Time  Nick           Message
00:08 * chris_n      notes that Text::Unaccent seems to be missing from the dep list of master
00:09 chris_n        eeeouch
00:10 chris_n        what's up with the header on mainpage.pl in master?
00:10 chris_n        nm; a refresh fixed it up
00:10 * chris_n      wishes all problems were that simply solved
00:11 jcamins        chris_n: alt-refresh.
00:12 chris_n        sorry... you're late... you don't get the brownie this time :-)
00:12 jcamins        Aww.
00:14 * chris_n      begins testing bug 7167
00:14 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7167 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , updatedatabase improvements
00:23 chris_n        hmmm
00:23 chris_n        jcamins: have you tested this yet?
00:23 jcamins        chris_n: no.
00:23 chris_n        well, it appears that out of the gate it breaks the old updater
00:24 chris_n        not good news
00:24 jcamins        No.
00:40 rangi          it should check on mainpage and after login eh?
00:40 rangi          in theory
00:41 rangi          must admit the massive potential for breakage with a minimal possible gain has meant i havent spent any time on it
00:41 chris_n        yup
00:41 chris_n        and I don't have time to debug atm
00:42 * chris_n      is having too much non-fun joining a bunch of xp clients to a new samba domain
00:59 chris_n        ok, so I lied and did take a little peak at the code
00:59 chris_n        now back to the grind
02:49 mib_s2zx49     Hi everyone! I am running koha 3.08.03 on centos 6.2. Somehow my perl ZOOM module fails to connect to any zebra server, local or public.. and so my search does not work. I can connect to my local zebra through yaz-client. Would you know what is happening?
02:52 mib_17az3w     sorry i bounced off.
05:38 francharb      hello #koha
06:12 * magnuse      waves
06:12 magnuse        shame on me for no signoffs in july...
06:13 druthb         o/
06:13 magnuse        \o
06:15 * druthb       can't sleep, so is up putzing with her new tablet
06:17 magnuse        hehe
06:17 magnuse        which tablet would that be?
06:18 druthb         It's an Acer Iconia Tab.  Got it on sale.  :-)
06:18 cait           druthb: ts. :)
06:18 * druthb       hides from cait
06:19 * druthb       hides behind magnuse
06:19 cait           magnuse: don't help her
06:19 cait           and good morning all :)
06:20 magnuse        ooh, difficult situation...
06:20 magnuse        hiya cait
06:20 * druthb       wonders if you can do skype or Google Hangout on this thing.
06:22 druthb         Hm hm hm...
06:22 magnuse        android?
06:23 druthb         Yah.
06:24 druthb         Got a skype client' but gotta figure out what my password is...  :-P
06:32 * druthb       probably oughta go to bed.
06:47 cait           bbl
07:06 asaurat        hi
07:07 drojf          bonjour asaurat
07:13 gaetan_B       hello :)
07:18 kf             good morning #koha
08:03 kf             druthb... ?
08:03 wahanui        druthb is, like, a migration specialist and great friend or crazy as a loon
08:03 druthb         kf...?
08:03 wahanui        it has been said that kf is cait or really, really sweet. or <reply>she gives me memory loss or a holds expert.
08:04 kf             go to sleep!
08:04 druthb         :P
08:31 Kache          will you please help reference manual of installation koha on window and linux?
08:43 bartsimpson    rangi: Hey it's Jorgia, I'm trying to get my computer connected to the internet on the ubuntu side, what was the suggestion you had on thursday?
08:45 kf             hi jorgia - I haven't seen rangi this morning/evening. what are you trying to do? maybe someone else has an idea?
08:46 bartsimpson    Im running the latest ubuntu and the internet won't connect, it comes up with the disconnected icon, i've tried the hard switch and etc but it still doesn't work. Also it works on the Windows side of my partition.
08:47 mbalmer        bartsimpson, is that a LAN connection or WLAN?
08:49 bartsimpson    WLAN, also i have my friends laptop right here, running the same version of ubuntu with the same sort of dual-boot. And their one works
08:49 mbalmer        is the wpa_supplicant running?
08:53 bartsimpson    I'm unsure, how could i check?
08:53 kf             bartsimpson: have you selected your network from the list and entered your password?
08:54 bartsimpson    its not coming up with a list, it hasn't got connectivity at all, but it does on the windows side
08:59 mbalmer        in a root shell, you could enter "/etc/init.d/networking stop", then "/etc/init.d/networking start".  maybe that helps
09:00 mbalmer        and maybe enter, as root, "ifconfig" to check if detected any network adapters at all.  you should see a "wlan0" and probably a "eth0" interface
09:02 bartsimpson    ok thanks ill try that
09:05 bartsimpson    i got eth0 and lo?
09:06 mbalmer        ok, so linux did not detect your WLAN card.
09:07 mbalmer        it could be missing some firmware, which you would have to install
09:08 mbalmer        what kind of adapter you have you would see in the output of "dmesg"
09:08 mtompset       Greetings, #koha.
09:08 mbalmer        greetings!
09:08 bartsimpson    alright thanks for your help :) ill get it sorted out tomorrow with rangi in person, adios
09:09 mbalmer        ok ;)
09:09 mtompset       Greetings, mbalmer drojf and bartsimpson
09:09 mbalmer        Jorgia was two steps away from working WLAN ;)
09:10 mtompset       Wireless or Wide-area?
09:10 kf             mbalmer: it's getting late in nz.
09:10 mbalmer        wireless.
09:10 wahanui        well, wireless is very screwed up.
09:10 kf             forget wireless
09:10 wahanui        kf: I forgot wireless
09:10 * mtompset     grins.
09:11 mtompset       wahanui learns the strangest things sometimes.
09:11 wahanui        mtompset: huh?
09:11 mbalmer        Jorgia needs to buy better quality WLAN cables ;P
09:11 * mtompset     laughs, "WLAN doesn't have cables, silly."
09:12 kf             no?
09:12 wahanui        it has been said that no is failing unit tests
09:12 kf             forget no
09:12 wahanui        kf: I forgot no
09:13 mtompset       That seems like something rangi might say, since he and jcamins like to push tests. :)
09:13 mtompset       Greetings, kf. I didn't see you there initially. :)
09:25 kf             np :)
09:25 kf             greetings mtompset
09:25 * mtompset     hands kf a Filipino ube pastry, "It's delicious."
09:26 kf             :)
09:26 kf             thx!
09:28 mtompset       Since I was just having a super-late merienda (afternoon break/snack). :)
09:33 mtompset       I don't like that I duplicated my bug, but I do like being able to call it RESOLVED. :)
09:36 kf             hm?
09:48 mtompset       Before I had a development system I posted bug 8192.
09:48 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8192 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Update libraries and Missing library in install_misc/ubuntu.packages
09:49 mtompset       but that is a precursor to a larger bug 8478
09:49 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8478 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , Update Ubuntu related files
09:50 mtompset       which is the 3.8.X and master versions of 8489 (which did make it into 3.6.7)
09:55 mtompset       bug 8200
09:55 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8200 trivial, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , /home/chris/git/koha.git in /usr/share/koha/misc/translator/update.pl
09:55 kf             not sure I can follow :)
09:56 mtompset       Different thought.
09:56 mtompset       I was wondering if you know about whether or not the script mentioned in the bugs description above is obsolete.
11:10 mtompset       Greetings, eythian NateC
11:10 kf             hi eythian
11:11 eythian        hello
11:29 mtompset       Greetings, libsysguy
11:31 eythian        anybody using the staff client under IE? One of our clients is seeing styling errors (e.g. the gradient behind the search is missing) and I'm trying to work out if it's IE or something else.
11:31 eythian        This is 3.8.3
11:31 * magnuse      waves
11:32 eythian        hi
11:32 wahanui        hola, eythian
11:35 mtompset       Sorry, don't have a 3.8.3 up and running.
11:37 magnuse        if anyone has easy access to IE they can test with http://demo.bibkat.no:8080/ demo + demo
11:38 magnuse        sorry, username/password test1/test1
11:39 mtompset       Okay... going there.
11:40 mtompset       okay... what am I suppose to see?
11:42 kf             eythian: I think the gradients don't work with ie
11:42 mtompset       They look the same in firefox and ie to me.
11:42 mtompset       what gradients?
11:42 kf             mtompset: which version?
11:42 wahanui        which version is, like, recommended
11:42 eythian        mtompset: the top of the staff client is all gradient
11:43 kf             hm
11:43 kf             the rounded corners don'tw ork
11:43 kf             I think that was it
11:43 mtompset       above the search area, sure.
11:43 kf             mtompset: in opac?
11:43 eythian        no, behind the search area
11:43 mtompset       I'm at the link magnuse gave.
11:43 eythian        also where it says "set library", is that in readable blue or hard to read white?
11:43 kf             eythian: same for me
11:43 kf             eythian: Ithink there was a patch for the script color
11:44 kf             but I guess the gradients just won't work
11:44 eythian        kf: what is the same for you?
11:44 kf             no gradients in staff search top
11:44 eythian        It's not really the gradients that's the issue, it's the unreadable links at the top
11:44 mtompset       the header and breadcrumbs are identical... shades of blue.
11:44 mtompset       in the background.
11:44 eythian        It was just the most obvious example of a style error, but if IE can't do that...
11:44 mtompset       search area between is white.
11:44 mtompset       firefox and ie.
11:45 eythian        mtompset: no, in firefox it's a blue gradient
11:45 mtompset       my monitor sucks for telling it is a gradient.
11:45 mtompset       I have to tilt it to tell it is even blue.
11:45 mtompset       And set library is legible.
11:46 mtompset       it seems more blurred in ie.
11:46 eythian        in IE or both?
11:46 jcamins        Good morning.
11:46 mtompset       it's the same in both.
11:46 mtompset       coloring.
11:46 mtompset       grading.
11:46 mtompset       but ie's header typeset is blurrier.
11:47 mtompset       No... the entire page's typeset.
11:47 mtompset       but it is still legible.
11:48 eythian        http://i.imgur.com/kDHoe.jpg <-- this is what they're seeing
11:48 lamiette       :w
11:48 mtompset       That's weird.
11:49 mtompset       Because I see it just fine in the url that magnuse gave.
11:49 eythian        lamiette: :e wrongwindow.txt
11:49 eythian        It is
11:49 eythian        OK, well that's something.
11:49 lamiette       eythian: was hoping no one saw that .. *sigh* one of those days
11:49 eythian        heh
11:49 mtompset       I'm using IE9.
11:49 magnuse        eythian and mtompset: are you using the same version of ie?
11:49 mtompset       What version are they using?
11:49 eythian        magnuse: I'm not using IE or I'd check myself :)
11:49 eythian        I have no idea, probably 7
11:50 mtompset       <=IE8 breaks things.
11:50 eythian        hmm
11:50 magnuse        eythian: ah, of course...
11:51 mtompset       Windows XP won't go higher than 8, which means gradient coding has to be ugly for those cases.
11:51 eythian        ah, IE8 and IE9 apparently
11:52 mtompset       IE8 is probably the problem.
11:52 mtompset       (if the brower is to blame)
11:53 eythian        mtompset: yeah.
