Time Nick Message 23:13 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8936 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , Search RSS feeds does not show there items when subscribing in Firefox 23:13 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8973 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , HTML and URL escape missing in OPAC templates 23:13 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8665 critical, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Stable , DOM indexing fails to index some bib records 23:13 jenkins_koha * fridolyn.somers: Bug 8936: Search RSS feeds does not show there items when subscribing in Firefox 23:13 jenkins_koha * fridolyn.somers: Bug 8973: HTML and URL escape missing in OPAC templates 23:13 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 8665 follow-up: add missing line to XSLT 23:13 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 8665: DOM indexing fails to index some bib records 23:13 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #220: SUCCESS in 37 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/220/ 23:00 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 17.0°C (11:00 AM NZDT on October 31, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Steady). 23:00 eythian @wunder nzwn 22:57 cait but that's quite cold 22:57 cait well can be a bit colder in autumn 22:57 rambutan -0.8°C ?? What's with that? Should be autumn there, right? +10°C or something? 22:52 cait brr. 22:52 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -0.8°C (11:50 PM CET on October 30, 2012). Conditions: Mist. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 29.74 in 1007 hPa (Steady). 22:52 cait @wunder Konstanz 22:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #220 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 22:35 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8966 critical, P5 - low, ---, pelletiermaxime, Pushed to Stable , Koha::Calendar::is_holiday truncates the date 22:35 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8749 trivial, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Master , Missing Ubuntu library files in ubuntu.packages and ubuntu.12.04.packages 22:35 jenkins_koha * maxime.pelletier: Bug 8966 Koha::Calendar::is_holiday truncates the date 22:35 jenkins_koha * mtompset: Bug 8749 - Missing Ubuntu library files in ubuntu.*.packages 22:35 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #219: SUCCESS in 38 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/219/ 22:35 rangi thats pretty amazing 22:33 eythian http://youtu.be/XV6so87RZNQ 21:57 jenkins_koha Starting build #219 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 21:43 rangi yep 21:42 cait and totara and the academy too :) 21:41 jcamins Cool! 21:40 rangi http://www.nzosa.org.nz/news <-- a Koha library made the finalists 21:36 rangi https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/10/30/KrBHt8Mbb0OTaUYqSW9Wpw2.gif 21:33 eythian slef: cool, hopefully will take a gander at it today 21:31 cait hello 21:30 eythian hi 21:24 jcamins The power's back, but we have static routing, which means the two redundant internet connections are only used when the primary connection is up. 21:24 cait ah :) 21:24 jcamins cait: I'm using rangi's server for IRC. 21:23 cait your server in brooklyn is back up? 21:23 jcamins_ Irssi is so much nicer to use. 21:23 jcamins_ Ah. 21:22 rangi yay 21:21 jcamins Unfortunately, having two backup connections doesn't help if you have a static route set up. 21:20 jcamins Thanks! 21:20 rangi and you can run screen and irssi from there if you want 21:19 jcamins Connected to the Internet via our backup connections. 21:19 rangi ssh bugs.koha-community.org 21:19 jcamins The servers are actually back online. 21:19 jcamins We encountered a problem with our DR systems. 21:18 jcamins rangi: yeah. 21:18 rangi hey jcamins .. server still out? 21:15 rangi hmm 20:20 wizzyrea that was... long 20:20 wizzyrea yea, the first time we had an 8 hour layover in sfo 20:20 cait wizzyrea: bit more difficult from europe to nz, but 16 is still long 20:18 * oleonard waves goodbye for the evening 20:18 talljoy o/ wizzyrea 20:17 wizzyrea the last time it was longer. 20:17 wizzyrea I think ours was 16 total in the air this time 20:13 cait ah, but that was not the total of all, right? 20:13 cait 13 hours is not a long flight ;) 20:13 wizzyrea hey bag 20:13 wizzyrea i slept for maybe 4ish 20:13 wahanui wizzyrea is probably a Cylon, and they all have plans. 20:13 bag heya wizzyrea 20:13 wizzyrea spud slept for about 9 of the 13 hours 20:10 wizzyrea power at every seat 20:10 wizzyrea airnz is awesome like that 20:10 wizzyrea oh yes 20:09 oleonard Seat-back movies? 