Time  Nick              Message
00:24 eythian           jcamins: are you about?
00:36 jcamins           eythian: I am.
00:37 eythian           jcamins: so, you remember when you built me the 64-bit version of Digest::JHash...can I get you to do that again?
00:37 jcamins           Sure.
00:37 jcamins           I just have to figure out how I did it.
00:37 jcamins           You need a new one?
00:37 eythian           yeah, I'll send you the files for it.
00:37 jcamins           Thanks.
00:39 eythian           http://ubuntuone.com/5AKjGpv8BCh2YdOZP8gb7l <-- jcamins
00:40 eythian           it's actually just the -1koha1.* files I care about in this case, I accidentally included the old ones in there
00:42 jcamins           Hm.
00:43 jcamins           There's no make file so I can't clean it.
00:43 eythian           Digest-JHash-0.07/Makefile ?
00:43 * jcamins         works out that he can just rm -R blib
00:44 eythian           probably just removing the blib dir
00:44 eythian           ...
00:44 eythian           yeah
00:46 jcamins           Okay, how do I make it not try to sign the packages?
00:46 eythian           -uc -us
00:46 jcamins           It wants to use your key, which won't work as I don't have it.
00:46 jcamins           Thanks.
00:48 jcamins           [off] http://kohadev.cpbibliography.com/libdigest-jhash-amd64.tar.gz
00:49 eythian           tq
00:56 eythian           jcamins: why do those files reference a libdigest-jhash-perl_0.07-1koha1.tar.gz file?
00:56 eythian           that shouldn't exist
00:56 jcamins           eythian: it was created by the command you gave me.
00:56 eythian           (instead it should refer to the orig.tar.gz
00:56 eythian           )
00:57 eythian           I didn't give you a command...
00:57 jcamins           debuild -uc -us
00:57 jcamins           Oh, arguments.
00:58 eythian           hmm. the -uc -us wouldn't make a difference here...
00:58 jcamins           You didn't say debuild.
00:58 eythian           no, but had you asked, that's what I would have said :)(
00:58 eythian           -(
00:59 jcamins           That's not how I usually build packages...
00:59 eythian           jcamins: can you md5sum your libdigest-jhash-perl_0.07-1koha1.tar.gz for me?
00:59 jcamins           I thought you were telling me the exact arguments you wanted.
00:59 eythian           I'm also curious why it didn't pick up the .orig file
01:00 eythian           the problem is that I can't install the package because I don't have the tar.gz it's wanting, and I don't think I should need that.
01:00 eythian           though, if you have it lying around, it might be the easy way...
01:00 jcamins           I'll build packages the way I usually do.
01:00 eythian           how's that?
01:01 eythian           for perl modules, debuild -us -uc is what I do.
01:01 jcamins           -i -b
01:01 jcamins           (-us -uc too, in this case)
01:01 jcamins           Well, usually I use -i
01:02 jcamins           I don't know what it does, but that's what I do.
01:02 eythian           -b is binary only, not sure about -i
01:03 eythian           ah, it filters source control stuff
01:04 jcamins           Okay, try the new version of that tgz.
01:04 eythian           k
01:06 eythian           looks promising so far...
01:07 eythian           squeeze|main|amd64: libdigest-jhash-perl 0.07-1koha1
01:07 eythian           excellent, thanks
01:07 jcamins           Yay!
01:07 jcamins           It's a pity we can't do optional dependencies as optional.
01:08 jcamins           Digest::JHash is an optional dependency of an optional dependency.
01:08 eythian           yeah, I know
01:08 eythian           though, even the optional stuff is required for building.
01:09 eythian           I plan to have a bit of a rant on the -devel list about dependencies.
01:09 eythian           currently I'm maintaining ~15 extra modules, and it's getting to be a bit of a headache.
01:10 jcamins           Digest::JHash is automatically detected by CHI if it's available, but not installed if it's not.
01:10 jcamins           (when installed via CPAN)
01:10 jcamins           (unless you specifically ask for it to be installed)
01:10 eythian           packages, for better or for worse, tend to be stricter about such things.
01:13 jcamins           I guess the idea is that it reduces variables when it comes to supporting the package?
01:13 eythian           yeah
01:14 eythian           On thing I should do is have a blacklist of modules that aren't going to be depended on.
01:14 eythian           so anything that's super-optional and problematic won't be added to the list.
01:14 jcamins           One thing I discussed with chris_n was storing packaging information directly in Installer::PerlDependencies.
01:15 jcamins           If we did that, we could have a "do not include" flag.
01:15 eythian           that's not a bad thought
01:15 jcamins           'Cause I see no reason to install CHI.
01:15 jcamins           I mean, CHI is very advantageous.
01:15 jcamins           But it's also entirely unnecessary.
01:16 jcamins           Especially since we don't really leverage it yet anyway.
01:17 eythian           yeah
01:18 jcamins           Right now Cache::Memcached::Fast does everything CHI does.
01:20 rangi             lds: looks like the lists are coming back
01:20 rangi             got a ton of test emails
01:21 lds               rangi: arfffff unix host command is very bad
01:22 rangi             i use nslookup, or dig
01:23 lds               rangi: postfix <-> unix host command
01:24 lds               rangi: virtualisation nat bad resolution
01:24 lds               rangi: a lot of problems
01:24 rangi             ah yep, nat .. thats nothing but pain
01:24 jcamins           melia++
01:25 melia             thanks! :)
01:25 eythian           I like how there's a "last test", followed by two more tests.
01:29 * lds             go to bed, good bye
01:31 trea              http://i.imgur.com/PHmF5.jpg
01:32 eythian           I see no "UNIX beard" on that list
01:33 ibeardslee        is neck beard close enough?
01:35 eythian           probably would be, yeah
01:36 rangi             or the philosopher
01:37 eythian           that one looks far too tidy
01:37 rangi             heh
01:37 rangi             not really accurate for a philosopher then
01:53 wizzyrea          well there's "full beard"
01:53 wizzyrea          no, homeless beard
01:53 Space_Librarian   dwarvish beard?
01:54 wizzyrea          I don't know, which beard would be the most unix admin-like bear
01:54 wizzyrea          beard*
01:54 wizzyrea          I think is what they are trying to ascertain
01:55 eythian           https://www.google.com/search?q=unix+beard&hl=nl&client=ubuntu&hs=sLW&tbo=u&channel=fs&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=HB20UNCRKomiiAfBsYCYAw&ved=0CC4QsAQ&biw=1918&bih=1008
01:55 Space_Librarian   Have you ever read David Eddings?
01:56 * eythian         cannot read his books.
01:56 * wizzyrea        has not
01:56 * Space_Librarian read his books before she discovered Tolkien (so. 12).
01:57 Space_Librarian   But he has a viking-like character with a unix-like beard.
01:58 wizzyrea          that's a lot of -like
01:58 Space_Librarian   yes. Also: compare the unix beard to the linux beard... https://www.google.com/search?q=unix+beard&hl=nl&client=ubuntu&hs=sLW&tbo=u&channel=fs&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=HB20UNCRKomiiAfBsYCYAw&ved=0CC4QsAQ&biw=1918&bih=1008#hl=nl&client=ubuntu&hs=P4q&tbo=d&channel=fs&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=linux+beard&oq=linux+beard&gs_l=img.3..0i19.14509.17201.4.17538.
01:59 Space_Librarian   and dilbert: http://static.tumblr.com/uocqjyj/hrsln9toh/dilbert.png
01:59 Space_Librarian   http://static.tumblr.com/uocqjyj/hrsln9toh/dilbert.png
01:59 Space_Librarian   gah. That didn't work. Did it?
02:00 eythian           nope
02:00 eythian           actually, yes
02:00 Space_Librarian   whew.
