Falling). 06:55 cait brr. 06:55 mtj hi cait :) 06:56 mtj WaylonR, fyi: i cant think of a better way :) 06:56 cait hi mtj :) 07:01 mtj cait, woah, its snowing over there?! :/ 07:02 cait it's winter here, you know :) 07:02 cait it's only a bit annoying... because I walk to work everyday 07:08 reiveune hello 07:10 Oak hello reiveune 07:11 cait hi reiveune :) 07:14 reiveune hi Oak, cait :) 07:35 alex_a bonjour 07:38 cait hm good morning magnuse? 07:38 magnuse guten morgen cait 07:38 magnuse ...and #koha 07:38 cait and bbl #koha :) 07:45 jajm hello #koha 07:45 jajm hi magnuse and cait 07:49 magnuse hiya jajm 07:58 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @KohaAloha: "@27point7 Koha 3.12.0 will be the first Koha released with the GPL3+ license http://t.co/ZlUF5z3i http://t.co/Y2tDuXZd #KohaILS" 08:01 magnuse w00t! 08:01 Oak magnuse 08:02 magnuse Oak 08:02 magnuse :-) 08:02 Oak :) 08:02 Oak @wunder islamabad 08:02 huginn Oak: The current temperature in Islamabad, Pakistan is 14.0°C (12:00 PM PKT on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Haze. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Falling). 08:03 magnuse @wunder boo 08:03 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is -5.0°C (8:50 AM CET on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: -8.0°C. Windchill: -14.0°C. Pressure: 29.06 in 984 hPa (Falling). 08:03 magnuse your sounds nice Oak ;-) 08:08 Oak yes it is :) 08:17 WaylonR @wunder Palmerston North 08:17 huginn WaylonR: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 08:18 WaylonR @wunder Palm 08:18 huginn WaylonR: The current temperature in Harlem, Barto, Pennsylvania is -6.9°C (3:07 AM EST on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: -11.0°C. Windchill: -7.0°C. Pressure: 29.90 in 1012 hPa (Steady). 08:18 WaylonR @wunder help 08:18 huginn WaylonR: The current temperature in rural, Whitewater, Missouri is 0.9°C (2:16 AM CST on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 78%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 30.05 in 1017 hPa (Falling). 08:18 WaylonR @wunder 08:18 huginn WaylonR: (wunder <US zip code | US/Canada city, state | Foreign city, country>) -- Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city. 08:19 WaylonR @wunder Palmerston North, New Zealand 08:19 huginn WaylonR: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 08:19 WaylonR @wunder Palmerston North, NZ 08:19 huginn WaylonR: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 08:22 francharb good morning "koha 08:26 magnuse WaylonR: looks like huginn doesn't know palmerston north... :-( 08:27 magnuse @wunder levin, new zealand 08:27 kf good morning #koha 08:27 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in LEVIN, Levin, New Zealand is 20.9°C (9:25 PM NZDT on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 89%. Dew Point: 19.0°C. Pressure: 29.47 in 998 hPa (Steady). 08:27 kf @wunder Konstanz 08:27 huginn kf: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 0.6°C (9:25 AM CET on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: -0.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady). 08:27 kf magnuse: planning a trip? :) 08:30 magnuse nah, i wish... 08:30 magnuse just trying to find somewhere close to palmerston north 08:45 WaylonR @wunder palm, New zealand 08:45 huginn WaylonR: The current temperature in Harlem, Barto, Pennsylvania is -7.1°C (3:37 AM EST on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: -11.0°C. Windchill: -7.0°C. Pressure: 29.91 in 1013 hPa (Steady). 09:01 mtj WaylonR, whanganui or levin are your best option, i think 10:06 WaylonR @wunder bulls, new zealand 10:06 huginn WaylonR: The current temperature in Bulls, Bulls, New Zealand is 21.6°C (11:03 PM NZDT on February 04, 2013). Conditions: Thunderstorm. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 29.52 in 999 hPa (Rising). 10:28 mtj … or bulls :p 12:30 kf gmcharlt: around? 12:41 magnuse kf: too early? 12:41 jcamins_away Much. 12:41 kf probably 12:41 jcamins_away It's 4:40 out here on the West Coast. 12:42 kf why are you awake??? 12:43 jcamins_away We're leaving for the airport in an hour. 12:45 kf jcamins_away: back to normal timezones 12:45 kf excellent ;) 12:45 jcamins_away Yup. 12:48 jcamins_away drojf: please answer my question on bug 9201. 12:48 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9201 normal, P5 - low, ---, mirko, Passed QA , OAI-PMH mapping value cannot be 0 12:52 drojf jcamins_away: oops, i thought i had done that already. lousy brain not connecting to bugzilla and posting what i thought about 12:52 jcamins_away Tsk tsk. When you get that fixed, let me know how you did it. 12:53 drojf i will if i remember :D 12:55 drojf can i get git to list the branches together with the date of the last commit? 12:55 jcamins_away Hm. 12:55 jcamins_away I don't know how. 12:56 jcamins_away git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ 12:56 jcamins_away http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5188320/how-can-i-get-a-list-of-git-branches-ordered-by-most-recent-commit 12:58 drojf git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(refname:short) %(committerdate:short) %(authorname)' 12:59 drojf the answer at the end is what does it for me 12:59 drojf thanks 12:59 jcamins_away Yay! 12:59 kf drojf++ jcamins++ :) 13:12 drojf jcamins_away: done 13:14 jcamins_away Thanks. 13:14 oleonard Hi #koha 13:14 jcamins_away Does that actually depend on bug 8906? 13:14 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8906 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Signed Off , Improve OAI management interface 13:14 jcamins_away Good morning. 13:14 drojf jcamins_away: the functionality does not. i only did not change the text that explains that 0 in any field deletes it 13:15 drojf i think that was all 13:15 jcamins_away Ah. 13:15 jcamins_away In that case, I will push it without 8906. 