Time Nick Message 23:59 jcamins It sure does. 23:58 mtompset BTW, that means that misc/PerlDependencies.pm needs to be updated. 23:56 mtompset checking... 23:56 jcamins sudo apt-get install libtest-unaccent-perl? 23:56 jcamins I had issues with that too... 23:56 mtompset Text/Unaccent 23:55 mtompset i'll get it right... 23:55 mtompset Test/Unaccent 23:55 mtompset Text/Accent 23:55 mtompset FAILED?! 23:55 jcamins A very good idea. 23:52 mtompset just had to document the indexing problem for my supervisor and library colleague who is running his own VM. 23:52 mtompset running the make test. 23:37 jcamins Right. 23:36 mtompset Otherwise it could break again. 23:36 mtompset just have to remember to not run the index as root. 23:34 mtompset only a full index and sometimes. 23:34 jcamins I think it might work better now. ;) 23:33 mtompset Perhaps -z is working now that we fixed permissions and such. 23:33 jcamins Wasn't your indexing not working at all? 23:33 mtompset I suppose I should ask the librarian if he noticed a new entry after 5 minutes. 23:32 mtompset Because -z seemed busted. 23:32 jcamins mtompset: why don't you just have it index only the new stuff every ten minutes? 23:32 mtompset I should rotate the error logs, so I can look at fresh bugs. 23:30 mtompset search yet. 23:30 mtompset And I haven't lost the ability to search year. :) 23:30 mtompset we are currently reindexing every hour. 23:30 mtompset BTW, thanks for the help with the indexes... 23:24 jcamins Postgres does not currently work. 23:24 jcamins MySQL. 23:22 mtompset Do they set up your preference of MySQL or PostGre? 23:22 jcamins Yup. 23:22 mtompset Do the packages include setting up apache? 23:19 mtompset We'll be sticking with Ubuntu as it has a broader support base within SIL. 23:18 jcamins Up until a few weeks ago I used Ubuntu on my production servers. 23:17 jcamins Nah, the Debian packages work perfectly on Ubuntu. 23:17 mtompset whereas, because I'm using Ubuntu and shun using the debian packages, I have to take a couple extra steps. :) 23:16 jcamins And mosty foolproof. 23:16 jcamins It's very convenient. 23:15 jcamins And automatically upgrade the database. 23:15 jcamins Right. 23:15 mtompset The packages replace the /usr/share/koha? 23:15 jcamins Nope. 23:15 mtompset And the packages basically dump into some subdirectory from which you do an upgrade install? 23:12 jcamins (though right now eythian builds the packages that are uploaded to debian.koha-community.org) 23:11 jcamins I build my production packages using the same environment that I use for releasing 3.6.x. 23:10 jcamins Right. 23:10 mtompset and you point it at the package you made from your dev system. 23:09 jcamins So I install with apt-get upgrade 23:09 jcamins Basically, except instead of using the tarball I use Debian packages. 23:08 mtompset So you get a nice dev system patched up the way you want, and then you tgz it, and do an upgrade install? 23:07 jcamins I use packages for production. 23:07 jcamins Definitely not. 23:07 jcamins mtompset: no! 23:07 mtompset are they dev installs too? 23:07 mtompset So, your production servers... 23:06 mtompset koha has so many files! 23:06 mtompset make is slow... 23:06 mtompset grunt grunt 22:58 jcamins Okay, two more patches submitted. 22:55 drojf1 it gets even crazier with the <track> tag for subtitles 22:54 drojf1 or i just have not found it. you can do something with javascript, i have ignored that so far 22:54 jcamins Ah. 22:53 drojf1 i would have had an idea what to do with repeating subfields vs repeating the whole 856 field. but the repeating subfield part i thought should be used for file parts, because they have the same mime type and all, not all these subfields are repeatable. but i dont know ho to realize hat in the html5 tags, because it seems to have no equivalent there. if you put several files together, they are alternatives (same file, different format, like .ogg versio 22:53 mtompset Though a friend of mine noted... Happy Perfect Numbers Day. 22:53 jcamins Thanks. 22:52 mtompset BTW... Happy Tau Day (6-28) 22:52 jcamins Hm. schuster worked late today. 22:51 mtompset No, I think he means, you can't just play it over and over... because you want to? 22:50 jcamins drojf1: subfield order *is* significant so there's no reason you couldn't decide that videos were to be played in the order they appeared, if that's all you mean. 22:49 jcamins drojf1: you can't just repeat... something? 22:49 drojf1 i bet loc and ifla will be very happy about me setting rules for html5 video and audio cataloguing in their 856 subfields :D 22:49 drojf1 heh 22:48 * mtompset laughs. 22:48 mtompset Create your own standard like GRS-1. ;) 22:48 drojf1 it would, but it appears html5 does not have it 22:48 jcamins drojf1: why wouldn't that happen? 22:47 drojf1 i'm surprised there is nothing like a playlist where filepart01, filepart02 would play one after the other. there i go inventing cataloguing rules for field and subfield repetitions for stuff that doesn't exist :D 22:44 jcamins Exactly. 22:44 wahanui anything is, like, possible with enough development work :) 22:44 jcamins Anything! 22:44 drojf1 make koha play video or audio in the opac if catalogued in field 856 22:43 mtompset embedded video for what? 22:43 jcamins Makes sense. 22:43 jcamins lol 22:42 drojf1 yes but i might skip some of the crazy, unsupportedbynormalbrowsers-parts 22:42 jcamins drojf1: still working on the embedded video? 22:41 drojf1 there is an ogg opus codec. yeah, i learned something today 22:41 drojf1 also having 4.x makes their version seem ahead of koha 22:39 jcamins mtompset: LibLime forked the code back before 3.2, and did not share their work until Koha had moved on too far for it to be integrated. 22:38 mtompset Why are the versions of liblime and koha not synchronized? 22:37 drojf1 no reason not to post that link once in a while 22:37 jcamins He'll be back. 22:37 jcamins Oh well. 22:37 jcamins Oh. 22:37 drojf1 he is long gone 22:37 jcamins http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_3.8_on_Debian_Squeeze 22:37 jcamins It's sooooo much easier. 22:37 jcamins Let me find the wiki page for you. 22:37 jcamins Also, you should think about just using packages. 22:36 jcamins Good luck! 22:36 jcamins Yup. :) 22:36 skeggsc Thanks. That would be my problem. 22:36 jcamins skeggsc: you should get Koha from the Koha website, koha-community.org. 22:36 jcamins skeggsc: yes you did, sorry. :( 22:35 skeggsc Did I get the source from the wrong location? 22:35 skeggsc Huh? 22:35 mtompset 4.10.X... that's a liblime release. 22:35 skeggsc Hi, I'm trying to install Koha 4.10.05 on a Debian Squeeze server, and most of the tests fail during make test: http://pastebin.com/3XF67c8S 22:35 jcamins ICU. 22:34 mtompset Let's say I'm going to have Thai or Chinese characters... ICU? 22:34 mtompset ICU vs. CHR? 22:34 mtompset Here's a question... 22:34 jcamins Wherever you checked it out to. 22:34 jcamins And of course your repo should be in something like /home/koha/kohaclone. 22:33 jcamins /dev is for devices. 22:33 jcamins /home/koha/koha-dev 22:33 jcamins Not /dev 22:33 jcamins No! 22:32 mtompset /dev/koha/kohaclone? 22:32 mtompset dev here I come. 22:31 jcamins If I'd realized he wasn't afk, I would've asked him questions. 22:31 mtompset Sweet... I'm at the make stages! 22:31 jcamins Aw. 22:30 mtompset good night, francharb_afk 22:30 francharb_afk good night all 22:27 mtompset now to check the sax parser. 22:27 mtompset okay package installed... 22:25 jcamins [off] Now you're getting the hang of #koha! :) 22:24 mtompset [off] I work from home. 22:24 jcamins lol 22:24 mtompset [off] I do, but no one will know if I take an afternoon nap. 22:24 jcamins I hope you don't work on Fridays. 22:24 jcamins lol 22:23 mtompset I have skipped a day :) 22:23 drojf1 says the evil mastermind pretending to be jcamins and distributing crazy things via the repo 22:23 mtompset It's 6:22am... time has become irrelevant. 22:23 jcamins Not worth the time to add the apt repo's certificate to your keyring. 22:22 drojf1 ignore 22:22 jcamins Ignore it. 22:22 mtompset GPG signature issues. 22:19 jcamins It means "don't record this line in the logs." 22:19 mtompset What does [off] mean? 22:17 mtompset doing an apt-get update. 22:16 jcamins That was for the IRC channel. 22:16 jcamins Yeah, no [off] 22:15 mtompset type [off] is not known. 22:14 jcamins Right. 22:14 mtompset dependencies has a space after koha? 22:14 jcamins Right. 22:14 jcamins Then apt-get update && apt-get install libwhatever-we--are-trying-to-install-perl 22:14 drojf1 without the [off] 22:14 jcamins It all goes on one line. 22:14 jcamins That exact string. 22:14 jcamins [off] deb http://apt.cpbibliography.com/koha dependendencies main 22:14 mtompset ? 22:14 mtompset [off] deb http://apt.cpbibliography.com/koha/dependencies 22:13 mtompset So ... 22:12 jcamins You don't need that /dists/ bit. 22:12 mtompset right? 22:12 mtompset http://apt.cpbibliography.com/koha/dists/dependencies 22:11 jcamins So more than about three people using it at a time is guaranteed to bring the server down. 22:10 jcamins Necessary because putting that on an actual server is still on my to-do list. 22:10 jcamins [off] means that it won't appear in the logs. 22:10 mtompset [off]? 22:09 jcamins Oh, missing one word in the copy. Add "main" after dependencies. 22:08 drojf1 :D 22:08 drojf1 /etc/apt/sou… how did you type that so fast?? 22:08 jcamins /etc/apt/sources.list 22:08 jcamins I need to move that onto something other than a spare server, so I can link it on the wiki. 22:08 mtompset okay... what file do I edit where to add this? 22:07 drojf1 just saying… 22:07 drojf1 [off] deb http://apt.cpbibliography.com/koha dependencies 22:07 jcamins mtompset: I already pointed you to an apt repo with the needed package. 22:07 mtompset looks like a manual compile and install. 22:06 mtompset series of uninitialized variables. 22:05 mtompset The cpan failed. 22:05 drojf1 ok that helped. the patch does not apply though. yes i used git-bz 22:05 mtompset ARG! It didn't work. 22:03 mtompset They take so long. 22:03 mtompset I hate man-db triggers and ldconfig deferred's. 22:02 jcamins You were using git-bz? 22:02 jcamins Okay, git am --abort 22:02 jcamins lol 22:01 mtompset Where's the like button? ;) 21:59 drojf1 sounds like the time. omg, it's git-am already 21:59 * mtompset plugs his ears, "la la la la la" 21:59 drojf1 so many funny things i never heared of :) 21:58 drojf1 It looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase. 21:58 jcamins Well, if you're sure you're not in the middle of a rebase, do git rebase --abort 21:57 drojf1 actually i was just making a new branch to try the solr patch. but it was complaining about something before until i stashed my changes in the other branch 21:57 jcamins Are you in the middle of a rebase? 21:56 mtompset Shh... no scary git messages. I just want to make my first patch. 21:56 drojf1 "previous rebase directory /home/pi/koha/.git/rebase-apply still exists but mbox given." what is that supposed to mean? 21:55 mtompset Yep. 21:55 jcamins WWW::Mechanize? Huh. 21:55 mtompset dh-make-perl is installing it. 21:54 jcamins Yes, there's that too. 21:54 drojf1 there would still be the repo of jcamins ;) 21:54 mtompset hey, there's the www-mechanize-perl thing you were mentioning. 21:53 mtompset grunt grunt... 21:53 mtompset 38 more files to install later... 21:52 jcamins Better to do it right than fast. 21:52 mtompset CPAN would have been faster. 21:52 mtompset YIKES! That's a lot more to install. 21:51 mtompset dh-make-perl is another thing to install, I think. 21:49 mtompset okay... here goes... it is Template::Plugin::HtmlToText not the - thing I said. 21:48 jcamins apt-get is a wrapper around dpkg. 21:48 drojf1 yes 21:48 jcamins Yup. 21:47 mtompset will a dpkg upgrade nicely with apt-get? 21:46 jcamins mtompset: and upgrade easily when it becomes available on multiverse. 21:46 mtompset Yes, I have to admit the dpkg way let's you remove it nicely later. 21:44 mtompset that do the build thingy. 21:44 drojf1 :D 21:44 mtompset then quit. 21:44 mtompset just let me get cpan configured first. 21:43 mtompset CPAN isn't that much harder. 21:43 drojf1 ouch 21:43 jcamins Also, the easier way is better because it makes maintenace easier. 21:43 mtompset 5:42am. 21:43 jcamins It's 5am! Do it the easy way. 21:43 drojf1 heh 21:42 mtompset That's interesting, but I'll do it the "hard" way. 21:42 drojf1 there is even --install but it did not work for me. --build and install with dpkg did 21:41 drojf1 learned that on the plack wiki page :) 21:41 jcamins Nifty! 21:41 jcamins drojf1: ooh, one step? 21:40 drojf1 mtompset: sudo dh-make-perl --build --cpan template-plugin-htmltotext ? not actually cpan-less, but a deb package you can install or delete… 21:40 jcamins Okay. 21:40 mtompset I'll CPAN it, thanks. 21:40 jcamins [off] deb http://apt.cpbibliography.com/koha dependencies 21:40 jcamins It might be in the debian.k-c.org repo, and it's certainly in mine. 21:40 wahanui jcamins: I forgot ubuntu 12.04 21:40 jcamins wahanui: forget Ubuntu 12.04 21:39 wahanui hmmm... Ubuntu 12.04 is frensh. 