Time Nick Message 01:52 jcamins Hello kmkale. 01:52 kmkale Namaste jcamins :) 01:53 jcamins 1633 was pushed today. :) 01:53 jcamins Well, yesterday for you. 01:54 kmkale YAY!!! 01:54 kmkale Thanks jcamins 01:55 * jcamins is very pleased about this. 01:57 kmkale too 02:00 kmkale status still shows siigned-off, not ppushed? 02:01 jcamins That's the follow-up. 02:05 kmkale wow. That was *SOME* work from you jcamins 02:05 kmkale jcamins++ 02:05 jcamins :) I do my best. 02:05 kmkale jcamins is the best 02:05 kmkale jcamins? 02:05 wahanui jcamins is an outstanding cook. or well-traveled and brilliant. or trying to think of a solution or awesome fixing broken email notifications or the wizard that forges queries in the deep fires of zebra or against all things wine. 02:05 kmkale heh 02:06 kmkale kmkale? 02:06 wahanui kmkale may be psychic. 02:06 kmkale :-D 02:06 jcamins :) 03:13 kmkale bbl 03:30 AmitG heya bag 03:30 bag yo AMit 03:30 bag AmitG: 03:34 libsysguy hey somebody told me bywater was working on a project with serials 03:35 libsysguy or maybe acquisitions 03:35 libsysguy anybody know what the story is on that? 03:35 jcamins libsysguy: BibLibre has a big acquisitions and serials project. 03:36 libsysguy hmm 03:36 libsysguy do you know if there is an RFC for it or a ticket? 03:36 jcamins Don't know if ByWater has anything going on with those modules, but bag would know. 03:36 bag hmm… what project? 03:36 libsysguy Margo was saying something about it... 03:36 AmitG heya jcamins 03:37 jcamins Hi AmitG. 03:37 libsysguy I am working on my senior project and there are some modifications or E-Resources librarian would like implemented 03:37 AmitG heya libsysguy 03:37 wahanui i heard libsysguy was Koha's hottest developer or partying with swedes on his deck 03:37 libsysguy hey AmitG! 03:37 bag go libsysguy++ 03:38 libsysguy and I just wanted to make sure what I was about to start working on wouldn't overlap 03:38 AmitG heya kmkale 03:39 kmkale Namaste AmitG 03:39 bag libsysguy: is there a particular aspect that you are thinking of? 03:40 bag major developments that we've got working or hourly loans, print-slips, course reserves, and oclc connexion gateway 03:40 libsysguy yeah: Ability to edit invoices, add an invoice date field, add invoice notes field, add functionality to batch receive items 03:40 libsysguy those are listed as top priority for her 03:41 libsysguy she has a document typed up 03:41 bag I don't think we are working on those… IRC 03:42 libsysguy ok cool, ill see if I can stalk some of the biblibre guys and make sure they aren't either 03:43 jcamins Bug 7163. 03:43 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7163 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, paul.poulain, ASSIGNED , BibLibre acquisitions omnibus 03:43 libsysguy wow that is quite a ticket 03:43 libsysguy thanks for finding that jcamins++ 03:52 kmkale Namaste bag :) 03:52 bag hey kmkale 03:52 bag :) 03:58 kmkale getting a 'Can't call method "append_fields" on an undefined value at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/MARC/File/SAX.pm 03:58 kmkale any clue? 03:58 kmkale happens while updating a item 03:59 kmkale sorry adding an item 04:00 bag try about 13 more times and it works :) 04:00 bag no seriously - that happened to us today 04:14 kmkale whaaaaa? 04:14 jcamins kmkale: corrupted record. 04:14 jcamins Probably an unclosed tag. 04:15 jcamins Or a self-closing tag. 04:15 kmkale jcamins: resolution? delete record from biblio and biblioitems? 04:15 jcamins kmkale: that's the easy solution. 04:16 jcamins The other option is fixing the record. 04:16 jcamins The problem is in biblioitems.marcxml. 04:16 kmkale ok. If it allows editing, will try ficing esle its easier to delete and recreate 04:17 kmkale cold fingers. bad typing :( 04:17 libsysguy @wunder 75707 04:17 huginn` libsysguy: The current temperature in Lake Tyler -D3895, Tyler, Texas is 11.4�C (10:16 PM CST on January 24, 2012). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 95%. Dew Point: 11.0�C. Pressure: 29.99 in 1015.5 hPa (Steady). 04:17 jcamins kmkale: in order to fix the record, you'll probably have to extract the XML from biblioitems, find the problem, fix it in a text editor, than update the field. 04:18 kmkale jcamins: yay!!. Be easier to delete and recreate.. 04:18 libsysguy is there no edit option for the marcxml field 04:18 jcamins Probably. 04:18 libsysguy i don't think i've ever seen on 04:18 libsysguy one* 04:18 jcamins libsysguy: not when it's corrupted. 04:19 jcamins The cataloging module edits the MARCXML. 04:19 libsysguy oh ok, I didn't know if there was a raw edit 04:20 jcamins Nope. 04:20 libsysguy sad day…for situations like this :p 04:20 jcamins pianohacker did some work on a plain text interface. 04:20 rangi sled was working on a way to recover it from the marc column 04:21 libsysguy yeah I didn't know if somebody had done any work to implement it in plain text and add some syntax highlighting 04:21 rangi slef even 04:21 libsysguy lol I was like who is sled and does he live in the snow 04:21 * jcamins thought he wouldn't be working on Koha much, too many hills. 