20:08 wizzyrea where fast = no more than 2 hours between planes 20:08 wizzyrea it was good - "Fast" 20:08 oleonard How was the flight? 20:07 wizzyrea so far so good :) 20:07 cait wb :) 20:07 rangi back 20:06 oleonard I hear other places in Ohio have power out but not here 20:06 cait been stalking you on twitter and facebook - looks like all is going well :) 20:06 oleonard Lots of rain and some wind here, nothing to worry about yet 20:06 wizzyrea hi cait! 20:06 cait hey wizzyrea :) 20:06 wizzyrea :) 20:06 oleonard You're so far away I can barely see you 20:06 wizzyrea hey oleonard - how's the storm? 20:05 oleonard Yay, it's wizzyrea! 20:05 * wizzyrea waves 19:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8980 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Untranslatable strings in modborrowers.pl 19:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8936 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Search RSS feeds does not show there items when subscribing in Firefox 19:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8973 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , HTML and URL escape missing in OPAC templates 19:03 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 8980 - Untranslatable strings in modborrowers.pl 19:03 jenkins_koha * fridolyn.somers: Bug 8936: Search RSS feeds does not show there items when subscribing in Firefox 19:03 jenkins_koha * fridolyn.somers: Bug 8973: HTML and URL escape missing in OPAC templates 19:03 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #921: SUCCESS in 1 hr 7 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/921/ 18:45 rangi Ok bbl 18:43 rangi Heh 18:43 oleonard So huginn *will* tell you something needs signoff, but only if you... I don't know, all I did was edit the title. 18:42 huginn oleonard: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready 18:42 oleonard huginn: What? That isn't true. 18:42 rangi Still on bus for a little bit longer 18:41 huginn New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 7339] Help System in IE7-8 Does Not Load With 500 Error <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7339> 18:41 cait have fun :) 18:41 rangi Wellylibfast today 18:38 jcamins cait: just wait a little longer. :P 18:38 cait now I always move my mouse to the right side at work only to discover that no menu comes up 18:38 cait unity I mean 18:38 cait I don't know, i got used to it 18:37 oleonard Understandable 18:37 rangi Oleonard: giving her some time to acclimatise 18:37 jcamins I discovered it doesn't work so well on a laptop. 18:36 jcamins I tried xmonad for a while. 18:36 rangi Never actually used unity yet 18:35 * gmcharlt is not a fan of the tabletification of desktop UIs 18:35 rangi I run xmonad 18:35 jcamins gmcharlt: true. 18:35 rangi Not next Monday but the one after 18:35 jcamins Though I just can't abide Unity. 18:35 rangi Yep 18:34 jcamins I hated it at first, but once I had removed all the crap it installed, it works pretty well. 18:34 rangi Precise makes a good desktop 18:34 gmcharlt especially for you 18:34 gmcharlt jcamins: it would be bad to have a heated argument with your company's CEO, methinks ;) 18:34 cait jcamins: heh 18:34 oleonard When is her first day rangi? 18:34 jcamins Ubuntu is growing on me. 18:34 cait what did she get? 18:34 cait :) 18:34 rangi wizzyrea's machine arrived yesterday its Ubuntu precise I think 18:33 jcamins s/needs/need/ 18:33 jcamins rangi: the CEO of my company is happy to provide Windows to those who needs it, but can't abide it, personally. 18:32 rangi Luckily we would need to ask a directors permission... It's pretty much the opposite hehe 18:31 cait I mean... you are not alone in your despair 18:31 cait oleonard: i do that too, if it helps 18:30 oleonard (although I suspect Windows 8 will be the last straw for me) 18:30 oleonard No cait, I'm the outcast for still using Windows every day at work 18:30 jcamins cait: I may actually buy a license for Windows 8 at some point. 18:30 rangi That's why I got my zareason cos it didn't hehe 18:29 cait am I the outcast now for still having it? it came with the laptop.... 18:27 rangi No windows license 18:27 rangi I can't even do that sorry 18:25 jcamins bag: ditto. 18:25 bag I have to fire up VMs to get to it 18:25 bag I don't even think I have IE on my computer 18:23 jcamins As you should! 