02:01 eythian           http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=nl&client=ubuntu&hs=mmB&sa=X&tbo=d&channel=fs&biw=1918&bih=1008&tbm=isch&tbnid=fpwlvcpq94xnxM:&imgrefurl=http://www.plumbersurplus.com/Blog/post/2009/10/29/Integrating-Open-Source-Software-Into-a-Work-Environment.aspx&docid=Nr2yvy6HFPK_dM&imgurl=http://www.plumbersurplus.com/Blog/image.axd%253Fpicture%253D2009%25252F10%25252FUnix%252Bbeard%252Band%252BLinux%252Bbeard.jpg&w=500&h=332&ei=nR60UJalOsm5iAfOvoHIBA&zoom=1&ia
02:01 eythian           ct=hc&vpx=827&vpy=167&dur=633&hovh=142&hovw=224&tx=138&ty=102&sig=105793777089867823742&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=224&start=0&ndsp=68&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:100 <-- these two are both relatively local.
02:01 eythian           wow that's a terrible link
02:01 eythian           http://www.plumbersurplus.com/Blog/post/2009/10/29/Integrating-Open-Source-Software-Into-a-Work-Environment.aspx <-- the two here
02:02 Space_Librarian   hahaha. That's taken at ANU.
02:02 Space_Librarian   And those are terrifying beards.
02:03 Space_Librarian   But I do like that there is a definite distinction between a UNIX and a Linux beard (if searching google images).
02:03 eythian           Space_Librarian: yeah, at linux.conf.au there.
02:04 Space_Librarian   cool. I think I was still there for that one.
02:04 jcamins           Oh, weird.
02:05 jcamins           SearchAuthorities doesn't actually work.
02:05 eythian           hmm, it'd be pre-09 I think
02:05 jcamins           Well, didn't.
02:06 jcamins           Now it does. :)
02:33 eythian           http://www.virtualshackles.com/366
02:41 rangi             http://feeding.cloud.geek.nz/2012/11/prefetching-resources-to-prime-browser.html
02:41 rangi             might be some useful tricks in there
03:09 cjh               heh neat trick
03:30 eythian           wahanui: inconceivable is <reply>http://zork.net/~nick/pix/inconceivable.jpg
03:30 wahanui           OK, eythian.
03:48 mtj               moar beard humor -> http://www.usenix.org.uk/wiki/Unix_beards
03:49 mtj               http://www.codethinked.com/the-programmer-dress-code
03:49 bag               YAY
03:49 mtj               http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/06/beard-gallery
03:50 bag               you thinking about growing a beard?  or are you already growing one?
03:51 * druthb          cannot picture mtj with a beard.
03:54 mtj               they are too itchy for me?!
03:55 druthb            If you don't keep them clean, they can itch, yes.  Also, some ladies like 'em, some don't, and it's a line that's rarely crossed.  The ones that don't won't see what a handsome charmer you are; all they'll see is the shredded wheat on your face.
03:55 mtj               i like the idea of silly facial hair in general tho
04:01 druthb            I like silly, yes--you'd look wicked with a Fu Manchu or a handlebar.  But unkempt, a la Stallman?  No, thanks.
04:04 wajasu            the only way i can get authority records generated is to be able to have a search service that has access to the complete set of auth records.
04:06 wajasu            meaning: as each auth record is created, the indexer needs to be given the new record and the subsequent search for a matching heading needs to find it if its a match.
04:06 eythian           I don't think that makes sense to me
04:06 jcamins           wajasu: yes, that's the way authorities work.
04:06 eythian           oh
04:06 jcamins           You download your authority records from somewhere else.
04:06 eythian           yes, that's why they're authorities
04:06 jcamins           And the linker is based on Zebra.
04:07 wajasu            fine for big outfits.  but all of the small outfits don't.
04:07 jcamins           So the entire authority file must be indexed the entire time.
04:07 eythian           because they come from an authoritive source
04:07 jcamins           As I said.
04:07 jcamins           Right, fine, but don't expect a *linker* to do something else.
04:07 eythian           I've scripted creating authorities before, it's pretty easy
04:08 jcamins           If you want a script to generate authorities, you should write one.
04:08 wajasu            linker calls search, but i need search it have the authority i just generated to deliver it on the next search.
04:08 jcamins           You could even make it generic enough to include in Koha.
04:08 jcamins           Yes, that's what the linekr does.
04:08 jcamins           That's the point.
04:08 wajasu            unless i create my own lookup table or hash for the batch.
04:09 jcamins           Otherwise it would be entirely useless.
04:10 wajasu            klinker links what currently exists in the zebra index.  but the lag between auth creation, and insertion into the DB, causes susequent searches in a batch to not find anything, thus dups are created.
04:12 rangi             yep, its like jcamins said, its not for creating authorities, the script is for linking your authorities you imported, to your biblios
04:12 wajasu            i need to create a hash of new auth recs, and match against it, but guarantee my authids will be ok if i insert them all at the end of the batch.
04:12 rangi             so trying to bend it into something its not is a fruitless exercise
04:12 jcamins           wajasu: sure, that's easy enough. Just write your own script.
04:12 rangi             you are better of creating some authority records, loading them in, then linking them
04:13 wajasu            thats what i am realizing now.
04:15 wajasu            but even when one has autogenerate and tons of authorities, they gen one, and if they catalog another book by the same authority before the index is rebuilt, a dup will be generated.
04:15 jcamins           Yes.
04:16 eythian           you can fix that by helping with the index queue work which'll much reduce that index lag :)
04:16 wajasu            i see that.
04:17 wajasu            i want to take tamil's indexer and recode it without Moose.
04:17 eythian           yeah, also in a way that it can go into core Koha would be great.
04:17 jcamins           That'd be very nice.
04:17 eythian           It makes more work for poor me having to maintain the extra packages for it all :)
04:17 wajasu            using the perl bless OO style.
04:18 wajasu            I actually though about using the perl DCI, because itw would be more maintainable in the long run.
04:20 eythian           wajasu: poor jcamins is <reply>will he ever win the cataloguing war?
04:20 eythian           err
04:20 eythian           wahanui: poor jcamins is <reply>will he ever win the cataloguing war?
04:20 wahanui           eythian: no idea
04:20 eythian           heh
04:20 eythian           wahanui: poor jcamins is <reply>will he ever win the cataloguing war#
04:20 wahanui           ...but poor jcamins is <reply>will he ever win the cataloguing war?...
04:20 jcamins           lol
04:20 eythian           oh
04:20 eythian           poor jcamins
04:20 wahanui           will he ever win the cataloguing war?
04:21 druthb            lol
04:22 rangi             wajasu: class::accessor is a very lightweight OO base
04:23 wajasu            what style would you call the linker code?
04:24 wajasu            Linker.pm and Default.pm and such
04:25 jcamins           Traditional Perl OO?
04:28 wajasu            it through me for a curve. but then I realized you had a homegrown superclass etc.
04:31 rangi             ?
04:32 wajasu            return $self->SUPER::_handle_auth_limit($authid), $fuzzy;
04:32 rangi             C4::Linker is based on Class::Accessor , C4::Linker::Default is based on C4::Linker
04:32 wajasu            oh
04:33 rangi             use base qw(C4::Linker);
04:33 wajasu            ah
04:33 rangi             so that is
04:34 rangi             C4::Linker::_handle_auth_limit ...
04:35 wajasu            i guess i could hava linker  Generate.pm   that generates an authrec, and inserts it realtime into the zebra index.
04:35 jcamins           No.
04:35 wajasu            just kidding.
04:35 wajasu            :)
04:35 jcamins           Well, you could, but it would not go into Koha.
04:36 wajasu            is the linker search provider agnodtic (solr/zebra)
04:37 jcamins           It would be if Solr supported authorities.
04:37 jcamins           As Solr doesn't, though, it's a moot point.
04:38 jcamins           The *only* search engine in Koha that has ever supported authorities -- to the best of my knowledge -- is Zebra.
04:38 wajasu            because of all the match-heading etc?
04:38 jcamins           No.