04:22 libsysguy hehe 04:22 jcamins And, with that thought, bed time. 04:22 jcamins Good night, #koha. 04:22 libsysguy ngiht jcamins 04:43 cait good morning #koha 04:45 AmitG rangi around? 04:51 AmitG heya cait 04:51 cait hi AmitG :) 07:13 cait hi #koha 07:14 alex_a morning 07:16 cait hi alex_a :) 07:20 alex_a cait: bonjour :) 07:35 magnuse kia ora #koha 07:35 cait good morning magnuse 07:36 magnuse guten morgen cait 07:36 reiveune hello 07:37 magnuse bonjour! 08:05 asaurat hallo! 08:05 francharb hello 08:05 wahanui hi, francharb 08:08 paul_p good morning #koha 08:11 AmitG heya paul_p 08:19 kf hi again #koha 08:20 kf francharb++ 08:20 francharb ;) 08:43 paul_p Lyon 3 university go live with Koha 3.6 today... I won't be available probably for the whole day ! 08:47 kf it's koha 08:47 kf it will be all fine 08:47 kf :) 08:47 kf good luck and have fun paul_p 08:47 paul_p I feel it won't be fun, but thx for the good luck ! 08:50 kf optimism is key :) 08:58 alex_a shrc 09:00 kf shrc? 09:01 alex_a pfffff, i write on a chan, some letters goes in the right chan, others in an other chan :-/ 09:03 alex_a so you can enjoy a part of what i say somewhere else 09:03 * kf enjoys then 09:03 magnuse fingers crossed for lyon3! 09:04 alex_a kf: shrc is the end of "bashrc" :) 09:04 kf aha! 09:05 alex_a an other game ? 09:05 kf heh 10:07 magnuse anyone tried sending CHECKOUT messages by email in 3.6.x? i'm getting messages with the raw <<issues.issuingbranch>> and <<issues.date_due>> in them... 10:08 kf uhoh 10:09 kf hmm 10:09 kf I always use items.content in there I think 10:09 kf let me check 10:11 kf hmm 10:11 kf magnuse: I have only biblio tables available 10:11 kf not the issues table 10:11 kf in 3.2.2 10:11 kf and we use biblio.title 10:12 magnuse ah, i'm on 3.6.2 10:12 kf magnuse: and the field list doesn't offer issues to me 10:12 kf so perhaps added later 10:12 magnuse sound slike it 10:41 magnuse the description of the "CataloguingLog" syspref says "[Log] any changes to bibliographic or item records. Since this occurs whenever a book is checked in or out as well, it is not advisable to turn this on." - is that still true after we items were removed from the MARCXML? 12:30 AmitG heya jwagner 12:30 jwagner Hi AmitG 12:33 kf_lunch magnus_afk: I think you are right - it can be changed 13:06 kf_lunch silent day 13:25 kmkale_ some queries about the "Record Matching Rules" 13:26 kmkale_ Are the rules we set up used against records imported earlier in the same batch? 13:26 drojf good local time of the day #koha 13:27 kmkale_ I am importing a batch in a empty new Koha install and have set up a rule. I *KNOW* there are matching records in the batch, but the stage marc records page reported zero matches. 13:32 hdl kmkale_: if the previously imported biblios are not indexed then no. 13:34 hdl kf, just received your pm on members page, and list. 13:34 druthb o/ 13:39 kmkale_ so would the proper way be that i import only the biblios first ignoring items, index them, then run the same batch with ingnore matching biblios and always add items? 13:58 kf_lunch hdl: list? 13:59 kf_lunch hdl: my test installation is at home - can only check german here 13:59 kf_lunch hdl: do you mean lists in opac? it can be your javascript needs a refresh perhaps 14:00 kf_lunch hdl: members pages in staff seem ok tome too. hmm. 14:07 hdl looked busted where I saw that. 14:12 kf_lunch hdl: no idea - Ih ave seen problems with the list button in the past 14:13 kf_lunch hdl: but on my current system it seems to work nicely. for the member page -perhaps some custom jquery? 14:14 hdl nope but never mind 14:15 oleonard Oh, and Hi #koha. 14:16 magnus_afk kia ora oleonard 14:16 oleonard Fun fact about being me: When people start their sentences with "Oh, and" I think they're talking to me because it comes out "Oh, an'" 14:17 kf_lunch hi oleonard 14:17 kf_lunch :) 14:22 * paul_p really in love with git ! 14:23 magnus_afk o/ 14:23 * oleonard suggests that paul_p give git a lovely present for Valentine's Day 14:23 paul_p Lyon 3 has a really complex structure = git.koha-community => pre-prod server => apache server => zebra & opac server. With some git remote add, git push, git fetch, it's easy to update everything ! 14:24 magnus_afk yay 14:24 paul_p (with some patches made by biblibre & some patches -texts or things like that- made by the library, so we also have 3 branches (master/biblibre/lyon3local) 14:25 paul_p 3 branches, 5 git repo, push/fetch/checkout everywhere :D :D 14:25 kf_lunch oleonard++ lol 14:26 kf_lunch git is mighty - but this sounds really complicated! 14:26 kf_lunch but you are smiling paul_p - so had fun? :) 14:29 * magnus_afk promises not to tell paul_p's wife ;-) 15:10 wizzyrea kf about? 15:10 * wizzyrea waves hi 15:11 wizzyrea also - why do we not have an all-all rule in the defaults? 