Time Nick Message 23:53 jcamins_away Why is libanyevent-http-perl required? 23:52 huginn jcamins_away: The operation succeeded. 23:52 jcamins_away @later tell eythian Never mind about the changelog. 23:39 jcamins_away It goes unstable around midnight. 23:39 jcamins_away We have got to mock the daily quotes tests. 23:38 jenkins_koha Starting build #924 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #922 4 hr 26 min ago) 23:36 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8982 minor, P5 - low, ---, mjr, Pushed to Master , koha-create rejects --database option 23:36 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8707 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , tags always say approved 23:36 jenkins_koha * mjr: Bug 8982 make koha-create accept --database option 23:36 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 8707 - tags always say approved 23:36 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #923: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 10 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/923/ 23:31 huginn jcamins_away: The operation succeeded. 23:31 jcamins_away @later tell eythian a patch making the debian/changelog file on master kosher would be much appreciated. I can't figure out what the problem is. 23:27 rangi lunch sounds good 23:25 * eythian uploads new master packages, and goes for lunch. 23:21 rangi w00t 23:21 * eythian builds debs 23:20 eythian hey, all tests passed in master with no patching needed. That hasn't happened for a while. 23:10 rangi hmm 23:09 jcamins_away There is no other reference to notifys as it being anything other than a table. 23:07 rangi yep 23:06 jcamins_away ^^ that means load the template in misc/notifys/templates, right? 23:06 jcamins_away my $template = HTML::Template::Pro->new(filename => $intranetdir.'/scripts/misc/notifys/templates/'.%actions->{$actiondate}->{$method}->{'template'}, die_on_bad_params => 0); 22:47 rangi sweet 22:46 jcamins Yay! Everything that has passed QA has been pushed. 22:37 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8978: Patron's dateexpiry erroneously updated when in UnwantedField <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=43ba461f3905dc07e7e97bb23dc230fdd69ca2d7> 22:27 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_8982' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=ea9e867a591f051db314ae5dc63eecac191cf724> / Bug 8982 make koha-create accept --database option <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=80c75dcc8f3aa11625e5cdb2d153306be10f72cb> / Bug 8707 - tags always say approved <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=f191782d9869582f 22:27 jenkins_koha Starting build #923 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 22:23 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8978 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha, Passed QA , Patron's dateexpiry is erroneously updated if dateexpiry in UnWantedField syspref 22:23 jcamins Bug 8978 still needs to be pushed. 22:20 gml thanks 22:19 gml ok 22:18 jcamins It's a hash that doesn't match anything. 22:18 jcamins gml: they don't have any password. 22:18 rangi no idea 22:18 gml what's the default password for demo patrons? i've seen they have the same password hash in 'borrowers' table 22:17 rangi hi gml 22:17 gml hello everyone 22:04 rangi no worries 22:04 jcamins Thanks for setting the patch back. git-bz can't set statuses backwards, so I always forget. 22:02 rangi yeah doesnt look like it 22:01 jcamins Probably not. 22:01 jcamins I'm not sure. 22:01 rangi we cant return lists as rss can we? 21:55 jcamins Ten items. 21:55 jcamins No. 21:54 jcamins There should be ten label batches. 21:54 jcamins Oh. 21:53 jcamins Any idea why t/db_dependent/Labels/t_Batch.t plans 23 tests and runs 14? 21:51 * jcamins speculates that the test isn't very good. 21:50 jcamins Unfortunately, it looks like every single SQL statement failed. 21:50 jcamins All the Serials.t tests pass. 21:50 jcamins Awesome. 21:50 jcamins I had a budget. 21:50 rangi yep, they need more data that isint the sample, like budgets and circ rules 21:50 jcamins Oh, there was the problem. 21:49 rangi or grab a copy of the db on jenkins 21:49 jcamins I installed all the sample data. 21:49 rangi yeah they all rely on data, and should be mocked instead i think 21:49 jcamins Budgets. 21:47 jcamins HoldsQueue, for example. 21:47 jcamins Woohoo! 21:47 jcamins I have a lot of spectacularly failing tests on master. 21:47 rangi passes with both applied 21:46 jcamins Right. I was expecting this. 21:46 jcamins Oh! I see. 21:46 rangi fails after 1st patch 21:46 * jcamins thinks. 