11:53 mtompset       If you ever need an IE/Firefox check under Windoze and I'm around, just ask. :)
11:54 eythian        :)
11:54 kf             sorry, was afk
11:54 kf             eythian: I have white script on light blue - but I think there was a patch for that already - check bugz
11:54 kf             ?
11:56 eythian        kf: fixed post 3.8.3?
11:56 eythian        any clue on what the title of the bug would be?
11:56 kf             eythian: hmm. maybe. let me try and find it
11:57 kf             hah
11:57 kf             bug 8414
11:57 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8414 major, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Stable , Intranet header toplinks display white rather than blue in < IE8
11:57 kf             :)
11:57 kf             pushed to be in 3.8.4
11:57 eythian        ah hah!
11:57 eythian        thank you very much :D
11:57 kf             you are welcome :)
11:58 eythian        wonder why it works in magnuse's demo then
11:58 kf             he is running master
11:58 eythian
11:58 jcamins        magnuse's demon is updated every night to master.
11:58 jcamins        *demo
11:58 eythian        the version number doesn't reflect that
11:59 jcamins        In that case, I don't know.
11:59 kf             hm I think he is running 3.8.x master maybe?
11:59 kf             and no database updates since 3.8.3
12:00 eythian        that's possible
12:00 eythian        <meta name="generator" content="Koha 3.0803000" /> <!-- leave this for stats -->
12:00 eythian        I dunno
12:00 eythian        no matter
12:01 jcamins        It says Koha 3.0900027.
12:01 eythian        where?
12:02 magnuse        demo.bibkat.no is 3.8.3 - head.bibkat.no is nightly master
12:03 jcamins        Right on the front page.
12:03 jcamins        Ohhh. I'm looking at head.bibkat.no.
12:03 magnuse        "magnuse's demon is updated every night to master" sounded rather cool, akshully ;-)
12:04 jcamins        Hehe.
12:04 kf             lol
12:04 * magnuse      did a little jquery trick to get the version number from the meta tag and onto the front page on head.bibkat.no :-)
12:04 kf             sneaky :)
12:07 magnuse        moahaha
12:08 eythian        http://i.imgur.com/Jhc3z.jpg <-- similarly, anyone seen this sort of thing in IE?
12:08 eythian        note: * the stars aren't right, * the tabs aren't right, * the text is chopped off (most likely due to the tabs)
12:08 * kf           mutters about having closed her ie a second ago
12:09 jcamins        Yes.
12:09 kf             it looks like something broke your javascript
12:09 eythian        ohh javascfript
12:09 eythian        I didn't think of that
12:09 eythian        I was thinking of styling
12:09 jcamins        Yup. What kf said.
12:09 jcamins        Nope. Definitely javascript.
12:09 eythian        but only breakingit in IE> goody.
12:10 kf             oh yes
12:10 kf             I have it too
12:10 eythian        yay! ;)
12:10 kf             and no javascript customizations
12:10 eythian        if you trell me what it is, I'll make a patch
12:10 kf             lol
12:10 eythian        seriously, what is wrong with my typing today
12:10 kf             if I do the work you will patch it? :P
12:10 kf             how am I supposed to know? you can't debug ie
12:10 kf             it's evil
12:10 kf             no firebug :(
12:11 kf             and the developer extensions got lost with my new computer
12:11 kf             maybe oleonard would know :(
12:11 eythian        kf: isn't there a javascript console?
12:11 eythian        that'll tell you about errors at least
12:11 kf             I can try to find it, but I doubt it's there without the plugin
12:11 eythian        kf: if I write the patch, then you get to test it and it goes through faster :)
12:11 eythian        I thought it was built in...
12:12 * eythian      hasn't used IE in anger since IE5.5
12:12 eythian        On Win 3.11 no less
12:12 kf             I work on windows... I have deleted all obvious links, but it's still ther
12:12 kf             it looks like I got some tools here, triying to find the error
12:13 kf             line 170
12:13 kf             it says
12:13 kf             }, function (data) {
12:13 kf             Bezeichner, Zeichenfolge oder Zahl erwartet
12:13 kf             Identifier, string or number expected?
12:14 mtompset       sorry... I looked away... working on my backup project.
12:14 kf             eythian: does that help?
12:14 eythian        kf: line 170 of what file?
12:14 kf             opac-detail
12:14 jcamins        eythian: yes. :P
12:14 jcamins        eythian: this is IE we're takling about here.
12:14 eythian        awesomecross
12:15 eythian        I'll have a look and see if there's something that'd confuse IE in there
12:15 kf             lookslike start rating is to blame
12:15 kf             hm star rating... my typing is broken too
12:16 kf             oh fun
12:16 kf             I have to log in for every single page in ie???
12:17 eythian        ?
12:17 kf             and i can't save system preference changes
12:17 kf             that's no fun :(
12:17 jwagner        kf, you shouldn't have to -- do you have cookies disabled or something?
12:17 Amit_Gupta     heya jwagner
12:17 jwagner        Hi Amit_Gupta
12:17 kf             I think it might be, that I am logged into opac at the same time and both are running on the same port? (eythian?)
12:18 eythian        for reference, where IE says 'line 170', it's lying.
12:18 eythian        but I think I can see the problem.
12:18 eythian        Will make a patch for testing.
12:18 kf             that's good
12:18 * kf           closes the browser and goes directly to the staff interface
12:19 kf             nope
12:19 kf             it's stillkicking me out
12:19 kf             ah, now it's wok
12:19 kf             ok
12:19 kf             cookie weirdness...
12:20 kf             eythian: deactivating star ratings fixes the problem too - so I think we are on the right track
12:20 eythian        kf: bug 8547
12:20 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8547 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Enabling star ratings causes javascript errors that cause IE to have a boo boo
12:20 kf             lol
12:20 * mtompset     hands kf some chocolate chip cookies.
12:20 kf             but I can't test sorry :(
12:21 kf             the only place I could apply your patch has no IE and is not accessible from anywhere with IE
12:21 mtompset       "to have a boo boo" nice.
12:21 eythian        kf: I'll deploy it somewhere for you to test
12:21 kf             that will work
12:23 mtompset       I dislike this "I'm a monitor that is smarter than you" monitor.
12:24 eythian        http://opus.koha.catalystdemo.net.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=18 <-- kf, can you confirm that it is broken here?
12:24 jcamins        mtompset: I accidentally bought a monitor like that. I returned it.
12:25 kf             can I get cookies? it's painful working with ie
12:25 mtompset       Didn't notice it, until after the return period. Oh well.
12:25 mtompset       What am I supposed to see wrong/right?
12:25 kf             eythian: it's not broken - can you give me a login?
12:26 eythian        kf: one moment
12:26 kf             eythian: I think it might be why I saw it and the others didn't
12:27 eythian        quite possible
12:27 eythian        kf: account sent
12:28 eythian        mtompset: if it's broken, it looks very obviously broken
12:28 mtompset       Yuck... switching between firefox and ie shows the ie's ugliness.
12:29 kf             testing
12:29 kf             meh - it's still ok :(
12:29 eythian        rats
12:30 mtompset       sadly, ui testing takes a whole department to get right.
12:30 kf             hm
12:30 eythian        I shall try moving a database from a known broken site to this one to see if there's something else influencing it.
12:30 kf             if I reload the page... it takes a moment to render correctly
12:31 eythian        that's because IE.
12:31 jcamins        Myshkin would like to participate in the UI testing.
12:31 kf             eythian: right. ie##
12:31 kf             ie--
12:32 jcamins        He suggests that the UI would be better if it involved more fish.
12:32 kf             the language chooser is in the wrong place too
12:32 oleonard       Which IE are we bashing today?
12:32 kf             jcamins: ask him if maybe little birds would be ok too?
12:32 kf             I am looking at ie 8
12:33 jcamins        kf: he says that would be acceptable.
12:33 magnuse        @karma ie
12:33 huginn         magnuse: Karma for "ie" has been increased 0 times and decreased 44 times for a total karma of -44.
12:33 magnuse        hehe
12:33 kf             ah no... that's twitter... maybe mice.
12:33 jcamins        He's somewhat less excited about that, but, sure.
12:34 jcamins        And now he's in the other room squawking at Shari.
12:34 kf             yeah... right, I can understand. maybe we can compromise :)
12:34 eythian        http://www.catdvd.com/ <-- jcamins
12:35 kf             eythian: could it be something with the cookie?
12:35 eythian        kf: who knows...
12:35 eythian        however they reported that they didn't see it on the testing site and did see it on the live one, so I'm assuming an option was changed somewhere.
12:38 kf             I think it's maybe session/cookie related
12:38 kf             I can't reproduce it on my own installation now even :(
12:38 kf             oh
12:38 kf             I can
12:38 eythian        erk
12:38 eythian        oh?
12:39 kf             maybe - closed the browser, went directly to the detail page
12:39 kf             not logged in, no search
12:39 kf             no cookie?
12:39 kf             let me check if it's the same for your link
12:40 kf             no... it shows correctly... *curses*
12:40 jcamins        eythian: hehe.
12:41 kf             eythian: sorry :(
12:41 eythian        kf: hmm
12:41 eythian        my link will be a bit weird right now, a reload is half way in progress
12:45 kf             eythian: what's in data?
12:45 eythian        ?
12:45 kf             ah, the think it was complaining abut
12:46 kf             it's ok, ignore it :)
12:46 eythian        oh right
12:46 eythian        no, it's not that
12:46 eythian        it's that the list prior to it ends with ','
12:46 eythian        IE hates that
12:46 kf             ah
12:46 eythian        (at least, that's my theory)
12:47 eythian        kf: can you try that link I sent again?
12:47 kf             I can reproduce the proble now in our 3.8.3 - but I don't manage to break your installation
12:47 kf             yeah, trying
12:47 kf             looks perfect
12:47 kf             which is bad
12:48 eythian        hmm
12:48 tcohen         rangi: is the koha-stable ppa gonna be in sync with debian.k-c.org?
12:48 kf             hm
12:48 kf             weird
12:48 eythian        tcohen: rangi will be asleep most likely
12:48 tcohen         oops
12:49 tcohen         analog wellington clock in my desktop
12:49 tcohen         i thought it was pm!
12:49 eythian        heh
13:07 mtompset       koha-stable ppa?
13:07 oleonard       Not to be confused with Koha Stable IPA
13:08 eythian        oleonard: an interesting idea...
13:09 jcamins        mtompset: it's for Ubuntu packages.
13:13 mtompset       Ah...
13:13 mtompset       That would be much nicer than pointing at the debian ones.
13:14 jcamins        mtompset: except then we have a support issue.
13:14 * jcamins      is not interested in learning about PPAs.
13:14 * jcamins      suspects that there are very few people who could troubleshoot problems.
13:14 mtompset       https://launchpad.net/~koha/+archive/koha-stable
13:14 mtompset       It's already out of sync, tcohen
13:15 tcohen         hehe
13:15 tcohen         i know, a talked with rangi about that a few weeks ago
13:15 tcohen         and told me it could be updated
13:15 tcohen         hence the question
13:16 tcohen         anyone knows theres a limit on the size of what you have there?
13:16 mtompset       Would this be for a koha-common install? or would this be to patch missing perl dependencies?
13:17 jcamins        mtompset: this is the other reason I'm not pro-PPA in this case.
