Time  Nick            Message
22:35 cait            :)
22:34 mle_droid_pub   \o/
22:33 rangi           yes!
22:33 mle_droid_pub   i c
22:33 mle_droid_pub   so i will book norri to play for us on wednesday?
22:33 cait            in nz
22:32 mle_droid_pub   ?
22:32 * cait          remembers rotorua
22:32 cait            ah, that's not scaring me
22:32 mle_droid_pub   becuase it used to smell bad
22:32 cait            mememe!
22:31 mle_droid_pub   cait yes auld reekie is embrah
22:31 huginn`         rangi: The operation succeeded.
22:31 rangi           @later tell paul_p ive attached a fix for the failing unit test to bug 5327
22:29 mle_droid_pub   hehhe
22:28 cait            you don't know what you get yourself into )
22:28 cait            :)
22:28 mle_            looking fotward to meeting you too
22:28 mle_            hey wahanui
22:27 wahanui         okay, mle_.
22:27 mle_            i am also tryong to book some gaelic lrssons for y'all
22:27 mle_            i think you wull love it. really. v excited
22:27 rangi           sounds good
22:26 cait            :)
22:26 * mle_          wishes he could stream realtime
22:25 mle_            sooo who fancies having an awesone gaelic singer session on wednesday night?
22:25 libsysguy       oops
22:25 libsysguy       oh ha
22:24 rangi           libsysguy: not that indexer, that one is hideous, the new one fredericd wrote
22:24 mle_            s/pib/pub even
22:24 mle_            s/pib/pib ahem
22:24 rangi           me!
22:24 mle_            ack aye lassie auld reekie ye ken is embrah
22:23 * mle_          is in the pib, listening to an awesome gseloc musician
22:23 cait            auld reekie is edinburgh? then my hand goes up :)
22:23 mle_            hi #koha
22:23 libsysguy       meh we just restart to kill the memory leaks :p
22:23 mle_            hands up if you are coming to auld reekie next week!
22:23 rangi           you take that startup hit out, and it can run faster
22:22 rangi           the indexer runs as a daemon
22:22 mle_            boom
22:22 rangi           plus a hit on startup
22:22 rangi           and 1min is as low as you can go
22:21 rangi           the limitation of the cron is its using cron :)
22:21 libsysguy       interesting
22:21 rangi           it solves that
22:21 rangi           yep try the indexer from fredericd
22:20 libsysguy       so I preach patience :p
22:19 libsysguy       "we deleted something but its still showing up"
22:19 libsysguy       that is the chief complaint I hear
22:19 rangi           as it will surely take longer than a quick db insert
22:19 cait            you can run it every few seconds i think
22:19 libsysguy       ohh i gotcha
22:18 rangi           you'd want the same idea with solr, stick it in a queue as fast as possible and do the next op and let something else get it indexed
22:18 libsysguy       i haven't cait
22:18 rangi           so we dont slow circ down
22:17 rangi           hence the queue
22:17 rangi           it just holds you up
22:17 cait            libsysguy: have you looked at the indexer from fredericd?
22:17 rangi           you can do live inserts in zebra too
22:17 libsysguy       but they do 'live' inserts in solr right
22:16 libsysguy       well right now partials have to be queued and run from the cron
22:16 rangi           hm?
22:15 libsysguy       but it seems like it would benefit partial indexes
22:14 libsysguy       that is what I was thinking
22:14 rangi           but the nice thing is, it's built to work like that
22:12 rangi           you'd defintely want it on a sep machine for a library of decent size
22:12 rangi           its cool, but resource heavy
22:12 rangi           its a big java stack
22:11 rangi           unless by advantage you mean, i want to use all of it all the time :)
22:10 rangi           quite the opposite
21:43 libsysguy       random question.  Will there be any cpu advantage to using solr over zebra?
21:22 rangi           my $isbn2 = '0684843897';
21:22 rangi           needs this
21:22 rangi           yep, but now the test needs to be changed
21:21 cait            but the test caught it :)
21:21 rangi           is returning diff results than it used to
21:21 rangi           https://www.librarything.com/api/thingISBN/0590353403
21:20 rangi           that will need a patch
21:20 rangi           ohh tricky one
20:57 * rangi         fixes
20:57 rangi           ahh isbn in db
20:56 huginn`         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8140 blocker, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Pushed to Stable , Error when exporting label xml
20:56 jenkins_koha    kyle: Bug 8140 - [SIGNED-OFF] Error when exporting label xml
20:56 jenkins_koha    Project Koha_3.8.x build #34: UNSTABLE in 53 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.8.x/34/
20:37 datadoctor      See y'all!
20:36 datadoctor      You too!
20:27 oleonard        Have a good weekend everyone
20:15 huginn`         libsysguy: The operation succeeded.
20:15 libsysguy       @later tell jcamins http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2008/17
20:02 jenkins_koha    Starting build #34 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:29 cait            jquery++ :)
19:28 datadoctor      I'm a big fan of jquery!
19:28 datadoctor      Oh, I like that a lot better!!
19:28 oleonard        We never used YUI tabs even when we used other YUI stuff.
19:28 oleonard        datadoctor: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/
19:27 datadoctor      Viewing at the tabview page, looks complicated! http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/tabview/
19:24 cait            ah, the tabs
19:24 cait            perhaps split it up a bit?
19:23 oleonard        That tabs patch is kind of a beast though, lots of changes. Nothing serious, but lots of minor changes.
19:23 datadoctor      nice
19:23 cait            datadoctor: we are kicking it out ;)
19:23 cait            oleonard: brave and awesome!
19:23 datadoctor      oleonard: Yui rock!
19:23 oleonard        thanks cait I'm working on datepickers now :)
19:22 cait            oleonard++ for lots of yui work :)
19:22 cait            dpavlin++
19:21 oleonard        dpavlin_away++ # for lots of plack work today
19:09 cait            magnuse++ :)
19:03 cait            hi rangi :)
19:03 rangi           hi cait
19:02 jwagner         Some of the greatest scientific discoveries were made accidentally :-)  But can you replicate it?