18:23 * oleonard apologizes for asking people to use IE even briefly 18:22 cait I could try much later - have to boot into windows on the computer and working on some things right now 18:19 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7687 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Remove problematic CSS gradient declarations targeting Internet Explorer 18:19 oleonard If anyone has access to IE for testing, it would be nice to get Bug 7687 into 3.10 17:56 jenkins_koha Starting build #921 for job Koha_master (previous build: FIXED) 17:47 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8980 - Untranslatable strings in modborrowers.pl <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=715c52977a8d4a25cc91aabd22224c66956c6f33> / Bug 8936: Search RSS feeds does not show there items when subscribing in Firefox <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=678c7c42307c126bf000e28dfe302c6603614c77> / Bug 8973: HTML and URL escape missing in OPAC templates <http://git.koha-co 16:44 cait heh 16:44 oleonard <!-- PLEASE MAINTAIN PROPER INDENTATION!!!! --> 16:44 oleonard chris_n like proper indentation and has four exclamation points to show it! 16:22 rambutan that's funny. you should get bonus points for that 16:22 rambutan hehe 16:22 oleonard I'd prefer to sit and squawk :P 16:21 rambutan oleonard: sed and awk 16:12 cait but... 16:11 oleonard As it should be cait, it is vacation time 16:11 cait oleonard: but I had to create html form the word things anyway, so probably not what you want to do... ah ignore me. my brain is on vacation today. 16:10 cait and removing all the doubled up spaces with regex 16:10 cait oleonard: what i found helpful is copying into an editor 16:10 cait oleonard: i feel with you 16:10 oleonard Makes it very hard to cut and paste >:( 16:10 magnuse spaces are the new black 16:09 magnuse tables are for geeks 16:09 magnuse wooho spaces++ ;-) 16:09 oleonard for the second time this week I have been sent a Word document in which someone has formatted text into columns by using the spacebar 15:52 huginn rambutan: jcamins was last seen in #koha 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: <jcamins> Check the Tools module? 15:52 rambutan @seen jcamins 15:44 magnuse still a few hours left to climb on the monthly scoreboard for october! http://dashboard.koha-community.org/ 15:26 magnuse still 38 *bugs* that need signoff (and 73 enh) 15:24 magnuse yay! 15:24 oleonard magnuse++ 15:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2832 normal, P3, ---, magnus, Signed Off , Make alphabet localizable 15:24 * magnuse moves bug 2832 in the right direction 15:16 magnuse oleonard++ 15:15 * oleonard moves two more bugs in the right direction 15:07 magnuse rangi just showed us that we are moving in the rght direction, remember? ;-) 14:51 * cait sends cookies to oleonard 14:45 * oleonard gets depressed about how many bugs there are 14:43 jcamins Check the Tools module? 14:42 * oleonard doesn't see it in the browser compatibility bugs list 14:42 jcamins I'm pretty sure I recall chris_n indicating that he would not be fixing it. 14:41 jcamins oleonard: somewhere. 14:41 oleonard Is there a bug for that jcamins? 14:41 bryce Thanks for the info though. I'll pass it on. 14:40 rjune cait, thanks again for you r help. 14:40 jcamins The labels module doesn't work in IE<9, and possibly not IE9 either. 14:40 bryce either 14:40 bryce Didn't work in 7 eaither. 14:40 bryce IE8 14:39 wahanui Which IE are we bashing today? 14:39 oleonard Which IE? 14:39 bryce Works in Firefox fine. 14:39 bryce We can't add barcodes to a label batch in IE using the copy paste method. 14:38 oleonard It should work in IE, just not be as pretty 14:37 oleonard Hm, I'm not sure 14:37 bryce Is this documented anywhere? 14:37 bryce That's what I thought. 14:37 oleonard Anything but Internet Explorer 14:37 bryce Web browser that is. 14:36 bryce Are there browser recommendations for koha 3.8? 14:24 rjune that is probably it then. 14:24 rjune then why haven't I had to deal with author records before? 14:24 cait but the fields are filled in and koha may generate some basic authority on its own 14:24 rjune It seems I have a book that isn't in any of the z3950 searches 14:23 cait you don't get authorities when downloading form z29.50 14:23 rjune mostly been simple. because mostly has been in LoC. 14:23 cait but it's also work to maintain them 14:22 cait maybe think about it some before you make a decision 14:22 cait authorities will enable some nice features in the next release 14:21 rjune has been a while since I've been involved with libraries 14:21 rjune cool. I'll read up on that. 14:20 cait there is a point about authorities with the chapter in the manual 14:20 wahanui well, faq is found at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/ 14:20 rjune faq? 14:20 cait try faq? 14:20 wahanui hello are u there? 14:20 rjune wahanui, hello? 14:20 cait I am not sure I am up to explaining the use of authorities in english :) 14:20 rjune apparently the bot ignores me. 14:20 rjune authority? 