04:38 jcamins           Because there is no support whatsoever for authorities in Koha::SearchEngine::Solr.
04:39 jcamins           And NoZebra predates authorities, and using it would be profoundly stupid anyway.
04:39 wajasu            no that info cleared up a lot
04:39 wajasu            now that info cleared up a lot
04:40 wajasu            by the way, the zerba search logic is a work of art.
04:40 jcamins           There is no technical reason that Solr shouldn't support authorities. It just doesn't in Koha.
04:40 jcamins           Yeah, that's why I'm rewriting it.
04:40 jcamins           search rewrite?
04:40 wahanui           search rewrite is http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/C_&_P_Search_Rewrite_RFC
04:41 wajasu            that what i thought you were doing.
04:41 wajasu            i saw some thesaurus stuff commented out in the code.
04:41 jcamins           Actually, that's been commented out for years.
04:42 wajasu            well the comment about some method being a "shim" until...
04:42 jcamins           That's new.
04:43 jcamins           ish.
04:44 wajasu            so is 2013 the year you are doing the rewrite?
04:44 jcamins           Some of it, I expect.
04:44 wajasu            and you will use Class::Accessor?
04:45 * jcamins         will cross that bridge when he comes to it.
04:47 wajasu            i might just try modifying the current code to add the authority, and export it to zebra like tamil's indexer did and see if autogenerate works better.
04:48 jcamins           Seriously, you're way better off writing your own authority generator to generate authorities.
04:48 jcamins           You're generating stub authorities, so it's not like you're going to miss out on valuable information.
04:48 wajasu            and keep it separate as a tool.
04:48 jcamins           Right.
04:48 jcamins           Use a hammer for nails and a screwdriver for screws.
04:49 sandeepbhavsar    hi all Good Morning
04:50 wajasu            its really a one time migration thing.
04:50 wajasu            ok,
06:35 mib_jhbzun        Hi. I just wanted to ask if 3.10 in packages is ok now. I successfully went from 3.8.6 to 3.8.7 but from reviewing yesterdays IRC logs it seems that 3.10 had a whole bunch of dependency issues... which is the case when trying to update. I can only image that was a headache for someone!
06:36 rangi             they should be ok now
06:36 rangi             eythian was working on them, but id try on a test machine first
06:40 mib_jhbzun        Yeah, i've set up a virtual machine for testing. But when i try to update 3.8.7  to 3.10  i get that koha-common was held back and trying sudo apt-get install-koha common or a dist-upgrade just lets me know that it needs libchi-yadda yadda packages that it can't install.
06:40 rangi             even now?
06:41 mib_jhbzun        yes. i just tested now again.
06:41 rangi             hmm works for me
06:41 mib_jhbzun        the 3.8.7 i did about 30 mins ago.. but the 3.10 seems stuck.
06:42 rangi             libanyevent-http-perl libdigest-jhash-perl libhash-moreutils-perl libchi-perl koha-common
06:42 rangi             pulled in those
06:42 pastebot          "rangi" at pasted "The following NEW packages wil" (8 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/283
06:43 rangi             you did a fresh apt-get update eh?
06:44 mib_jhbzun        what do you mean sorry?
06:44 rangi             you did an apt-get update, before trying apt-get install koha-common ?
06:44 mib_jhbzun        yes.
06:45 rangi             weird, it just worked fine for me
06:46 rangi             running debian squeeze?
06:46 mib_jhbzun        I will try in a minuate.
06:46 mib_jhbzun        Ubuntu 12.04
06:48 rangi             should be ok, libchi-perl is packaged at debian.koha-community.org
06:48 mib_jhbzun        well i just removed koha-common and will try from scratch to see if it gets me 3.10 instead of trying to update or install over from 3.8
06:50 mib_jhbzun        no i still get that it has unmet dependencies: libchi-driver-mecached-perl and that its not going to be installed & also libchi-perl but its not going to be installed.
06:52 mib_jhbzun        it says i have held broken packages.. but when i check for any it says there aren't.. it only does this for 3.10
06:57 mib_jhbzun        so I've removed koha-common and tried to install directly 3.10 but this still didn't work. I then changed back to oldstable and installed 3.8.7  succesfully with no hickups.
06:57 rangi             how odd, since both of those packages are on debian.koha-community.org
06:57 rangi             the same place as koha-common
06:58 rangi             http://debian.koha-community.org/koha/pool/main/libc/
06:58 mib_jhbzun        when i try 3.10  there is some dependency issues that it just can't overlook.. and when i manually try to install the missing packages it keeps sending me down the line to this package that seems to be THE problem:
06:59 rangi             must be something to do with ubuntu's setup, as it works fine on debian, maybe email koha-devel
06:59 mib_jhbzun        hmm just a sec..
07:01 mib_jhbzun        it changed now.. it seems to be installing it fine now..
07:01 mib_jhbzun        weird.
07:01 mib_jhbzun        oh well.. i won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
07:01 rangi             heh
07:02 mib_jhbzun        but it seems that when I uninstalled koha then tried to install libchi and its dependancies it was ok.. then when I updated to koha 3.10 it seems to successfully update the libchi dependancies.
07:29 * magnuse         waves
07:30 * cait            waves back
07:33 magnuse           kia ora cait and #koha!
07:34 rangi             hi magnuse
07:34 alex_a            bonjour
07:35 magnuse           ata marie rangi and alex_a
07:36 * magnuse         has had trouble installing libchi-perl on ubuntu too
07:36 alex_a            ata marie magnuse :)
07:43 reiveune          hello
07:43 rangi             hi alex_a and reiveune
07:43 reiveune          :)
07:43 alex_a            bonjour rangi
07:47 cait              hi all :) and bbl
08:17 paul_p            good morning #koha
08:20 rangi             hi paul_p
08:30 tweetbot`         [off] twitter: @paul_poulain: "BibLibre and Elidoc announce a partnership: #kohails, #drupal and other Free softwares for libraries in Greece http://t.co/uh7anUFU"
09:05 drojf             good morning #koha
09:06 kf                hi drojf
09:06 drojf             hi kf :)
09:08 drojf             uh, a backdoor in piwik?!
09:08 rangi             what?
09:08 drojf             http://forum.piwik.org/read.php?2,97666,97674
09:09 drojf             only have a german article about it
09:11 rangi             ahh .. thats why we sign our tarballs and md5 them .. not that people bother to check, but this might be a good reminder to do that :)
09:11 drojf             :)
09:12 drojf             off to the shower
09:18 magnuse           ouch
09:19 rangi             looks like someone compromised the server it was on, and created their own zip file .. it happens every so often, which is why signing is so important
09:21 kf                poor piwik
09:21 rangi             the good news
09:21 wahanui           the good news is, like, it looks like it's running properly
09:21 rangi             it was discovered very fast
09:21 rangi             and fixed fast
09:22 kf                :)
09:22 rangi             if it was proprietary, it could have been there for years no one could tell
09:24 magnuse           a bit more information would have been good, something on their blog and something about what versions are affected...
09:24 rangi             yep
09:25 magnuse           is latest = 1.9.2 and are all 1.9.2 installations affected? i have 1.9.2 but it does not seem to be affected..
09:27 rangi             did you install from the zip, or upgrade?
09:27 rangi             afaict it was only new installs from the zip .. but its light on details
09:38 magnuse           i upgraded
09:39 magnuse           with the wonderful (= easy) "click here to upgrade" function in the web ui
09:39 magnuse           which leaves me with very little control over what i install, of course
09:48 drojf             the german article is here if that helps anyone http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Hintertuer-in-Traffic-Analyse-Software-Piwik-1757145.html
10:42 vfernandes        good morning koha community :)
11:45 vfernandes        is there anyway in koha 3.8.7 to have different circulation/overdue/predue notices for organization patrons?
11:48 kf                vfernandes: overdue notices can be different by categorytype
11:49 kf                circulation, predue are the same for all patrons in a library
11:51 vfernandes        yes, I know that we can have different overdue notices by categorytype
11:51 vfernandes        which solves my problem for that case
11:52 vfernandes        but would be nice to have that difference in the other notices...