21:46 rangi apparently 21:45 jcamins Wait... it will? 21:45 jcamins I should have specified. It will work before the first patch. 21:45 rangi applying first one now 21:45 jcamins Then, yes, it would. 21:45 jcamins Okay. 21:45 rangi yes 21:45 jcamins Before _both_ patches? 21:45 rangi before patch 21:45 rangi Result: PASS 21:45 rangi Files=1, Tests=6, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 0.30 cusr 0.02 csys = 0.35 CPU) 21:45 rangi All tests successful. 21:44 rangi prove t/db_dependent/SuggestionEngine_ExplodedTerms.t 21:44 rangi hmm 21:38 wahanui OK, eythian. 21:38 wahanui okay, eythian. 21:38 eythian wahanui: cookies are also http://youtu.be/ZJlkplvYdgA 21:38 wahanui ...but cookies are the solution to everything Chris ;)... 21:38 wahanui ...but cookies is the solution to everything Chris ;)... 21:38 eythian wahanui: cookies are http://youtu.be/ZJlkplvYdgA 21:33 jcamins Does t/db_dependent/Serials.t fail spectacularly, generally? 21:31 jcamins Missing a budget, and an item? 21:30 jcamins Okay... the test suite isn't passing. 21:29 jcamins eythian: no wonder you have such a low crime rate in NZ! Everyone's afraid of the police officers! 21:27 eythian http://wa1.cdn.3news.co.nz/3news/AM/2012/11/1/274979/police1.jpg 21:27 rangi yep it should defintely block yo pushing to anything other than master, 3.8.x and new/* 21:27 jcamins Hello. 21:26 eythian hi 21:23 jcamins And if not, I'll make you fix it. 21:23 jcamins I think. 21:23 jcamins Well, it'll give me an error if I try to push to bug_whatever directly. 21:22 rangi possibly, but i dont know it 21:22 jcamins Is there some way to tell git that unless otherwise specified, I want all branches to be pushed under new/? 21:18 rangi righto i can test that 21:17 jcamins If you apply the second, it will pass again. 21:17 jcamins If you apply the first patch, the test will fail. 21:17 jcamins rangi: yup. 21:16 rangi http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=13158 <-- that one? 21:16 wahanui the 2nd patch is, like, just an optional 'really/long/path/to/a/dir/somewhere' tidy 21:16 rangi the 2nd patch? 21:12 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8846 blocker, P1 - high, ---, jcamins, Passed QA , t/SuggestionEngine_ExplodedTerms.t sneakily uses database 21:12 jcamins If anyone has a moment, an additional sign off on bug 8846 would be much appreciated. 20:26 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails Signoff statistics for October 2012 http://t.co/gClw8tB2" 20:22 jenkins_koha jcamins: Correct a typo in docs/history.txt and add 3.6.x releases 20:22 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #922: SUCCESS in 1 hr 10 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/922/ 20:07 nengard or as people tell me about them :) 20:07 nengard also there are probably images that need updating too .. but i'll find those as I poke around more and more 20:06 nengard and my brain is way too tired to figure that out right now 20:06 nengard i think i'm mostly done with the manual for 3.10 all that's left is the did you mean feature 19:30 jcamins I know. If I allow git-bz to prepopulate a message and status, that will not offend me. 19:26 jcamins The moment when I say "wait, I have to comment on bugzilla using my web browser or manually save the file? Seriously?" 19:25 jcamins Well, folks. This is it. The moment you've all been waiting for. 19:17 huginn rangi: downloading the Perl source 19:17 rangi huginn is kinda random in what commits he picks up 19:16 wahanui it has been said that interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad 19:16 jcamins Interesting. 19:14 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Correct a typo in docs/history.txt and add 3.6.x releases <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=5994dd21f780a384de0497c7208df9e6bc77b7d4> 19:14 rangi that patch there is useful 19:14 huginn 04Bug 7143: trivial, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, ASSIGNED , Bug for tracking changes to the about page 19:14 rangi http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7143 19:14 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @ranginui: "the #kohails 3.10.x branch is born http://t.co/RA5tejny" 19:13 jcamins I guess load the file and confirm that every field is filled in. 19:13 rangi there kinda is 19:13 jcamins I'm not sure exactly how to do that. 19:12 jcamins I would like a unit test for docs/history.txt. 19:12 jenkins_koha Starting build #922 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 19:11 rangi heh 19:11 jcamins Phenomenal cosmic power! 