Time Nick Message 20:48 drojf 'Ryan Terrenal of the National Library of the Philippines reports: "We are still in the building stage of the Koha community in the Philippines. We have installed 297 computers with Koha 2.29 running on Fedora Linux.' 20:48 drojf goodness. from what year is that newsletter?? 20:41 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails Koha Community Newsletter: October 2012 http://t.co/CB8w3hKC" 20:40 mib_o0y3qm can anyone help me 20:40 mib_o0y3qm need some help 20:40 wahanui salut, mib_o0y3qm 20:40 mib_o0y3qm hi 19:52 cait1 mveron++ drojf++ #translations, translations, translations! 19:00 YoungPublicLibrary lol, that may very well be... 18:58 cait maybe your brother is a polar bear? :) 18:58 cait heh 18:58 YoungPublicLibrary Yeah, on average its like 10 degrees there. Last winter the temperatures hit -32 degrees...and he likes it there! 18:46 cait oh wow 18:46 YoungPublicLibrary lol, I'm not even sure that's how the town name is spelled. Its the farthest north settlement in Alaska...my cousin coaches football there. They literally have guard towers around the football field to watch for polarbears... 18:34 cait hm or zipcode maybe 18:34 huginn cait: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 3.0°C (8:20 PM CEST on October 27, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 29.65 in 1004 hPa (Steady). 18:34 cait @wunder BOO 18:34 cait YoungPublicLibrary: try an airport code if you have one 18:29 YoungPublicLibrary lol, fail... 18:29 huginn YoungPublicLibrary: Error: No such location could be found. 18:29 YoungPublicLibrary @wunder Fairbanks 18:19 huginn cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 1.0°C (8:00 PM CEST on October 27, 2012). Conditions: Snow. Humidity: 100%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Pressure: 29.71 in 1006 hPa (Rising). 18:19 cait @wunder Konstanz 17:35 cait ah 17:34 YoungPublicLibrary Hmm...that I don't know. And I don't have permissions to delete a borrower, so can't really test that one...lol 17:34 cait hm, if you say it does it will :) 17:33 cait but does it always work? even for a new borrower without any messages? 17:33 YoungPublicLibrary thank you, it was a combination effort of another programmer and myself... 17:33 cait hmm 17:32 cait a clever idea 17:32 cait the or is an clever idea :) 17:32 cait aaah 17:32 pastebot "YoungPublicLibrary" at pasted "TestFines" (7 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/254 17:30 cait sure :) 17:30 YoungPublicLibrary Whew, got it to work right. Would you like to see Cait? 17:13 cait you were almost there from the beginning :) 17:12 YoungPublicLibrary I'm sure I will now. You got me headed in the right direction. Thanks! 17:11 cait hope you can figure it out 17:11 YoungPublicLibrary okay, I'll take a look at it. Thanks for all your help! 17:11 cait I think you want that there is amatching borrower line, but not necessarily one in messages 17:11 cait at the next pages 17:11 cait w3c school pages are often quite helpful, there are more examples about joins there 17:11 cait test 17:10 cait to really teast 17:10 cait I don't have enough data in my database 17:09 YoungPublicLibrary Hmm...so maybe I should try a FULL JOIN 17:08 cait http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp 17:08 cait look at the different joins here: 17:06 YoungPublicLibrary yeah, I've never really done anything with SQL. I took one class in college and then never used it until we moved to koha...so the syntax gets me quite often... 17:05 YoungPublicLibrary I am wanting that. The results give a list of the messages 17:05 cait what you want can be done, but I always struggle a bit with the right syntax myself 17:05 cait on one patron record 17:05 cait for librarians 17:04 cait one being that there can be more than one message 17:04 cait YoungPublicLibrary: there is a couple of problems with your query I think 17:02 YoungPublicLibrary The only problem now is that it is only showing me patron's with text in the messages.message field. If they don't have text there they don't come up. I need them to show up whether there is a message there or not... 17:02 YoungPublicLibrary Maybe the system had a hickup or something the first time I tried to run it...but this time it popped right up... 17:01 YoungPublicLibrary okay, got it to work now...but I have a different problem... 17:01 cait I would always try a simple query first and then refine it step by step 17:00 cait what happens if you leave the and .... with the branches out? 17:00 cait it's the only change I made - I am sorry, not sure why it wouldn't work for you 16:59 YoungPublicLibrary Yes, the pull down comes up first, once you select a library it goes to a blank screen with the code up top... 16:58 cait http://paste.koha-community.org/253 16:58 cait this worked for me, I only took out the branchs thing, because I was testing it in mysql directly 16:57 YoungPublicLibrary Yes, I do have a test subject. That is weird... 16:57 cait your pull down for branches shows up correctly when you start the report? 16:56 cait I am not sure why it wouldn't work for you - do you have a patron with outstanding fines AND a message to other librairans to test with? 16:56 cait your statement, as you posted it 16:56 cait it works for me 16:56 cait ok 16:55 cait it doesn't look bad 16:55 cait oook 16:54 cait let me give it one try 16:54 cait it's ok 16:54 YoungPublicLibrary if its too much trouble don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point. Just gotta wait for one of those brilliant moments of insight to hit me smack dab in the forehead... 