Time Nick Message 05:43 vkm1 hello all 05:44 vkm1 the hold policy which i have setted in circulation privilage does not pics limit from their instead it pics up limit from system preference-circulation-hold policy-reserve limits, please let me know the reason 06:13 vkm hello all 06:14 vkm my system does not pics hold limits from circulation setup instead it pics from system preference please let me know the reason 06:24 chinu123 how to generate lib cards from Koha? 07:02 vkm is there any bug related to hold, which does not pics limit from circulation privileges instead pics frpm system preference 3.8.8 07:03 cait vkm: try searching bugzilla for maxreserves 07:04 cait @query maxreserves 07:04 huginn cait: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6976 major, P1 - high, ---, colin.campbell, REOPENED , User hold limit can be avoided by users in OPAC 07:04 huginn cait: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=4045 critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, In Discussion , No check for maximum number of allowed holds. 07:04 huginn cait: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7710 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Needs Signoff , multiple holds per title 07:04 cait bug 4045looks likely 07:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=4045 critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, In Discussion , No check for maximum number of allowed holds. 07:17 * magnuse waves 07:26 reiveune hello 07:31 cait hi magnuse and reiveune 07:32 reiveune hi cait, magnuse :) 07:33 magnuse kia ora cait and reiveune and qu-bit 07:41 alex_a bonjour 07:42 marcelr hi #koha 07:43 cait hi marcelr :) 07:44 cait marcelr: could you maybe take a look at my patches? they are marc21 and bywater signed off, so a bit worried they will be stuck for a longer time now 07:46 cait @wunder Konstanz 07:46 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -1.6°C (8:40 AM CET on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 91%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 29.47 in 998 hPa (Steady). 07:48 cait brr. 07:48 marcelr hi cait 07:49 marcelr cait: which patches do you mean specifically? 07:49 cait I have to xslt patches waiting in the qa queue 07:49 cait but only when you get time of course 07:49 marcelr :) 07:50 cait bug 9356 07:50 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9356 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Signed Off , Show Dissertation note (MARC21 502) in XSLT 07:50 cait bug 9363 07:50 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9363 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Signed Off , Show Patent control information and report number (MARC21, XSLT, detail pages) 07:51 cait bbl :) - have to go out there and face the snow 08:03 magnuse @wunder boo 08:03 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is -4.0°C (8:50 AM CET on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 86%. Dew Point: -6.0°C. Windchill: -9.0°C. Pressure: 30.09 in 1019 hPa (Steady). 08:03 magnuse @wunder marseille 08:03 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 1.0°C (8:30 AM CET on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Pressure: 29.50 in 999 hPa (Steady). 08:53 qu-bit magnuse: ola 08:54 qu-bit thanks for the greetz 09:02 * kf waves 09:59 vfernandes hello :) 10:09 gerundio good morning all 11:12 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @KohaAloha: "@nengard @osswatch another subtle point here… Uni. of West England’s 'Liblime Academic Koha' is not FOSS, nor has it ever been. #KohaILS" 11:56 kf hey drojf :) 11:57 drojf hi kf :) 11:57 kf :) 11:57 kf @wunder Konstanz 11:57 huginn kf: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 0.6°C (12:55 PM CET on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: 1.0°C. Pressure: 29.44 in 997 hPa (Steady). 11:57 drojf we got more snow :/ 11:58 drojf @wunder berlin, germany 11:58 huginn drojf: The current temperature in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany is -2.5°C (12:42 PM CET on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 69%. Dew Point: -7.0°C. Windchill: -9.0°C. Pressure: 29.62 in 1003 hPa (Falling). 