13:17 tcohen         if there wasn't a limit, we could use it to have out koha-l10n-<LANG> packages too
13:18 mtompset       Do we have such things for debian?
13:18 tcohen         no we don't
13:19 mtompset       Well, since you are dreaming, and I don't want to be a dream killer... What would the purpose of these packages be?
13:20 jcamins        mtompset: easily installing translations. It would be glorious!
13:20 tcohen         avoid the usage of perl translate install es-ES
13:20 tcohen         after an upgrade
13:20 tcohen         exactly
13:20 mtompset       Is there a pre-install script trigger?
13:21 mtompset       for packages?
13:21 tcohen         remove all that error-prone stuff out there
13:21 mtompset       Because how would the package, without any kind of logic, know where the koha files are?
13:22 mtompset       Or even post-install script trigger.
13:22 eythian        tcohen: the language stuff is implemented, just needs testing.
13:23 tcohen         robin, you're right
13:23 mtompset       Aww... there you go, you just killed his dream. ;)
13:25 tcohen         no
13:25 tcohen         i support the idea of having the language packages
13:26 tcohen         I agree they could be scripted in the post-install part of the debs
13:26 mtompset       But jcamins, isn't debian.koha-community.org already a PPA of sorts?
13:26 jcamins        mtompset: it is a single package repo.
13:26 jcamins        mtompset: I am in support of having one and only one official repo.
13:27 tcohen         I think there's nothing wrong with the debian repo for ubuntu
13:28 tcohen         but I belive the ppa could help us maintaining the infrastructure
13:28 tcohen         (one less think to worry about)
13:28 magnuse        eythian was this close to having language packages: ||
13:28 mtompset       I don't see how that is the case.
13:28 magnuse        the code probably needs some rebasing now
13:29 jcamins        tcohen: fewer things to worry about are good. :)
13:29 eythian        magnuse: shouldn't need too much rebasing really
13:29 mtompset       less is more!
13:29 tcohen         eythian, count on me for testing
13:29 magnuse        did i hear eythian volunteering to rebase the code? ;-)
13:29 eythian        tcohen: the "infrastructure" is just a webserver that we already have anyway :)
13:30 eythian        magnuse: perhaps I should have a look at it this evening. I'll see.
13:30 tcohen         yeap, i meant *space* mostly
13:30 magnuse        eythian: that would be awesome!
13:30 mtompset       Oh, tcohen... did you notice my patch on bug 8485
13:30 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8485 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , Make koha_perl_deps.pl batch friendly
13:31 tcohen         yes :-D
13:31 mtompset       It should work with 3.6.X, 3.8.X, and master.
13:32 * tcohen       is doing git bz apply
13:32 mtompset       okay, now I have to ask... what is git bz?
13:32 jcamins        git-bz?
13:32 wahanui        git-bz is at http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Git_bz_configuration
13:32 jcamins        ^^ that is git-bz.
13:33 wizzyrea       git bz is AMAZING and WONDERFUL
13:33 wizzyrea       srsly
13:33 * magnuse      agrees
13:33 wizzyrea       combined with git aliases
13:33 wizzyrea       and ohhhhhhhhh
13:33 tcohen         a script made happiness
13:33 wizzyrea       magnuse!
13:33 wahanui        magnuse is afraid that we added another 10000 bugs while he was eating pizza.
13:33 paul_p         wizzyrea git itself is amazing & wonderful !
13:33 tcohen         happiness converted into a script
13:33 wizzyrea       well yes
13:33 * oleonard     must have beverages on the brain... Now considering an open source coffee brand git-buzz
13:34 wizzyrea       ^^ thinkgeek would sell it
13:34 wizzyrea       k-cups
13:34 wizzyrea       you need git buzz k-cups
13:34 magnuse        wizzyrea!
13:34 wahanui        I LIKE SCIENCE and I GEEK KOHA
13:34 magnuse        hehe
13:34 wizzyrea       hehe :)
13:35 chris_n        git bz?
13:35 wahanui        git bz is probably so much fun :) or http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Git_bz_configuration or just about anything except intuitive
13:35 chris_n        wahanui: git bz is also AMAZING and WONDERFUL
13:35 wahanui        okay, chris_n.
13:35 chris_n        git bz?
13:35 wahanui        i guess git bz is so much fun :) or http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Git_bz_configuration or just about anything except intuitive or AMAZING and WONDERFUL
13:35 oleonard       eythian: Is Bug 8547 about IE8 in particular?
13:35 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8547 major, P2, ---, robin, ASSIGNED , Enabling star ratings causes javascript errors that cause IE to have a boo boo
13:35 wizzyrea       ! not intuitive?!
13:35 * wizzyrea     is surprised
13:35 * chris_n      too
13:35 chris_n        seems obvious to me :-)
13:36 wizzyrea       I think probably if it's not intuitive, it's the bugzilla part, and not the git part.
13:36 eythian        oleonard: I don't really know, IE8 and IE9 is what I think it was seen on.
13:36 eythian        oleonard: I think kf was using IE8
13:37 * oleonard     unchains IE9 from the dungeon
13:37 * wizzyrea     wonders why anyone would still be using IE8 >.<
13:37 mtompset       Windows XP.
13:37 * chris_n      runs away screaming at the mention of IE
13:38 chris_n        IE = Idiot's Elysium
13:38 oleonard       I like how you can write good software that works on older computers.
13:38 paul_p         eythian = you've been jailed in NL ? ;-)
13:38 eythian        paul_p: oh, meant to email you'
13:38 eythian        paul_p: getting the train back tomorrow
13:38 eythian        will email now, also to include Frydolyn
13:41 mtompset       wizzyrea: Did you mean this? http://keurigkcupcoffee.com/reviews-Genie_Intellicode_Gitr_3_Remote_Replaces_Git_1_Git_2_amp_Git_3-B003GRL7NS.html
13:41 eythian        oleonard: kf could make it work sometimes and not others on the same installation. That's why I think it's a race condition.
13:42 wizzyrea       erm lol no
13:42 eythian        Probably the faster your server, the more likely to see it you are.
13:42 oleonard       Well my local install ain't that fast
13:44 eythian        e.g. the client who saw it could see it on their production (self hosted) server, but not the test server we hosted, and kf could see it locally but not on a catalyst server.
13:44 eythian        But, there's not many data points in that, so I'm mostly guessing
13:45 oleonard       Seriously, do we need an all-caps FAIL in a bug about a form field hint?
13:45 jcamins        oleonard: huh?
13:45 * oleonard     just amended the title of Bug 8546
13:45 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8546 trivial, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Error in description of OPAC Advanced Search Publication date range search
13:45 jcamins        I have rebased all my outstanding patches.
13:46 jcamins        (and yes, they are all outstanding:P)
13:47 jcamins        oleonard: oh, yeah, I noticed that bug seemed a bit sensationalist.
13:47 magnuse        jcamins++ for outstanding patches!
13:49 * jcamins      has some fun ones waiting for sign off.
13:50 magnuse        a re-written search.pm already? ;-)
13:51 jcamins        magnuse: not quite.
13:51 jcamins        http://www.cpbibliography.com/services/koha/searchrewrite.html <-- still a little ways to go
13:52 huginn         New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8207 follow-up DBrev <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=e30b5a334bd6a478faa141b665ce531ad7fbe1d6> / Bug 8207: Allow see also fields in auths to link to thesauri <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=fe47a27c7980fae891616385a1f6d00f37cf95ef> / Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/new/bug_8204' <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=030a108
13:53 jenkins_koha   Starting build #795 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #773 27 days ago)
13:53 magnuse        ooh, cool page, jcamins!
13:54 jcamins        magnuse: thanks.
13:55 chris_n        git bz needs an "apply all" option
13:56 jcamins        magnuse: the hard part, of course, is getting 1(b) fully funded. There is no point (IMO) to starting work until that's fully funded. Starting after that, every additional component would just make things better.
13:56 mtompset       That would be dangerous... it would have to check if the patch should even be applied (Patch Do Not Use status?)
13:59 magnuse        jcamins: are you taking donations from all comers?
13:59 jcamins        Don't see how that's any more dangerous than yes | git-bz apply 1234
14:00 jcamins        magnuse: everyone who wants the result to be open source.
14:02 kf             :)
14:02 kf             jcamins++
14:02 magnuse        ooh, good point :-)
14:05 * magnuse      wanders off to cook some arctic char
14:06 mtompset       bug 1234
14:06 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1234 enhancement, P2, ---, paul.poulain, RESOLVED WORKSFORME, Parameter: Bar Code # Prefix for book / patron searching
14:07 mtompset       WORKSFORME?!
14:07 jcamins        mtompset: it did at the time, apparently.
14:07 libsysguy      heh
14:07 libsysguy      or maybe it was working in the sandbox :p
14:08 libsysguy      mtompset I wasn't being rude earlier when you said hi, my computer signed me in, in the middle of the night
14:08 mtompset       Not a problem
14:09 mtompset       I figured it was a butt-dial type problem. ;)
14:09 libsysguy      I saw it this morning when I came back
14:09 libsysguy      so HI!
14:09 libsysguy      heh yeah….maybe my cat sat on my keyboard
14:10 mtompset       squirrel?
14:10 mtompset       Nothing humorously wrong, wahanui?
14:10 wahanui        mtompset: huh?
14:10 mtompset       cat?
14:10 wahanui        cat is probably http://www.nyan.cat/
14:11 * mtompset     laughs.
14:16 chris_n        mtompset: presumably it would be smart enough to bail on a failure to apply :)
14:20 mtompset       Okay... 450+ seconds of nyan cat is enough.
14:20 * jcamins      tries implementing an apply all.
14:20 mtompset       jcamins?
14:20 wahanui        hmmm... jcamins is A-Grade developper on Koha willing to rewrite it from top to bottom. Good Luck jcamins
14:20 jcamins        Okay, apply all worked.
14:21 jcamins        Cool. :)
14:23 jcamins        Okay, updated git-bz in my repo.
14:25 * mtompset     decides that going to bed now would be good.
14:25 mtompset       Have a good night everyone.
14:41 jcamins        chris_n: if you want an 'a' option for applying patches, you can pull it from my repo.
14:45 chris_n        jcamins: cool
14:47 * mtompset     waves.
14:48 mtompset       Bye. #koha.
14:50 oleonard       Hi drojf
14:52 drojf          hey oleonard
14:52 wahanui        oleonard is still here, if you just wish hard enough. or Koha's master UI designer
14:52 drojf          :D
14:52 drojf          hi #koha
14:52 kf             hi droi and oleonard
14:52 drojf          hey kf
14:56 jenkins_koha   Project Koha_master build #795: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 3 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/795/
14:56 jenkins_koha   * Chris Cormack: Bug 8486 - Follow up making the tests db independent
14:56 jenkins_koha   * jonathan.druart: Bug 8233: We can't load test on Koha::SearchEngine::*
14:56 jenkins_koha   * Chris Cormack: Bug 7143: Updating history and about file
14:56 jenkins_koha   * jcamins: Bug 8204 follow-up: quiet warn
14:56 jenkins_koha   * jcamins: Bug 8207: Allow see also fields in auths to link to thesauri
14:56 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8486 blocker, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , Critical error in Koha::Calendar::days_between calculation
14:56 jenkins_koha   * paul.poulain: Bug 8207 follow-up DBrev
14:56 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8233 major, P2, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , New search engine layer - introduce solr without breaking anything else
14:56 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7143 trivial, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, ASSIGNED , Bug for tracking changes to the about page
14:56 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8204 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Authority viewer in OPAC ugly, unfriendly, and mostly useless
14:56 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8207 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Modify authority type frameworks to allow see also fields to link to thesauri
15:05 wizzyrea       wait wait is there a new git bz/
15:06 wizzyrea       lol *another* fork ;)
15:09 kf             wizzyrea: maybe we should put a repo on kc.org?