15:23 wizzyrea magnuse re: checkout messages, please have a look at 7001, which will overhaul that system. 15:23 wizzyrea I could use some help testing anyway 15:33 magnus_away cool, i'll try to get a look at that 16:15 vfernandes Hi guys 16:17 vfernandes anybody has experienced migrate record/items from Aleph to Koha? 16:20 jcamins_away vfernandes: I'm pretty sure it's been done, but I'm not sure by whom. 16:20 jcamins_away But I think I recall someone mentioning a migration from Aleph. 16:21 vfernandes aleph has a database so complicated... :/ 16:40 kf wizzyrea: amn ow 16:41 wizzyrea kf I was looking at that bug 6539 16:41 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6539 minor, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, peter.lorimer, Signed Off , Z39.50 Search ISBN Field Populated with title 16:41 kf yes 16:41 wizzyrea the thing you noticed about kw,wrdl in the results 16:41 wizzyrea it's in master too :( 16:41 kf is a general problem 16:42 kf I think it's been like that for a longer timenow 16:42 kf you might even find it in 3.2.x - not sure 16:42 wizzyrea yea, it happens when you do it from a page with no results 16:43 kf t 16:43 wizzyrea dk why i'm on about it, I'll just file a bug for the kw, wrdl thing. 16:44 wizzyrea unless you know of one already 16:45 kf no sorry :( 16:45 kf not aware of a bug report 16:45 wizzyrea k 16:45 kf seems I tested that a longer time ago? 16:46 kf how did you stumble upon it? 16:47 wizzyrea I had a librarian ask me why the ISBN's were going in the title search 16:47 wizzyrea which is wrong behavior :) 16:47 wizzyrea turns out there was a bug, and a patch 16:47 wizzyrea and failed qa for pretty trivial reasons. 16:47 wizzyrea of which were easily fixed. 16:47 wizzyrea but apparently the bug had been abandoned. 16:48 jcamins Apparently an actual instance of XC has been spotted in the wild. 16:53 jcamins It is kind of cute, isn't it? 16:55 kf oh where? 16:56 jcamins http://catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en 16:57 wizzyrea wait, what am I looking at 16:58 chris_n does anyone know off the top of their head what controls the order of the drop-down list for the 942 field in the marc editor? 16:58 jcamins chris_n: alphabetical order. 16:59 jcamins wizzyrea: an eXtensible Catalog installation. 16:59 wizzyrea oh i see 16:59 wizzyrea 942c? 17:00 * chris_n 's catalogers are in a uproar because the order is inconvenient 17:00 jcamins chris_n: do what I do: put spaces in. 17:00 wizzyrea or number them. 17:00 wizzyrea but that is also inconvenient 17:02 jcamins Spaces aren't visible, and you should be able to use multiple spaces to control the order. 17:02 jcamins Just don't decide to reorder things. 17:03 wizzyrea i think he's probably in the "this has been set for a while and now they want to reorder them" state 17:03 wizzyrea catalogers. Sheesh. ;) 17:03 wizzyrea (you know I love them) 17:06 chris_n heh 17:07 chris_n well, they just added some stuff which is seldom used but now shows at the top of the list 17:09 wizzyrea oooof 17:09 jcamins Make them rename the types to start with letters near the end of the alphabet. 17:15 * oleonard got an unpleasant shock when he checked prices on flights to KohaCon12 17:16 jcamins oleonard: yeah, apparently it's much more expensive to go out in June than in January. 17:18 kf jcamins :( 17:18 jcamins Five years ago (almost exactly!) I bought a round-trip ticket from Edinburgh to New York for less than $500 about a week before my trip. 17:19 kf perhaps to london and to edinburgh by train? 17:20 kf having another road trip could be fun 17:21 jcamins It's better, but still pricey. 17:21 kf hmpf 17:36 jcamins Chester the blue cat says hi. 17:37 * kf waves at chester 17:37 kf bye all 17:39 wizzyrea hi chester :) 17:42 * oleonard learned of this for the first time today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4 CAN'T HUG EVERY CAT -- a song about loving cats 17:43 reiveune bye 17:43 wizzyrea lol 17:43 wizzyrea ok, that is amazing 17:44 maximep you're late to the can't hug every cat party 17:44 wizzyrea I saw the original 17:44 wizzyrea but the autotune version is much funnier and a whole lot less creepy 17:44 maximep greg brothers are genius 17:45 wizzyrea druthb: you must click that link 17:46 oleonard I'm scared to watch the original. 17:46 wizzyrea @later tell druthb • member:oleonard learned of this for the first time today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4 CAN'T HUG EVERY CAT -- a song about loving cats 17:46 huginn` wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. 17:46 wizzyrea it's alarming 17:49 maximep well thanks to you i'm stuck in a youtube loop of gregory brothers autotune songs 17:49 maximep :D 17:49 wizzyrea oh you went down the rabbit hole 17:49 cait__ :-) 18:07 cait hi again #koha 18:07 mbalmer howdy folks. 18:08 mbalmer 20% of my work time have been reserved for koha hacking… dunno if that is a good thing or not .. 