11:52 vfernandes        normally the organization notices are more elaborate than the other notices
12:32 tcohen            mornin' #koha
12:46 tcohen            quick question: is the cssr theme targeted to mobile devices? or is a general use one?
12:46 jcamins_away      tcohen: general use.
12:46 jcamins_away      ccsr.
12:46 tcohen            (BTW, crongrats for the great job on that)
12:47 tcohen            been too focused on libs and tests and didn't take a look at what was going on with the UI, great job!
12:51 jcamins           Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
12:52 drojf             hi #koha
13:00 kf                hi drojf - are you ignoring me?
13:00 drojf             kf: huh??
13:01 drojf             kf: how do you come to that idea?
13:02 kf                because you did ignore me :)
13:11 drojf             no you are ignoring me :P
13:11 samuel            hi everybody
13:12 kf                drojf: patt?
13:13 kf                hi samuel
13:13 samuel            i 've installed latest koha and i think i've forgotten something. When i do an update of po files, i 've this "Symbolic links are not supported at the moment", seems something i've missed when i've installed debian packages
13:27 oleonard          Hi #koha
13:27 drojf             hi oleonard
13:29 tcohen            do we have some kkind of integration between bz and our git repo?
13:30 jcamins           tcohen: yes, the RM downloads patches off of bugzilla.
13:30 jcamins           ;)
13:30 tcohen            heh, os the answer is no
13:31 jcamins           If I understand your question, that is correct.
13:31 jcamins           We have git-bz which simplifies the process, but there's no integration.
13:33 tcohen            i was approached by a couple of students that are doing some research on git and buzilla for their engeneering degree
13:33 jcamins           They should look at...
13:34 jcamins           the program that Mahara uses.
13:34 jcamins           It's called...
13:34 jcamins           gerrit.
13:42 tcohen            gerrit
13:42 tcohen            i'll check it out
13:42 jcamins           It's very cool.
13:59 * oleonard        would have expected a non-English speaker to have discovered Bug 9152 :P
13:59 huginn            04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9152 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Datepicker doesn't load localized strings
14:00 drojf             haven't picked a date in a while ;)
14:03 samuel            i've a bug but with languages....."symbolic links are note supported at the moment"
14:13 oleonard          How is the information at http://schema.koha-community.org generated?
14:13 kf                oleonard: I think there is a program that does it - somene said rangi could update it
14:14 oleonard          Hm, so he probably runs the program against an updated copy of a Koha database
14:14 kf                maybe, we will have to ask him I think
14:15 oleonard          It would be great if preferences like  BorrowerUnwantedField  could use AJAX to load borrower columns for autocomplete
14:16 kf                huh?
14:16 kf                oleonard: not sure what you mean :)
14:16 oleonard          For system preferences which require the user to enter mysql table column names, it would be nice if there was an autocomplete for the names
14:17 kf                ah
14:31 tweetbot`         [off] twitter: @ByWaterSolution: "A little bit about “Relevance” in Koha http://t.co/0GtLVQw1 #kohails"
14:34 magnuse           oleonard: that would definitely be nice, yes
14:34 drojf             is there a reason to encode language in 008/35-37 when we do it in 041 anyway? or can i safely assume using ### there is alright? from a zebra point of view i don't see a problem, any librarian reasons maybe?
14:37 drojf             i take this as a 'no' ;)
14:37 jcamins           drojf: yes.
14:37 jcamins           Because 008 is the canonical place for language.
14:41 vfernandes        git question: i've submit a patch to the bug 9151, but now I need to submit a patch update. I've done the code modifications and now I can submit?
14:41 huginn            04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9151 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, vfernandes, ASSIGNED , Renewal notice according to patron alert preferences
14:42 drojf             jcamins:  ok, that would be a reason. but as i understand 008 expects marc language codes which we do not use
14:42 jcamins           drojf: yes, it does.
14:42 jcamins           drojf: should I ask why you felt the need to make up your own language codes?
14:43 drojf             jcamins: we did not make them up. but we use iso639-3 because marc and the related iso639-2 is not enough to specify the languages we provide learning material for
14:44 jcamins           Ah...
14:44 jcamins           you'll need to disable the language limiter, I think.
14:45 oleonard          If I put in a full URL to an external XSLT stylesheet into the  XSLTDetailsDisplay  preference I get this error: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "MARC21slimUtils.xsl" I tried copying MARC21slimUtils.xsl to the same location but it still fails
14:45 francharb         hi
14:45 vfernandes        anyone can help me?
14:45 drojf             jcamins: where would i do that?
14:45 jcamins           drojf: CSS?
14:45 wahanui           somebody said CSS was probably easier
14:45 drojf             jcamins: i heard css would probably be easier :)
14:46 jcamins           lol
14:46 jcamins           vfernandes: sure, go ahead and attach your follow-up to the bug.
14:46 jcamins           You don't need permission.
14:47 vfernandes        can I have two patch for one bug, where the second it a complement of the first?
14:47 drojf             vfernandes: sure
14:48 jcamins           vfernandes: there are dozens of patches on some bugs.
14:48 vfernandes        ok thanks... another question: kristan on the bug said to add the notice template to the translations
14:48 vfernandes        which is the best way to do that?
14:48 jcamins           Katrin?
14:49 vfernandes        yes Katrin sorry... yesterday I added a system preference in another bug but I haven't added any translation
14:49 jcamins           (I don't recall the comment, so that's an actual question)
14:49 jcamins           Okay.
14:49 jcamins           kf? :)
14:49 * jcamins         always likes to make kf answer that sort of question.
14:49 vfernandes        ohhh Katrin is kf :)
14:50 drojf             small world ;)
14:50 jcamins           sekjal!
14:50 jcamins           Greetings!
14:50 sekjal            hi, jcamins
14:51 vfernandes        i'm still learning the Koha development and git workflow, so it's natural to have so many questions
14:51 jcamins           vfernandes: of course.
14:52 jcamins           vfernandes: I don't know the best way, that's why I always make kf answer questions like that.
14:53 sekjal            for those of you who are interested in Chicago in February, Code4Lib registration opens in about 2 hours.  it always sells out within the day
14:54 oleonard          Chicago in February? Geeks don't like to go outside anyway right?
14:54 jcamins           lol
14:54 magnuse           kia ora sekjal!
14:54 sekjal            only to go between the hotel and the bars
14:54 sekjal            howdy, magnuse
14:55 jcamins           I'll be in CA, so not this year.
14:55 * magnuse         would love to go to code4lib...
14:55 magnuse           but hey, marseille in marc aint too bad either!
14:55 magnuse           gah s/marc/march/
14:55 kf                jcamins: you make me do what?
14:56 jcamins           kf: answer translation questions.
14:56 jcamins           Ooh, druthb is around too.
14:56 jcamins           druthb: I'm delegating!
14:56 druthb            Clearly, you mistake me for someone that knows what is going on.
14:57 kf                lol
14:58 sekjal            hi, druthb
14:59 magnuse           oleonard++ for closing bugs
15:00 druthb            hi, sekjal. :)
15:00 kf                oleonard++ :)
15:00 * druthb          would love to go to code4lib, but doesn't see it happening.
15:01 kf                vfernandes: either is fine - but because your patch has not been tested yet, maybe you could sqash them into one (your commits)
15:01 * druthb          would rather go to YAPC::NA in Austin in June. :)
15:01 * magnuse         would rather go to kohacon in reno :-)
15:01 jcamins           kf: the question is where the notice templates go for translation. :)
15:01 kf                vfernandes: and also - look in installer/... mysql/data something, there are different folders for different translated installers - and there should be a notices.sql file in each or similar named
15:01 kf                vfernandes: sorry, no time to look up the complete paths for you
15:02 kf                magnuse: reno!