13:15 drojf cool 13:16 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_8733' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=042d57decacdbe036493620fe16ad784331ded0d> / Bug 8733: Increment version number <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=eb8c95d96844853ab94cdd5d27cef76bf49c7610> / Bug 8733: Follow-up The isbn sent to idream contains dash <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=915ff938a1 13:20 jenkins_koha Starting build #1034 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 13:23 tcohen good morning #koha 13:27 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9201' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=afe27a94ad728c54f1067829e05c741f68d7e4c5> / Bug 9201 OAI-PMH mapping value cannot be 0 <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=a972742b2664daf93f932a612431bb34d2564e1e> 13:41 oleonard So what's up everybody? Monday! Woo-hoo! Yeah! 13:43 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @sxnol: "Verimli bir gün, #koha iyi gidiyor, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı'nın #kohails göçü projesi çok yakında tamamlanacak." 13:44 kf oleonard: so enthuasiastic about monday? 13:45 oleonard Sure, why not. 13:46 drojf yay, i managed to use localstorage with javascript \o/ 13:46 drojf this monday could be worse ;) 13:48 oleonard that's cool drojf, what for? 13:50 drojf oleonard: an app for firefox os. not really koha-related. i have not done much with javascript so far 13:51 drojf i thought i could ignore it and it would go away some day but i guess it doesn't 13:51 kf heh 13:51 oleonard Javascript is getting more respectable all the time :) 13:52 drojf do we have the ultimate js/jquery date picker in koha? 13:53 oleonard The ultimate? We have the jQueryUI version anyway. 13:59 drojf that looks conveniently easy to use. sold :) 14:00 drojf there is a zebra datepicker jquery plugin. scary name 14:05 oleonard Oh, datepicker doesn't work? Better re-build the index. You probably had an invalid leap year day in 1976. 14:06 drojf lol 14:08 oleonard http://xkcd.com/1168/ 14:08 * magnuse has seen the sun - this monday coule be A LOT worse 14:10 * chris_n contemplates what the gid might be for a linux group named 'FOOnone' where 'FOO' is the hostname 14:27 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1034: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 6 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1034/ 14:27 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: Bug 9503 Correct name of parameter passed to parcel.pl 14:27 jenkins_koha * jonathan.druart: Bug 9503: Followup remove unused parameters passed to parcel.pl 14:27 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 8733: Add IDreamBooks.com enhanced content 14:27 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 8733 follow-up: restore isbn class in details page 14:27 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9503 major, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , Link from histsearch via invoicenumber results in error 14:27 jenkins_koha * jonathan.druart: Bug 8733: Follow-up The isbn sent to idream contains dash 14:27 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 8733: Increment version number 14:27 jenkins_koha * mirko: Bug 9201 OAI-PMH mapping value cannot be 0 14:27 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8733 new feature, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Adding critic reviews to book pages 14:27 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9201 normal, P5 - low, ---, mirko, Pushed to Master , OAI-PMH mapping value cannot be 0 14:45 drojf s/conveniently easy to use/like i have to use a gazillion files even for just one function and in the end it only shows a loading symbol/ 15:27 kf *muahaha* 15:27 kf you can kill the koha index with a 020$9 subfields that has hyphens in explicit positions 15:27 oleonard Sounds like a nifty feature 15:27 tcohen you evil 15:29 kf ) 15:29 kf :) 15:30 kf that was pretty hard to achieve. 15:30 drojf congratulations 15:31 kf drojf: installation party hit inetbib? :) 15:33 magnuse kf++ 15:34 kf drojf: and maybe interesting for you - if you use fields in your marc that are not in the frameworks, koha will delete them upon saving the record in koha... 15:36 drojf kf: that's what i expected it to do 15:39 oleonard kf: I have attached a revised and squashed patch to Bug 8913. Sorry for the long delay. 15:39 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8913 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Improve acquisitions navigation 15:40 * oleonard would really like to get that in before converting acquisitions menus to Bootstrap 15:41 kf oleonard: cool :) 15:41 kf oleonard: yes, that would be useful 16:18 reiveune bye 17:17 ryansipes Hello Koha community! 17:18 oleonard Hi ryansipes 17:19 ryansipes I thought I'd jump on here and introduce myself as I hope to be quite active in the community 17:20 ryansipes My name is obviously Ryan Sipes and I am the new Systems Administrator at Northeast Kansas Library System. We are the ones hosting the koha-community.org website. 17:20 oleonard ryansipes: So you're their new wizzyrea? :) 17:21 ryansipes oleonard: Well I'm certainly trying. 17:22 oleonard ryansipes: I'm with the Athens County Public Library system in Ohio, but I grew up in Lawrence. 17:23 libsysguy I'm with ByWater Solutions in Texas :) 17:24 libsysguy hi ryansipes 17:24 ryansipes Hey libsysguy. 17:24 * cait waves 17:24 cait hi libsysguy and ryansipes 17:24 libsysguy welcome to Koha 17:25 libsysguy heya cait 17:25 ryansipes Thank you. 17:25 libsysguy so what are you hoping to do in Koha? 17:25 * libsysguy loves to pry 17:25 cait oh what did I imss? :P 17:26 libsysguy ryansipes: is the new wizzyrea for nekls 17:26 cait oh 17:27 ryansipes I would like to contribute in any way possible really. I've only been @nekls for a couple of weeks, but I'm very interested in keeping strong ties with Koha 17:27 cait well welcome to the community :) 17:27 cait we always need help testing stuff for example 17:27 cait sign offs and insights from libraries are very important :) 17:27 libsysguy watchout ryansipes cait is the QAM and she is secretly recruiting you 17:28 cait sssh 17:28 cait :) 17:28 * libsysguy got pulled in to the QA circle 17:28 libsysguy the wheels on QAA go round and round, round and round, round and round 17:29 cait neverending... 