14:20 rjune adding an authority? 14:16 cait oh alright then, go ahead 14:16 libsysguy but I feel the rabbit hole goes deeper with holds 14:16 libsysguy I am already crazy 14:16 cait it's just too much for a human midn 14:16 cait but that would be mean, you would probably go crazy sooner or later 14:16 libsysguy hehe 14:16 cait for you to be a holds expert 14:16 cait yeah, i wish that too :) 14:15 libsysguy then I could solve some of the holds problems :p 14:15 * libsysguy wishes I was a holds expert 14:15 cait well one is true the other not 14:15 libsysguy heh cait is qam and kf is a holds expert 14:14 wahanui well, kf is cait or really, really sweet. or <reply>she gives me memory loss or a holds expert. 14:14 cait kf? 14:13 cait um ok 14:13 wahanui you are probably qam, not your secretary 14:13 cait cait? 14:13 cait :) 14:12 libsysguy yeah!! 14:12 cait that one? :) 14:12 wahanui libsysguy is, like, Koha's hottest developer or partying with swedes on his deck or koha's youngest developer 14:12 cait libsysguy? 14:12 libsysguy aww what happened to the one that wizzyrea gave me :'( 14:12 wahanui rumour has it libsysguy is dealing with infinity when dealing with spansets 14:12 libsysguy libsysguy? 14:11 wahanui faq is probably found at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/ 14:11 cait faq? 14:11 cait faqs? 14:10 cait if you don't want to use authorities, then you can deactivate that 14:10 cait yes, the system at themoment requiers you to addan authority record for the author firt 14:10 rjune cait, coincidentally, It's the author of the book I want to add. 14:09 wahanui manual is at http://www.koha-community.org/documentation 14:09 cait manual? 14:09 cait authorities? 14:09 cait if you don't want to use authorities, you can reconfigure koha to not use them, that's descrbed in the manual I think 14:09 cait using the plugin at the end ofthe field 14:09 cait they are supposed to be linked to an authority 14:08 cait rjune: the 100 is for the author 14:08 rjune I'm trying to add an item without a MARC record or entry in LoC. My problem is record 100. As memory(and documentation) say 100 [012] are the fields I should be adding / editing, but The MARC editor won't let me add those fields. Am I missing something, or do I have to create the MARC record by hand, then import it? 13:46 oleonard Hi gmcharlt 13:45 gmcharlt good morning 12:32 libsysguy I shall pass that along ;) 12:31 libsysguy gotcha 12:31 paul_p libsysguy Marseille, south -mediterranean coast 12:31 libsysguy my relatives from Sweden were curious 12:31 libsysguy paul_p what part of france are you in? 12:28 libsysguy we'll see, you still have to make it to November 12:28 paul_p libsysguy hehe... maybe jcamins took the ball quickly enough :D 12:27 libsysguy paul_p I was sure that would change after you were RM for KOha ong enough 12:27 jwagner Any bookstore that advertises 18 miles of books is MY kind of place.... 12:27 paul_p libsysguy (I almost never drink alcohol, and don't smoke either) 12:27 jcamins jwagner: yeah, Strand remains a New York institution. 12:26 paul_p libsysguy yes, but you thought of it so loudly that I heard it :D 12:26 libsysguy :p 12:26 * libsysguy was going to suggest a smoke and some wine 12:26 * libsysguy wasn't going to say anything 12:26 paul_p libsysguy but as i'm french, i'm complaining ;-) 12:26 libsysguy hehe paul_p has thermal undies 12:25 paul_p libsysguy yep. and some underwear I usually don't wear in Marseille. So i'm fine in fact ;-) 12:25 oleonard It was, sadly, many years ago now 12:24 cait you have been to Vienna but not to Konstanz? :P 12:24 libsysguy paul_p do you have a coat? 12:24 cait wow, quite a round trip through europe :) 12:24 oleonard It's true :) And Paris, and Berlin, and Prague, and Vienna, and Venice... but not New York! 12:24 cait paul_p: have you seen all the big cities in france yet? and bare in mind france is a bit smaller than US :) 12:23 paul_p tcohen libsysguy = my morning *was* not so good because still no heat in our office :((( 12:23 paul_p oleonard = really, you've been to Marseille but never to NY ? 12:23 libsysguy morning paul_p 12:23 tcohen good morning paul_p 12:23 paul_p good morning americans from the north and from the south ! 12:22 jwagner I haven't been there in years -- is the Strand bookstore still going strong? 12:21 oleonard Sounds exciting right now jcamins, I'll just pop over. 12:20 tcohen morning #koha 12:20 jcamins oleonard: hehe. You should come visit some time. 12:20 oleonard New York is like Middle Earth to me. I've heard so much about it in books and movies, but I've never been there. 