19:02 cait            but I didn't intend to...
19:02 jwagner         cait, you're cloning yourself?
19:01 cait            hm
19:01 wahanui         cait1 is not sure how much they paid :(
19:01 cait            cait1?
18:53 * libsysguy     was afraid you'd say taht
18:52 * jcamins       would go for integration, probably...
18:52 libsysguy       and there isn't much worse than killing ideas
18:52 libsysguy       and thanks…I already feel like if I screw this up the whole idea dies with me lol
18:51 libsysguy       i guess the real question is should I finish this with integration in mind or demo in mind
18:51 libsysguy       i mean, should I showcase dbix::versioning or can i just modify the database freely without worrying about integration
18:51 libsysguy       well it kind of depends on what I do
18:50 libsysguy       heh
18:50 jcamins         No pressure. :P
18:50 jcamins         libsysguy: depends how good a job you do. :P
18:50 libsysguy       i don't know if i put a large enough emphasis on the if there :p
18:49 libsysguy       so with the work that I am doing…it would be totally scrapped and we'd start with another area of koha *IF* we decided to move right?
18:46 libsysguy       well it certainly looks like that is supported…so yayy
18:46 libsysguy       oh heh
18:46 libsysguy       morning rangi
18:46 jcamins         libsysguy: support for Memcached and Fastmmap.
18:45 rangi           morning
18:45 libsysguy       what is it that you wanted but Cache::Cache doesn't have
18:44 libsysguy       cool…well I'm glad I won't hose everything by proposing this
18:44 jcamins         It looks like Catalyst's Cache plugin would meet my requirements, even though Cache::Cache does not.
18:43 jcamins         It doesn't really matter... as I said, it would be easy to change.
18:43 slef            Chi River, Thailand
18:43 libsysguy       boo
18:43 libsysguy       still can't find anythign
18:41 jcamins         Maybe?
18:41 jcamins         Cache Handling Interface?
18:41 libsysguy       haha disregard that then
18:41 jcamins         No idea.
18:41 jcamins         Uhhh...
18:41 libsysguy       what does CHI stand for?
18:41 libsysguy       i couldn't find it either
18:40 jcamins         (or we could use the CHI plugin, which exists but I'm not finding in CPAN)
18:40 jcamins         It would be easy to change Koha::Cache to use Catalyst::Plugin::Cache if we switch to Catalyst.
18:40 libsysguy       i can honestly say I feel overwhelmed by the size of what I am trying to undertake lol
18:39 libsysguy       i figured that was the one you found
18:39 jcamins         Just read it.
18:38 jcamins         Yep.
18:38 libsysguy       did you see this http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Plugin-Cache/
18:38 * libsysguy     doesn't have much experience in the area of caching
18:38 jcamins         Though Catalyst::Plugin::Cache, which uses Cache::Cache also exists.
18:36 libsysguy       first question :p
18:36 libsysguy       haha
18:35 jcamins         Catalyst::Plugin::CHI.
18:35 * jcamins       has settled fairly definitely on CHI, so I don't suppose it would much matter if Catalyst used something else.
18:35 sekjal          jcamins: it's pluggable... not sure if a CHI plugin has been written or not
18:35 jcamins         Fastmmap. That's not a framework, that's just a particular Cache.
18:34 libsysguy       Cache::Fastmap
18:34 libsysguy       i think
18:34 libsysguy       there is fastmap
18:33 jcamins         Framework, like CHI or Cache::Cache or ...
18:33 libsysguy       anyone or just memcache
18:32 jcamins         libsysguy: does Catalyst integrate with any particular caching framework?
18:28 libsysguy       i didn't know DBIC supported LDAP queries
18:27 libsysguy       wahanui is tired
18:27 libsysguy       haha
18:27 jcamins         Well, anyway, there's a good reading list on the page wahanui isn't directing you to.
18:27 wahanui         no idea, jcamins
18:27 jcamins         wahanui: hello?
18:27 wahanui         somebody said git was http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Version_Control_Using_Git
18:27 jcamins         git?
18:24 libsysguy       I need to get better at using git so I am better at testing
18:24 jcamins         I tested it, and liked how it worked, but there were objections to the implementation.
18:23 sekjal          that's the one I was originally looking for
18:23 jcamins         ^^ there's a bug about replacing updatedatabase.
18:23 huginn`         jcamins: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7167 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , updatedatabase improvements
18:23 jcamins         @query nonlinear
18:22 libsysguy       jcamins we have jenkins for deployments anyway :p
18:22 jcamins         libsysguy: DeploymentHandler also looks like it would be a lot more complicated to start using.
18:19 libsysguy       which according to rangi is akin to Date::Manip :p
18:18 libsysguy       poor DeploymentHandler requires Moose
18:17 jcamins         DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned wins, hands down.
18:17 jcamins         Oh, wait, no, never mind.
18:17 libsysguy       There is a catalyst plugin for both of those
18:17 jcamins         DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler would be even snazzier.
18:16 huginn`         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5837 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, chris, NEW , Change installer to use DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned instead of updatedatabase.pl
18:16 sekjal          bug 5837
18:16 jcamins         That one.
18:16 libsysguy       finally I beat jcamins to something :p
18:16 jcamins         DBIx::Class::Versioned would be a good option for this, I think.
18:16 libsysguy       http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-Class/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Versioned.pm
18:16 libsysguy       so like versioning for database
18:15 sekjal          I think having each db update as a file, with a common set of actions on it, would give us a lot more flexability as far as parallel developments go
18:14 * libsysguy     goes to the googles
18:14 libsysguy       0_0
18:13 sekjal          non-linear database update
18:13 libsysguy       sorry, erroneous 'is'
18:13 jcamins         (your message cut off after "conflicting database changes is")
18:13 libsysguy       well I am working on notices
18:13 libsysguy       heh
18:13 * jcamins       waits eagerly to hear what the options are for how to integrate conflicting database changes.