17:29 cait but tonight I first have to finish an assignment for my distance study :( 17:29 cait and I already put 1.5 hours into it this morning 17:29 ryansipes Haha, well any way that I can contribute. If I were to do some testing where would I log the information. The project uses bugzilla, yes? 17:29 cait *sigh* 17:29 cait yep 17:29 cait bugzilla is quite important 17:30 oleonard bugzilla? 17:30 oleonard bugs? 17:30 oleonard Hmf. 17:30 cait hm 17:30 cait it used to work 17:30 cait wahanui? 17:30 drojf where is that lazy bot? 17:30 libsysguy bugs.koha-ils.com 17:30 cait we are missing a bot 17:30 oleonard Well that would explain it 17:30 libsysguy the real one is bugs.koha-community.org 17:30 oleonard libsysguy: :P 17:31 libsysguy I'm trying to beg my way out of BZ and into Jira :p 17:31 cait ryansipes: there are also various mailing lists, but every new feature or bug has a life cycle in bugzilla :) 17:31 cait so that's really a central place 17:31 slef Jira grrrrrrrrrr 17:31 cait libsysguy: now you did it... woke up slef 17:31 ryansipes cait, What's the link for mailing list? 17:31 cait angry slef 17:31 libsysguy whats wrong with Jira 17:31 libsysguy uh oh 17:31 slef libsysguy: Atlassian, at its root. 17:32 libsysguy you mean how they take OSS and sell it :p 17:32 libsysguy after they put a pretty face on it 17:32 cait normally our bot would serve you the link... now I have to go looking 17:32 slef I mean how they take OSS and use it to sell proprietary stuff. 17:32 * oleonard is lost 17:32 cait http://koha-community.org/support/koha-mailing-lists/ 17:32 cait here you go 17:32 cait oleonard: oh no! 17:32 slef libsysguy: that would be excusable if it was less seriously buggy. 17:33 libsysguy Jira is a really polished version of a bugs/gerrit hybrid 17:33 drojf the labyrinth of #koha 17:33 ryansipes cait: Thank you. 17:33 drojf the #koha triangle 17:33 cait np :) 17:33 slef libsysguy: really my worst ire is reserved for that half-assed wiki they sell alongside Jira. 17:33 cait drojf: you get lost here an dhave to stay forever? 17:33 cait I can live with that - good company :) 17:33 libsysguy heh 17:34 libsysguy well I didn't set up a demo for confluence 17:34 cait ryansipes: btw I am also kf and work for BSZ in Germany 17:34 libsysguy but I did set up a demo for Jira, stash, and crucible 17:35 ryansipes cait: Awesome, I subscribed to the mailing list so that's taken care of. 17:36 slef hi ryansipes by the way 17:36 ryansipes slef: Hello! 17:36 libsysguy slef the thing I like about stash it the way it works like github 17:36 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @paul_poulain: "Les contributions de BibLibre en 2012 à #kohails, #drupal et #piwik, billet de blog : http://t.co/fFaxQc5p" 17:36 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @paul_poulain: "BibLibre 2012 contributions to #kohails, #drupal and #piwik blog post http://t.co/nOc9EyUE" 17:36 slef libsysguy: not seen stash or crucible and sort of hope I don't need to ;) 17:37 libsysguy heh 17:37 * libsysguy is just branstorming ways to improve the workflow 17:37 slef libsysguy: it just upsets me that there are companies like Atlassian around when good developers could sell more. 17:38 slef libsysguy: who are the demos for? 17:38 libsysguy one sec slef 17:38 libsysguy call 17:39 * slef goes take a quick look to see what stash and crucible are, but still hopes not to meet them. 17:40 slef so jira isn't OSS anyway 17:41 oleonard That seems like a pretty big deal-breaker 17:42 libsysguy they give you the sauce? 17:42 libsysguy I have it on that box 17:42 libsysguy albeit I didn't build it 17:42 slef "Atlassian products are not open source for the most part, but are sold under a license which permits customers to view and modify code so long as they do not redistribute or resell it" (wikipedia) 17:43 libsysguy correct ^^ 17:43 slef cites http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-9760614-16.html 17:43 libsysguy but they do give the software away to open source projects 17:44 libsysguy along with the source to modify 17:44 libsysguy but you still have to have a license 17:44 slef yeah, like a good drug dealer 17:44 slef first hit on the bong is free 17:45 slef get them hooked/locked-in, then sell it to them 17:45 slef then take their distinctiveness/modifications and add them to your own 17:45 slef and profit from them 17:45 slef it's an inequitable model 17:46 slef I actually prefer the proprietary-for-everyone models n some ways. At least you know where you stand. (Outside the walls.) 17:47 slef bbl 17:47 libsysguy well wither we use something atlassian or we use something completely foss idc 17:48 * oleonard votes FOSS 17:48 libsysguy I would just like to make patching koha easier, especially for new devs 17:48 slef oh parting thought: Atlassian and Liblime have a lot of similarities - act like they're FOSS, but aren't really 17:48 cait libsysguy: i don't think the tools are the problem 17:48 libsysguy there is a severe disparity in developer education 17:49 cait I think everyone can ask and will get help 17:49 slef and yes, libsysguy, I agree... things could be made a bit easier, but Atlassian is not the way 17:49 cait and we have some documentation... but that could be better probably 17:49 libsysguy that is fine, its a community decision, I just want to get *a* ball rolling 17:49 slef We already have the source on github, which is as poor as Atlassian, and it's not terribly popular. 17:50 slef libsysguy: survey new/wannabe/maybe devs and find out what would help? 17:50 libsysguy catalyst recently did that 17:50 slef oh 17:50 slef I missed that. 17:50 oleonard libsysguy: Why no get the ball rolling by writing a message to the dev list talking about your concerns, identify what problems you think we have? 17:50 slef Link? 17:50 libsysguy catalyst the framwork 17:50 libsysguy not the NZ do 17:50 libsysguy co* 17:50 slef bah, namespace collision 17:50 drojf tl;dr but i vote FOSS for everything 17:51 slef ok, is catalyst-the-framwork's survey FOSS? 17:51 slef can we repeat it op op op oppa koha-style? 