11:59 kf we too 12:00 kf ths morning, but not sure it will still be there this late afternoon :) 12:12 magnuse @wunder boo 12:12 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo Vi, Norway is 1.0°C (1:00 PM CET on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Light Snow Showers. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Falling). 12:13 magnuse hm, i need to go outside and check if that is really true... :-) 12:21 kf :) 12:24 kf drojf: checking po files now in poedit 12:33 kf @later tell druthb another permission problem on pootle :( http://translate.koha-community.org/de/38/export/zip 12:33 huginn kf: The operation succeeded. 12:33 kf hm only checking 3.10 files then 14:16 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9116' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7585f23ce30f68d16e722f6cd05c4ec250611664> / Bug 9116: Remove some useless tmp variables <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=6a155d75f212abc3a02a2c35d385ea4a5100d5c9> / Merge branch 'bug_9236' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0db94fb26ce1c3a157 14:19 jenkins_koha Starting build #1019 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 15:14 gerundio I'm trying to debug something in Koha's source code 15:15 gerundio where can I see the result of the "warn sprintf" instructions? 15:16 kf hm 15:16 kf I think you don't need sprintf 15:16 kf warn "something" and in the koha logs 15:16 kf if you have a git install something like koha-dev/var/logs 15:16 kf and then the file for staff or opac 15:19 gerundio kf, "warn sprint" is just the instruction in the source code I'm looking at right now 15:20 gerundio lib/C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm at lines 92 and 96 in my case 15:20 gerundio I've added KOHA_DEBUG=1 as an environment variable 15:21 gerundio a little further in the same file I see "$debug and warn" 15:21 gerundio I'm tailing the logs and I don't see anything coming up there besides the entries in the access log 15:24 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1019: SUCCESS in 1 hr 5 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/1019/ 15:24 jenkins_koha * jonathan.druart: Bug 9236: FIX delete order when receiving 15:24 jenkins_koha * jonathan.druart: Bug 9236 : Redirect to the parcel page after deleting an item/order 15:24 jenkins_koha * jonathan.druart: Bug 9116: Remove some useless tmp variables 15:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9236 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , deleting an order when receiving redirects to closed basket 15:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9116 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Code cleaning: Remove some useless temp variables 15:25 kf gerundio: sorry, not sure how it works with the ldap files - might be different there 15:30 gerundio kf, I don't think that LDAP has anything to do with this 15:30 gerundio I just want to understand how I can debug 15:30 kf ah 15:30 kf I do it like I told you 15:30 kf using warns for perl files and it shows up in the logs for me 15:30 kf WARN "KF $variable"; 15:30 kf well. warn. 15:31 kf and for templates there is a trick too 15:31 gerundio hmm, not for me though 15:31 kf gerundio: warn "SOMETHING: $variable"; 15:31 kf which file are you trying to debug? 15:32 gerundio I guess I'm missing something in my environment 15:32 kf no it shoudl just be wokring 15:32 gerundio the one I mentioned from C4 15:32 kf hm 15:32 gerundio hmm, so maybe it just isn't passing in those warn instructions 15:32 kf and there is nothing in the logs? 15:32 gerundio let me just try some warn elsewhere 15:33 magnuse gerundio: sure you are looking at the right logs? 15:33 gerundio the ones set in the Apache vhost 15:33 gerundio the only ones I know off 15:36 gerundio pebkac 15:37 gerundio I hadn't activated the option to use LDAP auth 15:37 gerundio so that file wasn't being called at all 15:37 kf guess that would explain it :) 15:37 kf better than it being a bug I guess 15:37 gerundio now I get an error pointing to some SSL issue 15:37 gerundio going to dig in :D 15:37 kf have fun :) 15:37 gerundio kf++ magnuse++ 15:39 magnuse yeah, have fun gerundio :-) 15:39 gerundio done 15:39 gerundio that was an easy one 15:39 gerundio devel environment all set now 15:43 gerundio btw, I just got a complaint about label barcode showing up just as a blur 15:43 gerundio has anyone experienced such a problem? 