21:39 mtompset Ubuntu 12.04 21:39 jcamins What OS are you on? 21:38 mtompset I was hoping for a CPAN'less install. 21:38 mtompset template-plugin-htmltotext 21:37 mtompset I'll have to CPAN a module. 21:37 mtompset drat! 21:37 jcamins Heh. 21:37 mtompset ^in^is^ 21:37 mtompset I'm half awake. Anything listed in mandatory in my mind. :) 21:36 jcamins I told you it shouldn't be mandatory. 21:36 mtompset Oh... it isn't required... the CHI had mandatory no, but it was listed. 21:33 mtompset Also, why did the packages selection upgrade my kernel? 21:32 jcamins I've never had problems, not even with a netbook. 21:31 mtompset the previous version and 24 required a rootdelay=120 in the boot command line. 21:31 mtompset I'm hoping the new virtualbox version and kernel version work together nicely. 21:30 mtompset The stupid things you do when you're half-awake. 21:30 mtompset And I pressed CTRL-S to page up... and forgot to press CTRL-Q. 21:29 jcamins No, I mean, no wonder the CHI install took so long... you haven't finished the whole upgrade reboot upgrade reboot process. ;) 21:29 mtompset on the USB drive. 21:29 mtompset 16GB VM drive. 21:28 mtompset Fresh OS install. 21:28 mtompset From scratch. 21:28 mtompset YES! 21:28 jcamins Heh. No wonder it took so long... you're also updating the entire rest of the system. 21:27 mtompset AH... system restart required... the dselect installed a new kernel. 21:26 mtompset CHI is taking a while to install. 21:25 jcamins Exactly. 21:25 jcamins You do all the installation up to the web install, load the data, then run the web installer. 21:25 mtompset web installer? 21:25 mtompset put the data in. 21:25 mtompset so... dev install. 21:25 mtompset Ah... 21:25 jcamins So, say your database is called koha. 21:24 jcamins No, you just do the dev install, and load the data into your database. 21:24 mtompset Because doesn't the upgrade install need an install log? 21:23 mtompset But I am confused... how can I turn a STANDARD install into a DEV install? 21:22 jcamins So you should be fine. 21:22 jcamins Well, you haven't done anything too foolish yet. 21:21 mtompset So what you are saying it, that I should do a 3.6.3 install from scratch and then an upgrade install. :P 21:18 jcamins Provided you didn't do any foolish like making changes to the code on your production system. 21:17 jcamins Yes, the upgrade will be very smooth. 21:16 jcamins Yeah, cache handling interface sounds right. 21:16 mtompset You can see the logic I use to find it as a package rather than CPAN it in koha_on_ubuntu. :) 21:15 mtompset I think I saw that in the aptitude search I did. 21:15 mtompset cache handling interface? 21:15 mtompset So 3.6.3 DB to 3.8.2 should go smoothly if I go from mysql dumps? 21:15 jcamins Actually, I'm not sure what that stands for, actually. 21:14 mtompset But they weren't CHI. 21:14 mtompset and two others were listed. 21:14 mtompset CHI cached something? 21:14 mtompset CHI 21:13 jcamins But still. 21:13 jcamins No, having CHI is a good idea, 'cause then you can see if CHI will help. 21:12 mtompset Can't hurt to install it anyways. 21:12 jcamins I swear it wasn't when I submitted the patch that marked it optional... 21:12 jcamins It shouldn't be. 21:12 mtompset Yes. 21:12 jcamins mtompset: it is? 21:11 mtompset ./koha_perl_deps.pl -m 21:11 mtompset it's listed as required. 21:10 jcamins Unless you're patching the caching code. 21:10 jcamins mtompset: you don't actually need CHI. 21:10 mtompset So this is the CHI everyone is talking about. 21:08 mtompset I really want to git pull and then branch somehow, make my change, and then post the patch! 21:07 mtompset Still waiting on prerequisites to install. 21:07 mtompset that's dumb. But okay. 21:06 mtompset yes. 21:05 jcamins Permissions get "stuck." 21:05 jcamins You mean after reindexing again? 21:05 mtompset okay... why did I have to restart the daemon to get it to work? 21:03 mtompset you have got to be kidding me... 20:55 mtompset Good thing we only have 39Kish records. 20:54 mtompset Confirming that won't break it. 20:54 mtompset Re-running index as koha. 20:53 mtompset I should have thought of that. 20:53 mtompset Thanks for the pointer. 20:51 mtompset I hate permissions! 20:51 mtompset That solves that problem, I think. 20:51 mtompset zebra daemon is running as koha 20:50 jcamins So you'll need to change the owner to koha, reindex *as koha* and restart the Zebra daemon. 20:50 jcamins Okay. 20:50 mtompset *.mf is root:root 20:49 mtompset BAM! 20:49 jcamins Then reindex as koha, and see if it still works. 20:49 jcamins `sudo chown -R koha:koha /var/lib/koha/zebradb` 20:48 jcamins Try... 20:48 jcamins It is a bit odd. 20:48 mtompset Does your brain hurt yet? 20:48 mtompset yes... 20:48 jcamins But when you used sudo to run the indexer it worked? 20:48 mtompset No, the zebra daemon is running as koha. 20:45 jcamins So you need to change the user in the koha-zebra-daemon init script. 20:44 jcamins If it's working now, that means zebrasrv is running as root. 20:44 mtompset Well, I sudo'd so running as root works... I should sudo and attempt running as koha. 20:44 jcamins That's why I was thinking it was probably the user you have the cron job under. 20:43 mtompset It's showing up now. 20:43 mtompset what the ?! 20:43 jcamins At least, that would be my guess. 20:43 jcamins So chances are your cron job is being run by the wrong user. 20:43 mtompset 1.1GB and it is done. 20:43 jcamins Okay, the problem is with searching not indexing. 20:42 mtompset 1.8GB and it's in the middle of the reindex 20:41 jcamins Just du -h /var/lib/koha/zebradb 20:41 jcamins Both. 20:41 mtompset then authorities or biblio... 20:41 mtompset .... 20:40 jcamins /var/lib/koha/zebradb, I think. 20:40 mtompset I'll take a look after the reindex finishes... just another couple minutes. 20:39 jcamins With standard I think it's /var/lib/koha. 20:39 mtompset where do I find it? 20:39 jcamins How large is the Zebra database on disk? 20:38 mtompset I'm running with a single -v. 20:33 jcamins Nope. 20:32 mtompset does $KOHAPATH need to be set? 20:32 jcamins That's correct. 20:31 mtompset what env variables need to be set? $KOHA_CONF and $PERL5LIB, right? 20:30 cait ah sorry 20:28 jcamins (I did not just knock down the apartment building and rebuild it) 20:27 jcamins (network infrastructure) 20:27 * jcamins just rearchitected his entire infrastructure, and now needs a break. 20:27 jcamins Sorry. 20:27 jcamins git checkout bug_8207 20:26 mtompset I haven't finished the dev one yet. 20:26 * jcamins thinks he's managed to follow, more or less. 20:26 jcamins cait: this is his other server. 20:26 cait a 20:26 mtompset standard off tgz 20:26 mtompset no 20:26 cait jcamins: I think he did a dev install? 20:26 mtompset wget latest.tar.gz 20:26 jcamins Okay. Never mind, then. 20:26 mtompset no. 20:26 jcamins Are you using the Debian packages? 20:26 jcamins You shouldn't run rebuild_zebra.pl directly if you are using the packages. 20:25 mtompset yes. 20:25 cait and your zebra files belong to the your koha user? 20:25 mtompset I did with -v... no errors. 20:25 cait to see if there are any errors 20:25 cait mtompset: try with -v? 20:25 jcamins *packages 20:25 jcamins But you are using the pakcages? 20:25 mtompset ^e^r 20:24 mtompset -b -a -e 20:24 mtompset I did. 20:24 jcamins For example, running rebuild_zebra.pl directly. 20:24 jcamins If you are getting a "No results" message, the problem is not RAM but a configuration issue of some sort. 20:24 jcamins If the problem is RAM, the symptom you should be seeing is Apache crashing hard. 20:23 mtompset then start. 20:23 mtompset service koha-zebra-daemon stop 20:23 jcamins Results not showing up is not a symptom of RAM shortage. 20:23 jcamins mtompset: how did you restart it? 20:23 mtompset It was running. 20:23 mtompset I just restarted it. 20:23 jcamins Enjoy your snack. 20:23 jcamins :) 20:22 jcamins matts: nah, I'm thinking zebrasrv isn't running. 20:22 matts cheers 20:22 matts gotta go... grab something to eat... 20:22 matts increase shadow ? 20:21 jcamins ^^ nothing to do with RAM. :) 20:21 wahanui searching faq is at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/ 20:21 jcamins searching faq? 20:21 mtompset Zebra reindexes, but I can't find the 20:20 mtompset No, I'm being hosted. 20:20 jcamins mtompset: you're having indexing problems related to memory? 20:20 matts I'm sorry, are you from the past ? 20:20 mtompset MB. 20:20 matts MB ? 20:20 mtompset MB 20:20 mtompset We've got 512. 20:20 matts what ? 32To of RAM is not enough ? Kidding, right ? :) 20:19 mtompset This indexing problem related to memory issues is bugging me! 20:18 cait hi nengard 20:18 cait heh 20:18 huginn cait: Quote #178: "jcamins: IIS kills kittens" (added by wizzyrea at 05:20 PM, January 10, 2012) 20:18 cait @quote random 20:18 nengard LOL 20:18 huginn cait: Quote #77: "*chris_n wants to know if nengard figures out how to do 1 million things at once... and if she will release the source code or not" (added by jdavidb at 05:02 PM, June 21, 2010) 20:18 cait @quote random 20:18 mtompset Yes... And I've almost got the prerequisites installed. 20:17 jcamins mtompset: shouldn't it be about 4am there? 20:17 matts twice 20:17 mtompset oh... I'm half awake. Didn't notice. :) 20:17 matts I answered to the bot... 20:17 jcamins lol 20:17 mtompset how could you fail it if you provide reasonable answers? 20:16 matts I (almost) failed the turing test ! 20:16 jcamins :) 20:16 jcamins matts catsnack breakfast 20:15 cait hah! i knew it 20:15 drojf1 :D 20:15 drojf1 thanks cait 20:15 wahanui thanks drojf1 :) 20:15 drojf1 wahanui botsnack beer 20:15 cait drojf1 botsnack cookie 20:15 wahanui :) 20:15 cait wahanui botsnack cookie 20:15 cait mtompset: wahanui is 20:15 cait lol 20:15 mtompset who is a bot? 20:15 drojf1 :D 20:14 matts sigh 20:14 matts Am I talking to a bot ? 20:13 wahanui matts: wish i knew 20:13 matts wahanui, what what ? :) 20:13 wahanui matts: what? 20:13 matts wahanui, the cat *always* wants breakfast ! 20:13 cait matts: nice :) 20:12 kathryn hiya cait :) 20:12 matts there will be hdl, asaurat, christophe_c, Joubu, julian_m, Kivutar (former from biblibre) and me 20:12 cait morning kathryn :) 20:12 matts sorry 20:12 matts cait, 20:12 wahanui morning is a state of mind. or whenever the cat wants breakfast. 20:12 kathryn morning! 20:12 matts hi cat 20:12 cait matts: who is visiting? :) 20:02 mtompset And before that... there was only one: lcj. It did all three at once! 20:00 mtompset Everything else is just too fancy. ;) 20:00 matts old skool :) 20:00 mtompset jump 20:00 mtompset compare 20:00 mtompset load 20:00 mtompset There are only three commands in the universe. :) 20:00 matts There's more than one way to google it ? :) 20:00 mtompset :) 19:59 mtompset That's what Google is for. 19:59 matts eiro (former biblibre coworker) will make a few conferences 19:59 * drojf1 needs to learn a lot more about perl before he could go there 19:59 * mtompset tries to stay awake for downloading and installation of prerequisites for Koha. 19:58 matts topics are nice 19:58 matts These two days of conferences will be coool 19:58 matts But they had a late flight, so they'll arrive a quarter before midnight 19:57 drojf1 :) 19:57 matts and in my house, of course :) 19:57 drojf1 ah yes i heard biblibre is going with a few people 19:57 matts So I'm hosting a few of my fellow coworkers in my town 19:56 matts It's the "Perl Days" in Strasbourg, France, starting tomorrow 19:56 matts http://journeesperl.fr/fpw2012/ (warning, it's in french) 19:56 drojf1 hi matts. what are you going to do? 19:55 matts waiting for the marseille crew to arrive to my place... 19:55 matts Unusal time to connect, for me... 19:54 matts hi ! 19:54 mtompset Greetings, matts 19:32 mtompset Why would I watch football anyways? Canada never gets anywhere near the finals. 19:31 cait heh 19:31 drojf1 exactly my ppoint :D 19:31 cait mtompset: nothing :) 19:31 cait well... if we loose... less noise 19:31 cait using zattoo too 19:30 drojf1 cait: i do, even though i am not really interested. ard stream is unusable, zatoo seems to work 19:30 mtompset What does soccer have to do with installation? 19:29 cait someone watching soccer? 19:28 mtompset I've made every effort to make it the other way around for Ubuntu. :) 19:28 drojf1 yes that is great for people that started using it in 2008. those people might have switched to a newer lts version by now. but why would you install that NOW? :D 19:28 cait mtompset: the installation instructions in Koha INSTALL.* are usually better than the instructions on the wiki 19:27 mtompset Not because I want to, but because it is supported still. 19:27 mtompset Because 8.04 LTS is supported until next year. 19:27 drojf1 why would you want to use an ancient version of ubuntu? 