18:12 libsysguy       sekjal, you know im working on my proof of concept and eventually I would like to see it integrated.  IT seems rather improbable to just spend a full release cycle on migrating stuff so an incremental transition seems to be the only way to go.  My question is, what do you think the best way to integrate conflicting database changes is
18:11 sekjal          I wouldn't think so...
18:09 jcamins         Doesn't seem like you should get a 404 no matter what your setup.
18:09 sekjal          seems to be okay on this more robust machine
18:09 sekjal          I assume it was just a lack of good set up on my part
18:09 sekjal          gave me a 404
18:09 sekjal          my one laptop VM wouldn't let me add a biblio to a list from opac-detail
18:09 jcamins         Sorry, I swear I was paying attention.
18:07 jcamins         Oh, right.
18:07 sekjal          one of the areas the replacement occurs is in ShelfPossibleActions()
18:06 huginn`         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8164 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Replace IFNULL() with COALESCE() in all database calls
18:06 sekjal          bug 8164
18:06 jcamins         sekjal: what is it you were trying?
18:05 sekjal          suppose I should try on this machine....
18:04 sekjal          no, patch is still untested
18:02 jcamins         sekjal: did you ever sort out your lists problem?
17:30 slef            I hope I recorded that somewhere :)
17:29 jcamins         She said you could move her talk to whenever you wanted.
17:29 slef            ok... I warned nengard I might do this to her so hope she's OK with it too :)
17:29 jcamins         I was just checking my schedule.
17:29 jcamins         Yup.
17:29 slef            jcamins: can you confirm?
17:29 jcamins         That works fine for me.
17:29 kf              if it's ok for him :)
17:28 kf              ask jared
17:28 kf              sounds ok
17:28 kf              lol
17:28 slef            kf: gbenga is unsure about day 1, asks for a later slot. So gbenga to 2pm day 3, nengard from there to 4pm day 1, jcamins from there to 4pm day 3, slef from there to 2pm day 3. OK?
17:28 kf              jcamins: we are talking about slef... it might be...
17:28 jcamins         kf: confusing you! :P
17:27 kf              what for? :)
17:27 kf              slef: eek
17:26 slef            kf: I'm messing up your schedule.... OK?
17:25 jcamins         slef: that would work fine, I think.
17:24 slef            jcamins: mmmm... what about 4pm day 3?
17:24 jcamins         slef: that might be a bit tricky... I think that'd be 8am.
17:23 wizzyrea        so yea it probably fits in RAM
17:23 slef            no, 2h earlier
17:22 slef            jcamins: same time I think... checking
17:22 bencahill       wizzyrea: gz'ed backup is 6MB
17:22 wahanui         somebody said time was like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. or generously donated to giving support in #koha but if you need more help faster than we can give it try http://koha-community.org/support/paid/
17:22 jcamins         slef: what time?
17:22 bencahill       Unfortunately, I don't have SSH access right now (wtf?), but I'll restore that ASAP...
17:22 wizzyrea        there might be some things you could do to tune MySQL so it ran better
17:22 slef            jcamins: can I move you to day 3?
17:21 wizzyrea        well if size of db uncompressed < 700ish MB it would fit
17:21 * jcamins       is day one, sorry.
17:21 * slef          looks at the programme
17:21 bencahill       wizzyrea: I don't know, I haven't tried. :-/
17:20 slef            help! Anyone from kohacon day 2 or 3 willing to trade for a day 1 slot?
17:20 bencahill       wizzyrea: Right now just an old IDE drive. ~2000 items/biblios
17:20 wizzyrea        does your whole DB fit in RAM?
17:20 wizzyrea        what kind of disks do you have in this box
17:19 bencahill       Is my main limiting factor right now the CPU?
17:18 bencahill       Okay.
17:17 jcamins         I think I'd probably go with a 4-core rather than a 2-core.
17:17 bencahill       We are planning on upgrading it, I just don't know if I should get a fast 2-core rather than a 4-core or 6-core that may not be as fast per-core...
17:16 bencahill       Yes, I know... :P
17:16 jcamins         That's kind of an old processor.
17:16 jcamins         Hmmm...
17:16 wizzyrea        oh a p4
17:16 bencahill       It's got a P4 2.4 with 800MB (ish?) of RAM, but it never runs out of RAM, afaik.
17:15 jcamins         !
17:15 bencahill       Right now, my system uses 100% CPU for requests (monitoring with top), and requests take 6-8 seconds normally.
17:14 jcamins         bencahill: your system is probably going to run out of memory and crash before the CPU is so busy that extra cores are *needed*.
17:14 wizzyrea        it's mostly i/o bound
17:12 bencahill       jcamins: What do you mean by 'Koha mostly isn't CPU-bound'?
17:12 jcamins         If it's separate, I'm not sure it will make that much of a difference, since Koha mostly isn't CPU-bound.
17:11 jcamins         If you're running MySQL on the same server as Apache, you should notice pretty significant improvement when the server is busy.
17:11 bencahill       That's what I figured. :P
17:11 jcamins         bencahill: yes and no.
17:10 bencahill       Hey guys, I think I asked this before, but don't really remember. Will koha benefit from multiple cores?
17:09 jcamins         (it certainly is in master, but I think the change got in before 3.8, too)
17:08 jcamins         SJeffery: it requires a couple of configuration changes. As of 3.8, I think it's actually an option in the installer.
17:08 SJeffery        btw, is turning on icu a big issue, or just something simple?
17:07 Oak             yup. God bless you all.
17:07 jcamins         Ah.
17:07 Oak             :) option a) and b) ... ICU or normalization
17:06 jcamins         Oak: what did I do?