16:53 cait i will have to add some data to my database to see 16:51 pastebot "YoungPublicLibrary" at pasted "TestFines" (7 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/252 16:47 YoungPublicLibrary okay...thanks I'll have it posted momentarily 16:46 cait I can try 16:46 YoungPublicLibrary hmm...I must have the join wrong then....would you mind if I pasted the report here so you could see if you see anything wrong with it... 16:45 cait are you sure oyu have messages like that? 16:45 cait you need the quotes for strings, number don't need quotes 16:45 cait that shouldn't matter 16:45 YoungPublicLibrary specifically with double quotation marks or does that matter? cuz I tried that and it didn't work, but I used single quotation marks... 16:44 cait hm "L" 16:44 cait where messages.message_type = "B" 16:44 cait you would use a condition 16:44 cait if you only want to see the L instead of the B type 16:43 cait I am not sure what your question is 16:42 YoungPublicLibrary okay, lets forget the join for a minute...how would I specify the message type. There is the field messages.message_type, but how would I specify 'L' instead of 'B', which it seems to default to 16:29 cait oh hm 16:29 YoungPublicLibrary the messages table and the accountlines table. So that I can get the message to print out as 'L' or "Other Librarians" 16:28 cait why do you want to join? 16:28 YoungPublicLibrary yeah, I see that now. I'm working on making a join now...I'm just not very good at it... 16:26 cait in the schema 16:26 cait YoungPublicLibrary: check the columns of the messages tables 16:26 cait it's both, depending on another field 16:20 YoungPublicLibrary messages.message is the only thing close, and it gives the "Patron" messages instead of the "Other Librarians" messages... 16:18 cait messages or similar I think 16:18 cait it's another table 16:11 YoungPublicLibrary Same question as before, anyone know the right schema field for the "Other Librarians" messages? 15:11 Oak hmm 15:11 cait and not sticking to the ground yet, too warm 15:11 cait but it's really not heavy snow 15:11 cait yeah, fist bt of snow here 15:10 Oak cold weather in europe i heard on news 15:10 huginn Oak: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 1.0°C (5:00 PM CEST on October 27, 2012). Conditions: Heavy Snow. Humidity: 97%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Pressure: 29.61 in 1003 hPa (Rising). 15:10 Oak @wunder konstanz 15:09 Oak i'm okay. 15:09 Oak good. 15:09 cait and you? 15:09 cait I am good too :) 15:08 Oak how are you? 15:08 Oak cool. good :) 15:07 cait looks like a happy baby on the latest pictures 15:07 cait I will see him next weekend 15:07 cait heh 15:06 Oak how is marcus? 15:06 Oak hello cait :) 15:06 cait hi Oak :) 15:06 * Oak waves 14:23 huginn cait: Error: No such location could be found. 14:23 cait @wunder Oslo 14:23 huginn cait: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 3.0°C (3:50 PM CEST on October 27, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 29.62 in 1003 hPa (Steady). 14:23 cait @wunder BOO 14:23 huginn cait: Error: No such location could be found. 14:23 cait @wunder BER 14:00 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 1.7°C (4:00 PM CEST on October 27, 2012). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Windchill: 2.0°C. Pressure: 29.50 in 999 hPa (Rising). 14:00 cait @wunder Konstanz 12:41 cait quiet saturday 02:44 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8939 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , Fines Charged During Grace Period 02:44 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8958 normal, P5 - low, ---, mathieu.saby, Pushed to Stable , Facets are not fully UNIMARC compliant 02:44 jenkins_koha * Paul Poulain: Bug 8939 follow-up welcome to Robert Williams 194th contributor 02:44 jenkins_koha * williams: Bug 8939 : Fines being charged during the grace period 02:44 jenkins_koha * mathieu.saby: Bug 8958: Make facets more UNIMARC compliant (revision 1) 02:44 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #216: SUCCESS in 38 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/216/ 02:05 jenkins_koha Starting build #216 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 02:05 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8213 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Pushed to Master , "Cancel All" button on holds over tab cancels both holds over and holds waiting 02:05 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8888 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha, Pushed to Stable , question marks in series title facet links 02:05 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8234 minor, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Stable , Dates are not well sorted on Transfers to receive 02:05 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8910 minor, P5 - low, ---, mtompset, Pushed to Stable , silent warnings triggered in about.pl 02:05 jenkins_koha * kyle: Bug 8213 - "Cancel All" button on holds over tab cancels both holds over and holds waiting 02:05 jenkins_koha * koha: Bug 8888 : Question marks in series title facet links 02:05 jenkins_koha * adrien.saurat: Bug 8234: fixes date sort on 'Transfers to receive' page 02:05 jenkins_koha * mtompset: Bug 8910 - silent warnings triggered in about.pl 02:05 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #215: SUCCESS in 38 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/215/ 01:26 jenkins_koha Starting build #215 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)