15:45 gerundio the XML export doesn't even show the itemcallnumber field value 15:45 gerundio and the CSV export is just and empty file 15:46 jcamins_away gerundio: could the barcode be too long? 15:47 gerundio don't really know the answer to that question :| 15:47 gerundio TK7871.85.CAM FCT 76742 15:48 gerundio does this seem too long? 15:48 gerundio my 1st guess was some graphical system package missing or something 15:49 gerundio but during the installation I made sure every required package was properly installed 15:49 jcamins_away gerundio: not so long that it would be tiny. 15:49 gerundio but the fact that the XML and the CSV come up empty 15:49 gerundio just mixed things up a little for me 15:50 jcamins_away That does seem odd. 15:50 * jcamins_away doesn't know about any of those parts of the system, though. 15:52 pastebot "gerundio" at pasted "Label barcode XML export" (5 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/362 15:52 gerundio https://opac.fct.unl.pt/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=60855 15:52 gerundio that's the item it refers to 15:53 jcamins_away I think chris_n is the only one who _really_ understands the label code. 15:53 gerundio jcamins_away++ 15:53 gerundio I guess I'll just wait sometime to see if he comes around 16:02 reiveune1 bye 16:06 kf gerundio: if you file a bug he might answer too 16:06 kf there is a component for the label creator I think 16:41 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails Free Koha Intro Webinars http://t.co/nWlxvtYB" 16:55 * jcamins_away waves to himself. 17:27 wajasu i'm looking to fix a template for the search results in the staff client. intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/catalogue/results.tt look like a start. 17:27 jcamins_away first question? 17:27 wahanui "What are you trying to do?" or "What is the goal?" 17:28 wajasu i need to change the author link begin generated based on UseAuthoritiesForTracings, to gen a link just like the xslt template does. 17:28 jcamins_away Ah. 17:29 jcamins_away That would be a good place to look. 17:32 wajasu comparing the xslt vs non xslt results i see that sometime the author is not displayed at all (staff client, noxslt, UseAuthoritesForTracings). 17:32 jcamins_away Yeah, there's an old bug for that. 17:32 jcamins_away Look at GetMarcAuthors. 17:33 wajasu thx 17:34 wajasu i am build a new koha box today. i suppose i should use the koha packages this time around for 3.10. and debian lenny. 17:35 wajasu i'd prefer to run out of a git dev install though. 17:39 jcamins_away If you're doing development, use git. 17:41 wajasu this is for prod. i guess i won't use zebraqueue this time around, if its not solid, of it still exists. 17:43 jcamins_away zebraqueue_daemon has been deprecated for years and was removed. 17:43 wajasu ok. 17:45 wajasu noww that i have my auth links good, i'll just tell the cataloguer to wait 10 minutes after adding a biblio that has a new authority, since genauths is on. 17:45 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @paul_poulain: "a tous mes nouveaux suiveurs du jour, bienvenue = je twitte à 99% en anglais, et autour de #kohails la plupart du temps." 17:45 jcamins_away You can adjust the frequency to 5 minutes. 18:00 slef ready for more old bugs? 18:07 wajasu is a koha-packages install ready for outgoing emails, or must i still install postfix or such? 18:07 jcamins_away You must install postfix. 18:08 wajasu ok. 18:08 jcamins_away The packages install nullmailer if you don't have any MTA, which is suitable only for local use. 19:13 francharb hi all 19:14 francharb is everyone doing good? 19:15 francharb I got a tiny question about the biblio framework importation feature 19:15 jcamins_away .