Time Nick Message 00:00 jcamins_away wajasu: nothing to do with 8622. 00:00 wajasu i'll research that later. 00:00 jcamins_away wajasu: it's the new theme. 00:01 jcamins_away I'd suggest that even an imperfect theme that supports mobile is an improvement. 00:02 wajasu its just 8622 applied. not your new them yet. 00:02 wajasu or is 8622 an improved prog? 00:03 wajasu i'm reading the 8622 bug some more. 00:08 jcamins_away wajasu: bug 8622 should not make any changes to the display. 00:08 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8622 major, P3, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Koha themes broken 00:08 jcamins_away If there's actually a problem caused by it, that's an issue. 00:08 wajasu i'm swapping between. my mind is playing tricks so i want to verify. 00:09 jcamins_away You'll need to force reload all the CSS/javascript every time you switch. 00:10 wajasu how do you do that? clear caches? or a ffox setting. 00:11 jcamins_away wajasu: shift+reload and ctrl+reload 00:12 wajasu just want to be sure. :) 00:13 wajasu does apache cache anything? do i need to reload it? i'm not using memcached. 00:14 jcamins_away Probably not. 00:14 jcamins_away Of course, you have such a weird setup that you may have found a way to make it. 00:14 jcamins_away ;) 00:14 * jcamins_away wanders off 00:40 wajasu i turned on XSLT in staff client ( "default") as it instructs. I got: 00:41 wajasu Could not create file parser context for file "XSLT": No such file or directory at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/XSLT.pm line 217 00:42 wajasu jcamins_away: is that an issue? 00:43 wajasu remember i am a standard install. 00:46 wajasu probably not. since my non patched master branch did the same error. 01:00 wajasu but i need to get XSLT working. 01:17 wajasu jacmins: i see 8622 depends on 8623. do i have to apply that before i apply 8622? 01:29 jcamins_away wajasu: yes. 01:30 wajasu which question? 01:30 jcamins_away You need to apply 8623 before 8622. 01:30 wajasu ok. my bad. 01:40 wajasu jcamins: i applied 8623 Do not..., but the 8623 Move...patch didn't apply. see Mason james notes. i tried but failed. 01:43 wajasu i've got to grab dinner. i'll check in later. 03:58 wajasu testing 8215 06:22 wajasu ok got further with bug 8215 06:22 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8215 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Failed QA , Add Course Reserves 06:25 wajasu jcamins_away: note that Bug 8623 patch doesn't apply. See mason's comment. I will hold off on that 8622 until i can get 8623. 06:25 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8623 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Patch doesn't apply , Javascript libraries should be outside theme directories 06:43 mbalmer Kohallo! 06:49 mbalmer I updated one of my Kohas to the master branch, yet I don't see the new staff client interface. That does not need any configuration, does it? 08:05 fredericd could someone confirm that koha pootle web site is down? 08:08 rangi it was last time i looked 08:08 rangi yep still is 08:09 * fredericd need a descent internet access to fix it (in the nex 2 hours) 08:10 rangi cool, thanks 08:44 mbalmer I updated via git but the new staff client does not show up. anything I need to do besides git pull? 08:45 rangi shift-refresh to get the new css 08:45 rangi thats about it 08:51 mbalmer hmm, still only in english, but no new staff client in german, that's strange 08:51 mbalmer even after a new make, make install 08:54 rangi neither of those will remake the templates 08:54 rangi you will need to do a ./translate install de-CH or de-DE 08:54 rangi to regenerate the templates 08:56 mbalmer lots of errors in the translation strings 08:57 mbalmer an de-CH is still unsupported in the head branch 08:58 rangi master never gets translated 08:58 rangi the translations are always committed on the stable branches 08:58 mbalmer o crap, was not aware of that. 08:59 mbalmer (we use -head for demonstrations) 08:59 rangi you can grab the .po file from the 3.8.x branch and copy it over and try that, it will be better than what's in master 08:59 rangi (in get speak head is the tip of any branch .. not a branch itself, just fyi) 09:00 rangi s/get/git/ 09:37 fredericd pootle server is back 11:36 dpavlin Can you remind me how to leave message for someone using irc bot? 11:37 jcamins @later tell dpavlin Hi! 11:37 huginn jcamins: The operation succeeded. 