15:02 magnuse           this is the official repo for the qa tools now, right? http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=qa-test-tools.git;a=summary
15:03 jcamins           Yes.
15:03 kf                druthb++/fredericd++
15:03 vfernandes        kf but only for "en" or for every languages?
15:04 druthb            druthb--
15:04 huginn            druthb: Error: You're not allowed to adjust your own karma.
15:04 druthb            :P
15:04 kf                vfernandes: I think an english sample will still be helpful - because people get the notice code to use and can edit the text
15:04 magnuse           jcamins: there's a problem with it - it says to copy perlcriticrc to ~/ but that does not get picked up. ~/.perlcriticrc with the dot on the other hand does get picked up
15:04 kf                vfernandes: that's my opinion at least - easier to find something is english, than finding out why renewal notices work for everyone else but not you
15:05 jcamins           magnuse: hm, someone should fix that.
15:06 vfernandes        ok kf... I will add to sample_notices.sql for "en" the renewal notice. That's fine?
15:06 kf                vfernandes: what I was trying to say is, that it would be good if you amended all of them
15:06 kf                vfernandes: for example I ran into some weird problems with missing circ slips in a gemran installation recently
15:06 magnuse           jcamins: i can file a bug for it, as a start
15:07 jcamins           magnuse: sounds good, thanks.
15:07 kf                vfernandes: but you don't have to translate them - if it's all in english that should be fine
15:07 vfernandes        ok... I will add to all of them
15:07 druthb            fredericd:  ping?
15:08 kf                vfernandes: thank you :)
15:21 * jcamins         hums the "I hate bib-1" song.
15:23 * magnuse         joins in with jcamins
15:23 vfernandes        kf done :)
15:28 tweetbot`         [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails  A little bit about “Relevance” in Koha http://t.co/oLrppeIu"
15:29 * druthb          hides
15:30 paul_p            druthb = hello. Is it me or translate.koha-community.org is much slower than it used to be ?
15:32 druthb            paul_p:  you're not the first to spot that.  (Since I don't translate, it's not something I can see well.)  I'll be adding more memory to that box this weekend, and look into other things I can do, as well.
15:32 paul_p            druthb thx !!!
15:32 kf                druthb: it used to be really fast when I tested it the first time you showed me
15:32 kf                druthb: maybe that's good to know
15:33 druthb            Same box--it just seems to be once we got real translators working more, things have bogged down some.
15:34 kf                hm but shouldn't be that many at the same time?
15:35 kf                I mean.. there are not so many translators
15:35 kf                maybe something in the background eating up memory? (I am no sysadmin and it shows...)
15:36 SJeffery          druthb - Nice writeup. I like to also think about what does *not* influence relevance (ex: afaik item type is not used).
15:36 jcamins           Actually, I just learned that we've been using relevance searching wrong all along anyway.
15:37 druthb            kf:  There are a number of kind-of-grunty apache processes dangling out there.  lemme restart apache, see if it helps.
15:37 druthb            check now?
15:39 SJeffery          jcamins: How so?
15:39 druthb            SJeffery: you know, that's interesting.  It seems to me that if someone entered the item type code (since it's stored in the 952) then that'd get points, maybe, unless someone somewhere told it not to.
15:39 * druthb          must experiment with that.
15:40 kf                vfernandes++ :)
15:40 jcamins           SJeffery: we're putting the request for relevance sorting in the wrong place in the query, so far as I can tell.
15:40 vfernandes        how many time takes one patch to be tested and push?
15:40 kf                druthb: works nicely for me now
15:41 jcamins           It's kind of hard to be sure, since the code is mostly incomprehensible.
15:41 SJeffery          druthb: I was thinking more along the lines of how Worldcat does their ranking. They seem to consistently rank different item types higher (books, av, and journals are higher than analytics).
15:41 jcamins           vfernandes: it varies.
15:41 druthb            okay..  looks like maybe apache isn't managing resources well.  I can work with that.
15:41 SJeffery          jcamins: That describes every large programming project...ever
15:41 jcamins           SJeffery: lol
15:41 jcamins           True.
15:41 jcamins           But the search code is worse than most.
15:42 druthb            SJeffery: yeah.  In Koha, if you *don't* specify something, then it really wouldn't care, and would list the records more-or-less arbitrarily, all else being equal.
15:42 kf                vfernandes: there is no time I can tell you - it depends on the testers and what they pick up
15:43 kf                vfernandes: for qa team I am trying to give bugs a higher priority than enhancements, but trying to mix it a bit
15:43 vfernandes        it would be nice at least one of my patch to be accepted :P
15:43 kf                vfernandes: sometimes it can help to test other peoples patches and talk to them, asking nicely if they would take a look
15:43 vfernandes        and pushed to the next release
15:44 kf                vfernandes: that should be possible :) we got almost 6 months now .)
15:45 vfernandes        the patches submit to master aren't pushed for koha 3.10?
15:45 kf                not enh
15:45 kf                bug fixes yes
15:45 kf                3.10 is released now, so we are in maintenance for it, new patches go into master for 3.12
15:45 kf                hm new features
15:46 kf                jcamins: correct me if I am talking nonsense ;)
15:46 jcamins           kf: no, you're correct. :)
15:47 vfernandes        bug 9151 I put it as enhancement but I think it would be nice to push it to 3.10
15:47 huginn            04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9151 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, vfernandes, Needs Signoff , Renewal notice according to patron alert preferences
15:47 jcamins           It's rangi's decision whether he'll backport enhancements.
15:47 kf                vfernandes: the release maintainers decide about that, but it is a new feature - if you are strict
15:48 paul_p            vfernandes = is it an enhancement or a new feature ? (ie: have you seen that, now, you've 2 options)
15:50 vfernandes        there is circulation notices, but not renewal notice... I think it's not a new feature but a enhancement
15:52 kf                vfernandes: I think of it more than a new feature - it's something that I have not heard about before even - although I like the idea
15:55 vfernandes        it was one request of one client... i've done the modification on 3.2.X... I will try to submit anothers changes to the master like: only let reserve if all available items are checkout, don't allow to reserve books in the possession of the patron, remove some note fields from the "title notes" tab, etc...
15:58 drojf             "only let reserve if all available items are checkout" <- isn't that in koha?
15:58 jcamins           vfernandes: yes.
15:58 drojf             i think there is a syspref for that
15:59 jcamins           Sorry.
15:59 jcamins           drojf: yes.
15:59 jcamins           AllowOnshelfHolds or something like that.
16:01 vfernandes        I don't think so... the idea it's to block holds until every items are checkout, then it allows to hold
16:01 jcamins           vfernandes: yes, that's what AllowOnshelfHolds does.
16:02 jcamins           If it's disabled, you can't place a hold on books that are available.
16:02 vfernandes        AllowOnshelfHolds - hold requests to be placed on items that are not checked out.
16:02 vfernandes        the request is that all of them needs to be checkout
16:03 vfernandes        it's different...
16:03 jcamins           I don't see any distinction.
16:04 vfernandes        AllowOnshelfHolds allow you to put on hold one item even if the others are available
16:04 drojf             vfernandes: i think there is something else for "reserve specific item" vs "reserve next available item" too
16:04 drojf             so you might need to change that
16:04 vfernandes        the modification that I done only allows to put on hold one item when every item is checkout
16:05 drojf             OPACItemHolds
16:05 vfernandes        this prevent the patrons to put on hold some item when there are items available
16:05 drojf             you might want to check different combinations of the two sysprefs
16:06 jcamins           vfernandes: I am almost positive that if you disable both OPACItemHolds and AllowOnShelfHolds you'll get the result you want.
16:07 drojf             i concur
16:07 reiveune          bye
16:07 jcamins           And by "almost positive," I mean based on your description you will get exactly what you want.
16:08 drojf             what is the way of doing zebra changes nowadays? do it in grs-1 and generate dom files? do it in grs-1 and dom seperately? ignore grs-1?