18:08 cait hi mbalmer 18:11 oleonard mbalmer: 20% isn't nearly enough ;) 18:12 mbalmer it's already to much, imo ;) 18:13 cait I think most people here love to spend time on #koha - that's why they are doing it 18:13 wizzyrea ^^ 18:14 * chris_n thinks his has been like 5% of work time and 25% of free time lately :) 18:14 mbalmer it's definitely fun to hack on it when you can work together with real librarians (which I am not) 18:14 wizzyrea oh, yea 18:14 wizzyrea that makes it less fun 18:14 wizzyrea what is your situation then? 18:16 mbalmer I am in informatics, programmer, software development for a living. but we are a group of five, one content guy, two librarians. so we are nicely set up for the job. 18:16 mbalmer and don't get me wrong, I think working on koha _is_ fun. 18:17 * wizzyrea would not assume that everyone thinks it's fun - but most of us here do. 18:23 rangi Morning 18:23 wizzyrea mornin 18:24 jcamins Morning. 18:24 cait morning rangi :) 18:24 jcamins rangi: you wanted something from me yesterday? 18:24 rangi Can't remember 18:24 jcamins rangi: in that case, you're welcome. ;) 18:24 chris_n heya rangi 18:24 rangi Can't be important 18:24 * wizzyrea heads off for lunch 18:24 wizzyrea bbl 18:24 * chris_n looks for coffee 18:25 mbalmer couscous on the table, biaw... 18:28 rangi I'm doing %29 coffee 18:30 jcamins %29 coffee? 18:31 * rangi is being snarky 18:31 * jcamins doesn't think you mean "group separator coffee," and can't quite figure out what else it could mean. 18:32 jcamins %32 would make sense to me... some sort of freeze-dried instant coffee. 18:32 rangi Heh 18:32 * chris_n only drinks the 100% coffee ;-) 18:50 rangi back 18:54 * maximep hates everything about coffee 18:55 jcamins maximep: tea? 18:55 * maximep don't drink anything hot 18:56 maximep yeah, i'm weird. 18:56 cait hehe 18:56 maximep I also hate wine 18:56 * jcamins knows a number of people who don't drink hot things. 18:56 jcamins Mostly it's for religious reasons, though. 18:57 maximep all I drink at work is a bottle of ice cold water every day 18:57 jcamins maximep: do most of your coworkers drink wine? ;) 18:57 jcamins (at work) 18:58 jcamins If so, can I come work with you? :P 18:58 maximep haha 18:58 maximep some drink beer.... on friday 18:59 * jcamins doesn't like beer. It has bubbles. 18:59 jcamins ... we discussed this two days ago, didn't we? 18:59 maximep I missed that one 18:59 mbalmer re 19:00 jcamins maximep: it could just be deja vu. 19:03 cait jcamins: you don't like bubbles? 19:04 jcamins cait: nope. 19:04 maximep I love everything with bubbles 19:06 * magnuse sympathizes completely with maximep... 19:07 jcamins magnuse: I would've thought that it would be cold enough that you would want hot drinks. 19:07 nengard tall joy or druthb i'm wondering if you can make a quick change for me on l20 19:07 * oleonard would hate to plan a dinner party menu for you guys 19:07 rangi hi nengard 19:07 nengard oops - wrong room :) 19:07 nengard hi all 19:07 magnuse jcamins: well, hot chocolate/cocoa once in a blue moon, no coffee or tea 19:08 magnuse @wunder boo 19:08 huginn` magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 0.0�C (7:50 PM CET on January 25, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 51%. Dew Point: -9.0�C. Windchill: -8.0�C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Rising). 19:08 oleonard @wunder 45701 19:08 huginn` oleonard: The current temperature in Ohio University, Athens, Ohio is 7.0�C (2:00 PM EST on January 25, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 55%. Dew Point: -1.0�C. Windchill: 7.0�C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1017.8 hPa (Steady). 19:10 maximep @wunder YUL 19:11 huginn` maximep: The current temperature in Montreal, Quebec is -4.0�C (2:00 PM EST on January 25, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 59%. Dew Point: -11.0�C. Windchill: -11.0�C. Pressure: 30.25 in 1024 hPa (Falling). 19:11 jcamins @wunder 11375 19:11 huginn` jcamins: The current temperature in APRSWXNET Jackson Heights NY US, Corona, New York is 5.6�C (1:42 PM EST on January 25, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 52%. Dew Point: -3.0�C. Windchill: 3.0�C. Pressure: 30.24 in 1023.9 hPa. 19:12 magnuse oleonard: cold water - how hard can it be? ;-) 19:12 maximep colder here than in borway, heh 19:12 maximep *norway 19:12 rangi borway, norway's much less interesting cousin 19:13 magnuse lol! 19:13 maximep the b is really far from the n on my keyboard, so not sure what happened there :P 19:13 * magnuse wonders what kinf of keyboard maximep has... 19:13 magnuse kind, even 19:14 maximep well, not that far. it's a ms ergonomic keyboard that splits in the middle. the b is on my left hand and the n on my right hand 19:14 maximep so this is just wierd that I typed b :S 19:17 magnuse ah 19:17 oleonard Those keyboards hurt my brain. 19:18 * magnuse never tried one, but is not a very disciplined typer, so can't imagine it would be a success 19:18 maximep with it my wrists would just die 19:19 maximep and by die I mean carpal tunnel 19:25 * magnuse is upgrading a swedish library and moving them to the debian packages, to make future upgrades easier 19:26 jcamins Yay! 19:26 jcamins packages++ 19:26 * wizzyrea reads the scrollback, is sad to have missed the discussion. 