Time Nick Message 23:28 jcamins And the goggles. 23:27 drojf lol 23:27 jcamins It's pretty psychedelic without that. 23:27 jcamins drojf: I'm not sure. 23:26 rangi desk all moved 23:26 rangi back 23:25 drojf i bet random colouring each frame would make it more enjoyable 23:20 jcamins Gosh, the original Star Trek was campy. 22:53 * wajasu orders pizza to aid in testing 22:30 drojf "random colour each frame" sounds like a very useful video filter. "today i'm gonna shoot me a nice rainbow." 22:29 wahanui keyboards are the only sound 22:29 rambutan keyboards? 22:29 rambutan Well, those went so fast...how about some used cell phone chargers? 22:26 rambutan Anybody need some new DDS3 data cartridges before I toss 'em? 22:23 rambutan yea, that could well be 22:23 eythian no, it makes perfect sense to me. It must just be you. 22:23 rambutan http://kiwipsum.com <- thought maybe translate.google.com could help me out with that. Neg. Read the whole thing, don't have an idea what the subject is. I assume it's intended to just be machine-generated language? 22:20 jcamins lol 22:20 drojf to be fair it sounded more like a weapon before i looked up what it is 22:18 drojf i was confused too 22:18 jcamins drojf: and miss out on eating it?!? 22:17 drojf i thought that was to throw after whoever makes noise in the street 22:17 jcamins Hehe. 22:17 rambutan just go with the hot sauce and dill pickles then 22:17 rambutan well, uh, 22:17 rambutan dill pickles on the side 22:17 jcamins rambutan: that's kind of going in the opposite direction from my more-vegetarian trend. 22:16 rambutan and hot sauce probably too 22:16 rambutan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanakopita <- clearly something that would benefit from yankee mods like +pepperoni +ground spicy pork 21:54 rangi heh 21:53 eythian http://kiwipsum.com/ <-- rangi 21:51 jcamins I need to make spanakopita. 21:48 jcamins Hehe. 21:47 eythian jcamins: if the movies taught me anything, there's probably a shooting or something going on. 21:47 eythian it's very loud inside here, so we're moving to a quieter part of the floor. 21:47 jcamins Why is it loud on a quiet (for New York) side street at quarter to six on a Thursday? 21:47 jcamins It is very loud outside. 21:41 wajasu ok 21:41 jcamins So, yeah, removing the || $query->param('bib') and signing off again would be appreciated. 21:41 jcamins No, not pushed. 21:41 wajasu you got time. i am just getting set up. 21:40 jcamins But I'll confirm. 21:40 wajasu ok 21:40 jcamins I'm pretty sure it's only the last that needs sign off. 21:39 jcamins Lemme check. 21:39 jcamins wajasu: I think those were already pushed. 21:39 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3652 critical, P1 - high, ---, chrish, Needs Signoff , XSS vulnerabilities 21:39 wajasu jcamins: should i remove the || $query->param('bib') from the files?, then test? for bug 3652 21:39 wajasu ok 21:39 jcamins wajasu: yeah, those files are wrong for master. 21:38 wajasu yes 21:38 jcamins wajasu: you're on master, aren't you? 21:37 pastebot "wajasu" at pasted "my lxc container dependency question" (22 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/240 21:01 libsysguy now I forgot what I was going to ask 21:01 libsysguy oh hey 20:50 rangi yup 20:49 libsysguy rangi around? 20:29 * jcamins_away heads for the subway. 20:29 wajasu ok. 20:29 jcamins_away And master. 20:29 jcamins_away wajasu: and 3.6.x. 20:28 wajasu for 3.8.x 20:28 jcamins_away wajasu: definitely bug 3652 20:28 melia thanks rangi 20:28 wajasu ok. 20:28 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3652 critical, P1 - high, ---, chrish, Needs Signoff , XSS vulnerabilities 20:28 melia all right, I will keep nagging people :) 20:28 rangi wajasu: bug 3652 20:27 rangi you have a chance 20:27 rangi so if you got it qaed and passed the release manager before tuesday 20:27 melia oh good. maybe a QA person will get to it soon. 20:27 wajasu please assign me some bugs to choose from, that i can attempt to test tonight. i have some time. 20:27 rangi it has no string changes 20:27 rangi i obviously want someone else to look at it, since i signed off 20:26 rangi it can go into 3.8.x after the release, after it passes QA, and is pushed to master that is 20:25 melia not security related. yeah, I know only three days. :( 20:24 rangi we are in string freeze (and only 3 days til 3.8.6 anyway) 20:24 rangi (unless it is security related) 20:23 rangi then its too late 20:23 rangi if it changes .tt files 20:23 melia how do I know? 20:23 melia no idea! 20:23 rangi does it change strings melia ? 20:21 oleonard Bye #koha 20:19 melia is it already too late for it to get into 3.8.6? 20:19 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8939 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Signed Off , Fines Charged During Grace Period 20:19 melia bug 8939, sorry 20:19 melia wait. that's not the one. 20:19 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6185 normal, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, oleonard, RESOLVED FIXED, holds slip says 'reserve' 20:19 melia I would really like to see bug 6185 get QA, ideally before it's too late for 3.8.6 20:19 jcamins_away melia: mtj is usually around at weird times. 20:19 libsysguy :) 20:19 libsysguy only the future one 20:18 melia anybody from the QA team around? 20:18 jcamins_away I think I'd rather not know if I'm right. 20:17 jcamins_away My interpretation of that code is that we're using GetBookSeller for the second thing there, and at some other point we'll call GetBookSeller to get information about the one bookseller the user is interested in, if there is a booksellerid. 20:15 jcamins_away 2) retrieving a list of all booksellers. 20:15 jcamins_away 1) retrieving a bookseller. 