15:09 kf             to pull all our variations together again :)
15:11 jcamins        wizzyrea: I wanted paul_p's patch, and rangi's patch, then I added a bunch of other things 'cause I'm lazy, and next thing I knew, I had a lot of changs.
15:11 kf             time to leave - bye all :)
15:11 wizzyrea       you know I think we should
15:11 oleonard       See you later kf
15:11 wizzyrea       we need to have a tools repo
15:11 wizzyrea       and a manager for it
15:12 kf             hm I think we have some
15:12 kf             contribs
15:12 wizzyrea       right!
15:12 kf             and release-tools
15:12 kf             and the migration tools from ruth
15:12 wizzyrea       you think just give push perms on git-bz to anyone who wants them?
15:12 kf             not sure how the others work
15:12 wizzyrea       yea me either
15:13 wizzyrea       I think the author has push permissions
15:13 wizzyrea       so jared pushes for tools
15:13 kf             perhaps the maints and rm could push? and patches sent to the mailig list with a [something]?
15:13 wizzyrea       ruth for migration tools
15:13 wizzyrea       but git bz doesn't have a specific author really
15:13 kf             but now I am really leaving :)
15:14 wizzyrea       hehe later
15:24 talljoy        morning koha-ians (kohans?)  I'm getting an error on an z3950 cataloging import.   "Field 100 must have indicators (use ' ' for empty indicators) at /home/load16/kohaclone/C4/Charset.pm line 142"
15:24 jcamins        talljoy: invalid record.
15:24 talljoy        and the indicators are correct for tag 100.
15:24 talljoy        i can import this record just fine through stage marc import and i can z39 it into other koha instances.
15:25 jcamins        How do you get the file to stage?
15:25 talljoy        downloaded from loc website
15:26 talljoy        it errors out on all z39 imports.
15:26 talljoy        and the z39 import settings are correct
15:26 jcamins        On all Z39.50 imports?
15:26 talljoy        yup  all of them
15:26 jcamins        Just from LC?
15:27 talljoy        no, i've tested a couple other z39 targets and they error the same way
15:27 talljoy        (although some will error on 650 indicators if there is no 100)
15:27 jcamins        What version?
15:28 talljoy        3.8.1
15:28 jcamins        At what point do you get this error?
15:28 talljoy        i import the error, then make an edit (fill in the 942 and 003 fields) then save.  *boom* error
15:30 jcamins        Works fine on master.
15:31 talljoy        it works on other instances like i mentioned.  i'm trying to figure out what setting/etc is making it not work on this install
15:31 jcamins        I can't test on 3.8.3 right now, but I'd test on that.
15:31 talljoy        i've tested frameworks, checked sys prefs, verified z39 settings.....
15:32 talljoy        i've run out of ideas of where to look.
15:32 jcamins        If I had to speculate, I'd say it probably has something to do with the fact that you're using a version known to be very buggy.
15:32 talljoy        possibly, but i'm successful on other instances on the same version
15:33 jcamins        Are you sure it's the exact same version? You're on the load server, which -- if it still works the way it did when I was at ByWater -- has separate kohaclones for every single instance.
15:34 talljoy        yes, it's still the same setup.  and yes, pretty dern sure it's the same version.  at this point, I'm going to upgrade the version (since they will be live on a different version) and then reinstall their z39 clients.
15:34 talljoy        barring that, then a clean reinstall on a fresh server.
15:36 jcamins        I'd definitely try upgrading.
15:36 talljoy        that's my first order of business (altho i hold out little hope.  lol)
15:36 talljoy        thx jcamins
15:36 talljoy        this one is a wacky problem
15:37 talljoy        and seems to be related to some config/setting in their database somewhere......
15:37 oleonard       No problem here saving an LOC record on 3.8.3 talljoy
15:38 wizzyrea       maybe in a framework talljoy?
15:38 talljoy        yeah, i'm 100% this is specific to this install.  it is a koha to koha upgrade from 3.0 to 3.8
15:38 talljoy        i suspect the z39 sources or the frameworks.   time to wipe and load fresh ones.
15:38 gaetan_B       bye !
16:02 wizzyrea       well I think the 3.0 frameworks are different from the 3.8 ones?
16:02 * wizzyrea     could be wrong
16:03 huginn         New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8405 : add IntranetBiblioDefaultView and BiblioDefaultView in XSLT.pm <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=134445d7e54262b2ff77dd36f827f4bbc6c04047> / Bug 8408 - Odd OPAC message when OPAC Renewals are disabled and OPACFineNoRenewals... <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=82312383117ec5df678262391ba7a17e94b75336> / Bug 8518 - Self checkout does not display debt am
16:08 jenkins_koha   Starting build #796 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #773 28 days ago)
16:35 oleonard       Hi jorgedec_smfpl
16:35 jorgedec_smfpl hello all, is the Koha Git server down?
16:37 * jcamins      is checking.
16:37 jcamins        Nope.
16:37 gmcharlt       works for me
16:39 JoeLib001      Hello. :-)
16:41 JoeLib001      I am getting this error in the zebra-output.log.1 file: 09:49:43-01/08 zebrasrv(382) [warn] ir_session (exception)
16:41 jcamins        JoeLib001: zebra-output.log.1 is an old log. Are you getting it in your current log, too?
16:41 JoeLib001      I am doing a search for an ISBN and it returns no results, but I do a search for the same item by title and it shows up.
16:42 JoeLib001      Ah..., hmm...
16:42 JoeLib001      Probably Not. I think the other files were empty.
16:42 jcamins        JoeLib001: in that case, the error has nothing to do with your problem.
16:42 JoeLib001      gotcha.
16:42 jcamins        JoeLib001: you have to enter the ISBN in *exactly* the same format it is entered in the record, I believe.
16:43 JoeLib001      I copy and pasted the isbn in the record to the z39.50 search and it doesn't show up.
16:43 jcamins        Ah.
16:43 jcamins        That's odd.
16:43 jcamins        What version of Koha?
16:43 JoeLib001      I think the Bug I reported isn't a bug. http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8505
16:44 huginn         04Bug 8505: normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Records with leading spaces in the 001 line do not return Z39.50 search results.
16:44 JoeLib001      I think the real problem is that I can't get search for an ISBN to show up.
16:44 jcamins        Wait, what are you searching?
16:45 jcamins        If you're searching another catalog via Z39.50, Koha has nothing to do with how the search is interpreted.
16:45 JoeLib001
16:45 JoeLib001      I'm doing a Z39.50 search on itsmarc.
16:46 jcamins        Ah.
16:46 jcamins        Can't really help you, because it'll be something to do with their configuration.
16:46 JoeLib001      Bummer. :-)
16:46 jcamins        They aren't using the ISBN bib-1 attribute.
16:46 JoeLib001      Gotcha.
16:46 cait           I have had problems with isbn search too
16:47 jcamins        A lot of Z39.50 targets don't support ISBN.
16:47 cait           bummer.
16:47 JoeLib001      We do a search in a different cataloging system and it works.
16:47 JoeLib001      via ISBN.
16:48 jcamins        You'll need to find out what bib-1 attributes are being mapped for that one.
16:49 jcamins        ITSMARC may be able to tell you which bib-1 attributes they are using, too.
16:49 jcamins        Then again, they might not.
16:49 JoeLib001      What would I need to do, if I found what the bib-1 attribute is?
16:50 jcamins        Tell us, and we'll argue at length about what to do with that knowledge.
16:50 JoeLib001      Heheheheeh. :-)
16:50 jcamins        However, you could also (conceivably) change which attribute is you're using for ISBN searches while we're arguing.
16:51 JoeLib001      Thanks for the information. :-) I will see what I can find out.
17:01 pastebot       "oleonard" at pasted "Why doesn't this script pick up items due 2002-08-08?" (12 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/67
17:02 jcamins        oleonard: bug?
17:02 oleonard       Oh, well then. :P
17:04 oleonard       Interesting... it does work with a narrower date range
17:07 oleonard       60 works, 365 works, but 1000 doesn't.
17:08 jcamins        999?
17:08 wahanui        i guess 999 is used somehow
17:10 jenkins_koha   Project Koha_master build #796: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 2 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/796/
17:10 jenkins_koha   * jonathan.druart: Bug 7955: Followup : Check the syspref value (avoid sql injection)
17:10 jenkins_koha   * fridolyn.somers: Bug 8503: Software error in edit items with EasyAnalyticalRecords
17:10 jenkins_koha   * mjr: Add Street Address searchfields set to patrons search header widget
17:10 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7955 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Statistics tab in patron module
17:10 jenkins_koha   * veron: Bug 8518 - Self checkout does not display debt amount if syspref AllowFineOverride is set to allow
17:10 jenkins_koha   * kyle: Bug 8408 - Odd OPAC message when OPAC Renewals are disabled and OPACFineNoRenewals is set to blank
17:10 jenkins_koha   * gaetan.boisson: Bug 8405 : add IntranetBiblioDefaultView and BiblioDefaultView in XSLT.pm
17:10 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8503 major, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Software error n edit items with EasyAnalyticalRecords
17:10 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8518 minor, P5 - low, ---, veron, Pushed to Master , Self checkout does not display debt amount if syspref AllowFineOverride is set to allow
17:10 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8408 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Odd OPAC message when OPAC Renewals are disabled and OPACFineNoRenewals is set to blank
17:10 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8405 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gaetan.boisson, Pushed to Master , add IntranetBiblioDefaultView and BiblioDefaultView to XSLT.pm
17:10 oleonard       999 doesn't either.
17:11 * oleonard     goes to try every increment between 365 and 1000
17:16 JoeLib001      Hmm...., search via issn works peachy.
17:20 jcamins        An article just came across my RSS feed reader with the following headline: "Sprint for Shakespeare."
17:20 jcamins        My first thought?
17:20 jcamins        "What does Shakespeare have to do with string manipulation?"
17:21 JoeLib001      Hehe. :-)
17:22 cait           lol
17:22 jcamins        My second thought was "wouldn't it be better to use snprint?"
17:25 JoeLib001      I found two things in my search. One what looks like the itsmarc config settings: http://www.itsmarc.com/z3950.asp. Two I found the z3950_search.pl.
17:27 jcamins        Blech!
17:27 * jcamins      looks at the code.
17:28 jcamins        JoeLib001: that page from ITSMARC is exactly what was needed.
17:29 JoeLib001      So, theoretically it should work?
17:29 jcamins        JoeLib001: no, but now I see what the problem is, and I can unilaterally decide it should be fixed. :)
17:30 JoeLib001      Hehe. :-)
17:30 JoeLib001      Well, that's good to know. :-)
17:30 * jcamins      will even fix it, since it'll take five minutes.
