Time Nick Message 00:07 ronald Hello #koha 00:08 rangi hi ronald 00:09 ronald hiya rangi :) 00:15 * mtj waves to ronald :) 00:17 ronald ronald waves back to mtj : ) 01:26 mtj hi #koha, ive a question about setting up memcache with Koha 01:27 mtj could anyone point me to some recent doco re: memcache setup? 01:29 bag memcached? 01:29 wahanui memcached is probably running, but I dunno it Koha uses it. 01:29 bag memcache? 01:29 bag sorry mtj I don't know of any documentation 01:30 bag I usually just apt-get and then stop and restart it ;) 01:31 mtj so, update the memcached bit in your koha-conf.xml file... 01:31 mtj ... and add some new $ENV variable in apache too? 01:37 mtj hmm, any example for these 2 variables in koha-conf.xml ? 01:37 mtj <memcached_servers></memcached_servers> 01:38 mtj <memcached_namespace></memcached_namespace> 01:38 mtj i think ill go with .. 01:39 mtj <memcached_servers></memcached_servers> 01:39 libsysguy if the bugs list is the QA contact for a bug…what does that mean 01:39 mtj <memcached_namespace>koha</memcached_namespace> 01:39 libsysguy mtj is that for something old? 01:40 libsysguy I thought that config got moved into koha-http.conf 01:40 mtj the qa contact is some email addy, always 01:40 * libsysguy is sorry to butt in 01:40 libsysguy bug 5339 01:40 wahanui bug 5339 is looking for a second sign off :) 01:40 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5339 enhancement, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Signed Off , Parcel closing in acq 01:41 libsysguy wahanui forget bug 5339 01:41 wahanui libsysguy: I forgot bug 5339 01:46 mtj hmm, looks like the apache ENV stuff for memcache is happening for 3.8 01:46 libsysguy yeah thats what it is…sorry im running master and just set it up the other day 01:47 mtj 6193 01:47 mtj but the bugs status incorrectly says 'Status: Pushed to Stable' ? 01:47 libsysguy bug 6193 01:47 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6193 enhancement, P3, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to Stable , Use memcached cache koha-conf.xml configuration variables 01:47 rangi http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/6677942/Dolphins-spotted-in-Wellingtons-Island-Bay 01:48 mtj 'Version: rel_3_8' 01:48 rangi yeah its in ENV variables now 01:48 rangi check C4/Context 01:48 * libsysguy thinks that rangi is really the physical form of bugzilla 01:49 mtj # Check if there are memcached servers set 01:50 mtj 83 $servers = $ENV{'MEMCACHED_SERVERS'}; 01:50 rangi yup :) 01:51 libsysguy random question…if you wanted to change a timestamp that was update on change…how would you go about that? 01:51 rangi SetEnv MEMCACHED_SERVERS "" 01:51 rangi SetEnv MEMCACHED_NAMESPACE "KOHA" 01:51 rangi like that in your conf 01:51 rangi it has the sideffect 01:51 rangi you can run memcached for just the opac if you wanted 01:51 mtj merci 01:51 rangi or even 01:51 rangi using <Location> 01:52 rangi blocks .. part of the opac/staff side 01:52 rangi since if the env variable is not set, it wont use memcached, .. i havent test that at all, but it should work 01:53 mtj aah yeah, nice :) 01:55 rangi libsysguy: update should do it, i think if you explicity update it it will stick 01:55 mtj ooh, its working sweet! 01:56 rangi switch on sessions 01:56 rangi in sysprefs 01:56 rangi makes the db work a lot less 01:56 * mtj watches the memcached.log... 01:57 libsysguy thanks rangi, will try 02:47 Space_Librarian o/ 02:48 rangi hiya Space_Librarian 02:48 Space_Librarian hey. 02:50 Space_Librarian rangi, our articles framework... would it be possible to submit it to be included in a future version of Koha for other special libraries to use and tweak? 02:51 rangi yes :) 02:51 rangi 2 ways to do it 02:52 rangi one would be to make a wiki page, like the sql reports and upload and link the file there 02:53 rangi http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/MARC_frameworks 02:53 rangi or you could make a patch and put it in the sample data 02:54 rangi it might be nicer/easier to have a page on the wiki 02:54 * Space_Librarian ponders this... 02:54 rangi and we could link to the page on the frameworks page, like we do for the sql reports 02:54 rangi will make it easy for others to add frameworks too 02:54 * Space_Librarian nods 02:55 * Space_Librarian exports framework to sql 02:55 Space_Librarian or should I try something else? 02:56 Space_Librarian Argh. Editing wiki pages is evil 02:57 rangi i think sql is the best option 03:03 Space_Librarian This is one very, very long sql file. What should I be bracketing it with? Or should I just put it on the wiki and somebody could help me clean it up...? 03:03 rangi id just load it as a file, not cut and paste it in 03:04 eythian Oh hey, oocalc will open the XML format nicely too 03:04 rangi Space_Librarian: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Special:Upload 03:04 rangi once you upload it, you can just put a link to it on that other page 03:04 rangi does that make sense? 03:07 Space_Librarian perfectly. It just won't let me upload a .txt file 03:07 rangi can you rename it to .sql 03:07 rangi > 03:07 rangi ? even 03:08 Space_Librarian I've renamed it to .sql - "Permitted file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, odt, pdf, csv, mrc" 03:08 rangi ahh 03:08 rangi how annoying 03:09 Space_Librarian yup 03:09 rangi ill ask gmcharlt to allow .sql too 03:09 Space_Librarian cool 03:09 Space_Librarian Once that's done, I'll add it 03:10 rangi sweet 03:14 gmcharlt Space_Librarian: give it a try now 03:14 rangi gmcharlt++ 03:21 Space_Librarian gmcharlt++ 03:21 * Space_Librarian links stuff through now 03:22 rangi sweeet 03:25 Space_Librarian Boom. http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/MARC_frameworks 03:26 Space_Librarian How's that? 03:32 rangi I like it! 03:36 Space_Librarian I must just go through and take a couple of our pre-pops out... 03:36 Space_Librarian (whoops) 03:39 Space_Librarian done. All clean and ready to roll. 03:40 rangi sweet 03:44 eythian Space_Librarian: what is 'WAC'? 03:45 Space_Librarian Wellington Accountants. I've cleaned it out of the file I've just uploaded to the wiki. 03:58 Amit_Gupta heya bag 04:20 bag heya Amit_Gupta 04:31 rangi Space_Librarian: https://twitter.com/#!/nengard/status/186671213635059714 famous already 04:31 Space_Librarian :D 04:32 Space_Librarian Milton and I are stoked. 04:32 Space_Librarian I could actually put our coursework paper framework up too... 04:33 rangi cant hurt :) 04:33 Space_Librarian I wonder if that would be used 04:49 Oak kia ora #koha 05:12 Amit_Gupta can we reorder marc subfield while creating marc record 05:13 Amit_Gupta heya cait 05:13 Space_Librarian Amit_Gupta we do 05:13 Space_Librarian the little arrows next to the subfields can be moved up and down. 05:14 cait I don't think you can change the order in the frameworks 05:14 cait but what Space_Librarian said :) 05:15 Space_Librarian So within a marc field, we have b, a, c as an order, for example 05:19 Amit_Gupta Heya Space_librarian 05:19 wahanui rumour has it Space_librarian is a Koha poet or the sweetest lil lady you'll ever know 05:20 Amit_Gupta in item tag 952 05:20 Amit_Gupta i want to reorder subfield 05:20 Amit_Gupta while exporting 05:20 eythian why? 05:21 Space_Librarian what eythian said. 05:23 Space_Librarian the only time we change subfields is in 260, we put b before a... but why in 952? 