16:09 jcamins           drojf: GRS-1 and DOM separately, or just DOM.
16:09 jcamins           *Never* regenerate the DOM files from GRS-1.
16:09 vfernandes        I've the two preferences turned off I doesn't work... for example if there are 3 items in on record, and 1 is checkout I can put a hold
16:09 drojf             good to know :)
16:09 jcamins           vfernandes: that means there's a bug in one of the preferences.
16:10 drojf             jcamins: but is doing only DOM acceptable in case i would want to put it on bz?
16:10 jcamins           You should report the bug along with detailed instructions for how to recreate the problem.
16:11 vfernandes        AllowOnShelfHolds if off, so what happens is fine because 1 item is checkout so I can put a hold
16:11 jcamins           vfernandes: if you have OPACItemHolds disabled as well, that's a bug.
16:12 vfernandes        OPACItemHolds is off, so what happens is fine because there is items available
16:12 jcamins           drojf: if you are adding functionality, it would be better to add the indexes to GRS-1, but if you're just adding new optional indexes, I will not require it.
16:12 drojf             ok, thanks
16:13 jcamins           drojf: if it's quick, of course, I'd just as soon you add the GRS-1 definitions, 'cause, why not?
16:13 jcamins           vfernandes: right, file a bug with a very detailed description of how to reproduce it.
16:13 jcamins           If you have a fix for it, that's even better.
16:15 vfernandes        I have a fix but doesn't use any of these preferences... I think we are still talking about different things... The client request could not be solved with those preferences :/
16:16 jcamins           vfernandes: in that case provide a *very* detailed description of what you want, because from what you have told me so far, I would not accept a patch adding your new syspref to Koha.
16:16 jcamins           The functionality you described is identical to functionality I have already been using.
16:16 jcamins           So there must be more to what you want.
16:18 vfernandes        are you sure that I can block the holds until all record items being checkout using those syspref?
16:19 jcamins           I am sure that's how it used to work, yes.
16:19 jcamins           If it does not presently work, that's a bug.
16:19 drojf             vfernandes: did you try it?
16:19 jcamins           I can't test it right now.
16:19 vfernandes        in 3.2.X doesn't work, I'll try in my 3.8.7 test installation
16:20 drojf             please don't test things in 3.2 :)
16:21 jcamins           Right- you can't assume that any problems you encounter in 3.2 exist in modern versions of Koha.
16:21 vfernandes        I said 3.2.X because it was when I solve it
16:21 vfernandes        I know jcamins... I'll test it right now
16:23 * druthb          dances happily.
16:24 vfernandes        OPACItemHolds and AllowOnShelfHolds off... 1 record with 2 items (1 checkout and 1 available)... I still can put on hold
16:24 jcamins           vfernandes: okay, you should report a bug for that, because it wasn't possible to place a hold in 3.6.something.
16:25 jcamins           So that's just a regression fix, not an enhancement.
16:25 vfernandes        wait...
16:25 vfernandes        I was testing with database user...
16:26 jcamins           Are you testing in the OPAC or staff client?
16:27 vfernandes        OPAC
16:27 jcamins           Okay.
16:27 jcamins           There was one more syspref needed for the staff client.
16:27 vfernandes        this is strange... with all items checkout I can't put on hold
16:28 jcamins           But you can when some are available?
16:28 drojf             is the patron allowed to put holds at all?
16:30 vfernandes        after upgrading to 3.8 yes
16:30 vfernandes        now no :/
16:31 drojf             you may be missing a default rule for your patrons. i tried it and had the same problems. works ok after i made a rule for everybody allowing 10 holds
16:33 vfernandes        ok... holds policy rules are broken after upgrading
16:37 vfernandes        but it still don't allow
16:50 vfernandes        something is not working :/
16:54 vfernandes        it says that the patron have too many holds and there is no items available
16:54 jcamins           faq?
16:54 wahanui           i guess faq is found at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/
16:54 jcamins           ^^ sounds like you might be missing a default rule.
16:58 vfernandes        which one? lol
16:58 vfernandes        :P
16:59 jcamins           The default one.
16:59 wahanui           i heard the default one was the only one checked when you don't specify one of the sources.list
16:59 jcamins           forget the default one
16:59 wahanui           jcamins: I forgot default one
16:59 jcamins           For DEFAULT-DEFAULT-DEFAULT
16:59 jcamins           I'm pretty sure that's in the FAQ.
17:02 vfernandes        default circ rule added... still says that the patron has too many holds
17:04 jcamins           And just to confirm, the patron doesn't have too many holds, right?
17:04 vfernandes        0 holds
17:06 jcamins           Hm.
17:06 jcamins           Not sure what the problem is.
17:07 vfernandes        ok thanks anyway
17:08 jatara            Hello.
17:09 oleonard          Hi jatara
17:09 drojf             vfernandes: how many holds does the default circ rule allow?
17:09 vfernandes        6
17:10 vfernandes        max reserves also set to 6
17:10 drojf             it worked for me after i had that rule
17:10 drojf             i tried on master though
17:12 vfernandes        tomorrow it's another day to see the problem :D
17:12 vfernandes        koha translate is damn slow....
17:31 tcohen            jcamins, what do u think of db-dependent tests like those in bug 9074
17:31 huginn            04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9074 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , DB dependent tests for is_holiday
17:31 tcohen            should I close and abandon that one?
17:31 jcamins           No, I'm all for them!
17:33 tcohen            ok, did anyone receive my email regarding db-dependent tests and data set?
17:34 jcamins           Not to my recollection, though it's possible I forgot.
18:07 gaetan_B          hello
18:11 cait              hi gaetan_B
18:11 cait              :)
18:11 gaetan_B          :)
18:12 gaetan_B          cait: i'm trying to query some marc21 z39.50 servers on the isbn and not getting any answer, any idea what it would be ?
18:12 gaetan_B          bug 8550 ?
18:12 huginn            04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8550 normal, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Stable , Z39.50 searches for ISBN/ISSN problematic
18:12 cait              m
18:13 cait              yeah it could be that
18:13 gaetan_B          ok i'll try it out :)
18:13 gaetan_B          also
18:13 gaetan_B          i have another marc21 question
18:13 cait              I have a library reporting that it does not work with a special soruce, and have never figured out why - i hope 8550 fixes it
18:13 jcamins           Also, a lot of MARC21 servers just don't provide ISBN.
18:13 cait              ah
18:13 gaetan_B          do analytics work with marc21 and if yes how ?
18:13 cait              did you try without hyphens?
18:13 gaetan_B          yes i tried a lot of combinations
18:13 cait              gaetan_B: there are different answers to that :) analytics I mean
18:14 cait              I propose watching jared's video from kohacon in edinburgh for a start :)
18:14 cait              and then... you can dig in deeper
18:14 gaetan_B          also when looking up on the title, the result list was showing some isbn, but when querying for those isbn that had obviously arrived through z39.50 , i had no answer, would that also depend on the server ?
18:14 cait              there is a way to do it completely without items (which is what we do because of the union catalog)
18:14 cait              and a feature that is a bit tied to items but can do nice things
18:14 gaetan_B          cait: ok i probably need to get a good look at this then
18:15 gaetan_B          where is the video ?
18:15 wahanui           the video is probably on
18:15 gaetan_B          thanks wahanui :)
18:15 cait              gaetan_B: I thint it's linked from the wiki page
18:15 gaetan_B          ok i should be able to find it then
18:15 cait              what we do is use 773 with $w = 001 of the parent record
18:15 cait              the other thing is a syspref and I think nengard documented it - EasyAnalytics
18:16 cait              if you are not in a union catalog that is a nice thing
18:16 gaetan_B          yes i switched it on and tried to use it as i do with unimarc but it didn't work out
18:17 nengard           cait yes it's in the manual
19:41 oleonard          rangi up yet?
19:41 rangi             kinda, got a toddler on me, whats up?