19:26 mtompset And it was only one tiny dependency that messed it up too. 19:26 mtompset I tried, just for fun. 19:26 mtompset I put that it... 19:25 drojf1 "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL KOHA 3.8.X ON UBUNTU 8.04 -- IT FAILS!" <- lol 19:25 mtompset It was there before I edit'd it. 19:25 mtompset http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Ubuntu 19:24 wahanui hmmm... page is too big? 19:24 drojf1 what page? 19:24 mtompset Because... that is what was originally on the Koha on Ubuntu page. 19:24 jcamins Why did you have it on your list in the first place? 19:24 jcamins Yeah. 19:23 mtompset So I can axe that from the list of things to install, okay. 19:23 mtompset Really? 19:23 jcamins So, yeah, you can use whichever version you like. 19:22 jcamins mtompset: Koha doesn't use Java at all. 19:22 mtompset JRE JDK... whatever. 19:21 jcamins mtompset: JDK? 19:18 mtompset Has anyone determined if version 7 of the JDK is okay (as compared to version 6)? 19:10 cait :) 19:09 mtompset a few more updates... and then I'm ready for a koha dev install. 19:07 mtompset I think the git clone is done... time for reboot. 19:07 mtompset particularly when the variable is undef or blank. 19:06 mtompset And this triggers the same message that is being generated in Template.pm 19:06 mtompset with some variable as a key with a value. 19:06 mtompset because we have $template->param( .... 19:05 mtompset Actually, this was where I was going to grep for \$[:alpha:]*\s*=>\s* 19:04 jcamins Also, my example isn't so good because actually there are two different functions that depend on each other. 19:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7630 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, NEW , Warning on moremember.pl about param without key 19:04 mtompset bug 7630 19:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7352 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, NEW , moremember.pl generates error in Template.pm related to missing $key value 19:04 mtompset bug 7352 19:04 jcamins We have see also, but better to use depends. 19:03 jcamins Okay, that's a little different because I used a batch. 19:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7475 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Option to overlay authorities 19:03 slef either, and probably mark the other as Depends or SeeAlso (do we have that?) 19:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2060 enhancement, P3, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Ability to import Authorities from Staff Client 19:03 jcamins For an example, bug 2060 and bug 7475 19:03 wahanui mtompset: I forgot both 19:03 mtompset forget both 19:03 jcamins mtompset: you put the patch on one of them, and update the other. 19:03 wahanui both are port 80. 19:03 mtompset both? 19:03 mtompset yes, that's fine and dandy... but which bug report do I put the suggested patch on? 19:02 slef mtompset: we cheer? 19:02 mtompset waiting... 19:02 mtompset Okay, while I'm wait... what if a single patch fixes two bugs? 18:54 mtompset And there goes the git clone. 18:54 mtompset hopefully successfully... no errors were given. 18:54 mtompset Finally, apt-get upgrade finished. 18:53 mtompset Have about 60MB free. 18:53 mtompset They are both grunting along. 18:52 jcamins But either one will work happily with 768MB/RAM. 18:52 jcamins Oh, well, yeah, that might be a bit much. 18:52 drojf not 18:52 drojf heh maybe nor 18:52 drojf the vm has 768mb or all together? 18:51 mtompset Not for an apt-get upgrade AND a git clone at the same time. 18:51 mtompset ubuntu 12.04 in a VM. 18:51 jcamins mtompset: that should be plenty. 18:51 drojf what os? 18:50 mtompset Note to self: 768MB is not enough. 18:39 mtompset Ah, the source of the pain is low memory in the virtual machine. 18:36 mtompset well, it is more like pushing in the pain. But it is more like pulling in that's the direction it's going. 18:36 slef at least you're not pushing... then if you slip, you get squished 18:35 mtompset This tango with git is more like pulling a rock uphill. 18:32 mtompset I was hoping is was a 2 minute thing. 18:32 mtompset Glad that a thumb drive write speed should be faster than a hard drive... because this resolving deltas is slow. 18:29 mtompset Okay... that makes more sense. 18:29 slef if 8AM is now warm+light when it was cold+dark before, less artificial heat+light needed, see? 18:28 mtompset Yes, but 8AM-5PM is still working hours... so light out and shifted hours means nothing. 18:27 slef mtompset: fewer total people-awake hours in darkness, so less use of heat+light 18:26 cait so that would be consistent 18:26 cait I think we mostly do buttons for actions 18:26 slef but I guess I could present a series of buttons 18:26 mtompset How can switching on different days result in energy savings?! 18:26 slef to let the librarian choose between ways of resolving a problem 18:26 slef Is there a neat way to put a listbox into a warning box on the checkout screen? 18:25 slef "This section of the act is controversial; some have questioned whether daylight saving results in net energy savings." -- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005 18:23 slef "The 2007 US change was part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005; previously, from 1987 through 2006, the start and end dates were the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October, and Congress retains the right to go back to the previous dates now that an energy-consumption study has been done" -- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DST 18:23 * mtompset smirks, "apt-get upgrade is still installing!" 18:23 jcamins slef: I thought gmcharlt did. 18:23 slef the one that should reduce it to below 200M, that I linked earlier 18:22 slef jcamins: did anyone run git gc on the main repo? 18:22 slef jcamins: mmm, yes, looks like one has to git init, then remote add, then fetch :-/ 18:21 mtompset Resolving Deltas... oh my. 18:20 mtompset 10,000 to go... YAY! Almost done. 18:19 slef jcamins: oooh, now you're making me think. It might not be possible with git clone directly. 18:18 * jcamins did not know that. 18:18 jcamins slef: is that possible? 18:18 slef too late, even 18:18 slef mtompset: you could have saved some time by only downloading the branch(es) you are interested in... but that is probably too long now. 18:17 mtompset 50,000 to go. 18:17 mtompset Woah... that was a blast. 18:16 mtompset 70,000 objects to go. 18:10 jcamins Hard to see any other justification. 18:10 jcamins I presume so. 18:05 mtompset Nationalistic Pride? :) 18:04 jcamins Right. 18:04 jcamins There is, but now we do it at a different time than the rest of the world. 18:04 mtompset Oh you mean the days are shifted. 18:04 jcamins Cost a fortune in productivity. 18:04 mtompset I thought there was only spring forward, fall back? 18:04 jcamins Starts earlier, ends later. 18:04 jcamins Yep. 18:03 mtompset extra? 18:03 jcamins And the US does extra DST for the past, what, ten years? 18:02 mtompset Philippines doesn't do DST. 18:02 mtompset It's 13 off in the fall? okay. 18:02 jcamins Something to do with Daylight Savings Time? 18:02 mtompset I thought Eastern was 13 hours off... it's 2AM here. 18:01 jcamins 2. 18:01 mtompset 1PM there? 17:59 jcamins EST... UTC-4 at the moment, I think. 17:58 mtompset You're probably right, drojf. 17:57 drojf mtompset: they all over-subscribe. that is part of the concept. and it would be more expensive otherwise 17:57 mtompset What timezone are you in? 17:57 mtompset correction... just under. 17:56 mtompset Yep... looks like just over 600MB will be downloaded in this git clone. 17:55 mtompset Greed is bad that way. 17:55 mtompset They probably over-subscribed their lines. 17:54 jcamins I called and complained. 17:54 jcamins Nope... cable. 17:54 mtompset well, about a decade ago. 17:54 mtompset That was like when I upgraded to XP SP2 over dial up over a decade ago. 17:53 mtompset Dial up? 17:53 mtompset That's scary. 17:53 jcamins mtompset: city. 17:52 mtompset Rural parts of the US still have really poor internet connectivity. 17:52 mtompset No, I believe you. 17:52 mtompset If it was that slow, I'd go to sleep! 17:52 jcamins And no, that wasn't in Afghanistan. That was in New York. 17:51 jcamins I hope to never do that again. 17:51 jcamins mtompset: I have cloned Koha over a connection that felt that 17Kbps was a good speed. 17:51 jcamins lol 17:50 mtompset I don't know how I survived with only 384Kbps. 17:50 mtompset Wow this is painfully slow over a 1Mbps line. 17:48 mtompset But I bet you wanted to add one. :P 17:48 jcamins Nope. 17:43 mtompset There isn't going to be a secret handshake step that only the privileged few know about by answering 42 to step number X? 17:43 jcamins No there will not be. 17:43 jcamins Ah. 17:42 mtompset If I answer "development", there aren't going to be other questions that the standard doesn't ask? 17:42 jcamins Then what's the question? :) 17:42 jcamins If you're doing development, you need to do a development install. 17:42 mtompset Yes, that I know. 17:42 jcamins Standard install creates copies. 17:42 jcamins Well, many of them, anyway. 17:41 jcamins Development install uses the files in your kohaclone. 17:41 mtompset same questions? 17:41 jcamins Yes. 17:41 mtompset are there any major differences between a standard install and a development install? 17:39 mtompset and I think I've made all the tweaks that don't require an install of something. 17:39 mtompset installing apt-get upgrades 17:38 mtompset git clone: 25% 17:31 cait hi jcamins :) 17:31 jcamins o/ 17:31 cait hi mtompset 17:31 mtompset Greetings, cait. 17:31 * cait waves 17:23 nengard thank you! :) 17:23 mtompset Belated Happy Birthday. 17:23 nengard yesterday 17:21 mtompset Did I correctly notice it is your birthday? 17:21 mtompset Greetings, nengard. 17:20 jcamins Hehe. Yeah, it would be. 17:20 mtompset doing an apt-get upgrade and git clone at the same time is a bear on the bandwidth. 17:18 mtompset cloning into kohaclone 17:17 mtompset okay user.name, user.email, format.headers... 17:15 jcamins It's basically rsync but it understand git repositories so it transfers even less data. 17:13 mtompset rsync I understand... git push is another scary beast. 17:13 jcamins And git push handles different SSH users. 17:12 jcamins I prefer jcamins because SSH uses that automatically. 17:12 mtompset So that if I upgrade install a development version I could rsync between the two. 17:12 jcamins You can do that too. It's whichever user you prefer to log in as. 17:12 mtompset I was thinking running under koha... 17:12 jcamins For you, there's no need for those extra servers. 17:12 mtompset Mine is one where I'm just trying to generate a patch or two. 17:11 jcamins Right. 17:11 mtompset That makes sense for your context. 17:11 jcamins And I do have Koha running on the VM. 17:10 jcamins On my VM, though, everything is done as my user. 17:10 jcamins Right. 17:10 mtompset The test servers run from the koha user. 17:10 jcamins So they have test servers. 17:10 jcamins However, my clients do not have access to that laptop. 17:10 jcamins I am a Koha support vendor. I, personally, do development in a VM that runs on my laptop. 17:09 jcamins Let me step back and explain what I just explained. :) 17:09 mtompset since this is just my own VM anyways. 17:09 jcamins mtompset: those are two different computers for me. 17:09 mtompset Since I don't have the luxury of disk space... I'm thinking I'll just git clone under koha. 17:08 jcamins I mean, I use git push to maintain it, but I handle it like it's rsync. 17:07 jcamins Right. 17:07 mtompset So the git is yours, but the koha one is really just a giant rsync? 17:05 jcamins Those. There are two at the moment. 17:05 jcamins But I just push from my own computers to that one. 17:05 jcamins On my servers that I use for testing, I have a koha user. 17:05 jcamins Well, that's what I do on my own computer. 17:05 jcamins mtompset: I work under my own account. 16:51 mtompset Would you recommend doing the git under the 'koha' user name, or the developer's account? 16:45 wahanui git is http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Version_Control_Using_Git 16:45 mtompset git? 16:43 mtompset And now for the VM reboot, and the git getting gotten. 16:42 mtompset but related bugs with one patch is better. :) 16:41 jcamins Any bug closing is good! 16:41 mtompset related bugs closed is good! 16:41 kf and hopefully closing lots of the related bugs in the process. 16:40 kf jcamins: so I am going to work on it - only trying to sort out what needs to be done and how we want to do it :) 16:40 fredericd thanks. that's it. I have this warning in logs 16:40 eythian that patch might not be complete, details are on the bug though 16:40 mtompset I wanted to page up.. instead... booted out. 16:40 jcamins kf: ooh, excellent, you should fix it. :) 16:40 kf and thought we could wrap that into a bigger patch working out some of the related bugs 16:40 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8315 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Passed QA , fix 'C4::Output 3.02' errors in Koha 16:40 eythian bug 8315 16:39 kf jcamins: I kinda promised paul to do something about the frameowrks - because of the changes for the maximal size of fields 16:39 fredericd eythian: do you have bug number, I can't find it 16:39 eythian there's a patch for it that I think is lined up to go in 16:39 fredericd eythian: thanks, indeed 16:39 jcamins I think my conclusion was that since it's only for new installs, it's not a big deal. 16:39 eythian fredericd: tagging is broken in 3.8.2 16:38 jcamins kf: yeah, rangi and I discussed it. 16:38 kf what is not working for you? 16:38 kf was at the hackfest 16:38 kf fredericd: I did test some time ago for eythian's patch - it did at that time, but something might have changed 16:37 fredericd Does tagging still work on HEAD/3.8.2? For me, no 16:37 * mtompset laughs. 