05:29 cait Space_Librarian: I think the order in 952 is not optimal always - I had libraries asking about that 05:30 cait for entering the data 05:30 Space_Librarian It's hidden in our default. 05:30 cait 952? 05:30 wahanui 952 is probably the field used for items in Koha. See http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Holdings_data_fields_%289xx%29 05:30 * Space_Librarian goes to look for 952 05:31 cait you can hide fields you don't use 05:31 cait but not change the order 05:31 cait Amit_Gupta: it will not work afaik - no reordering 05:31 Space_Librarian We do most of that in the item editing, rather than the marc record 05:31 Space_Librarian that's probably why 05:34 Amit_Gupta ok 05:35 Space_Librarian Right. time to sign off for the evening. Toodle pip, and I'll see ya'll tomorrow. :) 05:55 cait morning alex_a 05:57 alex_a morning cait 06:10 kmkale Why gullible? 06:12 cait ask Brooke 06:13 kmkale Aahh 06:37 reiveune hello 06:37 wahanui que tal, reiveune 06:38 marcelr hi koha 06:49 magnuse kia ora #koha 06:49 marcelr hi magnuse 06:50 magnuse hiya marcelr 06:54 magnuse hiya julian_m 06:54 julian_m hello magnuse 06:54 magnuse cait++ for signing off on 7850 06:56 magnuse bonjour paul_p 06:57 paul_p good morning magnuse & all 06:57 magnuse @wunder boo 06:57 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is -4.0°C (8:50 AM CEST on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 74%. Dew Point: -8.0°C. Windchill: -9.0°C. Pressure: 29.44 in 997 hPa (Rising). 06:57 magnuse @wunder marseille 06:57 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 14.0°C (8:30 AM CEST on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Steady). 06:57 magnuse heh 06:59 paul_p lol: adrien just said : "-4°C in norway, and +14 in Marseille... and he stays in Bodo ... when you don't know that's understandable, but when you know..." 06:59 magnuse lol! 07:00 magnuse i know, i must be stupid or crazy :-) 07:00 magnuse or both... 07:01 magnuse @wunder oslo, norway 07:01 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Holter, Holter, Norway is 0.9°C (8:59 AM CEST on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 29%. Dew Point: -16.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 29.53 in 1000 hPa (Steady). 07:02 magnuse we have been talking about moving further south, so let's see what happens... 07:07 francharb hello #koha 07:08 clrh bonjour 07:08 paul_p FSF announced GPL V4 yesterday :D :D 07:08 clrh oups hello 07:20 * magnuse wanders over to fsf.org, but can't see anything ;-) 07:31 rangi evening 07:54 hdl1 Amit_Gupta: 07:56 rangi hdl1: i tried to read a story from Petites Histoires du Pere Castor to Kahu tonight 07:56 rangi my pronounciation was probably really really bad 07:57 kf rangi: bet not worse than mine :) 07:58 rangi maybe i will bring it to kohacon and record french speakers reading it :) 08:02 asaurat père Castoooor :D 08:04 clrh jcamins_away: hello sorry for the gdoc, I think it is better now 08:07 kf hi asaurat and clrh :) 08:08 * magnuse waves 08:08 asaurat hi! :) 08:08 magnuse so how many days do people get off from work this week? 08:08 * rangi wonders if the whole of biblibre will come to scotland 08:09 rangi just one this week 08:09 rangi and one next week for me 08:09 rangi (friday and monday) 08:09 magnuse ah 08:09 magnuse in norway the norm is half of wednesday off + thursday + friday + monday 08:10 * kf moves to norway 08:10 magnuse unless you are self-employed, of course 08:11 magnuse good thing about easter: no holidays that get eaten by weekends! 08:13 rangi ywp 08:13 rangi yep 08:13 rangi we get the 25th off too 08:13 rangi anzac day 08:13 magnuse ah 08:14 magnuse we miss out on that one, sadly... 08:15 magnuse i had a play with Devel::Cover the other day, but i'm not sure it tells us anything we don't know yet? http://div.libriotech.no/kohamisc/coverage/ 08:15 rangi ahh you need to get your army slaughtered by a british generals incompetence to get that holiday 08:15 * magnuse should dig deeper into jenkins 08:16 rangi magnuse: yeah jenkins runs devel::cover 08:16 rangi well, since i told it to it does 08:16 rangi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day#Gallipoli_campaign 08:16 magnuse rangi: ah, guess we'll pass on the 25th then... 08:17 * magnuse knows that from a pogues song 08:18 magnuse "And the band played Waltzing Mathilda" - probably not a pogues original 08:18 magnuse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_the_Band_Played_Waltzing_Matilda 08:19 rangi ah yep 08:21 rangi the somme was actually worse for NZ 08:21 rangi http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/war/battle-of-the-somme/new-zealands-somme-experience 08:23 rangi and then Passchendale even worse 08:23 magnuse :-( 08:28 rangi https://twitter.com/#!/mrkrazycab/status/186729862030045184/photo/1 08:43 pastebot "magnuse" at pasted "here's the full error" (8 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/328 08:45 rangi yep 08:45 rangi theres a fix for that 08:45 rangi sitting in passed qa 08:45 rangi (its the blocker one there) 08:46 rangi bug 7821 08:46 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7821 blocker, P5 - low, ---, dpavlin, Passed QA , XSLT systempreference multi-language support 08:48 magnuse rangi: cool, thanks 08:48 magnuse always nice when things are already fixed :-) 08:49 magnuse ultrasound-time! 08:49 rangi :) 09:33 paul_p magnus_away i'm on the way to push the fix for bug 7821 09:33 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7821 blocker, P5 - low, ---, dpavlin, Passed QA , XSLT systempreference multi-language support 09:36 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 7821 - fix C4::Templates::_current_language <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=574f46fb19a933a6ef25d32423785cafc378213c> 09:43 rangi paul_p: want to know why you need the () 09:43 rangi C4::Templates is not an exporter 09:43 rangi its base class is Class::Accessor 09:44 rangi its an object, you shouldnt be calling functions in it, they are methods and should be accessed via the object 09:46 paul_p rangi but why is it working well when you display, for example, detail.pl ? 09:47 rangi because detail.pl doesnt use XSLT 09:47 * slef cranks up patches2bugs 09:48 rangi the real way to call it would be $template->_current_language .. but even that is wrong the _ denotes its an internal function, shouldnt be called outside C4::Templates 09:49 jenkins_koha Starting build #691 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #689 3 days 11 hr ago) 09:49 rangi the object has accessors 09:50 rangi if you want to know the lang 09:50 rangi $template->lang(); 09:50 paul_p (why do you say detail.pl doesn't use XSLT ? -> line 88) 09:51 paul_p rangi so we should make a followup and use ->lang() instead of the internal sub ? 09:51 rangi it doesnt call it 09:52 rangi the xslt file doesnt exist for details .. 09:52 rangi we should check the accessor has the right value, then kill that internal sub 09:53 rangi it came across from C4::Output .. and its the last thing that isnt OO about it, be good to get rid of it 09:53 rangi but not urgent 09:53 rangi this will stop the 47 tests failing :) 09:57 rangi &foo; # foo() get current args, like foo(@_) !! 