17:30 JoeLib001      Cool. :-)
17:31 JoeLib001      Is it choking on the Structure vs Truncation?
17:31 jcamins        Yup.
17:31 jcamins        Also, our handling of ISBN vs. ISSN is... nonexistent.
17:31 JoeLib001      Gotcha.
17:35 jcamins        Bug 8550.
17:35 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8550 normal, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, NEW , Z39.50 searches for ISBN/ISSN problematic
17:38 jcamins        JoeLib001: I have attached a patch, which you should test.
17:39 jcamins        If it works, you should sign off.
17:39 cait           jcamins++
17:39 cait           might fix an open ticket for me too :)
17:39 jcamins        :)
17:40 JoeLib001      Ok, I am checking it.
17:42 JoeLib001      Ok, should I copy and paste it into the file where it belongs?
17:42 jcamins        It's a patch.
17:42 jcamins        Wait.
17:42 JoeLib001      Run it?
17:42 jcamins        You're not doing this on a production server, are you?
17:42 JoeLib001      Yes.
17:42 * jcamins      slaps JoeLib001 on the wrist.
17:42 jcamins        No!
17:42 jcamins        Bad!
17:43 JoeLib001      Hehe.
17:43 jcamins        The way you would apply it would be to go to the root of your Koha install, and run patch < patchfilename.patch
17:43 jcamins        But don't do that on production.
17:43 jcamins        Ever, ever, ever, ever.
17:43 JoeLib001      Gotcha, because it could break something irrevocably?
17:44 jcamins        Right.
17:44 jcamins        The chances of that particular patch having any ramifications other than (potentially) breaking Z39.50 copy cataloging a little more are incredibly slight.
17:44 jcamins        But, it's not impossible.
17:45 JoeLib001      So, what I should do is run the patch on a test server and wait for an official patch?
17:45 jcamins        Right.
17:46 jcamins        You could even use a sandbox to test it.
17:46 cait           sandbox?
17:46 JoeLib001      I have Koha setup in Virtualbox.
17:46 jcamins        Just add the appropriate Z39.50 server profile to the sandbox while you're testing it, then delete it.
17:46 cait           sandboxes?
17:46 wahanui        sandboxes are http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sandboxes
17:46 jcamins        Oh, that's even better. :)
17:47 jcamins        Do you have a git install?
17:47 JoeLib001      I probably have a lot of updating and what not that I need to do on it. To get it to where I am at.
17:47 JoeLib001      My production server is installed from the Debian Packages.
17:47 jcamins        If you have a git install, you can do all the signing off yourself. If not, you might have to apply the patch manually, test it, and have someone else add the sign off line to the patch.
17:48 jcamins        Right, but what about your test server?
17:48 JoeLib001      I don't think I have a git install. I think I installed it manually. I can do a git install though.
17:48 jcamins        I'd suggest setting up git on your test server.
17:49 jcamins        Then you can test things more easily.
17:49 jcamins        git?
17:49 wahanui        rumour has it git is http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Version_Control_Using_Git
17:49 JoeLib001      Ok
17:49 jcamins        ^^ and it's very easy.
17:53 JoeLib001      Ok, I will work on getting a git server up and going. Probably will take a couple of hours.
17:53 JoeLib001      Almost certainly better than trying to update my old Virtualbox Install anyway. :-)
17:54 jcamins        Heh. You can use the same install.
17:54 jcamins        Unless you used one of the livecds/appliances, in which case... probably better to start over.
17:56 JoeLib001      What version of Debian is recommended? The most recent version?
17:56 jcamins        I recommend Squeeze.
17:59 JoeLib001      7 minutes until it's downloaded. Wish I had this fast of internet at home. :-)
18:08 jcamins        JoeLib001: also, use the bibliofile Z39.50 server if your subscription allows.
18:11 tweetbot`      [off] twitter: @ByWaterSolution: "Adding a Staff Patron in Koha 3.8 http://t.co/tXr1wgis #kohails"
18:19 JoeLib001      Ok, I will double check with our Cataloger to make sure we can use it. I think our subscription allows it.
18:27 wizzyrea       ugh, the title of that should probably be "adding a staff account" or "adding a staff login"
18:27 wizzyrea       a staff patron is different from a staff login, and koha has both.
18:27 wizzyrea       </gripe>
18:28 jcamins        Agreed.
18:28 JoeLib001      Where was the opening tag? ;-)
18:28 wizzyrea       hehe
18:29 jcamins        Also, I didn't think there was any change in the procedure since the video of the same title for 3.4, which nengard posted last month.
18:29 wizzyrea       I forgot to open it
18:30 jcamins        tcohen++
18:30 tcohen         jcamins: i need it in 3.8.x :-D
18:30 tcohen         should i try to apply and sign against 3.8.x?
18:30 jcamins        tcohen: no need to sign off again.
18:30 jcamins        It will apply apply cleanly. :)
18:31 tcohen         no need to mention it so rangi applies it to 3.8?
18:31 * jcamins      will nudge rangi if he doesn't pick it up on his own.
18:33 cait           jcamins: new interface - no change in procedure, but screen changes maybe
18:33 cait           jcamins: preparing to create some branches with applied patches :)
18:33 jcamins        cait: ah, true.
18:33 jcamins        :D
18:35 oleonard       Oh this is fun
18:35 oleonard       Can't call method "strftime" on an undefined value at /home/koha/kohaclone/Koha/DateUtils.pm line 117.
18:35 oleonard       ...when trying load patron in circulation by scanning their barcode
18:36 cait           :(
18:36 cait           you mean this is evil
18:38 eythian        oleonard: I've patched that
18:38 * McCloud[A]   is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes
18:38 * eythian      has a look for bug numbers
18:38 oleonard       Thanks eythian
18:40 eythian        oleonard: most likely either bug 8391 or bug 8532
18:40 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8391 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Signed Off , Cannot view reading record through staff client
18:40 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8532 normal, P3, ---, robin, Signed Off , Old/iffy data causes error checking out
18:40 eythian        I think the latter
18:43 jcamins        unimarc?
18:43 wahanui        unimarc is http://www.ifla.org/en/publications/unimarc-formats-and-related-documentation
18:45 eythian        http://www.littlefreelibrary.org/ <-- on a scale of 1 to awesome, this is super great.
18:46 oleonard       eythian: Bug 8532 looks like it's the one, although I see the problem in issues, not old_issues
18:46 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8532 normal, P3, ---, robin, Signed Off , Old/iffy data causes error checking out
18:46 eythian        oleonard: that patch should fix it anyway
18:46 jeff           eythian: our library established the first one in the area in one of our neighborhoods. since then, two others have been created in a matter of months -- one using our building plans. :-)
18:46 eythian        jeff: nice work :)
18:47 jeff           eythian: https://www.tadl.org/littlefreelibrary
18:47 eythian        awesome
18:48 cait           very cool :)
18:48 eythian        looks like a neat little project
18:48 JoeLib001      Will git install all of the necessary things for koha such as a MySQL Server and all that?
18:48 eythian        JoeLib001: no
18:48 jcamins        No.
18:48 eythian        it just gets you the source code
18:48 jcamins        I suggest you install the koha-common package, and then do the git install.
18:48 jcamins        That's how I do it.
18:48 cait           yep
18:48 JoeLib001      Ah, gotcha.
18:49 JoeLib001      Good to know. :-)
18:49 cait           and still have to install mysql I think
18:49 cait           ?
18:49 oleonard       What does installing koha-common get you?
18:50 eythian        there's going to be a package that installs all the dependencies. It'll be nice when that gets in.
18:50 eythian        oleonard: all the dependencies in one fell swoop.
18:51 * oleonard     didn't realize you could mix packages and a git install
18:51 eythian        I usually install the packages, and then modify the confs to point to git when building a dev environment.
18:52 eythian        It means I can keep the handy tools to do things.
18:52 oleonard       Can you elaborate eythian?
18:52 eythian        in which direction? :)
18:53 wizzyrea       yes, I too am interested in eythian's black magic.
18:54 eythian        Bug 7968 will make this easier for the future too.
18:54 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7968 normal, P5 - low, ---, sofiane.elharsal, Pushed to Master , create meta-packages to simplify installation of koha
18:54 JoeLib001      :-)
18:54 * wizzyrea     imagines eythian saying meta in his awesome kiwi accent
18:55 eythian        oleonard: I install the packages and create an instance called 'dev', then I check out the git repo somewhere. Then modify koha-conf.xml and the apache conf to point everything to git rather than /usr/share/koha
18:55 oleonard       eythian: So /user/share/koha still exists, but it's not being used
18:55 eythian        oleonard: or if you mean the tools, stuff like koha-rebuild-zebra (which is just a wrapper) and koha-mysql (which is the handiest thing in the world, if I do say so myself)
18:55 eythian        yeah
18:55 eythian        it's used by the cli tools, but that's minor.
18:56 eythian        and doesn't really matter in a dev env so long as you're aware of it.
18:59 * oleonard     mentally composes a rant on staff members who submit vague and misleading error reports
19:01 eythian        [off] heh, we have one client (who is lovely and a very good client) who has been sending me some screenshots illustrating issues, a wee bit overcropped, it's almost artistic - they're often missing the key bit of info letting me see it on my own screen.
19:02 jcamins        eythian: that's *brilliant*.
19:02 JoeLib001      :-)
19:03 jcamins        I never thought of creating an instance first.
19:03 eythian        jcamins: zcat filefrommysqldump.sql.gz | sudo koha-mysql dev
19:03 oleonard       Librarians tell their patrons to be very specific in reference interviews, so why are librarians so bad at being specific when it comes time to report problems?
19:04 eythian        possibly my most used command combo
19:04 cait           oleonard: hm, not sure all are
19:04 cait           oleonard: most of ours are pretty good at reporting
19:04 oleonard       Just my bad luck then cait :)
19:05 cait           just fire questions back - it normally helps :)
19:05 eythian        oleonard: I can see the motivation in this case, it highlights the exact issue - but misses e.g. the biblionumber that's causing it.
19:05 JoeLib001      Hehe. ;-)
19:05 eythian        I'd rather a full screenshot with a circle around the important bit
19:05 eythian        usually after a few rounds they get good about providing detail
19:05 cait           are we talking about a specific bug?
19:05 jcamins        Aaaargh!
19:06 oleonard       "I checked in a book and the hold message didn't come up!" "Which book?" "I dunno."
19:06 cait           lol
19:06 JoeLib001      Hehehehe.
19:06 * eythian      should make a little "reporting an issue" checklist for them
19:06 cait           you could make a list of all books returned by that staff member that day...
19:06 jcamins        Okay, I think there's a patch for this.
19:06 eythian        "screenshots, biblionumbers, barcodes...these are a few of my favourite things"
19:06 jcamins        Ah-ha!
19:06 jcamins        Bug 4226.