19:11 jcamins Exciting. 19:03 jcamins rangi++ 19:03 rangi http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/3.10.x 19:03 rangi 3.10.x is born 18:50 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails Setting Fixed Field Defaults in Koha 3.8 http://t.co/Yd6CHk3t" 18:50 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails Plack dans Koha 3.10, pourquoi vous allez le vouloir ! http://t.co/71AoHvkm" 18:50 rangi back 18:45 tcohen ok, let me know if you need that i do smth 18:45 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8519 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Make koha-index-daemon run on startup 18:45 jcamins I'll post the signed-off patch for bug 8519, as well as the signed-off patch for the other bug. 18:45 jcamins tcohen: I'm splitting them. 18:44 tcohen jcamins, if u remove those files in a separate patch/bug #, should I rewrite patches for 8519? 18:39 tcohen ok jcamins 18:39 jcamins tcohen: I'm going to change the bug number on the zebraqueue removal patch. 18:38 rangi My stop bbiab 18:38 huginn jcamins: The operation succeeded. 18:38 jcamins @later tell magnuse If you had a couple dozen NORMARC records I could use as a sample that'd be super-keen. 18:37 rangi Hey tcohen 18:37 tcohen morning rangi 18:37 nengard ?? 18:36 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8960 trivial, P5 - low, ---, nengard, Needs Signoff , Typo 'Carnumber list' in modborrowers.tt 18:36 rangi Bug 8960 18:34 chris_n *others* rather 18:33 rangi Yeah seems like a lot of damage 18:31 chris_n other's had it far worse judging by the pics coming out of the north 18:31 chris_n my parents (in VA) had a vehicle totaled by a falling tree 18:31 chris_n rangi: what we got of it; the worst for us this time was 25-35mph winds 18:22 rangi Hey there you survive the storm ok? 18:20 chris_n g'morning rangi 18:18 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @ByWaterSolution: "Setting Fixed Field Defaults in Koha 3.8 http://t.co/IgGJScS9 #kohails" 18:14 rangi Cya 18:14 oleonard See ya #koha 18:13 wahanui Morning is a state of mind. or whenever the cat wants breakfast. 18:13 rangi Morning 18:13 * oleonard cuts out early 18:00 tcohen (i don't mind) 18:00 tcohen of course 18:00 * jcamins dials in for a conference call. 18:00 jcamins Would you mind if I reorganized the changes between your two patches so that we can get rid of zebraqueue posthaste? 18:00 tcohen you could push both patches, no one will notice :-P 17:59 jcamins Hm. 17:59 tcohen its actually two patches if i recall 17:59 jcamins tcohen: hm. We should split that into two. 17:58 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8519 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Make koha-index-daemon run on startup 17:58 tcohen bug 8519 17:58 tcohen yeah, but also adds init scripts to ru nthe tamil's one 17:58 jcamins tcohen: didn't you write a patch to remove zebraqueue_daemon? 17:58 oleonard Oh, and the answer to that is: legacy. 17:57 jcamins We hit 9000. 17:57 jcamins oleonard: yes. 17:55 chris_n oleonard: rigorous_procedures++ 17:49 oleonard Oh I see it now, duh. 17:44 tcohen i kind of understood it, but the lack of documentation on such abstract tool that needs to be configured too much to make it work... 17:44 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8942 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Translation process breaks javascript in calendar.inc 17:44 oleonard I can't seem to trigger Bug 8942. Anyone know how? I thought it affected how the datepicker works, but it seems to work fine. 17:44 jcamins I've hated it each and every time. 17:43 jcamins tcohen: I've looked at DSpace several times. 17:43 * tcohen thinks the more he reads DSpace documentation, the more he love koha-comunity's people 17:41 rambutan :) 17:40 jcamins paul_p: are you sure it isn't called that because if you walk away without finishing it, someone else will eat it? :) 17:39 paul_p because it's made with old bread, that you would trash otherwise 17:39 paul_p oleonard yep, "lost bread" 17:39 oleonard Lost bread? 17:38 jcamins Wikipedia saves the day! Pain perdu. 17:38 paul_p jcamins = I fear i don't know :\ 17:37 jcamins paul_p: what do you call French toast in France? 17:33 oleonard We've come a long way, as a project, in making our procedures more rigorous. Good on us. 17:27 chris_n not to fear, though; I'll have to do it again and so will have a chance to redeem myself :-) 17:26 chris_n oleonard: probably so 17:25 oleonard chris_n: Because they were never attached to bugs? 17:21 jcamins No more massacring your database for unit tests. 