19:42 jcamins           oleonard was hoping you'd take his toddler too. :P
19:42 oleonard          Heh, I'd happily take rangi's toddler for a while
19:42 oleonard          rangi: How is the information at http://schema.koha-community.org generated?
19:43 oleonard          Is there a direct connection between it and something in git?
19:43 rangi             i generate it, now 3.10 is released ill regen it
19:43 rangi             only tangentially
19:44 rangi             i have a script that converts the comments in the kohastruture.sql
19:44 rangi             to mysql comments
19:44 rangi             then i load up a db with it
19:44 rangi             then run shemaspy against it
19:45 oleonard          Okay, thanks, that makes sense.
19:47 oleonard          I was pondering how one might pull a list of table columns for use in the Koha interface
19:47 rangi             show tables
19:47 rangi             then describe each one
19:47 rangi             and/or
19:47 rangi             use DBI
19:47 * oleonard        would like to be able to use some kind of autocomplete for system prefs in which we specify table columns
19:48 rangi             http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBI/DBI.pm#table_info
19:51 oleonard          maximep around?
19:55 maximep           yes
19:55 maximep           oleonard I am
19:56 oleonard          I was looking at Bug 6943 to see if it could be marked as fixed and noticed you had proposed an alternate patch which included more functionality
19:56 huginn            04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6943 enhancement, P3, ---, chrish, Pushed to Master , Create new budget from a copy of a previous budget
19:56 oleonard          Is there any chance you might follow up with the feature allowing for transfer of orders?
19:57 * wizzyrea        waves
20:02 * cait            waves :)
20:03 * cait            seconds oleonard's question
20:03 trea              o/
20:21 maximep           well, looks like I forgot that I said I was here
20:21 maximep           -_-
20:21 * maximep         reads
20:22 maximep           hmmm didn't I send a new patch
20:23 maximep           because I did it for the ccsr. Looking at my redmine logs
20:24 maximep           Add new features and tests to the budget duplication :
20:24 maximep
20:24 maximep           * Allow to enter a new name for the duplicate
20:24 maximep           * Add option to transfer the not received orders in the budget copy
20:24 maximep           * Transfer the duplication code in Budgets.pm to allow easier testing. In doing this I removed the code block " # deal with any children" because
20:24 maximep           I just don't understand it and it had a typo in the table name ('aqcudgets'), so I figured it was useless code
20:24 maximep           * Update Budgets.t with the right field names, test the data more and tests the duplication code. Sadly I didn't write tests for the order transfers because it just depends on too much stuff :/
20:24 maximep           is that what you're looking for ? =)
20:25 oleonard          maximep: Is there a patch pending somewhere, on a different bug? I didn't look for it in another bug report.
20:27 maximep           looking at my bug list
20:27 maximep           no trace of ever sending it to you...
20:27 maximep           but if I wrote the commit in english, it's because it was meant to be sent
20:27 oleonard          :)
20:36 rangi             oh rock on!
20:39 oleonard          rangi: ?
20:39 rangi             samuel merrit escaped
20:40 rangi             and actually spoke honestly
20:40 rangi             you dont get thta from libraries often unfortunately
20:40 wizzyrea          oh link?
20:40 wahanui           hmmm... link is right, but the website is gone, apparently
20:40 wizzyrea          forget link
20:40 wahanui           wizzyrea: I forgot link
20:41 rangi             http://bywatersolutions.com/2012/11/27/samuel-merritt-university-goes-live-on-koha-with-bywater-solutions/
20:41 rangi             it'll be on libwebcats soon im sure
20:41 tweetbot`         [off] twitter: @ByWaterSolution: "Samuel Merritt University Goes Live on Koha with ByWater Solutions http://t.co/oAxSqpLz #kohails"
20:41 rangi             too slow tweetbot
20:42 bag_afk           heh
20:42 bag_afk           :)
20:42 cait              :)
20:42 cait              reading now
20:43 wizzyrea          ah that's nice
20:43 wizzyrea          nice is perhaps not as enthusiastic of a word as I meant
20:43 rangi             http://instagram.com/p/SiwsJ5sf22/ <-- ive fallen and i cant get up
20:43 wizzyrea          hehehehe
20:44 cait              :)
20:46 jcamins           Wow, nice quote!
20:47 cait              hey jcamins
20:50 maximep           oleonard: I will try to find some time to send the patch. The problem is that it was done for 3.8.5 and it includes more features than what was asked in 7498
20:51 oleonard          maximep: 7498 doesn't matter if you're able to submit something new. Just create a new bug
20:51 cait              :)
20:51 cait              maximep: I think it would be a real good feature to have.
21:05 maximep           ok
21:13 rambutan          Imma gonna buy one of these for our new tech center:
21:13 rambutan          http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Five-open-source-hardware-projects-that-could-change-the-world-1428043.html?page=3
21:13 rangi             nice
21:16 rambutan          We are getting 1-3 3D printers, and I still see a need to database the designs (ILS-like) for 3D printing. To my knowledge there isn't a good database available where you can lookup items based on standard criteria.
21:16 rangi             http://www.citylink.co.nz/citylink-experience/webcams/courtenay-place  probably doesnt work for most of you?
21:17 rambutan          I can get to the basepage, but not the stream. (Because I'm on Linux?)
21:18 rambutan          or because I don't peer at WIX?
21:18 rangi             yeah
21:18 trea              ^^
21:18 rangi             thats the wellington internet exchange
21:18 rangi             telstraclear are tardmonkeys and don't peer
21:18 wizzyrea          welp now I don't have to go to the parade.
21:18 jcamins           Worked for me.
21:18 rangi             so trea and I cant see the stream either
21:19 rangi             but wizzyrea will be able to
21:19 trea              boo i say!
21:19 * wizzyrea        shrugs
21:19 jcamins           Oh, wait, it's the stream that doesn't work.
21:19 oleonard          Time to go. See you later #koha
21:19 rangi             cya oleonard
21:19 jcamins           Doesn't work for me either.
21:20 rangi             the image should refresh tho
21:20 wizzyrea          i like the guy pushing the giant barrel
21:23 rangi             oh this is cool too
21:23 rangi             http://biblioteksbladet.se/2012/11/26/hylte-satsar-och-sparar-pa-koha
21:24 rangi             yay viktor
21:24 trea              huzzah
21:30 rangi             http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/reports.cgi?product=-All-&datasets=NEW&datasets=ASSIGNED&datasets=RESOLVED&datasets=CLOSED
21:30 rangi             that work for people?
21:30 cait              checking
21:30 cait              yep
21:31 cait              busy oleonard :)
21:35 gaetan_B          yeah, i managed to make my analytics work :)
21:35 gaetan_B          it's easy actually
21:52 jcamins           Woohoo! I got negation working.
21:52 jcamins           Also, fun fact: I don't think there is any way to make negation work with CCL.
21:52 cait              oh
21:52 cait              as long as it#s a documented fun fact?
21:52 jcamins           cait: awww.
21:53 jcamins           It hasn't been documented in the past. Why should it be now?
21:53 cait              hm?
21:53 cait              lol
21:53 cait              because documenting is part of the amazing fun you get to have when being an amazing developer? :)
21:53 jcamins           But the entire point is that I am eliminating our dependence on Zebra's CCL interpretation.
21:54 cait              well
21:54 cait              if you rip it out you don't have to document it I guess
21:54 jcamins           \o/
22:07 gaetan_B          bye !
22:09 eythian           hi
22:10 magnuse           kia ora eythian
22:11 trea              kia ora magnuse eythian
22:11 magnuse           hiya trea
22:13 magnuse           ooh, big hobbit-day in wellington now?!?
22:13 * cjh             should probably find out what is happening
22:13 * cait            waves
22:14 wizzyrea          yep hobbit-day
22:15 eythian           yeah, town is currently full of many cars and bad drivers.
22:15 eythian           at least, the not-central bits of town
22:16 trea              yea apparently so. i haven't ventured outside yet
22:16 wizzyrea          "movie stars"
22:16 wizzyrea          or something.