ьу ршвуы 19:15 jcamins_away Sorry. 19:15 * jcamins_away hides 19:16 francharb Have you ever tried to export one framework, do some changes, like renaming the fields, etc 19:16 francharb and reimport the framework? 19:16 francharb Because, execpt the encoding problem, I can export and import the frameworks 19:17 francharb but I can't import one framework once I did changes on it.. 19:17 francharb weird, isn"t it? 19:21 rangi hmm i recall runing into that once 19:21 rangi no idea how i got round it though 19:21 francharb :) 19:21 francharb hi rangi 19:21 rangi hiya francharb :) 19:22 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @ranginui: "4 more #kohails library cards, 3 from france and 1 from kansas, USA. http://t.co/vmeAZTX6 please keep them coming" 19:22 rangi i got 3 library cards from france! 19:22 francharb \0/ 19:22 francharb who are they? 19:22 wahanui they are still working on it... 19:22 rangi mines paristech, grenoble university, and museum of natural history 19:22 rangi that one is my favourite 19:22 rangi it is a paper card :) 19:22 francharb :) 19:23 francharb rangi, did you upload a picture of your wall lately? 19:24 francharb How many cards did you get so far? 19:24 rangi yup, that url from tweetbot is it 19:24 francharb hehe 19:24 francharb sorry, I'm blind today 19:24 francharb awesome 19:24 rangi 18 now 19:25 rangi ill ask again in a month or so :) 19:25 rangi francharb: how did you edit the framework? 19:25 francharb I will ask the libraries I work with if they can give one of theirs! ;) 19:25 rangi ohh that would be excellent! 19:26 francharb rangi, using libreoffice calc 19:26 rangi hmm 19:26 rangi there goes my theory then 19:26 rangi the last time i saw it, it had been edited on windows and had got \r instead of \n i think 19:26 rangi (was just the sql file) 19:27 francharb I'm using ubuntu but i'm going to check this out! 19:27 francharb thank you 19:29 rangi hopefully it is some help 19:32 francharb rangi, I edited the framework with VI and it works 19:32 rangi ah ha 19:32 francharb so I guess, there is something when I save it with calc 19:32 rangi so libreoffice must be putting in some chars 19:32 francharb yep 19:32 rangi that the import doesnt like 19:33 rangi we should try to find what they are, and fix the import to not choke on them 19:33 rangi cant make everyone use vi :-) 19:33 francharb I'm going to dig this a little further 19:33 francharb :) 19:33 rangi thanks 19:35 francharb I found it 19:36 francharb the original file is : "000","Label","","0","1","","" 19:36 francharb the saved file is : "000","Label","","0","1","","",,,,,,,,,,,,, 19:37 francharb and I just opened the file and saved it 19:37 francharb \0/ 19:37 rangi ahhhh 19:37 rangi it adds a ton of empty columns 19:37 rangi helpful of it 19:39 francharb I don't know If I can tell calc to not add these so, I will try later just to delete them before saving the file 19:39 francharb :) 19:40 francharb on this good news, I'm going to eat my soup! 19:40 francharb Time to grow up! 19:41 francharb see you soon rangi ! ;) 19:41 francharb and thanks for the help 19:41 francharb ;) 19:43 rangi mmm soup 19:44 rangi davidnind++ #great emails to the list 19:54 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @tararobertson: "@ranginui 1112 branches? whoa! that's amazing. is #kohails already available in Turkish? or is that new?" 19:54 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @ranginui: "still really excited 1112 library branches in turkey are migrating to #kohails http://t.co/DrI8C4Da" 20:02 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @emilyalling: "so @amberhlibrarian just inadvertently discovered that #kohails is fully Y3K compliant!" 