19:06 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=4226 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Needs Signoff , bulkmarcimport.pl doesn't replace 001 when keepids is not specified
19:07 oleonard       cait my rant is prompted by Bug 8532 which just struck our production system
19:07 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8532 normal, P3, ---, robin, Signed Off , Old/iffy data causes error checking out
19:07 wizzyrea       eythian: I think we did that
19:07 wizzyrea       and bywater has a post on it
19:07 wizzyrea       "writing good tickets" or somesuch
19:07 eythian        ah cool, will have to have a dig for it
19:08 wizzyrea       i will look it up for you, sec
19:08 wizzyrea       :)
19:08 eythian        ta
19:08 cait           oleonard: oh, sounds unpleasant :(
19:08 eythian        As far as I can tell, the dates that trigger this shouldn't be null but in some circumstances end up like that.
19:09 eythian        I think Koha needs a bit more focus on "what happens in edge cases" just so it'll at least keep working when something unexpected pops up.
19:09 * eythian      tries to include them in documentation so I know they've been thought about
19:10 wizzyrea       http://bywatersolutions.com/2012/04/09/entering-good-support-tickets/
19:12 eythian        wizzyrea: I think that's 99% of what I'd include.
19:16 wizzyrea       hm I don't see our "reporting problems" post
19:16 wizzyrea       maybe I dreamed that
19:16 wizzyrea       but ours had to do with "down system" problems
19:16 wizzyrea       which he doesn't really address
19:17 jcamins        What is a good way to represent hierarchies?
19:17 jcamins        And by good I mean "attractive.
19:17 oleonard       and by hierarchies you mean...?
19:18 jcamins        I will show you what is not attractive: http://screencast.com/t/S0JNOROqveP
19:18 jcamins        That is not attractive.
19:18 jcamins        But it is a hierarchy.
19:18 jcamins        :)
19:18 oleonard       specifically the links at the top?
19:18 wizzyrea       [off] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A7hjyn3PEWuMjG4a8y4fpiDKztvmAg2QjYWYNiAA8OE/edit < for eythian
19:18 jcamins        Right.
19:18 jcamins        It's a small hierarchy.
19:19 wizzyrea       why yes, we do in fact make them wait 10 minutes.
19:19 jcamins        Very small.
19:19 eythian        wizzyrea: also useful
19:19 eythian        although, most of ours only have support during business hours anyway
19:19 oleonard       jcamins: I suppose you could use a tree-table type display, although you wouldn't actually want them collapsing
19:20 wizzyrea       right
19:20 eythian        (or they're self-hosting in which case that kind of thing is their IT peoples' issue)
19:20 wizzyrea       :)
19:20 jcamins        oleonard: it should be collapsible.
19:20 wizzyrea       <- is the IT people
19:20 jcamins        We actually have the Javascript in place to do collapsing.
19:20 oleonard       jcamins: Why?
19:20 jcamins        But it's very ugly.
19:20 jcamins        Uhhh...
19:21 jcamins        UNIMARCers like it collapsible?
19:21 * jcamins      hadn't really considered this question before.
19:21 eythian        wizzyrea: ah right :)
19:22 wizzyrea       BUT we get much better problem reports on down systems now
19:22 wizzyrea       "I tried using the internet, and everything else still works" AWESOME
19:23 wizzyrea       that cuts down the amount of time I have to spend talking to you and decreases the amount of time you have to spend without a system. It's a super good fun happy time win
19:23 * wizzyrea     states the obvious
19:23 eythian        yeah, that's useful.
19:24 jcamins        oleonard: http://biblio.nantes.archi.fr/cgi-bin/koha/opac-authoritiesdetail.pl?authid=15264
19:24 eythian        fortunately in our case, if the whole internet is down for them, they can't file a ticket on our system :)
19:24 wizzyrea       hehe but they can still call? or no?
19:24 magnuse        ip-telephony ftw!
19:24 eythian        they can, but they don't usually.
19:25 eythian        Our phone numbers are in emails and contracts and stuff, but they don't seem to actually use them often.
19:25 wizzyrea       when we first got on remotely hosted koha we were answering off hours calls all the time when the local internet was down
19:25 wizzyrea       like, at least 3-4 times a week
19:25 eythian        erk
19:26 wizzyrea       adding the requirement that they wait for 10 minutes, and check local internet connectivity before calling cut it down to maybe 1-3 times a month
19:26 wizzyrea       so many times it recovers from whatever slow in 5 or so minutes
19:26 eythian        yeah, that's a bit more reasonable. The ones we host are mostly companies or government who a) have reliable internet and b) are only there during business hours
19:26 * eythian      is done with work stuff and is going to watch tv shows or something
19:27 wizzyrea       :D have fun
19:27 magnuse        eythian: did you get around to the i18n stuff?
19:27 eythian        magnuse: oh
19:27 eythian        um
19:27 eythian        no
19:27 * magnuse      is evil
19:27 eythian        not as such...
19:27 eythian        I do have 8 hours of train travel tomorrow, maybe then :)
19:28 magnuse        cool! :-)
19:28 magnuse        you do seem to spend a lot of time on trains :-)
19:28 magnuse        ouch brazil beat nz in olympic footie!
19:28 eythian        it does feel a bit like that sometimes
19:29 eythian        eh brazil is good at that, we're not.
19:29 eythian        not too surprising
19:29 cait           eythian: if you are on the train and working on pacakges anyway...
19:29 cait           eythian: i still have dom and icu on my wish list :)
19:30 cait           or you can show me how to do it once you are here :D
19:30 eythian        cait: yeah, I'll let you know ;)
19:30 cait           have a nice evening :)
19:31 magnuse        have fun eythian!
19:32 * magnuse      converts all his instances to use memcached for sessions
19:37 maximep        damn, just found bug 8215 minutes before sending a patch for the same feature
19:37 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8215 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Add Course Reserves
19:38 maximep        code I did 1 year ago. Arg.
19:38 jcamins        maximep: you might as well submit your code.
19:38 jcamins        (if you've successfully rebased it)
19:38 maximep        rebased it on 3.8.2
19:38 jcamins        That way the preferred implementation can get in.
19:38 jcamins        Uhhh... you should submit it rebased against master.
19:39 magnuse        wow, why do i have about a million files in /tmp called something like cgisess_9ae860d23a8e27e163ae5c4130df0f0b ?
19:39 maximep        well to tell you the truth his patch is the better one
19:39 maximep        well
19:39 maximep        haven't tested his, really
19:39 JoeLib001      What's the difference between: sudo koha-create --use-db biblio and sudo koha-create --request-db koha
19:40 JoeLib001      Other than the db name on the end?
19:40 cait           maximep: I would be interested to see what you have in comparison
19:40 cait           :)
19:41 maximep        my patch doesn't have the new course, new instructors, etc
19:41 magnuse        JoeLib001: the first uses an existing database, the second means you have to run the command, go create your database and come back and run the first
19:41 jcamins        JoeLib001: the former uses an existing database, the second gives you instruction for creating one.
19:41 maximep        just simple fields where you type what you want
19:41 maximep        easier, but makes it possible to have duplicates
19:43 JoeLib001      I thought that's what this command did: sudo koha-create --create-db biblio.
19:43 rangi          Morning
19:43 jcamins        No, that command creates the database.
19:44 rangi          The request one creates instructions you can give to your sysadmin
19:44 rangi          To have them create one.
19:44 cait           morning rangi
19:44 JoeLib001      Ah, this command: sudo koha-create --request-db koha makes it so when I import my existing db all is well?
19:44 rangi          We gpg encrypt it and email it to dba
19:45 JoeLib001      cat koha-db-request.txt was my second command after the request.
19:45 rangi          I think you are misunderstanding still
19:46 rangi          One creates a koha instance and a db
19:46 magnuse        JoeLib001: have you tried "man koha-create"?
19:46 JoeLib001      Ah, no. Probably should.
19:47 rangi          The other an instance and a file you can use or give to someone  to create a db for you
19:47 magnuse        oook, looks like i didn't set up memcached properly somehow, and koha is defaulting sessions to temporary files. ouch!
19:49 JoeLib001      Assuming I already had a DB Created. All that would have done was created a file for the IT Admin to look at that explained what was needed for the Koha DB?
19:49 jcamins        JoeLib001: no.
19:50 jcamins        If you already have the database created, you need to *use* the database, not give your dba instructions on how to create it.
19:51 JoeLib001      Ok. I think I may be missing a step in my instructions then.
19:56 JoeLib001      Actually, the dba probably ran the second part. This is what we did: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Install_Koha_3.6_on_Debian_squeeze_using_a_separate_MySQL_server
19:56 JoeLib001      I just thought I had done it. Apparently not. hehe ;-)
19:58 JoeLib001      I think my mind is going....
19:58 magnuse        rangi or someone else: are there any rules for what goes in <memcached_namespace></memcached_namespace>? are underscores a problem?
19:59 rangi          Not that I'm aware of
19:59 rangi          Didn't someone on a fit of madness shift it to env variables now?
19:59 jcamins        Yes.
19:59 rangi          Instead of conf file
19:59 jcamins        v. mad
20:00 rangi          I still hate that
20:00 * jcamins      too
20:00 cait           jcamins: didn't you have a patch undoing it?
20:00 cait           *hope*
20:00 rangi          That might be the problem Magnus
20:00 jcamins        cait: no, but I had a patch that made it possible to undo it.
20:00 jcamins        Which is now in Koha.
20:00 cait           oh good start
20:00 jcamins        So we could go back to storing the configuration in a sane place.
20:01 cait           tthat would be nice
20:01 rangi          It's ignoring the conf file need to set it in the apache conf
20:01 * jcamins      ponders this code, gets a truffle.
20:01 magnuse        ah hah!
20:02 magnuse        jcamins: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Cache_handling_in_Koha#Votes ?
20:02 JesseM         jcamins: if you add a field to the index does the record.abs file get updated?
20:03 jcamins        magnuse: with the new cache code that was pushed, ENV was the best choice.
20:03 jcamins        I since fixed it, so that we can put it in a configuration file.
20:03 magnuse        ah
20:03 jcamins        JesseM: you would need to update record.abs if you are using GRS-1.
20:03 rangi          Yay
20:04 jcamins        JesseM: but, since you're on 3.8, you should be using DOM.
20:04 magnuse        so when this: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Performance#Configuration talks about "enviroment variables" it's actually talking about the apache config?
20:04 jcamins        So you need to update biblio-koha-indexdefs.xml, then update the XSLT.
20:04 rangi          Yeah SetEnv
20:04 jcamins        magnuse: right.
20:05 JesseM         thanks for the info
20:05 jcamins        JesseM: you're welcome.
20:05 jcamins        JesseM: don't you have developers who do this sort of thing for you?
20:05 JesseM         Jcamins: Yes!
20:06 magnuse        ah SetEnv, thanks!
20:06 jcamins        :)
20:07 magnuse        and here i was just figuring out how to use sed to change all the koha-conf.xml's...
20:07 jcamins        magnuse: it could come in handy one day. :)
20:07 magnuse        yup
20:07 jcamins        JesseM: one further note: use DOM.
20:07 magnuse        and just to be on the safe side: the SetEnv has to be done for both the opac and the intranet configs, right?
20:07 jcamins        magnuse: yes.
20:07 magnuse        gah
20:08 magnuse        jcamins: thanks
20:11 rangi          /ws wiz
20:11 rangi          lol
20:11 rangi          its gonna be like that today
20:13 chris_n        drink more coffee
20:15 rangi          yeah good idea
20:20 oleonard       Later #koha
20:24 tweetbot`      [off] twitter: @kohails: "#kohails  Adding a Staff Patron in Koha 3.8 http://t.co/zerGssYQ"
20:24 kathryn        morning all
20:25 cait           morning kathryn :)
20:25 jcamins        Ah-ha!