17:06 Oak             jcamins++
16:29 huginn`         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6617 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , table of contents not printing right if entered right
16:29 kf              bug 6617
16:29 huginn`         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1922 enhancement, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Table of Contents Tab
16:29 kf              bug 1922
16:22 jcamins         SJeffery: so the script will take care of the normalization in your current records, but you will still run into problems with searching non-Roman character sets.
16:22 jcamins         Along with eleventy billion other things. :/
16:22 SJeffery        That did fix the one record, so the script would be the fix:)
16:22 jcamins         oleonard: yes it is. It's on my to-do list.
16:21 oleonard        jcamins: Seems like an easy thing to add to Koha
16:21 jcamins         oleonard: the other way those <link> tags are useful is that it makes it easier for me to jQuery fun features into existence which depend on having direct access to the MARCXML.
16:20 SJeffery        =hello
16:19 SJeffery        Oh hellp, I just found some enhancements we are going to take care of...1922 and 6617!
16:19 jcamins         If so, option B) is to run the touch_all_biblios script, which will correct the normalization.
16:18 jcamins         I'm pretty sure that will fix the one record.
16:18 SJeffery        Will check, need to wait for reindex job in 10 minutes
16:17 jcamins         (for that record only)
16:17 jcamins         If you open one of the records and save it, will the search start working?
16:17 jcamins         The other option is to renormalize.
16:17 jcamins         That will ensure that no matter what weird diacritics you might throw at it, it will work.
16:17 jcamins         Then reindex.
16:17 jcamins         The preferred solution is to enable ICU on the server.
16:17 slef            me bodges a temporary solution
16:17 jcamins         There are two.
16:17 jcamins         lol
16:17 jcamins         oleonard: it means that Endnote will Just Work if you give it a URL.
16:17 slef            ooh flipping heck
16:16 wahanui         slef: I forgot solution
16:16 slef            wahanui: forget Solution
16:16 huginn`         slef: wizzyrea was last seen in #koha 18 hours, 37 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: * wizzyrea too
16:16 slef            @seen wizzyrea
16:16 slef            wizzyrea: help! I can't upload images to the gallery any more!
16:15 SJeffery        *smacks the bot upside the head*
16:14 wahanui         rumour has it Solution is to use the proper template syntax
16:14 SJeffery        Solution?
16:14 jcamins         It's normalized in the search, though, so it doesn't recognize the words as the same.
16:14 jcamins         (nor does IE)
16:13 jcamins         SJeffery: so the problem is the Unicode normalization. The record is normalized to have separate diacritics, which Zebra doesn't like.
16:13 oleonard        jcamins: How does the user take advantage of that?
16:13 SJeffery        I really like
16:13 jcamins         Beautiful, isn't it?
16:13 kf              oh
16:12 jcamins         Particularly the <link> tags.
16:12 jcamins         Look at the source.
16:12 jcamins         kf: http://mirlyn.lib.umich.edu/Record/000422068/Details#tabs
16:12 kf              (what are alternate formats?)
16:12 jcamins         kf: I know.
16:12 kf              jcamins: we have to make koha do that too!
16:12 jcamins         ICU.
16:11 SJeffery        My net connection hates me. I think the last thing you said was something about UID?
16:10 jcamins         Wow. Vufind does alternate formats right.
15:57 jcamins         (that's done server-side)
15:57 jcamins         Probably the thing to do is enable ICU.
15:56 * jcamins       catches up with himself.
15:56 jcamins         If you were using ICU, I would've have had to ask it.
15:56 jcamins         Sorry, that was a silly question.
15:55 jcamins         Are you using ICU?
15:55 jcamins         The record probably wasn't normalized properly.
15:54 jcamins         Yes, that's important.
15:54 jcamins         Ohhh.
15:53 SJeffery        FWIW, I don't know if it matters that at least in IE it is giving that box instead of the special character in the serps, but the URL contains the proper special character.
15:52 jcamins         Okay, just checking it was bringing up the right results.
15:52 SJeffery        Yep, it includes all four results.
15:52 jcamins         Does it include the results in that series?
15:52 SJeffery        If I search for just the first two words I get four results.
15:51 SJeffery        No results match your search for 'se,phr:"Mapa metalogenetico de Espa�a e."'
15:50 jcamins         Try removing the 1:200.000
15:50 SJeffery        Just tried that, no change
15:50 jcamins         Try removing the " ;" at the end?
15:50 jcamins         Hm.
15:49 SJeffery        Hmm. A search for /cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl?q=se,phr:"Mapa metalogenetico de España e. 1:200.000 ;" gives no results found.
15:44 jcamins         SJeffery: there was a problem with parentheses, but searches for non-Roman characters should work on all indexes with ICU enabled.
15:43 SJeffery        Does anyone know the bug number for the problem with search-links to series with foreign language characters not working? (not 5369, that was fixed in 3.6.3) My search-fu is failing me this morning.
15:41 jcamins         Wow, the upgrade past hourly really takes forever, doesn't it?
15:05 jwagner         self, I vaguely remember working on org patron problems a long time ago, but would have to dig
15:03 reiveune1       bye
15:03 kf              well... he is kind of the eldest... he knows how things were looong times ago
15:03 slef            he'll feel like it's groundhog day
15:02 slef            let's all ask rangi
15:02 kf              but it would explain why there was a list
15:02 kf              and that got broken a long while ago I guess
15:02 kf              slef: iirc he said it used to be an n:n thing, one organisation could be part of n others and so on
15:01 kf              slef: you should ask rangi
15:00 slef            oleonard, jwagner: you might know about that too.
15:00 huginn`         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6697 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Empty Organisation(s) field for organisational patrons
15:00 slef            kf: do you know the answer to Bug 6697 or should I try to put it in discussion?
15:00 kf              ouch :(
14:59 slef            I was... then a ranger broke my arm. Not sure I went back.
14:59 kf              :)
14:59 * kf            imagines slef as a scout
14:57 slef            but we have tried to be good scouts! Be Prepared!