17:52 slef bbl 17:52 libsysguy I think they used google forms 17:57 oleonard libsysguy: For the sake of understanding your goals, what problem does Jira solve for us 17:57 libsysguy seamless integration 17:57 libsysguy all the atlassian products integrate 17:58 libsysguy it also solves a problem I have with the patch workflow 17:58 oleonard Seamless integration among what parts? 17:59 libsysguy I would like to have a bi-patching model. For devs that would like to run their own branches, they can make pull request from stash. when they want to submit that code, crucible indexes all the changes and makes the code under review from QA or RM 17:59 libsysguy this removes the comments we have from BZ on "this doesn't work this way" 17:59 libsysguy its all in-line 17:59 libsysguy I think the real benefit for us would be crucible/fisheye 18:00 libsysguy Jira just links those issues from stash and crucible 18:01 libsysguy I wish I could show you a demo 18:01 libsysguy I need to export BZ to get a viable one set up 18:01 libsysguy I have the atlassian stuff set up, but no data yet 18:02 oleonard libsysguy: I'm more interested in understanding the problems you think we need to solve than the features of this product. No FOSS is a genuine deal-breaker in this case. 18:02 cait I think I agree with oleonard 18:03 libsysguy well, I think the review process could use a little streamlining. Personally I don't like the process of submitting a patch, I'd rather make a pull request so that everybody can see what is going on 18:03 cait you can do pull requests now too 18:03 libsysguy but you can't see what I'm working on 18:03 cait and how can you see btter what's going on with a pull request? 18:03 cait I think it would be quite hard to keep track of what everyone is working on 18:04 cait and we have a pge on the wiki with repositories 18:04 cait and other branches have been published on git.kc.org in the past 18:04 libsysguy right, but this would centralize it 18:04 libsysguy instead of gmcharlt having to make a separate repo for each dev to push to 18:05 libsysguy *but* atlassian is not *FOSS* 18:05 libsysguy its *OSS* that they give away to FOSS projects 18:06 libsysguy with the exception of Jira, where they give you the binary that extracts with a JVM 18:06 cait I think they have been talkng about setting up a working repo everyone can push to 18:06 cait like evergreen does 18:06 cait http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:git#working_repos 18:06 libsysguy I'd really like to get a workflow similar to evergreen, but with the option for new devs to still submit patches 18:07 cait hm 18:07 cait why is the workflow of evergreen btter than ours? 18:08 libsysguy visibility 18:08 libsysguy a page on the wiki where all the repos are distributed is kind of a pita 18:22 slef libsysguy: that's not OSS unless you reject the open source definition. I don't like opensource.org but they're still the definition. 18:23 slef and as for integration, I like trac but no idea if it solves this problem as it's not a situation I've used it in yet 18:23 libsysguy holy moses, as someone who has used trac…never again 18:24 libsysguy although I used it with svn 18:24 slef yeah - where and when? It can be (mis)configured a lot and did improve around 0.12 or something 18:24 libsysguy so that could have been half the problem 18:24 libsysguy it has been a few years 18:25 libsysguy when I worked for a Domain parking company 18:25 slef maybe... around 0.12 was when the version control became a plugin, so you could use different ones and/or different ways 18:25 libsysguy like all things, it can be misused 18:25 slef there can be a temptation to go "oh trac can do that" and try to use it, whether or not it currently suits your work 18:25 slef but hey, I like it and it's fairly easy to write plugins for... each to their own 18:26 slef we still haven't quite kicked RT though ;) 18:26 libsysguy heh 18:27 libsysguy oh RT 18:40 rangi Morning 18:41 cait morning 18:41 Dyrcona Speaking from the Evergreen experience: TRAC has some issues with git, particularly it seems to do a lot of excessive checkouts when someone is browsing a git repository. 18:43 slef browsing or spidering? ;) 18:45 Dyrcona slef: Probably the latter. I didn't run the servers, but heard of the troubles via IRC and when some web services went down. 18:47 jcamins_away cait: the benefit of the working repository is that it gives us a way to handle iterative development, where developer A writes a patch, developer B tests it, A rewrites it... 18:48 cait I am not against that 18:48 cait I think it's worth a try 18:48 cait only we have people contributing on different levels :) and I am not sure a tool is the solution 18:48 jcamins_away Right now the result is horrors like bug 7167... fifty million comments, and all the important things somewhere in the middle. 18:48 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7167 new feature, P1 - high, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , updatedatabase improvements 18:48 rangi Like gerrit? 18:48 libsysguy gerrit would be the foss alternative 18:48 cait jcamins_away: I think things like that always get messy 18:49 csharp slef: it was spidering in our case 18:49 csharp in particular it was Bing 18:49 rangi I ran into I'm too lazy to use gerrit 18:49 jcamins_away Ah-ha! 18:49 jcamins_away Now I understand. 18:49 jcamins_away Nope. 18:49 jcamins_away Wait... 18:49 rangi When I tried to introduce it 18:49 jcamins_away cait: now I understand, and, no. 18:50 rangi It's a people problem not a tool one 18:50 cait jcamins_away: now you confused me :) 18:50 libsysguy ^^ me too 18:50 jcamins_away cait: the problem should be easily fixable. The problem is in C4::Heading. It 18:50 cait btw .. I left you a gazillion notes about the our indexing problem. um. 18:50 rangi People need to spend more time up front with gerrit to save everyone else's time 18:51 cait rangi: I tihnk it's often like that 18:51 cait people complain to me about our ticket system 18:51 jcamins_away ... is being called on every field, when it should just be called on valid fields. 