11:37 jcamins Actually, I should've left you a message saying "No." 11:38 jcamins It would've been much more amusing. :) 11:40 wajasu jcamins: FYI bug 8623 is not applyable, so i couldn't proceed with testing 8622. 11:40 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8623 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Patch doesn't apply , Javascript libraries should be outside theme directories 11:41 jcamins wajasu: yeah, I'll try and figure out what happened. 11:42 jcamins It obviously applied for Kyle, and Master hasn't changed since then, which is kind of weird. 11:44 wajasu i did get further with course_reserves bug 8215 though? 11:44 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8215 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Failed QA , Add Course Reserves 11:44 wajasu are reserves the same as holdings? 11:46 jcamins wajasu: no. 11:46 jcamins Holdings are what a library owns. 11:46 wajasu if one reserves an item, where would that reserve be kept? in items? biblioitems? MARCxml? 11:46 jcamins For course reserves? 11:46 jcamins No idea. 11:47 wajasu i wonder if its supposed to be integrated. i.e. same reserve management. 11:47 jcamins In Koha, a "reserve" is a request that a book be sent to a patron as soon as possible. 11:47 jcamins I couldn't say. You always choose the difficult patches. 11:52 wajasu one other question? when i edit staff or OPAC XSLTDetailDisplay and XSLTResultsDisplay to "default", i get an error. Did default work at one time? 11:53 jcamins wajasu: still does for me. 11:54 wajasu it wasn't for me when i was testing 8622, but probably because 8623 was needed. 11:54 jcamins Does it work on master? 11:55 wajasu just worked for me. 11:55 jcamins Okay. 11:55 jcamins Yeah, when I mark dependencies they tend to be pretty crucial. ;) 11:56 wajasu i just wasn't used to looking for DependsOn. 11:56 jcamins I use it heavily. 11:56 jcamins You'll probably notice that. ;) 11:59 wajasu oooh one of my signings passed QA :) 12:00 jcamins :) 12:00 wajasu bug 8706 it was 12:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8706 was not found. 12:00 jcamins bug 8076? 12:00 wajasu bug 8607 12:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8076 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, NEW , fines showing title twice 12:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8607 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Passed QA , overdue_notices is broken 12:00 jcamins :) 12:01 wajasu but someone needs to sign 8378 for overdue notice to work again 12:01 wajasu then i can have closure 12:01 wajasu bug 8378 12:01 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8378 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , <fine> syntax not working on overdues anymore 12:02 wajasu i just added that 8378 depends on 8607 :) 12:02 wajasu i'm out of here until Monday. cheers 13:46 Oak kia ora #koha 13:46 tcohen hi #koha 13:46 tcohen found a new hobby: translating koha into spanish 13:46 tcohen and have a question 13:47 tcohen "Basket groups" means "group of baskets" 13:47 tcohen acquisition context 13:47 tcohen anyone 13:47 tcohen ? 13:49 jcamins_away tcohen: I actually have never worked out exactly what a "basket group" is. 13:49 tcohen me neither! but found really incosistent translations of things related to baskets in the spanish files 13:50 tcohen thanks anyway jcamins_away 13:54 wajasu now basket case. thats me after testing acquisitions :) 13:58 tcohen you mean the Green DAy song? 13:58 tcohen :-P 14:12 dpavlin @later tell bag I'm not really on irc, it's just my irssi hanging around -- you can contact me at dpavlin@rot13.org ;-) 14:12 huginn dpavlin: The operation succeeded. 