14:56 kf              another good reason
14:56 slef            jcamins: I fear that happening next week
14:55 slef            kf: actually it's because I'm not at my own desk
14:55 jcamins         slef: could be worse... it could be on the other side of the country.
14:55 kf              bad planning? *ducks*
14:55 slef            why is everything I need for work at the other end of the flat!
14:52 Oak             well okay. i accept. but still sad you all are going.
14:50 * kf            sends Oak cookies
14:48 Oak             *sigh* so lucky... those going
14:41 kf              monday!! :)
14:41 kf              heh
14:35 slef            I think BR is the only member of our co-op that I haven't roped in yet.
14:35 slef            tee hee... just gave mjkaye a stationery shopping list for kohacon12
14:27 kf              yes, it's not easy :(
14:26 datadoctor      Plus there are the three AcqCreateItems methods, and corresponding workflows. The procedure needs to be useful for different workflows.
14:25 datadoctor      If something is missing, the scripts fail.
14:25 datadoctor      The process is difficult to automate because of the item creation process - a lot of information is passed through the Receive scripts.
14:24 kf              hi wizzyrea :)
14:24 kf              batch receiving multiple order lines is the missing piece I think?
14:23 kf              not only current, I think you pretty much could always do that
14:23 datadoctor      I mean receiving multiple items.
14:23 * wizzyrea_away waves
14:23 datadoctor      Go yui!
14:22 datadoctor      I understand that current Koha incorporates a mechanism for simultaneously accepting mutliple items per title.
14:22 kf              oleonard++ for kicking out a part of yui :)
14:22 kf              not one for each item
14:22 kf              and itwill only be one line in parcel for the title
14:22 kf              yes
14:22 datadoctor      Each order line shows a title, however multiple items may be received for that title.
14:21 kf              one basket can have multiple orderlines, each orderline can order multiple items
14:21 datadoctor      I know - I'm looking for a more solid workflow.
14:21 kf              what I mean is order lines are an 1:n relationship to items
14:21 kf              ok, really confused now
14:20 datadoctor      t match the physical invoice total.
14:20 datadoctor      If the invoice doesn't correspond to the physical inventory received then the basket total won'
14:20 kf              I may be irritated because I am not a native speaker :)
14:19 datadoctor      Our procedure is to create an order, populate it with items, then receive the shipment. The "Already Received" items should correspond one-to-one to our physical invoice. The title is created with the item, using the Z3950 search.
14:16 kf              basket = order, containing order lines for different bibliographic titles, each oder line ordering 1 or more items/copies of the title for the library
14:15 kf              datadoctor: no wrng, order lines
14:15 kf              datadoctor: hm I think we are using different vocabulary - what you call items I would call orders, and orders can have multiple items ordered
14:12 kf              using acq but not creating items on the titles
14:12 datadoctor      kf Thanks for your input. I'm going to talk it over with my colleague, Jorge.
14:10 datadoctor      I'm thinking that the item is not attached to an order in that case...
14:08 datadoctor      't use the Acquisitions tools?
14:08 datadoctor      I understand AcqCreateItem settings "placing an order" and "receiving an order" but what is when "cataloging a record?" Is that for folks who don
14:06 datadoctor      We did notice the different behavior with the AcqCreateItem setting.
14:06 datadoctor      Sounds good. I don't want to put in too much work until we are upgraded to 3.8 later this Summer. However, our tech svcs. need it now (new budget = big orders), so hopefully we can provide a skeleton for future work in 3.8
14:05 kf              if that makes sense
14:04 kf              datadoctor: there is also some work done on the item part of acq in 3.8 and 3.6 - so it might need more work to make it work for these versions.
14:04 datadoctor      Thank you! I will look at that closely.
14:04 kf              datadoctor: I think important is tomake sure it works for all settings of AcqCreateItem system preference
13:56 huginn`         04Bug 8179: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, henridamien, NEW , Receiving items requires repetitive clicking.
13:56 datadoctor      Try this instead: http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8179
13:51 datadoctor      Hmm - do I have something on this in Koha bugzilla?
13:50 huginn`         04Bug 4480: normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , MARC21 033 tag and Zebra date indexing
13:50 datadoctor      http://ticket.bywatersolutions.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4480
13:49 datadoctor      I will post to our bug report after we test the patch thoroughly.
13:49 datadoctor      Writing for our 3.5 install, may need to be modified for 3.8.x
13:48 datadoctor      Combining the orderreceive.pl with the finishreceive.pl yields a batch process for receiving all items on an order in one click.
13:47 datadoctor      Working on the Acquistions process today. We are having trouble with Receiving items.
13:46 datadoctor      ;)
13:46 oleonard        datadoctor I think wahanui is putting the moves on you
13:46 wahanui         well, evening is better for me - but not too late
13:46 datadoctor      Or evening!
13:45 datadoctor      Good morning!
13:39 * oleonard      prepares his glamour shot to submit for next year
13:39 oleonard        So, anyone else *not* get a call about this? http://www.businessinsider.com/top-15-sexiest-programmers-2012-2012-5
13:38 Oak             hmm
13:38 oleonard        But I think it would be nice to have that gallery promote nice looking OPACs which have done it with pure CSS+JS
13:38 Oak             i wish we could have something like child themes in wordpress?
13:37 oleonard        Of course you can do whatever you want, and there are smart ways to do it and dumb ways to do it
13:37 Oak             yes
13:37 Oak             because it will get overwritten... that's the only reason i can think of...
13:37 oleonard        Making changes to templates is discouraged because of the problem it creates with maintainability
13:37 Oak             i mean it's not good?
13:36 Oak             so... customizing the template is discouraged?
13:34 asaurat         yep, would be great to promote this kind of customization
13:30 oleonard        If each of those links has no template modifications we could modify the description of the page to ask for CSS/JS-only changes
13:29 asaurat         :/
13:29 asaurat         right
13:29 oleonard        ...since the page doesn't specify what kind of customizations we want to see.