20:15 jcamins_away oleonard: we're using GetBookSeller (I am guessing) for two things: 20:14 oleonard What does overloading mean? 20:14 jcamins_away (and for the record, I think overloading GetBookSeller like that is a horrific idea) 20:14 jcamins_away oleonard: it makes very little sense, but I suspect it probably works. 20:13 rangi it doesnt make much sense 20:12 oleonard Does that make no sense or am I missing something? 20:12 oleonard if(! $booksellerid){ my @booksellers = GetBookSeller(''); ... 19:47 libsysguy wrong window 19:47 libsysguy oops 19:47 libsysguy what is your graceday set to? 19:47 libsysguy but we do have days overdue 19:46 libsysguy okay so we have 0 for fines all across the board 19:46 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8800 major, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Failed QA , SpecifyDueDate && useDaysMode=Datedue wrong behaviour 19:46 tcohen bug 8800 libsysguy, byeeeee 19:45 oleonard ? 19:42 libsysguy also gravitar++ for letting me see who is pushing what patches :p 19:41 oleonard Yes, git_bz++ 19:40 libsysguy git_bz++ 19:40 libsysguy it'll make it easier to apply 19:40 libsysguy sure, sorry I wasn't watching…can you just attach it to the bug? 19:39 tcohen libsysguy, may I send u the patch? 19:37 tcohen i just thought kernel 3.5 could have some improvements on ssd's 19:37 jcamins_away When something I want is in 13.04, perhaps I'll upgrade. 19:37 tcohen 12.04 is really good now 19:36 jcamins_away It's the latest LTS release. 19:36 jcamins_away tcohen: I have 12.04 on a headless server. I think I'll leave it. 19:35 tcohen jcamins_away got 12.10 on my new laptop and has some issues with intel graphics 19:35 jcamins_away I'm not sure whether to wince or laugh. 19:34 rangi heh 19:34 * oleonard imagines someone out there griping "Koha 3.10? I just installed Koha 2.2.8!" 19:31 jcamins_away And when I say "just" I mean, "last week." 19:31 rangi heh 19:31 rangi yup 19:31 jcamins_away I just installed 12.04! 19:30 wahanui Ubuntu is a debian-based OS and Koha has shiny new ubuntu intructions. 19:30 jcamins_away Ubuntu? 19:30 rangi hmm 12.10 is out, watch eveyone render their workstations useless for a couple of days 19:28 rangi viktor++ 19:20 tcohen hehe 19:20 * wizzyrea vanishes in a puff of smoke 19:20 wizzyrea you can thank me later 19:19 wizzyrea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrQVFZx7XX4 19:18 wahanui i guess libsysguy is Koha's hottest developer or partying with swedes on his deck or koha's youngest developer 19:18 tcohen libsysguy? 19:17 oleonard Customarily. 19:16 tcohen tater = potato? 19:15 * oleonard wonders, tater? 19:12 libsysguy so you just broke up the add function into addDays and addHours 19:11 libsysguy oh dat init function…how I don't miss that 19:11 * libsysguy is forever labeled as the LDAP/Calendar guy :p 19:11 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "Sorry guys, I've just learned to use pastebot" (476 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/239 19:11 libsysguy probably not…I'll just point at the rest of the calendar and its convoluted logic and say "SEE!" 19:10 jcamins_away Ah, but can you turn that into unit test specifications? 19:10 * libsysguy shows a toothy smile 19:10 libsysguy and ill make it fail 19:10 libsysguy or you could just give me a general overview of what your patch does 19:10 tcohen my patch is in my local branch 19:09 libsysguy where is your patch 19:09 tcohen so i can leave home and continue this tomorrow 19:09 libsysguy test-ception 19:09 tcohen libsysguy, give some examples to make my patch fail 19:09 jcamins_away We're testing your tests. 19:09 jcamins_away libsysguy: yup. 19:09 * libsysguy runs away 19:09 libsysguy oh shoot I've walked into a test trap 19:09 rangi i think libsysguy is the only one who has libraries using the hourly features 19:09 libsysguy yo yo 19:08 jcamins_away libsysguy: libsysguy libsysguy 19:08 tcohen ok, i need #koha's creativity for 'hours' test cases 19:06 jcamins_away If you get too clever, it sometimes gets confused, I think, but I've never had problems with is(). 19:06 tcohen is implicitly overloaded 19:05 jcamins_away Most of the time. 19:05 tcohen yes, and it should take care of the 'eq' vs. '==' stuff? 19:05 jcamins_away is($thing1, $thing2, $message) is sometimes equivalent to cmp_ok($thing1, '==', $thing2, $message) 19:04 tcohen mm, yes, that's what I wanted, just copied from the previous tests 19:04 jcamins_away perldoc Test::More 19:04 tcohen man _¿ 19:03 tcohen is()? 19:03 jcamins_away And as you know, I'm always full of objections. 19:03 jcamins_away If you can use is(), that would be a bit more compact, but I have _no_ objection to that whatsoever. 19:03 jcamins_away That looks fine to me. 19:03 rangi ill take functional any day of the week 19:02 rangi pretty is subjective 19:02 rangi hmm? that doesn't look bad to me 19:02 tcohen prettier coding 19:02 rangi what did you expect? 19:01 tcohen it doesn't look as I expected 19:01 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "subtest 'useDaysMode=Datedue'" (11 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/238 19:01 * cait_away waves 19:01 rangi righto 19:00 jcamins_away I'm cherry-picking it either way. 19:00 jcamins_away Actually, no one has stepped up for 3.6.11. 19:00 * jcamins_away will as well, if there are no string changes. 18:59 rangi once its signed off, i plan to pick it for 3.8.x ... before the release if its not in master by then 18:59 rangi and morning 18:58 jcamins_away Ooh, excellent! 18:57 rangi js fix is there now 18:57 rangi yep 18:57 jcamins_away Needs signoff again? 