09:58 rangi foo;# like foo() IFF sub foo predeclared, else "foo" 09:58 rangi (thats why it fails, because it's not predeclared by EXPORTER) 09:59 kf wow 09:59 * kf needs to resume her perl reading 10:00 kf slef: should we put a note for call for papers on the kc.org start page? so it ends up in rss feeds? 10:00 rangi and then it would be different again with AUTOLOAD 10:00 rangi as always with perl, lots of ways to do it :) 10:02 slef kf: yes. Does http://koha-community.org/kohacon12-call-for-papers-opened/ not work? 10:02 kf ah, that's from the calendar? 10:03 kf slef: sorry, I missed that! 10:07 slef kf: I don't know if it's in the feed 10:07 kf me neither 10:07 kf it is 10:08 kf slef: so all good 10:19 rangi asaurat: you found the cause of that error eh? bug 7786 10:19 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7786 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to Master , Adding More Lists to the Add-to combo of staff search results 10:22 asaurat rangi: do you mean bug 7868 ? 10:22 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7868 minor, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, ASSIGNED , Warnings in logs for search.pl 10:22 asaurat for this one I've found something, yes 10:23 rangi yep, bug 7786 caused it 10:23 asaurat oh ok 10:24 asaurat indeed 10:24 rangi hmm do you think a talk at the hackfest about Template::Toolkit might be good? 10:24 asaurat we have to check if addbarshelvesloop.size is defined 10:24 kf yep 10:25 kf yep for the TT talk 10:26 asaurat might be useful, yep 10:26 rangi i could talk about writing plugins, and how its essentially perl, so it does things like warnings 10:26 kf :) 10:27 rangi i guess i should go submit that 10:28 kf rangi++ :) 10:32 rangi i hope paul_p talks about the sandboxes 10:34 kmkale I hope there is more about solr 10:34 kf asaurat++ for fixing bugs! 10:34 rangi we should do battledecks :) 10:36 kmkale Rangi do you know of a way to search over a range of barcodes in zebra? Barcodes are alphanumeric. 10:36 marcelr asaurat? 10:36 wahanui asaurat is probably 161 10:36 asaurat :D 10:37 jenkins_koha Yippie, build fixed! 10:37 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #691: FIXED in 47 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/691/ 10:37 marcelr asaurat: are you fixing 7786 error? 10:37 jenkins_koha dpavlin: Bug 7821 - fix C4::Templates::_current_language 10:37 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7821 blocker, P5 - low, ---, dpavlin, Pushed to Master , XSLT systempreference multi-language support 10:37 rangi kmkale: i think you would need an index on them and then do a > and < type search 10:37 rangi have never tried tho 10:38 rangi because i can do it easier in sql 10:38 asaurat marcelr: yes, just added a tiny check 10:38 marcelr ok should i sign off? 10:38 marcelr followup on 7786? 10:38 asaurat no I had already created a new bug, didn't know about this 7786 10:39 asaurat bug 7868 10:39 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7868 minor, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Needs Signoff , Warnings in logs for search.pl 10:39 marcelr ok i look there 10:39 marcelr change the name? 10:39 wahanui marcelr: that doesn't look right 10:39 kmkale rangi tried bc, ge and bc, le didn't work. 10:39 asaurat and it needs sign off, yes =) 10:40 rangi asaurat: what i do, is git blame to find the commit then that commit message has the bug number 10:40 rangi when i remember to do that :) 10:41 marcelr asaurat: we should do this too in opac template? 10:41 asaurat oh yes, I don't use this often, can be useful 10:42 asaurat marcelr: didn't notice this behaviour in OPAC, no 10:42 marcelr ok will look at it 10:50 marcelr asaurat: could you check my amendment; do you agree? 10:51 marcelr asaurat: if there are no private shelves, there can be more than 10 public shelves 11:31 marcelr asaurat? 11:31 wahanui rumour has it asaurat is 161 11:48 slef mailed Draft sponsorship requests to kohacon12volunteers 11:49 cait-m test 12:15 oleonard I like April 1 falling on a Sunday. 12:17 kf :) 12:17 kf hey owen :) 12:18 oleonard Hi 12:18 slef oleonard: yeah. Much less annoying. I just spent the day mostly offline. 12:18 oleonard kf++ # for bug-wrangling 12:19 kf oh thx :) 12:19 kf was thinking of you when I closed the amazon one :) 12:20 oleonard Good choice 12:20 kf hm 12:20 kf perl5lib path for a standard install? 12:23 jcamins_away PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib? 12:28 kf ok 12:28 kf then it looks right, thx jcamins_away :) 12:40 gmcharlt good morning 12:42 * magnuse waves 12:43 kf hi gmcharlt and magnuse :) 12:54 * magnuse takes a shot at tackling bug 7445 12:54 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7445 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Clicking on a tag gives "Language ... does not exist" 12:58 NateC Morning Ruth! 12:59 NateC morning #Koha! 13:00 kf hi NateC and talljoy 13:00 talljoy hi kf!! 13:00 NateC Hi kf :) 13:01 Oak kia ora #koha 13:02 magnuse Oak 13:02 Oak magnuse 13:02 magnuse yay! 13:02 Oak :) 13:02 magnuse hiya talljoy and NateC 13:03 talljoy hey magnuse! 13:03 wahanui i guess magnuse is afraid that we added another 10000 bugs while he was eating pizza. 13:03 talljoy heh 13:03 magnuse heh 13:05 NateC Hi magnuse! 13:15 kmkale Namaskaar #koha 13:16 Oak if I backup /var/lib/mysql/kohadb/*.frm then is it of any use? 13:18 Oak I now know the /var/spool/koha/kohadb folder... and the tar.gz and sql.gz files are the proper backup. but still just wondering if I can use the *.frm files... 13:33 kmkale Oak: not if you are using innodb 13:33 kmkale which is probably what you are using. 13:34 Oak i'll only ask silly questions for one or two months... after that I'll start asking average, non-silly questions. 13:34 kf Oak: I don't have an snwer for your question - it seems very non-silly to me :) 13:35 kmkale for innodb you need the ibdata* and ib_logfile* files too 13:35 Oak thank you! 13:35 Oak i'll annoy you when you are cait 13:35 Oak :) 13:36 Oak i can't afford to annoy kf! 13:36 Oak of kf_mtg 13:36 Oak or* 13:37 fabio_t Hi koha folks... I have an issue. I have deleted any bibliographic record (items included) from Koha backend (via items batch deletion and revert imported records tools) and ran koha-rebuild-zebra -f. If I search for records, none is returned (as expected) BUT some records are still in biblio database table. How could I get rid of them in a safe way? By truncating or deleting the table? Same applies to authorities and auth_header table; items table is empty t 13:37 fabio_t hough. Thanks a lot! 13:40 kmkale fabio_t: delete all from biblio and biblioitems tables 13:40 fabio_t thanks kmkale 13:41 fabio_t is it safe for auth_header table too? 13:41 magnuse i forget - should patches still be sent to the mailinglist? 13:42 oleonard New patches yes, not signoffs 13:42 magnuse thanks oleonard 13:45 kf ok... off to dentist :( 13:45 * magnuse adds another patch that needs signoff to the queue, making the total number 92 13:45 magnuse ooh, good luck kf 13:45 francharb good luck kf 13:45 francharb ahah 13:45 * wizzyrea goes to look at the ones needing signoff 13:45 * wizzyrea also waves good morning 13:46 * magnuse waves to wizzyrea 13:46 fabio_t hi there wizzyrea 13:47 kf thx... 13:47 * kf waves and heads out 13:51 fabio_t is it safe to run a "delete from auth_header" over koha's database? 