12:19 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #920: FIXED in 1 hr 8 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/920/ 12:19 jenkins_koha Yippie, build fixed! 12:18 jcamins Wow. That was a horrible URL. 12:18 jcamins jwagner: we're not far from https://maps.google.com/maps?q=67-01+110th+Street+New+York,+NY+11375+&hl=en&ll=40.731519,-73.843575&spn=0.078829,0.141621&sll=40.736137,-73.852201&sspn=0.019706,0.035405&hq=67-01+110th+Street+New+York,+NY+11375&radius=15000&t=m&z=13&iwloc=A 12:15 jwagner I haven't been anywhere but mid-town Manhattan for years, I forget where things are.... 12:15 jcamins If you were to go from Manhattan to LGA then just follow the main highway into Queens, you would pass about three blocks away from us. 12:14 oleonard We get an early snow thanks to Sandy, but nothing is sticking yet 12:14 jcamins Next building over. 12:13 jwagner in the same building? 12:13 cait ohwow 12:13 jcamins My next door neighbors are without power. 12:13 jcamins Talk about lucky. 12:13 jcamins Whoah. 12:13 jwagner Is LaGuardia up that direction? 12:12 * libsysguy shudders 12:12 jcamins We're probably in line with 100th St in Manhattan. 12:12 libsysguy Queens... 12:12 jcamins Yeah. 12:12 jwagner North/east side, if I remember my geography? 12:11 jcamins We're in Forest Hills, Queens. 12:11 jcamins All the tunnels we would need to get in are flooded out, I think. 12:11 jwagner Which side of town are you on? I forget. 12:11 jcamins We won't be getting into Manhattan at any point this week, I think. 12:11 jcamins NYC transit has been pretty well decimated. 12:10 jwagner There were some pretty bad pics from NY on the Post's web site. 12:10 jcamins Yeah. 12:10 jwagner Probably smart -- there's flooding in some of the Metro tunnels, and a lot of the streets are full of downed trees. 12:09 jwagner I think they're keeping it shut down again today. 12:09 libsysguy after that is done you should set up notices: http://manual.koha-community.org/3.6/en/notices.html 12:09 jcamins jwagner: is the DC transit system still functioning? 12:08 H1070 thx i look into that :) 12:07 jcamins And we're on high ground. 12:07 libsysguy H1070 you should just configure postfix or exim etc 12:07 H1070 :Oo ny i presume 12:07 jcamins Yeah. 12:07 libsysguy i guess you're further north 12:07 jcamins The streets are a sight, though. 12:07 libsysguy jcamins you're alive! 12:06 jcamins jwagner: yeah. We have power and everything. 12:06 jwagner jcamins, you've survived so far? 12:06 H1070 does annyone knows here where i can find information to configure the mail (my mail in the opac does not work) 12:05 H1070 Hey koha 11:39 magnuse hehe 11:39 jwagner I'll probably try going in tomorrow -- cabin fever sets in after a while. 11:39 magnuse working_from_home++ :-) 11:39 jwagner It's great to be able to work from home :-) If nothing else, I don't have to try driving in this mess. 11:38 magnuse be careful! 11:37 jwagner Of course, I haven't ventured outside yet.... 11:37 jwagner Some trees could still come down (and take my power), but it's less likely now. 11:37 magnuse ah yes 11:37 jwagner We're still expecting a fair amount of rain and wind all day, but not nearly as bad as yesterday and last night. Biggest concern here now is flooding. 11:36 magnuse and the worst is over now? 11:36 jwagner I got off pretty lightly -- amazingly, I never lost power for more than a minute or two. A lot of damage in this area, but the folks further north got the worst of it. 11:35 magnuse hiya jwagner - hanging in there? 11:33 cait oh and jcamins is gone again 11:28 magnuse dunno, not been changed much since 2008 11:27 cait what does it do? :) 11:26 * magnuse discovers t/db_dependent/lib/KohaTest.pm 11:11 jenkins_koha Starting build #920 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #918 1 day 15 hr ago) 11:11 magnuse yeah, looks like t/db_dependent/XISBN.t is the culprit 11:11 jcamins magnuse: possibly OCLC is down. 11:06 magnuse good! 11:06 wahanui magnuse: i'm not following you... 11:06 magnuse yeah, sort of, wahanui 11:06 wahanui somebody said unstable was sid 11:06 magnuse unstable?!? 11:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8665 critical, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , DOM indexing fails to index some bib records 11:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8966 critical, P5 - low, ---, pelletiermaxime, Pushed to Master , Koha::Calendar::is_holiday truncates the date 11:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8749 trivial, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Master , Missing Ubuntu library files in ubuntu.packages and ubuntu.12.04.packages 11:03 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 8665 follow-up: add missing line to XSLT 11:03 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 8665: DOM indexing fails to index some bib records 11:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8961 trivial, P5 - low, ---, nengard, Pushed to Master , Typo in intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/offline_circ/list.tt 11:03 jenkins_koha * maxime.pelletier: Bug 8966 Koha::Calendar::is_holiday truncates the date 11:03 jenkins_koha * mtompset: Bug 8749 - Missing Ubuntu library files in ubuntu.