18:57 rangi kinda important 18:57 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3652 critical, P1 - high, ---, chrish, Needs Signoff , XSS vulnerabilities 18:57 rangi bug 3652 18:57 tcohen some test case anyone would like the calendar to pass? 18:38 drojf mib_yyf50q: that depends on your marc flavour and cataloguing conventions 18:37 mib_yyf50q can you tell me the path for navigating to bibliographic record, or whats the feild number 18:36 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, thanks Jcamins_away! I'll take a look at it and the a couple intros to SQL. 18:36 oleonard Title, subject, notes, etc. 18:35 oleonard mib_yyf50q: The key words are in the bibliographic record 18:35 mib_yyf50q i am working with the catalog. how can i add key words for a book for search 18:32 jcamins_away There are also really good books. O'Reilly has one. It might be in your library. 18:31 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7986 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Export issues 18:31 nengard if anyone doing QA is around - can you look at bug 7986 ? I need those string changes to make it in to Koha so I can finish updating the manual and get to working on the help files for that area 18:31 jcamins_away There are many. 18:31 jcamins_away Google for an introduction to SQL. 18:31 YoungPublicLibrarian I have the schema up, doesn't really help me with not knowing how to combine them using SQL... 18:30 jcamins_away YoungPublicLibrarian: ^^ 18:30 wahanui schema is tracked in git. or found at http://schema.koha-community.org 18:30 jcamins_away schema? 18:29 YoungPublicLibrarian Anyone else who might know is welcome to answer as well. The question is essentially, how would I join the accounts, biblios, and items tables to work with this report: http://paste.koha-community.org/237 18:29 jcamins_away t/QueryParser.t on that branch. 18:29 tcohen hehe 18:28 jcamins_away (should be linked from wiki somewhere... I don't really have internet access here... the connection dies several times every sentence) 18:26 jcamins_away For example, in the search_rewrite branch on my github. 18:25 jcamins_away What I'd do is use a hash mapping the environment to the results. 18:25 tcohen I need them not to interfere with each other 18:25 jcamins_away Ah. 18:24 tcohen as it is complex to construct each case 18:24 tcohen i want to organize the tests and each set of tests env 18:23 tcohen subtest 'Label' => sub { tests }; 18:23 jcamins_away tcohen: the problem is that you don't know exactly what tests you're going to need to run, right? 18:22 tcohen jcamins_away: i ashamed to say i didn't understand what you just said 18:22 YoungPublicLibrarian maximep, still with me? 18:20 * drojf reads Test::Tutorial to one day understand your mumble 18:19 jcamins_away Just use end_testing. 18:19 jcamins_away I know we've done that. 18:19 tcohen $cal->set_daysmode('Datedue'); 18:19 tcohen where I need to do this specifically: 18:19 jcamins_away Ohhh. 18:19 jcamins_away t/db_dependent/Koha.t. 18:19 tcohen I need to write tests for different scenarios 18:19 jcamins_away Oh, wait. 18:18 jcamins_away t/db_dependent/Search.t. 18:18 jcamins_away I do tests in mocked functions, though. 18:18 jcamins_away I don't think we do that. 18:18 tcohen (wrapping with a function name or something a group of tests) 18:18 jcamins_away tcohen: what do you mean? 18:17 tcohen can anyone point me to an example tests file where there is a modular approach? 18:14 drojf and improvement is no category that is used here so that does not make much sense. enhancements and bug fixes should be improvements :P 18:14 jcamins_away drojf: that'd be my position. 18:12 drojf if it makes it work it's a bug fix and not an enhancement. otherwise all bug fixes would be enhancements? 18:12 * jcamins_away would lean toward anything that makes the code work at all consistently being a "bugfix." 18:11 libsysguy i think at this point anything with the calendar would just be considered an "improvement" 18:11 jcamins_away (making it work in a way that requires a syspref) 18:10 jcamins_away libsysguy: I think the question is whether if something entirely doesn't work making it work must be considered an "enhancement," or whether it could be a bugfix. 18:10 libsysguy just throwing that out there 18:09 libsysguy tcohen I'm not sure what your timeline is but enh probably won't get in for awhile 18:09 jcamins_away tcohen: it'd be nice if it did something that someone might want it to. 18:08 tcohen if it compiles, and doesn't break the tests... then it should work, right? :-P 18:08 wahanui well, enh is enhancement and explained at http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Bug-enhancement-patch_Workflow 18:08 slef wahanui: enh? 18:08 wahanui i don't know, slef 18:08 slef wahanui: enhancements? 18:03 jcamins_away +1 18:02 tcohen maybe broken -> anything that works is not an enhancement... 18:02 tcohen i need to provide a patch that is not an enh, so i'm just asking what is that supposed to do 18:01 tcohen gmcharlt, I agree but 18:01 gmcharlt is that what you're asking? 18:01 gmcharlt i.e., some libraries might want hourly loans to be cut off whenever the library closes, while others let it float until the library opens again 18:00 gmcharlt tcohen: configurable :) 17:55 YoungPublicLibrarian maximep: you are correct. 17:44 tcohen (in the case of day overflow of course) 17:44 tcohen gmcharlt, what do u think would the semantics of a addHours should be ? 17:33 maximep YoungPublicLibrarian: I assume you copy pasted the bib and i lines from another query 17:28 tcohen you're right, i thought of a syspref, but a branch attribute should fit better 17:27 gmcharlt tcohen: wouldn't that be better as (at least) a branch attribute, if not a calendar one? 17:26 * tcohen is tempted to add a syspref for setting the open hour for the library, but it will be an enh 17:19 YoungPublicLibrarian Right, which is part of the problem. But I don't know enough SQL to understand how to join them with the rest of report. 