Time Nick Message 23:42 cjh jcamins_away: heh, im currently watching TNG. DS9 is next. 23:18 drojf see you soon :D 23:18 * drojf tries the bed again 23:16 cait have fun 23:15 * jcamins goes to watch Star Trek DS9, which is much less silly than the original series. 23:15 jcamins I have a Mac. :P 23:12 tcohen what terminal do u use btw? 23:10 tcohen i can switch from kde to unity because I mostly use yakuake and firefox 23:10 jcamins Hehe. 23:09 drojf jcamins, irc client profiler 23:09 * jcamins thinks it probably is for drojf, though. 23:09 jcamins tcohen: yes, irssi is definitely not the IRC client for you. 23:09 tcohen jcamins, i ll go with this smuxi thing, that integrates well with unity 23:09 drojf "Internet users using Google - but not Google News - will still be able to find content from most newspapers sites." <-- lol, we'll see how well that works out 23:07 jcamins drojf: Germany is leading a groundswell! 23:07 drojf oh wow brazilian newspaper publishers ban google news from linking them. i thought only europeans were stupid enough to do that. actually i thought only germans were stupid enough but then france joined us. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-20018221 23:07 jcamins tcohen: hehe. 23:06 tcohen it didn't pull any gui lib either! 23:05 tcohen omg it didn't pull any mono dependencies hehe 23:04 jcamins tcohen: IRC. 23:03 tcohen jcamins, what protocols does it support? 23:02 drojf hehe we'll see :) 23:02 tcohen hhe the client of the future 23:02 jcamins I know. I'm saying that irssi is what you're going to end up choosing. 23:01 drojf jcamins: already installed it, forgot to try it :) 23:01 jcamins drojf: irssi. 22:57 tcohen audio and video support 22:57 tcohen i have just remembered the first time i used empathy 22:56 tcohen hehe 22:56 drojf "Unlike Pidgin and other clients with off-the-record messaging (OTR), Empathy lacks privacy and security facility through deniable encryption." that kills it for me 22:54 tcohen even on KDE I use empathy for chatting 22:53 drojf i want something that isn't pidgin (what i'm using now) because they have security issues. but kopete does not do irc. i have irssi somewhere here but have not tried it yet 22:48 tcohen and want somethign that integrates better with gnome then 22:48 tcohen but i'm giving ubuntu's unity a try 22:47 tcohen i used quassel for a while 22:47 drojf but it does look good https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/ff/Smuxi-0.7.2-linx-main-window.png 22:46 drojf eew :D 22:46 tcohen must confess i didn't like it pulling those mono deps 22:46 tcohen it looks nice 22:45 drojf never heard of it. how is it? 22:44 * tcohen is trying smuxi IRC client 22:41 tcohen getting used to my new irc client :-D 22:41 drojf i wanted to ask you something, but i forgot what about :) 22:41 drojf hi tomas 22:40 tomas hi #koha 22:36 drojf does it replace the line if it is exactly 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' but stumble if it is slightly different? i think there was one version with quotes and one without in the problematic patch 22:34 drojf looks like that only happened for the one patch 22:22 * drojf gets the wiki scissors 22:22 drojf or gone 22:22 drojf Note: On recent versions of Git this is not needed and will cause problems if set (at least <-- this should be bigger 22:20 drojf at least that works 22:20 drojf :/ 22:20 drojf great. then i won't get bored while i reattach the patches 22:20 jcamins Yes. 22:20 drojf d'oh. looks like my signoffs also introduced a second content type line to the things i signed off. does that mean they all will throw the same error if somebody tries to apply them now? 22:15 drojf rebases other branches ok so i consider it fixed :) 22:13 drojf strange things happening 22:13 jcamins Ouch. 22:13 jcamins drojf: yay! 22:13 drojf also it says the branch is up to date. it was behind 70 commits before?! 22:13 drojf jcamins: looks like that fixed it 22:03 jcamins drojf: remove the [format] stanza? 22:02 drojf there is no double content type line in any of them 22:01 drojf i can do that in different branches with different patches. just by trying to rebase 22:01 wahanui it has been said that patch is pretty old now, good luck 22:01 drojf jcamins: what patch? 22:00 jcamins drojf: you'll have to fix the patch. 21:59 cait logs... *sigh* ;) 21:58 drojf yes i have found you in the log about that cait :) 21:58 cjh cait: hi cait :) 21:58 cait hi cjh :) 21:58 cait I have only seen this when applying patches so far 21:58 cjh wow 21:58 cait oh 21:58 drojf is that supposed to happen? :/ 21:58 drojf fatal: cannot convert from UTF-8utf-8 to UTF-8 21:58 drojf First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... 21:58 drojf git rebase origin/master 20:08 cait :) 20:08 jcamins o/ 20:07 * cait waves 19:39 cjh mmmhhhmmm bread making. 19:38 * drojf wanders off too 19:38 drojf have fun :) 19:38 jcamins drojf: time to return to bread-making. 19:37 drojf improvise 19:32 jcamins I don't think I'm going to find it. 19:32 jcamins I've been looking for a seam ripper for fifteen minutes. 19:21 drojf lol 19:21 jcamins drojf++ # for being up-to-date on his emoticons 19:21 jcamins lol 19:20 drojf i think the emoticon for that is .·´/ů\`·. 19:18 jcamins drojf: this is true. 19:18 drojf but on the plus side, more dill rain by kneading in the air ;) 19:17 jcamins Well, I don't think he knew how to turn on the stove. 19:17 drojf sounds like fun 19:17 jcamins The previous owner... 19:17 jcamins I mean, _I_ didn't want it like this. 19:17 jcamins No. 19:17 drojf deliberately? 19:17 jcamins But it's more like a house made of cards in Harry Potter, where there's the danger of the entire thing exploding... 19:16 jcamins drojf: yes. 19:16 drojf ugh, why would it fall off? do you live in a house of cards? 19:14 jcamins I'm worried if I put any pressure on the counter it'll fall off, and one non-functional room is all I can deal with for the moment. 19:14 jcamins drojf: it's messier because I don't knead my bread dough on the counter. I knead it in the air. 19:09 jcamins drojf: hehe. More or less. 19:07 * drojf pictures jcamins_away as some kind of herbal hulk 19:06 drojf lol 19:03 * jcamins_away emerges from the rye bread kneading covered head-to-toe in dill. 19:02 drojf doesn't sound too bad :) 19:01 jcamins_away drojf: I ended up deciding on dill rye bread and sauteed poblanos. 18:43 drojf jcamins_away: that does sound interesting. will you try it (or have you already)? 15:45 * jcamins_away tries to figure out what to do with dill and poblano peppers, comes up with this: http://versatilekitchen.blogspot.com/2011/10/spicy-dill-bread.html 15:39 * magnuse pokes his head in, waves and wanders off again 15:03 mtompset Have a good day, #koha. 14:25 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @andisugandi: "Buku manual Koha 3.8 (EN) http://t.co/oAE5r5ZO sampai 603 halaman gini.. *alamat lembur* :| *tepok jidat* | #KohaILS #Koha #Perpustakaan" 13:37 tcohen hi mtompset 13:37 mtompset Greetings, tcohen and drojf. 11:44 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 10:15 cait and he picked up some germs um german apparently 10:12 drojf he did all the work, i just hit "install" ;) 10:07 cait eythian++ too 10:07 cait testing 8774 10:07 cait lol 10:03 drojf huh? what did i do? 10:03 cait drojf++ 00:12 santy bye everyone, thanks for your time