*.packages 11:03 jenkins_koha * nengard: Bug 8961: Fix typo in offline circ help 11:03 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #919: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 7 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/919/ 11:00 gerundio :) 11:00 gerundio jcamins, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dJolYw8tnk 10:59 cait well not for the server in brooklyn, but glad you got power 10:58 cait oh good 10:58 jcamins My server in Brooklyn is down, but we have power in Forest Hills. 10:58 cait jcamins: how are you doing? 10:58 jcamins Hello. 10:58 wahanui somebody said jcamins was RM for 3.12, and just about the only one crazy enough to work on major projects in both authorities and search. 10:58 cait jcamins! 10:16 slef Changes submitted for bug 8982 10:14 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8982 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , koha-create rejects --database option 10:14 slef eythian: Bug 8982 for you, patch coming 10:10 vkm maxreserves in system preference means? in Hold 10:01 huginn slef: The operation succeeded. 10:01 slef @later tell oleonard No, I don't use Mollom. :) Our last surviving drupal client lags behind our wordpress ones, but is a similar mix of Blogspam.net, Spam rules and human moderation. 10:00 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8665 follow-up: add missing line to XSLT <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=510a2397fb0955bc3fe9a5292a75d3c25e702982> / Bug 8665: DOM indexing fails to index some bib records <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7d9b4d58e381d26c46c556105fd26ca4b8908e31> / Bug 8966 Koha::Calendar::is_holiday truncates the date <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=co 09:56 cait go students :) 09:56 jenkins_koha Starting build #919 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 09:55 magnuse go students! 09:55 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @ranginui: "@gmacmanus oh sweet i just gave a couple of the academy students certificates last week they had been working on #kohails in their own time" 09:03 vkm please let me know how to setup cronjob to rebuild index completely once in a day (at night) 08:20 cait hi paul_p 08:19 paul_p good morning #koha 08:17 wahanui salut, clrh_ 08:17 clrh_ hello 08:10 wahanui niihau, gaetan_B 08:10 gaetan_B hello 07:59 cait and all 07:59 cait hi julian_m 07:57 magnuse ooh, colder than here! 07:57 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 0.2°C (8:55 AM CET on October 30, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Windchill: 0.0°C. Pressure: 29.86 in 1011 hPa (Steady). 07:57 magnuse @wunder Konstanz 07:57 cait @wunder Konstanz 07:57 huginn cait: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 9.0°C (8:30 AM CET on October 30, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: 4.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Steady). 07:57 cait @wunder marseille 07:56 julian_m magnuse, yes very cold :) 07:56 julian_m hello rangi, magnuse and cait 07:56 cait hi magnuse 07:55 magnuse kia ora cait! 07:55 magnuse bonjour biblibre - cold office today? 07:51 alex_a hi rangi 07:51 rangi hi julian_m, alex_a and reiveune 07:51 alex_a bonjour 07:49 reiveune hello 07:46 huginn rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 16.0°C (8:00 PM NZDT on October 30, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 55%. Dew Point: 7.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Steady). 07:46 rangi @wunder nzwn 07:42 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 1.0°C (8:20 AM CET on October 30, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 70%. Dew Point: -4.0°C. Windchill: -5.0°C. Pressure: 29.39 in 995 hPa (Steady). 07:42 magnuse @wunder boo 07:42 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 9.0°C (8:30 AM CET on October 30, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: 4.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Steady). 