20:04 wizzyrea1 good morning 20:17 rangi http://blogs.perl.org/users/ovid/2012/12/refactoring-when-tests-are-failing.html 20:17 rangi interesting read 20:17 rangi i didn't know about --state=save 20:19 gmcharlt rangi++ # nice find 20:20 wizzyrea way handy 21:42 eythian hi 21:42 wahanui bonjour, eythian 21:43 mib_vczt1x hi fellas 21:43 mib_vczt1x i need some asistance 21:44 wizzyrea ask? 21:44 wahanui Don't ask to ask, just ask. 21:44 wizzyrea :) 21:45 mib_vczt1x http://lib.themico.edu.jm/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=2241# 21:45 mib_vczt1x that particular installation seem to be having some issues 21:45 jcamins_away first question? 21:45 wahanui "What are you trying to do?" or "What is the goal?" 21:45 mib_vczt1x if we try to search the catalog it returns no results 21:45 jcamins_away Ah. 21:46 mib_vczt1x yet if i try to access the item directly they show 21:46 rangi hmm where is .jm (totally offtopic) 21:46 jcamins_away faq? 21:46 wahanui well, faq is found at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/ 21:46 mib_vczt1x ive run rebild script many times 21:46 mib_vczt1x jamaica 21:46 jcamins_away The last (I think) item has instructions for starting Zebra. 21:46 wizzyrea opac suppression? 21:47 wizzyrea sometimes if you turn on opacsuppression, but don't have any items suppressed, you will get this. 21:47 wizzyrea does it work in the intranet? 21:47 mib_vczt1x wizzyrea: hld let me check 21:49 mib_vczt1x no it doesnt 21:49 wizzyrea then it's not opac suppression :) 21:50 jcamins_away My first guess is that Zebra is not running. 21:50 wizzyrea ^^ 21:51 wizzyrea that's probably most likely. 21:51 jcamins_away My second guess is that rebuild_zebra was run as the wrong user. 21:51 jcamins_away My third guess is... 21:51 jcamins_away ummm... 21:51 jcamins_away I only have two guesses, apparently. 21:51 ibeardslee solar flares? 21:51 jcamins_away ibeardslee: that works. :) 21:51 wizzyrea ^ ^ 21:53 ibeardslee http://radar.oreilly.com/2013/01/open-government-files-released.html 21:54 mib_vczt1x I did this wiki http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_3.8_on_Centos_6.3, and built the server according to it, maybe i left out important areas, let me check on it 21:55 rangi ps axf | grep "zebrasrv" 21:55 rangi is it running? 21:55 rangi wahanui: excuse? 21:55 wahanui rangi: Cache miss - please take better aim next time 21:56 jcamins_away Oh, if you're on CentOS, I am going to guess that the problem is that you don't have the daemon program for starting Zebra. 21:56 jcamins_away Three guesses. :) 21:57 mib_vczt1x correct it seem i left out that part on the wiki, my bad..no servie not running..wil fix when get home. 21:57 wizzyrea cool, hop on back if you run into trouble :) 21:58 rangi cool, i wonder if you are the first jamaican koha library? 21:59 mib_vczt1x tHAT COULD HAVE BEING THE FIRST BUT IVE SINCE DONE A FEW TEST INSTALLATIONS 21:59 mib_vczt1x sorry for caps 21:59 mib_vczt1x there is one other here 21:59 mib_vczt1x wplrc.ecc.edu.jm 22:00 mib_vczt1x still in the setup stage 22:00 mib_vczt1x trying to work out the 1-2-3 steps for getting up and running production style 22:00 wizzyrea cool :) 22:01 wizzyrea using the packages? 22:01 wahanui using the packages is better anyway 22:01 mib_vczt1x kinda in the sense of best practice 22:01 mib_vczt1x well i dont have problems with install part rally 22:01 mib_vczt1x its just the configuration part that i have issues with 22:03 mib_vczt1x in terms of whats next after install there is documentation about practically everything but there is not clear picture of how what affects what 22:04 mib_vczt1x maybe need a sample guide that deals with getting started after install 22:06 jcamins_away beginner's guide? 22:06 jcamins_away Hm. 22:06 jcamins_away introduction? 22:06 jcamins_away gentle introduction to Koha? 22:06 jcamins_away getting started with Koha? 22:06 jcamins_away absolute beginner's guide? 22:06 mib_vczt1x yes 22:06 jcamins_away wahanui: thanks for nothing. 22:06 wahanui jcamins_away: sure thing 22:06 mib_vczt1x something of that nature 22:06 jcamins_away mib_vczt1x: there is one, and I hoped our bot knew where it was. 22:06 jcamins_away It did not. 22:07 jcamins_away newbie guide? 