16:37 mtompset "Language limit on Spanish returns Russian records or is it English"?! 16:37 kf yeah, but deleting the obsoleted fields? 16:37 jcamins kf: better that way than not at all. :( 16:37 jcamins Thanks, huginn... 16:37 kf but I am not sure we want to do it that way 16:37 huginn jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2280 normal, P3, ---, henridamien, NEW , authorized value for indicators in UNIMARC Framework at field level 16:37 huginn jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2559 normal, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Language limit on Spanish returns Russian records or is it English ... 16:37 huginn jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2514 enhancement, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , special default fields for MARC21 records 16:37 huginn jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1218 enhancement, P2, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , New plugin for MARC21 replacement cost 16:37 huginn jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3092 normal, P1 - high, ---, frederic, NEW , Data values storage and use 100 bug meta-bug 16:37 jcamins @query marc21 16:37 kf yes, I saw that rangi did somethig 16:37 huginn jcamins: There were no matching configuration variables. 16:37 jcamins @search marc21 16:37 * kf sends herself areminder email home 16:37 jcamins kf: there's a bug for that. 16:36 kf :) 16:36 kf jcamins: remind me to talk to you about updating the marc frameworks? 16:36 jcamins mtompset: yeah, I spent three months as a librarian in Afghanistan, and tried to offer help to LWB in an entirely separate situation. 16:35 mtompset Okay. So, you are talking from experience then. 16:34 jcamins [off] (and, so it's clear, I do not believe in proselytizing, I just didn't see anyone with an explicitly non-religious agenda doing anything of value for the Afghans) 16:33 jcamins mtompset: with the exception of a few faith-based organizations (SIL included), I have no use for NGO "relief" agencies. 16:32 jcamins lol 16:32 drojf jcamins: yeah we talked about it. i already forgot i asked them, was slightly confused getting an email about "my inquiry" 16:32 jcamins mtompset: not positive at all, no. 16:32 mtompset I take that as not a positive, jcamins? 16:32 * jcamins has already expressed his feelings on this organization. 16:31 mtompset Yes, but that assumes that someone knows about all projects. 16:31 drojf i suppose they dont have a million projects and dont use a gazillion systems, so i guess "a and b and c" would have been an easy answer. if there is actually someone who knows this, i guess there isnt 16:31 mtompset You didn't ask a yes/no question. 16:30 mtompset I have an archivist friend who was interested in that organization a while back. 16:30 slef might be a good and a bad thing 16:29 eythian sounds like they're not particularly organised in that manner internally then perhaps 16:29 slef drojf: library without answers 16:29 jcamins drojf: told ya. 16:29 drojf ok, "library without borders" took a week to not answer my question about what library system they use. "It's not easy to answer your simple question, because it depends on the particular project.". nice 16:29 slef no, not sure, indeed 16:28 mtompset Are you sure it is a he? But you're right, less spamming. 16:27 slef stop hammering huginn... he won't recover any sooner 16:27 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:27 mtompset @wunder Subic Bay, PH 16:27 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:27 mtompset @wunder subic bay 16:27 mtompset cleaning up 97%... why does 3% take 97% of the time? 16:24 mtompset then I can prep for koha. 16:23 mtompset 5 more minutes... should be to a fresh instal. 16:22 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:22 mtompset @wunder AKLAN, PH 16:22 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:22 mtompset @wunder aklan 16:21 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:21 mtompset @wunder iaklanbo2 16:19 eythian though, the site's working. Who knows. 16:19 eythian I think wundeground may be broken 16:19 huginn eythian: Error: timed out 16:19 eythian @wunder wellington, nz 16:19 eythian mtompset: wunderground 16:19 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:18 mtompset @wunder bar 16:18 mtompset Oh oh! It's late, and I'm feeling craaaaazy... 16:18 huginn mveron: Error: timed out 16:18 mveron @wunder Basel 16:18 huginn mveron: Error: timed out 16:17 mveron @wunder Allschwil 16:17 mtompset Where does huginn get its weather data from? 16:17 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:17 mtompset @wunder boracay, philippines 16:14 talljoy hiya! 16:13 mtompset Can't do much about humidity when Ocean water is swirling over the islands. 16:13 mtompset Greetings, talljoy 16:10 mtompset I think we have a Typhoon coming at the Philippines. 16:10 mtompset Nope, not popular enough. :) 16:10 huginn mtompset: Error: timed out 16:10 mtompset @wunder laguna, philippines 16:09 kf it was here... actually the rain is a good thing 16:09 mtompset And I thought here was bad! 16:09 eythian so sticky here :( 16:09 huginn eythian: The current temperature in Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom is 16.4°C (5:00 PM BST on June 28, 2012). Conditions: Fog. Humidity: 99%. Dew Point: 16.0°C. Pressure: 29.65 in 1004 hPa (Steady). 16:09 eythian @wunder brighton, uk 16:08 mtompset 11C? That's freezing! 16:08 magnuse ahhh... 16:08 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 11.0°C (5:50 PM CEST on June 28, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Steady). 16:08 mtompset At least it's a reasonable humidity there. :) 16:08 magnuse @wunder boo 16:07 huginn mtompset: The current temperature in Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines is 25.1°C (11:59 PM PHT on June 28, 2012). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 24.0°C. Pressure: 29.74 in 1007 hPa (Steady). 16:07 mtompset @wunder mnl 16:07 kf it's raining. 16:07 kf hm 16:07 kf it started to rain :( 16:07 huginn kf: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 27.0°C (6:00 PM CEST on June 28, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 45%. Dew Point: 17.0°C. Pressure: 29.82 in 1010 hPa (Falling). 16:07 kf @wunder Konstanz 16:02 eythian I can't remember how we did the upgrade way back when. 16:02 eythian make sense. 16:01 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8289 critical, P5 - low, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Stable , Upgrading from 2.2 does not work anymore 16:01 magnuse eythian: bug 8289 has stuff about 2.2 and MyISAM and InnoDB 16:01 slef git gc --aggressive --prune=now, apparently 16:01 slef http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/git-repo-size-restarting-a-discussion-td5612294.html#a5619904 16:00 eythian this data is still importing. I hate you, InnoDB 16:00 slef there was a discussion about this on koha-devel a month or two ago 16:00 slef hmm, and stuff I thought I'd deleted :) 15:59 slef and various bug branches 15:59 slef hmmm, that's master and 3.8.x 15:59 slef koha master is about 320M, not checked out 15:58 slef garbage collection 15:58 mtompset What is gc? 15:57 mtompset The full packages compressed are around 44-45. 15:57 slef git gc --aggressive 15:57 eythian well, git includes the history, and this isn't compressed because it's a working copy 15:57 eythian 612MB I think 15:56 mtompset I guess that sounds about right... the xvf'd tar gz was about that big. 15:56 eythian that'll make it somewhat larger than it needs to be 15:56 eythian I have data sitting in there 15:56 eythian oh wait 15:56 mtompset 1.1GB fully checked out?! 15:56 eythian however, it'll transfer less 15:56 eythian 1.1GB fully checked out 15:55 mtompset Good... 15 minutes or so, I'll have a freshly installed OS. 15:54 mtompset How big is the git repository? 15:52 mtompset Seriously?! I was just looking at the Budweiser commercial a couple days ago, slef. 15:51 slef jcamins: true, true. 15:45 eythian zactly! 15:45 mtompset That's what backups are for. ;) 15:45 eythian pssht "data" 15:45 jcamins eythian: and data consistency issues. 15:44 jcamins lol 15:44 eythian on the other hand, it causes upgrade issues. 15:44 * eythian should have remained with myisam, it is a _lot_ faster... 15:43 mtompset Some problems left unchecked become incurable. ;) 15:42 jcamins slef: better to check now than find a problem later. :) 15:39 slef jcamins: don't scare me like that! :) 15:39 gaetan_B bye ! 15:39 slef jcamins: phew. pending_offline_operations and a couple of others are MyISAM but most seem to be InnoDB. 15:37 kf :) 15:36 kf hehe 15:36 kf jcamins: I didn't expect an easy answer... 15:36 eythian I'm going to do some experimenting with fixing that too 15:36 jcamins :P 15:36 jcamins kf: short answer: maybe. Long answer: maybe. 15:36 eythian jcamins: yes 15:36 jcamins eythian: but you'll still be missing foreign keys. 15:35 jcamins kf: oh, that'. 15:35 eythian that fixes it :) 15:35 eythian perl -p -i -e 's/MyISAM/InnoDB/g' library-2012-06-28.sql 15:35 kf nonfiling...? 15:35 kf jcamins: the, an, der, die, das etc. being ignored 15:35 jcamins kf: which sorting? 15:35 eythian I guess so. 15:35 jcamins That was 1.0? 15:35 kf jcamins: any chance you get funding to make koha sort right? 15:35 jcamins Oh. 15:35 eythian no 15:35 jcamins Wasn't 2.2 Postgres-based? 15:35 eythian ok, that's explainable then. 15:34 eythian heh 15:34 eythian that'll be why 15:34 eythian this was originally an upgrade from 2.2 15:34 jcamins Aw. We should've asked Waylon. 15:34 eythian oh 15:34 jcamins eythian: I think it's been InnoDB since 3.0. 15:33 eythian I wondering if it's changed more recently than I suspected. 15:33 mtompset Ah. 15:33 mtompset How do you change the default? Is there an easy way? 15:33 tcohen the CREATE TABLE sentences include the ENGINE='InnoDB' param 15:33 eythian from around the 3.2 days 15:33 eythian this one is a plain default install too, nothing fancy 15:33 eythian but anything I look at that's oldish, it's MyISAM 15:33 wahanui another is probably http://macromedia.bsz-bw.de 15:33 jcamins eythian: another?!? 15:32 eythian koha is supposed to override that though 15:32 eythian It is 15:32 mtompset Isn't MyISAM the default for mySQL as well? 15:32 wahanui slef: huh? 15:32 slef wahanui: I know that! 15:32 eythian where is this MyISAM stuff coming from. 15:32 wahanui slef: The data on your hard drive is out of balance. 15:32 slef excuse me for a mo while I dance into the server (you wouldn't believe the process...) 15:32 eythian MyISAM for some bizzaro reason though. 15:31 mtompset I wanted to be sure it was UTF8 period. 15:31 slef jcamins: oh do I really want to look at this? 15:31 mtompset yes, but that's why I purposefully did that ignore the client handshake mess in my configuration. 15:31 eythian yeah, looking at this old DB dump, it's utf-8. 15:31 * Waylon loves on InnoDB 15:31 slef jcamins: I hear we need to be careful with that. 15:31 jcamins What database engine is it using? 15:31 jcamins Oh, here's something to check. 15:30 jcamins slef: ALTER TABLE can adjust the character set. 15:30 jcamins mtompset: yeah, but every single table specifies its character set as utf-8. 15:30 slef not sure how many records, but it'll be painful to recover 15:30 Waylon much as this is rather entertaining. 15:30 mtompset They didn't edit the my.cnf 15:30 kf because I normally end up doing things wrong first, and never managed that :) 15:30 Waylon anyway, gotta go. 15:30 slef any road up, yes, they're data in it 15:30 jcamins And when I say "try," I mean they must've really worked at it. 15:30 kf yeah, I was wondering too :) 15:30 mtompset latin-1 is default mysql. 15:30 slef then I wonder how they managed that 15:30 eythian slef: I should think so. 15:30 jcamins Someone had to *try* to get Latin-1. 15:30 slef oh my 15:30 jcamins Yes they do. 15:30 eythian jcamins: working with an old version, prepping for an upgrade 15:29 jcamins The packages don't use Latin-1. 15:29 slef eythian: do the packages create the database as utf8? 15:29 jcamins eythian: why are you looking at HTP? 15:29 eythian slef: what do they do? 15:29 jcamins slef: step 1) dope slap individual who did that. Step 2) use ALTER table. 