19:27 oleonard wizzyrea: Drink choice, weather, or keyboards? 19:27 wizzyrea all of the above 19:27 * wizzyrea prefers Earl Grey, spring/fall weather, and chiclet keyboards. 19:27 wizzyrea also: borway = norway's less interesting cousin = lulz 19:27 chris_n Earl_Grey++ 19:28 magnuse chiclet? 19:28 oleonard http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiclet_keyboard 19:28 wizzyrea yes that thank you 19:29 wizzyrea but more importantly 19:29 magnuse note to self: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=chiclet+keyboard 19:29 wizzyrea http://www.thinkpads.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/lenovo_thinkpad_chiclet_keyboard.jpg 19:30 wizzyrea or: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oKWts7Xu-a4/TGju9vhXfkI/AAAAAAAAAPA/keTHMyzMXu0/s1600/Emprex-UltraSlim-keyboard-4.jpg 19:30 rangi chiclet makes me think all you could type on it is bridget jones diary novels 19:30 magnuse lol 19:31 jcamins Heh. 19:31 * oleonard imagines fans of chick lit might tell rangi he's showing his age with that reference 19:31 rangi whats it now 19:31 rangi vampires and crap? 19:32 oleonard bridget jones + vampires, the only remaining mashup left. 19:32 rangi heh 19:34 maximep I really like typing on my thinkpad keyboard and I type way faster on it, but I need support for my wrists 19:34 maximep http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/_base_v1/products/natural-ergonomic-keyboard-4000/mk_nek4000_large.jpg 19:34 maximep but I hate that this thing is huge 19:36 wizzyrea @quote add rangi: chiclet makes me think all you could type on it is bridget jones diary novels 19:36 huginn` wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. Quote #182 added. 19:36 rangi wizzyrea: can you ask sharon whats new in chick lit? :) 19:37 wizzyrea @quote add oleonard: bridget jones + vampires, the only remaining mashup left. 19:37 huginn` wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. Quote #183 added. 19:37 wizzyrea hehe, i will when she comes back 19:37 wizzyrea vampires and zombies are pretty likely, however. 19:37 oleonard http://www.examiner.com/horror-happenings-in-national/new-book-a-cross-between-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-bridget-jones 19:37 wizzyrea besides, she reads *smut*, there's a difference 19:38 wizzyrea omg. 19:38 rangi oh true 19:38 rangi pervert 19:38 rangi :-) 19:38 wizzyrea :D 19:38 wizzyrea seriously 19:39 wizzyrea I don't even... I guess the mayans were right after all. 19:39 rangi heh 19:40 jcamins Wow. 19:41 * wizzyrea goes back to watching the cat hugging video just to cleanse the mental palate. 19:43 * jcamins has to locate a bowtie. 19:44 jcamins (that was unrelated to both vampires and cat hugging, it just suddenly struck me) 19:44 wizzyrea uh huh. 19:44 wizzyrea You wanted to put a bowtie on your cat 19:44 * wizzyrea knows better 19:45 jcamins lol 19:45 jcamins Speaking of cats with bowties... 19:45 jcamins http://cuteoverload.com/2011/06/19/fathers-day-ties/ 19:45 jcamins Second from the bottom. 19:46 jcamins Oh wow. 19:46 jcamins http://tiecats.tumblr.com/ 19:46 * wizzyrea boggles that I said "bowtie" and "cat" in one sentence 19:46 wizzyrea and someone out there googled it. 19:46 jcamins wizzyrea: I already knew about the first one. 19:47 jcamins I just had never noticed the source. 19:47 wizzyrea that, my friends, is the long tail at work 19:47 wizzyrea forgive my pun. 19:48 jcamins lol 19:58 magnuse the worst thing that can happen if i truncate the sessions table is poeople who are logged in will have to login again, right? 19:58 rangi yes 19:59 wizzyrea yes 19:59 magnuse thanks 19:59 wizzyrea oh you are too fast. 19:59 jcamins magnuse: you should think about using memcached for sessions. 19:59 magnuse i think i made a major mistake when i didn't cron the cleanup_database script for this installation... 20:00 magnuse jcamins: i will for my own installations, but i'm just helping someone else out here 20:00 jcamins Ah. 20:00 magnuse mysql> truncate sessions; 20:00 magnuse Query OK, 7283351 rows affected (0.39 sec) 20:00 magnuse oops 20:00 rangi heh 20:00 jcamins That's a lot of sessions. 20:01 magnuse it is 20:01 magnuse packages++ for setting up the cleanupscript automatically 20:01 wizzyrea ^^ 20:01 magnuse the mysqldump went from 2.3G to 303M... 20:02 jcamins Wow! 20:02 magnuse let that be a lesson to us all, boys and girls 20:02 wizzyrea oh snap. 20:05 cait hi aleksa 20:05 aleksa hello 20:06 cait I saw your patches - good work :) 20:07 wizzyrea oh do we have a new developer to add? 20:07 rangi not pushed yet, but soon! 20:07 wizzyrea sweeeet 20:07 magnuse yay 20:07 jcamins Speaking of which, thanks for the sign-off on the follow-up, rangi. 20:08 jcamins rangi: out of curiosity, why do we have some tests in a different place? 