17:08 maximep not sure I understand your question. the tables bib and i are not joined in the sql query 17:05 YoungPublicLibrarian The above report works fine, but if I try to replace that first set of fields with the second set it breaks the report... 16:50 gaetan_B bye 16:34 YoungPublicLibrarian Would it be possible to take the "borrowers.branchcode,borrowers.categorycode,borrowers.debarredcomment" out and replace them with "bib.title,bib.author, i.barcode,i.itemcallnumber" and have the report run? 16:33 pastebot "YoungPublicLibrarian" at pasted "Fines And Fees" (5 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/237 16:25 jcamins Much nicer. 16:24 tcohen solved it :-P 16:24 tcohen $self->is_holiday($base_date) 16:24 tcohen $self->{days_mode} ne 'Days' && 16:24 jcamins That should work. 16:24 * oleonard just learned this for JavaScript, unhelpfully. 16:23 jcamins && 16:23 tcohen it doesn't like the () 16:23 tcohen $self->is_holiday($base_date) 16:23 tcohen $self->{days_mode} eq 'Datedue' ) && 16:23 tcohen ($self->{days_mode} eq 'Calendar' || 16:23 tcohen need to write this 16:23 jcamins tcohen: that's a really good question. 16:22 tcohen #koha what has more precedence? && or ||? 15:54 wizzyrea *giggl* 15:53 oleonard "Go play in the cockpit!" ZZzzzzz 15:53 wizzyrea HAHA 15:53 oleonard Yeah, but if the kid is crying at least you can knock yourself out ;) 15:52 wizzyrea normally I wouldn't resort to such measures 15:52 jcamins Wise. 15:52 * wizzyrea also packed benadryl. 15:52 * wizzyrea dies a little 15:52 * wizzyrea recalls the long leg of the flight is 13 hours. 15:52 wizzyrea that's gotta be good for 15 or so minutes of amusement. 15:51 wizzyrea of course :) 15:45 libsysguy so you can make farting sounds with the silly putty? 15:33 wizzyrea suppose I could put it in his liquid baggie 15:33 wizzyrea i wanted to take silly putty on the plane, decided against it. Even though it'd be a great thing to amuse spud with. 15:32 gmcharlt heh 15:32 oleonard Any TSA agent who confiscates Twizzlers for being gel-like just has the munchies. 15:31 wizzyrea like* 15:31 wizzyrea come to think of it they might get upset because it's gel-lik 15:30 gmcharlt oleonard: bite your tongue! 15:30 wizzyrea oh boy. 15:30 jcamins Right. 15:29 oleonard That is, until the Twizzler-bomber strikes and ruins another aspect of air travel for all of us 15:29 wizzyrea hehe 15:29 jcamins Hehe. 15:29 oleonard And they can even go in your carry-on! 15:29 wizzyrea but nz has some of the best licorice anywhere 15:29 wizzyrea I will be taking some. 15:29 wizzyrea now, twizzlers on the other hand. 15:28 wizzyrea we don't eat it now, why would we start? :D 15:28 wizzyrea yes, it's still a thing, and no, I don't think that's one I'd be missing either. 15:28 wizzyrea lol. 15:28 jcamins Did you pack enough marshmallow fluff? (is that still a thing?) 15:27 wizzyrea well three-ingredient anything necessarily requires that the ingredients themselves have more than 10 ingredients. 15:27 wizzyrea and yes, spud likes that just fine ;) 15:27 * jcamins doesn't like American peanut butter, but it's the only variety with enough additives to make three-ingredient peanut butter cookies. :P 15:27 wizzyrea peanuts, salt are the only ingredients I allow in my peanut butter. 15:27 wizzyrea they do :) 15:26 wizzyrea nope, I've been eating the no-added sugar kind for ages 15:26 jcamins But just wait until you decide to make peanut butter cookies. 15:26 oleonard They have sugar there right? 15:26 jcamins You say that now. 15:26 wizzyrea so I don't think that's gonna be a problem :) 15:26 wizzyrea you know, they have peanut butter, but it's not the same peanut butter - theirs is like, ground up peanuts (which I like), not the american version that has a ton of added sugar. 15:17 tcohen hehe 15:17 tcohen yeah, and we love it 15:17 libsysguy and I thought I was nerdy ^^ 15:17 jcamins Woohoo! Successfully installed Koha from tarball in an lxc container! 15:16 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8800 major, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Failed QA , SpecifyDueDate && useDaysMode=Datedue wrong behaviour 15:16 tcohen i'll try to provide a patch for bug 8800 at least 15:16 tcohen no problem libsysguy 15:15 libsysguy yeah so the adddate function is just a copy paste 15:15 libsysguy sorry I was working on getting you the link tcohen and I got a call 15:14 tcohen fixing to a hardcoded 10:00 the hour if hourly loans case 15:13 tcohen there it is: that scaring Readonly::Scalar my $return_by_hour => 10; still there :-P 15:13 tcohen https://github.com/libsysguy/koha-wip/blob/wip_merge_8529_8798/Koha/Calendar.pm 15:12 tcohen found it 15:12 wahanui Link is probably right, but the website is gone, apparently 15:12 oleonard libsysguy: Link? 15:11 tcohen ok 15:10 libsysguy I just pushed my calendar code to github if you want to look at it 15:10 tcohen and master i guess 15:10 tcohen yes yes, sorry, i'm trying to provide a patch for 3.8 15:10 libsysguy just because it looks scarry 15:10 libsysguy I haven't touched that in my re-write yet 15:09 libsysguy if you are looking at the current one I don't know what the hell it is doing 15:09 tcohen i'd just have addHours and addDays instead 15:09 tcohen i wouldn't even call addDate a method that adds a duration 15:08 libsysguy you should just break out until we come up with a use case 15:08 libsysguy but you shouldn't use absolute value 15:07 libsysguy not really 15:07 tcohen libsysguy, have u found a use case where we need addDate to handle negative durations? 