15:29 Waylon yeah.. how many records entered into it alrady, slef? 15:29 eythian that takes me back... 15:29 slef actually I'm surprised the packages do that... eythian is usually smarter than that 15:29 eythian > Can't locate HTML/Template/Pro.pm in @INC 15:29 slef kf: "IT Services" installed the server with the koha packages before we were called in :-( 15:28 kf slef: sounds eew. how did that happen? 15:28 Waylon yup. you too 15:28 slef oh fun question... if someone has installed koha with a mysql database with latin1 tables, is there a nice way to convert it to utf8 or do we have to convert column-by-column? 15:27 mtompset Nice meeting you. 15:27 mtompset Have a good night, Waylon. 15:27 Waylon okay, sleep. 15:27 Waylon right 15:26 mtompset Yes but then it doesn't complete to the perl Makefile.PL stage. 15:26 Waylon ? 15:26 Waylon VM save state/ 15:26 Waylon ah. 15:26 mtompset I wish I was doing it in screen. 15:26 mtompset I'm doing this on a VM on my personal computer. 15:25 Waylon then you could detach, shutdown your personal computer, sleep.. wake up, and resume. 15:25 Waylon you should be using 'screen' mtompset 15:24 mtompset I want to get all the pre-installation steps done for Koha before I even think of sleep. 15:24 Waylon its now 3:23am 15:24 Waylon yeah.. been up since 7am, to do a DJ set. 15:23 mtompset I suspect 2L will be gone shortly. :) 15:23 mtompset Bed?! That's what the Mountain Dew is for... No rest for the wicked. ;) 15:23 Waylon time for me to pack myself into bed i think. 15:23 Waylon okay. 15:22 mtompset They also partner with other organizations as well. 15:22 mtompset quiet likely. SIL is involved in many language projects. 15:21 Waylon i think sil came up on wiki as a citation prehaps. 15:21 Waylon i was doing aspergers driven research on the Ainu language. 15:21 mtompset Is that anything like Monopoly? ;) 15:20 mtompset Yes. 15:20 * slef froths at the mention of the Google-opoly 15:20 Waylon in fact, ive been to this website before. 15:20 jcamins Awesome! 15:20 jcamins mtompset: oh, you work for SIL? 15:20 Waylon hot damn, i was on the right track. 15:20 mtompset Google is following in OUR footsteps. :P 15:19 Waylon would be cool if you were part of the google language preservation project... 15:19 mtompset http://www.sil.org/ 15:19 Waylon awesome 15:19 kf cool :) 15:19 mtompset We happen to have many libraries of materials, and Koha was chosen to be used. 15:19 kf ah :) 15:18 mtompset I don't work for a library, but rather an organization that does language development activities worldwide. 15:18 kf mtompset: sorry, only curious :) 15:17 mtompset Looks like rain shortly. 15:17 kf mtompset: for which library are you working? 15:17 huginn mtompset: The current temperature in Manila, Philippines is 26.0°C (11:00 PM PHT on June 28, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 25.0°C. Pressure: 29.71 in 1006 hPa (Steady). 15:17 mtompset @wunder MNL 15:16 mtompset :) 15:16 mtompset Except that I don't get paid. 15:16 Waylon now your part of the koha community 15:16 wahanui it has been said that mtompset is a human being in the Philippines, and is having musical flashbacks. 15:16 Waylon mtompset? 15:16 * mtompset laughs. 15:16 wahanui OK, Waylon. 15:16 Waylon wahanui, mtompset is a human being in the Philippines, and is having musical flashbacks. 15:16 wahanui Waylon: I forgot mtompset 15:16 Waylon forget mtompset 15:15 wahanui ...but mtompset is having musical flashbacks.... 15:15 Waylon wahanui, mtompset is a human being in the Philippines, and is having musical flashbacks. 15:15 Waylon mtompset is a human being in the Philippines, and is having musical flashbacks. 15:15 mtompset mtompset is having musical flashbacks. 15:15 wahanui mtompset: I forgot mtompset 15:15 mtompset forget mtompset 15:14 mtompset I'm currently located in the Philippines. 15:14 wahanui ...but mtompset is not.... 15:14 Waylon wahanui, mtompset is a human being 15:14 mtompset A human being. :) 15:14 Waylon mtompset, who are you? 15:14 mtompset (To All The Girls I've Loved Before) --- because you said "like everyone else who's said that" 15:14 wahanui i guess mtompset is not. 15:14 Waylon mtompset? 15:13 mtompset http://youtu.be/tOifaUXPk4g 15:13 Waylon slow, ugly, and you most likely need to use a complete ssh route proxy if you don't already have a ssh server on the same intranet. 15:12 mtompset I just had another musical flash, slef. 15:12 Waylon yeah. IPMI is a horror. 15:11 mtompset No more accidental deletions. :) 15:11 mtompset And I added "Are you sure you want to delete that? (y/n) " prompts to my scripts too. 15:10 mtompset Yes, but for now... -i is my friend. 15:10 slef like everyone else who's said that 15:10 slef you'll get annoyed soon 15:10 slef no you won't 15:10 mtompset I forever will put -i on my rm's! 15:09 mtompset That's what I was in the middle of scripting. 15:09 slef mtompset: backups++ 15:09 mtompset at least you didn't rm -rf your home directory over the weekend. :) 15:08 slef Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) 15:08 slef errr, not what I meant :) 15:08 slef An Impi is an isiZulu word for any armed body of men. However, in English it is often used to refer to a Zulu regiment, which is called an ibutho in Zulu. The first impis were formed by Zulu king Shaka, who was then only the exiled illegitimate son of king Senzangakona, but already showing much prowess as a general in the army of Mthethwa king Dingiswayo in the Mthethwa... http://a.vu/w:Impi 15:08 eythian we prefer "truthos" 15:08 slef you don't want to do that if you can avoid it 15:07 mtompset Now I'm part of the Koha mythos. ;) 15:07 slef yeah we've at least one IMPI-using server... think I've used it once 15:06 Waylon and yea.. SLOOOWWWWW 15:06 Waylon so yea, if ssh fails, if the bare metal koha refuses to boot, IMPI is the only way to gain access to the machine. 15:06 * magnuse never figured out how to register with huginn... 15:06 magnuse thanks jcamins 15:02 huginn jcamins: The operation succeeded. Quote #208 added. 15:02 jcamins @quote add "<mtompset> Tonight... I tango with git." 15:01 mtompset It had a bit of a zorro kind of voice. 15:01 mtompset Yes, but you missed the carbonation escaping the bottle as I opened it. 15:00 magnuse yay, that sounds like a quote 14:59 mtompset Tonight... I tango with git. 14:59 * mtompset cracks open the Mountain Dew. 14:59 mtompset Ah. 14:58 Waylon basically, an esoteric concept of VNC, at a hardware level. 14:58 Waylon the data center protocol/card that is a KVM 14:57 mtompset I don't what acronym you were aiming for, or the meaning of it. :) 14:57 Waylon INPI? 14:56 mtompset IMPI? 14:55 Waylon going to regret baremetaling though.. managing a bare metal server via IMPI is time consuming. 14:54 Waylon okay, sent, with the suggestion that we baremetal one server, put our current koha on it, and dev on the other server, to bring us to koha 3.8, and then VM things. 14:43 Waylon liblime-- 14:43 Waylon man, thats saying something. 14:43 jcamins eythian: oooh. Good way of putting it. 14:43 eythian Waylon: you are older than liblime koha 14:42 jcamins Waylon: you're using a prerelease of 3.0.0. We have absolutely no idea. 14:41 Waylon ? 14:41 Waylon is 10 users, 5 sec delay even a reasonable siege 14:41 Waylon of course, its never been siege tested. 14:41 Waylon hasn't skipped a beat. 14:41 Waylon current baremetal server is a 4 core 3.5 gb (32 bit kernel i think) machine. 14:40 drojf we could sing, all together. the "upgrade to latest koha" song 14:39 drojf Waylon: maybe send your boss in here for half an hour ;) 14:37 jcamins tcohen: that's why I think that there's nothing that Waylon can do other than upgrade. 14:36 tcohen (db on a separate server) 14:36 tcohen the flow smoothly 14:36 tcohen we already have 32 koha's on a server using 8GB of RAM 14:35 eythian mtompset: aiming low, my laptop is an i7 :) 14:35 jcamins mtompset: RAM is a way bigger issue than processor for Koha. 14:34 jcamins tcohen: they already have 4GB RAM and 4 cores. 14:34 mtompset I just want a Asus Sabertooth Z77 with an i5-3550 and at least 4GB of Ram. :) 14:33 tcohen 8GB RAM? 5 cores? 14:31 jcamins Waylon: I can summarize it very quickly: "There is no way you are going to be able to solve any of the problems you have run into while running a hacked version of a Koha version that is many years old and no one else remembers how to use. Koha has continued to improve over the last five years, but what you have has not." 14:30 eythian we are bringing some libraries up to 3.8.2, but those that don't do fines. 14:29 eythian then you'll know the exact scope of the issue :) 14:29 Waylon is there any chance you could write me an email i could forward to my boss, jcamins ? 14:28 tcohen i even worked on the patches for those (signing, writing) 14:28 jcamins tcohen: I think that's still working on 3.8, so you should be fine. :) 14:28 tcohen and i'm prepared to tackle those bugs 14:28 tcohen jcamins: we use suspension in days 14:28 Waylon err.. that is new biblio entry <tables> 14:28 jcamins Different. 14:27 Waylon cause i have no idea how the marc and new biblio tables are different to the original 3.0 14:27 jcamins tcohen: you either don't charge fines, or are prepared to work around the fine bugs? 14:27 jcamins Waylon: having the same version on two servers is fine. Having different versions on two servers is not. 14:27 tcohen our librarians are really happy after testing it 14:27 Waylon suddenly, a bit bigger of a task. 14:27 tcohen i'm really excited to go live with 3.8.2 14:27 eythian doing that on one version is ok 14:26 Waylon right. 14:26 eythian Waylon: yeah, but if you have different versions things will go badly I expect. 14:26 Waylon with koha 3. 14:26 Waylon oh, this is actually working well, jcamins 14:26 mtompset or whatever the appropriate SQL is. 14:26 mtompset Oh, thanks for the reminder... I'll update the Koha on Ubuntu wiki with the DELETE FROM mysql.users where mysql.users=''; 14:26 eythian tcohen: well, the package issues apply to the database, so you're probably OK then 14:26 Waylon nope. biblio entries are being done on an office server, so called production server. so biblios, biblioitems, items, everything biblio related is being replicated over to the internet facing server. 14:25 jcamins That's the second-worst idea I've heard recently, sorry. 14:25 jcamins You want to do acquisitions on one version and OPAC with another? 14:25 wahanui well, Wait, is it only in items? 14:25 jcamins Wait, what? 14:25 eythian there's so much that could go wrong. 14:25 eythian Waylon: that sounds like a terrible idea, fyi. 14:25 jcamins Waylon: well, yeah, you'd want to upgrade your production server. I meant, test it on another server first. 14:25 kf Waylon: you are not doing acq on your prodcution server? 14:24 tcohen and a DBA that has tuned everything for safety 14:24 Waylon or would i have to get the production server updated too? 14:24 tcohen we have a separate MySQL server 14:24 eythian packages apparentl have issues with Ubuntu 12.04. It's on my list to check. 14:24 tcohen jcamins, thanks for the advise 14:24 mtompset You mean 2.9 :P 14:24 Waylon can one do the acquisitions using koha 3, and the opac servers etc using 3.8.2? 14:24 jcamins tcohen: remember that Ubuntu 12.04 has anonymous MySQL logins by default. 14:23 * tcohen is setting a fat 12.04 VPS for upgrading our production kohas to 3.8.2 14:22 magnuse hehe 14:22 * wizzyrea giggles about working on widows. 14:22 Waylon it worked. 14:22 Waylon yes, i started with koha on windows. 14:22 * magnuse shudders too 14:22 jcamins kf: let's not speak about that, please. ;) 14:22 * jcamins shudders. 14:22 kf not to speak about libraries still installing 2.2 because it works on widows :( 14:22 jcamins Run upgrade scripts. 14:22 jcamins Waylon: very easy. Install new Koha version on different server. Load uold data. 14:22 tcohen hi magnuse 14:22 magnuse hiya tcohen 14:21 magnuse even hlt, the original koha library, was left behind for a looong time - it worked for them so why upgrade? :-) 14:21 Waylon okay.. data wise, whats the upgrade path from 3.0 to 3.8 like? 14:20 slef Waylon: indeed. Lots of places install koha and don't take out a support contract or allocate any of their own IT workers to do upgrades. If it works for them, that's fine. If it doesn't, it rather limits their support options. 14:20 * magnuse too 14:20 eythian I did one of those a year or two ago 14:20 Waylon wow. 14:20 magnuse paul_p recently did an upgrade from 2.2.x :-) 14:19 Waylon hmm? mandumah is not the only one to use old code, slef ? 14:19 eythian ah right :) I got lots by default 14:19 jcamins eythian: I only assign bugs that I am *definitely* patching to myself. 14:18 eythian jcamins: only 15? luxury! 14:18 * slef should be paid to replace some antiques next month 14:18 * slef smiles at Waylon 14:18 jcamins The trick to encouraging that to happen is lots of cheerful reminders to people who care about related functionality. 14:18 jcamins If you provide a patch for a bug like this, there's a very good chance somewhere will test and sign off on it in the next two months. 