20:08 aleksa thanks. 20:08 rangi you mean the xt vs t? 20:08 jcamins Right. 20:08 rangi t/ = unit tests, testing functionality 20:08 aarkerio hi! I am trying to install Koha and I try install some translations: 20:08 aarkerio cd misc/translator && perl install-code.pl fr-FR es-ES 20:08 rangi xt/ = testing hmmm syntax/semantics .. not function 20:09 jcamins Ah. 20:09 aarkerio but install-code.pl is not there 20:09 * jcamins didn't know about xt until the jenkins complete. 20:09 rangi so there are tests for missing copyright headers, fsf address wrong, bad tt syntax etc 20:10 oleonard rangi: Do you use git hooks to run automatic tests? 20:10 rangi i do 20:10 rangi 2 secs 20:10 aarkerio how can I install the spanish translations? 20:11 rangi oleonard: http://git.catalyst.net.nz/gw?p=koha.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/git-hooks 20:11 rangi http://git.catalyst.net.nz/gw?p=koha.git;a=blob;f=hooks/pre-commit;h=fe816fa64d4f2ab0457689c277fac939bea428de;hb=ce0c55cff441b175229fe0b1303f12a209dc2f21 20:12 magnuse aarkerio: which version are you installing? 20:12 magnuse aarkerio: and what instructions are you following? 20:12 aarkerio magnuse: koha-3.06.02 20:12 magnuse aarkerio: you probably need to do "perl translate install es-ES" 20:13 magnuse aarkerio: good version :-) 20:15 aarkerio magnuse, thanks! 20:15 magnuse aarkerio: no problem! 20:19 * chris_n cracks open a new Inspiron One w/touchscreen to be used in our k-12 academy library w/koha 20:19 wizzyrea coool 20:19 rangi ohh nice 20:19 wizzyrea we have some touch screens in the wild 20:19 wizzyrea in NEKLS 20:20 wizzyrea people seem to like them 20:20 rangi photos/blogpost 20:20 chris_n touchscreen + scanner + self checkout = easy circulation 20:20 rangi for the kc site 20:20 rangi would be nice 20:20 wizzyrea ^^ 20:20 chris_n rangi: good thought 20:20 cait we should do more blog posts 20:20 rangi we should 20:20 chris_n I'll work something up once its on line 20:20 cait pretty silent on kc 20:20 rangi thanks chris_n 20:20 chris_n should be early next week 20:20 cait chris_n++ 20:20 cait going to release tonight? 20:21 chris_n cait: yup 20:21 cait yay :) 20:21 cait and we will update 5 libraries on friday :) 20:23 * magnuse will be upgrading from 3.6.2 pretty soon too 20:25 rangi 3.6.3 looks pretty solid 20:25 * magnuse finds hitting "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and pondering all the work that has been put into those lines scrolling by pretty awesome... 20:26 cait rangi: I guess we will shake out the bugs pretty fast if there are any 20:27 cait :) 20:27 cait but I think it's pretty solid too 20:27 * magnuse has had no complaints about 3.6.2 20:28 magnuse (upgraded the last customers on the weekend) 20:28 magnuse but there is bug 7445 for those who use tags 20:28 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7445 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Clicking on a tag gives "Language ... does not exist" 20:28 magnuse and it probably affects stemming too 20:29 jcamins I merged my customizations into the latest 3.6.x a few days ago, so I'll just do another merge after the release and it'll be ready for testing. 20:30 * chris_n hates to say it, but chrome has ff beat atm 20:30 jcamins chris_n: other than the annoying Koha cataloging module hang, Chrome has had FF beat for months, as far as I'm concerned. 20:33 maximep on what ? 20:33 jcamins maximep: not crashing. 20:33 jcamins And being faster. 20:35 maximep my firefox at work hasn't crashed since I work here 20:35 maximep 8 months 20:35 maximep also haven't closed a single tab since that time 20:35 jcamins maximep: well, I stopped using FF more than eight months ago, so it's possible that they fixed the bugs that were causing it to crash. 20:36 maximep 6-7-8 are more crash fix releases than anything else 20:36 maximep and 9 20:36 maximep stupid versions 20:38 maximep and for the faster.. can't defend ff there 20:38 maximep chrome is just insanely fast 20:38 wizzyrea bug 6985 - does this need to be a system preference? 20:38 * wizzyrea cringes 20:38 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6985 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, In Discussion , Hide "kw,wrdl:" from Search Results 20:38 maximep oh id like that 20:39 oleonard does anyone really *want* to see "kw.wrdl" ? 20:39 * wizzyrea has a patch to just make it go away 20:39 bag not sure - I feel it just shouldn't appear 20:39 jcamins The last version I used was 3.6, I think. 20:39 bag no need to sys pref that... 20:39 chris_n maximep: my ff crashes continually due to bad js support 20:39 chris_n plus it does not allow different cookie jars for different windows 20:40 chris_n at least not easily and w/o hogging resources 20:40 wizzyrea the problem is, you can't, well, I haven't spent enough time to figure it out, but you can't say "your search for X returned yyy results" 20:40 wizzyrea if you want X, it comes with kw,wrdl 20:40 chris_n plus leaving ff running for very long periods of time seems to leak memory 20:40 * wizzyrea would prefer "your search for X" 20:41 wizzyrea however, it's not *that* important to me 20:41 wizzyrea because the last search is retained in the search box 20:41 wizzyrea so meh 20:41 * wizzyrea will submit the patch 20:41 wizzyrea and y'all can fight about it later. 