Time Nick Message 20:21 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @nengard: "@osswatch the link to #kohails is wrong on: http://t.co/Xm4Kafgg it should be http://t.co/b9bcZnAD" 11:14 huginn cait1: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is -2.0°C (12:00 PM CET on January 20, 2013). Conditions: Mist. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: -4.0°C. Pressure: 29.38 in 995 hPa (Rising). 11:14 cait1 @wunder konstanz 11:14 cait1 hello #koha 01:24 oleonard See you later 01:24 oleonard Nothing like a few patches to get ready for bed. 01:22 jcamins Now it is. 00:49 jcamins ... and it's not quite working. 00:40 * oleonard isn't aiming quite so high 00:40 jcamins Right now I'm working on syspref caching. 00:40 * jcamins isn't going to object. 00:39 oleonard Yeah, just felt like working 00:39 jcamins oleonard: a bit late and weekendy for you.