16:36 Oak http://developers.slashdot.org/story/12/08/18/0152237/is-mysql-slowly-turning-closed-source 16:37 slef yes 16:40 jcamins But the solution is not to ditch support for MySQL and everyone currently using Koha before we have working support for Postgres and a rock-solid migration plan. 16:40 Oak :) 16:40 Oak ‎"Oracle demonstrated what dumbasses they are with OpenOffice. The community proved there is less value in a name than Oracle want to believe." 16:41 Oak true 16:44 jcamins slef: did you do some work on making indexes user-configurable in an old branch? I have a vague recollection that you might have. 17:56 bornie21 hey guys I am having problems with nullmailer.The error log is displaying something like" must issue a STARTTLS command first" Please help 17:57 jcamins bornie21: you should probably use something other than nullmailer if you're doing anything complicated. 17:57 jcamins I use Postfix. 17:57 jcamins Not that I could help solve any problems with Postfix, either. I just followed a guide I found on the Internet. ;) 17:59 bornie21 I guess I have to try postfix but are there any dependencies between koha and nullmailer 17:59 jcamins bornie21: nope. The Koha package installs nullmailer if you don't have any MTA installed, because nullmailer is the least likely to cause security problems. 18:00 jcamins I just installed Postfix instead of nullmailer when I wanted to start using e-mail. 18:01 bornie21 I Think my problem is that I wanted to test it out using smtp.gmail.com 18:01 jcamins Yes, that would be the single most complicated setup you could come up with. 18:01 jcamins At least, that's my understanding. 18:02 bornie21 thanx jcamins I have unistalled and reinstalled nullmailer God knows how many times 18:03 * Oak also uses Postfix. 18:03 jcamins Oak: wasn't I the one who told you to use Postfix? :P 18:03 Oak but also Googled, read and it just worked. 18:03 Oak yes! 18:03 bornie21 any pointers to good tutorials 18:03 jcamins postfix? 18:03 wahanui postfix is probably found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix 18:03 Oak it was you jcamins :) 18:04 jcamins ^^ that's the guide we all used. 18:04 bornie21 you guys are the best will let u knw how it goes 18:10 Oak yes! 18:10 Oak we are :) 18:56 Oak guten abend cait 18:56 Oak and now good night! 18:57 cait oh 18:57 cait now I missed Oak 19:29 vinz3g joint #oftc 19:29 vinz3g join #oftc 19:31 vinz3g hi 19:31 wahanui what's up, vinz3g 19:31 jcamins vinz3g: OFTC is the IRC network (though you may of course be trying to join the channel by that name). Don't forget to prefix your commands with / 19:31 vinz3g ja, sorry :) 19:31 vinz3g im have a problem 19:31 jcamins With Koha, the open source ILS? 19:33 cait hi vinz 19:33 cait where are you from? 19:34 vinz3g hi Im México 19:34 vinz3g sorry no speak english 19:34 vinz3g im translate with google 19:35 vinz3g :) 19:35 jcamins vinz3g: if you come during the week, we have Spanish speakers here. 19:35 vinz3g The Koha online catalog is offline for system maintenance. We'll be back soon! 19:36 vinz3g ok, great 19:36 jcamins vinz3g: you have to run the updater. A Spanish speaker can give you good instructions, though. :) 19:37 vinz3g I have installed koha on debian squeeze and good, but to point to my browser with the IP I get a message saying "The Koha online catalog system is offline for maintenance. We'll be back soon!" 19:38 jcamins vinz3g: you need to access the staff client. 19:39 vinz3g and try using port 8080 19:39 cait yes, that right 19:39 cait you have to run the web installer - from 8080 19:39 vinz3g I say dont exist the page 19:40 jcamins vinz3g: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/koha-es/ <-- Grupo de discusi�n de Koha y MARC21 para hispanohablantes. 19:41 vinz3g I followed the instructions de http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_3.8_on_Debian_Squeeze 19:41 vinz3g ok 19:41 vinz3g sorry 19:41 jcamins vinz3g: those instructions should be good. 19:42 jcamins vinz3g: one moment while I use Google translate. 19:44 vinz3g half actually worked because I get the message of apache that said he had no content, add instructions a2dissite default sudo apache2ctl restart 19:45 jcamins Si has seguido las instrucciones de la seccion "Initial configuration", establece que la intranet para que escuche en el puerto 80 (INTRAPORT = "80"). Usted tendra que usar / etc / hosts para definir los nombres de dominio en lugar de utilizar la direccion IP. 19:45 vinz3g and then I get System maintenance 19:45 vinz3g ok 19:45 vinz3g ok 19:46 jcamins No se si eso tuviera sentido. 