14:18 kf mtompset: the next step is somone else testing your patch, than it moves on to qa if it's good and after that it pushed into Koha 14:17 kf mtompset: yes 14:17 kf not that people don't want to fix bugs 14:17 mtompset So, if I provide a patch, it is quite likely to speed up the process? 14:17 kf yeah, it's also a big time problem 14:17 * kf got a long list for testing! 14:17 jcamins There are numerous others that I would like to work on. 14:17 kf and he is writing patches like crazy :) 14:17 jcamins I have 15 bugs assigned to me that don't have patches yet. 14:16 Waylon Sadly, im getting paid to work on an antique 14:16 * Waylon nods. 14:16 kf mtompset: most koha developers work for a koha support provider, so they spent time on things they get paid for first 14:16 Waylon ^^ 14:16 jcamins If you don't submit patches, chances are the bugs won't go anywhere. 14:16 eythian otherwise you're waiting for someone to care enough to write a patch for you 14:16 kf yes 14:16 jcamins yes. 14:15 eythian very much so 14:14 mtompset Out of curiousity, if I submit patches to the bug reports that I made, will that speed them up in terms of getting processed through? 14:12 mtompset (The Beatles - Money) 14:11 * mtompset has a musical flashback: http://youtu.be/9k5ooaufrLM 14:06 kf hey! 14:06 * mtompset smirks. 14:06 * slef forms a dependency on kf... send me money :) 14:05 kf I didn't cpan the chi modules 14:05 kf I suspect I am missing a dependency 14:05 kf jcamins: perhaps because you have all modules installed? 14:05 jcamins Not even with pbuilder. 14:05 jcamins The problem is I can't seem to duplicate it. 14:05 jcamins I'll track down the problem when I can. 14:04 kf schuster: so doesn't matter if I break it 14:04 kf schuster: no guarantees - I didn't figure out why it failed and it's only a dev system for me 14:04 schuster kf thanks for the advice - I'm always hesitant to move forward even on my test system with "testing" doesn't complete. 14:02 jcamins Waylon: not as big a difference as using a version of the system that we could help you with. 13:59 eythian Impossible to say 13:59 Waylon 2 gig make a big difference? 13:59 Waylon I could adjust the vm's, give 6 gig each to koha vm, and only 1.5 gig each to the dev vms. 13:58 eythian yeah, I think the records I was comparing to are a bit smaller 13:58 Waylon and a very fleshed out marcxml 13:57 Waylon each biblio has a biblioitems and at least one item. 13:57 eythian OK, not too far off 13:57 Waylon 162071 biblios 13:57 eythian I should expect ~250,000 records for that zebra size. 13:56 eythian is it proportional to the 5.1GB? 13:56 Waylon hmm.. no idea. 13:56 eythian yeah, but how many records do you have? 13:55 Waylon register directory is 5.1 gigabytes 13:55 eythian How many records do you have? 13:55 eythian it really shouldn't. 13:55 Waylon zebrasrv spending alot of io time. 13:55 eythian ? 13:55 eythian does iotop tell you anything useful> 13:54 Waylon so yea, i see zebrasrv spending alot of time... perl spending alot of time, and by the time it gets back to the return, its sometimes too late. 13:53 Waylon ahh yea 13:53 eythian though not in 3.0 :) 13:53 eythian Waylon: memcache does caching 13:53 Waylon kf: caching? zebrasrv does caching? 13:53 eythian Waylon: hash 'em with a secret 13:52 kf but I did activate dom indexing and icu - looking forward to test it out :) 13:52 kf schuster: I did not activate caching tho 13:52 Waylon or at least make them so someone can't just wget and increment biblio numbers to download the entire library. 13:52 kf schuster: yes 13:51 Waylon yea. 13:51 drojf aaah you are the guy that wanted to encrypt the biblio ids or something a short time ago? 13:51 Waylon very nicely marc'ed up 13:51 Waylon pdf format. 13:50 Waylon flagship project is the digital library archive of thousands of arabic journals. 13:50 drojf ok 13:50 Waylon no, its a digital services vendor. 13:50 * eythian is not convinced moving to PHP is "growing" 13:50 Waylon google translate does okay on it. 13:50 drojf heh that site is a bit too much arabic for me to understand. but it's a university? 13:49 mtompset You aren't a salaried employee which could be expected to grow professionally and just do it. 13:49 Waylon and my god.... its a whole different philosophy 13:49 schuster kf - so you just did the make install and went on and things mostly work? 13:49 Waylon well OJS is PHP. 13:49 mtompset oh 13:49 mtompset why would you be out of a job? 13:49 Waylon online part-time contracting, for Mandumah.com 13:48 drojf Waylon: where do you work? 13:48 kf schuster: no, I just continued without completing it - but it's my test installation, so I can mess that up as much as I want :) 13:48 Waylon Meh.. prehaps too difficult a task, being stuck in this mess. 13:48 schuster kf did you get your test to complete? 13:47 Waylon Of course, if they go to OJS, ill be out of a job. 13:47 kf at least it looks like it :) 13:47 Waylon honestly, no, its more a digital library archive. 13:46 kf mtompset: as I see it from the feature list Waylon is using koha not as an ILS 13:46 jcamins Waylon: to be honest, I think you'd be better off going to OpenJournal than insisting on using the mess you have now. :( 13:44 mtompset Why look into something else, when a newer FREE version of the existing software exists? 13:44 Waylon PHP brainrot. 13:43 Waylon i think its going to take ages to get to modern koha... and boss is looking into OpenJournal or something. 13:42 jcamins *After* the sow's ear has already decomposed. 13:42 mtompset to put it nicely. 13:42 jcamins Quite possibly, but you are trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. 13:42 Waylon admittedly, it was some time ago that I found this out, maybe it was a problem with koha that i never fixed? 13:41 jcamins schuster: I see no reason for hopelessness wrt the cache. 13:41 jcamins schuster: Waylon. I'm trying your problem. 13:41 kf jcamins: also lots of complaints about cachng when running make test 13:41 jcamins I am not joking. There is no hope that you are going to be able to resolve this without upgrading to a version of Koha from within the last year. 13:41 kf jcamins: I had the same problem with running the tests yesterday 13:41 mtompset if you are using ubuntu, then you dselect the packages from the ubuntu list. 13:40 schuster jcamins - who are you talking to? schuster or Waylon? 13:40 Waylon yeah. found that without it, zebra would break for some reason. 13:40 jcamins Give up on this. 13:40 eythian why do you do a daily rebuild? 13:40 jcamins Your system is broken. 13:40 schuster comes up clear 13:40 jcamins You do a daily rebuild? 13:40 jcamins Or whatever it is. 13:40 jcamins schuster: ./koha_perl_deps.pl -m 13:40 Waylon thats not even including when we do the daily zebrasrv rebuild. 13:39 * mtompset nods. 13:39 Waylon the current system, vm'ed and load balanced, is responding only 94% of the time. 13:39 wahanui Suggestions are broken at the moment - I can't accept those for German :( 13:39 schuster Suggestions? 13:39 schuster hmmm I'm trying to setup this dev system and it keeps failing at "Tried to use 'Koha::Cache::Memcached' "Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen. FAILED and stops. 13:38 jcamins Waylon: all Koha DBs should be in utf-8. Koha does not like DBs in any character set other than utf-8. 13:38 jcamins mtompset++ # this is the way to do it. 13:38 mtompset And then switch VM's once everyone is happy. 13:38 mtompset Set up a newer system. 13:38 jcamins So, basically you have hacked together a lot of Koha's current features. 13:37 mtompset If the current system isn't a VM, VM it. 13:37 Waylon and zebra searches for stuff + limit by branch 13:37 * jcamins shrugs. 13:37 jcamins mtompset: apparently back pre-3.0 it didn't work the way it does now? 13:37 Waylon yeah. items belong to branches, or libraries. 13:37 mtompset That sounds like what someone was talking about in the koha-developer list recently. 13:37 jcamins I don't think *anything* in those four pages I sent you would be suitable for 3.0. 13:36 mtompset abuse of the branch table? 13:36 Waylon our db is in utf8 13:36 schuster Waylon - there has been a ton of development for right to left and Unicode that you could probably take advantage of now that were not in 3.0 and with PLACK and TT performance issues would dry up and you would be current on code. 13:36 jcamins What you described is done by Koha, other than the analytics. 13:36 Oak hello kf :) 13:36 Waylon hmm? 13:36 jcamins Waylon: so you need to add some analytics features to current Koha. 13:35 Waylon I think theres some arabic mods also. 13:35 huginn kf: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 27.8°C (3:30 PM CEST on June 28, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 29.89 in 1012 hPa (Steady). 13:35 kf @wunder Konstanz 13:35 Waylon ricted to certain branches... 13:35 Waylon okay.. lemme see... access restrictions based on ip range, referer, download urls that go to a opac-download page, count the number of downloads against the borrower (in our version of koha, a borrower represents all of a university), counts the number of logins that borrower does, ip range access blacklisting, hmm... abuse of the branch table to create seperate libraries, one can search all at once or just one of them, borrowers can be rest 13:35 jcamins Also, http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Performance 13:35 mtompset might lose connectivity... 13:35 jcamins Waylon: the following pages on the wiki are relevant to performance tuning, but not for 3.0: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Tuning_Guide, http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Tuning, http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Plack 13:34 eythian jcamins: the wahanui update format is "no wahanui, something is something else" 13:34 jcamins :) 13:33 jcamins Wait a minute! I've heard of mandumah. 13:33 schuster Waylon - There are demos that you can look at on the koha community site for comparison without installing etc... You know we all here are more than happy to respond as well to questions of current functionality. 13:33 eythian and those 5 are usually deal with client-specific CSS etc. 13:32 eythian Yeah, when I do a 3.4/3.6->3.8 upgrade, I usually cut the custom patches from 30 down to about 5. 13:31 drojf Waylon: what local changes do you have that koha does not have now in some form that you rely on? 13:31 mtompset OH MY! !#!@$ That's horrid. 13:31 jcamins schuster: super easy. 13:31 Waylon so its a mess. 13:31 schuster jcamins - is it hard to setup? from what you just said I would probably not run it then in dev mode thanks. 13:31 jcamins (depending on what I'm testing) 13:31 Waylon koha with patches imported from later versions, without git updating. 13:31 jcamins schuster: I use memcached in production, and have it configured on my development server, but manually shut it down when testing things. 13:31 schuster Waylon - there are sooo many new features and functionality in Koha have you done a comparison of features to determine what you would have to "rebuild" vs what has already been integrated? 13:30 mtompset What version are you running? 13:30 * Waylon hasn't even looked at the new koha code. 13:30 schuster you go jcamins! 13:30 Waylon 33rd developer and im stranded in old code. 13:30 jcamins It's not perfect. 13:30 jcamins Oh well. 13:30 wahanui Waylon: tell wahanui's bosses that the performance issue is because of the version, and there's no way to improve it unless they shell out to get the local modifications integrated. 13:30 jcamins Waylon? 13:30 jcamins Waylon 13:30 jcamins waylon! 13:30 jcamins waylon 13:29 wahanui OK, jcamins. 13:29 jcamins wahanui: Waylon is <reply>Waylon: tell your bosses that the performance issue is because of the version, and there's no way to improve it unless they shell out to get the local modifications integrated. 13:29 wahanui jcamins: I forgot waylon 13:29 jcamins forget waylon 13:29 wahanui ...but waylon is the 33rd contributor to Koha. Currently works for Mandumah.com.... 13:29 jcamins wahanui: no, Waylon is <reply>Waylon: tell your bosses that the performance issue is because of the version, and there's no way to improve it unless they shell out to get the local modifications integrated. 13:29 schuster I'm working on putting together a "FRESH" debian 3.8 install for development and when I get to the memcached server question do I still want to say no? I have not played with that yet. 13:29 wahanui ...but waylon is the 33rd contributor to Koha. Currently works for Mandumah.com.... 13:29 jcamins wahanui: Waylon is <reply>Waylon: tell your bosses that the performance issue is because of the version, and there's no way to improve it unless they shell out to get the local modifications integrated.5D 13:29 jcamins That would've been even cooler. 13:28 jcamins lol 13:28 eythian hehe 13:28 Waylon oh.. i thought that was the bot. 13:28 jcamins You will not be wrong. 13:28 jcamins No, seriously. 13:28 Waylon hahaha! 13:28 jcamins Waylon: tell your bosses that the performance issue is because of the version, and there's no way to improve it unless they shell out to get the local modifications integrated. 