13:53 fabio_t I have some authorities records not showing in Koha backend and I don't know how to safely delete them (I've already ran koha-rebuild-zebra -f but with no success, they still appears in db) 14:01 wizzyrea lol @ xkcd today - this is my life. http://xkcd.com/1037/ 14:01 * francharb waves #koha 14:02 francharb I'm looking into bugzilla but I can't find this bug 14:02 francharb I think it's weird that no one reported it yet 14:02 francharb In the authority framework 14:03 oleonard wizzyrea: You know you see a different comic than people in different places? 14:03 francharb if you have an optional field with a mandatory subfield 14:03 oleonard francharb: Bug 7725? 14:04 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7725 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Marking a subfield mandatory makes the entire field mandatory 14:04 francharb you can't add the authority if you don't put something in the mandatory subfiled 14:04 wizzyrea lolwut 14:04 francharb ahah 14:04 francharb exactly 14:05 francharb oleonard, i sorted by component and was checkiing the cataloging bugs 14:05 oleonard wizzyrea: http://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/rnpiw/mindboggling_xkcd_april_fools_comic/ 14:05 francharb thanks oleonard ! 14:05 wizzyrea ha that's awesome 14:06 oleonard wizzyrea: Although I don't see Kansas listed 14:06 wizzyrea just "midwest" 14:06 wizzyrea is what mine said. 14:07 oleonard Poor Kansas, lumped together with "all of tornado country" 14:07 * wizzyrea doesn't care so much - shoulda just said "flyover country" 14:08 oleonard Hmmm... the one listed on that page for Ohio isn't the one I get 14:32 fabio_t kmkale++ 14:47 kmkale huh what did i do? 15:01 libsysguy o/ 15:02 libsysguy So I just saw paul_p's message to the devel list 15:02 libsysguy and had an idea, but wanted to run it here before I sounded retarded via email :p 15:02 paul_p libsysguy which on ? because I write a lot of mails to koha-devel ;-) 15:02 libsysguy hehe 15:02 paul_p s/on/one/ 15:02 libsysguy the one about the git repo size 15:03 paul_p (I was just reviving someone else idea ;-) ) 15:04 libsysguy paul_p what about having a koha core install, then module installs for acq, circ, cataloging, etc 15:04 cait hm I am not sure that will work well - because they modules are integrated 15:04 cait or they should be for an ils :) 15:04 paul_p libsysguy I don't see the link to git repo size ? 15:04 cait why is the repo size such a problem? 15:04 libsysguy each module would have its own repo paul_p 15:05 gmcharlt fragmenting the codebase across multiple repositories is not worth it IMO 15:05 cait you clone it once, then you are ok, and bandwitdh is not really much of a problem nowadays? 15:05 * libsysguy is glad I brought this up on here first them :p 15:05 paul_p cait : when someone want to clone, it's large. 15:05 cait yes, but it#s a one time thing 15:05 paul_p gmcharlt & cait = feel free to jump in the discussion on koha-devel ! I have no strong opinion here, so... 15:05 libsysguy my thought was what if your library doesn't use acq, or doesn't circulate 15:05 jcamins I think the loss of history is a bigger problem than anything else. 15:06 jcamins libsysguy: don't use git. 15:06 libsysguy you could really cut down on some space 15:06 jcamins libsysguy: or, rather, use git for development, but not, for goodness sake, in production. 15:06 cait libsysguy: I think those parts are not the big problem 15:06 libsysguy jcamins has a point 15:06 paul_p cait : bandwith is not a problem for ppl from germany (or france, or US), but for some ppl from africa or other foreign countries it can be. 15:06 cait libsysguy: you could always remove the install folders with sample data and po files if you don't plan on using them 15:06 gmcharlt I would encourage somebody to set up regional mirrors, in that case 15:06 cait gmcharlt++ :) 15:07 paul_p jcamins = with frederic's suggestion, we don't loose history, we just split it in 2 places. 15:07 libsysguy I keep thinking about master as production not development and that is really my downfall :p 15:07 * jcamins is concerned about solr because of the overhead and what it would mean for developing countries, but if someone in Afghanistan is setting up Koha, I'm going to tell them not to download the git repo at all. 15:07 jcamins Use the packages. 15:07 paul_p jcamins = all our productions servers are using git. But not master. using git <> running master 15:08 jcamins paul_p: I know, but if you're concerned about bandwidth, packages are a smaller solution. 15:08 jcamins Or tarball. 15:08 paul_p jcamins one point for you ;-) 15:11 jcamins paul_p: if you're doing development, you need to download everything eventually anyway. 15:11 cait and keeping things together is better then 15:11 jcamins So instead of downloading 355MB with one command, you download it with two. Right? 15:37 mle cait: @Teviot.... 64 bytes from serene.ttllp.co.uk ( icmp_req=7 ttl=55 time=12.6 ms but that is on the staff wireless ; ) I have confirmation that delegates will have internets. It is likely that it will be good enough uplink to stream. ; > 15:37 cait woohoo nice! 15:37 mle init 15:37 cait delegates? 15:37 mle erm. yes people coming to the conference 15:38 cait ah :) 15:38 jcamins mle: oh, I didn't realize the conference was actually going to be in Teviot. 15:38 cait was not sure if it meant only people presenting or all of us :) 15:38 mle it is in the Dining Hall @ Teviot. It is a wonderful space. 15:39 cait :) 15:39 cait how many people will fit in there? 15:40 jcamins Can't say I spent much time there (in the dining hall), but I recall it vaguely. 15:40 mle I have asked if there is a room in Informatics for the Hackfest, since certain obstables have now been overcome on that front. : ) 15:40 mle I don't think I had ever been in the Dining Hall before 15:41 mle cait: plenty 15:41 alex_a dpavlin: ping 15:42 mle Capacity 150 http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/yourvenues/teviot/ 15:42 mle cait but it will be a bit less than that, due to room layout 15:42 cait ah 15:42 cait hope we can fit all in then :) 15:43 cait it looks like a real nice place 15:43 mle It is lovely 15:43 mle I was hanging out in the Library bar today 15:43 mle ; ) 15:43 cait :) 15:48 cait ok, #koha - I started looking at some old bugs this morning :) 15:49 cait I wonder - do we keep bugs like bug 1953 open forever 15:49 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1953 normal, P3, ---, gmcharlt, REOPENED , remove possible SQL injection attacks 15:49 cait or close when last patch is pushed? 15:50 cait should we mark those 'omnibus' bus in some way to their purpose is clear? 15:50 cait like add some [tag] to the description? 15:50 fabio_t bye :) 15:50 cait hm now I scared the first one away.... any more who want to leave now? 15:52 cait no opinions? ooh 15:52 oleonard I vote close 15:58 cait oleonard++ for giving his opinion :) 15:58 cait anyone else wants karma? 15:58 cait or cookies? 