17:21 jcamins t/db_dependent/zebra-config.pl. 17:20 tcohen jcamins, zebra-config.pl? 17:17 jcamins magnuse: may I please have some NORMARC records? 17:17 * jcamins thinks zebra-config.pl was an excellent idea. 17:15 tcohen :-D 17:15 * jcamins wasn't concerned that it wouldn't work. 17:14 tcohen glad to hear it's been tested 17:13 tcohen our ligrarians already knew heh 17:13 jcamins tcohen: your patch works perfectly. :) 17:10 jcamins Okay, record is indexed and Zebra is started. 17:09 chris_n http://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2010-February/011160.html 17:09 chris_n http://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2010-February/011159.html 17:09 * chris_n discovers dropped patches :( 17:07 tcohen ? 17:07 tcohen 20th century 17:06 tcohen 148$a is the field 17:06 jcamins I don't have to know that my authority record makes sense. 17:06 jcamins Because actually all I need is to know that the field is being indexed correctly. 17:06 jcamins However, I just created a record, and will test it. 17:06 jcamins tcohen: just a few binary MARC records would work. 17:05 tcohen a dump fo the auth_headers table? 17:05 tcohen how can i provide you with the example? 16:57 jcamins tcohen: so, yes, a test dataset would be very helpful. 16:57 jcamins Nope. I do not. 16:56 jcamins I just realized that I have a new test dataset that may include some chronological terms. 16:56 jcamins tcohen: actually, let me check. 16:56 jcamins "Passel" is just a word for an indeterminate number of things. 16:56 mib_xdrsq5 uuu, I have to change each record? It's no practical 16:56 talljoy mib_xdrsq5: you would have to update each bib record with 942$n=1 and then set the syspref to supress and reindex 16:56 tcohen sort of dataset for testing? 16:56 jcamins I may have spelled it wrong. 16:55 jcamins tcohen: a couple. Or a bunch. 16:55 tcohen passel? 16:55 talljoy yes it would. 16:55 jcamins talljoy: that requires changing each record though, I think. 16:55 jcamins tcohen: don't suppose you have a passel of chronological authorities handy? 16:55 talljoy what about 942$n 16:54 jcamins I don't think Koha does that. 16:52 mib_xdrsq5 how can I do, changing system preferences, to dont show biblios that do not has items, at opac? 16:51 mib_xdrsq5 hi everybody¡ 16:38 jcamins paul_p: will do. 16:33 paul_p jcamins = I know, maybe you should answer on koha-devel, so someone (chris ?) will make the branch and assign permissions 16:32 jcamins paul_p: that makes sense to me, provided -- as I said -- that we're pushing everything to master first. 16:30 paul_p I think/suggest we branch 3.10.x now 16:30 paul_p jcamins = have you read my mail "Koha 3.10, sign-off request & question" ? 16:13 reiveune bye 16:11 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=9000 was not found. 16:11 * oleonard wonders if we will reach Bug # 9000 today 16:07 jcamins Are you connecting directly to Plack? 16:06 jcamins When I had drojf test, his installation didn't handle error pages either. 16:06 jcamins Really? 16:06 paul_p nothing specific 16:05 paul_p jcamins = I just used dobrica configuration on the wiki 16:05 paul_p http://lecannet:8080/cgi-bin/koha/blabla show me a standard 404 page (with all the menus, and the "an error has occured" in the middle 16:05 jcamins Yeah, making Koha::Cache work with Plack is on my to-do list. 16:04 jcamins That's what I get instead of a 404. 16:04 jcamins paul_p: http://kohadev.cpbibliography.com/cgi-bin/koha/invalid 16:04 paul_p jcamins (I think you're right about Cache not working with Plack = I made some tests with memcache, and saw no differences on SQL with and without memcache) 16:03 paul_p jcamins what do you mean ? 16:03 jcamins Afternoon -- barely -- now. :) 16:03 paul_p (good morning to you) 16:03 jcamins paul_p: how did you get error pages working under Plack? 16:03 paul_p jcamins yep 16:02 jcamins paul_p: around? 16:01 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @paul_poulain: "new blog post for #kohails http://t.co/KhZCUYm8" 15:21 cait hi chris_n :) 15:16 cait hi #koha 15:14 chris_n heya cait 14:39 libsysguy well you should stop the cat videos then :p 14:38 oleonard It's my desktop VM 14:38 libsysguy geez, what else do you have going on that box 14:34 oleonard I tried running the SELECT SQL directly and it has been thinking for 10 minutes 14:34 libsysguy maybe not, I always hope there is but seldom expect it lol 14:33 oleonard Not as far as I can tell libsysguy 14:24 libsysguy is there a cli script for that oleonard? 