13:28 Waylon Waylon! 13:27 eythian yeah, I meant above that DB dumps is what I do do. 13:27 jcamins eythian is giving you the instructions for exporting MARC, but I'm lazy, and just dump the entire DB. 13:27 eythian in fact, it's what I do do. 13:27 eythian that's what I would do 13:27 eythian in tools->export bibliographic... 13:27 jcamins mtompset: right. 13:27 mtompset So, I could mysqldump... create the DB's, and then do an upgrade install? 13:27 eythian mtompset: I think the export tool can do that. 13:27 jcamins It is necessary. 13:27 jcamins Not just worth it. 13:26 eythian it'll be worth it anyhow 13:26 eythian but, upgrade first 13:26 eythian Waylon: well then give your VM 7GB :) 13:26 jcamins Waylon: see above about premature optimization. 13:26 Waylon backing up is again, piece of cake. lvm snapshot. 13:26 jcamins mtompset: the upgrade works pretty much prefectly. 13:26 Oak okay then, I'll start downloading 64 bit debian now 13:26 Waylon hmm.. though, disavantage with going bare metal, is its much harder to recover from. with VM's, its an easy DD onto the lvm partition, and then start up the vm. 13:26 mtompset I see where you are going eythian, but let's say MARC... I'd like to get my 3.6.3 data into a 3.8.2 system. :) 13:26 jcamins Oak! 13:25 Oak thankyou 13:25 wahanui jcamins is A-Grade developper on Koha willing to rewrite it from top to bottom. Good Luck jcamins 13:25 Oak jcamins! 13:25 jcamins Oak: I only use Debian Squeeze 64-bit . 13:25 magnuse Oak 13:25 jcamins Waylon: I guess it's possible that part of the problem is that 3.0.0-beta2 did weird things with Zebra, but I wouldn't count on it. 13:25 eythian mtompset: well, mysql dumps shouldn't be too different between mysql version, and koha handles upgrading koha versions. 13:24 Oak :) okay cool 13:24 eythian it's the standard architecture these days :) 13:24 * mtompset laughs. 13:24 Oak okay got it 13:24 mtompset hey... code differences I can tweak... DB differences are ever more hellish. 13:24 eythian Oak: there's no reason for 64 bit to have issues 13:24 Waylon runs fine. 13:24 eythian Waylon: that might be not a bad idea 13:24 * Waylon is running koha 3.0.0pre2 on lenny 64bit 13:23 eythian mtompset: that doesn't sound like a reasonable reason :) 13:23 Oak eythian: i was wondering, is using koha on a 64 bit deiban stable (just like on a 32bit system) or are there issues? 13:23 Waylon hmm... the servers only have 8 gig a piece.. should i just ditch the vm's, go bare metal, and get a third machine for dev/upgrade test stuff? 13:23 mtompset I'd like to go MARC, so I can transplant to a different version of Koha without worries of architecture. 13:23 jcamins mtompset: you can export the MARC records, or you could do a partial SQL dump. It depends what you want. 13:23 eythian mtompset: in what way? marc or SQL dump? 13:23 mtompset There's a nice batchimport of MARC records. 13:22 eythian Waylon: you might benefit from giving it 8GB then, assuming you're on 64-bit. 13:22 Waylon 5.2. 13:22 Oak magnuse 13:22 wahanui okay, eythian. 13:22 mtompset not the setting, but all the data (items?) 13:22 eythian no wahanui, data is the plural of datum, not anecdote. 13:22 * Oak waves 13:22 Waylon entire zebradb lib directory, is 5.1 gig. 13:21 eythian what do you want to export? 13:21 wahanui somebody said data was here. 13:21 jcamins mtompset: what data? 13:21 eythian that's not a simple question :) 13:21 mtompset Okay, simple question... how do I export data from Koha? 13:21 Waylon mtompset, if your finger waggled even a little bit, log it. 13:20 eythian without making things worse 13:20 eythian it's hard enough when your changes are in version control 13:20 eythian yeah, don't do that. 13:20 Waylon oh hell yea 13:20 * mtompset laughs, "I know you are right, jcamins." 13:20 jcamins Waylon: that you can confirm for mtompset how painful it is to not keep your code changes in version control. 13:20 eythian typically they're not too far off being able to hold in RAM 13:19 eythian Waylon: how big is your zebra database? 13:19 drojf semi-modern *giggles* 13:19 Waylon and yeah.. i do keep reiterating that to my boss. 13:19 Waylon what were you saying about me jcamins ? 13:18 jcamins Waylon: I would reiterate my earlier statement that optimizing is premature until you've moved to a version of Koha that is at least semi-modern. 13:18 Waylon oh, the db? no.. i mean ram for the dev/update test server 13:18 mtompset 3.5gigs?! Oh my... we have a SMALL database by comparison. 13:18 eythian basically, if zebra is slow, I wouldn't expect solr to be better unless it's a configuration issue. 13:18 Waylon thats the big question. 13:18 Waylon no idea. 13:18 Waylon possibly. 13:17 Waylon 3.5 gigs for the dev/update test servers 13:17 eythian is your VM being an IO bottleneck? 13:17 eythian oh, it's in a VM 13:17 eythian how big is your zebra database? 13:17 Waylon currently giving the vm's 4 gigs. 13:17 drojf maybe you should throw a newer version of koha at it 13:17 eythian how much do you have? 13:17 Waylon maybe i should throw more memory at it? 13:16 Waylon Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31270 @ 3.40GHz 13:16 mtompset oh, that is something to begin the coveting. ;) 13:16 Waylon hi jcamins 13:15 Waylon this is on a quadcore xeon something. 13:15 jcamins Waylon: hey, we were just talking about you. 13:15 kf so probably would still be slow on old hardware 13:15 eythian yeah 13:15 kf I think solr is fast, but you have to feed it with hardware 13:15 eythian Running in a vm on a crappy netbook I got faster results than that. 13:15 kf but there might be another reason than zebra 13:14 Waylon so yea... not too happy about it. 13:14 Waylon max of 25 13:14 kf I haven't expereinced that 13:14 kf that's a lot 13:14 eythian But also a lot slower. 13:14 Waylon 15 seconds. 13:14 eythian that is a bit older than my experience. 13:14 kf 15 seconds?? 13:14 Waylon this is koha 13:13 Waylon so.. yeah... 13:13 Waylon and an average of 15 seconds response time. 13:13 magnuse looks like solr is almost ready to pass qa 13:13 Waylon under 10 concurrent users, 5 second delay between search batches 13:13 Waylon and yea, in iotop, ive seen zebrasrv instances hit 99% and stay for a bit. 13:12 eythian I'm not sure if it's in master yet, I don't think it is quite 13:12 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8233 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , New search engine layer - introduce solr without breaking anything else 13:12 magnuse bug 8233 13:12 drojf is it pushed? 13:11 Waylon its in master now though? 13:11 drojf i think solr is expected to be in 3.10 13:11 Waylon hmm... 13:11 eythian I find zebra to be quite fast 13:11 Waylon solr is an alternative index and search engine than zebrasrv 13:11 eythian Waylon: I don't see zebra spending a lot of time on IO 13:10 Waylon ? 13:10 Waylon yea, I know.. but how fast/ 13:10 wahanui well, solr is fast 13:10 mtompset What is solr 13:10 mtompset I'll be running Koha in a VM. 13:09 mtompset I'm under Windoze. 13:09 Waylon How is Solr support coming in 3.8? and is it faster than zebrasrv? i find zebrasrv spending time in IO alot. 13:09 Waylon hiya all 13:07 eythian ext4 perhaps? 13:06 mtompset And a reformat to NTFS from FAT. 13:05 mtompset It's a slow USB thumb drive, but it should suffice for a koha setup. 12:59 mtompset I'm setting something now. 12:58 mtompset Thanks for the reminder, drojf 12:49 drojf hahaha thats fantastic 12:47 eythian http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/06/27/154242/fishpi-raspberry-pi-powered-autonomous-boat-to-cross-the-ocean <-- drojf 12:45 drojf mtompset: but you could also just put a 8gb usb flash thingy in the netbook? that should be <$10 12:44 drojf but i might be wrong 12:43 drojf i think they should have reached the end of that soon 12:43 jcamins That's why I'm jealous. 12:43 mtompset months. 12:43 mtompset But they are back ordered for like month. 12:42 * jcamins_mib is very jealous of drojf's raspberry pi. ;) 12:42 drojf mtompset: i really use a raspberry pi for development. its $35 12:41 schuster git is still a lot of magic in a box to me but it is cool!! 12:41 mtompset So, if you donate, I'll get a real computer. :) 12:41 kf well... I probably don't know the cool stuff, but I love git :) 12:41 mtompset As for a real computer... I work on a donation basis. 12:40 kf drojf: you know you can ask :) 12:40 drojf lol jcamins 12:40 drojf but seriously, git is great, and i just started using it and probably do not even know the cool stuff 12:40 wahanui well, a raspberry pi is arm-based 12:40 jcamins_mib Or a raspberry pi. 12:39 drojf use a real computer? :P 12:39 mtompset I don't have the disk space on my netbook to set up the git test environment. :( 12:38 mtompset Oooo... tough love? I feel it. :) 12:38 jcamins_mib Just so long as you understand that not only is this a case of "I cannot help you," this is a case of "I will not help you." 12:38 mtompset Of course... we'll see how that holds up on an upgrade. :) 12:37 mtompset I don't. :P I'm not the average person. ;) 12:37 jcamins_mib My point was that people who _don't_ use git need help reconciling their changes. 12:37 drojf i probably dont know what you are actually talking about since i just came in ;) 12:36 drojf i do 12:36 jcamins_mib drojf: don't you use git? 12:36 drojf :D 12:36 drojf i never do 12:35 jcamins_mib Believe me, they *all* end up on #koha asking for help with their code. 12:35 jcamins_mib Lots of people have had this thought. 12:34 mtompset And if I write bug reports, then I know which one's I have to fix again on an upgrade. ;) 12:32 jcamins_mib Hint: functional is better than not. 12:31 mtompset Yes, but the patch I'd give wouldn't be perfect... it would be functional. 12:31 mtompset Well, one of my bugs got patched current. :) 12:29 jcamins_mib schuster! Good morning. 12:29 schuster But I am! 12:29 jcamins_mib (he isn't here now) 12:29 mtompset So far, it's been a small number. :) 12:29 jcamins_mib Ask Waylon about this. 12:29 jcamins_mib And when you upgrade (which you are going to want to do), it'll break again. 12:28 mtompset I fixed it in my system. :P 12:28 jcamins_mib It is about a million times more pleasant to use than CVS. 12:27 wahanui well, git is http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Version_Control_Using_Git 12:27 jcamins_mib git? 12:27 jcamins_mib Oh, that's just 'cause you haven't made friends yet. 12:27 jcamins_mib Given how many bugs everyone already has on their lists, it'll probably wait for you. :) 12:27 mtompset I don't like git. 12:27 mtompset I've got a bash scripting fest to finish. 12:26 jcamins_mib Aw, you can do it! 12:26 jcamins_mib Now you just need to patch it! 12:26 mtompset If I can't patch, I can at least write something. 12:26 jcamins_mib Excellent. 12:26 jcamins_mib Oh, you reported it. 12:26 jcamins_mib Bug 8329 12:25 jcamins_mib You should submit a patch for GetLostItems if it hasn't been fixed yet. 12:25 mtompset even though I'm working with 3.6.3 12:25 mtompset I know the bug is still in 3.6.6 12:25 jcamins_mib I need to switch servers. This host has been having serious connectivity issues. 12:25 wahanui bonjour, alex_a1 12:25 alex_a1 bonjour 12:24 mtompset I made a suggestion. 12:24 mtompset Can't... don't have a git source. 12:24 kf mtompset: you can write a patch :) 12:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8329 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , GetLostItems in C4::Items.pm has a SELECT * 12:24 mtompset bug 8329 12:23 mtompset on items, biblio, and biblioitems, and authorised_values. 12:23 mtompset It has a SELECT * 12:23 mtompset Turns out that C4::Items GetLostItems needs to be patched. 12:23 mtompset The only reason I discovered this memory issue while hunting for an inexplicable bug in GetLostItems. 12:22 jcamins Also, there needs to be some option for relatively low memory systems. 12:21 jcamins However, not until the solr implementation is entirely mature. 12:21 jcamins Possibly eventually. 12:21 mtompset So, in terms of solr, does that mean the zebra pieces will disappear? 12:19 mtompset Low Ram usage implies the latter. ;) 12:18 mtompset There other is apparently all-knowing, because it is infinitely fast. 12:17 mtompset One is all-knowing statically. 12:17 mtompset There are two versions... 12:17 mtompset Mmm.... reminds me of "the god chip" discussions I had in university. 12:16 jcamins On an infinitely fast system with an infinite amount of RAM, RAM usage would actually stay quite low. :) 12:16 jcamins Right. 12:16 mtompset It's not getting garbage collected quickly. 12:16 jcamins It's just that it loads a staggering amount into memory every time it receives a query. 12:16 jcamins It's not actually leaking, per se. 12:15 jcamins It's the Apache processes. 12:15 jcamins It's not httpd that's leaking. 12:15 mtompset Is solr an apache innovation? 12:14 mtompset you were just harping on Apache for seeming memory leaks. 12:14 mtompset wait a second... 