20:41 * jcamins updated FF. 20:42 aarkerio hi! should I execute: 20:42 aarkerio perl translate install es-ES 20:42 aarkerio before or after installation? 20:42 magnuse wizzyrea++ 20:42 magnuse aarkerio: before you run the webinstaller 20:42 aarkerio ok!! 20:44 magnuse otherwise, you will not get to see the spanish choices in the webinstaller 20:45 jcamins o.O 20:46 Buddy_Bones_Jones jcamins http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/24/whats-your-blues-name-pciture_n_1229406.html 20:46 jcamins Ah. 20:46 jcamins Yeah, that's been all over Facebook. 20:47 jcamins I love that they misspelled the URL. 20:47 pretty_eyes_jefferson oh yours is good. 20:48 * Red_Money_Parker is glad not to be named "Toothless" 20:48 pretty_eyes_jefferson hm, with my proper birth name that is less fun. 20:49 texas_eyes_dupree who has texas eyes. 20:49 texas_eyes_dupree I ask you. 20:49 * oleonard liked that one too wizzyrea 20:49 oleonard It was the "dupree" that made it all come together 20:49 wizzyrea pretty eyes dupree I think would be my favorite 20:50 cait curly hips gumbo brown? 20:50 cait hmpf 20:52 cait oooh 20:52 cait oleonard: 20:52 cait i was wondering if you could rebase 7113 20:52 cait because when you did 20:52 wizzyrea bug 7113 20:52 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7113 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Patch doesn't apply , Standardize vendor id name in templates and scripts 20:52 cait I could sign off on it again :) 20:53 oleonard I started to, and ran into a snag with some newly-added stuff. I need to go back to it. Maybe tomorrow. 20:58 * jcamins heads to Forest Hills to fill up a suitcase and head back into the city to catch a bus to the suburbs. 21:01 * oleonard hopes jcamins_away is going to fill the suitcase with money 21:05 cait oleonard: cool :) 21:07 * oleonard thinks there are some newly-introduced instances of vendor id which will have to be tracked down 21:11 wizzyrea is there something like lifehacker that focuses on open platforms? 21:11 * wizzyrea is tired of reading about windows and iphones 21:11 magnuse bleurgh 21:11 magnuse hopes this may be improved into something useful one day: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Moving_an_installation_from_a_regular_install_to_the_Debian_packages 21:12 wizzyrea oo yea - did you start that magnuse? 21:12 magnuse yup 21:12 wizzyrea good one 21:13 wizzyrea we also need one for "moving a dev install to a package install" 21:13 magnuse hope it will do more good than bad, but probably needs some work 21:13 wizzyrea *nod* 21:13 magnuse well, they should be quite similar, i think 21:13 wizzyrea yea 21:13 magnuse well, i guess i just left all the old files etc in place 21:14 wizzyrea there would be some futzing about with paths 21:14 magnuse explaining how to clean up *everything* would require two different variants 21:14 wizzyrea yea 21:14 wizzyrea and we've seen how well that works in the install documentation. >.> 21:15 magnuse heh? 21:18 wizzyrea people end up very confused. 21:18 wizzyrea I have meant to separate out the dev and "standard" installs 21:18 magnuse ah yes 21:18 wizzyrea and create a "packages" install guide 21:18 magnuse yeah, that can be short and sweet, at least ;-) 21:18 wizzyrea hehe yea 21:19 wizzyrea oh I just love those rounded corners on the tabs in the staff client 21:19 magnuse they *are* purdy ;-) 21:19 magnuse success! http://koha.sipri.org/ 21:19 wizzyrea yay! 21:20 wizzyrea I can get behind a library that uses koha for their repository of international peace research 21:20 wizzyrea sipri++ 21:20 * oleonard motors 21:20 wizzyrea nbyee 21:28 magnuse wizzyrea: yay - i feel it helps a little for my karma - my main customer is the royal naval academy... 21:29 magnuse have fun, #koha! 21:39 wizzyrea but the royal naval academy of *norway* which probably does mostly peacekeeping missions anyway 21:51 librarygeekadam good day! 21:52 librarygeekadam would any one have a minute to help me out with installation? 21:52 librarygeekadam i had this problem last time and I cannot remember how i got it working 21:53 librarygeekadam when I go to access the Koha admin through my browser i get "Not Found The requested URL / was not found on this server." Any ideas? 21:54 wizzyrea disable your apache default virtualhost? 21:54 wizzyrea a2dissite default 21:54 wizzyrea apache2ctl restart 21:54 wizzyrea sudo as appropriate, of course. 21:55 librarygeekadam i have done that but let me try again 21:55 wizzyrea did you change the ip in your koha virtualhost to match the actual IP of the server? 