14:23 libsysguy heh 13:59 oleonard That doesn't bode well 13:59 oleonard Tried to run cleanborrowers.pl on my test system to delete old patrons, got gateway time-out. 13:30 * slef tries again 13:30 slef it's right, there are no item records 13:27 * slef reads the raw file 13:27 slef "0 item records found and staged" 13:22 * slef tries to get MARC21 out of a Koha sandbox 12:59 cait-m hi oleonard too :-) 12:58 cait-m lol? 12:57 oleonard Your fighting spirit is a model for all. 12:57 jcamins I think I'll make French toast. 12:55 cait-m hi gmcharlt 12:54 gmcharlt good morning 12:53 cait-m hi jcamins 12:53 * jcamins contemplates French toast. 12:51 jcamins slef: the problem was just the last leg. 12:50 slef jcamins: Internet can cope with a nuclear strike. Not floods. 12:50 tcohen morning #koha 12:48 jcamins It took a day to reroute over the backup connection. 12:47 jcamins A lot of water. 12:47 jcamins Power never went out here, but the main internet connection to the server I use for IRC is under water. 12:47 jcamins oleonard: the weather is fine. 12:46 nengard weather is fine ? but power still out at home 12:43 * oleonard takes heart from your electronic presence 12:43 oleonard How's the weather jcamins and nengard? 12:35 jcamins Much better. 12:32 oleonard Hi cait-m, jcamins_1way 12:30 huginn cait-m: The current temperature in Reutlingen, Germany is 13.1°C (1:29 PM CET on October 31, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 25%. Dew Point: -7.0°C. Pressure: 29.59 in 1002 hPa (Steady). 12:30 cait-m @wunder reutlingen 12:29 huginn cait-m: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 3.3°C (1:25 PM CET on October 31, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Windchill: 3.0°C. Pressure: 29.56 in 1001 hPa (Steady). 12:29 cait-m @wunder konstanz 12:24 * cait-m waves 12:16 oleonard Hi #koha 10:07 slef hey it's halloween, magic seems as appropriate 10:07 Oak well, me go now. 10:06 Oak but then again. lot of thousand times worse things happening around the world and no one cares. hm. this is the world we live in. 10:06 slef do magic spells too. They work just as well. ;) 10:05 Oak :) we should pray for their safety then. prayers do work. 10:05 magnuse Oak: lots of people ;-) 10:05 slef sekjal moved, no? 10:04 * Oak wonders who else is from NY 10:04 Oak jcamins_away, also in NY? 10:01 magnuse hm, not sure 09:56 Oak i mean her residence 09:56 Oak where is she http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/10/28/nyregion/hurricane-evacuation-zones.html in yellow, orange or pink? 09:55 Oak hmm 09:55 huginn magnuse: nengard was last seen in #koha 1 day, 16 hours, 43 minutes, and 1 second ago: <nengard> thanks oleonard 09:55 magnuse @seen nengard 09:55 huginn magnuse: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must match; --nolimit (1 more message) 09:55 magnuse @last seen nengard 09:51 Oak anyone know if nicole and her family are okay? 09:21 Maxie2012 Thanks mtompset! 09:17 Maxie2012 ah yes 09:16 mtompset Good day (24 hour period), everyone. 09:16 * mtompset waves, "I'm off." 09:15 mtompset That may help make sense of some of the instructions. 09:14 mtompset You'll notice that a link before the Stable Version section is a "handy walkthrough" 09:13 Maxie2012 Ok, I'm looking at the To use section where it recommends the Stable Version 3.8 release and it is telling me to add a http://debian.koha-community.org/koha squeeze main to a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list file...is this an example of a file in Debian that you mention? 09:08 mtompset Or implied by the command being used. 09:07 mtompset The instructions generally have "sudo" where you need root access. 09:07 mtompset I would avoid it, myself. 09:07 mtompset Follow the instructions there. If you aren't familiar with how to edit a file in Debian, that is not something I can explain. 09:07 Maxie2012 So I need to log into root to do the installation right? 09:06 Maxie2012 oh ok! 09:06 mtompset The link I just triggered goes to the same wiki page. 09:06 mtompset Yes. 09:05 Maxie2012 I used the link I mentioned earlier...http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_3.8_on_Debian_Squeeze 09:04 Maxie2012 oh sorry....yes, I have the Koha 3.8 on Debian Squeeze in front of me 09:04 wahanui packages is, like, at http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Debian 09:04 mtompset packages? 09:04 wahanui Debian is what most people use and there are good manuals and even packages for that 09:04 mtompset Debian? 09:04 mtompset You said you had the url from gerundio. 