15:58 wahanui Cookies are delicious delicacies 15:58 cait hi melia 15:58 melia morning 16:00 cait ok, bug 2399 - will it work to remove the blank values from the sample files? 16:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2399 normal, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , All status fields in the item edit interface offer two blank/null entries per dropdown instead of one 16:00 cait I am willing to do it - but unsure if it's a good idea 16:00 cait or not 16:06 oleonard cait: You could get a lot of issues decided if you ask when no one is around to object ;) 16:07 cait but I don't want to decide alone... 16:07 cait I am trying it for german 16:07 cait and will provide a patch 16:08 cait and try to ask about some other old bugs later :) 16:09 oleonard I think one problem may be that the additem interface offers a blank entry so that you can not set a value, but authorised_values might also contain a blank entry which has a value of "0" 16:10 hdl 0 value is a value, if it means something, it should have a label 16:10 wizzyrea i agree with hdl 16:10 wizzyrea do we have default values that are 0 and have no labels? 16:10 wizzyrea we should fix that. 16:11 cait wizzy: all of them 16:11 cait 0 no label 16:11 wizzyrea lerd. 16:11 wizzyrea ok 16:11 wizzyrea so 16:11 cait i gues sit doesn't mean anything 16:11 wizzyrea the question is: what should the label be 16:11 wizzyrea "no value defined" 16:11 cait 0 the same then empty 16:12 cait no 16:12 cait we have no value defined 16:12 cait I think we should get really rid of them 16:12 wizzyrea what if, hypothetically 16:12 wizzyrea a library wants to choose not to choose 16:12 wizzyrea isn't that the point of the 0 value? 16:12 cait that works 16:12 cait now 16:12 cait I think it didn't always 16:13 wizzyrea aha 16:13 cait that's why people added 0 16:13 cait as auth value 16:13 cait and it makes us end up with 2 empty lines now 16:13 wizzyrea ok 16:13 cait :) 16:13 cait afaikt at least 16:13 wizzyrea so you're saying remove it from the sample authorized values 16:13 cait yeah,that was my idea 16:13 wizzyrea it won't touch existing installations 16:13 cait nope 16:13 cait i wouldn't write an update 16:14 wizzyrea by all means. Go ahead. 16:14 cait if someone complains 16:14 cait you can tell them to delete them 16:14 cait if they haven't figured that out already :) 16:14 cait but if someone has an example for a real 0 value... they appear in withdrawn, lost, damaged, notforloan and restricted 16:15 oleonard What do you mean by a real 0 value? 16:17 oleonard One disadvantage to setting a description for the 0 value is that it's harder to scan the list of items in cataloging. It's easier to see which ones are "Damaged" if you're not scanning through a bunch which say "Not damaged" 16:18 cait oleonard: I meant some piece of code really looking for 0 16:19 cait but I guess... not it's empty if you don't set something and nothing exploded sofar 16:21 cait hm most of the fields default to 0 in the database 16:21 cait and sorry for not making much sense- blame the dentist :) 16:21 oleonard Doing a search for "damaged =" returns some hits in pendingreserves.pl and reserveratios.pl 16:22 oleonard Hm, and lines in updatedatabase.pl: UPDATE items SET damaged = 0 WHERE damaged IS NULL 16:22 cait the field defaults to 0 16:22 cait in the table definition 16:22 oleonard Oh, okay. 16:23 cait so it should be ok :) 16:31 wizzyrea oleonard: intentional or a bug that the link from the home page for pending suggestions takes you to accepted suggestions instead of the pending tab? 16:31 wizzyrea (your fancy and awesome number 16:31 wizzyrea count for pending suggestions) 16:32 oleonard sounds like a bug 16:32 wizzyrea k will file one 16:33 cait wizzyrea: I think there is one 16:33 cait there is something weird about redirecting in suggestions :( 16:33 wizzyrea aha 16:35 cait hm not finding it 16:35 cait but I know there is one 16:37 cait wizzyrea: what I saw was all tabs were gone 16:37 cait except for the one I was redirected to 16:37 wizzyrea hmm 16:37 cait and I had to go bck to the start page and back into the module to see all my suggestions 16:37 wizzyrea in 3.6.4 all of the tabs are there 16:38 paul_p time to go back home for me. have a good day #koha ! 16:38 juan_sieira bye Paul ¡¡ 16:38 cait wizzyrea: that's good :) 16:39 cait bye paul_p 16:39 cait wizzyrea: ignore me - I can't find it 16:40 oleonard Bug 4068 is about tabs weirdness, not exactly the same thing. 16:40 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=4068 major, P5 - low, ---, henridamien, NEW , Accepting a suggestion hides 'pending' tab 16:40 cait ooh 16:40 cait yes, I meant that 16:40 cait thx owen! 16:41 wizzyrea well I think I'll file this one anyway 16:41 wizzyrea as it's different 16:41 oleonard Maybe if I didn't have all this Bugzilla stuff stored in my head I would be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. 16:41 jcamins lol 16:41 cait lol 16:41 wizzyrea @quote add oleonard: maybe if I didn't have all this Bugzilla stuff stored in my head I would be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. 16:41 huginn wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. Quote #196 added. 16:42 wizzyrea @quote random 16:42 huginn wizzyrea: Quote #128: "When TDF was founded, the group's leadership invited Oracle to participate in the hope that the database giant would be willing to hand over the OOo trademark and allow the vendor-neutral governance body to take over stewardship of the project" (added by wizzyrea at 07:11 PM, April 18, 2011) 16:42 wizzyrea mhm. 16:43 cait @quote random 16:43 huginn cait: Quote #142: "Pianohacker: hrm. What's the plural of ILS again? Rangi: ILSESESESESESES" (added by wizzyrea at 08:54 PM, June 08, 2011) 16:43 cait lol 16:43 wizzyrea that's a great one. 16:43 wizzyrea @quote random 16:43 huginn wizzyrea: Quote #164: "<sekjal> word of advice to folks: take an aspirin before reading C4/Overdues.pm" (added by wizzyrea at 09:08 PM, November 14, 2011) 16:43 * wizzyrea nods 16:44 bag @wunder 93105 16:44 huginn bag: The current temperature in Samarkand San Roque Upper SB Weather, Santa Barbara, California is 14.8°C (9:43 AM PDT on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 38%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Rising). High surf advisory in effect until noon PDT today... 16:44 oleonard C4/[ insert your least favorite .pm here ] 16:44 cait Search.pm? 16:44 wahanui Search.pm is complicated and has been the source of much contention in the wake of KohaCon with BibLibre rewriting it for Solr/Lucene instead of Zebra support. 16:44 oleonard High surf advisory... we don't get many of those around here. 16:45 wizzyrea @wunder lawrence ks 16:45 huginn wizzyrea: The current temperature in Channel 6 Downtown, Lawrence, Kansas is 27.2°C (11:42 AM CDT on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 29.60 in 1002 hPa (Rising). 16:45 wizzyrea 27, at 11:45am 16:45 wizzyrea on april 2 16:45 bag yeah I should go surfing :) 16:45 wizzyrea that is INSANE. 16:46 bag yup that's mental 16:46 oleonard @wunder 45701 16:46 huginn oleonard: The current temperature in Ohio University, Athens, Ohio is 12.0°C (12:40 PM EDT on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Pressure: 29.98 in 1015 hPa (Falling). 