13:28 oleonard        Probably not
13:27 asaurat         are we talking about CSS customization and no template modification ?
13:27 asaurat1        about this list : http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Gallery_of_customized_OPACs
13:16 Oak             \o
13:10 huginn`         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8174 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , OpacNavBottom appears between OpacNav and Patron Links when patron is logged in and browses to /koha/opac-main.pl
13:10 oleonard        anyone understand Bug 8174?
11:57 Oak             hi esofiane
11:57 esofiane        hi #koha
10:06 mtompset        Something is freaky messed up with my perl installation, I think.
10:05 mtompset        Strange... it said I had stemmers installed but they couldn't be found.
09:51 francharb       :)
09:51 slef            little tip for future reference... don't organise a conference if you have no two members in the same town ;)
09:51 francharb       but it tooks every entry from every lists of my page
09:51 kf              slef: drive carefully :)
09:51 francharb       i did sorted my list
09:51 francharb       for the sorting jquery
09:51 francharb       kf :)
09:51 * slef          will roll Norfolk -> Edinburgh
09:50 kf              francharb: zürich - amsterdam - edinburgh :)
09:39 francharb       i will fly from lyon -> amsterdam -> edinburgh
09:39 francharb       yep
09:39 kf              or not...
09:38 kf              it was lyon, right?
09:38 kf              thought you might be travelling separately from lyon
09:38 francharb       It's going to be fun!
09:38 kf              ah, cool :)
09:38 francharb       I take this plane too
09:38 francharb       ;)
09:38 francharb       maybe we will be on the same row
09:37 francharb       great
09:37 kf              I found out I am on the same plane as the biblibre crowd from marseille
09:37 francharb       around 4pm
09:37 francharb       on monday
09:37 francharb       but i just find a function that looks nice
09:37 kf              when will you arrive?
09:37 kf              francharb: next week!!
09:37 francharb       :)
09:37 francharb       i tried and failed
09:36 francharb       i'm on it
09:36 francharb       yep
09:36 kf              francharb: no, sorry - have you tried google?
09:32 francharb       anyone?
09:32 francharb       have you ever tried to sort a dropdown menu with jquery?
08:56 Oak             time to reboot
08:55 Oak             :)
08:55 Oak             i _knew_ it
08:54 kf              Oak: how did you know??
08:54 Oak             stop it.
08:54 Oak             kf, this is the 28th time you have done that ;)
08:52 * kf            checks on her tickets for monday :)
08:50 kf              http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Bug-enhancement-patch_Workflow is also interesting
08:49 cjh             http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sign_off_on_patches
08:49 kf              there are pages on the wiki explaining the workflow, let me check
08:48 kf              except for the one who wrote the patch of course
08:48 kf              everyone can
08:47 mtompset        Who signs off?
08:47 mtompset        But the status is 'Needs Sign off'
08:47 mtompset        It looks like there's a fix for it.
08:47 mtompset        I reported a bug yesterday.
08:46 mtompset        Are either of you familiar with the bug reporting cycle?
08:42 mtompset        Especially when you are working for a worldwide NGO. :)
08:42 magnuse         small world ;-)
08:41 mtompset        I have friends from both your countries. :)
08:41 * magnuse       waves from norway
08:41 mtompset        I'm a Canadian in the Philippines. :)
08:40 kf              Germany
08:39 mtompset        kf, where are you from?
08:38 mtompset        Well, that's not super useful, I didn't reply in a reasonable amount of time.
08:37 mtompset        Especially useful if you don't want to install DESKTOP stuff on your SERVER.
08:36 mtompset        Oak... LYNX ... it's an awesome text browser, and it works for the web setup portion of the install.
08:32 wahanui         rumour has it mailing list is at http://koha-community.org/support/koha-mailing-lists/
08:32 kf              mailing list?
08:31 kf              mailinglist?
08:31 kf              mailinglists?
08:31 kf              mailinglists>?
08:26 Oak             let me think about it... the Debian and Mint.... thing.
08:26 Oak             than you!
08:26 Oak             okay later slef :)
08:26 slef            now really in a meeting :)
08:25 slef            but hey, freedom of choice is good.
08:25 slef            I stick with debian most of the time.
08:25 slef            biab - if you want to know more, I'm happy to find the links to the explanation if it's not on http://mozilla.debian.net
08:25 Oak             so... what do you recommend? I stick with Debian, or do I try Mint?
08:24 Oak             got it.
08:24 Oak             ah isee.
08:24 slef            I don't think anyone's blocking it from non-free, but packaging it is a lot of work and no-one's volunteered as far as I know.
08:24 Oak             *sigh*
08:24 Oak             Debian people could just let it get added to the non-free repository...
08:24 slef            well... this is a well-known red line which predates firefox or even mozilla foundation
08:23 Oak             or Debian won't back down
08:23 slef            mozilla use trademarks to lock firefox down (unlike most software that uses copyright)
08:23 slef            there is a dispute but it's pretty small and it sucks that mozilla foundation won't back down
08:23 slef            mostly
08:22 Oak             you were joking
08:22 Oak             oh wait
08:22 Oak             really? educate me.
08:22 Oak             huh?
08:22 slef            mozilla hates you and wants to steal your freedom, you know? ;-)
08:22 Oak             just because.
08:22 Oak             because
08:21 slef            huh? Why are you installing firefox instead of just using iceweasel?
08:21 Oak             well, okay
08:21 slef            Oak: sounds good. Record and document how it goes?
08:21 Oak             I just installed Debian and had no idea it will so much fuss to install Firefox
08:21 Oak             i think i should be able to do it easily... just add the line in sources.list... and import gpg key and good to go?
08:20 Oak             will i be able to install koha-common on it?
08:20 Oak             LinuxMint uses Debian testing's repositories
08:20 huginn`         slef: Karma for "ms_word" has been increased 0 times and decreased 3 times for a total karma of -3.