15:06 wahanui libsysguy is dealing with infinity when dealing with spansets 15:06 jcamins libsysguy? 15:06 wahanui libsysguy is Koha's hottest developer or partying with swedes on his deck or koha's youngest developer 15:06 jcamins libsysguy? 15:06 wahanui i think libsysguy is Koha's hottest developer or partying with swedes on his deck or koha's youngest developer 15:06 jcamins libsysguy? 15:05 oleonard Oh are you on Twitter wahanui? 15:05 wahanui oleonard: i'm not following you... 15:05 oleonard wahanui keeps his secrets. 15:05 libsysguy I am also? 15:05 libsysguy I am? 15:05 libsysguy spansets? 15:05 libsysguy infinity? 15:04 drojfx you? 15:04 oleonard Hm. 15:04 wahanui you are still here, if you just wish hard enough. or Koha's master UI designer 15:04 oleonard I? 15:04 wahanui okay, libsysguy. 15:04 libsysguy I am also dealing with infinity when dealing with spansets 15:03 tcohen just let me know 15:03 tcohen if anyone is about to work on hourly loans for 3.8/3.10 15:03 jcamins wajasu: don't worry about peanut butter. It's wizzyrea who is facing an imminent shortage. 15:03 jcamins wizzyrea: that question was for you., 15:03 jcamins wajasu: do you have enough peanut butter? 15:02 tcohen we get infinite if unit=hours branching an otherwise too simple funtion 15:02 libsysguy right, instead of just treating them as time 15:02 tcohen we are not using hourly loans (yet) but need the days-mode loans fixed 15:01 tcohen the actual code is a little copmlex in the sense that tries to catch both days and ohurly loans 15:01 wizzyrea in all truth, nothing has presented itself as yet that necessitates panic 15:01 oleonard wizzyrea: I run around panicking for pretty much any trip, so I can't imagine. 15:01 libsysguy heh thats probably correct 15:01 tcohen since 3.8 was released 15:01 libsysguy in master or 3.8.5? 15:00 tcohen i'm worried that the calendar isn't working 15:00 libsysguy sorry 15:00 libsysguy hey hey 15:00 tcohen is a full rewrite 15:00 jcamins True, his proposal isn't really small. 15:00 wahanui libsysguy is Koha's hottest developer or partying with swedes on his deck or koha's youngest developer 15:00 tcohen libsysguy? 15:00 tcohen yes, but he said it'd be ready for 3.12? 14:59 jcamins Isn't libsysguy working on it? 14:59 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8882 blocker, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Hourly circ doesn't work with the calendar 14:59 tcohen is anyone going to work on bug 8882 14:58 wizzyrea i'm sure I'll find something. 14:58 wizzyrea well I don't have a super great deal to panic about, in all truth. 14:58 wizzyrea :) 14:58 oleonard Nice that you have it scheduled. 14:58 wizzyrea oh I have next week for that. 14:57 oleonard What are you doing here anyway wizzyrea? Shouldn't you be running around panicking? 14:51 jcamins wajasu: thanks! 14:51 tcohen (or might) 14:51 tcohen does anyone knows of a call to addDate that passes a negative value? 14:51 * wajasu i'll be back later 14:50 wajasu its working for me under archlinux, so i hope it will work for debian, ubuntu. 14:49 pastebot "wajasu" at pasted "95% done koha lxc container script" (335 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/236 14:40 jcamins Thanks! 14:40 wajasu i'll paste what i have so far for your reference. 14:40 * wajasu got to run. car in shop. 14:38 jcamins Yay! The installer worked other than the lack of a koha user. 14:35 drojfx_ lol that is what i thought 14:35 oleonard make install: "Rawr!" 14:33 jcamins make test passes, but make install gets very angry when I try to set environment variables. 14:28 jcamins wajasu: yeah, I set that up yesterday too. It's great! 14:27 wajasu with my apt-cache-ng repo, i can gen from scratch without hitting the net. so you traveling devs can code in the airport :) 14:23 drojfx_ cool 14:23 drojfx_ would make a xool livecd substitute though. good for 30 days of testing 14:23 phasefx Arcade Edition 14:22 drojfx_ insert coin here to continue 14:22 drojfx_ we'll make your koha vanish if you don't pay $xxxx 14:21 jcamins "We'll let you use Koha only in this one lxc container? 14:20 drojfx_ don't tell the fork, they might use it as a new licensing model 14:20 jcamins Woohoo! I successfully installed dependencies! It's progress! 14:17 jcamins Exactly. 14:16 drojfx_ jcamins: so it's a disposable koha? :D 14:14 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails Liberty Lake Municipal Library Joins CIN and Goes Live on Koha with ByWater… http://t.co/TUOHVRB4" 14:13 oleonard Hi again #koha 14:13 jcamins drojfx_: I am using ephemeral containers, that vanish once you stop them. 14:12 wizzyrea take that. 14:12 drojfx_ jcamins wajasu: so you create a container, install koha in it and then... is it persistent or does it vanish once you stop it? i'm not familiar with lxc 14:11 wizzyrae heh. 14:11 * Guest1966 waves 14:04 user220 sudo su 14:04 user220 best use of sudo 14:00 magnuse make me a sandwich... 13:58 jcamins I'm making heavy use of sudo. 13:56 wajasu but its all got to be done with root 13:54 wajasu i got mine using libvirt, so no custom bridge logic(just using their default bridge), and its about 900MB with pbuilder included. (smaller than kvm) and faster. 13:49 jcamins And that's actually as far as I've gotten. 13:49 jcamins I have successfully created a container. 13:49 jcamins :) 13:49 wajasu i'll past mine, its got some gems in it. 13:48 jcamins If you need a Perl-based SSH interface, I recommend Net::OpenSSH. 13:48 jcamins_away wajasu: that's what I'm working on, too. 13:46 * wajasu just need to add that to my koha lxc container build script ;) 13:44 * wajasu will try that. 13:43 * jcamins_away uses: sudo apt-get -y install `cat install_misc/ubuntu.12.04.packages | grep install | sed -e 's/install$//' | tr -d ' \t' | tr '\n' ' '` 13:43 jcamins_away wajasu: dpkg --set-selections, but that only works on i386 systems. 