16:46 oleonard that's more sane 16:46 wizzyrea 12 is chillyish. 16:46 cait @wunder konstanz 16:46 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 14.4°C (6:39 PM CEST on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 39%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005 hPa (Falling). 16:46 wizzyrea everybody has normal weather but me! 16:46 cait spring :) 16:46 * cait heads out to the supermarket 16:46 wizzyrea i won't lie, it's gorgeous here 16:46 jcamins @wunder 11375 16:46 huginn jcamins: The current temperature in APRSWXNET Jackson Heights NY US, Corona, New York is 8.3°C (12:12 PM EDT on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 52%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Windchill: 5.0°C. Pressure: 29.78 in 1008 hPa (Steady). 16:47 wizzyrea ok that's getting into "br, for spring" territory 16:47 jcamins Yesterday it was bitterly cold. 16:48 jcamins Well, I guess it wasn't that much colder, but the fact that it was pouring and there was no subway meant that it felt bitterly cold by the time we got home. 16:50 libsysguy would anybody be up to signing off on bug 7852? 16:50 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7852 major, P1 - high, ---, kyle.m.hall, Needs Signoff , Hourly loan fines are not working 16:51 slef jcamins: packages mean downloading the whole thing each upgrade. git means big upload up front, then smaller. I wish I could figure out shallow clones properly. 16:51 jcamins slef: you end up downloading more. 16:51 jcamins slef: every time. 16:52 jcamins At least, that's how it seems to me. 16:55 jcamins It seems to me that an rsync server would be the solution for keeping downloads small. 17:05 schuster @wunder 75074 17:05 huginn schuster: The current temperature in Brookview, Plano, Texas is 24.4°C (11:53 AM CDT on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 60%. Dew Point: 16.0°C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005 hPa (Falling). 17:12 cait back 17:23 maximep @wunder cyqb 17:23 huginn maximep: The current temperature in Quebec, Quebec is 6.0°C (1:00 PM EDT on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 27%. Dew Point: -12.0°C. Windchill: 2.0°C. Pressure: 29.75 in 1007 hPa (Steady). 17:34 chris_n cait: do any of your libraries serve electronic resources off of the same server as koha? 17:35 chris_n or wizzyrea 17:35 wahanui I LIKE SCIENCE 17:35 wizzyrea no, we don't 17:35 chris_n or anyone else :-) 17:35 chris_n just wondering if its best to use a different box, etc 17:36 jcamins chris_n: I'd think it would be. 17:36 cait chris_n: sorry no - we have only links in the records 17:36 jcamins chris_n: you should check with BibLibre, though. 17:36 jcamins They have that file upload thing. 17:37 gmcharlt also, if one is embedding (say) images in the OPAC, if you're using one server for both Koha and content, it still helps to use different virtual host names 17:37 chris_n we're getting ready to inculcate pdf scans some public domain works... older ones 17:37 gmcharlt that allows browsers to pull in static content with more parallelism 17:44 jcamins chris_n: how are you serving the media? 17:46 chris_n jcamins: viewable in browser with the option to download 17:47 * chris_n would like to have a fancy reader like internet archive, but that's probably not possible atm 17:47 jcamins chris_n: I meant on the backend. If you're using something heavy-duty like Fez/Fedora, you'd probably want it on a separate server because Tomcat is hefty. 17:47 * jcamins chuckles at this understatement. 17:49 chris_n no, just a vanilla apache install on ubuntu or debian depending on the mood :-) 17:50 jcamins How are you uploading the files? 17:50 chris_n at the moment I'm doing it from the backend, but I've not thought that far ahead 17:51 jcamins (I bet you weren't expecting a kind of Spanish inquisition!) 17:51 chris_n :-) 17:51 chris_n I suppose I should use some sort of CMS 17:52 schuster So I'm setting up a new Koha system any recommendations on the email on debian to use? 17:52 * chris_n looks worriedly to see if jcamins has gone for the thumb-screws 17:52 jcamins schuster: bring out the comfy chair! 17:52 chris_n lol 17:52 jcamins schuster: I prefer Postfix. 17:53 schuster was getting the popcorn ready for a lecture... 17:54 schuster thanks 17:54 jcamins schuster: some people prefer Exim. 17:54 jcamins No one prefers sendmail. ;) 17:56 schuster K thanks - this will have to run through a mail proxy too... just venturing in ... 17:56 jcamins I'm definitely pro-Postfix. 17:57 schuster thanks 19:27 francharb sssssssssseeee yaaaaa 19:44 mib_tv8sa8 i have an issue when we search the catalog it returns results however clicking some of the results gives an error, i was told by the librarian that she didnt delete any of the affected records 19:44 cait it sounds like an index problem 19:44 mib_tv8sa8 http://lib.themico.edu.jm/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?idx=kw&q=harcourt&offset=20 19:44 cait or a problem with translation 19:45 mib_tv8sa8 how do i fix that? 19:45 mib_tv8sa8 i'm wondering if maybe the data was lost or something 19:45 oleonard mib_tv8sa8: Are you talking about "Error 404" ? 19:46 jcamins I think you need to reindex, most likely. 19:46 rangi Morning 19:46 jcamins However, before going into troubleshooting... 19:46 jcamins Second question? 19:46 wahanui i guess Second question is "What is the exact error message?" 19:46 jcamins No. 19:46 jcamins Third question? 19:46 wahanui well, Third question is "What version of Koha are you using?" http://koha-community.org/faq/find-version-koha-running/ 19:46 cait morning rangi 19:46 jcamins ^^ that's the question I wanted to ask. :) 19:46 cait 3.04 :) 19:46 jcamins Morning. 19:46 wahanui somebody said morning was a state of mind. 19:46 cait 3.4 19:47 jcamins cait: oh, thanks. I guess mib_tv8sa8 just said that and I didn't notice? 19:47 mib_tv8sa8 http://lib.themico.edu.jm/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=harcourt, that was the search term when i click on any of the results past about 10 i get error 404 19:47 cait nope, I checked the opac 19:47 cait first thing I did 19:47 mbalmer good evening koha community 19:47 jcamins Clever. 19:48 jcamins Zeno isn't here, is he? 19:48 jcamins Ah well. 19:49 jcamins Any Italian speakers around? 19:49 jcamins mib_tv8sa8: what changed before this error started occurring? 19:51 mbalmer jcamins, I can order beer in italian, does that count? 19:51 mib_tv8sa8 it seem all references for catalogs over about 1750 are missing...i checked the biblio table and it has about 1700records another table that seem to have and audit log or something indicates catalog numbers in the 2400+ region 19:51 jcamins mbalmer: I'm trying to figure out whether Marzio or Marizio is more likely to be the right name in Italian. 19:52 mib_tv8sa8 the system had gone down, when it came back mysql kept crashing, turns out to be a problem with sessions table and zebraqueue table 19:52 mbalmer Maurizio, jcamins 19:52 jcamins mbalmer: cool, looks like ordering beer is enough, thanks. :) 19:52 mbalmer Marzio sounds quite wrong. 19:52 jcamins mib_tv8sa8: did you reindex? 19:52 jcamins mbalmer: yeah, that's what I thought. 19:53 jcamins That sounds like a month, or something not Italian. 19:53 mbalmer definitely not italian.. 