18:51 rangi People have to value others time as much as their own 18:51 cait because ys, it takes a little longer than writing an email 18:51 cait but the benefit is that you have more information and all in one place in a form that you can work with 18:51 rangi Same is true on the mailing list 18:51 rangi Ask a question properly and save the responders time 18:52 * cait nods 18:52 rangi Wow I'm ranty today 18:52 cait a bit :) 18:52 libsysguy its a ranty kind of day for me too 18:52 libsysguy or maybe just a complain-y one 18:52 libsysguy I can't decide 18:53 jcamins_away cait: it would be easy to fix at... line 78 or so in Koha/Filter/MARC/EmbedSeeFromHeadings.pm. 18:53 cait jcamins_away: that sounds awesome 18:53 cait can I get back to you about that a little later? 18:53 jcamins_away I'll probably be back tomorrow or Wednesday. 18:53 cait I am still on assignment number 7 and dishes... and my head is not in a place to have too many things going on right now 18:53 jcamins_away :) 18:54 cait jcamins_away: oh? 18:54 jcamins_away Also, you Germans have the weirdest data! 18:54 cait yeah... tell me 18:54 cait although I think this one was at least kind of logical 18:54 jcamins_away I'm in Dallas waiting to board my next flight. 18:54 jcamins_away Kind of, yes. 18:54 Dyrcona jcamins_away: Ever seen a MARC record in Georgian? 18:55 jcamins_away Dyrcona: I have, actually, but just one 18:55 libsysguy oh hey we are in the same state jcamins 18:55 cait Dyrcona: can't be worse than GND records for him :) 18:55 libsysguy you can fly down to Houston and visit :p 18:55 jcamins_away libsysguy: yeah, but I'd rather get home before midnight. :P 18:55 cait safe travels 18:55 jcamins_away Dyrcona: I've also seen a RUSMARC record or two. 18:57 jcamins_away Okay, we shoud be boarding momentarily. 18:57 jcamins_away Back from New York, eventually. 18:59 libsysguy I think it is much colder there jcamins_away 19:01 cait arg 19:01 cait now I missed him 19:01 cait jcamins_away: if you are still around... are you thinking aobut an exeption for 020 or a more general solution? 19:09 rangi Ok my stop 19:09 rangi Gotta go get my new passport 19:09 rangi Bbiab 19:27 alohabot Hi mib_yqq0o0, Welcome to #koha. Feel free to use the '/nick yourname' command to choose a different name. alohabot, wahanui, and huginn are bots. If you need any help, just ask - there's usually someone around to help :) 19:27 oleonard wahanui is a bot who is mad at us and is sulking at home. 19:28 cait oleonard: sounds like him 19:28 cait @later tell eythian please bring back wahanui? 19:28 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 19:31 drojf javascript does not like me :( 19:31 cait don't take it personal 19:33 slef csharp, Dyrcona: yeah, Bing has started ignoring robot.txt recently. 19:33 cait drojf: want to learn something about business process management instead? 19:34 drojf cait: very tempting, but no. you can have it all 19:35 cait you are so generous 19:35 drojf :9 19:35 drojf :) 19:35 cait *grump* 19:40 drojf great, now i broke it completely 19:43 oleonard drojf: That's the motto on the JavaScript coat of arms 19:44 drojf lol 19:45 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @YvesTomic: "#koha #kohails Dans quelques jours, je vous propose le service Biblio+ pour Koha! Ou comment enrichir l'OPAC..." 19:45 gcb Is there anyone out there familiar with opac-search.pl and opac-detail.pl? I just loaded a number of records and searches are throwing errors in opac-error.log on both those scripts. 19:46 libsysguy what is the error... 19:46 cait gcb: errors or warns? :) 19:47 gcb When I do a search through the opac itself, it returns results, but throws this error... [Mon Feb 4 11:29:17 2013] opac-detail.pl: Use of uninitialized value $ccode in exists at /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-detail.pl line 532., referer: http://test2.walib.net/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=spies 19:50 rangi back 19:51 libsysguy that was not a long time for a passport 19:51 rangi you can order them online here 19:51 libsysguy I think that is a common error actually 19:51 rangi gcb: thats a warn, you can safely ignore it 19:51 libsysguy oh…well lucky you…I had to stand in a line…for HOURS... 19:51 gcb BTW--I'm running on Debian 64-bit... 19:52 rangi gcb: we try and quiet all the warns but sometimes we miss them, that doesnt cause any adverse behaviour, just is noisy in the log 19:52 rangi (if you don't have collection codes set) 19:54 rangi libsysguy: here you can even upload the jpg yourself 19:54 libsysguy wow 19:54 gcb If I select one of the returned records, go to its display and then click on one of the subject heading links...it hangs on the search and craches the browser window. The error returned on that one is ...[Mon Feb 4 11:29:28 2013] opac-search.pl: Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-search.pl line 825., r 19:54 libsysguy I'm jealous 19:55 rangi gcb: again, that is not an error, just a warn 19:55 cait gcb: crashing the browser sounds more like a javasript issue 19:55 rangi yeah 19:56 cait probably unrelated to what you see in the log 19:56 gcb full error ...[Mon Feb 4 11:29:28 2013] opac-search.pl: Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-search.pl line 825., referer: http://test2.walib.net/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=14752&query_desc=kw,wrdl:%20spies 19:56 drojf i blame javascript for everything 19:57 cait hmmm 19:57 cait it could be highlighting 19:57 gcb So for the first error...ignore it or set the ccode on each record? 19:57 wizzyrea yes, that was what I was thinking - highlighting 19:57 cait gcb: the first one you should probably conplete your configuration 19:57 wizzyrea that record comes up for me without hanging 19:58 rangi gcb: its a warn, you can ignore it 19:58 cait make sure for all the collection codes used there is an entry in authorized values CCODE 19:58 cait wizzyrea: try clicking on a subject link - i can reproduce 19:58 wizzyrea gcb: firefox or chrome? 