21:55 librarygeekadam hmmm...i dont know 21:55 wizzyrea from to your IP 21:56 librarygeekadam what command do I run to do that? 21:56 wizzyrea use your favorite editor to edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/koha 21:56 librarygeekadam i ran the first thing you told me and got an error "NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts" 21:57 wizzyrea or you can change the to * 21:57 librarygeekadam ok this is what I have in that file 21:57 librarygeekadam I have edited before 21:58 wizzyrea paste.koha-community.org 21:58 wizzyrea :) 21:58 wizzyrea or pastebin ^.^ 21:58 librarygeekadam in the instructions it gives this "VirtualHost" 21:58 librarygeekadam but my file says this "VirtualHost" 21:58 librarygeekadam it has a 1 instead of a 0 21:59 wizzyrea yep, change the 1 to a 0, I think that's a longstanding typo. 21:59 librarygeekadam so i changed it so it looks like this now "VirtualHost (my ip address):80" 22:00 librarygeekadam is that correct? 22:00 wizzyrea no, you want VirtualHost <your ip>:80 22:00 librarygeekadam ok 22:01 librarygeekadam for the second virtualhost further down as well then? 22:01 wizzyrea unless you're only accessing it from localhost ( then you'd probably want it to answer on the IP of the machine 22:01 wizzyrea yep 22:01 librarygeekadam yeah i am only running this on a laptop to test 22:01 wizzyrea then is what you'd want 22:02 librarygeekadam followed by my ip? 22:02 wizzyrea (is what I do on my laptop) 22:02 wizzyrea nope, just 22:02 librarygeekadam ok 22:02 librarygeekadam let me try that real quick 22:03 wizzyrea remember to restart apache after you make the change :) 22:03 librarygeekadam ok i did that 22:04 librarygeekadam and I get this error "NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts" 22:04 librarygeekadam i got that when I restarted apache2 22:04 wizzyrea is there a koha in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled 22:04 wizzyrea if not 22:04 wizzyrea a2ensite koha 22:04 aarkerio librarygeekadam, maybe you need edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf to add: listen 8080 22:05 aarkerio and NameVirtualHost 22:07 librarygeekadam hmmm 22:07 librarygeekadam well i had listen 8080 22:07 wizzyrea you have a typo there aarkerio - is what he needs for localhost. 22:08 librarygeekadam i added NameVirtualHost *:8080 and I got back 2 errors now when restarting apache - 1 for VH80 and 1 for VH8080 22:08 aarkerio wizzyrea, I think koha installer choose in many installations 22:08 wizzyrea it does - and it's not right. 22:10 aarkerio librarygeekadam, your IP must be the same in koha-httpd.conf and ports.conf 22:10 aarkerio I mean if in one you have VirtualHost 22:10 aarkerio in ports you must have NameVirtualHost 22:10 aarkerio no t NameVirtualHost *:80 22:11 librarygeekadam ok 22:11 librarygeekadam let me give that a go 22:13 aarkerio by the way, if I omitted include MARC frameworks during installation 22:13 aarkerio can I install them after setup? 22:18 librarygeekadam im sorry I would know...i have only gotten Koha installed once and I am trying to repeat but to no avail 22:20 librarygeekadam still nothing for me 22:21 librarygeekadam i still get errors 22:21 librarygeekadam i tried going to and i get a software error 22:21 librarygeekadam i try going to and I get "not Found" 22:22 aarkerio what error log say? 22:22 librarygeekadam what's the error log? 22:23 librarygeekadam where it says software error: .... 22:24 librarygeekadam Access denied for user 'koha'@localhost' to database 'kohadata' at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 693 (and 4 more lines 22:24 aarkerio sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log 22:24 maximep wrong db password ? 22:25 aarkerio try connect to DB from the command line 22:25 librarygeekadam ok how do i do that 22:25 maximep mysql -u koha -p kohadata 22:25 librarygeekadam sorry i am such a noob 22:27 aarkerio you should run "make test" during installation process ;-) 22:28 librarygeekadam ok when i try that i get "Access denied for user 'koha'@'localhost' to database 'kohadata' 22:28 librarygeekadam i did run make test and it came out fine 22:28 maximep so either you have the wrong password or your user doesn't have permissions 22:29 maximep there's probably a GRANT ALL line somewhere in the instructions ? 22:29 librarygeekadam yes there is 22:29 librarygeekadam the make test = pass 22:31 librarygeekadam should i run through the mysql part in the instructions again 22:34 librarygeekadam any thoughts? 22:34 maximep probably 22:34 maximep what instructions are u using? 22:34 librarygeekadam http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Ubuntu 22:35 maximep yeah i would do the mysql -u root -p part 22:36 maximep and the GRANT ALL ON kohadata.* TO 'koha'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'YOURPASSWORD'; 22:36 maximep and then try again to connect with the koha user 22:37 librarygeekadam ok cool...that's what i was leaning towards :) 22:39 librarygeekadam YES! it worked that time! thanks a bunch everyone! 22:42 maximep yay =) 22:42 wizzyrea squee!