20:25 jcamins        I have discovered the problem.
20:26 jcamins        Any given node in this tree has 0, 1, or n parents.
20:26 kathryn        hey cait :)
20:26 drojf          erm. how would i know if my koha uses GRS-1 or DOM indexing?
20:26 jcamins        What do you even call a data structure like that?
20:27 jcamins        drojf: open up koha-conf.xml.
20:27 jcamins        See what it says about indexing.
20:27 jcamins        If it doesn't say anything, it uses GRS-1.
20:27 drojf          "index" not found
20:28 jcamins        GRS-1.
20:28 jcamins        I guess you'd call it a graph.
20:28 jcamins        Though there shouldn't be any interconnection... I think...
20:28 drojf          i wonder if there is something wrong. and is to blame for my missing indexes
20:30 rangi          ok
20:30 drojf          the wiki says i should use "<xi:include href="/home/paul/"… for dom indexing. so we all index on pauls computer? :)
20:30 rangi          what was the name of that b&b that daniel stayed at, that had all the books and stuff?
20:30 rangi          for kohacon10
20:30 rangi          anyone remember?
20:31 jcamins        drojf: where do you see that?
20:31 magnuse        rangi: booklovers?
20:31 magnuse        rangi: slef and i stayed there, though
20:31 drojf          jcamins: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Switching_to_dom_indexing
20:32 rangi          oh
20:32 rangi          cool :)
20:32 jcamins        Ah.
20:32 magnuse        rangi: http://booklovers.co.nz/
20:32 jcamins        Yeah, just correct it to reflect real paths.
20:34 jcamins        This is the third time in three weeks that I found myself wanting to use a for() loop where recursion was the obvious solution.
20:34 cait           ts.
20:34 cait           :)
20:35 jcamins        And, for the third time in three weeks, I can't remember how to convert a recursive algorithm to an iterative one.
20:35 rangi          magnuse: thanks!, im recommending it to Karen Schneider
20:36 jcamins        Hm.
20:36 jcamins        Perl doesn't have pointers for iterating down a tree.
20:37 * jcamins      gives up, switches to a recursive algorithm.
20:37 magnuse        rangi: lucky her, i'd go back there in no time given half a chance :-)
20:38 * cait         would go back too
20:38 maximep        recursivity ftw... until you're 10 layers deep
20:38 jcamins        maximep: I'd use an iterative algorithm if I could wrap my mind around it.
20:39 maximep        sometimes recursivity is easier heh
20:39 cjh            jcamins: what do you mean by 'pointers for iterating down a tree'? wouldn't a scalar ref suffice?
20:39 jcamins        But if I can't wrap my mind around the algorithm, it's probably not going to be easier to maintain.
20:39 jcamins        cjh: can you use a ref to a leaf in another variable?
20:40 cjh            jcamins: is the code online anywhere so I can have a peek?
20:40 magnuse        phew, looks like memcached is actually working for the sessions now, and my shoulders only ache a little from editing all those apache configs...
20:41 jcamins        cjh: not at the moment. I'm writing it from scratch.
20:41 jcamins        I'm reworking the authority hierarchy stuff to be more tree-like and less... not.
20:41 cjh            ok, I'll have a quick play with perl.
20:42 magnuse        oh another lazy question: does koha use memcached for anything other than sessions once the SetEnvs are set?
20:42 jcamins        magnuse: yes.
20:43 jcamins        magnuse: sysprefs, koha-conf, frameworks, i18n tables, and a few other things.
20:43 magnuse        ah ok
20:44 magnuse        hm, i just realized munin is picking up memcached activity, but i didn't actually change the SessionStorage syspref yet (*facepalm*) - does it use memcached for sessions just because the SetEnvs are set, independent of the syspref?
20:45 jcamins        No.
20:45 jcamins        It uses memcached for other things right away, though.
20:45 magnuse        ah, but probably for all the other stuff
20:45 magnuse        yeah, that makes sense, thanks
20:46 cjh            jcamins: do you want breadth or depth first?
20:47 jcamins        cjh: depth first.
20:47 rangi          mmm bread
20:47 * chris_n      passes rangi the jam
20:47 cjh            jcamins: recursion is easier then, but now its like a puzzle :)
20:47 jcamins        cjh: toldja.
20:48 jcamins        So you see exactly what I'm trying to do, I want to convert a string like this: "1,2,6;3,5,6" into two trees.
20:48 cjh            iteration will be messy as the depth is unknown and you need to go back up the tree
20:48 rangi          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByOU5CwuZjU
20:49 jcamins        Handling the separate trees is easy to do iteratively, but processing that (and it could be arbitrarily long) will be an issue.
20:49 * wizzyrea     cheers for the mashing of awesome things
20:49 jcamins        Right now, we get around this by avoiding turning it into a tree.
20:50 cjh            heh
20:50 libsysguy      well since you're not looking at a huge overhead in the object you're dealing with I don't see why a recursive solution is all bad
20:50 wizzyrea       what is funny, is that orbital has been doing this remix since long before nu who
20:50 jcamins        libsysguy: that's my theory.
20:51 rangi          wizzyrea: yep its been around for ever
20:51 libsysguy      if you were having to open a C4 module every time you'd have an issue :p
20:51 wizzyrea       that makes it NO LESS AWESOME
20:51 rangi          nope
20:52 wizzyrea       this version is super growly
20:52 wizzyrea       I like it
20:52 jcamins        I figure I'll write the recursive, and if I don't like it, then I'll find someone to help me make it iterative.
20:53 libsysguy      objections to removing the exceptions table from holidays
20:53 libsysguy      no, okay thanks everybody :p
20:53 cjh            jcamins: if each node had a link to their parent and you also had a stack you could make it iterative
20:53 cjh            but recursion is going to be tidier :)
20:54 libsysguy      ^^
20:54 jcamins        cjh: this is what makes it so painful... I will either have links to parents *or* I will have links to children, but probably not to both.
20:54 libsysguy      so its an non-symmetric digraph?
20:55 jcamins        @quite get 123
20:55 huginn         jcamins: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
20:55 jcamins        @quote get 123
20:55 huginn         jcamins: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011)
20:55 jcamins        libsysguy: yes! That's the label I was looking for earlier.
20:56 libsysguy      hehe
20:56 JoeLib001      Ok, I have a good functional Koha setup on a test server. Now I install Git?
20:56 cjh            orbital dr who is epic!
20:56 rangi          it is :)
20:57 cait           yes :)
20:57 magnuse        g'night #koha - have fun!
20:57 JoeLib001      Night Magnuse.
20:57 rangi          cya magnuse
20:57 cait           night magnuse :)
20:58 cjh            haha blow up daleks being passed around
20:59 wizzyrea       I really want a blow up dalek
20:59 jcamins        Woohoo!
20:59 jcamins        I have passed the first test of writing a recursive algorithm.
20:59 cjh            wizzyrea: clearly you don't understand how truly dangerous they are.
20:59 jcamins        Infinite recursion!
21:00 cjh            jcamins: ummm, progress? :p
21:00 libsysguy      heh
21:00 wizzyrea       :)
21:00 libsysguy      nothing like infinite recursion
21:00 jcamins        cjh: it compiles. :)
21:00 wizzyrea       oh I get how dangerous daleks are.
21:00 cjh            jcamins: oh well if it compiles then you are pretty much finished...
21:01 jcamins        cjh: heh. Exactly.
21:06 pastebot       "jcamins" at pasted "How do I push something onto $VAR1->{children}?" (7 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/68
21:06 jcamins        I *always* have trouble with this.
21:06 * wizzyrea     quips "become a female"
21:06 wizzyrea       har har har
21:06 jcamins        I was taking a drink of water when you said that!
21:06 wizzyrea       wait wait
21:06 wahanui        wait wait is, like, there a new git bz/
21:07 rangi          you dont push, its a hash :)
21:07 * wizzyrea     suspects jcamins already knows how to do *that*
21:07 cjh            jcamins: push @{$VAR1->{children}}, $blah ?
21:07 rangi          yep
21:07 * wizzyrea     is totally cracking up.
21:07 rangi          or even without the { } but its more readable with them
21:08 jcamins        rangi: $VAR1->{children} is supposed to be an arrayref.
21:08 cjh            rangi: yeah I usually scatter unneeded {}'s everywhere :)
21:08 jcamins        Actually, the { } are required here.
21:09 cjh            the @ may have a lower precedence than the ->
21:09 jcamins        Yup.
21:09 jcamins        Higher, rather.
21:09 cjh            yeah, I said it bakcwards >.>
21:09 jcamins        However, it still doesn't work.
21:09 cjh            back even.
21:10 jcamins        It tells me it's not an ARRAY reference, but doesn't tell me what it *is*.
21:11 rangi          probably just an array
21:12 cjh            my $VAR1 = { 'children' => [] }; push @{$VAR1->{'children'}}, "hello"; seems to work for me.
21:12 jcamins        Okay, that means I'm doing something non-obviously wrong.
21:13 * jcamins      really misses strongly-typed languages, and even pointers, every time time he starts working with hashes and arrays.
21:13 cjh            ohhh pointers, do I smell a c programmer?
21:14 jcamins        cjh: yep. If this were C I could've been done twenty minutes ago.
21:14 jcamins        'Cause I would've known what the hell format the data I had was in.
21:15 cjh            I am still far more fluent in c than in perl, I often miss being able to easily see what the 'type' or an argument or return value is.
21:16 jcamins        If I do '$VAR1->{children} = []' right before this line, it still doesn't work.
21:16 jcamins        Unfortunately, this is the key part of the algorithm.
21:17 pastebot       "jcamins" at pasted "the offending code" (15 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/69
21:18 jcamins        Wait.
21:18 jcamins        Never mind.
21:18 jcamins        It works fine.
21:18 cjh            heh
21:19 cjh            wouldnt the  @$branch->{children} at the end of the last line cause issues
21:19 jcamins        Yup.
21:19 jcamins        It would indeed.
21:19 jcamins        And did.
21:19 maximep        could your last line be more complicated ?
21:19 maximep        wow
21:19 jcamins        For twenty minutes.
21:19 rangi          upgraded bugzilla, just a point release
21:19 rangi          nothing to see
21:19 jcamins        maximep: sure... I could've kept it the way I originally wrote it.
21:19 maximep        haha
21:20 cjh            heh
21:20 maximep        seriously the perl syntax just escapes my brain, no mather how many hours I work with it
21:20 maximep        I have to learn it all again every time I do any perl
21:21 jcamins        Now.
21:21 jcamins        Where are the children?
21:21 maximep        maybe adding () in the line would help a bit :P
21:21 cjh            I was about to say you shoudl probably put the brackets in :)
21:21 rangi          http://library.education.govt.nz/  <-- can people see that?
21:21 cjh            also could tyrn that last line in to two, up to you.
21:21 cjh            turn even.
21:22 cait           slow, but I can :)
21:22 maximep        probably slow because we all tried it. Works for me :p
21:22 jcamins        Once it's actually working, I'll definitely clean it up.
21:22 jcamins        Requires a login.