19:58 cait using firefoy 19:58 cait firefox 19:58 wizzyrea ah yep that did it 19:58 cait I think it's highlighting messing up again 19:58 gcb That is 952$8? None of the records have that subfield set 19:58 wizzyrea oh wait 19:58 wizzyrea it crashed then recovered. 19:58 gcb I'm on chrome 19:59 wizzyrea then crashed again lol. 19:59 wizzyrea it has to be highlighting. 19:59 cait the - and spaces 19:59 cait maybe in the search terms 19:59 rangi yeah, switch the highlighting off 19:59 rangi you can do that in sysprefs right? 19:59 wizzyrea yep 19:59 cait i think so 19:59 * wizzyrea wonders if it can be made to cope with those things 19:59 cait I think it's probably the dot 19:59 cait or something 19:59 rangi gcb: for your nasty crash, switching off the highlighting is probably the best bet 20:00 cait I had that happen with some not so clean search terms 20:00 cait gcb: still there? :) 20:00 rangi getting coffee, brb 20:00 oleonard How does one reproduce this browser crash? 20:00 gcb Still here 20:00 cait oleonard: clicking on the spies subject in the link above does it for me 20:01 wizzyrea or you can do a search 20:01 wizzyrea su:"something - something else." 20:03 cgb I think you were right about the highlighting. Turned it off and the search results seem to be coming up fine now. 20:03 wizzyrea winning! 20:03 oleonard Hooray! We made a feature that breaks things! 20:04 cgb Thanks, all! 20:04 wizzyrea yayee yay. 20:04 wizzyrea but the question is - can it be fixed 20:04 wizzyrea :) 20:05 cait I think eythian fixed some things releated to highlighting crashing 20:05 cait but not sure which version 20:05 cait 3.10.2... so probably a new problem 20:07 rangi back 20:08 rangi cait: he fixed a bug like this, it might not have been pushed to stable/master yet? 20:08 cait hm I tihnk it was 20:08 cait it was while he was here 20:08 cait maybe it crept back in or it's another iteration 20:08 cait or my memory is off :) 20:09 oleonard There was one fix a while ago, and then recently another similar fix 20:09 rangi yeah i recall that 20:09 rangi the recent one 20:10 cait it's the dot 20:10 cait http://test2.walib.net/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=su:%22Women%20spies%20%20-%20%20Fiction.%22 20:10 cait this works nicely for me 20:11 cait http://test2.walib.net/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=su:%22Women%20spies%20%20-%20%20Fiction%22 20:11 cait no dot at the end 20:11 cait no crash. 20:14 wizzyrea khall - about? 20:14 khall yo 20:14 wizzyrea yo - bug 5790 20:14 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5790 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Deleting a biblio should alert/fail if there are existent subscriptions and holds 20:15 wizzyrea in the last 4 days there was a patch to how the variables in js are handled in that toolbar 20:15 wizzyrea and it messes up your patch - makes a conflict 20:15 khall dang it! 20:15 drojf cait: they do both work for me?! 20:15 cait hm 20:15 cait werid. 20:16 wizzyrea I know! rather than set it back to doesn't apply - wanna just fix it quicky like? 20:16 wizzyrea if you have a minute 20:16 khall wizzyrea: sure, if you can tell me what needs altered 20:17 wizzyrea http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=c80de7b69c013ca1db5795e626525757b8f944ce this commit is what is conflicting 20:22 khall I'm on it! 20:26 khall wizzyrea: new patch has been uploaded 20:27 wizzyrea bless you kind sir 20:27 wizzyrea \o/ 20:27 khall lol, no problemo! 20:27 * wizzyrea tests it RIGHTNOW 20:28 * khall crosses his fingers and holds his breath 20:29 wizzyrea :) it'll be fine 20:30 wizzyrea perfect :) 20:30 khall excellent! wizzyrea++ 20:30 wizzyrea though I often wonder why you can actually click on them if they are grey 20:30 wizzyrea but part of me likes the fact that it will tell you WHY 20:30 khall that's it exactly 20:30 khall if we didn't want the message we could just set the state to disabled instead of using css 20:31 khall but I think the message is very useful 20:32 wizzyrea no I like it 20:32 wizzyrea and I said so :P 20:33 wizzyrea khall++ thanks for fixing that 20:34 khall np 20:40 rangi heh that latest email exactly proves my point :) 20:46 drojf :( 20:51 wizzyrea omg khall - there is a PATCH for bug 2720 20:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2720 enhancement, P3, ---, gmcharlt, Needs Signoff , Overdues which debar automatically should undebar automatically when returned 20:51 * wizzyrea is astounded by this 20:51 wizzyrea and so. excited. 20:52 * wizzyrea wonders who is sponsoring it 20:52 oleonard We contributed. 20:53 cait wizzyrea: it needs to be a pref 20:53 wizzyrea I think NEKLS did too, but I've slept. 20:53 cait I think our libraries don't want to undebar automatically 20:54 cait hm, or they might 20:54 wizzyrea well it looks like this undebars automatically for overdues only 20:54 cait yes 20:54 cait but I think that needs to be a pref 20:54 wizzyrea which makes PERFECT sense. 20:54 cait it's like the final measure for some that don't have fines 20:55 wizzyrea right, but it undebars when the item is checked in 20:55 cait self checks 20:55 cait for example 20:55 cait the patron wouldn't have to show up at the desk, which is what the library might want to do 20:55 cait I mean... want the patron to do 20:55 wizzyrea I'd make a note of your objections - SIP could cope with that differently and send them to the desk. 20:56 cait sorry if I am being mean about this - it looks good and I like the idea to 20:56 cait o 20:56 cait I am just worried not every library wants it to work like that 20:57 slef undebar - n. drinking venue where you do not wear top clothes. 20:57 drojf :) 20:58 wizzyrea wunderbar = wonderful. 20:58 wizzyrea or something. 20:58 slef Katastroph! 20:58 wizzyrea hi slef :) 20:58 slef Katastroph - noun, a variant of a cold caught by felines. 20:59 cait are we all talking german now? 20:59 slef cait: ja aber sicher 20:59 cait Deutsche Abenstunde in #koha? :) 20:59 eythian no. 20:59 slef but go search for "Uxbridge English Dictionary" if you want more daft definitions. It's from the same source as Mornington Crescent. 20:59 slef You know Mornington Crescent, right? 