09:03 mtompset The URL... don't you have the web page of instructions open in another window? 09:02 Maxie2012 I basically have a black screen with a prompt... 09:02 mtompset Maxie2012: What instructions do you have in front of you? 09:01 vinz3g Now if we are 09:01 vinz3g if does not work try with the other 09:01 magnuse mtompset++ 09:01 vinz3g anyway in the previous version if you could 09:01 Maxie2012 Can anyone help...please...? 09:00 vinz3g :) 09:00 vinz3g thank you! 09:00 vinz3g no, is excellent 09:00 mtompset Sorry I couldn't help more, vinz3g. 09:00 vinz3g greetings and thanks! 08:59 mtompset okay... the instructions tell you what to do... 08:59 Maxie2012 but I don't know what to do next...:( 08:59 Maxie2012 I managed to login using the root access 08:59 Maxie2012 To answer your question, I haven't done anything other than installing the LAMP stack from the TurnkeyLinux website, and I'm in the Debian environment...its showing me Debian/Linux 6.0 lamp tty1, lamp login: 08:55 vinz3g well no way, I'm a little tired. Tomorrow I hope to find the formula for log-greetings. 08:55 magnuse yeah, top secret, i guess :-) 08:54 cait ah, no open archive :( 08:54 magnuse hope i didn't obfuscate things further 08:54 magnuse yup 08:54 rangi yeah, that guy seems a bit of an uninformed fudster 08:54 magnuse sec4lib is https://listserv.nd.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=SEC4LIB 08:53 mtompset sec4lib? 08:53 * magnuse tries to clear up some misunderstandings about koha packaging in the sec4lib list 08:52 mtompset If you are familiar with apache, you can change it to a port-based configuration, but that is something best left to network and system administrators. 08:51 mtompset vinz3g... the package instructions are written for a Named Virtual Host configuration, because many people let the public search online and put holds on books. 08:50 vinz3g can not access the administrator interface through the IP? enabling any port? 08:50 paul_p mtompset = I know, just pointing this astonishing picture ! 08:50 Maxie2012 Sorry...was trying to read the Installing Koha 3.8... 08:49 mtompset Because of hurricane sandy. 08:49 paul_p wow... why there's no traffic in NYC airports : http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/579186_911113539398_1291021231_n.jpg !!!! 08:49 mtompset What steps have you done beyond installing debian, Maxie2012? 08:48 * mtompset looks at Maxie2012 waiting for an answer. 08:47 mtompset Maxie2012: have you added the repository? 08:46 mtompset have you added repository? 08:46 Maxie2012 Can anybody out there give me a hint...? 08:46 Maxie2012 I've managed to complete the LAMP installation (I think...!), and I have the link that gerundio recommended for the Koha package (http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_3.8_on_Debian_Squeeze), but what do I do next to install Koha? 08:46 mtompset Network people who run the website (www.uady.mx) should be able to help you. 08:45 vinz3g :( 08:45 vinz3g but apache 08:45 vinz3g the problems seem to Koha 08:44 mtompset Then your koha issues are totally apache and networking issues, not koha issues. 08:44 vinz3g http://mibpaste.com/HgDyVo 08:44 mtompset If you followed the instructions and got through the web install using lynx... 08:44 mtompset Yes, you definitely need to talk with your network people. 08:43 mtompset Hmmm... tcohen isn't around. 08:43 Maxie2012 Apologies, but I'm back with more questions I'm afraid... 08:42 Maxie2012 Hi magnuse 08:42 vinz3g http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_ubuntu_-_packages#Enable_Modules_and_Site 08:42 mtompset install Koha... 08:42 mtompset What instructions did you follow to install it? 08:41 vinz3g the address is not visible on the Internet only intranet 08:41 mtompset But assuming that is external, then it really is a DNS problem. 08:41 vinz3g http://mibpaste.com/ukDwl6 08:40 mtompset I got a timeout on the ip address in that file. 08:39 mtompset Wait a second... 08:38 vinz3g hosts file is 08:38 vinz3g http://mibpaste.com/Oz9u9R 08:37 vinz3g sorry 08:37 vinz3g http://mibpaste.com/iLQhje 08:37 mtompset Either way, they know the network. So they can help solve the problem. 08:36 mtompset If it doesn't, then they'll tell you to edit files (or they'll do it themselves) 08:36 mtompset The problem is the IP address needs to be recognized by a DNS entry. If the intranet has a DNS server, they'll add an entry, and it will just start to work for you. 08:36 vinz3g then it is a DNS issue 08:35 vinz3g ok 08:35 mtompset Then you need to talk with your corporate intranet folks. 