13:40 wajasu ha - kick the can 13:40 wajasu s/kick/can/ 13:39 wajasu what apt related tool can i use with the install_misc/debian.packages file? so i can kick install them. 13:30 user220 morning tcohen 13:28 tcohen morrrning koha 12:46 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @ByWaterSolution: "Liberty Lake Municipal Library Joins CIN and Goes Live on Koha with ByWater Solutions http://t.co/0K7MDNNh #kohails" 12:33 magnuse ah, ok good 12:33 nengard I emailed her 12:33 nengard my permissions changed somehow 12:33 nengard I need liz to fix it 12:33 nengard magnuse, I know 12:32 magnuse nengard around? i can see js code on http://koha-community.org/documentation/ 12:31 oleonard I don't really like the idea that a patron can turn off their hold notice, since we would assume that if they have an email on file they would get a notice via email 12:21 oleonard The "Hold filled" notice that patrons can turn on and off themselves, is that the notice with code "HOLD" ? 12:20 oleonard Hi #koha 11:40 huginn 04Bug 8940: normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , patron card export - without a batch, will work if... 11:40 WaqarAzeem at http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8940 11:39 WaqarAzeem not yet but i am reviewing how to create patches... btw where should i put the patch... attache with this entry? 11:18 drojf WaqarAzeem: do you have patches ready for these or is that a simulation somehow? 11:14 WaqarAzeem https://vimeo.com/51583419 11:02 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @libriotech: "Sweden just got its first public library deciding to use #kohails: http://t.co/KHQel9vK (in Swedish)" 10:53 drojf cool! 10:50 cait_away whoohoo :) 10:49 magnuse good news, in swedish: http://regionhalland.se/sv/utveckling-och-tillvaxt/omrade/kultur-i-halland/regionbibliotek-halland/aktuellt1/aktuellt/hylte-valjer-koha/ -> short version: sweden has got it's first public library deciding to use koha 10:47 magnuse you deserve it even for trying :-) 10:47 marcelr it is not there yet.. 10:44 magnuse marcelr++ 10:41 marcelr will make some crazy test file, hoping it shows up funny somewhere ;) 10:40 drojf do we have sample data with "crazy" diacritics? maybe more "crazy" than french 10:39 marcelr great :) 10:38 drojf me volunteering doubles your chances now ;) 10:36 marcelr drojf that is fine; thanks; but making this test file work at different locations may be impossible? 10:35 drojf marcelr: i second magnuse's concern. while the code looks like it makes sense i am not that good at perl so i would prefer a test file too. i understand that might be tricky but if you come up with something i'd be willing to test it too 10:31 drojf gerundio: you should put your patch on bugzilla and do a followup for the rest. that would give people the opportunity to have a look already 10:31 magnuse drojf++ for signing off! 10:30 magnuse marcelr: i feel i can't sign off (or test) without a clearer picture of what i am looking for while testing... 10:29 gerundio just wanted to share some good news and some concerns :D 10:29 gerundio got to go now, I think I'll only be back tomorrow 10:29 gerundio I'll try to look into "opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-user.pl" and try to make something out of it 10:28 drojf gerundio: it probably made sense before we had your authentication method? 10:28 marcelr magnuse: thx for testing; if everything looks fine, you should already be able to sign off; but I will still look at a good way to reproduce the problem (but may depend on distro and perl version etc.) 10:26 magnuse marcelr: ok, but it will be really hard to test without some way to reproduce the problem. unless someone more perl savvy than me can deduce a trigger from the patches 10:24 gerundio this doesn't make much sense to me 10:24 gerundio which means the records have to exist previously to the login attempts 10:23 gerundio I read here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/bywater-solutions/how-ldap-connections-work-in-koha-34/10150321097398209, that "Your patrons will need to be loaded from CSV using the Bulk Patron Import tool in Koha. Userid will need to be populated with the LDAP user login you wish them to use, but password can remain blank (or a default password can be added)" 10:23 marcelr quite hard to reproduce probably' 10:23 marcelr magnuse: it was not on a record, but on text that passed through koha templating 10:22 gerundio going to the OPAC login form I just get a login error 10:22 gerundio using the opac-user.pl userid=user password=pass script in command line works and the borrower records gets created because of the <replicate>1</replicate> setting 10:21 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8872 minor, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Encoding issues; corresponding changes to showmarc 10:21 magnuse marcelr: i have never been bitten by bug 8872, i think. would it be possible for you to attach a record that might cause the problem adressed by the patches? 10:21 gerundio any idea why that would happen if in the koha-conf.xml file I have <useldapserver>1</useldapserver>? 