08:20 slef            @karma ms_word
08:20 slef            ms_word--
08:20 Oak             :)
08:20 Oak             ms_word--
08:19 kf              word++
08:19 kf              ms_word--
08:19 Oak             word?
08:19 kf              word--
08:16 Oak             koha-common is not available in Debian testing (Wheezy), right?
07:46 slef            the sick perl script basically makes a dummy marcxml marc21 authorities file from text lines
07:43 slef            kf: I'm using things like http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Authors_not_in_the_Authorities (which I've a bugfix for... needs a DISTINCT and an ORDER BY) and some sick perl scripts.
07:42 kf              slef: not sure if there is an easy way to fix that, perhaps worth asking jared
07:41 slef            headings not in authorities yet... I don't think their previous system enforced the authorities file
07:41 kf              what's the problem with the 3549?
07:41 slef            thanks all
07:41 slef            that's 1724 of them fixed, only another 3549 to do
07:40 slef            yay!
07:39 wahanui         kf: I forgot link_bibs_to_authorities.pl
07:39 kf              wahanui forget link_bibs_to_authorities.pl
07:39 slef            I searched for link but in the wrong folder (oops)
07:39 wahanui         link_bibs_to_authorities.pl is, like, something that you run because you did something wrong with my system, and now you want to fix it by doing something you probably shouldn't be doing
07:39 slef            link_bibs_to_authorities.pl
07:38 kf              linkauthtobibssomething
07:38 rangi           link something something
07:38 rangi           Just works tons better
07:37 kf              there are several system preferences you can look at under authorities and a rewritten script
07:37 rangi           Same script
07:37 kf              a lot nicer and reliable way
07:37 slef            kf: 3.8.mumble
07:37 slef            ooh is there a nicer way to do this now?
07:37 wahanui         which version are you looking at?
07:37 kf              slef: which version?
07:37 kf              slef: you use the awesome work jcamins has done
07:36 wahanui         marc21 is at http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdlist.html , http://www.loc.gov/marc/authority/ecadlist.html
07:36 slef            wahanui: marc21
07:35 slef            I'm sure I've done this a few times before but I can't remember how... how do I link imported authorities to imported biblios?
07:27 mtompset        Sorry we couldn't help more.
07:20 monisa          OK THANKU ALL FOR UR TIME
07:17 gaetan_B        o/ :)
07:17 Oak             kia ora #koha
07:17 slef            :-/
07:13 mtompset        It sounds like there is some sneaky redirection going on.
07:13 mtompset        Have you had your computer scanned for viruses?
07:13 mtompset        Sorry. I don't know how to help. That is an Amazon issue.
07:08 monisa          PLS GUIDE
07:07 mtompset        Though, it doesn't ask me for mine.
07:06 mtompset        Well, you probably registered your card with the account, and that's their security measure.
07:02 monisa          http://aws.amazon.com/ when i go to sign up, it says that my email is registered , when i go to forget password it asks for credit card
06:58 wahanui         niihau, reiveune
06:58 reiveune        hello
06:57 monisa          hello
06:55 monisa          at this time i am ok with this version just need help for amazon images and book review
06:55 francharb       :(
06:54 monisa          yes, this page, when i go to sign up, it says that my email is registered , when i go to forget password it asks for credit card
06:53 francharb       and monisa, mtompset is right. if you can ask to install the last version, I also think it's a good idea! ;)
06:52 mtompset        There have been significant improvements on this functionality since 2.2.9
06:52 francharb       monisa, you also need to activate in Koha AmazonCoverImages and OPACAmazonCoverImages... well, whatever you need! ;)
06:51 francharb       and the Secret Access Key for AWSPrivateKey
06:50 francharb       and you will have your access key id (to set up AWSAccessKeyID )
06:50 francharb       monisa, once you are logged in, go to "Security credentials" > Access credentials
06:48 francharb       ?
06:48 francharb       are you on this page : http://aws.amazon.com/
06:47 francharb       monisa, the amazon web service account is free
06:46 monisa          what are appropriate values for AmazonAssocTag and AmazonDevKey, when i go amazon web services, it is asking for credit card number, that i dont have now. what i want is just image and book review from amazon, all other things in koha win version 2.2.9 is ok
06:45 mtompset        In which case, you may want to talk to your system administrators about whether or not policy allows you to run a virtual machine.
06:44 julian_m        hello!
06:44 monisa          corporate environment
06:44 mtompset        is the website of a reasonably good and free product.
06:43 mtompset        https://www.virtualbox.org/
06:42 mtompset        Or are you in a corporate environment which has locked down certain functionalities?
06:42 mtompset        To be more precise, are you able to install any software you want on your computer?
06:41 francharb       monisa, is it an option for you to run a more recent install on a virtual machine?
06:41 paul_p          good morning  #koha
06:40 mtompset        The most recent version is either 3.6.X or 3.8.X
06:40 francharb       monisa, look for "AmazonEnabled"
06:40 mtompset        The problem is the windows version is 2.2.9
06:40 mtompset        ^mot^most^
06:40 monisa          in system preference where is the amozon configuration for images and book review
06:40 mtompset        I personally would recommend running a virtual machine on your windows box and do the mot recent linux install in the virtual environment.
06:39 francharb       check if you have
06:39 francharb       I can't tell if the sytem preferences we know in the actual version were in yours
06:39 francharb       but I never worked with your version
06:38 francharb       monisa, what you need is to set up the correct system preferences
06:37 wahanui         somebody said the windows version was really really really old, and totally unsupported
06:37 francharb       the windows version?
06:37 monisa          any one else pls help
06:36 mtompset        Hello, francharb. I'm not familiar with the windows version, monisa. Sorry. I just started hanging out here yesterday. :)
06:34 monisa          Hi, i am using koha 2.2.9 for windows, how can i get a book image from amazon pls help
06:18 francharb       hello
05:02 Oak             kia ora #koha
05:02 Oak             \o
02:49 mtompset        Good day. ;)
02:48 jcamins         Good night, #koha.