08:35 vinz3g translated okay? 08:35 vinz3g corporate intranet is 08:34 mtompset They should be able to solve your problem. 08:34 mtompset Okay, but who set up the intranet? 08:34 vinz3g not be seen 08:34 vinz3g I am within an intranet 08:34 vinz3g sorry were examples 08:32 mtompset That URL doesn't exist either. 08:32 mtompset Sorry, but I don't think you know what you really have, or can't describe it in a way that I can help. Sorry. 08:31 vinz3g host file and edit it 08:31 vinz3g inet.domain.mx 08:31 vinz3g but I'm also within a domain 08:31 mtompset Right, but there's no DNS machine that knows it, which is why you have to manually edit the hosts file. 08:30 vinz3g the server and client are on the same subnet 08:29 vinz3g was examining the configuration 08:29 vinz3g sorry 08:29 wahanui what's up, vinz3g 08:29 vinz3g hello 08:29 mtompset See, and your koha machine is INSIDE the router's network, but the internet is OUTSIDE the router's network. And your hosting provider (godaddy), doesn't know about that URL, since I can't access it from here. 08:24 mtompset You really should talk to your network administrator or system administrator for help. 08:24 mtompset vinz3g: What do you mean by one? 08:23 wahanui mtompset: I forgot one 08:23 mtompset wahanui: forget one. 08:22 wahanui one is, like, developeed by a worldwide community of developers, the other by liblime 08:22 mtompset one? 08:22 mtompset the router probably goes to your ISP. 08:22 vinz3g one 08:22 mtompset your machines are all on the same network off a router. 08:21 vinz3g :( 08:21 mtompset that's why it is a larger DNS issue. 08:21 vinz3g ? 08:21 mtompset that's the problem. 08:21 mtompset Right... 08:21 vinz3g But that would change it on all my computers 08:20 paul_p good morning #koha 08:20 mtompset I'm not an expert at it, but basically... you need to edit your c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file the same way you changed the /etc/hosts on your koha machine. 08:19 vinz3g Yes, I understand 08:19 mtompset Explaining networking problems is a difficult task. 08:18 mtompset It could be a DNS issue too. 08:18 vinz3g yes 08:18 vinz3g one 08:18 vinz3g one 08:18 mtompset Your other computer, is it a windows machine? 08:18 mtompset vinz3g: It's an apache configuration issue. 08:17 vinz3g but from another computer I can only connect with http://192.168.1. * 08:16 vinz3g on the local machine, the domain works http://mysitio-intra.dominio.org 08:15 vinz3g from another machine I can only connect as user 08:15 vinz3g but not from another machine 08:15 vinz3g and is that the only way I can connect as a client is from the server 08:14 vinz3g I have only one problem 08:14 vinz3g and is working well 08:14 vinz3g acabao install Koha 08:14 wahanui que tal, vinz3g 08:14 vinz3g hello 08:13 vinz3g muy buenos dÃas 08:12 vinz3g hola 08:11 magnuse welcome to the community haze :-) 08:11 huginn magnuse: The operation succeeded. 08:11 magnuse @later tell jcamins: if you could take a look at Bug 8805 that would be super cool! 08:10 cait hi haze 08:10 haze_misi hello my name is haze, i'm a new koha user 08:09 haze_misi hi 08:08 magnuse hiya mtompset cait et al 08:07 mtompset Greetings, gaetan_B. 08:07 mtompset Greetings, magnuse and cait. 08:05 cait virtual machines are good for learning 08:05 cait and yes, you can have different machines, you can save them and you can make snapshopts you can go back to if you mess something up 08:05 cait Maxie2012: or Ubuntu 08:04 cait Maxie2012: Debian will be the easiest way t do it 08:03 gaetan_B hello 08:02 Maxie2012 The next big question for me is how do I start the installation of Koha...I'm assuming I have to do it within Debian... 08:00 Maxie2012 So this means I could test Koha on different versions of Linux as well by creating different virtual machines...yes? 07:59 cait morning #koha 07:56 magnuse (you can have lots of virtual machines set up, if you want) 07:56 magnuse Maxie2012: correct. first run virtualbox, then start the virtual machine you want from within virtualbox 07:49 Maxie2012 Another silly question...am I right then to understand that once I complete the LAMP installation, each time I want to run Debian/Koha, I need to get VirtualBox up and running and Start there? 07:47 Maxie2012 oh ok...I kinda assumed that from what I managed to read in the various web sites, but just wanted to make sure...thanks! 07:47 reiveune hello 07:46 magnuse it's asking to install grub in the *virtual* machine, not in your *real* machine 07:46 magnuse as long as you are inside virtualbox you are safe 07:44 Maxie2012 Can anyone help...?? 07:44 Maxie2012 I installed VirtualBox on my desktop PC running Windows 7 and this being the FIRST time for me installing VirtualBox, Linux and Koha, am worried that if I say Yes, it will cause a problem with my Windows access. 