19:53 mib_tv8sa8 how do i reindex? 19:53 jcamins mib_tv8sa8: how did you install Koha? 19:53 jcamins (packages, git, tarball, etc.) 19:53 oleonard mib_tv8sa8: It's usually something your system administrator would handle 19:54 mib_tv8sa8 i had to drop the contents of those tables in order to get mysql to run 19:54 mib_tv8sa8 from pkg 19:54 mib_tv8sa8 tarball 19:54 jcamins Okay. 19:54 jcamins searching faq? 19:54 wahanui i heard searching faq was at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/ 19:55 jcamins See the last question for the command. 19:55 jcamins You want to use the rebuil_zebra.pl one. 19:56 cait anyone opposed to closing bug 2657? 19:56 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2657 normal, P3, ---, paul.poulain, ASSIGNED , AutoEmailPrimaryAddress preference not universally applied 19:56 cait it as reported against 3.0 and there are no current bugs reporting that it's not applied to some kind of message 19:56 mbalmer is it enough to add patches to a bug or do I need to mail them to koha-patches as well? 19:56 cait and from another bug we know it works for overdues 19:56 mib_tv8sa8 i installed from the tarball i will run the script right now 19:57 jcamins mbalmer: if there hasn't been any patch submitted previously, you should send it to the list as well. 19:57 mbalmer ok. 19:57 cait jcamins: which I forgot twice today already... hmpf :) 19:57 mbalmer will do. 19:58 oleonard git bz makes it easy to forget :) 20:00 jcamins Most people have switched to using git-bz, so it's not so important now, I think. 20:00 jcamins (still should be done, but if you're a day late, it probably won't delay your patch getting in... at least that's my theory) 20:05 oleonard See y'all later, #koha 20:05 chris_n bye 20:07 mbalmer cait, please no new MySQLisms, please rework your patch. 20:07 cait I added no new mysqlisms 20:07 cait I removed lines 20:07 mbalmer yes, you did. 20:07 cait there is no chance i added new 20:07 cait I didn#t rework the whole file 20:07 cait but I think that's a patch for another day 20:08 mbalmer +INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (`id`, `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID( ) + 4,'LOST','4','ОтÑутÑтвует при инвентиризации'); 20:08 cait I renumbered 20:08 mbalmer Please remove the backquotes. 20:09 jcamins There weren't any MySQLisms added in that patch. 20:10 mbalmer but MySQLisms were changed, which is not acceptable either. Easy to remove, so please remove them. 20:10 maximep just curious, how do you escape characters in field names in postgres? 20:10 rangi Send a followup mbalmer 20:11 mbalmer rangi. no that is up to the one who posts a patch. 20:11 jcamins We generally defer to our elected QA team for making these decisions. 20:11 chris_n mbalmer: probably a better way would be to followup with a patch that removes backticks entirely from that file 20:11 mbalmer I will just continue to complain about MySQLisms. 20:11 mbalmer yes, I will go through all code and remove backquotes. 20:11 rangi Go for it 20:11 chris_n chipping away line by line will be extremely slow going 20:11 gmcharlt mbalmer: sure, that's a possible strategy, but not necessarily the most effective one to achieve your end (the complaining about it) 20:11 chris_n sorta like the perl-tidy issues 20:12 mbalmer but everyone who changes SQL code should do it proper now. 20:12 gmcharlt sending_patches++ 20:12 chris_n sending_patches++ 20:12 jcamins chris_n: yeah, but this seems rather less destructive to history than a mass Perl-tidy. 20:12 jcamins sending_patches++ 20:12 chris_n jcamins: right 20:13 mbalmer maximep, in PostgresSQL, you have to quote column names that are e.g. keywords. 20:13 chris_n jcamins: and that is probably an issue for mass mysqlism changes as well 20:14 rangi My bus stop 20:14 rangi Bbiab 20:14 jcamins chris_n: it is, but if we're talking about changing backticks in one file, that's not so bad. 20:14 mbalmer bug 7365 has some sub-bugs with patches to remove some mysqlism. 20:14 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7365 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, marc, In Discussion , Koha uses MySQL 20:14 chris_n which makes fredericd 's "new" git thought all the more interesting 20:14 jcamins The logic will be a lot easier to trace backwards. 20:14 mbalmer the backticks I plan to remove in one monster-patch.. 20:15 chris_n ie. archive the existing repo and open an new one with mass changes completed 20:15 * chris_n heads out for the day 20:15 jcamins Have a good evening. 20:15 mbalmer my grep pattern is easy: whenever I see a ^+ line that contains a MySQLism, I will complain on the mailing list. 20:16 jcamins mbalmer: that doesn't seem very productive. 20:16 chris_n tact? 20:16 jcamins chris_n: huh? 20:16 mbalmer jcamins, It makes people aware of the problem. 20:19 mbalmer but changing the backticks in one patch will already help greatly, since many people just copy and paste. 20:19 mbalmer and when there is no mysqlism to copy, there is no mysqlism to paste. 20:21 gmcharlt mbalmer: there's another appraoch to try after 3.8 is released -- submitting a test case that looks for backticks in the appropriate source files and fails the test if it detects an SQL query that uses them 20:21 gmcharlt that way, the "complaining" would be done via bot, not personally 20:21 sekjal ^^ 20:21 sekjal I second gmcharlt's suggestion 20:22 mbalmer heh, but folks need a person to blame ;) 20:22 mbalmer but yes, automated tests are good. 20:22 mbalmer I learned that in Marseille. 20:22 gmcharlt mbalmer: let the bots have the indigestion, not the people ;) 20:34 sekjal I think there is plenty of work as things stand now that moves equally towards both goals 20:34 sekjal mbalmer: do you know of any Postgres-specific features that would provide a direct benefit to library patrons? It's been a long while since I used it 20:35 rangi it also had 2 separate database handles, one for staff one for opac, bring that back would be good too 20:36 jcamins Ooh, I like that idea! 20:37 rangi a read and a write handle 20:37 rangi then you can read from slaves write to master 20:37 rangi and since 98% of the work koha does is reads 20:37 rangi you can share a lot of load around 20:38 sekjal rangi: that sounds pretty sweet 20:38 gmcharlt Postgres is also a *lot* nicer to develop stored procedures for 20:38 rangi ive seen it used well on a quite a few high traffic projects 20:38 gmcharlt although, of course, that wouldn't really be consistent with DBMS-independence 20:39 mbalmer Imo, DB independence has to solve one big problem: To not only use the least common features of all DBs, but to allow us to use advanced features where available. That is a ture problem. 