Time Nick Message 21:31 mtj heya cait 21:28 cait1 morning mtj 21:22 mtj morning #koha 21:19 cait1 lol 21:18 eythian http://imgur.com/R8AUk <-- that'll teach 'em! 19:54 cait hi eythian 18:51 mtompset Good night, #koha. 18:51 mtompset I think I shall follow Oak's lead. 18:37 Oak night me hearties. 18:04 mtompset Having a good weekend? 17:52 cait hi 17:49 mtompset Greetings, cait . 17:49 mtompset Okay... I was noticing that those are the only two things I couldn't nicely get in my most recent git clone attempt. 17:48 eythian mtompset: yeah, that's hopefully going to happen soonish 17:41 mtompset Is there any possibility that the two non-required libraries... Data::Paginator? and Data::Pagination? (related to Solr) could be put up in Debian.koha-community.org? 17:39 eythian hiya 17:39 mtompset Greetings, eythian 17:03 wahanui mib_cait is not sure I understand my question 17:03 mtompset mib_cait? 15:43 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 14:26 Oak hah. it's still there. 13:14 wahanui kf should be writing slides. Get to it! Schnell! 13:14 cait_mib slides? 13:14 * cait_mib waves 10:36 mtompset Greetings, chris_n 09:58 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 07:00 cait hi Oak 06:59 Oak magnuse 06:59 Oak Guten Morgen cait 05:44 jenkins_koha Chris Cormack: Updating debian changelog 05:44 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #143: SUCCESS in 1 hr 4 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/143/ 04:40 jenkins_koha Starting build #143 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 03:36 Oak kia ora #koha