07:42 magnuse @wunder marseille 07:41 wahanui hello, julian_m 07:41 julian_m hello 06:53 magnuse yeah 06:53 rangi and the substations for power 06:53 * magnuse tries to imagine the consequences of sea water in the subway system 06:51 rangi yeah, quite a while 06:49 magnuse gonna take some time to tidy up after that... 06:46 cjh :( 06:40 rangi nope 06:40 magnuse wow, not too good 06:40 rangi very messily 06:39 * magnuse checks up on how the us is doing 06:38 magnuse hiya rangi 06:38 magnuse yay! 06:37 wahanui magnuse is a Norwegian giant. 06:37 rangi heya magnuse 06:35 * magnuse waves 05:14 vkm hello i am using 3.6.4 but hold limit is not working through setting user circulation limit by default it picks limit from system preference 03:56 huginn wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. 03:56 wizzyrea @later tell kf could you pass this around to your friends? http://www.kctv5.com/story/19944782/officials-working-to-locate-missing-emporia-state-student missing gal from Kansas, supposedly "went to Germany" and got lost there. 03:04 Oak :) 03:04 Oak did you read Far From the Madding Crowd? 03:04 Brooke Mr. Oak, we could use you to tie down some of the hay about here... 03:02 * Oak waves 03:02 Oak hey!! Brooke 03:02 Brooke hey oak 02:59 * jcamins_away heads to bed. 02:59 wizzyrea crikey 02:59 jcamins_away wizzyrea: yeah, so they say. 02:59 Brooke my home state is Trashed. Like worse than after my Prom trashed. 02:59 wizzyrea and atlantic city is under water? 02:59 Brooke have you considered the Kon Tiki? 02:58 wizzyrea oh yes phew I was worrying about you jcamins, some crazy photos coming out of new york 02:58 tcohen jcamins_away, hope everything goes smooth there 02:58 * Brooke touches wood. 02:58 jcamins_away Kind of a miracle it's still up. 02:57 jcamins_away Well, my shell is on a server at sea level in Brooklyn. 02:57 jcamins_away Yup. 02:57 Brooke (figured since ye were still online.) 02:57 Brooke hey hey, the city boy has powah! 02:57 jcamins_away Still power in Forest Hills. 02:57 jcamins_away tcohen: if you use solr you can't use authorities at all. 02:53 Zeki thanks 02:53 Zeki :) 02:53 Brooke good luck 02:52 Zeki I need to leave and import some MARC record my koha now 02:52 Zeki Thanks you so much for now 02:49 rangi 3.10 02:48 tcohen rangi, do u remeber what release would include solr indexing (at least experimental)? 02:47 Brooke it must be an IRC problem. ;) 02:47 ibeardslee two irc channels on two different servers with IE problems 02:47 Zeki yeah 02:46 eythian It causes many problems. 02:46 Zeki Thank Eythian 02:44 Zeki I didnt think IE can cause this type problem. 02:44 eythian Koha doesn't claim that it's supported in the staff client because it's too buggy to be reliable. 02:44 Zeki I thought it was related my koha setting 02:44 eythian It's not really, IE is not a good browser. 02:43 Zeki It is so strange IE browser problem 02:42 Zeki sure 02:41 eythian Zeki: and tell your friends to not use IE. 02:41 Zeki can import MARC Records 02:40 Zeki can important MARC Records 02:40 Zeki now 02:40 Zeki Stage MARC records for import is working 02:40 Zeki Google Chrome is fine 02:40 Brooke harrumph 02:40 rangi Brooke: earlier, they have no power at the moment tho, so wont see them again til that is back on 02:40 huginn Brooke: nengard was last seen in #koha 9 hours, 27 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <nengard> thanks oleonard 02:39 Brooke @seen nengard 02:39 Zeki the problem related IE 02:39 Brooke anyone see nengard? 02:39 Zeki Thank you so much Rangi, 02:38 * Brooke posits that maybe, just maybe, the sokdam about rain wasn't what to embroider after all... 02:37 Brooke howdy 02:37 rangi hi Brooke 02:36 Brooke o/ 02:34 Zeki yeah 02:34 rangi try firefox or chrome 02:34 eythian it is a stupid and bad browser 02:33 eythian don't use IE 02:33 rangi marcdump filename | less 02:33 Zeki I use IE 02:33 Zeki cannot import 02:33 eythian also that, yes 02:33 Zeki same things 02:33 eythian what browser are you using? 02:33 rangi are you sure your file is marcdata? 02:33 Zeki I tried them but no luck 02:33 eythian well try one of them then 02:32 Zeki becuase I found these web sites" http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Demo_Databases" 02:32 Zeki Eythian, do you know any running koha demo site that I can try "Stage MARC records for import"? 