10:18 magnuse yay 10:15 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8941 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Needs Signoff , Make title display properly for NORMARC OPAC detail view 10:15 * drojf will try bug 8941 10:14 gerundio but I need your help now, somehow the OPAC login form isn't using the LDAP auth 10:11 * Oak hugs gerundio 10:11 Oak gerundio++ 10:10 drojf this may be helpful http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Git_bz_configuration 10:10 drojf gerundio: you should upload it to bugzilla 10:06 gerundio and even getting rid of one :) 10:06 gerundio and adding no new config attributes 10:06 gerundio I was able to make it backwards compatible 10:05 drojf gerundio++ 10:05 gerundio I've finished the patch for the LDAP auth via bind 10:05 gerundio hi everyone, good morning 10:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8872 minor, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Encoding issues; corresponding changes to showmarc 10:04 marcelr or bug 8872 :) 10:02 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8941 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Needs Signoff , Make title display properly for NORMARC OPAC detail view 10:02 magnuse ooh, look at that easy signoff on bug Bug 8941 :-) 09:37 drojf my phone has this "sudden reboot every few minutes" thing again. something about this day is strange. 09:35 drojf can't pay the new raspberry pi. OMG. firstworldproblems 09:29 drojf i tried to order a new one online. you can't without a card. lol 09:29 cait_away hope it shows up again 09:28 drojf yes, today. but i have not used it for a week so basically it could have been gone since then 09:27 cait_away did you get the card blocked? 09:27 drojf i think i will go with the positive part, apparently nobody bought anything with the card. since i used it myself a week ago for the last time a lot worse things could have happened than me having to wait a day until the bank opens. feels like a sunday now. no bank, no shopping. i shouldn't work either :) 09:23 magnuse bummer! 09:21 drojf rhine even 09:21 drojf they have open in other states. so if i take a train that i cannot pay for and go to hesse or north rine-westphalia, i can get money ;) 09:19 drojf yeah, you would wonder that, right? i wonder too. maybe because they are %"%/!%(/)))()=(=)!@ 09:19 magnuse how can all branches be closed?!? 09:18 drojf (possible bonus point pending for retrieving the card after it is barred now) 09:18 magnuse ouch! 09:15 drojf murphy++ # realising i lost my bank card on the one day all branches of my bank are closed for a meeting and i have 3 cent in cash 09:13 magnuse boo 09:12 drojf google-- #no doodle for ada lovelace, but one for moby dick 09:04 magnuse and saying it is normarc when that is what it is should be ok 09:04 magnuse as far as i can tell, it only changes what format koha's z39.50 server says it is serving records in 09:04 magnuse marcelr: after a closer look i think it will be ok as it is 08:49 magnuse or a followup patch, of course 08:46 eythian_ magnuse: most likely, yeah 08:45 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @mikromarc: "The Bibits AS Daily is out! http://t.co/Ys8A4TGL ▸ Top stories today via @NewWorldLibrary @librarycongress @kohails" 08:41 magnuse oh, that patch probably needs to change debian/templates/koha-conf-site.xml.in too - it's used by the packages, right eythian_ ? 08:40 marcelr magnuse++ 08:40 * magnuse havn't really got the time, but will try 08:40 marcelr :) 08:40 magnuse will do 08:38 marcelr just put your test results on that report please 08:37 magnuse but i could try and test it 08:36 marcelr yes 08:36 magnuse not sure what the consequences of <backend syntax="normarc" name="F"> in koha-conf.xml would be 08:35 marcelr ok 08:35 magnuse i think if marcflavour = normarc then marcflavour = marc21 would be safer here 08:35 magnuse cool 08:34 marcelr ok, i ask frederic to leave normarc in the marc21 camp 08:34 magnuse i fear it might break things for normarc 08:34 magnuse hm, i can't really see the consequences of that 08:33 marcelr what do you think? 08:33 marcelr we can also just leave you there on marc21 08:32 marcelr if you can test, that could be helpful to prevent surprises ? 08:31 marcelr yeah, i was thinking that marc21 could work better for you 08:31 magnuse normarc can usually be treated as if it was marc21 08:30 marcelr e.g. retrieval sections in koha-conf 08:30 marcelr it replaces marc21 for marc flavour at several places 08:30 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3087 normal, P3, ---, frederic, Needs Signoff , Z39.50 server returns usmarc format records for UNIMARC DB 08:30 marcelr so patch for bug 3087 would not hurt you? 08:29 marcelr :) 08:29 magnuse marcelr: yup 08:29 magnuse marcelr: you can always try :-) 08:29 marcelr do you have normarc in your zebra config files 08:29 magnuse just commenting a little more on 8300 08:29 marcelr hi magnuse question for you on zebra? 08:29 magnuse yup 08:29 marcelr magnuse around? 08:28 marcelr hi koha 08:24 huginn cait_away: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 9.6°C (10:20 AM CEST on October 18, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 96%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Windchill: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Steady). 08:24 cait_away @wunder konstanz 08:11 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8300 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Failed QA , Koha should have mechanized testing suite 08:11 * magnuse wonders why bug 8300 doesn't work for marcel 08:07 wahanui okay, eythian_. 08:07 eythian_ wahanui: slef is also an item record 08:07 wahanui ...but slef is probably busy so please use http://www.software.coop/contact/ if you need him for work or but I don't want to say anything bad about him lest he smack me... 08:07 eythian_ wahanui: slef is an item record 08:02 rangi why not? :) 08:02 cait-m why? 07:58 cait-m oh 07:58 rangi emails to the main koha list 07:58 rangi 952 for slef 07:58 wahanui 952 07:58 rangi 745 + 207 07:58 wahanui Cookies are delicious delicacies 07:58 cait-m cookies? 07:58 rangi oh actually 07:58 cait-m hm no? 07:57 rangi can anyone guess what im counting? 