12:14 jcamins It's a different indexing engine: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/ 12:14 jcamins It is that, yes. 12:13 wahanui i heard solr was fast 12:13 mtompset What is solr? 12:13 mtompset a perfect programming language will never be used unless it is documented. :) 12:12 jcamins Yes, that would make sense. 12:12 mtompset it's all about the documentation. 12:12 mtompset probably because there was more documentation back then. 12:11 jcamins However, 3.10 is ushering in a glorious new era of DOM and solr. 12:11 jcamins As far as I can tell, it was introduced into Koha after it was deprecated, actually... I'm not sure why. 12:11 mtompset (well, work arounds for it) 12:10 mtompset And we still have it in Koha?! 12:09 jcamins Right. They had the good sense to deprecate it about five years ago. 12:09 mtompset Okay... the way they did it. 12:09 jcamins Well... I don't know that "standard" is quite the right word. 12:08 mtompset A quick skim brings fear! That was a standard? 12:07 magnuse mtompset: http://www.indexdata.com/zebra/doc/grs.html 12:07 jcamins DOM actually works. :) 12:07 jcamins Starting with 3.10, DOM will be available. 12:07 jcamins The indexing schema that Zebra uses. 12:07 mtompset I fear to ask, but curious demands it... What is GRS-1? 12:06 jcamins mtompset: hey, a man can dream. :) 12:06 jcamins At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :) 12:06 mtompset So, 3.14 we remove GRS-1 completely? 12:05 jcamins mtompset: we've had DOM long enough that I can start removing features that work around GRS-1's limitations. 12:05 mtompset What happens on 3.14? 12:05 hdl1 jcamins: ok /me saw that. 12:04 jcamins As I said, my ideal would be to only do the update on indexing, but that's not really an option until 3.14 12:04 jcamins paul_p: agreed. 12:04 paul_p jcamins in fact, I'll push the patch, but I consider it's a dirty one. But as there is a lot of dirtyness in this area, it would require too much effort -from far !- to do it another way 12:04 marcelr :-) 12:03 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6557 normal, P3, ---, jcamins, Passed QA , biblioitems.totalissues unused 12:03 jcamins paul_p: have I convinced you on bug 6557 yet? 12:02 jcamins My 25MB was from memory. I could easily be off by a factor of two. 12:01 jcamins That's how I have mine set up, too. 12:01 mtompset both are port 80. 12:01 jcamins I'd believe it. 12:01 mtompset Of course, perhaps that is because of our named host setup. 12:01 mtompset Actually, I was trying to figure the memory use per query... it's somewhere between 40 and 50MB. 11:59 jcamins 1GB should work pretty well. 11:59 mtompset I was going to suggest bumping it up to 1GB... It's a VM, and our host provider might not like going higher. 11:58 jcamins Eventually they end, and your memory usage goes down, but on a system with 512MB/RAM, they'll deadlock and explode first. 11:57 jcamins One Apache process is started for every single HTTP request. 11:57 jcamins (I think) 11:57 jcamins mtompset: each time Apache is started, it uses ~25MB. 11:57 mtompset But jcamins, that's like 1MB leak per OPAC query... at least for a few of them. 11:55 mtompset /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -b -a -r 11:55 mtompset I forgot the / issue. 11:55 mtompset :( 11:55 * wahanui does a testing dance 11:55 mtompset test? 11:54 jcamins Right, that memory leak is Apache. ;) 11:53 mtompset And there seemed to be a bit of a memory leak too. 11:53 jcamins If MySQL is using too muchof your RAM, it means that you have MySQL configured wrong. 11:53 kf mtompset: how are you indexing your records? 11:52 mtompset restarted them 367MB free. 11:52 jcamins Without any doubt. 11:52 jcamins The problem's Apache. 11:52 mtompset stopped apache and mysql 468MB free... 11:52 jcamins The problem is that Apache uses a lot of RAM. 11:52 jcamins 512MB won't be enough for production, but that should be fine for testing. 11:52 jcamins So, pretty small. 11:51 mtompset I think there is just over 39K items. 11:51 jcamins I think maybe I got you confused with someone else. 11:51 mtompset Probably not for you. :) 11:51 mtompset Large for us. 11:51 jcamins I thought you had a large database. 11:51 jcamins Wait, how many records do you have? 11:51 mtompset Considering a DB dump is 300MB+ 11:51 jcamins Probably not. 11:50 mtompset So all our zebra indexing problems might be a memory problem too. 11:50 jcamins That would be your problem. 11:50 mtompset 512MB 11:50 jcamins mtompset: how much RAM does the server have? 11:49 mtompset While hunting for my GetLostItems bug, I discovered a problem... the server is continually running out of memory. 11:49 mtompset Hello, #koha 11:44 jcamins hdl1: it isn't fully integrated into 3.10 yet. dpavlin is working on a patch. 11:23 jcamins Probably not. 11:13 jcamins I am not sure if rangi is going to be backporting it. 11:12 jcamins hdl1: CHI is integrated into 3.10, but not 3.8 yet. 11:04 slef eythian: thanks 11:04 huginn slef: The operation succeeded. 11:04 slef @later tell rangi could you put http://www.kohacon10.org.nz/ back or pass me on, please? 11:04 magnuse http://blip.tv/the-curious-and-wondering-eye 11:03 slef kf_lunch: thanks for the reminder :) 11:03 slef kf_lunch: I think recordings were on blip.tv by anitsirk 11:01 eythian slef: I dunno. Can't hurt to ask him, he'll at least know who to pass it on to. 11:00 kf_lunch I think they were not on the same server, the video recordings 11:00 kf_lunch hm maybe we can find the talk? 10:58 slef oh well - I was trying to point someone at a talk from kohacon10 - would be nice to have it back some time. Do you think rangi knows about it or should I ask someone else? 10:50 eythian I dunno 10:49 kf_lunch from the server where it used to be - maybe a domain thing? 10:49 kf_lunch I think someone talked about moving it 10:49 * mtompset waves bye. 10:48 eythian so he could be I suppose 10:48 eythian 10:43am rather 10:47 eythian ah no, it's a googly thing apparently. I have no idea how that works. 10:45 eythian if we host it, I might be able to make it work. 10:45 eythian also, it's 12:43am there 10:44 eythian he's off training. 10:44 kf_lunch rangi is travelling - was at the airport yesterday 10:43 slef [off] yeah should be better soon, which is why I'm back 10:43 slef is rangi or anyone who can put http://www.kohacon10.org.nz/ back up awake? 10:43 kf_lunch [off] oh no! hope you are feeling better. 10:43 slef [off] I'm slightly ill. Sorry for my recent absences. 10:42 marcelr hi slef 10:42 slef hi all 10:39 marcelr hi drojf1 kf 10:39 kf_lunch hi marcelr :) 10:37 drojf1 hey marcelr 10:36 marcelr hi #koha 09:56 gaetan_B kf: thanks for the input, i'll keep investigating... 09:55 * gaetan_B just finished his phone call 09:33 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8329 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , GetLostItems in C4::Items.pm has a SELECT * 09:33 mtompset bug 8329 09:32 mtompset That's a lot of name changing, chris_n. :) 09:11 dcook longingly* OK, it's been a long day. Gotta go. Good luck with GetLostItems, mtompset! 09:11 * dcook nods and looks lookingly out the window towards the shops 09:10 mtompset You should have stopped an hour ago for supper. ;) 09:09 dcook Thanks, kf. I admit that I'm stumped and it's 7pm here, so I should call it a day :p 09:09 mtompset Anyone care to look at C4::Items GetLostItems and confirm that the SELECT is a horrendous SELECT *? 09:07 kf dcook: don't worry, if we were using facets in a different way it could be the index 09:07 magnuse Oak 09:07 dcook *facepalm* 09:07 dcook Right! 09:06 kf dcook: for the facets the result list is parsed... there should be resulsts I think 09:06 kf and I had results 09:06 dcook I figure that there are either no PERIO item types with author Jean Kaminsky, or the indexing needs to be re-run 09:06 kf I did a search and clicked on the link :) 09:05 dcook kf you mentioned that records were found...how did you determine that, when gaetan_B said that there were no results? 09:05 dcook I got this link to work as well: /cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?&limit=mc-itype,phr:BK&sort_by=relevance&limit=au:Till,%20David. 09:04 kf /cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?idx=kw&q=israel%20studies&limit=au:Neusner,%20Jacob&limit=au:Neusner,%20Jacob 09:04 kf gaetan_B: I could only test 3.6.3 - there the link works for me 09:01 dcook Ahh, wait. There I think I see how a person could get there... 08:58 dcook It still seems weird that there would be two limits and no reference to the index 08:57 kf probably translates to : p 08:56 dcook I am missing part of that original link due to a smiley face that comes up in my IRC client 08:56 dcook Hmm, maybe 08:56 dcook The top one is missing the "idx" index 08:56 kf I think it might depend on what your first search was thaat brought you to the result list 08:56 kf the links do not look verydifferent 08:56 dcook I don't imagine that would change the link though. 08:55 kf gaetan_B: is probably using Unimarc 08:55 dcook Yep. MARC21 08:55 dcook Hmm, didn't mean to include the full link there... 08:55 kf dcook: but you are using MARC21, right? 08:55 dcook http://test38.intersearch.com.au/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?idx=au&q=Graham&sort_by=relevance&limit=au:Grahame,%20Kenneth. 08:54 wahanui well, interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad 08:54 kf interesting 08:54 dcook I have a 3.8.x install up right now, and the facets don't make links like that 08:54 mtompset haven't upgraded yet. 08:54 mtompset Sorry, we're using 3.6.3 08:53 kf dcook: I think it's a link from the facets 08:52 dcook Now that I look at it, I don't understand that link structure at all :S. How was that link produced? 08:43 * gaetan_B on the phone 08:43 kf working on my new vm :) 08:43 kf gaetan_B: I have no 3.8.x installation I can access right now - maybe a bit later today 08:43 kf it's a bit weird 08:43 kf but the records are found 08:43 kf hm yeah 08:42 gaetan_B and indexing does sound like a very good candidate indeed ;) 08:42 gaetan_B hmm if no one here has encountered it, then it's probably somewhere in my configuration 08:41 * dcook wonders if it's an indexing issue rather than a code issue 08:40 kf hmm 08:38 gaetan_B kf: cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?&limit=mc-itype,phr:PERIO&sort_by=relevance&limit=au:Kaminsky,%20Jean 08:37 kf gaetan_B: what does the link look like? 08:37 gaetan_B it's corretly generated, but i never get results after clicking on an author name 08:36 gaetan_B has anyone been having problems with the author facet in 3.8 ? 08:18 hdl guess so 08:13 kf hdl: I think jcamins_away would know - but it's a bit too early for him right now 08:13 kf no, not yet 08:13 hdl kf are you using latest 3.8 ? 08:12 kf I think rangi is travelling - he was at the airport yesterday 08:11 hdl CHI is integrated in 3.8 ? 08:10 hdl hi paul_p rangi anyone on 3.8 maintenance ? 07:56 kf good morning paul_p 07:54 paul_p hi mtompset & kf & others 07:50 kf hi #koha 07:40 mtompset Turns out GetLostItems in C4::Items has a select * on a join with items, biblio, biblioitems, and authorised_values. 07:39 mtompset If you have a lot of lost items... you get a ugly 500 page back. 07:39 mtompset Home -> Reports -> Items Lost 07:39 mtompset And it is a memory sucker! 07:38 mtompset I think I found an ugly query lurking in the bowels of Koha. 07:38 mtompset bonjour, paul_p 07:33 paul_p good morning #koha 07:18 gaetan_B hello :) 07:16 asaurat hi 07:16 sandeepbhavsar kindly guide 07:14 sandeepbhavsar dear all I would like to delete one branchlibrary and the entire record of it 07:10 clrh hello 06:56 matts hi ! 06:53 * mveron has the head away 06:48 wahanui hi, reiveune 06:48 reiveune hello 06:44 francharb hi 06:41 cait ok, bbl 06:32 cait some strings of the xslt files show up in translations - it's really possible there is a mistake there 06:30 * mveron will have a look (later) 06:29 cait does it work for english and has the same name? 06:29 cait it's a possibility 06:29 mveron translation typo in xslt? 06:28 mveron It seems to be related to AV-Medien I suppose. What media type would PR stand for? 06:27 cait it looks like one of he small images used in the xslt 06:27 cait mveron: hm, maybe it accidently got removed while tidying up? 06:20 ropuch Good morning 05:55 mveron Koha complains about missing image file (...) famfamfam/PR.png 05:54 cait hi mveron :) 05:54 mveron Hi cait :-) 05:53 cait dcook: :) 05:52 dcook Hi Cait! Thanks again for that link to the jQuery library. It's been very helpful. 05:47 Oak :) 05:46 cait hello mr oak :) 05:46 Oak good morning miss cait 05:45 cait good morning #koha 05:20 mveron referrer is: (...)koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=9 05:20 mveron koha-error_log: File does not exist: /koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/img/famfamfam/PR.png 05:20 mveron Good daytime #koha 04:12 mtompset Has anyone ever encountered a " Premature end of script headers: itemslost.pl" before? 04:11 mtompset Greetings, #koha. 04:06 Oak magnuse 03:29 * chris_n looks around for someone to disambiguate "normal" for him 01:57 Oak Ahoy me hearties