20:39 gmcharlt it has better type checking enabled by default 20:39 gmcharlt (though mysql can be made stricter, too -- just isn't normally configured that way) 20:40 * rangi works with a postgres developer 20:40 mbalmer sekjal, I think that asynchronous and synchronous replication are one feature that you want. Plus that your data is more safe when it comes to system crashes etc. 20:40 mbalmer oh yes, MySQL can store illegal dates. Crazy… ;) 20:41 rangi and we use it for most of our work like tab.co.nz and stuff.co.nz 20:41 mbalmer rangi, who is that? 20:41 rangi what i dont want to see is yet another blah blah postgres is better than mysql blah blah vim blah blah 20:41 gmcharlt well, mysql supports replication as well 20:41 rangi emacs blah blah 20:41 * gmcharlt is occupying the fence, doncha know ;) 20:41 rangi i think what sekjal was asking is what can it do for patrons 20:41 mbalmer rangi, vi is better ;P 20:42 sekjal right, in the end, it'll be up to each sysadmin what platform they think is best for their stuff 20:42 jcamins rangi: I always use C-x M-c M-butterfly when those conversations come up. 20:42 rangi mbalmer: mark kirkwood 20:42 jcamins Make the people arguing disappear. 20:42 mbalmer rangi, yes, there is an issue; MySQL has been bought by Oracle, and that fact alone makes a good lot of MySQL users very nervous. 20:43 sekjal but if some feature of one database or another can make or break a feature for patron usage, then I'm all ears 20:43 rangi yes, i am aware of that 20:43 gmcharlt mbalmer: well, there's always s/mysql/mariadb/ 20:43 cait heya jo 20:43 * cait waves 20:43 mbalmer or s/mysql/PostgreSQL/ or even a better solution where both can be used. 20:44 rangi i like drizzle 20:44 jcamins sekjal: I've always understood that an RDBMS is an RDBMS is an RDBMS. 20:44 sekjal jcamins: for most functionality, I think it is 20:44 mbalmer I am currently working towards a DB independent solutions that still lets us use features from a DB. 20:44 mbalmer aka not the least common denominator. 20:45 cait @later tell oleonard can you take a look at 2733? I am not sure what to do about this - perhaps we could rename to print account? Is the print page maintained? Or perhaps should be removed? 20:45 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 20:45 jcamins mbalmer: and what does that get the patrons? 20:46 sekjal mbalmer: I guess what I'm after is: what beyond the least common denominator is worth coding up special exemptions for? 20:46 mbalmer jcamins, running on a stable DB is already a gain. 20:46 sekjal where the measure of "worth" is patron satisfaction 20:46 mbalmer MySQL is not a stable DB. 20:47 rangi wow, exactly the blah i was meaning 20:47 sekjal mbalmer: that's a bold claim, and would require bold evidence to be taken as anything more than an opinion 20:47 jcamins mbalmer: but we could run on Postgres if we coded for the LCD. 20:47 mbalmer sure, sekjal. 20:48 mbalmer very easy to currupt a MySQL DB, very hard to corrupt a PostgreSQL DB. 20:48 mbalmer nothing I need to defend, it's just a fact. 20:48 rangi LOL 20:48 schuster mbalmer - running 4 years just fine here pretty big db if you ask me... 20:49 schuster walking away... It's actually better than what I had that was proprietary before this... 20:49 sekjal mbalmer: I'm a librarian... I'll always be one of those folks holding up the "citation needed" sign 20:49 mbalmer I force nobody to run on PostgreSQL, but we decided to support PostgreSQL, so that is what I am doing. Giving users a choice. 20:49 cait sekjal++ for being a librarian :) 20:50 mbalmer I don't care to much if you run on MySQL. The goal is to run on both. 20:50 gmcharlt mbalmer: I don't think there is actually much disagreement that support for Pg (in the guise of DB-independence) would be a Nice Thing 20:51 gmcharlt and the fact that you're willing to work on it is great ... just, well 20:51 gmcharlt working code wins? 20:51 gmcharlt more code less arguing? 20:51 mbalmer look at bug 7365 20:51 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7365 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, marc, In Discussion , Koha uses MySQL 20:51 mbalmer and the sub bugs 20:51 mbalmer the buglets ;) 20:51 mib_tv8sa8 well i had a problem where a single table in a database cause mysql to crash 3 seconds after starting, the table indicated that it had about 100 records more than was actually there 20:51 sekjal mbalmer: at a practical, let's-write-some-patches level, I think the two approaches are completely compatible at this time. once they're not, then we'll have to discuss in more depth 20:52 mbalmer and wiki/PostgreSQL 20:52 mib_tv8sa8 mysql could not stay running with this table 20:54 mbalmer mveron had his disk filled up up by a rogie script (actually a bug of mine), then MySQL stop working, then the machines stopped working, he had to reboot, and then it tooks hours to rebuild the MySQL DB. MySQL just is not very robust when it comes to suche cases. 20:54 sekjal I would very much like to stay and continue, but I've got to catch a bus. 20:54 sekjal cheers, #koha 20:54 mbalmer cu 20:55 libsysguy [off] mbalmer did mysql cheat on you or something? 20:55 mbalmer ??? 20:55 libsysguy it sounds like you are on some kind of crusade 20:55 * libsysguy was just lurking 20:56 jcamins Heh. 20:57 mbalmer not a crusade, but I see advantages of PostgresSQL over MySQL on various levels/issues. And these are coherent with what I see from users/customers. And keep in mind that I always said: Support both of them. I did not say "switch to PG". Users should choose. 20:57 rangi i guess thats what it all boils down to, tone 20:59 libsysguy yeah I get database independence and best practices…but like rangi said…its the tone 20:59 mbalmer if we create a proper abstraction for MySQL and PostgreSQL now, I am sure it will be easier to support other databases in the future, too. 21:00 mib_tv8sa8 true mbalmer 21:01 jcamins Sure, but why don't we just program to LCD? 21:01 mib_tv8sa8 and given mysql's oracle takeover i'm not expecting mysql to grow at its previous pace 21:01 bag @wunder 93109 21:01 huginn bag: The current temperature in K6LCM-Westside/Mesa, Santa Barbara, California is 21.4°C (2:00 PM PDT on April 02, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 28%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Pressure: 29.99 in 1016 hPa (Falling). 21:01 mbalmer jcamins, what does LCD in this context stand for? 21:01 mib_tv8sa8 least commaon denominator 21:01 jcamins Lowest Common Denominator. 21:02 libsysguy if you really cared about database independence perhaps you should push for complete database abstraction 21:02 libsysguy I hate to jet but I've gotta get on the road…I'll see you guys tomorrow 21:02 mbalmer ah, I see. I think LCD is a bad way. It does prevent us from using advanced features of a database. 21:02 libsysguy later #koha 21:02 mbalmer it will make Koha slow.. 21:03 mbalmer well, it already is slow ;) 21:04 jcamins Okay, time for me to call it a day, too. 21:04 jcamins Good night, #koha. 21:18 cait bug 2778 21:18 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2778 normal, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Search Also missing from subfied framework edit 21:18 cait search also links in frameworks - those were related to nozebra, is that right? 21:20 rangi not sure cait 21:20 wahanui well, not sure cait is leistungsfähig 21:20 cait wahanui? 21:20 wahanui yes, cait? 21:20 cait what are you talking about? 21:21 cait rangi: whatever it was - seems to be gone 21:26 magnus_afk use the rdf, luke! 21:27 rangi foaf 21:27 rangi :) 21:27 rangi you could have some fun with foaf and authors 21:28 cait magnus_away: ? ) 21:28 cait :) 22:00 Space_Librarian morning #koha 22:00 rangi hiya Space_Librarian 22:00 Space_Librarian hey rangi