07:57 rangi and 1357 for me 07:57 rangi 659 for paul_p 07:57 rangi 745 for slef 07:57 wahanui 659 07:57 rangi 464 + 195 07:56 wahanui 1357 07:56 rangi 55 + 769 + 349 + 184 07:20 Oak Bonjour alex_a_, paul_p 07:19 Oak magnuse 07:15 matts hi ! 07:09 magnuse \o 07:07 asaurat hi ! 07:07 francharb 0/ magnuse rangi et al. ;) 07:07 magnuse kia ora rangi asaurat francharb & al 07:05 wahanui hello, rangi 07:05 rangi hi 07:01 francharb hi 06:57 magnuse Oak 06:53 Oak hello gaetan_B 06:51 wahanui hello, gaetan_B 06:51 gaetan_B hello 06:48 * Oak waves 06:43 magnuse WaqarAzeem: warn puts its output in your logs 06:43 * druthb is headed for bed. See ya soon! 06:43 drojf is there really still no linux gui thingy to resize encrypted partitions? :( 06:41 WaqarAzeem hi, where this line prints the output... warn sprintf( 06:40 magnuse hiya druthb 06:40 wahanui hi, reiveune 06:40 reiveune hello 06:39 druthb Hi, magnuse! 06:37 magnuse o/ 06:31 magnuse hiya drojf 06:30 drojf hei magnuse 06:29 magnuse kia ora #koha! 06:17 drojf good morning #koha 05:53 * wajasu just about have my lxc koha container fleshed out. got pbuilder in there too. 03:44 mtj their awesomess makes up for them sounding soo horrible 03:42 mtj whats weird is… they genuinuely grow on you :) 03:39 eythian I also note they regrouped in '99 03:37 eythian I can't actually finish listening to that. 03:32 mtj my fav. shaggs song is 'who are parents' 03:26 ibeardslee not an AOL room? 03:25 dracoling they obviously mean the one true network. efnet :P 03:01 eythian That doesn't even say what network the IRC channel is on! 03:00 tweetbot` [off] twitter: @IrmaLibraries: "#kohails Join #Koha-oz users & observers group & be part of the large community. Next meeting Melbourne: Thursday 15/11 http://t.co/yFOvDmtM" 02:11 * wizzyrea makes a note to wear dancing shoes that day 02:07 wizzyrea hehe 01:59 ibeardslee no, but it usually turns out that way 01:59 wizzyrea honestly I'd probably be so happy to be there I'd be dancing anyway. 01:59 wizzyrea wait, is the dancing supposed to be humiliating? 01:58 wizzyrea I think that's more often than we have them here :P 01:58 wizzyrea hah. 01:58 eythian only every second week, we're not quite that advanced here yet. 01:58 wizzyrea well what kind of dancing 01:58 rangi isnt there one every week? 01:58 ibeardslee and on your first day you are expected to dance 01:58 wizzyrea nooo! 01:58 eythian at least, the nearest one. 01:58 eythian wizzyrea: although your timing is bad, the beer festival is this weekend. 01:57 wizzyrea hehehe 01:55 ibeardslee just wait for the disco ball and lights to drop from the ceiling. 01:50 eythian heh 01:50 wizzyrea I have no clue who that is, but he says "go youtube it, you'll wish you had died" 01:50 wizzyrea hmmm, in that case, he'll choose the shaggs. 01:49 wizzyrea to* 01:49 wizzyrea he was trying to think of something he wouldn't mind listening too at high volume lol. 01:49 eythian you shouldn't choose something good for this kind of situation. 01:48 wizzyrea hahaha 01:48 eythian well, that's why I leave. It's not worth it if I have to stay. 01:48 wizzyrea 450 watt, no less. 01:48 wizzyrea trea says "I counter your claim with Frank Zappa through my bass amp" 01:47 wizzyrea nickelback?! Really?! 01:47 wizzyrea lulz. 01:46 eythian I will be buying new speakers and playing Nickelback at high volume, and then leaving for the day. Just FYI. 01:44 rangi hehe 01:44 wizzyrea kidding about the evil part. 01:44 wizzyrea well 01:44 wizzyrea j/k 01:44 wizzyrea <evil laugh> 01:43 wizzyrea plotting to become robin's neighbor, for 3 01:43 wizzyrea :) 01:43 wizzyrea packing, for two 01:43 eythian hiya 01:43 wizzyrea well, super hero squad, for one. 01:41 rangi not too much, whaddup there? 01:40 wizzyrea whaddup :) 01:40 rangi hi wizzyrea 00:54 YoungPublicLibrarian Well, I'm off to rework the database that the report goes to. Thanks again, and talk to you all later! 00:48 YoungPublicLibrarian Ah, that does exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much Rangi! 00:46 YoungPublicLibrarian okay, let me take a look at that... 00:46 pastebot "rangi" at pasted "SELECT borrowers.surname,borro" (1 line) at http://paste.koha-community.org/235 00:45 YoungPublicLibrarian total fines per patron, for a list of patrons 00:45 rangi per account or total fines per patron? 00:44 YoungPublicLibrarian I would like it to give me the total amount of fines per account for all patrons from a particular branch. 00:43 rangi i dunno, what are you trying to do? 00:43 rangi you must have told it to group by amount outstanding though 00:42 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, that's what Koha did for me. Its a Built report. So what would you recommend grouping by? 00:39 rangi grouping by the amountoutstanding doesn't make a lot of sense 00:39 rangi because you are grouping by the wrong thing 00:38 YoungPublicLibrarian please don't all speak up at once...lol 00:22 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, slight change and only one question. Why does the report give me duplicates of some results/patrons? 00:22 pastebot "YoungPublicLibrarian" at pasted "Fines and Fees" (6 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/234 00:15 santy_ ok thanks again guys 00:05 santy_ ok, sounds good... actually that's what I did during proof of concept and got records from many different libraries into one Koha installation... what differentiated them was the branchcode. Searches worked OK, too. 00:04 mtj problem solved 00:03 mtj 1 koha database, 3 branches 00:03 santy_ ok, I'm a bit confused now, sorry... according to my description, what would you recommend then? 00:01 mtj ^^ yep, what that guy said 00:01 jcamins santy_: what we're telling you is that this is a bad idea.