22:07 wahanui well, newbie guide is at http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Newbie_guide 22:07 jcamins_away ^^ ha! It only took six tries. 22:08 * jcamins_away relies heavily on wahanui 22:09 mib_vczt1x well i'm gonna check this out tonight 22:14 rangi @wunder sudbury,on 22:14 huginn rangi: Error: No such location could be found. 22:14 rangi @wunder sudbury, ontario 22:14 huginn rangi: The current temperature in Sudbury, Ontario is -20.0°C (5:00 PM EST on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: -24.0°C. Windchill: -30.0°C. Pressure: 29.93 in 1013 hPa (Rising). 22:14 wizzyrea ! 22:15 * wizzyrea dies a little when it gets that cold 22:15 wizzyrea @wunder lawrence, ks 22:15 huginn wizzyrea: The current temperature in Channel 6 Downtown, Lawrence, Kansas is -6.1°C (4:12 PM CST on January 21, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 51%. Dew Point: -15.0°C. Windchill: -6.0°C. Pressure: 30.44 in 1031 hPa (Falling). 22:15 wizzyrea still cold. but not *that* cold 22:15 jcamins_away rangi: you're in Ontario? 22:15 rangi naw, dan scott is 22:16 rangi @wunder nzwn 22:16 huginn rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 22.0°C (11:00 AM NZDT on January 22, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 64%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Steady). 22:16 rangi that's where i am 22:16 wizzyrea \o/ winning! 22:16 jcamins_away Ah. Why is Dan Scott in Ontario? 22:16 jcamins_away I vaguely recall that he was going to something, but... not much else. 22:17 rangi i think he lives there? 22:17 rangi where is laurentian university? 22:17 senator sudbury's right. that's the place. 22:17 senator also, brrr 22:17 jcamins_away Oh, I thought you were talking about the conference that folks on #evergreen were talking about. 22:18 rangi ahh thats in vancouver later 22:18 wizzyrea oh ALA MW? 22:18 jcamins_away No, the one in Vancouver. :) 22:18 wizzyrea or access 22:18 rangi the evergreen conference anyway 22:18 wizzyrea oh egconf 22:18 jcamins_away Yeah, that's what they were discussing. ;) 22:19 * jcamins_away obviously was not paying the greatest attention that day. 22:19 * wizzyrea wasn't even there 22:19 rangi its shaping up to be a good conference afaict 22:20 jcamins_away Argh! 22:20 * senator wonders whether anybody's organizing the event pub crawl yet 22:20 * jcamins_away just closed FrameMaker. 22:20 jcamins_away I was trying to close the help menu. 22:20 jcamins_away Who puts an "exit" button on the help menu? 22:20 rangi senator: i was in vancouver for acess 2011, there are some really good pubs there 22:21 rangi s/acess/access/ 22:21 senator rangi: i look forward to it then! better work on my presentation and properly earn it :-) 22:21 rangi :) 22:23 rangi senator: i remember we had a fairly epic pub crawl at ALA in new orleans 22:23 senator rangi: epic enough i almost don't remember it! 22:24 rangi heh 22:24 jcamins_away Hehe. 22:24 rangi i saw a photo of us with cigars on some balcony ... :) 22:24 * jcamins_away missed that. 22:24 rangi jcamins_away: it was after the open source drinks thingy, i think you and sheri headed back to the hotel? 22:25 jcamins_away Yeah. 22:25 rangi 2:00-2:30 In Search of Search – Jed Moffitt and TBD from Catalyst <-- always confuses me, im like .. wait, who are those guys .. ohhh another catalyst 22:25 senator good times. any koha folk planning to make this eg conf in vancouver then? 22:26 rangi ahh you have a good topic senator 22:26 rangi id love to, but no budget :( 22:27 senator thanks rangi 22:49 slef yeah same boat as rangi ;) 22:50 jcamins_away About the same. 22:50 jcamins_away [off] The CEO is a regular martinet when it comes to travel funds. 22:51 jcamins_away [off] Not unlike the RM when it comes to commit messages. 22:53 jcamins_away FrameMaker-- 22:56 rangi hey NateC 22:57 NateC Hello! 22:57 NateC and Goodbye :) 22:57 wizzyrea hi.... and bye.... 23:03 jcamins_away FrameMaker... for when you _really_ hate your users. 23:06 jcamins_away Wait, I meant FileMaker. 23:06 jcamins_away filemaker-- 23:17 * cait is not here 23:21 * slef neither 23:28 cait :) 23:28 * wizzyrea is here