21:22 rangi          cool
21:26 jcamins        Can I generate an anonymous hash with TT?
21:26 jcamins        Ah, got it.
21:28 jcamins        Proof: http://screencast.com/t/tjdYEOde
21:30 cait           hm missing space :)
21:30 cait           *hides*
21:32 cait           jcamins++ :)
21:32 cait           good night :)
21:35 JoeLib001      Night cait.
21:36 JoeLib001      Do I want to track the development version or the 3.8.x version?
21:36 rangi          do you plan to do development?
21:37 JoeLib001      I am mostly doing this so I can test the patch that jcamins created. I don't know about the future.
21:37 rangi          if so, then track master, all patches should be submitted/tested against master first
21:37 rangi          unless they specifically state they are for a branch
21:38 rangi          and then the release maintainers, will cherry-pick them from master back to their branches if needed/desired
21:38 JoeLib001      Like this: git checkout -b mywork origin
21:38 talljoy        jcamins: remember the problem i had with z3950?
21:38 jcamins        origin/master
21:38 wahanui        origin/master is specify the mster branch from origin (upstream)
21:38 jcamins        talljoy: what problem?
21:38 wahanui        problem is its human beings doing it
21:39 rangi          yeah damn wetware
21:39 jcamins        Oh, yes.
21:39 talljoy        well scroll back to this morning and I was getting an error for missing indicators
21:39 jcamins        Sorry, we're talking about a different problem with Z39.50.
21:39 talljoy        it turns out it is the "BiblioAddsAuthorities" syspref setting
21:39 jcamins        Oh?
21:39 talljoy        set to allow it causes that error.  set to don't allow  it works
21:40 jcamins        Hm.
21:40 talljoy        3.8.01 and 3.8.02  i don't have a 3.8.03 to test on
21:40 jcamins        That seems... odd.
21:40 talljoy        seemed very odd to me too.
21:40 JoeLib001      So, like this: git checkout -b mywork origin/master
21:41 jcamins        talljoy: see, here's the thing that makes it so weird: as of 3.8, BiblioAddsAuthorities is essentially a no-op.
21:41 talljoy        well, it has tentacles remaining.  at least in z39 imports
21:41 talljoy        or Charset.pm
21:42 talljoy        it only took me 8 hours to track down.  i need a beer.  after i write up this bug report.
21:44 * rangi        wanders off to a meeting
21:51 JoeLib001      Alright, I got that sorted out.
21:52 jcamins        Woohoo!
21:52 jcamins        I got it working.
21:52 cjh            jcamins++
21:52 jcamins        It has file folder icons which are ugly and make no sense, but it's a start.
21:52 JoeLib001      :-)
21:52 cjh            jcamins: you were right before when you said youd only need children pointers, with a stack the parent pointers arent needed.
21:53 JoeLib001      Ok, now how do I apply the patch? I think I am at that step now. I have it installed and have cloned koha and set it to user origin/master.
21:53 jenkins_koha   Starting build #116 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
21:53 jcamins        You download the patch file, the do "git am patchfilename"
21:53 cjh            JoeLib001: one you have downloaded it "git am -ui3 <path_to_path>"
21:53 jcamins        I always use wget.
21:54 jcamins        path_to_path? :)
21:54 cjh            my typing today... *sigh*
21:54 jcamins        :)
21:56 JoeLib001      (I hate stupid features.) Such as the shortcut I just found for turning my screen sideways.
21:56 melia          I have a question about dropbox mode and fines (again).
21:57 melia          here's the story: the date due was 7/31/2012 23:59.
21:57 melia          the item was returned overnight in the dropbox. the fines script ran at 1:20am on 8/1.
21:57 melia          the librarian checked in the item on the morning of 8/1 with dropbox mode on.
21:58 melia          the return date is showing as 7/31/2012 9:04
21:58 melia          and the fine was charged
21:58 melia          I'm confused because return date is before date due, so I would have expected no fine to be charged. or does the fines script need to be run later in the day to keep those fines off?
21:59 melia          this is related to bug 5644, which I am still confused about :)
21:59 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5644 critical, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Pushed to Stable , dropbox mode doesn't set the correct date
22:00 melia          or bug 8338
22:00 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8338 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , fines not cleared with dropbox mode
22:00 melia          actually, I think I answered my own question. I think the problem is bug 8338, now that I am reading it again.
22:02 JoeLib001      Alright, Patch Applied.
22:07 JoeLib001      How do I run Koha from git?
22:07 JoeLib001      I am assuming that's what I'm missing.
22:08 jcamins        JoeLib001: you need to modify the Apache config file to point PERL5LIB to your git directory.
22:08 jcamins        (and everything else that's currently pointing at /usr/share/koha in the Apach conf file.
22:08 JoeLib001      Gotcha. I saw instructions on that somewhere.
22:14 drojf          with dom indexing, do i only change the indexdefs files (or record.abs to generate it) if i need an extra index? what is with ccl.properties, Search.pm and bib1.att, can i forget them forever?
22:15 JoeLib001      Eythian said this earlier: I install the packages and create an instance called 'dev', then I check out the git repo somewhere. Then modify koha-conf.xml and the apache conf to point everything to git rather than /usr/share/koha
22:15 JoeLib001      So, all I should need to do is replace all /usr/share/koha paths with the kohaclone path?
22:16 jcamins        drojf: don't change record.abs if you're using DOM. You still have to modify ccl.properties, Search.pm, and bib1.att as appropriate.
22:17 jcamins        See my rewrite for a hopeful future where that's unnecessary.
22:17 jcamins        JoeLib001: probably, but I've never tried it.
22:18 drojf          would have been too great
22:20 drojf          JoeLib001: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Dev_Env_Setup#Step:_Point_This_Koha_Instance_At_Your_Development_Code_Checkout
22:37 JoeLib001      Well, I didn't do something right. ;-)
22:39 JoeLib001      Can't locate DateTime/Format/MySQL.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/koha/kohaclone /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /etc/koha/kohaclone/C4/Koha.pm line 30.
22:42 drojf          you are just missing a dependency, apt-get libdatetime-format-mysql-perl
22:43 drojf          i guess i made something weird too, now i don't find anything in koha :D screw it, going to bed
22:43 drojf          good night #koha
22:49 libsysguy      @wunder 75707
22:49 huginn         libsysguy: The current temperature in Lake Tyler (D3895), Tyler, Texas is 35.6°C (5:44 PM CDT on August 01, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 39%. Dew Point: 20.0°C. Pressure: 29.87 in 1011 hPa (Falling).  Heat advisory in effect until 7 PM CDT Thursday... 
22:50 libsysguy      yup hot
22:53 JoeLib001      Hehe. ;-)
22:54 JoeLib001      Hmm...., I am trying to point to a intranet directory in my kohaclone that doesn't exist. That's awesome. ;-)
22:54 jcamins_away   @wunder 11375
22:54 huginn         jcamins_away: The current temperature in APRSWXNET Jackson Heights NY US, Corona, New York is 23.9°C (6:32 PM EDT on August 01, 2012). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 84%. Dew Point: 21.0°C. Pressure: 29.85 in 1011 hPa (Rising).
22:54 jcamins_away   JoeLib001: point it just to the kohaclone directory.
22:54 JoeLib001      For the intranet/htdocs?
22:55 jcamins_away   Yes.
22:55 JoeLib001      Oh.
22:55 JoeLib001      Ok.
22:56 JoeLib001      Lines like this: <intrahtdocs>/etc/koha/kohaclone/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl</intrahtdocs>
22:56 JoeLib001      Should Read: /etc/koha/kohaclone/?
22:56 jenkins_koha   Project Koha_3.8.x build #116: SUCCESS in 1 hr 3 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/116/
22:56 jenkins_koha   Chris Cormack: Bug 7143: Updating history and about file
22:56 JoeLib001      With the opening and closing tags.
22:56 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7143 trivial, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, ASSIGNED , Bug for tracking changes to the about page
22:57 jcamins_away   Your kohaclone shouldn't be in /etc.
22:57 jcamins_away   It should be in /home or something like that.
22:57 jcamins_away   /etc is for configuration files only.
22:57 JoeLib001      Should I redo my kohaclone?
22:57 jcamins_away   No, just move the directory.
22:57 jcamins_away   mv /etc/koha/kohaclone /home/joelib001
22:57 jcamins_away   :)
22:58 JoeLib001      Yep.
23:07 JoeLib001      I don't need to change this line? ScriptAlias /index.html "/usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/mainpage.pl"
23:23 jenkins_koha   Starting build #117 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
23:28 rangi          http://search.cpan.org/dist/Regexp-Debugger/lib/Regexp/Debugger.pm
23:28 rangi          https://metacpan.org/module/Bench
23:33 JoeLib001      Hmm..., still getting this error. Can't locate DateTime/Format/MySQL.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /home/joe/kohaclone /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /home/joe/kohaclone/C4/Koha.pm line 30.
23:34 rangi          looks like you have missed installing a module
23:34 JoeLib001      I'm working with git.
23:34 rangi          you using debian/ubuntu or something else?
23:34 JoeLib001      Trying to run Koha from my git install.
23:34 rangi          yes, thats a module that Koha needs to run
23:35 JoeLib001      It wouldn't have been installed when I installed koha-common?
23:35 rangi          sudo apt-get install libdatetime-format-mysql-perl
23:35 rangi          not unless you installed from the dev repo, because thats not needed for 3.8.x
23:35 rangi          its a new module, for 3.10.0 when thats released
23:36 JoeLib001      Aaahh....
23:36 JoeLib001      So, I am running into dependency errors.
23:36 rangi          yep run
23:37 JoeLib001      Ok, 'cause that fixed the first error. Now I have another. ;-)
23:37 rangi          koha_perl_deps.pl -m
23:37 rangi          so ./koha_perl_deps.pl -m
23:37 rangi          in your git checkout
23:37 rangi          it will less all you are missing
23:37 rangi          less=list
23:39 JoeLib001      ? NO /home/joe/kohaclone/intranet/cgi-bin/kohaversion.pl at /home/joe/kohaclone/C4/Context.pm line 220.
23:40 rangi          config file is still not right
23:41 JoeLib001      Ah, the /etc/koha/apache-shared-intranet.conf file?
23:41 rangi          your koha_conf.xml one
23:42 rangi          unless you got that in your webbrowser?
23:42 rangi          im assuming you got it when you ran the command to get the dependencies?
23:46 JoeLib001      Ah, no. I'm getting that when I try to connect to
23:47 rangi          then yep, it is your apache conf
23:47 JoeLib001      Ah,  <intranetdir>/home/joe/kohaclone/intranet/cgi-bin</intranetdir>
23:47 rangi          yep
23:47 rangi          that will do it
23:48 rangi          dont need the intranet/cgi-bin on the end
23:49 JoeLib001      Ok.
23:50 JoeLib001      Ok, think I have the conf file good. Now I need to make sure to fix the 10 dependencies before I expect anything to work. ;-)
23:53 JoeLib001      I can't seem to find a package for this: CHI                                           0 *               0.36
23:54 JoeLib001      0 being my version and .36 being the version expected.
23:56 rangi          ahh its optional
23:56 rangi          you can skip that one
23:56 JoeLib001      Good, cause I can't find it. hehe.