07:42 Maxie2012 I've managed to download the package from the Turnkey Linux site and ran the package in VirtualBox, but it's prompting me to install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record and I'm not sure if I should say Yes... 07:39 Maxie2012 Can anyone out there help me with a LAMP installation in VirtualBox? 07:39 Maxie2012 Hello! 07:33 julian_m hi 07:15 alex_a bonjour tout le monde 06:51 wahanui what's up, francharb 06:51 francharb hi 06:43 * magnuse waves 06:04 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 03:10 schnydszch -rwxrwxrwx 1 koha koha 358 Oct 31 10:54 cloud-sample.conf that's what i get when i ls -l it 03:09 schnydszch -rwxrwxrwx 1 koha koha 358 Oct 31 10:54 cloud-sample.conf 03:09 rangi you arent thinking of the tag cloud eh? 03:09 schnydszch the last time i had a subject cloud i can't remember what script put it there, maybe the cloud diminished when i run cleanup_database 03:08 rangi i suspect the config is not readable, or not in the format it expects then 03:07 schnydszch marc21 03:07 rangi do you use unimarc? 03:06 schnydszch i want the subject cloud feature work 03:06 wahanui okay, eythian. 03:06 eythian no wahanui, first question is <reply>"What are you trying to do?" or "What is the goal?" 03:06 wahanui "What are you trying to do?" "What is the goal?" or "What problem are you experiencing?" 03:06 eythian first question? 03:05 schnydszch yes it exist 03:05 eythian it's saying it can't so maybe it can't. 03:05 eythian I have no idea. Does the file exist, can it read it? 03:05 schnydszch or there's something i need to change in the script? 03:05 schnydszch do i have to chmod it? 03:04 eythian It's saying that it can't read the configuration file "cloud-sample.conf" 03:03 schnydszch what could be wrong? I have koha 3.8.4 installed in debian 6.0 03:02 schnydszch i'm trying out cloud-kw.pl.anybody help please. I'm running this script /cloud-kw.pl -v --conf=cloud-sample.conf. I'm getting this error: Uncaught exception from user code: Unable to read configuration file: cloud-sample.conf 02:36 wizzyrea ;) 02:36 rangi heh 02:35 wizzyrea screw aspirin - go straight for the oxycontin. 02:35 huginn rangi: Quote #6: "gmcharlt: kf: hold requests are a plot to sell more aspirin ;)" (added by wizzyrea at 04:13 PM, June 16, 2009) 02:35 rangi @quote random 01:52 wahanui "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" 01:52 wizzyrea 123? 01:51 wizzyrea 123 is <reply> "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" 01:51 wahanui wizzyrea: I forgot 123 01:51 wizzyrea forget 123 01:51 wizzyrea ooh no 01:51 wahanui 123 is probably the authid. $9 is the subfield marker. 01:51 wizzyrea 123? 01:51 wizzyrea keke 01:51 huginn wizzyrea: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011) 01:51 wizzyrea @quote random 01:50 huginn rangi: Quote #19: "<chris> i just want to yell things like don't kick the ball, pass it and Feed the backs" (added by jdavidb at 12:11 PM, July 27, 2009) 01:50 rangi @quote random 01:44 bag :) 01:44 wizzyrea *giggles* 01:43 huginn rangi: Quote #47: "pianohacker bah, go collision attack the front of a moving car" (added by brendan at 10:15 PM, November 16, 2009) 01:43 rangi @quote random 01:43 rangi oh yes when we build our dashboard app for the koha team here, we can make it do that 01:42 wizzyrea i'd be giggling all day. 01:42 wizzyrea we really need a little screen that does nothing but randomly show quotes from the channel :P 01:42 wizzyrea looooool 01:39 huginn rangi: Quote #221: "I used to be sane like you, until I took a MARC data to the knee" (added by chrisc at 09:28 PM, October 23, 2012) 01:39 rangi @quote get 221 01:39 rangi did i show you this one 01:38 wizzyrea I... I don't even know where to begin with that. 01:28 wahanui Being a BALD HERO is almost as FESTIVE as a TATTOOED KNOCKWURST. 01:28 eythian wahanui: yow 01:28 rangi yowie? 01:27 wahanui eythian: excuse me? 01:27 eythian wahanui: zippy 00:38 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @paulcnielsen: "@ranginui @mrhannahleeb sure you did. You made the leap and showed what you and #kohails can do. Better get my vote in" 00:06 huginn cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 1.0°C (1:00 AM CET on October 31, 2012). Conditions: Partial Fog. Humidity: 97%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Pressure: 29.79 in 1009 hPa (Falling). 00:06 cait @wunder Konstanz