02:26 huginn tcohen: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8773 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , Add per-instance koha-index-daemon in .deb setup 02:26 huginn tcohen: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8636 critical, P3, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Some dependencies are not listed by the installer 02:26 eythian Zeki: not really 02:26 huginn tcohen: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7013 normal, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, adrien.saurat, In Discussion , required format is not enforced for authorized values 02:26 huginn tcohen: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7174 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, paul.poulain, NEW , Authentication rewriting 02:26 huginn tcohen: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7260 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , User should be able to determine the number of search results per page (OPAC) 02:26 tcohen @query solr 02:26 Zeki related "Stage MARC records for import" 02:25 Zeki is there any other place i can check it 02:25 Zeki yeah 02:25 Zeki look like not adding error inside log file 02:24 eythian OK. I'm not sure then. 02:23 Zeki but no new line in log file 02:23 Zeki and then I check the logs 02:22 Zeki then I went to tools "Stage MARC records for import" and do import 02:22 Zeki first I check the log I found last log 02:21 Zeki but looks there are not any log about it 02:21 eythian It has a datestamp on the left of the log message, you can use that to see what date the error was generated, and hence what your log file contains. 02:20 Zeki I tried a few times "Stage MARC records for import" tools 02:20 Zeki is showing this error log only for today? 02:19 Zeki [Tue Oct 30 10:09:52 2012] [error] [client] [Tue Oct 30 10:09:52 2012] viewlog.pl: Problem = a value of 1 has been passed to param without key at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Templates.pm line 187., referer: 02:18 Zeki Ethian, 02:11 eythian Zeki: the system logs in /var/log/koha 02:10 Zeki so is there any other place to check logs beside "log viwer under tools? 02:09 Zeki I dont see any error related Stage MARC records for import 02:09 Zeki because when I check log viewer under tools 02:07 Zeki which part of logs 02:02 Zeki While Web Installar I choose all the optional setting inculinding saple data, marc framework etc.. 02:01 eythian then it should work fine. You should have a look in your logs, they may tell you what is going wrong. 02:01 Zeki I am using default setting 01:57 rangi no 01:57 Zeki maybe wrong setting does not allow me to use "Stage MARC records for import" tools to import MARC records 01:55 rangi only match points and that wouldnt affect the behaviour you are seeing 01:55 Zeki so Maybe I didnt do right setting 01:55 Zeki because I am very new in Koha 01:54 Zeki is there any place related "Stage MARC records for import" in "System preferences" setting? 01:54 Zeki I want to check with you about "System preferences" setting 01:53 Zeki thanks for that 01:50 rangi Zeki: misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl is where it lives 01:50 Zeki can I ask you a few more things, Rangi? 01:49 wizzyrea haha! 01:49 eythian like, literally just then 01:49 wizzyrea oooOOOooo 01:49 rangi your pc just arrived 01:49 eythian ah right 01:49 wizzyrea hmm a little bit, but we were down in central by 10ish for an appointment :) 01:48 eythian hi wizzyrea, slept in today? 01:48 Zeki yeah 01:48 rangi Zeki: you could try the bulkmarcimport script from the command line 01:47 rangi Zeki: hmm no sorry, i haven't seen that problem before 01:47 wizzyrea hi there 01:47 * wizzyrea giggles 01:47 wahanui wizzyrea is a Cylon, and they all have plans. 01:47 rangi hey wizzyrea 01:46 eythian http://www.wimp.com/hurricanehorse/ 01:45 Zeki any expert around ? 01:43 Zeki so anyone can tell me what can be problem with my Koha? 01:42 Zeki no progress bar 01:42 Zeki Stage MARC records for import does nothing 01:42 Zeki however when I want to use "Stage MARC records for import" tools I cant import anything 01:41 Zeki I can add(import) any catalog (book)from Z39.50 Search 01:39 Zeki everything looks fine 01:39 Zeki version 3.8.6 on Ubuntu server 01:39 Zeki My koha installation is new one 01:39 Zeki I have a problem with "Stage MARC records for import". I cannot import any MARC records 01:38 Zeki Hi Wahanui, 01:37 wahanui hola, Zeki 01:37 Zeki Hi 01:23 drojf from the sound of that they are all underwater already. the design of the player isn't helping either http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?action=cwp&ctid=1855 01:00 rangi heh 00:59 eythian http://i.imgur.com/PF5SK.png 00:58 rangi mostly atlantic city and manhattan 00:58 rangi good to hear, some amazing photos of flooding 00:57 * jcamins_away leaves again. 00:57 jcamins_away As of right now, the weather here is fairly quiet. We're all alive and unharmed. 00:06 ibeardslee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXMU2qwCVag#! .. LIVE Hurricane Sandy Coverage - The Weather Channel 00:04 eythian darn it, got a little sunburnt at lunch 00:00 rangi http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/10/28/nyregion/hurricane-sandy.html