02:48 * jcamins       calls it a night, now that the data load has completed.
02:46 jcamins         COUNT() would have been a better way to find out whether the data had finished loading.
02:46 jcamins         mtompset: 400k records.
02:45 mtompset        So what did you find in zebraqueue?
02:45 jcamins         Right.
02:45 mtompset        or blame. ;)
02:44 jcamins         So that you can get credit for your patches.
02:44 jcamins         You have to *enter* your e-mail, though.
02:44 jcamins         E-mail isn't so important anymore.
02:44 mtompset        I've been trying and failing for days!
02:44 jcamins         I just ran SELECT * FROM zebraqueue;
02:44 mtompset        GAH! not setting up email!
02:43 jcamins         What was I thinking?
02:43 jcamins         And then you can submit patches easily.
02:42 jcamins         Yup.
02:41 mtompset        I figure I'll try to get the git version working on my test machine, so as I come across bugs it will be easier to tell if they were fixed or not.
02:40 jcamins         Yeah, if there's an if, definitely go with short circuiting.
02:40 jcamins         It got me started back when I had never even managed to get CVS working right.
02:40 jcamins         ^^ that page is *great*
02:40 wahanui         rumour has it git is http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Version_Control_Using_Git
02:40 jcamins         git?
02:40 mtompset        How do I set up the git stuff?
02:39 mtompset        and since you're here...
02:39 mtompset        defined(...) && ...
02:39 mtompset        well, I figure we can use short-circuiting
02:38 jcamins         Ah, then there should be an if (defined $item{'materials'})
02:38 mtompset        Not because of the template, though.
02:38 mtompset        But the check to set the flag generates an error in the log, because it is undefined.
02:37 jcamins         952$3 is for something like "Companion CD-ROM." :)
02:37 jcamins         Yeah, there will be an [% IF itemloo.materials %] in the template.
02:36 mtompset        it is used to set a flag which is sent to the template.
02:36 mtompset        952$3 if that means anything to you.
02:32 jcamins         If it's actually being processed in some way by catalogue/detail.pl, there should be.
02:32 jcamins         mtompset: if it's just used to pass to the template, the check is in the template.
02:32 jcamins         I have no idea what that field is used for, so, yeah, probably not a vital one.
02:30 mtompset        But there's no defined() check on $item{'materials'} in catalogue/detail.pl
02:29 mtompset        SchemaSpy says items.materials can be null.
02:17 mtompset        Greetings.
01:56 chris_n         a rabbit trail is more like it ;-)
01:53 rangi           yeah, it's quite likely im not getting it :)
01:53 jcamins         It still could be an inspired idea.
01:53 * chris_n       will shut up and go back to writing code now
01:52 chris_n         I just thought I was having a brainstorm
01:52 chris_n         jcamins: that's basically what I planned to do to start with; have the editor directly mod the marcxml
01:50 chris_n         but clearly its a dead end either way so I'll throw that thought out
01:50 jcamins         Heh. :)
01:50 chris_n         the problem really is that a) I asked an XY question and B) I was thinking out loud :-)
01:49 chris_n         well, maybe that's what I was thinking after all...
01:47 jcamins         What are you thinking about?
01:47 jcamins         Oh.
01:46 chris_n         no
01:45 jcamins         chris_n: really? Aren't you thinking about how to transform a record using an XSLT stylesheet, and then use the modified result?
01:44 chris_n         I think we're on different trains of thought :-)
01:44 jcamins         The HTML-rendered output will be keyed to the actual MARCXML.
01:43 * chris_n       will have to think about this a bit more
01:43 rangi           be tricky, but ultimately awesome!
01:43 rangi           *nod*
01:43 jcamins         Right, you don't want to edit the transformed-to-HTML part. You want the HTML-based editor to be directly modifying the MARCXML.
01:43 rangi           its doing a bunch of different transforms
01:43 chris_n         so its not simply for display in some format
01:42 rangi           take a look at C4::Record
01:42 chris_n         what I'd like to do is produce html; edit; transform back to marcxml; update db
01:42 chris_n         I'm experimenting with xslt to replace frameworks in a marc editor
01:41 * rangi         might be missing something tho
01:41 rangi           and use one thats designed to create whatever you want
01:41 rangi           so id just not use our xslt stylesheets which are designed to create html
01:40 chris_n         right, that I understand
01:40 rangi           if you wanted
01:40 rangi           xml + xslt = csv
01:40 rangi           it could xml + xslt = txt
01:40 rangi           yeah xslt is  for doing xml transforms
01:40 * chris_n       musta missed something
01:40 jcamins         chris_n: doesn't have to be. XSLT transforms XML into arbitrary other XML.
01:40 rangi           only our xslt
01:40 chris_n         ?
01:39 rangi           nope
01:39 chris_n         because once you run xml thorugh xslt it is html
01:39 rangi           marcxml -> other marcxml ?
01:39 jcamins         Would it be better to just render on the clientside?
01:39 rangi           what he said :)
01:39 jcamins         chris_n: why HTML?
01:38 chris_n         marcxml->html->marcxml
01:37 rangi           and cut out the lossy middleman?
01:37 rangi           couldn't you do xml via xslt -> different xml
01:37 wahanui         "What are you trying to do?"  "What is the goal?" or "What problem are you experiencing?"
01:37 jcamins         first question?
01:37 jcamins         rangi: good call.
01:36 rangi           chris_n: why? :)
01:36 chris_n         HTML::Element->as_XML()
01:36 chris_n         HTML::Element looks promising
01:32 jcamins         chris_n: yeah, if the HTML is structured enough. But it probably won't be.
01:29 * chris_n       sets out warm cookies
01:25 chris_n         is there a way to "round-trip" xml/xslt -> html -> xslt/xml ?
01:21 chris_n         evening
01:19 SDWK            Hi All