20:59 cait eythian: Spassverderber 21:00 slef eythian: hoe gaat het met je? 21:00 cait eythian: wahanui? :) 21:00 slef http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mornington_Crescent_%28game%29 21:00 drojf vart minderen spart kinderen 21:01 eythian slef: goed, bedankt 21:01 * slef is now living near enough to receive Dutch radio again 21:01 eythian drum roll, please. 21:02 drojf slef: you have heard of this interweb thing where stuff goes round the world? :P 21:02 eythian wahanui: welcome back 21:02 slef wahanui: drum roll 21:02 wahanui eythian: huh? 21:02 wahanui slef: huh? 21:02 slef wahanui: fail 21:02 wahanui slef: what? 21:02 eythian wahanui: welcome back is <reply>I hate jetlag. 21:02 wahanui OK, eythian. 21:02 slef wahanui: wrong 21:02 wahanui slef: what? 21:03 eythian wahanui: welcome back is also <reply>cait abducted me. 21:03 wahanui okay, eythian. 21:03 wizzyrea wahanui: fail is <reply> but I do my best! 21:03 wahanui OK, wizzyrea. 21:03 eythian wahanui: welcome back is also <reply>I was trapped in a maze of twisty, turny passages, all alike. 21:03 wahanui okay, eythian. 21:03 eythian wahanui: literal welcome back 21:03 wahanui eythian: welcome back =is= <reply>I hate jetlag.|<reply>cait abducted me.|<reply>I was trapped in a maze of twisty, turny passages, all alike. 21:04 wizzyrea wahanui: wrong is <reply> I only know what you teach me. 21:04 wahanui wizzyrea: no idea 21:04 wizzyrea gr. 21:04 drojf lol 21:04 cait hmpf 21:04 eythian wahanui: wrong is <reply> I only know what \you teach me. 21:04 wahanui eythian: i don't know 21:04 eythian wahanui: wrong is <reply> I only know what \you teach \me. 21:04 wahanui i don't know, eythian 21:04 eythian wahanui: wrong is <reply> I only \know what \you teach \me. 21:04 wahanui eythian: i don't know 21:04 eythian I wonder which word it is... 21:04 wizzyrea I maybe? 21:04 eythian wahanui: wrong is <reply>I only know what you teach me. 21:04 wahanui eythian: wish i knew 21:05 eythian no, I used 'I' above 21:05 wizzyrea wrong is <reply> \I only know what \you teach \me. 21:05 wizzyrea well that did something. 21:05 wizzyrea wrong? 21:05 wahanui I only know what you teach me. 21:05 wizzyrea WINNING. 21:06 eythian wahanui: winning is <reply>Thanks, Mr Sheen. 21:06 wahanui eythian: bitte 21:06 wizzyrea hahahaha 21:06 eythian wahanui: winning is <reply>\Thanks, Mr Sheen. 21:06 wahanui eythian: sure thing 21:06 eythian grr 21:06 eythian wahanui: winning is <reply>#, Mr Sheen. 21:06 wahanui OK, eythian. 21:06 eythian wahanui: winning =~ s/#/Thanks/ 21:06 wahanui OK, eythian 21:06 eythian there. 21:06 drojf easy 21:06 wizzyrea winning! 21:06 wahanui Thanks, Mr Sheen. 21:06 wizzyrea <3 21:10 wizzyrea fail 21:10 wizzyrea fail? 21:10 wahanui but I do wizzyrea's best! 21:10 wizzyrea oo 21:10 eythian haha 21:10 wizzyrea :) 21:10 wizzyrea ...it's not very good. 21:10 wizzyrea ...yet 21:11 wizzyrea do you like my aspirational, irritating american, optimism? 21:11 wizzyrea ^.^ 21:11 eythian I hear it's your dream. 21:11 wizzyrea dream, indeed. 21:14 eythian wahanui: zippy 21:14 wahanui eythian: what? 21:14 eythian @zippy 21:14 huginn eythian: downloading the Perl source 21:14 eythian wahanui: be zippy 21:14 wahanui Actually, what I'd like is a little toy spaceship!! 21:15 wizzyrea can he ask for a pony? 21:15 eythian wahanui: be wizzyrea is <reply>do you like \my aspirational, irritating american, optimism# 21:15 wahanui OK, eythian. 21:15 wizzyrea LOL 21:15 eythian wahanui: be wizzyrea =~ s/#/?/ 21:15 wahanui OK, eythian 21:15 wizzyrea be wizzyrea 21:15 wahanui do you like my aspirational, irritating american, optimism? 21:16 eythian wahanui: be zippy 21:16 wahanui Sometime in 1993 NANCY SINATRA will lead a BLOODLESS COUP on GUAM!! 21:16 eythian it's true. 21:16 eythian wahanui: it's true is <reply>I read it on the internet! 21:16 wahanui OK, eythian. 21:17 eythian wahanui: it's true is also<reply>I saw it on Digg! 21:17 wahanui ...but it's true is <reply>I read it on the internet!... 21:17 eythian wahanui: it's true is also <reply>I saw it on Digg! 21:17 wahanui okay, eythian. 21:17 rangi wizzyrea: http://www.wellington.govt.nz/services/events/annuals/summer/details/teraowaitangi.html 21:18 rangi weather permitting we will go there then to your place 21:18 wizzyrea gah! they're gonna show boy! 21:18 rangi in the evening 21:18 rangi we could always all pile onto a bus after the bbq ;) 21:18 wizzyrea :D 21:18 wizzyrea true! 21:19 rangi annoyingly the programme is a pdf 21:19 wizzyrea they like doing that 21:19 rangi but the movie doesnt start til 9 21:19 wizzyrea oof that's pretty late 21:19 rangi yeah with school the next day, we wont make it 21:19 wizzyrea for a school day 21:20 wizzyrea yea, for spud to 21:20 wizzyrea too* 21:24 wizzyrea be wizzyrea 21:24 wahanui do you like my aspirational, irritatingly American, optimism? 21:24 eythian http://youtu.be/jjOQac1vOEc <-- unrelated but neat 21:24 wizzyrea sorry the grammar was bothering me. 21:24 wizzyrea >.> 21:26 eythian wahanui: awesome is <reply>That'll be $1 for the awesome jar, $who 21:26 wahanui OK, eythian. 21:27 wizzyrea hehe 21:27 wizzyrea if we actually had an awesome jar, we could fund a lot of patches. 21:32 * cjh needs to find a new word to express awesomeness 21:32 drojf wahanui botsnack awesome jar 21:32 wahanui :) 21:32 eythian heh: [ 324] drojf is addressing me 21:32 eythian [ 325] random praise [public,1]: botsnack awesome jar 21:33 eythian random praise indeed. 21:35 jenkins_koha Starting build #15 for job Koha_Docs_3.10.x (previous build: STILL FAILING) 21:35 jenkins_koha Starting build #277 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: STILL FAILING -- last SUCCESS #60 9 mo 13 days ago) 21:35 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.10.x build #15: STILL FAILING in 19 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs_3.10.x/15/ 21:35 jenkins_koha nengard: update mobil opac section with images 21:35 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #277: STILL FAILING in 17 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Docs/277/ 21:35 jenkins_koha nengard: update mobil opac section with images 21:36 wizzyrea oh is that wahanui's log? 21:36 eythian yeah 21:36 wizzyrea haha 21:36 wizzyrea oh boy all of our foibles are recorded. 