19:46 vinz3g si es claro 19:46 jcamins :) 19:46 vinz3g yes is clear 19:48 vinz3g actually try using the settings I have in a VM in virtualbox using the LiveDVD, but the truth is that the files do not match. 19:48 jcamins What LiveDVD? 19:50 vinz3g Koha Live DVD By Vimal Kumar V. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India. 19:50 jcamins Oh. 19:51 jcamins No se si funciona. Yo solo uso Koha + Debian desde debian.org. 19:53 jcamins Yo creo que es necesario el uso de las instrucciones de Vimal Kumar si desea uso el LiveCD. 19:54 vinz3g is good but just had to use the local network configuration shown in the direction http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Ubuntu 19:56 vinz3g uniendo las dos, funciona el Live DVD en red local 19:56 vinz3g uniting the two, does the local network Live DVD 19:57 jcamins No entiendo exactamente lo que hizo. 19:58 jcamins Esta utilizando el LiveCD en una maquina virtual, pero que desea instalar Koha ti mismo? 19:59 vinz3g Install the LiveDVD koha and it worked but only locally, to make it work on the Intranet, I used the settings for ubuntu 19:59 jcamins Creo que entiendo. 20:00 vinz3g Pero ahora quiero instalar koha en una VPS en host1free que tiene como sistema operativo debian 6. 20:00 vinz3g But now I want to install koha on a VPS that is host1free debian operating system 6. 20:00 jcamins Ah! Entiendo. :) 20:01 jcamins Usted necesita configurar DNS. 20:02 jcamins Si usted necesita usar IP, puede editar /etc/apache2/sites-available/koha (si usted llama a su instancia "koha"). 20:03 vinz3g wait please 20:04 vinz3g # Koha instance repobib Apache config. # OPAC <VirtualHost *:80> Include /etc/koha/apache-shared.conf # Include /etc/koha/apache-shared-disable.conf Include /etc/koha/apache-shared-opac.conf ServerName repobib.teramx.com SetEnv KOHA_CONF "/etc/koha/sites/repobib/koha-conf.xml" AssignUserID repobib-koha repobib-koha ErrorLog /var/log/k 20:04 jcamins Si. En eso archivo. 20:05 jcamins Se debe tener este aspecto: 20:06 pastebot "jcamins" at pasted "vinz3g: Se debe tener este aspecto" (5 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/124 20:07 jcamins Si la ha cambiado ya, ejecute "sudo apache2ctl restart" 20:09 jcamins Eso no fue todo el archivo. Solo una parte. 20:10 vinz3g hey 20:10 vinz3g Done 20:10 vinz3g Eres grande! 20:11 jcamins :D 20:12 vinz3g ya he trabajado varias horas, y en los tutoriales decian que era opac 80 e intranet 80, no puede ser! 20:12 vinz3g I have worked several hours, and tutorials opac said that it was 80 and intranet 80, can not be! 20:12 jcamins Bien! Ahora usted puede configurar Koha a trabajar como el LiveDVD. Utilice MARC21. 20:12 vinz3g yes 20:13 jcamins Eso fue la informacion antigua. Solia ser mas dificil de configurar. 20:13 vinz3g there is still much work to do!, but I've taken off a lot of frustration 20:14 jcamins Ya... muy facil, pero los tutoriales no se actualizan. 20:14 vinz3g change it just now to 8080, but I gave up for what they said the tutorials! 20:14 wahanui vinz3g: that doesn't look right 20:15 vinz3g sorry 20:16 jcamins wahanui es un bot. 20:16 wahanui jcamins: sorry... 20:16 vinz3g the famous bots ho! 20:17 jcamins El tiene un error, y si dices "change..." el reinicia. :) 20:17 vinz3g I had a channel on Undernet # cyberbohemios and had two bots! :) 20:18 vinz3g they are very friendly and do not know how to thank 20:19 vinz3g contact you otherwise? 20:19 jcamins Lo mejor es usar el IRC o las listas de correo. 20:20 vinz3g ok parece que tu traductor es bueno para el español 20:21 vinz3g pues te deseo lo mejor y muchas gracias, espero poder devolverte el favor algun dÃa 20:21 jcamins Gracias. Yo estudie espanol cuando yo era joven. 20:21 vinz3g un saludo 20:21 jcamins :) 20:21 vinz3g perfecto 20:22 vinz3g bueno pues gracias jcamins 20:22 jcamins De nada. :) 20:22 vinz3g voy a seguir dandole a esto, pero tomare un descanso y tomaré algo a tu salud! 20:22 vinz3g bye 20:23 jcamins Bye.