22:16 wahanui           it has been said that something is up with the koha-devel one maybe
22:16 wizzyrea          forget something
22:16 wahanui           wizzyrea: I forgot something
22:16 magnuse           http://www.vg.no/bildespesial/spesial.php?id=9540 <-- largest online newspaper in norway
22:17 eythian           Does "trollmann" mean something other than "troll man", because if not it doesn't make sense.
22:18 drojf             and by newspaper, you mean "newspaper" ;)
22:19 magnuse           trollmann = wizard
22:19 eythian           how confusing.
22:19 magnuse           drojf: yes, of course :-)
22:20 magnuse           eythian: yeah, guess it is
22:20 drojf             don't feed the trollmann
22:20 * magnuse         would feed gandalf
22:21 eythian           to trolls?
22:22 magnuse           nooooo!
22:22 magnuse           enough sillyness - have a good night or other time of the day #koha!
22:23 drojf             good night magnuse
22:23 eythian           later
22:23 jatara            Hi, all
22:23 jatara            Wondering if anyone knows of a publicly accessible demo of koha 3.8.X?
22:24 jcamins           demos?
22:24 drojf             jatara: there should be links on http://koha-community.org
22:24 jcamins           demo?
22:24 wahanui           i heard demo was at http://koha-community.org/demo/ or http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Demo_Databases
22:24 jcamins           ^^ that might help
22:25 jatara            Found it! Thanks so much for your help!
22:25 francharb         see ya
22:25 drojf             3.8.0 might not be the most fortunate pick of the 3.8 series ;)
22:26 jatara            Yeah, but one needs to start somewhere.
22:26 jatara            <--- Koha newbie
22:27 drojf             jatara: i meant that the only 3.8.x demo i see there is 3.8.0 which had some problems
22:29 jatara            That's not a 3.8.0 demo..that's a 3.11 demo..seems bywater updated the software but not the wiki
22:30 jatara            drojf...thanks for the heads up...my org is upgrading to 3.8.5 but just needed to see the differences between 3.6 and 3.8 for myself
22:30 drojf             yeah i just saw that :) the numbers are off
22:31 drojf             the biblibre demo is in fact 3.4
22:32 jatara            oh well
22:32 jatara            one has to start somewhere :)
23:08 jcamins           I need a regular expression that says "not this string at the beginning of the string, but this other one somewhere in the middle."
23:08 jcamins           I always get confused by this.
23:09 jcamins           How do I do that?
23:09 eythian           so don't match "foobar" but do match "abcbar" and "xyzbar"?
23:09 eythian           and abcdefbar
23:09 jcamins           Right.
23:10 eythian           you want a look-around assertion
23:10 eythian           the docs for that even use my very example, amusingly
23:11 pastebot          "eythian" at pasted "hopefully relevant bit of the docs" (13 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/284
23:11 jcamins           Ah-ha!
23:11 jcamins           Thanks.
23:12 eythian           the "if" example at the bottom may be the best route though
23:12 eythian           if that suits your case.
23:12 rangi             https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=11022918&l=3268cd4c9d&id=78709352302
23:12 rangi             dunno if ppl can see that
23:12 Brooke            o/
23:13 jcamins           rangi: wow.
23:13 jcamins           That's some pretty serious makeup.
23:13 wizzyrea          1.5 million the wellington council put into the premiere?
23:13 wizzyrea          seems mad.
23:13 rangi             they'll get that back in a night
23:13 wizzyrea          taxes I suppose
23:14 eythian           and tourists
23:14 rangi             yep
23:14 rangi             id rather they spend it on this
23:14 rangi             than the stupid flyover over the basin and other mad schemes they waste it on
23:15 wizzyrea          hm suppose that's true
23:15 rangi             i bet there are hundreds of german tourists who have been here for a week or 2 already
23:15 rangi             spending up in wellington businesses
23:16 wizzyrea          true enough
23:16 rangi             and walking up behind your house
23:16 rangi             :)
23:16 Brooke            as long as you're welcome walking behind wizzyrea's house ;)
23:16 wizzyrea          hehe there have been some folks up there.
23:16 * Brooke          is full of sexual harassment angst now.
23:16 rangi             and if they shut courtenay place to cars all the time
23:17 rangi             i could get behind that
23:17 wizzyrea          oh man, me too.
23:17 wizzyrea          that would be awesome.
23:17 eythian           I walk up behind wizzyrea's house all the time
23:17 wizzyrea          it's true.
23:17 rangi             thats because eythian is a hobbit
23:18 wizzyrea          hm, I thought hobbits *liked* home and hearth.
23:18 wizzyrea          I guess they also like ale and pubs.
23:18 rangi             and tobacco
23:18 wizzyrea          ah yea longbottom leaf
23:18 rangi             see, i just proved it
23:18 eythian           heh
23:18 wizzyrea          hehehe
23:18 wizzyrea          rangi wins :)
23:18 Brooke            "tobacco"
23:20 ibeardslee        rangi: I'd be with you for cutting traffic in Courtnay Place .. in fact I'd go so far as to say, a sizeable chunk of the CBD to private transport
23:20 cjh               on a marc record field 440a (series) is repeatable, if I have many they come out of the xslt as "first ; second ; third ." I am wondering about the spacing around the punctuation, does anyone have an idea about this?
23:20 rangi             yeah, you could do bus and bike only, from railway station to the embassy
23:21 cjh               jcamins: it was mentioned that you might know about the display of marc 440a
23:21 ibeardslee        would also need taxis and couriers
23:21 rangi             true
23:21 rangi             speed limit of 30 the whole way
23:21 jcamins           cjh: yeah, it's been replaced by 490/830 combinations.
23:21 rangi             and fine the crap out of the couriers
23:21 rangi             those dudes break every road rule there is
23:22 ibeardslee        I'd go with the overpass if they did that
23:22 rangi             *nod*
23:22 rangi             that would be an acceptable trade off
23:23 cjh               jcamins: did you see my question above regarding spacing on display of 440a? this also affects 490 display
23:23 rangi             he man not be around cjh
23:23 rangi             man=may
23:23 jcamins           cjh: I did not, no.
23:23 jcamins           What was the question?
23:23 jcamins           Oh, there it is.
23:23 cjh               jcaims: on a marc record field 440a (series) is repeatable, if I have many they come out of the xslt as "first ; second ; third ." I am wondering about the spacing around the punctuation, does anyone have an idea about this?
23:23 wahanui           i already had it that way, cjh.
23:23 ibeardslee        a couple of parking buildings at the major bus hubs for those that need to get a vehicle closer into town
23:23 jcamins           I thought ibeardslee said that entire block.
23:23 cjh               jcamins: ^^ sorry
23:23 cjh               haha I snuck in htere.
23:24 rangi             ibeardslee: good idea
23:24 jcamins           The spacing is correct.
23:24 jcamins           Well, "correct."
23:24 cjh               jcamins: should there be a leading space before the final fullstop?
23:25 jcamins           Oh, no.
23:25 jcamins           Missed that.
23:25 jcamins           I thought you were talking about the semicolons.
23:25 cjh               awesome, looking at concise aarc2 now I *think* it says " ; " for separating and ". " for ending (before subsereis)
23:26 cjh               jcamins: I was talking about all the spacing, sorry for my poor explanation.
23:26 cjh               s/subsereis/subseries/
23:27 cjh               jcamins: thanks.
23:37 tweetbot`         [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails  Samuel Merritt University Goes Live on Koha with ByWater Solutions http://t.co/psh6U3rZ"
23:43 eythian           wahanui: XY problem is <reply>You're trying to do X, and you thought of solution Y. So you're asking about solution Y, without even mentioning X. The problem is, there might be a better solution, but we can't know that unless you describe what X is. see also: http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=542341
23:43 wahanui           eythian: no idea
23:44 rangi             good old perlmonks