21:36 wizzyrea yayeeeee 21:37 eythian -rw-rw-r-- 1 chrisc koha 74M Feb 4 21:34 wahanui.log 21:37 eythian it's quite large 21:37 wizzyrea we have many foibles. 21:37 eythian wahanui: status 21:37 wahanui Since Mon Feb 4 20:59:50 2013, there have been 15 modifications and 14 questions. I have been awake for 35 minutes, 39 seconds this session, and currently reference 25689 factoids. Addressing is in optional mode. 21:37 drojf I, spybot. 21:46 wizzyrea cait - about? 21:47 cait hm give me a few more minute 21:47 cait s 21:47 cait I have to finish this 21:47 wizzyrea ah yep np 21:53 libsysguy @later tell slef http://jira.koha-ils.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa 21:53 huginn libsysguy: The operation succeeded. 21:54 cait ok, here now :) 21:54 libsysguy got the dishes all done cait? 21:54 cait wizzyrea: ping 21:54 cait libsysguy: ages ago. I was working on my distance study course 21:54 libsysguy blech 21:54 cait yeah 21:55 wizzyrea well I was going to ask you about serials routing holds - we talked about this ages ago 21:55 wizzyrea but if you're busy it can wait. 21:55 cait more tired than busy 21:55 wizzyrea ah yea, it's not worth taxing you over :) 21:55 cait I think we were not sure how it should be handled 21:55 wizzyrea well the way (as I understand it) it is supposed to work 21:56 cait we argued between title level and item level hold somehowe 21:56 rangi heh 21:56 cait and then assumed it should be different 21:56 cait logs? hehe 21:56 wizzyrea is that each time you receive a serial, it is supposed to create holds for each serial 21:56 cait for the issue 21:56 wizzyrea right 21:56 wizzyrea for each issue of a serial 21:56 cait hm 21:56 cait for the issue you received 21:56 wizzyrea right 21:57 cait for the people on the routing list in the order of the routing list 21:57 rangi its the fact that biblioitem level holds were killed and when ppl killed them, they didnt update the routing list code 21:57 wizzyrea yes, that is how I understand it. 21:57 cait I am not sure how biblioitem level holds worked 21:57 rangi basically that just needs to change to itemlevel holds, and it will be back the way the system was designed (and paid for) to work 21:57 wizzyrea I just want to make sure that's how we should be expecting it to work 21:57 cait I also wonder if you need item records for this to work... or if it could work without 21:57 rangi you need item records 21:58 rangi you cant circulate things that dont have item records 21:58 wizzyrea yea it wouldn't work without items. 21:58 cait btw I had a library suggesting to print temporary barcodes on the routing lists... I liked that idea 21:58 wizzyrea oo 21:58 cait ok, so you need items 21:59 cait I think what would be nice is to make it able to turn it off and on - but we already have a pref for that globally 21:59 cait I think 21:59 wizzyrea yes 21:59 wizzyrea there is a pref for that 21:59 cait so if people do not star but ring routing they can do that 21:59 wizzyrea you can either have it do holds or not 21:59 wizzyrea already 21:59 cait it would be even nicer if you could make it per subscription - but that would be def an enhancement 21:59 wizzyrea the holds are broken though. 21:59 cait and the holds should be item specific now I think? 21:59 cait so they apply to only one issue 22:00 wizzyrea right 22:00 wizzyrea I was going to file a bug, but I didn't want to suggest that it should be a certain way if that's not the way it should be - and I think you have actually tried to use it? or did I misremember 22:00 cait rangi: I think you told me how it worked differently in the past, but I forgot :( 22:01 cait I have tested it - there is a bug - rangi left a comment on it yesterday I think 22:01 cait if you look for routing you shoudl find some bugs even I think 22:01 wizzyrea oh I missed the comment >.< sorry rangi 22:01 cait one about the holds being broken 22:01 cait it's an old report 22:01 wizzyrea right in 27-something 22:01 cait yeah 22:01 wizzyrea bug 2894 22:01 cait sorry, my brain is a bit... 22:01 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2894 major, P3, ---, paul.poulain, NEW , Routing list holds are broken 22:03 eythian http://imgur.com/k9H6ORX 22:03 drojf oh look, javascript and json use different time formats. wtf. 22:04 eythian drojf: JSON is actually not a subset of javascript 22:04 eythian they also support string encoding differently 22:05 cait good night #koha :) 22:05 drojf confusing it is 22:05 drojf good night cait 22:06 cait drojf: you should sleep sometime too, you know? ;) 22:06 drojf but i want to playyyyy 22:06 cait ... 23:03 libsysguy resistance is not futile. Its voltage divided by current 23:03 trea ^^ 23:03 trea http://xkcd.com/643/ 23:19 mtj libsysguy++ -> http://koha-ils.com 23:22 mtj jira looks to show some nice stats on the Koha codebase too -> http://koha-ils.com/users?sort=commits&d=asc&page=1 23:25 slef :( 23:27 rangi not correct stats tho 23:27 rangi well partial stats 23:27 rangi http://git.koha-community.org/stats/koha-master/authors.html 23:30 rangi https://reviews.mahara.org/#/q/status:open,n,z <-- i think i still like gerrit better 23:31 rangi mostly cos its FOSS 23:31 cjh I like how you can quickly view the status (nice colours and symbols on the right) 23:33 mtj slef, why the long face? 23:33 mtj gerrit looks freakin' awesome 23:35 slef mtj: jira... not looked at gerrit yet... having some fun with disks at the moment 23:38 mtj slef, ah yep - thats a double frown 23:38 mtj rangi, do you still have a gerrit running for koha, somewhere… ? 23:41 mtj [off] ah, looks like its offline -> http://gerrit.workbuffer.org/ 23:43 drojf rangi: so what's the "more time upfront" people would have to spend with gerrit that they were to lazy for? isn't that info all coming from git? 23:52 mtj drojf, i think the 'more time upfront', is if we use gerrit in our patch signoff/qa workflow 23:53 mtj the other option might be to just run a 'passive' gerrit, that only watches the Koha git repo 23:54 mtj … and is not used as part of our signoff/qa workflow